#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ################################################################################## # # getmref.py - gets the references links to MathSciNet through the BatchMRef: # https://mathscinet.ams.org/batchmref?qdata=xmldocument # # Copyright (C) 2017 Sigitas Tolusis, VTeX Ltd., Jim Pitman, Dept. Statistics, # U.C. Berkeley and Lolita Tolene, VTeX Ltd. # E-mail: latex-support@vtex.lt # http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/users/pitman # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # Requires: # - python ver. >=2.2 # - [ for option --enc=auto ] # Universal Encoding Detector library, written by Mark Pilgrim. # # Usage: # getmref.py <bbl or tex file> # # Program (description): # - makes inputfile copy to <inputfilename>.getmref.bak; # - for each successful bibitem reference search adds line \MR{<mrid>}, # where <mrid> is data from XML tag <mrid> without front symbols "MR"; # - writes all adds to <inputfilename>; # - generates log file <inputfilename>.getmref.log; # - writes to stdout log info # # Changes: # 2004/04/26 - \bibitem line removed from the query # 2017/01/12 - input file may contain 'amsrefs', 'bibtex' and 'tex' type # references (all at once); # input references can be formatted as 'amsrefs', 'bibtex', # 'tex' or 'html' type references # # ################################################################################## __version__ = "GetMRef, v2.4" import sys import os import re import string import urllib import urllib2 import ssl import shutil import logging from time import time, sleep from xml.dom.minidom import parseString from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError BASICFORMATTER = logging.Formatter('%(message)s') DEBUGFORMATTER = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) flog = slog = log class RefTypes(object): """ This class declares recognized bibliography reference formats Formats description ------------------- Source: only AMS "tex": LaTeX code without any specific beginning/ending; MR number is given in plain text "html": <a href="http://www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=7digits"> 7digits </a> Source: only user "bibitem": \bibitem[<name-year info>]{<cite_key>} ... \MR{<7 digits>} \endbibitem, where '[<name-year info>]' and '\endbibitem' are optional Requires environment \begin{thebibliography}{<ref no>} ... \end{thebibliography} Source: AMS and user "bibtex": @<ref type>{<cite_key>, <key1>={<value1>}, <key2>={<value2>}, MRNUMBER={<7 digits>} ...} "amsrefs": \bib{<cite_key>}{<ref type>}{ <key1>={<value1>}, <key2>={<value2>}, review={\MR{<7 digits>}} ...} Requires environment \begin{biblist} ... \end{biblist} """ TEX = "tex" BIBITEM = "bibitem" IMS = "ims" BIBTEX = "bibtex" AMSREFS = "amsrefs" HTML = "html" # Reference input formats ITYPES = (BIBITEM, BIBTEX, AMSREFS) # Reference output formats OTYPES = (TEX, BIBTEX, IMS, AMSREFS, HTML) class LessThanFilter(logging.Filter): """ This class allows to add an upper bound to the logged messages Example ------- One needs to log all non-error messages to stdout, and all errors (higher level) only to stderr """ def __init__(self, exclusive_maximum, name=""): super(LessThanFilter, self).__init__(name) self.max_level = exclusive_maximum def filter(self, record): # A non-zero return means we log this message return 1 if record.levelno <= self.max_level else 0 class FilesHandler(RefTypes): """ This class unites methods and attributes related to files I/O actions """ IN = 'in' BAK = 'bak' OUT = 'out' DATA = 'data' TMP = 'tmp' AUX = 'aux' BIB = 'bib' HTML = 'html' LOG = 'log' ERR = 'err' # File status map: # if True file will be open until closed; # if False it will be opened on demand FILE_STATUS = {OUT: True, LOG: False, ERR: False, DATA: True, BIB: True, AUX: True, HTML: True, TMP: False} READ = 'r' WRITE = 'w' GMR_SUFFIX = 'getmref' def __init__(self, infile, outputtype): """ Initiate file handling methods and attributes Parameters ---------- infile : str or None Path to input file outputtype : str or None Required bibliography reference output format type """ self.infile = infile self._basename = os.path.splitext(infile)[0] # Determining needed file types for given reference output type msg = ("The given references will be formatted in '%s' format. " % (outputtype if outputtype is not None else "orig")) unnecessary = [self.DATA, self.BIB, self.AUX, self.HTML] if outputtype in [self.BIBTEX, self.IMS]: unnecessary = [self.DATA, self.HTML] # Referring to 'BIB' file as 'DATA' self.DATA = self.BIB msg += "Additional files will be created: *.%s, *.%s" \ % (self.BIB, self.AUX) elif outputtype == self.HTML: unnecessary = [self.DATA, self.BIB, self.AUX] # Referring to 'HTML' file as 'DATA' self.DATA = self.HTML msg += "Additional file will be created: *.%s" % self.HTML elif outputtype in [self.TEX, self.AMSREFS]: unnecessary = [self.HTML, self.BIB, self.AUX] msg += "Additional file will be created: *.%s" % self.DATA self.files = dict() for suffix, status in self.FILE_STATUS.items(): # Deleting old files self._delete(suffix) if suffix in unnecessary: continue if status: self.open(suffix) continue self.files.update({suffix: self.get_fname(suffix)}) flog.info("File: %s" % infile) if not (os.path.isfile(infile) and os.path.exists(infile)): logging.shutdown() for suffix in self.FILE_STATUS: self.close_and_delete(suffix) raise ValueError("Provided source file does not exist! " "Please provide the valid one.") flog.debug("Workdir: %s" % os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(infile))) flog.debug(msg) def set_fname(self, suffix): """ Set a filepath for a file with the provided suffix Parameters ---------- suffix : str File suffix without punctuation Returns ------- str """ return ("%s.%s.