% \iffalse meta-comment % % Copyright 2006-2007, 2020 % Sergio Callegari <sergio.callegari@gmail.com> % % --------------------------------------------- % This file is part of the everypage package, % a contribution to the LaTeX2e system. % --------------------------------------------- % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c. % This license is in % https://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c/ % and is part of all distributions of LaTeX later than % 2008-05-04. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". % % This program consists of the files listed in the README file % included in the package. % %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage{mathptmx} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[scaled=0.92]{helvet} % \usepackage{courier} \usepackage{hologo} \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges \begin{document} \DocInput{everypage.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % % \fi % % \DoNotIndex{\@ifundefined, \g@addto@macro} % \DoNotIndex{\def, \gdef, \let, \newcommand} % \DoNotIndex{\MessageBreak, \PackageWarningNoLine, \NeedsTeXFormat} % \DoNotIndex{\ProvidesPackage, \RequirePackage} % \DoNotIndex{\put} % \DoNotIndex{\endinput} % % \CheckSum{71} % % \def\filename{everypage.dtx} % \def\fileversion{2.0b} % \def\filedate{2020/10/17} % \def\docdate{2020/10/17} % % \newcommand*{\Lpack}[1]{\textsf {#1}} ^^A typeset a package % \newcommand*{\Lopt}[1]{\textsf {#1}} ^^A typeset an option % \newcommand*{\file}[1]{\texttt {#1}} ^^A typeset a file % \newcommand*{\Lcount}[1]{\textsl {\small#1}} ^^A typeset a counter % \newcommand*{\pstyle}[1]{\textsl {#1}} ^^A typeset a pagestyle % \newcommand*{\Lenv}[1]{\texttt {#1}} ^^A typeset an environment % % \title{The \Lpack{everypage} package\thanks{This file % (\texttt{\filename}) has version number \fileversion, last % revised \filedate.}} % % \author{% % Sergio Callegari\thanks{Sergio Callegari can be reached at % \texttt{sergio.callegar at gmail dot com}}} % % \date{\docdate} % % \maketitle % % \changes{R2.0b}{2020/10/17}{Fix statement about maintenance state.} % % \section*{WARNING} % \changes{R2.0}{2020/10/11}{Package is now in a `legacy' status.} % % This package is now in \emph{legacy status}. Functionality similar to % that provided by this package has been directly implemented in \LaTeX\ % since its 2020 Fall release. Do not use \Lpack{everypage} in new % documents and do not rely on it in new packages or classes of % yours. % % \smallskip % When running on a pre-2020-10-01 version of \LaTeX, \Lpack{everypage} % will now fall back to \Lpack{everypage-1x}, its own past % code base.\smallskip % % When running on a modern \LaTeX, \Lpack{everypage} will strive to % provide its legacy interfaces by using the newer \LaTeX\ facilities. % However, full equivalence is not possible and breakage may occur. When % truly needed, try loading \Lpack{everypage-1x} in place of % \Lpack{everypage} to force usage of the old code base. This is expected % to keep working for a few more \LaTeX\ release cycles after Fall 2020. % % \bigskip\bigskip % % \begin{abstract} % The \Lpack{everypage} package was meant to extend \LaTeX\ providing % hooks to do actions on every page or on the current page. Currently, % similar functionality is directly provided by \LaTeX. Specifically, % \Lpack{everypage} supports actions performed \emph{before} the page is % shipped, so they can be used to put watermarks \emph{in the % background} of a page, or to set the page layout. The package is in % many ways similar to \Lpack{bobhook} by Karsten Tinnefeld, but it % differs in the way in which the hooks are implemented. In some sense, % it may also be related to package \Lpack{everyshi} by Martin % Schroeder, but again the implementation is different. % \end{abstract} % % \section{Introduction} % % Until a recent past, \LaTeX\ provided no explicit hooks to be run as % documents pages were finalized and output to the dvi or pdf % file. Consequently, many solutions were developed to work around this % limitation and to offer features (e.g., watermarks) that would otherwise % be impossible. These solution included packages such as % \Lpack{everyshi}, \Lpack{bobhook} and \Lpack{watermark}. Package % \Lpack{everypage} was a solution providing plumbing that could be used % in higher level packages such as \Lpack{draftwatermark} (watermarking) % and \Lpack{flippdf} (print preprocessing) to mention a couple of them. % % All of these extensions relied on applying modifications to some \LaTeX\ % internals and as such were prone to subtle interactions with other % packages and breakage. The situation has been cleared by the 2020 Fall % \LaTeX\ release where an official and generic support for hooks has been % introduced. % % As of today, \Lpack{everypage} can be considered obsolete. It needs to % remain around because older releases of \LaTeX\ are still in use and % legacy code exist that is based on the interfaces it exposes. However, % no new document, class or package should be based on it. Furthermore, it % can be expected that existing