# Package `eqnalign`

The package `eqnalign` is making `eqnarray`(`*`) look and work like `align`(`*`).

## License

Copyright 2016 Tomas (Tom) Hejda, tohecz at gmail

This package is licensed under the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c or higher,
 see http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt .
If you want to support LaTeX development by a donation, the best
way to do this is by donating to the TeX Users Group.

## Contents of the repository

This package's primary source is the repository http://github.com/tohecz/eqnalign
It contains:
- `eqnalign.dtx` - the package installation file
- `eqnalign.ins` - the package installer
- `eqnalign.sty` - the compiled package
- `eqnalign.pdf` - the compiled documentation
- `eqnalign-test.tex` - a test file
- `README.md` - this Readme
- `LICENSE` - the license information

## Contents of the package

The package, as presented at CTAN is a single file `eqnalign.sty` and its documentation `eqnalign.pdf`. They are compiled from `eqnalign.dtx` and `eqnalign.sty`.