%s" % (self._basename, self.GMR_SUFFIX, suffix) if suffix != self.IN else self.infile) def get_fname(self, suffix): """ Get filepath of a file with the required suffix Parameters ---------- suffix : str File suffix without punctuation Returns ------- str If requested file is open, returning file object name, or the filepath otherwise """ target = self.files.get(suffix, self.set_fname(suffix)) if isinstance(target, file): return target.name return target def open(self, suffix, mask=WRITE): """ Open file for the selected action Parameters ---------- suffix : str File suffix without punctuation mask : str Possible actions are read or write File is opened and file object is added to the dictionary for later access """ self.files.update({suffix: file(self.get_fname(suffix), mask)}) def read(self, suffix): """ Get the content of a file with the required suffix Parameters ---------- suffix : str File suffix without punctuation Yields ------ str """ with open(self.get_fname(suffix), self.READ) as ifile: for iline in ifile: yield iline def write(self, suffix, msg): """ Write to the file with the required suffix only if this file is open Parameters ---------- suffix : str File suffix without punctuation msg : str """ target = self.files.get(suffix, None) if isinstance(target, file): target.write(msg) def close(self, suffix): """ Close the file with the required suffix Parameters ---------- suffix : str File suffix without punctuation """ fileobj = self.files.get(suffix, "") if isinstance(fileobj, file): fileobj.close() def _delete(self, suffix): """ Delete the file with the required suffix Parameters ---------- suffix : str File suffix without punctuation """ dfile = self.get_fname(suffix) try: os.unlink(dfile) flog.debug("Deleted: %s" % os.path.split(dfile)[1]) except OSError: if os.path.isfile(dfile) and os.path.exists(dfile): flog.exception("Can't remove file: %s" % dfile) def close_and_delete(self, suffix): """ Close and delete the file with the required suffix Parameters ---------- suffix : str File suffix without punctuation """ self.close(suffix) self._delete(suffix) def close_files(self): """ Close all open files and logging instances, create backup of the input file and overwrite it with the new content, delete auxiliary files """ flog.debug("Closing files...") for suffix in self.files: self.close(suffix) self._delete(self.TMP) bfile = self.get_fname(self.BAK) if os.path.exists(bfile): shutil.copy2(self.infile, bfile) else: os.rename(self.infile, bfile) flog.debug("Created backup of the input file: %s" % os.path.split(bfile)[1]) ofile = self.get_fname(self.OUT) if os.path.exists(ofile): shutil.copy2(ofile, self.infile) self._delete(self.OUT) else: os.rename(ofile, self.infile) flog.debug("The input file is overwritten with: %s" % os.path.split(ofile)[1]) logging.shutdown() class RefHandler(RefTypes): """ This class unites methods and attributes related to bibliography reference format types and their content modifications """ # Bibliography environment BIBL_ENV = "environment" BIBL_BEGIN = "begin" BIBL_END = "end" # Declaration of typical reference type ending and # MR id format for this type FORMAT_PROPERTIES = { RefTypes.BIBTEX: { "ref_ending": "}", "mr_format": ",\nMRNUMBER={%s},\n" }, RefTypes.AMSREFS: { "ref_ending": "}", "mr_format": ",\nreview={\MR{%s}},\n" }, RefTypes.BIBITEM: { "ref_ending": "\\endbibitem", "mr_format": "\n\\MR{%s}\n" } } # Meaningful reference keys for AMS Batch MR Lookup query KEYS = {"0AUTH": ("author",), "1TTL": ("title", "maintitle"), "2JOUR": ("journal", "journaltitle", "fjournal", "booktitle"), "3VID": ("volume",), "4IID": ("number", "series"), "5PID": ("pages",), "6YNO": ("year", "date"), "7ISSN": ("issn", "isrn", "isbn")} PATTERN_KEY_VALUE = "^\s*([\w-]+)\s*=\s*(.*?)$" PATTERN_LINE_END = r'(\r?\n)+' PATTERN_PAR = r'(\r?\n){2}' PATTERN_BIBL_ENV = (r'\s*\\(?P<envstatus>begin|end)\s*' r'\{(thebibliography|biblist\*?)\}(.*)$') PATTERN_BIBRE = r'^\s*\\bibitem.*' PATTERN_BIBREF = (r'\s*\\bibitem\s*(?P<biblabel>\[.*?\])*?\s?' r'\{(?P<citekey>.*?)\}(?P<text>.*)$') PATTERN_BIBTEX = (r'^\s*(@\S+)(?<!@preamble)\s*' r'{(?P<citekey>\S+)\s*,(?P<text>.*)$') PATTERN_AMSREFS = r"\\bib\s*{(?P<citekey>.*)}\s*{(.*)}\s*{(?P<text>.*)$" def __init__(self, outputtype): """ Initiate reference handling methods and attributes Parameters ---------- outputtype : str or None Required reference output format type """ self.outputtype = outputtype self.re_bibl_env = re.compile(self.PATTERN_BIBL_ENV) self.re_bibre = re.compile(self.PATTERN_BIBRE) self.re_bibreF = re.compile(self.PATTERN_BIBREF, re.S) self.re_bibtex = re.compile(self.PATTERN_BIBTEX, re.M) self.re_amsrefs = re.compile(self.PATTERN_AMSREFS, re.M) self.re_lineend = re.compile(self.PATTERN_LINE_END) self.re_par = re.compile(self.PATTERN_PAR) self.re_key_value = re.compile(self.PATTERN_KEY_VALUE, re.DOTALL) def find_reference(self, line): """ Identify reference environment or element by using regex patterns Parameters ---------- line : str Returns ------- str or None If match is found, returns the reference type, None otherwise dict Dictionary contains regex pattern group names and their matches The value of the key 'text' is the line part without user defined strings, such as citekey and biblabel, because they may contain some misleading information for BatchMRef query """ elems = {self.BIBL_ENV: self.re_bibl_env, self.BIBTEX: self.re_bibtex, self.AMSREFS: self.re_amsrefs} # BIBITEM search starts with an additional check # which other reference types doesn't have if self.re_bibre.search(line) is not None: elems = {self.BIBITEM: self.re_bibreF} for reftype, pattern in elems.items(): match = pattern.search(line) if match is not None: return reftype, match.groupdict() elif reftype == self.BIBITEM: # If final search for BIBITEM fails, it means that the typical # structure for this reference type is