packages that use \Lpack{everypage} will % progressively learn to rely directly on the new \LaTeX\ hook mechanism. % % This manual is meant to aid the transition by showing how % \Lpack{everypage} is now being updated to cater both for older and newer % \LaTeX\ kernels. Specifically, it illustrates: % \begin{enumerate} % \item how \Lpack{everypage} is now actually split in two packages: % \Lpack{everypage-1x}, providing the old code base; and % \Lpack{everypage} itself, that strives to implement the legacy % interface on top of the new mechanisms offered by \LaTeX; % \item how \Lpack{everypage} can automatically import the old code base % as needed, how loading of the latter can be forced (if absolutely % needed or for comparison) and for how long the old code can be % expected to keep working with newer releases of \LaTeX; % \item how the legacy interface of \Lpack{everypage}, once % implemented/emulated on top of the new \LaTeX\ facilities actually % differs from its nominal behavior. % \end{enumerate} % % \section{The original code base} % \label{sec:original} % \changes{R1.0}{2006/06/30}{% % Initial release.} % % The original implementation of \Lpack{everypage}, now available as % \Lpack{everypage-1x}, adds two \LaTeX\ hooks that get % run when document pages are finalized and output to the dvi or pdf % file. Specifically, one hook gets executed on every page, while the % other is executed for the current page. Hook actions are are performed % \emph{before} the page is output on the medium, and this is important to % be able to play with the page layout or to put things \emph{behind} the % page contents (e.g., watermarks). % % \subsection{User interface} % \label{ssec:ui} % % \DescribeMacro{\AddEverypageHook} The |\AddEverypageHook| command % accepts one argument and adds it to the list of hooks that are run % before every page is output. Similarly, the % \DescribeMacro{\AddThispageHook}|\AddThispageHook| command accepts one % argument, however it adds it to the list of hooks that are run before % the \emph{current} page is output. % % The following rules apply: % % \begin{enumerate} % \item once hooks are introduced and stacked in a series, there is no way % to unstack them, nor to clear them; % \item in order to have hooks that get run only when specific conditions % are met, conditionals must be included in the hooks; % \item \label{itm:formatting}% % there is no formatting inherent in the hooks. If one wants to put some % watermark on a page, it is his own duty to put in the hook the code to % place the watermark in the right position and with the appropriate % appearance and style. When the hooks are run, the page is still empty, % so that one begins filling it at point (1\,inch, 1\,inch) from the top % left corner; % \item \label{itm:nospace}% % the hook code should \emph{eat up no space}. This means that hooks % meant to place some material on the page, need to have the material % placed in a box with zero width and height beforehand. % \item no particular assumption is made on the \LaTeX\ output % driver, so \Lpack{everypage} should work equally well with \LaTeX, % \hologo{pdfLaTeX}, \hologo{LuaLaTeX}, or \hologo{XeLaTeX}. Similarly, % the package should work equally well with dvi, dvips, etc.\@ output % drivers. Obviously, the final compatibility with the different output % drivers depends on the actual code that is placed in the hooks. % \end{enumerate} % % \subsection{Comparison with other packages} % % The purpose of the original code base is better understood by comparing % it to other packages that were meant to solve related problems at the % time when \LaTeX\ had no hook mechanism of its own: % % \begin{itemize} % \item In comparison with \Lpack{bobhook} by Karsten Tinnefeld, % Lpack{everypage} (in its legacy incarnation) used to differ in purpose % and in the hook implementation. Package \Lpack{everypage} was meant to % make no assumption on what one could want to do on every page, whether % to add text, images, or some low-level instruction for the output % driver, or even to perform some accounting task. This made the package % lighter and more flexible at the cost of being more difficult to % use. In other words, \Lpack{everypage} was meant to be more of a % plumbing to be employed in higher level packages; % \item in comparison with \Lpack{watermark} by Alexander I.