% \iffalse meta-comment % % emo���ji for all (LaTeX engines) % (C) Copyright 2023 by Robert Grimm % Released under LPPL v1.3c or later % <https://github.com/apparebit/emo> % % \fi % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \iffalse %<*scaffold> \iffalse %</scaffold> % ====================================================================================== %<*readme> # emo���ji for all (LaTeX engines) This package defines the `\emo{<emoji-name>}` macro for including color emoji in a document no matter the LaTeX engine. It uses the Noto color emoji font if the engine supports doing so and falls back onto PDF graphics otherwise. In either case, `\emo{desert-island}` results in ���� and `\emo{parrot}` results in ����. Emo may come in particularly handy when dealing with academic publishers that provide only minimal support for non-Latin scripts (cough, [ACM](https://www.acm.org), cough). Emo's source repository is <https://github.com/apparebit/emo>. It also is available [through CTAN](https://ctan.org/pkg/emo). Emo supports conversion to HTML with [LaTeXML](https://github.com/brucemiller/LaTeXML) or [TeX4ht](https://tug.org/tex4ht/). When using the latter tool, please be sure to use |make4ht -l| as invocation. ## Package Options When emo is used with the `extra` option, this package also defines the `\lingchi` and `\YHWH` macros for ������ and ��������, respectively. Both macros preserve a subsequent space as space, no backslash needed. When used with the `index` option, this package also emits a raw index entry for each use of an emoji into an emo index or `.edx` file. ## Installation To **extract files** embedded in [emo.dtx](emo.dtx), run `pdftex emo.dtx`. Note that plain old `tex` won't do, since it mangles this README. `pdflatex` works, but also generates the package documentation. The embedded files are `build.sh`, `emo.ins`, `emo.sty`, `emo.sty.ltxml`, `canary.tex`, and `README.md`. To **build the documentation** embedded in `emo.dtx`, run `source build.sh`. The shell script invokes `pdflatex emo.dtx` thrice and `makeindex` once each for the change and the symbol indices, resulting in [emo.pdf](emo.pdf). To **configure the emoji**, run `python3 config/emo.py` with appropriate arguments. The [package documentation](emo.pdf) explains the configuration tool in detail, but you may find the `-h` for help option sufficient to get started. To **install this package**, place `emo.def`, `emo.sty`, `emo.sty.ltxml`, `emo-lingchi.ttf`, and the `emo-graphics` directory with the fallback PDF files somewhere where LaTeX can find them. In a pinch, your project directory will do. ## Supported Emoji By default, emo supports only a few emoji, ordered by Unicode codepoints: 1������ ������ ������ ��� ������ ��� ��� �������� ���� ���� ���� ���� ������� ������� ������� �������������� ������� ���� ������� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ������� ������� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ������������� ���� ���� Their names are keycap-one, biohazard, balance-scale, check-mark-button, check-mark, cross-mark, plus, eu, japanese-bargain-button, foggy, globe-africa-europe, party-popper, classical-building, desert-island, stadium, rainbow-flag, label, baby-chick, eye, busts, collision, currency-exchange, floppy-disk, chart-increasing, triangular-ruler, pager, loupe-left, detective, wastebasket, enraged-face, stop-sign, robot, handshake, person-facepalming, zany-face, exploding-head, pleading-face, parrot, judge, roll-of-paper, and receipt. The [package's documentation](emo.pdf) explains the underlying naming scheme and also how to reconfigure which emoji are supported. The [emo.py](config/emo.py) script takes care of the heavy lifting during reconfiguration, converting SVG into PDF files and generating an updated `emo.def` file. ## Copyright and Licensing This package combines code written in LaTeX, Python, and Perl with Unicode data about emoji as well as graphics and fonts derived from Google's Noto fonts. As a result, a number of different licenses apply, all of which are [OSI approved](https://opensource.org/licenses/) and non-copyleft: * This package's [LaTeX code](emo.dtx) is �� Copyright 2023 by Robert Grimm and has been released under the [LPPL v1.3c](https://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c/) or later. * The [emo.py](config/emo.py) configuration script also is �� Copyright 2023 by Robert Grimm but has been released under the [Apache 2.0 license](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). * The [emoji-test.txt](config/emoji-test.txt) configuration file is a data file from [Unicode TR-51](https://unicode.org/reports/tr51/) and hence subject to the [Unicode License](https://www.unicode.org/license.txt). * The `emo-lingchi.ttf` font is a two-glyph subset of the serif traditional Chinese version of Google's [Noto fonts](https://github.com/notofonts/noto-cjk) and hence subject to the [SIL Open Font License v1.1](https://scripts.sil.org/ofl). * The PDF graphics in the `emo-graphics` directory are derived from the sources for [Noto's color emoji](https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-emoji) and hence subject to the Apache 2.0 license. %</readme> % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %<*buildscript> # Test emo pdflatex -jobname=pdftex-canary canary xelatex -jobname=xetex-canary canary lualatex -jobname=luatex-canary canary pdfunite pdftex-canary.pdf xetex-canary.pdf luatex-canary.pdf canary.pdf # Document emo pdflatex emo.dtx makeindex -s gind.ist -o emo.ind emo.idx makeindex -s gglo.ist -o emo.gls emo.glo pdflatex emo.dtx pdflatex emo.dtx %</buildscript> % ====================================================================================== %<*scaffold> \fi \def\nameofplainTeX{plain} \ifx\fmtname\nameofplainTeX\else \expandafter\begingroup \fi %</scaffold> % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %<*install> \input docstrip.tex \keepsilent \askforoverwritefalse \preamble emo���ji for all (LaTeX engines) (C) Copyright 2023 by Robert Grimm Released under LPPL v1.3c or later <https://github.com/apparebit/emo> \endpreamble \usedir{tex/latex/emo} \generate{ \file{\jobname.sty}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{package}}} \generate{ \nopreamble\nopostamble \file{\jobname.sty.ltxml}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{latexml-binding}}} %</install> %<install>\endbatchfile % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %<*scaffold> \usedir{source/latex/emo} \generate{\file{\jobname.ins}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{install}}} \generate{\file{canary.tex}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{canary}}} \nopreamble\nopostamble \usedir{source/latex/emo} \generate{\file{build.sh}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{buildscript}}} \usedir{doc/latex/emo} \generate{\file{README.md}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{readme}}} \ifx\fmtname\nameofplainTeX \expandafter\endbatchfile \else \expandafter\endgroup \fi %</scaffold> % ====================================================================================== % See https://tug.org/TUGboat/tb29-2/tb92pakin.pdf. %<*scaffold> \ProvidesFile{emo.dtx} %</scaffold> %<package>\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} %<package>\ProvidesPackage{emo} %<*scaffold,package> [2023/04/26 v0.4 emo���ji for all (LaTeX engines)] %</scaffold,package> % ====================================================================================== %<*driver> \PassOptionsToPackage{utf8}{inputenc} \documentclass{ltxdoc} % Override the default \small, which looks odd typeset in Inconsolata. \renewcommand{\MacroFont}{\normalsize\ttfamily} \usepackage[extra]{\jobname} \usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage{parskip} \usepackage{inconsolata} % Use BlackFoundry's Inria <https://tug.org/FontCatalogue/inriaserifregular/> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[lining]{InriaSerif} \renewcommand*\oldstylenums[1]{{\fontfamily{InriaSerif-OsF}\selectfont #1}} \let\oldnormalfont\normalfont \def\normalfont{\oldnormalfont\mdseries} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{hyperref} \definecolor{spot}{HTML}{353598} \hypersetup{allcolors=spot} \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges \begin{document} \DocInput{\jobname.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % ====================================================================================== % \fi % % \changes{0.1}{}{Make initial release} % \changes{0.2}{}{Prefix font and graphic files with ``{\tt emo-}''} % \changes{0.2}{}{Support {\tt pdftex} for extracting {\tt emo.dtx}} % \changes{0.3}{}{Support TeX4ht for conversion to HTML} % \changes{0.4}{}{Automate testing across engines with {\tt canary.tex}} % % \GetFileInfo{\jobname.dtx} % % \DoNotIndex{\{,\},\x,\\} % \DoNotIndex{\begingroup,\char,\csname,\def} % \DoNotIndex{\else,\endcsname,\endgroup,\expandafter} % \DoNotIndex{\fi,\ifcsname,\ifluatex,\index} % \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newif,\newindex} % \DoNotIndex{\relax,\string,\textbackslash,\textsf,\texttt} % % \newlist{inlinenum}{enumerate*}{1} % \setlist[inlinenum]{label=(\alph{inlinenumi})} % \newenvironment{verbatimish}{% % \ttfamily% % \obeylines% % \obeyspaces% % \vspace{\the\parskip}% % \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}% % \setlength{\parindent}{1em}% % }{} % % \title{emo���ji for all\\(LaTeX engines)} % \author{\href{https://apparebit.com}{Robert Grimm}} % \date{Version \fileversion\ (\filedate)} % % \maketitle % % \begin{abstract} % \noindent{}Emo implements the |\emo|\marg{emoji-name} command for including % color emoji such as |\emo{desert-island}| for \emo{desert-island} or % |\emo{parrot}| for \emo{parrot} in your documents independent of LaTeX engine. % The implementation uses the Noto color emoji font if the engine supports it % and includes PDF graphics otherwise. It also supports conversion to HTML with % either LaTeXML or TeX4ht. Next, PDF graphics are automatically derived from % Noto's SVG sources, so the visual appearance is very similar. The source % repository is at \url{https://github.com/apparebit/emo}. Emo may come in % particularly handy when dealing with academic publishers that provide only % minimal support for non-Latin scripts (cough, % \href{https://authors.acm.org/proceedings/production-information/accepted-latex-packages}{ACM}, % cough). % \end{abstract} % % \tableofcontents % % % ^^A ================================================================================== % \section{Installation} % % The emo package is available through its % \href{https://github.com/apparebit/emo}{source repository} or through % \href{https://ctan.org/pkg/emo}{CTAN}. Installation is fairly % straightforward, though it does involve a lot more files than usual. % % \begin{enumerate} % \item Start by extracting this package's files from |emo.dtx| by running: % \begin{verbatimish} % \$ pdftex emo.dtx % \end{verbatimish} % Do \emph{not} use |tex|; it mangles the embedded |README.md|. |pdflatex| also % extracts the files and then builds the documentation. Embedded files are % |build.sh|, |emo.ins|, |emo.sty|, |emo.sty.ltxml|, |canary.tex|, and % |README.md|. Extraction will overwrite existing files with the same name % without asking. % % \item Build the package documentation with change and symbol indices by % running: % \begin{verbatimish} % \$ source build.sh % \end{verbatimish} % The shell script processes the tests in |canary.tex| with |pdflatex|, % |xelatex|, and |lualatex|, combining test results into |canary.pdf|. It also % processes |emo.dtx| with |pdflatex| and |makeindex| to produce documentation % in |emo.pdf|. % % \item Get started reconfiguring supported emoji by running: % \begin{verbatimish} % \$ python config/emo.py -h % \end{verbatimish} % For more detailed instructions, see \S\ref{sec:config} below. % % \item Put the following files somewhere LaTeX can find them. In a pinch, your % current project's directory will do. However, emo's installation potentially % comprises thousands of files. So, you probably want to use a dedicated % directory and add that to the search path for LaTeX, e.g., by setting the % |TEXINPUTS| environment variable. % \begin{enumerate} % \item |emo.sty| with the package implementation; % \item |emo.sty.ltxml| with the binding for % \href{https://github.com/brucemiller/LaTeXML}{LaTeXML}; % \item |emo.def| with the emoji table; % \item |emo-lingchi.ttf| with the two glyphs for |\lingchi|; % \item |emo-graphics| with the fallback PDF graphics. % \end{enumerate} % TeX Live requires that each package's files have unique names. For that % reason, the PDF graphics in the |emo-graphics| directory start with the |emo-| % prefix as well. % % \end{enumerate} % % When running on the LuaLaTeX engine, the emo package also uses the Noto color % emoji (|NotoColorEmoji.ttf|) and Linux Libertine (|LinLibertine_R.otf|) fonts, % with the latter used for rendering |\YHWH| only. Neither file is included with % emo's distribution, since both of them are distributed with major TeX % distributions already. If they are not included with your LaTeX distribution, % you can find them on CTAN. The |emo-lingchi.ttf| font distributed with emo is % a two glyph subset of |NotoSerifTC-Regular.otf|, i.e., the traditional Chinese % version of Noto serif. % % % ^^A ================================================================================== % \section{Usage} % % As usual, you declare your document's dependency on emo with % |\usepackage{emo}|. In addition to the unadorned form, emo takes up to two % options: % \begin{description} % \item[extra] Also define the |\lingchi| and |\YHWH| macros, which produce % \lingchi and \YHWH. % \item[index] Create an emoji index tagged |emo| with the |.edx| extension for % the raw index and the |.end| extension for the processed index. This % option relies on the |index| package, generates the raw |.edx| file, % but does not build or use the processed index. % \end{description} % % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \subsection{One Main Macro} % \DescribeMacro{\emo} % An |\emo|\marg{emoji-name} invocation expands to the named emoji. For % LuaLaTeX, it uses the Noto color emoji font. For all other engines, it uses % PDF graphics. That way, |\emo{desert-island}| results in~\emo{desert-island} % and |\emo{parrot}| results in~\emo{parrot}. % % Since LaTeX tends to produce a lot of command line noise about underfull boxes % and loaded fonts, it's a easy to miss meaningful warnings. For that reason, % |\emo| expands to an attention-seeking error message upon undefined emoji % names. For example, |\emo{boo}| produces \emo{boo}. % % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \subsubsection{Emoji Names} % % With some exceptions, emo's names for emoji are automatically derived from % their Unicode names, with letters converted to lowercase, punctuation such as % commas, colons, quotes, and parentheses stripped, and interword spaces % replaced by dashes. Furthermore, instead of the rather verbose % |dark-skin-tone|, |medium-dark-skin-tone|, etc modifiers, emo % uses the more succinct |darkest|, |darker|, |medium|, |lighter|, and % |lightest|. % % For some emoji names, emo goes further by hard-coding shorter names. Those % names are listed in Table~\ref{tab:special-names}. % % \begin{table} % \caption{Exceptional emoji names} % \label{tab:special-names} % \small\vspace{1em} % \begin{tabular}{ll} % \textbf{Transformed Unicode Name} & \textbf{Emo Replacement Name} \\ \hline % |a-button-blood-type| & |a-button| \\ % |ab-button-blood-type| & |ab-button| \\ % |b-button-blood-type| & |b-button| \\ % |o-button-blood-type| & |o-button| \\ % |bust-in-silhouette| & |bust| \\ % |busts-in-silhouette| & |busts| \\ % |flag-european-union| & |eu| \\ % |globe-showing-americas| & |globe-americas| \\ % |globe-showing-asia-australia| & |globe-asia-australia| \\ % |globe-showing-europe-africa| & |globe-africa-europe| \\ % |hear-no-evil-monkey| & |hear-no-evil| \\ % |index-pointing-at-the-viewer| & |index-pointing-at-viewer| \\ % |index-pointing-at-the-viewer-darkest| & |index-pointing-at-viewer-darkest| \\ % |index-pointing-at-the-viewer-darker| & |index-pointing-at-viewer-darker| \\ % |index-pointing-at-the-viewer-medium| & |index-pointing-at-viewer-medium| \\ % |index-pointing-at-the-viewer-lighter| & |index-pointing-at-viewer-lighter| \\ % |index-pointing-at-the-viewer-lightest| & |index-pointing-at-viewer-lightest| \\ % |keycap-*| & |keycap-star| \\ % |keycap-#| & |keycap-hash| \\ % |keycap-0| & |keycap-zero| \\ % |keycap-1| & |keycap-one| \\ % |keycap-2| & |keycap-two| \\ % |keycap-3| & |keycap-three| \\ % |keycap-4| & |keycap-four| \\ % |keycap-5| & |keycap-five| \\ % |keycap-6| & |keycap-six| \\ % |keycap-7| & |keycap-seven| \\ % |keycap-8| & |keycap-eight| \\ % |keycap-9| & |keycap-nine| \\ % |keycap-10| & |keycap-ten| \\ % |magnifying-glass-tilted-left| & |loupe-left| \\ % |magnifying-glass-tilted-right| & |loupe-right| \\ % |palm-down-hand| & |palm-down| \\ % |palm-down-hand-darkest| & |palm-down-darkest| \\ % |palm-down-hand-darker| & |palm-down-darker| \\ % |palm-down-hand-medium| & |palm-down-medium| \\ % |palm-down-hand-lighter| & |palm-down-lighter| \\ % |palm-down-hand-lightest| & |palm-down-lightest| \\ % |palm-up-hand| & |palm-up| \\ % |palm-up-hand-darkest| & |palm-up-darkest| \\ % |palm-up-hand-darker| & |palm-up-darker| \\ % |palm-up-hand-medium| & |palm-up-medium| \\ % |palm-up-hand-lighter| & |palm-up-lighter| \\ % |palm-up-hand-lightest| & |palm-up-lightest| \\ % |rolling-on-the-floor-laughing| & |rofl| \\ % |see-no-evil-monkey| & |see-no-evil| \\ % |speak-no-evil-monkey| & |speak-no-evil| \\ % \end{tabular} % \end{table} % % Emo's |emo.def| contains the names and codepoints of all currently supported % emoji. Emo's distribution also includes the |emoji-test.txt| file, which is % part of \href{https://unicode.org/reports/tr51/}{Unicode TR-51} and contains % the names and codepoints of all \emph{potentially} supported emoji, i.e., all % emoji. It further organizes emoji into groups and subgroups, with the current % (sub)group being the one named on the closest line above the emoji that starts % with |# |(|sub|)|group:|. As described in the next section, the group and % subgroup names can be used during configuration for concisely naming a large % number of emoji. % % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \subsection{Two Extra Macros} % % \DescribeMacro{\lingchi} % \DescribeMacro{\YHWH} % The |\lingchi| and |\YHWH| macros take no arguments and produce \lingchi and % \YHWH. They are only available if emo is used with the \textsf{extra} option. % The former renders the Chinese term for ``death by a thousand cuts.'' While % originally an execution method, the term applies to surprisingly many software % systems as well. The latter produces the Tetragrammaton, the Hebrew name for % God. Observant Jews never utter what's written, not even in their thoughts, % substituting Adonai (``My Lord''), Elohim (``God''), or HaShem (``The Name'') % instead. In my mind, that nicely mirrors the very incomprehensibility of % \YHWH. Both macros preserve a subsequent space as space, no backslash needed. % % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \subsection{Conversion to HTML} % % Emo supports conversion to HTML with either % \href{https://github.com/brucemiller/LaTeXML}{LaTeXML} or % \href{https://tug.org/tex4ht/}{TeX4ht}. LaTeXML support is implemented by a % separate ``binding'' against LaTeXML's Perl API. I chronicled my exploration % of suitable options leading to that less than ideal choice in a % \href{https://github.com/brucemiller/LaTeXML/issues/2063}{GitHub issue}. % TeX4ht support is implemented by the emo package itself. It requires % processing with LuaLaTeX e.g., by passing |-l| to the |make4ht| tool. % % % ^^A ================================================================================== % \section{Configuration} % \label{sec:config} % % Emo's implementation is actually split over two files: |emo.sty| is extracted % from |emo.dtx| and defines the substance of the package, its options, its % helper macros, and the user-visible |\emo|, |\lingchi|, and |\YHWH| macros. % Currently supported emoji are defined by the emoji table in the second file, % |emo.def|. For every supported emoji, the file contains a command % |\emo@emoji@|\meta{emoji-name} with the emoji's codepoints as value. % % Configuration automates the regeneration of the emoji table for arbitrary % numbers of emoji. |config/emo.py| is the script and |config/emoji-test.txt| is % the list of all emoji from the Unicode standard. % % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \subsection{Running the Configuration Script} % % To update emo's configuration, invoke the |config/emo.py| script: % \begin{verbatimish} % \$ python3 config/emo.py \meta{selector} \meta{selector} $\ldots$ % \end{verbatimish} % % Each selector may be: % \begin{itemize} % \item The literal |ALL| (case-sensitive) for \emph{all} emoji. % \item Name of a group in |emoji-test.txt| lowercased and with spaces replaced % by dashes and ampersand |&| replaced by an |and|; e.g., % |travel-and-places|. % \item Name of a group, a double colon |::|, and name of a subgroup, again % lowercased and with spaces replaced by dashes and |&| by an |and|; e.g., % |travel-and-places::place-geographic|. % \item The name of an emoji; e.g., |desert-island|. % \end{itemize} % For conjunctive group names, such as ``Smileys \& Emotion'' (|emoji-test.txt|) % or ``smileys-and-emotion'' (|emo.py|), the configuration script also accepts % either of the two nouns as a shortcut, e.g., ``smileys'' or ``emotion.'' % % For data safety, |emo.py| does not overwrite PDF graphics and hence can only % \emph{add} emoji to the configuration. To remove emoji, simply remove their % PDF graphics from |emo-graphics| and then run |emo.py| without selector % arguments, which updates the emoji table accordingly. % % |emo.py| effectively treats |emoji-test.txt| as registry of all emoji and the % filenames of PDF graphics in |emo-graphics| as emo's current inventory. For % all emoji named by selector arguments but not in the inventory, |emo.py| % converts the SVG source graphic from the Noto color emoji sources to a PDF % file and deletes the |/Page| |/Group| object from the the PDF again, since % that object trips up |pdflatex|. And yeah, |emo.py| automatically downloads % the Noto color emoji sources if necessary. % % % ^^A ================================================================================== % \section{Copyright and Licensing} % % Since emo's distribution includes not only LaTeX code but also a substantial % Python script, Unicode data about emoji, as well as graphics and