placed on several lines, # therefore the current line is prepended to the next input line return reftype, {"line": line} return None, dict() def extract_keys_data(self, lines): """ Extract values from selected keys in reference Parameters ---------- lines : list Returns ------- str Output contains extracted values separated by commas """ flog.debug(">> Extracting key values from reference") querystring = "" user_key = None found = list() for line in lines: match = self.re_key_value.search(line) if match: user_key, user_value = match.groups() user_key = user_key.lower() for key, value in sorted(self.KEYS.items()): if user_key in value and (user_key in found or key not in found): found.append(key) found.append(user_key) querystring += "%s, " % user_value.strip().rstrip(",")\ .strip().strip('"')\ .strip().rstrip("}")\ .lstrip("{").strip() break elif len(found) > 0 and found[-1] == user_key: querystring = "%s %s, " % (querystring.strip(", "), line.strip().rstrip(",").strip().strip('"') .strip().rstrip("}").lstrip("{") .strip().rstrip(",").strip()) return querystring.strip(", ") def insert_mrid(self, reftype, refstring, mrid): """ Format MR number according to the input reference format and append it to the input reference Parameters ---------- reftype : str Determined input bibliography reference item type refstring : str Input bibliography reference item content mrid : str MR number returned by query to BatchMRef Returns ------- str Output contains input bibliography reference element including according to reftype formatted mrid. """ properties = self.FORMAT_PROPERTIES.get(reftype, None) if properties is None: outstring = self.re_lineend.sub('\n', refstring) return '%s\\MR{%s}\n\n' % (outstring, mrid) mr_string = properties["mr_format"] % mrid ending_index = refstring.rfind(properties["ref_ending"]) if ending_index == -1: paragraph = self.re_par.search(refstring) if paragraph is not None: ending_index = paragraph.start() mr_string += "\n" if ending_index != -1: return "%s%s%s" % (refstring[:ending_index].strip().strip(","), mr_string, refstring[ending_index:].lstrip()) return refstring.strip() + mr_string + "\n" def insert_citekey(self, outref, citekey, biblabel, querystring): """ Add a cite key, extracted from an input reference item, to the reference content, returned by the query to BatchMRef (XML tag <outref>), in the required reference output format Parameters ---------- outref : str or None Reference item content returned by the query to BatchMRef citekey : str Input bibliography reference item cite key biblabel : str or None Input bibliography reference item label, provided in optional parameter of reference type of BIBITEM querystring : str Input bibliography reference item formatted for query to BatchMRef Returns ------- str or None Returned string is the outref including the citekey and the biblabel (if provided) if reference has been found in the AMS MR DB, else string is formatted according to the requested output type. If allowed output type is not provided, None is returned """ if self.outputtype is None: return None if outref is None: if self.outputtype == self.TEX: return ("\\bibitem%s{%s}\n Not Found!\n\n" % (biblabel if biblabel is not None else "", citekey)) if self.outputtype == self.BIBTEX: return '@MISC {%s,\n NOTE = {Not Found!}\n}\n\n' % citekey if self.outputtype == self.IMS: return ('@MISC {%s,\n HOWPUBLISHED = {%s},\n}\n\n' % (citekey, querystring)) if self.outputtype == self.AMSREFS: return ('\\bib{%s}{misc}{\n note = {Not Found!}\n}\n\n' % citekey) if self.outputtype == self.HTML: return '<!-- %s -->\nNot Found!\n<br/><br/>\n\n' % citekey return None outref = outref.strip() + '\n\n' if self.outputtype == self.TEX: return ('\\bibitem%s{%s}\n%s' % (biblabel if biblabel is not None else "", citekey, outref)) if self.outputtype in [self.BIBTEX, self.IMS]: return self.re_bibtex.sub(r'\1 {%s,' % citekey, outref) if self.outputtype == self.AMSREFS: return self.re_amsrefs.sub(r'\\bib\0{%s}{\2}' % citekey, outref) if self.outputtype == self.HTML: return '<!-- %s -->\n%s<br/><br/>\n' % (citekey, outref) return None class RefElement(object): """ This is a container for one bibliography reference item, containing all data related to it """ FORMAT_PROPERTIES = RefHandler.FORMAT_PROPERTIES def __init__(self, refid=None, reftype=None, citekey=None, biblabel=None): """ Initiate reference item container Parameters ---------- refid : int or None reftype : str or None Input bibliography reference type (one of RefTypes.ITYPES). citekey : str or None Input bibliography reference cite key biblabel : str or None Input bibliography reference label, provided in the optional parameter of RefTypes.BIBITEM type reference item """ self.reftype = reftype self.refid = refid self.citekey = citekey self.biblabel = biblabel self.orig_lines = list() self.cleaned_lines = list() self.query_lines = list() self.comment_lines = list() self.errno = 0 self._init_querystring = None self._querystring = None self._mrid = None self.outref = None def normalize(self, lines): """ Normalize the reference item content Parameters ---------- lines : list Returns ------- str Returned string doesn't contain trailing spaces and typical ending for the reference of reftype (if found) """ nstring = re.sub('\s+', ' ', ''.join(lines)).strip() ending = self.FORMAT_PROPERTIES.get(self.reftype, dict()).get("ref_ending", "") ending_index = nstring.rfind(ending) if ending_index != -1: nstring = nstring[:ending_index].strip() return nstring @property def init_querystring(self): if self._init_querystring is not None: return self._init_querystring flog.debug(">> Normalizing the reference") self._init_querystring = self.normalize(self.query_lines) return self._init_querystring @property def querystring(self): if self._querystring is not None: return self._querystring return self.init_querystring @querystring.setter def querystring(self, istring): self._querystring = istring @property def mrid(self): return self._mrid @mrid.setter def mrid(self, mrid): """ Normalize MR number, returned by the query to BatchMRef Parameters ---------- mrid : str Returns ------- str If original MR number is shorter than 7 symbols, prepending 0, till it reaches 7 symbol length """ if mrid is not None: self._mrid = mrid.encode('ascii').lstrip("MR").rjust(7, '0') def __repr__(self): result = "<%s:\n" % self.