~Rozhenko, % similar considerations could me made. Specifically, \Lpack{watermark} % is explicitly targeted at making it easy to put watermarks on document % pages, while \Lpack{everypage} is lower level. % \item in comparison to both \Lpack{bobhook} and \Lpack{watermark}, % \Lpack{everypage} used to employ a similar low level mechanism, by % manipulation of the internal \LaTeX\ macro |\@begindvi| to do the % job. However, the redefinition of |\@begindvi| in \Lpack{everypage} % was postponed as much as possible, striving to avoid interference with % other packages using |\AtBeginDvi| or anyway manipulating % |\@begindvi|. Furthermore, \Lpack{everypage} made no special % assumption on the initial code that |\@begindvi| might contain. % \item in comparison with \Lpack{everyshi} by Martin Schroeder, % \Lpack{everypage} used to be similarly low level, but relied on % changing the |\@begindvi| macro, rather than the even lower-level % |\shipout| macro. % \end{itemize} % % \subsection{Known applications of the \Lpack{everypage} code} % % Package \Lpack{everypage} has historically found application in at least % two higher level packages, namely: % \begin{itemize} % \item \Lpack{draftwatermark}, meant at providing extended facilities for % page watermarking on all \LaTeX\ engines and output drivers; and % \item \Lpack{flippdf}, meant at catering for a frequent preprint % requirement, where publisher may require a document with % \emph{mirrored} pages to get the best results out of a photographic % printout process. % \end{itemize} % % \section{The new code base} % \changes{R2.0}{2020/10/11}{% % Complete package rewrite to take advantage of the new % LaTeX hook mechanisms introduced in the Fall 2020 release.} % % The new code base differs from the old one because it does not touch % any \LaTeX\ internals. Conversely it relies on the hook mechanism that % is officially provided by \LaTeX\ since its 2020 fall release. % Obviously, this has no other purpose than to provide back % compatibility for older \LaTeX\ code written before such \LaTeX\ % release and relying on the original \Lpack{everypage} interfaces. % % To this aim, the new code base does the following: % \begin{enumerate} % \item complains out loud, reminding that new code should not be based on % \Lpack{everypage}, but rather make direct usage of the new \LaTeX\ % interfaces; % \item checks whether the new \LaTeX\ interfaces are actually % available. If this is not the case, it resorts to loading % \Lpack{everypage-1x} that provides the old code base; % \item \label{itm:addtohook}% % implements/emulates the |\AddEverypageHook| and |\AddThispageHook| % commands on top of the new |\AddToHook| and |\AddToHookNext| \LaTeX\ % commands. % \end{enumerate} % % With specific reference to point \ref{itm:addtohook} above, note that % the new hook mechanism provided by \LaTeX\ is extensively documented in % issue 32 of \emph{\LaTeX\ News} and in file % |lthooks-doc.pdf|. Furthermore, consider that \Lpack{everypage} employs % hooks in the \emph{shipout} class, which are documented in file % |ltshipout-doc.pdf|. % % \subsection{Compatibility of the new code with the original \Lpack{everypage} % interface} % % Because the implementation is different and due to choices (in fact, % quite reasonable ones) by the \LaTeX\ developers, the new implementation % of \Lpack{everypage} cannot be exactly equivalent to the original one % (hence, please, do not open bugs for this!). % % The main difference is the hook code provided by the user now gets % wrapped in a |\put| command, inside a |picture| environment with % |\unitlength| at 1\,pt. This is because \Lpack{everypage} relies on a % |shipout/background| type hook. The |\put| command typesets material at % (1\,in, -1\,in) to emulate the original coordinate system of % \Lpack{everypage}. This means that some of the points about the % interface in section~\ref{ssec:ui} do not apply anymore (or at least do % not apply in the same way). Specifically, point \ref{itm:formatting} % about lack of any pre-canned formatting is not completely true anymore, % because of the implicit picture environment. Furthermore, point % \ref{itm:nospace} about the need not to eat up space can now be % completely ignored. % % While the changes described above seem to go in the direction of less % rules and less concern, this might not be always true and subtle % breakage of legacy code may happen in corner cases. % % \section{Forcing usage of the older code base} % % The usage of the older code base of \Lpack{everypage} can be forced by % simply substituting |\usepackage{everypage-1x}| for % |\usepackage{everypage}|. In this case, no warning about the package % obsolescence is emitted, because it is assumed that the user knows what % he/she is doing. However, explicitly requiring \Lpack{everypage-1x} % is obviously discouraged. % % The old code base actually works just fine with the Fall 2020 \LaTeX\ % release and it will probably keep to do so for a few more \LaTeX\ % release cycles. This is mostly up to the \LaTeX\ developers and their % will to maintain untouched some internal deprecated interfaces. In any case, % |\usepackage{everypage-1x}| will eventually stop working and is now % declared in an \emph{unmaintained state}. % % % \StopEventually {} % \section{Implementation} % \subsection{Implementation of \Lpack{everypage}} % \iffalse %<*everypage> % \fi % Announce the name and version of the package, which requires % \LaTeXe. % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{everypage}% [2020/10/17 R2.0b Hooks to run on every page] % \end{macrocode} % Complain out loud about the package being obsolete. % \begin{macrocode} \PackageWarningNoLine{everypage}{% Functionality similar to this package has recently\MessageBreak been implemented in LaTeX. This package is now in\MessageBreak legacy status.