fonts derived % from Google's Noto project, a number of different licenses apply. All of them % are \href{https://opensource.org/licenses/}{OSI approved} and non-copyleft: % \begin{itemize} % \item This package's LaTeX and also Perl code extracted from |emo.dtx| % is �� Copyright 2023 by Robert Grimm and has been released % under the \href{https://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c/}{LPPL v1.3c} % or later. % \item The |config/emo.py| script also is �� Copyright 2023 by Robert Grimm but % has been released under the % \href{https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0}{Apache 2.0 license}. % \item The [config/emoji-test.txt] configuration file is a data file from % \href{https://unicode.org/reports/tr51/}{Unicode TR-51} and hence subject % to the \href{https://www.unicode.org/license.txt}{Unicode License}. % \item The |emo-lingchi.ttf| font is a two-glyph subset of the traditional % Chinese version of Google's % \href{https://github.com/notofonts/noto-cjk}{Noto serif} and hence subject % to the \href{https://scripts.sil.org/ofl}{SIL Open Font License v1.1}. % \item The PDF graphics in the |emo-graphics| directory are derived from the % sources for \href{https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-emoji}{Noto's color % emoji} and hence subject to the Apache 2.0 license. % \end{itemize} % % % \StopEventually{^^A % \PrintChanges^^A % \setcounter{IndexColumns}{2}^^A % \columnsep = 20pt^^A % \PrintIndex} % % % ^^A ================================================================================== % \section{Implementation} % % Let's get started with emo's implementation: % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> % \end{macrocode} % % Except, the package implementation started near the top of the |emo.dtx| file, % before the documentation preamble. We repeat it here for completeness: % % \begin{verbatimish} % |\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}| % |\ProvidesPackage{emo}| % | |[\filedate\space\fileversion\space\fileinfo] % \end{verbatimish} % % And no, I didn't repeat the version number, date, or package information. % Check |emo.dtx|. % % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \subsection{Package Options} % % \begin{macro}{\ifemo@extra} % \begin{macro}{\ifemo@index} % \begin{macro}{\ifemo@debug} % \changes{0.4}{}{Add \textsf{debug} option for drawing boundary boxes} % Emo's \textsf{extra} and \textsf{index} options are simple flags. So is the % only incompletely documented \textsf{debug} option. We declare a new % conditional for each and, if |\usepackage| includes an option, toggle the % conditional's state. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifemo@extra\emo@extrafalse \DeclareOption{extra}{\emo@extratrue} \newif\ifemo@indexing\emo@indexingfalse \DeclareOption{index}{\emo@indexingtrue} \newif\ifemo@debug\emo@debugfalse \DeclareOption{debug}{\emo@debugtrue} \ProcessOptions\relax % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \subsection{Setup Including Dependencies} % % The dependency on |inputenc| effectively declares this file's encoding to be % UTF-8. The XeTeX and LuaTeX engines already expect files to be encoded that % way and hence ignore the declaration. However, pdfTeX supports other (legacy) % encodings and needs to be told. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\emo@use@unicode} % \begin{macro}{\emo@use@font} % \begin{macro}{\emo@use@pdf} % \begin{macro}{\emo@backend} % \changes{0.3}{}{Make backend support scalable through symbolic names} % Emo currently supports three different backends for actually rendering emoji, % namely the backend named |\emo@use@unicode| emits Unicode codepoints in a % group, the one named |\emo@use@font| emits font selection before those same % Unicode codepoints in the group, and the one named |\emo@use@pdf| emits PDF % graphics. Once we know to name the backends, we can set |\emo@backend| to the % currently active backend, determined by interrogating the runtime environment. % Alas, we still need to implement the three backends; but |\emo@content| is % defined closer to the end of the package implementation. % \begin{macrocode} \def\emo@use@unicode{backend:unicode} \def\emo@use@font{backend:font+unicode} \def\emo@use@pdf{backend:pdf} \RequirePackage{iftex} \ifdefined\HCode \let\emo@backend=\emo@use@unicode \else \ifluatex \let\emo@backend=\emo@use@font \else \let\emo@backend=\emo@use@pdf \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % With the backend selected, we can now require backend-specific packages, % namely |fontspec| for selecting fonts in the |\emo@use@font| backend and % |graphicx| for including PDF graphics in the |\emo@use@pdf| backend. The % |\emo@use@unicode| backend has no similar requirements. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\emo@backend\emo@use@font \RequirePackage{fontspec} \fi \ifx\emo@backend\emo@use@pdf \RequirePackage{graphicx} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % Next, emo requires |xcolor| for formatting highly visible error messages % within the text. Always including another package that is only used when there % are errors is not ideal. But when I tried calling |\RequirePackage| for % |xcolor| from inside the error macro, it didn't work. Alternatively, I could % make in-text errors optional. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{xcolor} % \end{macrocode} % % Finally, emo's options also have dependencies, with \textsf{extra} requiring % the |xspace| package and \textsf{index} requiring the |index| package: % \begin{macrocode} \ifemo@extra \RequirePackage{xspace} \fi \ifemo@indexing \RequirePackage{index} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \subsection{The Emoji Table} % % \begin{macro}{\emo@emoji@name} % \changes{0.3}{}{Include {\tt\textbackslash lingchi} and {\tt\textbackslash YWHW} % as necessary} % For each emoji with a PDF graphic in the |emo-graphics| directory and, if % enabled, the two extra macros, the corresponding % |\emo@emoji@|\meta{emoji-name} macro expands to its Unicode sequence. With % over 3,000 distinct emoji in Unicode 15, emo relies on a Python script for % populating the graphics directory and writing the table to the % \texttt{\jobname.def} file. Since the package code does not change after % installation but the emoji table may very well change, they are kept separate. % Alternatively, we could use DocStrip to assemble the package file from three % parts, the code from the previous sections, then the contents of the emoji % table in |emo.def|, and then all subsequent code. Alas, that seems a bit much % for turning two files into one. % \begin{macrocode} \input{emo.def} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \subsection{Internal Macros} % % \begin{macro}{\emo@error@fg} % \begin{macro}{\emo@error@bg} % \begin{macro}{\emo@error} % Define two colors and a function that uses the two colors for formatting an % attention-grabbing error message. If you use an invalid emoji name and % overlook the warning in the console, you \emph{will} notice the error messsage % in the document thusly formatted. % \begin{macrocode} \definecolor{emo@error@fg}{rgb}{1,1,1} \definecolor{emo@error@bg}{rgb}{.6824,.0863,.0863} \def\emo@error#1{% \colorbox{emo@error@bg}{% \textcolor{emo@error@fg}{% \textsf{Bad} \texttt{\textbackslash emo\{#1\}}% }% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\emo@ifdef} % Validate the emoji name given as first argument. The macro expands to the % second argument if the name is valid and an error message otherwise. Its % implementation relies on the |emo@emoji| table. % \begin{macrocode} \def\emo@ifdef#1#2{% \ifcsname emo@emoji@#1\endcsname#2\else% \PackageWarning{emo}{Unknown emoji name in `\string\emo{#1}'}% \emo@error{#1}% \fi% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\emo@index} % If indexing is enabled, record the use of an emoji. Otherwise, do nothing. % \begin{macrocode} \ifemo@indexing \newindex{emo}{edx}{end}{Emoji Index} \def\emo@index#1{\index[emo]{#1}} \else \def\emo@index#1{} \fi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\emo@content} % \changes{0.4}{}{Remove extra space from PDF renderer} % Render the emoji content. This macro interfaces with the backend and thus % needs to be defined as many times as there are backends: The Unicode backend % just expands the entry from the emoji table. The font backend does the same, % but sets the font to Noto Color Emoji first. The PDF backend instead includes % the corresponding PDF graphic. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\emo@backend\emo@use@unicode \def\emo@content#1{% \begingroup\csname emo@emoji@#1\endcsname\endgroup% } \else \ifx\emo@backend\emo@use@font \newfontface\emo@font[Renderer=Harfbuzz]{NotoColorEmoji.ttf} \def\emo@content#1{% \begingroup\emo@font\csname emo@emoji@#1\endcsname\endgroup% } \else \def\emo@content#1{% \raisebox{-0.2ex}{% \includegraphics[height=1em]{emo-graphics/emo-#1}}% } \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % % In debug mode, emo draws a box around the content of |\emo|. That may help % when tracking down spurious whitespace. % \begin{macrocode} \ifemo@debug \let\emo@realcontent=\emo@content \def\emo@content#1{\fbox{\emo@realcontent{#1}}} \fi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % ^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \subsection{User Macros} % % \begin{macro}{\emo} % Thanks to carefully defined internal macros, the implementation of the main % |\emo| macro is almost trivial. If the emoji name passes muster, emit an index % entry and render the emoji content: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\emo[1]{% \emo@ifdef{#1}{% \emo@index{#1}% \emo@content{#1}% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\lingchi} % \changes{0.3}{}{Build on {\tt\textbackslash emo} by default} % \begin{macro}{\YHWH} % \changes{0.3}{}{Build on {\tt\textbackslash emo} by default} % % Since the emoji table in |emo.def| includes macros with the Unicode codepoints % for ``lingchi'' and ``YHWH,'' the implementation of |\lingchi| and |\YHWH| % just delegates to |\emo|. % \begin{macrocode} \ifemo@extra \ifx\emo@backend\emo@use@font\else \newcommand\lingchi{\emo{lingchi}\xspace} \newcommand\YHWH{\emo{YHWH}\xspace} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % Except, as hinted at by the backend test, delegating to |\emo| won't work when % using fonts, since |\emo| uses Noto color emoji whereas the two extra macros % do not. In that case, we define alternative versions that, similar to |\emo| % rely on their own specialized |\emo@content| macros and also wrap them when % the \textsf{debug} package option is enabled. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\emo@backend\emo@use@font \newfontface\emo@chinese{emo-lingchi.ttf} \newfontface\emo@hebrew{LinLibertine_R.otf} \def\emo@lingchi@content{\begingroup\emo@chinese\emo@emoji@lingchi\endgroup} \def\emo@YHWH@content{\begingroup\emo@hebrew\emo@emoji@YHWH\endgroup} \ifemo@debug \let\emo@lingchi@realcontent=\emo@lingchi@content \let\emo@YHWH@content=\emo@YHWH@content \def\emo@lingchi@content{\fbox{\emo@lingchi@realcontent}} \def\emo@YHWH@content{\fbox{\emo@YHWH@realcontent}} \fi \newcommand\lingchi{\emo@index{lingchi}\emo@lingchi@content\xspace} \newcommand\YHWH{\emo@index{YHWH}\emo@YHWH@content\xspace} \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % Et voil\`a. That's it! % % \begin{macrocode} %</package> % \end{macrocode} % % % ^^A ================================================================================== % \section{LaTeXML Binding} % \changes{0.2}{}{Add LaTeXML binding for conversion to HTML} % % ^^A Reset line number counter % \makeatletter % \c@CodelineNo 0 % \makeatother % % To support conversion from LaTeX to HTML, emo includes a so-called binding for % \href{https://github.com/brucemiller/LaTeXML}{LaTeXML}. It effectively is a % (much simplified) re-implementation of emo's core functionality, only written % in Perl against LaTeXML's API. The binding ignores the \textsf{index} option % and does not perform error checking on emoji names. If either is important to % you, please compile the document with LaTeX first. Furthermore, the binding % emits necessary Unicode codepoints only, without font annotations. If you want % to specify fonts, please use a CSS fontstack. % % Asking package authors to reimplement their packages for LaTeXML seems % unreasonable to me. It leads to code duplication and places the maintenance % burden on package authors. Yet, right after announcing emo, the question of % LaTeXML support came up. LaTeXML includes the |latexml.sty| package, which % defines |\iflatexml|. I would have used that command to make the three-line % change to |emo.sty| necessary to support LaTeXML, except |latexml.sty| % contains lots of other stuff that isn't needed. Always loading lots of macros % only to detect LaTeXML slows down compilation and wastes memory. Since % reimplementing |\iflatexml| would require a binding anyways, I just wrote a % minimal binding. As I said, LaTeXML's approach is broken. % % With that out of the way, let's get started: % \begin{macrocode} %<*latexml-binding> % \end{macrocode} % % The binding starts with an explicit preamble because |docstrip| does not % alllow for a redefinition of the starting characters of a line comment. It is % followed by the Perl dependencies. % \begin{macrocode} ## emo's LaTeXML binding. ## (C) 2023 by Robert Grimm. ## Released under LPPL v1.3c or later. use strict; use warnings; use LaTeXML::Package; % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\ifemo@extra} % Next, we use raw TeX to declare the LaTeX package and define the |emo@extra| % conditional. There is no need to define the |emo@indexing| conditional, since % it corresponds to the unsupported \textsf{index} option. % \begin{macrocode} RawTeX(<<'EOTeX'); \ProvidesPackage{emo} [2023/04/26 v0.4 emo���ji for all (LaTeX engines)] \newif\ifemo@extra\emo@extrafalse EOTeX % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Option prcessing is almost trivial: % \begin{macrocode} DeclareOption('extra', '\emo@extratrue'); DeclareOption('index', ''); DeclareOption('debug', ''); ProcessOptions(); % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\emo@emoji@name} % \begin{macro}{\emo} % Just like the actual package implementation, the LaTeXML binding reads the % emoji table from |emo.def|. Similar to the actual implementation of the |\emo| % macro when running under LuaLaTeX, the binding expands the named entry from % the emoji table, producing the emoji's Unicode codepoints. % \begin{macrocode} InputDefinitions('emo', type => 'def', noltxml => 1); DefMacro('\emo{}', '\csname emo@emoji@#1\endcsname'); % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\lingchi} % \begin{macro}{\YHWH} % If the |emo@extra| conditional is enabled, require the |xspace| package and then % provide minimal re-definitions of the |\lingchi| and |\YHWH| macros. Both simply % expand to the necessary Unicode codepoints. % \begin{macrocode} if (IfCondition(T_CS('\ifemo@extra'))) { RequirePackage('xspace'); DefMacro('\lingchi', "\x{51cc}\x{9072}\\xspace"); DefMacro('\YHWH', "\x{05D9}\x{05D4}\x{05D5}\x{05D4}\\xspace"); } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % That's it for the binding, too. % \begin{macrocode} %</latexml-binding> % \end{macrocode} % % % ^^A ================================================================================== % \section{Emo's Test Document} % \changes{0.4}{}{Introduce a simple unit testing framework} % % ^^A Reset line number counter % \makeatletter % \c@CodelineNo 0 % \makeatother % % As emo's tagline so loudly pronounces, the package is intended to enable emoji % across all major LaTeX engines. This document provides the basis for testing % that this is indeed the case. It results in a concise card, or ``canary,'' % that (1) identifies the engine, (2) lists the macro names |\emo|, |\lingchi|, % and |\YHWH| adorned with \emo{check-mark-button} or \emo{cross-mark} to % indicate whether the macro produced output of the expected width, and (3) % shows the same line of text using the three macros, with visible bounding % boxes for line and words as well as line only. % % % \subsection{Test Preamble} % % As usual, we start the test document by declaring its class and requiring % necessary packages. Notably, |standalone| and |varwidth| help generate a PDF % card that is sized to the test output. |iftex| is necessary for dynamically % detecting the LaTeX engine, and |emo| is about to be tested. The rest are % mostly indulgences for appearance. We also wrap the entire test document in an % |\iffalse| |\fi| block so that it doesn't interfere with documentation % generation. % \begin{macrocode} %<*scaffold> \iffalse %</scaffold> %<*canary> \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage[extra]{emo} \usepackage{iftex} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{varwidth} \iftutex \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{libertinus} \setmonofont{inconsolata} \else \usepackage{libertinus} \usepackage{inconsolata} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\enginename} % I