__class__.__name__ for key, value in sorted(self.__dict__.items()): if key.startswith("_"): continue result += " %s = %s\n" % (key, repr(value)) result += " >\n" return result def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() class RefsContainer(object): """ This is a container holding as many bibliography reference items as is allowed by the denoted query to BatchMRef limit and data common to all of them """ def __init__(self): super(RefsContainer, self).__init__() self.elems = list() self.qerrno = 0 def append_elem(self, ref_element): """ Add bibliography reference item instance to the container Parameters ---------- ref_element : RefElement() instance """ self.elems += (ref_element,) def get_elem_by_refid(self, refid): """ Get bibliography reference item instance by its id Parameters ---------- refid : int Returns ------- RefElement() instance or None If element with required id is not found, None is returned """ elem = [e for e in self.elems if e.refid == refid] if elem: return elem[0] def __str__(self): result = "<%s:\n" % self.__class__.__name__ for key, value in sorted(self.__dict__.items()): if key == "elems": for elem in value: result += " %s" % repr(elem) elif key not in ["elems", "qresult", "xml"]: result += " GLOBAL: {} = {}\n".format(key, value) result += " >\n" return result class QueryHandler(RefTypes): """ This class unites methods and attributes related to actions necessary for the AMS BatchMRef query """ AUTO_ENC = "auto" LATIN1 = 'latin1' ASCII = "ascii" AMS_URL = 'https://mathscinet.ams.org/batchmref' # AMS BatchMRef limit of items no per query QUERY_ITEMS_LIMIT = 100 QUERY_XML_HEADING_STRING = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' QUERY_HEADING_STRING = ( '<mref_batch>\n' ' %s' '</mref_batch>' ) QUERY_ITEM_STRING = ( '<mref_item outtype="%s">\n' ' <inref>\n' ' %s\n' ' </inref>\n' ' <myid>%d</myid>\n' '</mref_item>\n' ) QUERY_FORMATS = { RefTypes.TEX: RefTypes.TEX, RefTypes.BIBTEX: RefTypes.BIBTEX, RefTypes.IMS: RefTypes.BIBTEX, RefTypes.AMSREFS: RefTypes.AMSREFS, RefTypes.HTML: RefTypes.HTML, None: RefTypes.TEX } PATTERN_MREF_ITEM = '(\<mref_item outtype="(?:bibtex|tex|amsrefs|html)"\>.*?\</mref_item\>)' PATTERN_BATCH_ERROR = '\<batch_error\>(.*?)\</batch_error\>' # AMS gives the following message in HTML if requested website is broken AMS_MSG = "The AMS Website is temporarily unavailable." def __init__(self, encoding, outputtype, refscontainer, address=AMS_URL): """ Initiate query to BatchMRef handling methods and attributes Parameters ---------- encoding : str Input file encoding outputtype : str or None Reference output format type passed for BatchMRef query refscontainer : RefsContainer() instance address : str BatchMRef query address """ self.encoding = encoding flog.debug("Provided encoding format: %s" % encoding) self.address = address self.query_format = self.QUERY_FORMATS.get(outputtype, self.TEX) flog.debug("Query settings: URL = %s, output format = %s" % (address, self.query_format)) self.outputtype = outputtype self.errno = 0 self.qresult = None self.qcode = None self.xml = None self.re_mref_item = re.compile(self.PATTERN_MREF_ITEM, re.DOTALL) self.re_batch_error = re.compile(self.PATTERN_BATCH_ERROR, re.DOTALL) self._refscontainer = refscontainer self.query_elems = list() @property def refscontainer(self): return self._refscontainer def _encode_str(self, istring): """ Change query string encoding into the ASCII Parameters ---------- istring : str Returns ------- str """ str_enc = self.encoding self.errno = 0 if str_enc == self.AUTO_ENC: detector = UniversalDetector() detector.feed(istring) detector.close() str_enc = detector.result.get('encoding', self.ASCII) flog.debug(">> Determined string encoding: %s" % str_enc) if str_enc == self.ASCII: return istring if str_enc is None: flog.debug(">> Encoding determination has FAILED! ") return istring try: return istring.decode(str_enc.lower()).encode(self.ASCII, errors='replace') except: flog.debug(">> encoding given reference element FAILED!") msg = (">> encoding given reference element FAILED!\n" "[Input string]:\n%s\n" % istring) flog.exception(msg) self.errno = -2 return istring @staticmethod def _escape_tex(istring): """ Convert TeX symbols into XML valid symbols Parameters ---------- istring : str Returns ------- str """ flog.debug(">> Converting TeX symbols into XML valid symbols") return reduce(lambda a, b: string.replace(a, b[0], b[1]), (istring, ("\\&", '&'), ("<", '<'), (">", '>'), ("&", '&'), (r"\ndash ", "-"))) def _parse_str(self, istring, check=False): """ Parse string into XML object Parameters ---------- istring : str check : bool If True, checking if string parses to valid XML. If False, saving parsed XML or an error code if parsing was unsuccessful """ try: xml = parseString(istring) if not check: self.xml = xml else: flog.debug("VALIDATING XML string ...") flog.debug(">> XML contains no errors") except ExpatError as err: flog.debug(">> Parsing given XML FAILED!") msg = (">> Parsing given XML FAILED!