\MessageBreak Please, don't use it in new documents and packages} % \end{macrocode} % Depending on the actual functionalities provided by \LaTeX\ consider % loading \Lpack{everypage-1x}. If so doing, warn about this too and % stop. Otherwise give some more warnings. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{AddToHook}{% \PackageWarningNoLine{everypage}{% You appear to be running a version of LaTeX\MessageBreak too old to provide the new functionality.\MessageBreak Forcing fallback to `everypage-1x` that\MessageBreak uses an older code base} \RequirePackage{everypage-1x} \endinput}{% \PackageWarningNoLine{everypage}{% You appear to be running a version of LaTeX\MessageBreak providing the new functionality.\MessageBreak Doing the best to deliver the original `everypage`\MessageBreak interface on top of it. Strict equivalence is\MessageBreak not possible, breakage may occur.\MessageBreak If truly needed, Use `everypage-1x` to force the\MessageBreak loading of an older code base}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\AddEverypageHook}\begin{macro}{\AddThispageHook}% % Finally, implement the \Lpack{everypage} interface on top of the \LaTeX\ % |shipout/background| hooks. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\AddEverypageHook}[1]{% \AddToHook{shipout/background}{\put(1in,-1in){#1}}} \newcommand*{\AddThispageHook}[1]{% \AddToHookNext{shipout/background}{\put(1in,-1in){#1}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro}\end{macro} % \iffalse %</everypage> % \fi % % \subsection{Implementation of \Lpack{everypage-1x}} % \iffalse %<*everypage-1x> % \fi % Announce the name and version of the package, which requires % \LaTeXe. % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{everypage-1x}% [2020/10/10 1.2 Hooks to run on every page] % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\sc@everypage@hook}\begin{macro}{\sc@everypage@hook} % Define internal macros to hold the hooks and initialize them to % contain nothing. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\sc@everypage@hook}{} \newcommand{\sc@thispage@hook}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro}\end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\AddEverypageHook}\begin{macro}{\AddThispageHook} % Define the commands used to add the hooks. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\AddEverypageHook}[1]{% \g@addto@macro\sc@everypage@hook{#1}} \newcommand*{\AddThispageHook}[1]{% \g@addto@macro\sc@thispage@hook{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro}\end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\sc@ep@init} % The internal initialization code of the package. The package works % by redefining the normal |\@outputpage| routine that takes care of % outputting pages, so that the modified version first calls a special % preamble, and then calls the original |\@outputpage| code and % finally a postamble. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\sc@ep@init}{% \let\sc@op@saved\@outputpage \def\@outputpage{% \sc@op@preamble \sc@op@saved \sc@op@postamble}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\sc@op@preamble} % \changes{R1.1}{2007/06/20}{% % Fix an out of memory condition.} % \changes{R1.2}{2020/10/10}{% % Reorder operations to take care of code to execute at the beginning of % the output before the `everypage' hooks.} % The outputpage preamble contains instructions to redefine the % |\@begindvi| macro that is called at every page output by the % original |\@outputpage| code. % Specifically: first the original |\@begindvi| is saved; then the % hooks are called; then the hooks for the current page % are cleared; eventually, the saved |\@begindvi| is called. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\sc@op@preamble}{% \let\sc@begindvi\@begindvi \def\@begindvi{% \sc@begindvi \sc@everypage@hook \sc@thispage@hook \gdef\sc@thispage@hook{}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\sc@op@postamble} % The outputpage postamble simply restores the |\@begindvi| command to % the saved value. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\sc@op@postamble}{% \let\@begindvi\sc@begindvi} % \end{macrocode} % Note that in exceptional cases this might not be the intended % behaviour. For instance, consider situations where % the |\@begindvi| is hacked by some other package to modify % itself. By restoring the saved value, one might lose the % modifications. This potential issue is currently under % investigation. % \end{macro} % % As the very last thing, the |\AtBeginDocument| macro is called to % insert the \Lpack{everypage} initialization routine in the queue of % commands to be executed when the actual document begins. In this % way, the \Lpack{everypage} initialization code is run \emph{after} % other packages are loaded. % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{\sc@ep@init} % \end{macrocode} % \iffalse %</everypage-1x> % \fi % % \Finale % \PrintChanges % \PrintIndex % % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} \endinput % %% Local Variables: % %% mode: doctex % %% TeX-master: t % %% End: