%% This is file `epspdfconversion.sty',
%% It is based on epstopdf.sty by Heiko Oberdiek and is a tool to use Siep
%% Kroonenberg's Epspdf-tools  (http://tex.aanhet.net/epspdf/)
%% "on the fly" in LaTeX
%% Please send suggestions to d.becker@jpberlin.de
%% version history:
%% 0.61 * new options pdftopdf and pstopdf. Uses epspdf to do pdf-to-pdf and ps-to-pdf conversions. Allows grayscaling, calculation of 
%%        bounding boxes etc for pdf's that already exist an for .ps-files. Disabled by default.
%%      * bugfix for the outdir-option (converted files in subdirectories are again saved in those subdirectories)
%%        (Thanks to Stefan Pofahl for the feedback.)
%%      * small improvement of the documentation (on the windows epspdf.bat file, on epstopdf's option 'outdir')
%%      * now uses epstopdf's \epstopdfDeclareGraphicsRule
%% 0.6  * pdfversion now uses epspdf's --pdfversion. --version in epspdf is to print the 
%%        version number of epspdf (currently, epspdf is at 0.5)
%%      * new author email
%% 0.5  this update makes use of changes in the epstopdf-package v2.2
%%      * new options 
%%        update,verbose,prefersuffix,suffix,outdir
%%        (they are really epstopdf options, but can be set 
%%        as options for this package)
%%      * default is that converted files have a suffix
%%      * info in logfile about the setup that is used for epstopdf
%%      * new options hires, no-hires
%% 0.4: the epstopdf-package is now loaded with options [update,prepend] 
%%      (works only when epstopdf version 1.5 is used) An update of epstopd.sty
%%      (part of the oberdiek-bundle) is recommended. Added options nogrey,nogray
%% 0.3: Heiko Oberdiek substantially improved the code. 
%%      The kvoptions-package is now used for the implemention of options. 
%%      See the documentation for effects and additional features. 
%% 0.2: the package is now simply based on epstopdf. This package essentially
%%      defines \@namedef{Gin@rule@.eps}#1{{pdf}{.pdf}{`\conversioncommand #1}}
%%      differently than epstopdf. The code has been cleaned up. Improvements of
%%      documentation and additional warning about pdfminorversion....
%% 0.1: first try

  [2010/06/01 v0.61 Conversion eps->pdf with epspdf-tools on the fly]

%% this loads the graphics, epstopdf and the kvoptions packages. 
\RequirePackage{epstopdf-base}[2009/07/16]% version 2.2 is necessary
\RequirePackage{kvoptions}[2006/08/22]% because of \DeclareBoolOption


%% this is the basic command necessary for the conversion with epspdf 

% Gray
% \EPC@gray stores the whole option
\DeclareVoidOption{gray}{%this is for the \usepackage[gray]{...
  \def\EPC@optgray{--gray }%this is the effect in the command line
  \def\EPC@optgray{--GRAY }%
  \def\EPC@optgray{--grey }%
  \def\EPC@optgray{--GREY }%
  \def\EPC@optgray{ }%
  \def\EPC@optgray{ }%

% Target
% \EPC@target stores the target only
% target         ==> --target=default
% target=printer ==> --target=printer
% screen         ==> --target=screen

% Version
% \EPC@pdfversion stores the version only
% pdfversion=1.2 ==> --pdfversion=1.2
% the warning with pdfminorversion does not work?

      Ignoring unknown value for `pdfversion'. Known values are: 1.2,1.3, 1.4, default%
            You have chosen pdfversion=#1,\MessageBreak  
            but you generate PDF-1.\number\MinorVersion.%
            This can be changed by\MessageBreak
            (at the very beginning of your .tex file).\MessageBreak Or try `pdfversion=1.\number\MinorVersion'%

\@namedef{EPC@pdfversion@default}{0}% disable version check

% bbox       ==> --bbox
% bbox=true  ==> --bbox
% bbox=false ==> option disabled

%support for pdftopdf-conversion

%support for pstopdf-conversion

  \def\EPC@optpdftops{-U }%
  \def\EPC@optpdftops{-I }%

  \def\EPC@opthires{--hires }%
  \def\EPC@opthires{--no-hires }%


  % disable other options

% default setting: all options cleared

% Options help works immediately, if shell escape feature is enabled.

  \expandafter\ifx\csname EPC@#1\endcsname\@empty
    --#1=\@nameuse{EPC@#1} %

%% this is the setup of the command line....
    --bbox %

%% message in the log-file:
\epspdfconversioncmdline{<file>} is used to convert eps->pdf \MessageBreak(not epstopdf (script))\MessageBreak

%% this allows to change the options on the fly
% Use example: \epspdfconversionsetup{target=prepress,bbox}
%%%%%  epstopdf-options .....

% update, default is true, can be set as update=false
% verbose, default is true, can be set as verbose=false
% if there is original.pdf and original-suffix.pdf, prefer original-suffix.pdf
% (the one that has been generated by epspdf), can be set as prefersuffix=false
% suffix. Avoids accidental overwriting of files. 
% usage: suffix={bla}
%  specifies an outdir, default is current directory ...


% Important: !!!

^^Jepspdfconversion.sty is using epstopdf.sty with the following setup:}

% use them to set epstopdf up
% update
\typeout{\space\space\space\space update=true,}%
\typeout{\space\space\space\space update=false,}%
% verbose
\typeout{\space\space\space\space verbose=true,}%
\typeout{\space\space\space\space verbose=false,}%
% prefersuffix
\typeout{\space\space\space\space prefersuffix=true,}%
\typeout{\space\space\space\space prefersuffix=false,}%
% suffix
\typeout{\space\space\space\space suffix=\EPC@suffix,}%

% outdir
      \typeout{\space\space\space\space option outdir not set. Default: same directory as the .eps-source-file}%
     \typeout{\space\space\space\space outdir=\EPC@outdir}%

% prepend
\typeout{\space\space\space\space prepend,}%
\typeout{\space\space\space\space append,}%
% enable
\typeout{\space\space\space\space enable}%

% another message...
\typeout{epspdf is used with the following command:}
\typeout{\space\space\space\space \epspdfconversioncmdline{<file>} }


%%% the main functionality of this package: 
%%% this changes the definition provided by epstopdf:

% previously, I used:
%\@namedef{Gin@rule@.eps}#1{{pdf}{.pdf}{`\epspdfconversioncmdline{#1} \OutputFile}}

% since version 0.61: use the mechanism provided by epstopdf to define the eps-pdf conversion rule:

\epspdfconversioncmdline #1 \OutputFile

% pdftopdf
\epspdfconversioncmdline #1 \OutputFile
\typeout{support for pdf-to-pdf is ENABLED}%
\typeout{support for pdf-to-pdf is DISABLED}%

% pstopdf
\epspdfconversioncmdline #1 \OutputFile
\typeout{support for ps-to-pdf is ENABLED}%
\typeout{support for ps-to-pdf is DISABLED}%