\n", "[Parse query]:\n%s\n" % istring) flog.exception(msg) self.errno = err.code def prepare_query_str(self, refid, querystring): """ Format the reference as an XML string and validate it Parameters ---------- refid : int RefElement() instance id querystring : str Returns ------- int If query string was encoded and parsed into valid XML successfully, it is appended to a future query strings list and error code is set to 0 If something went wrong, non-zero value is returned """ self.errno = 0 flog.debug("PREPARING query reference") single_qstring = self._encode_str( self.QUERY_ITEM_STRING % (self.query_format, self._escape_tex(querystring), refid) ) flog.debug(">> Formed query XML:\n" + "~" * 70 + "\n%s\n" % single_qstring + "~" * 70) # Checking if formed string is a valid XML self._parse_str(single_qstring, check=True) if self.errno != 0: return self.errno self.query_elems.append(single_qstring) return self.errno def _send_query(self, querystring): """ Send query to BatchMRef Parameters ---------- querystring : str Validated XML query string, containing as many reference items as QueryHandler.QUERY_ITEMS_LIMIT allows If request to BatchMRef was successful, saving query result, otherwise non-zero error code is saved """ queryinfo = {'qdata': querystring} queryval = urllib.urlencode(queryinfo) try: flog.debug("SENDING query ...") req = urllib2.Request(url=self.address, data=queryval) flog.debug(">> Query POST data: %s" % req.get_data()) context = ssl._create_unverified_context() batchmref = urllib2.urlopen(req, context=context) self.qcode = batchmref.getcode() flog.debug(">> Query result code: %s" % self.qcode) self.qresult = batchmref.read() if self.qcode == 200 and \ self.qresult.startswith(self.QUERY_XML_HEADING_STRING): flog.debug(">> Query result string:\n" + "~"*70 + "\n%s\n" % self.qresult.strip() + "~"*70) else: msg = "\n%s" % self.AMS_MSG if self.AMS_MSG in self.qresult else "" flog.debug(">> Query FAILED! %s" % msg) flog.error("Query returned an error:\n%s\n\n%s" % (msg, self.qresult)) self.errno = self.qcode if self.qcode != 200 else -2 self.qresult = None batchmref.close() except: msg = ">> Query FAILED!" flog.debug(msg) flog.exception(msg) self.errno = -2 self.qresult = None @staticmethod def _extract_xml_data(xml_elem, tag): """ Extract text data from an XML object Parameters ---------- xml_elem : XML object tag : str XML tag of interest Returns ------- str or None Content of XML element with the requested tag. If element with the tag hasn't been found, None is returned """ childelem = xml_elem.getElementsByTagName(tag) if childelem: childnodes = childelem[0].childNodes if childnodes: return childnodes[0].data def _analyze_xml(self, xml): """ Extract reference data from the BatchMRef returned XML string, parsed into XML object Parameters ---------- xml : XML object If no matches have been found in the AMS MR DB, current RefElement() instance gets a non-zero error code. Otherwise MR number and reference content (if requested output type is not None) are saved in the current RefElement() instance """ mref_item = xml.getElementsByTagName("mref_item")[0] refid = int(self._extract_xml_data(mref_item, "myid")) elem = self.refscontainer.get_elem_by_refid(refid) matches = self._extract_xml_data(mref_item, "matches") if matches == '1': flog.debug(">> MRef DB: reference `%s' found!" % elem.citekey) elem.mrid = self._extract_xml_data(mref_item, "mrid") flog.debug(">> MRef ID: %s" % elem.mrid) if self.outputtype is not None: elem.outref = self._extract_xml_data(mref_item, "outref") flog.debug(">> MRef output reference:\n" + "~"*70 + "\n%s\n" % elem.outref.strip() + "~"*70) else: elem.errno = -1 flog.debug(">> MRef DB: reference `%s' not found!" % elem.citekey) def query(self): """ Send a request to AMS BatchMRef and analyze the returned data If query result contains 'batch_error' element or returned XML string can't be parsed into XML object, RefsContainer() instance gets a non-zero error code. """ self.errno = 0 self.qresult = None querystring = (self.QUERY_XML_HEADING_STRING + self.QUERY_HEADING_STRING % ("\n".join(self.query_elems))) if self.errno == 0: self._send_query(querystring) if self.qresult is not None: error_obj = self.re_batch_error.search(self.qresult) if error_obj: flog.debug(">> Query XML contains an ERROR!") flog.error("[batch_error]:\n%s\n\n[querystring]:\n%s" % (self._encode_str(error_obj.group(1)), querystring)) self.errno = -2 flog.debug("Splitting query result and analyzing parts separately") for item_qresult in self.re_mref_item.finditer(self.qresult): self.xml = None self._parse_str(self._encode_str(item_qresult.group())) if self.xml is not None: self._analyze_xml(self.xml) self.refscontainer.qerrno = self.errno self.query_elems = list() class HandleBBL(RefTypes): """ This is the main class containing and initiating other classes' methods and attributes for provided input data processing """ # MR number pattern matching all recognized reference formats PATTERN_MR = r'MRNUMBER=\{.*?\}(,|)|review=\{\\MR\{.*?\}\}(,|)|\\MR\{.*?\}' PATTERN_BIBRE_LINE = r'^%.*\r?\n$' PATTERN_BIBRE_PART = r'\s*(.*?)(?<!\\)%.*\r?\n$' PATTERN_TEX_ACCENTS = r"""(?:\{|)\\(?:"|'|`|\^|-|H|~|c|k|=|b|\.|d|r|u|v|A)(?:|\{)([a-zA-Z])\}(?:\}|)""" PATTERN_BRACED_LETTERS = r"""(\s)(?<!