couldn't find an existing macro that provides the engine name. Hence, we % gotta round up the usual suspects: % \begin{macrocode} \ifxetex \def\enginename{XeTeX} \else \ifluatex \def\enginename{LuaTeX} \else \ifpdftex \def\enginename{pdfTeX} \else \def\enginename{unknown engine} \fi \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\nobx} % \begin{macro}{\wbx} % \begin{macro}{\lbx} % To display text with bounding boxes, we define some (very neutral) colors and % boxes. In particular, |\nobx| and |\wbx|, respectively, do not or do draw a % box around a word or emoji. |\lbx| draws a box around the line of text. % \begin{macrocode} \definecolor{wordboxframe}{HTML}{636366} \definecolor{lineboxframe}{HTML}{48484A} \definecolor{lineboxbg}{HTML}{E5E5EA} \setlength{\fboxrule}{0.5pt} \setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt} \newcommand\nobx[1]{#1} \newcommand\wbx[1]{\fcolorbox{wordboxframe}{white}{#1}} \newcommand\lbx[1]{\fcolorbox{lineboxframe}{lineboxbg}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\boundedtext} % Drawing bounding boxes around ``building blocks,'' i.e., emoji and words % appearing in a line of text, can help identify buggy font metrics, spurious % spaces, and so on. But it also is an awfully cluttered presentation. Hence we % display the same line a second time, this time without the word-level boxes. % That seems like a good use case for LaTeX's star-form of a command. % \begin{macrocode} \makeatletter \def\@boundedtext#1{% \lbx{% #1{It's} #1{\lingchi}: #1{Please}, #1{\YHWH}, #1{have} #1{mercy} #1{\emo{pleading-face}}!% }% } \newcommand*\boundedtext{% \@ifstar{\@boundedtext{\wbx}}{\@boundedtext{\nobx}}% } \makeatother % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\checkwidth} % Validating the output of emo's macros turned out to be a bit trickier than I % had expected. The obvious approach, expanding macros to primitives and then % comparing to expected results, simply doesn't work---even though LaTeX does % have builtin support for eager expansion via, for example, |\expandafter| and % |\edef|. The reason is that unlike C, where the preprocessor runs strictly % before the rest of the compiler, macro expansion in TeX and LaTeX is % ubiquitous, delayed, repeated, interleaved, and so on. % % ^^A https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/67192/using-qstest-to-implement-unit-tests % % Instead, we need to take a sneakier approach: Generate a box with the macro % application and another box with the expected result and then compare the % widths of the two boxes. While that cannot detect all bugs, it can detect one % critical class of bugs: spurious whitespace! Alas, there is an additional % complication: |\lingchi| and |\YHWH| use |xspace| to avoid ugly trailing % backslash characters. But that also makes their results context-sensitive, % which might become a problem in a unit test without context. It is for just % that reason that the text arguments to |\sbox\actual| or |\sbox\expected| % below end with a period. % % Even though |\checkwidth| only tests three macros and two of them take no % arguments, it still requires five arguments to cover all variability: % \begin{enumerate} % \item name of macro being tested; % \item macro invocation being tested; % \item name of font variable used in LuaLaTeX's output; % \item Unicode code sequence in LuaLaTeX's output; % \item file name for fallback PDF graphic without ``|emo-|'' prefix. % \end{enumerate} % The third and fourth arguments are separate because the font variable only % exists when running under LuaLaTeX. % \begin{macrocode} \newsavebox{\actual} \newsavebox{\expected} \newcommand\checkwidth[5]{% \sbox\actual{#2.}% \ifluatex% \sbox\expected{% \begingroup\csname#3\endcsname #4\endgroup.}% \else% \sbox\expected{% \raisebox{-0.2ex}{% \includegraphics[height=1em]{emo-graphics/emo-#5}}.}% \fi% \def\macroname{\texttt{\char`\\#1}}% \ifdim\wd\actual=\wd\expected% \mbox{\macroname{} \emo{check-mark-button}}% \else% \edef\actualwidth{\the\wd\actual}% \edef\expectedwidth{\the\wd\expected}% \mbox{\macroname{} \emo{cross-mark} \actualwidth{} \expectedwidth}% \fi% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \subsection{Test Body} % % All test macros have been defined and we can finally get to actually testing % emo. We put all output in a |varwidth| environment to ensure that the PDF is % content-sized. Since the output includes text with bounding boxes, we use a % really large font size. % \begin{macrocode} \begin{document} \begin{varwidth}{6in} \Huge % \end{macrocode} % % At the top of the card are the engine name and the width tests, one for each % macro. % \begin{macrocode} \noindent\enginename: \Large Width of \checkwidth{emo}{\emo{robot}}{emo@font}{\char"1F916}{robot}, \checkwidth{lingchi}{\lingchi}{emo@chinese}{\char"51CC\char"9072}{lingchi}, \checkwidth{YHWH}{\YHWH}{emo@hebrew}{\char"5D9\char"5D4\char"5D5\char"5D4}{YHWH} \vspace{1ex}\Huge % \end{macrocode} % % At the bottom of the card are the two lines of text with bounding boxes, % \emph{with} word-level boxes and then without. % \begin{macrocode} \boundedtext*{} \vspace{1ex}\newline \boundedtext{} % \end{macrocode} % % That's it as far as tests are concerned. Clearly, writing the test macros was % more involved than using them. That effort also is the reason I decided to % include the annotated test document in |emo.dtx|. All that's left at this % point is wrapping up the test document, wrapping up the enclosing conditional, % and wrapping up emo's documentation. It's a wrap \emo{zany-face} % \begin{macrocode} \end{varwidth} \end{document} %</canary> %<*scaffold> \fi %</scaffold> % \end{macrocode} % % % \Finale