\\)([a-zA-Z]*)\{([A-Z]+)\}""" # Mark of the input file ending EOF = "EOF" # Default bibstyle format PLAIN = 'plain' def __init__(self, inputfile, encoding, clean_comments, itemno, wait, outputtype, bibstyle, debug, version=str()): """ Initiate all methods and attributes required to process input data Parameters ---------- inputfile : str or None encoding : str Input file encoding clean_comments : bool If TeX comments cleaning is selected, full comment lines will be moved to the beginning of each identified bibliography reference item itemno : int Limit of reference items per query to BatchMRef wait: int Pause length after each query to BatchMRef outputtype : str or None If not None, additional files with the requested references, extracted from the AMS MR DB in the requested output format, will be generated bibstyle : str or None Used only if the requested output type is BIBTEX or IMS debug : int If debug value is greater than 0, debug messages will be written to the FileHandler.LOG file. Also, depending on the given debug value, final data written to the input file will contain TeX comments with query data. version : str """ self.refscontainer = RefsContainer() self.fh = FilesHandler(inputfile, outputtype) self.rh = RefHandler(outputtype) self.qh = QueryHandler(encoding, outputtype, self.refscontainer) if itemno < self.qh.QUERY_ITEMS_LIMIT: self.qh.QUERY_ITEMS_LIMIT = itemno self.wait = wait self.outputtype = outputtype self.bibstyle = bibstyle flog.debug("Comments will be cleaned from the output: %s" % clean_comments) self.clean_comments = clean_comments self.debug = debug self.version = version self.re_bibre_line = re.compile(self.PATTERN_BIBRE_LINE) self.re_bibre_part = re.compile(self.PATTERN_BIBRE_PART) self.re_MR = re.compile(self.PATTERN_MR) self.re_tex_accents = re.compile(self.PATTERN_TEX_ACCENTS) self.re_braced_letters = re.compile(self.PATTERN_BRACED_LETTERS) self.eof = False self.ifile_end_lines = list() @property def icontent(self): """ Input file content """ return self.fh.read(self.fh.IN) @property def write(self): return self.fh.write @property def get_fname(self): return self.fh.get_fname def preprocess_ofiles(self): """ Depending on the requested bibliography output type, certain files are pre-filled with required data. Writing action is fulfilled only if requested file was pre-opened. """ self.write(self.fh.AUX, '\\bibstyle{%s}\n' % self.bibstyle) self.write(self.fh.HTML, "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<body>\n\n") def postprocess_ofiles(self, refcount): """ Depending on the requested bibliography output type, certain files are filled up with the required data. Writing action is fulfilled only if requested file was pre-opened. Parameters ---------- refcount: int If refcount is 0, it means no references have been found in the input file, and pre-opened additional files are deleted If requested bibliography output type is TEX, number of bibliography items found is written to the first line of FileHandler.DATA file. Therefore this file is written twice into. """ if refcount == 0: self.fh.close_and_delete(self.fh.DATA) self.fh.close_and_delete(self.fh.AUX) return None datafilepath = self.get_fname(self.fh.DATA) self.write(self.fh.AUX, '\\bibdata{%s}' % os.path.splitext(datafilepath)[0]) self.write(self.fh.HTML, "\n</body>\n</html>\n") # Formatting the DATA file output according to requested output format obiblenv = { self.TEX: { "begin": "\\begin{thebibliography}{%s}\n" "\\csname bibmessage\\endcsname\n\n", "end": "\\end{thebibliography}\n" }, self.AMSREFS: { "begin": "\\begin{bibdiv}\n\\begin{biblist}\n\n", "end": "\\end{biblist}\n\\end{bibdiv}" } } strings = obiblenv.get(self.outputtype, None) if strings is None: return None start_string, finish_string = sorted(strings.values()) self.write(self.fh.DATA, finish_string) # Total items count is known only after processing all references and # writing to the DATA file, therefore 'thebibliography' environment # starting string is written to this file when all processing is # finished self.fh.close(self.fh.DATA) os.rename(datafilepath, self.get_fname(self.fh.TMP)) self.fh.open(self.fh.TMP, self.fh.READ) if self.outputtype == self.TEX: start_string = start_string % refcount self.fh.open(self.fh.DATA, self.fh.WRITE) self.write(self.fh.DATA, start_string) shutil.copyfileobj(self.fh.files[self.fh.TMP], self.fh.files[self.fh.DATA]) def _remove_tex_comments(self, line): """ Remove TeX comments Parameters ---------- line : str Returns ------- str """ fmtline = self.re_bibre_line.sub('', line) if fmtline: matchobj = self.re_bibre_part.search(fmtline) if matchobj is not None: return "%s\n" % matchobj.groups(1)[0] return fmtline return fmtline def _remove_tex_accents(self, line): """ Remove TeX accents and braces around upper case letters BatchMRef may not found a reference in the AMS MR DB because of braces and accents present in reference string (tested), therefore accented letters "{\'a}" and "\'{a}" are changed to plain "a". Also "{ABC}" is changed to "ABC". Parameters ---------- line : str Returns ------- str """ mline = self.re_tex_accents.sub(r'\1', line) if mline: return self.re_braced_letters.sub(r'\1\2\3', mline) return mline def gather_records(self, require_env): """ Extract bibliography reference items from the input file Parameters ---------- require_env : bool If True, get bibliography reference items only inside the bibliography environment. If False, gel all bibliography reference items found in the input file Yields ------- str Denotes reference format type (one of ITYPES), bibliography environment state (RefHandler.BIBL_BEGIN or RefHandler.BIBL_END), or input file end mark (EOF) RefElement() instance, str, or None If reference of one of ITYPES type has been found, a RefElement() instance is returned with the following attributes filled in: reftype, citekey, biblabel, orig_lines, cleaned_lines, query_lines If end of input file has been determined, None is returned Otherwise current line is returned """ def sort_comments_out(comment_lines): """ Assign gathered comment lines to the rightful reference item Parameters ---------- comment_lines : list Returns ------- list Comment lines, belonging to current reference item list Comment lines, belonging to the next reference item """ next_elem_comments = [] reversed_comments = comment_lines[::-1] reversed_comments_backup = comment_lines[::-1] advanced_by = 0 for no, cline in enumerate(reversed_comments): if len(element.orig_lines) < (no + 1 + advanced_by): break while not element.orig_lines[-(no + 1 + advanced_by)].strip(): # skipping empty lines advanced_by += 1 if cline == element.orig_lines[-(no + 1 + advanced_by)]: reversed_comments_backup.pop(0) next_elem_comments.append(reversed_comments[no]) current_elem_comments = reversed_comments_backup[::-1] return current_elem_comments, next_elem_comments # Allowing gathering the references according to # the bibliography environment status envmap = {self.rh.BIBL_BEGIN: True, self.rh.BIBL_END: False, "not found": False if require_env else True} gather = envmap["not found"] search = True multiline = "" element = RefElement() envstatus = None for line in self.icontent: line = multiline + line clean_line = self._remove_tex_comments(line) if not clean_line and element.orig_lines: element.orig_lines.append(line) element.comment_lines.append(line) continue reftype = None if search: reftype, additional_info = self.rh.find_reference(clean_line) if require_env and reftype == self.rh.BIBL_ENV: if element.reftype is not None: # Full bibliography item element.comment_lines, next_elem_comments = \ sort_comments_out(element.comment_lines) yield element.reftype, element element = RefElement() element.comment_lines = next_elem_comments # Bibliography environment envstatus = additional_info.pop("envstatus", None) if envstatus in envmap: gather = envmap[envstatus] search = gather yield envstatus, line continue elif reftype in self.ITYPES: multiline = additional_info.get("line", "") if multiline: continue if element.reftype is not None: # Full bibliography item element.comment_lines, next_elem_comments = \ sort_comments_out(element.comment_lines) yield element.reftype, element element = RefElement() element.comment_lines = next_elem_comments if gather: element.reftype = reftype element.citekey = additional_info.get("citekey", None) element.biblabel = additional_info.get("biblabel", None) element.orig_lines.append(line) mrid_free_line = self.re_MR.sub('', clean_line) element.cleaned_lines.append(mrid_free_line) ref_format_free_line = additional_info.get("text", clean_line) mrid_free_line = self.re_MR.sub('', ref_format_free_line) accent_free_line = self._remove_tex_accents(mrid_free_line) element.query_lines.append(accent_free_line) continue if gather and element.reftype is not None: element.orig_lines.append(line) mrid_free_line = self.re_MR.sub('', clean_line) element.cleaned_lines.append(mrid_free_line) accent_free_line = self._remove_tex_accents(mrid_free_line) element.query_lines.append(accent_free_line) else: # Before and after the bibliography environment yield envstatus, line if element.reftype is not None: # The last full bibliography item element.comment_lines, _ = sort_comments_out(element.comment_lines) yield element.reftype, element yield self.EOF, None def transfer_to_file(self): """ After each query to BatchMRef write gathered data into files Returns ------- int Number of references, for which data has been successfully obtained """ successful = 0 for elem in self.refscontainer.elems: if self.refscontainer.qerrno != 0: elem.errno = self.refscontainer.qerrno outstring = ''.join(elem.cleaned_lines if self.clean_comments else elem.orig_lines) elem.outref = self.rh.insert_citekey( elem.outref, elem.citekey, elem.biblabel, elem.normalize(elem.cleaned_lines[1:])) if elem.mrid is not None: outstring = self.rh.insert_mrid(elem.reftype, outstring, elem.mrid) slog.info(elem.mrid) elif elem.errno == -1: slog.warn('NotFound') else: slog.error('QueryError') if self.clean_comments: outstring = "".join(elem.comment_lines) + outstring if self.debug == 1: outstring = '%%%% %s\n%s' % (elem.querystring, outstring) elif self.debug == 2: outstring = '%%%% %s\n%s' % (elem.errno, outstring) elif self.debug == 3: outstring = '%%%% %s\n%%%% %s\n%s' % (elem.querystring, elem.errno, outstring) flog.debug("\n" + ">" * 70 + "\nFINAL reference with MR id in original format:\n" + "\n%s\n" % outstring.strip()) if elem.outref is not None: flog.debug("FINAL reference in '%s' format:\n" % self.outputtype + "\n%s\n" % elem.outref.strip() + "<" * 70) self.write(self.fh.OUT, outstring) self.write(self.fh.DATA, elem.outref if elem.outref else "") self.write(self.fh.AUX, '\\citation{%s}\n' % elem.citekey) if elem.errno == 0 and self.refscontainer.qerrno == 0: successful += 1 if self.eof: while self.ifile_end_lines: self.write(self.fh.OUT, self.ifile_end_lines.pop(0)) self.refscontainer = RefsContainer() self.qh._refscontainer = self.refscontainer return successful def get_mr_codes(self, require_env): """ Analyze input file content and process found reference items Parameters ---------- require_env : bool If True, and if no bibliography reference items have been found inside the bibliography environment, or an environment hasn't been found at all, parameter is set to False this method and reruns itself in order to search reference items in the whole input file. Returns ------- int Total bibliography reference items found int Total number of references, for which data has been successfully obtained int Reference items processed with errors count If reference item of ITYPES has been found, current RefElement() instance attribute 'refid' is assigned a value """ msg = ("in the bibliography environment only" if require_env else "in the whole input file") flog.debug("SEARCHING for reference items: %s" % msg) total = 0 valid = 0 successful = 0 records = self.gather_records(require_env=require_env) pseudo_citekey = 0 for reftype, record in records: if reftype == self.EOF: self.eof = True elif reftype not in self.ITYPES: if reftype != self.rh.BIBL_END: self.write(self.fh.OUT, record) else: self.ifile_end_lines.append(record) continue elif valid == 0 or valid % self.qh.QUERY_ITEMS_LIMIT != 0: total += 1 record.refid = total if not record.citekey: pseudo_citekey += 1 record.citekey = '%s' % pseudo_citekey flog.debug("=" * 70) flog.debug("FOUND reference %s: type=%s, cite_key=%s, biblabel=%s" % (total, reftype, record.citekey, record.biblabel)) if reftype != self.BIBITEM: record.querystring = self.rh.extract_keys_data(record.query_lines) self.refscontainer.append_elem(record) record.errno = self.qh.prepare_query_str(record.refid, record.querystring) if record.errno == 0: valid += 1 if valid != 0 and (valid % self.qh.QUERY_ITEMS_LIMIT == 0 or self.eof): self.qh.query() successful += self.transfer_to_file() valid = 0 if not self.eof: sleep(self.wait) if total == 0 and require_env: # If no bibliography items were found in the bibliography # environment, then trying to search for them everywhere # in the input file flog.debug("FOUND no references! Changing the search mode ... ") self.eof = False self.ifile_end_lines = list() self.fh.close(self.fh.OUT) self.fh.open(self.fh.OUT) return self.get_mr_codes(require_env=False) if self.ifile_end_lines: self.transfer_to_file() flog.debug("=" * 70) errors = total - successful return total, successful, errors def run(self, require_env): """ Main method Parameters ---------- require_env : bool Returns ------- get_mr_codes() output """ slog.info("# %s #\nJob started:" % self.version) starttime = time() self.preprocess_ofiles() total, successful, errors = self.get_mr_codes(require_env=require_env) self.postprocess_ofiles(refcount=total) flog.info(" total: %s, found: %s, not found: %s, time: %ss" % (total, successful, errors, int(round(time()-starttime)))) slog.info("Job ended") slog.info("Total: %s, found: %s, not found: %s" % (total, successful, errors)) slog.info('Job completed in %ss' % int(round(time()-starttime))) self.fh.close_files() return total, successful, errors if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse # Logging to console osh = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) osh.setFormatter(BASICFORMATTER) osh.setLevel(logging.INFO) osh.addFilter(LessThanFilter(logging.INFO)) esh = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr) esh.setFormatter(BASICFORMATTER) esh.setLevel(logging.WARN) slog = logging.getLogger("%s.StreamLogger" % __name__) slog.setLevel(logging.INFO) slog.addHandler(osh) slog.addHandler(esh) # Logging to files flog = logging.getLogger("%s.FileLogger" % __name__) flog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def setup_logging_files(debug, basename=""): """ Set up logging files Parameters ---------- debug : int basename: str Input file name Returns ------- logging instance """ if debug == 0: log_min_level = logging.INFO log_max_level = logging.INFO formatter = BASICFORMATTER else: log_min_level = logging.DEBUG log_max_level = logging.WARN formatter = DEBUGFORMATTER ofh = logging.FileHandler(filename="{}.{}.{}".format(basename, FilesHandler.GMR_SUFFIX, FilesHandler.LOG), mode='w', delay=True) ofh.setFormatter(formatter) ofh.setLevel(log_min_level) ofh.addFilter(LessThanFilter(log_max_level)) flog.addHandler(ofh) efh = logging.FileHandler(filename="{}.{}.{}".format(basename, FilesHandler.GMR_SUFFIX, FilesHandler.ERR), mode='w', delay=True) efh.setFormatter(DEBUGFORMATTER) efh.setLevel(logging.ERROR) flog.addHandler(efh) return flog VERSION = __version__.split("-")[0] DESCRIPTION = ( "Tool %s, is designed for: " % VERSION + "(1) getting MR numbers for given references from AMS MRef database, " + "(2) formatting the given references in one of AMS allowed formats. " + "Maintainer: L.Tolene <lolita.tolene@vtex.lt>." ) def get_cmd_args(): """ Command line input parser """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=DESCRIPTION, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument("filepath", help="References containing file") parser.add_argument( "--enc", '-e', type=str, default=QueryHandler.LATIN1, help="Source file encoding or 'auto'" ) parser.add_argument( "--format", '-f', choices=set(RefTypes.OTYPES), help="Outputs the given references in provided format. " "For more information about these formats please " "consult the AMS MRef tool website. The 'ims' format " "is almost the same as the 'bibtex' format" ) parser.add_argument( "--bibstyle", '-s', default=HandleBBL.PLAIN, help="BibTeX style. For more information please consult " "the BibTeX documentation" ) parser.add_argument( "--nobibenv", action='store_true', help="If activated, references are searched throughout " "all source file content; otherwise searching only " "inside the bibliography environment. Currently " "recognizable are the 'thebibliography' and 'biblist' " "environments" ) parser.add_argument( "--clean", '-c', action='store_true', help="If activated, cleans comments appearing in references" ) parser.add_argument( "--itemno", default=100, type=int, help="Maximum item count for one AMS query. " "AMS batchmref has a limit of 100 items per query." ) parser.add_argument( "--wait", default=10, type=int, help="time (in seconds) to wait between queries to AMS batchmref." ) parser.add_argument( "--debug", '-d', choices={0, 1, 2, 3}, default=0, type=int, help="Outputs additional info for debugging purposes." ) parser.add_argument( "--version", '-v', action='version', version=VERSION, help="Module version." ) args = parser.parse_args() return (args.filepath, args.enc, args.format, args.bibstyle, args.nobibenv, args.clean, args.itemno, args.wait, args.debug) # Get input parameter values inputfile, encoding, output_format, bibstyle, nobibenv, clean, itemno, wait, debug \ = get_cmd_args() # Load additional library is needed if encoding == QueryHandler.AUTO_ENC: from chardet.universaldetector import UniversalDetector # Setup logging files flog = setup_logging_files(debug=debug, basename=os.path.splitext(inputfile)[0]) # Create HandleBBL() instance bblobj = HandleBBL(inputfile=inputfile, encoding=encoding, clean_comments=clean, itemno=itemno, wait=wait, outputtype=output_format, bibstyle=bibstyle, debug=debug, version=VERSION) # Process input file bblobj.run(require_env=not nobibenv)