% Generated file : DO NOT EDIT
\@ifundefined{@psfontsfalse}{\newif\if@psfonts \@psfontsfalse}{}
\@ifundefined{examn@uprightpifalse}{\newif\ifexamn@uprightpi \examn@uprightpifalse}{}
\@ifundefined{examn@mtselect}{\newcount\examn@mtselect \examn@mtselect=0}{}
    % mathptm fonts
    % This is a very clumsy version, but it appears to be our only option
    \def\vec#1{\mathchoice{\mbox{\boldmath $\displaystyle #1$}}
      {\mbox{\boldmath $ #1$}}
      {\mbox{\boldmath $\scriptstyle #1$}}
      {\mbox{\boldmath $\scriptscriptstyle #1$}}}
      \ClassWarning{exam-n}{Can't do uprightpi in [mathptm] -- sorry}
  \or % mathtime (should this be the same for mathtime as for mtpro2?
      \ClassWarning{exam-n}{Can't do uprightpi in [mathtime] -- sorry}
  \or % mtpro2
    % \uppi is predefined in mtpro2
    % STIX2: the unicode-math package provides a \symbf for bold math symbols,
    \ifnum\examn@engine<2       % pdflatex
      % pdftex (or original tex)
      % The following should, I think, create an upright pi, but doesn't
      \let\italicpi\pi          %for consistency
      \let\symup\mathrm         %not fully the right thing, but avoid errors below
    \else                       % xelatex or lualatex
      % This is where the dependence on a recent LaTeX enters.
      \typeout{stix2: upright=\ifexamn@uprightpi true\else false\fi}
  % CM fonts: \mathbf doesn't work with greek in CM
    % upright greek is hard to do portably, so give up
    % See eg https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/145926/ for discussion
    \ClassWarning{exam-n}{Can't do uprightpi in [cmfonts] -- sorry}
    \let\uppi\pi                %but avoid errors
  % ie, STIX2, and thus using the unicode-math package (see above)

    #1#3\mskip-0.8mu/\mskip-1.2mu #1#4%
    {#1}^{#2}#3\mskip-0.8mu /\mskip-1.2mu #1{#4}^{#2}%
  \@ifstar{\let\un@tsspace\relax    \un@ts}%
\newif\ifexamn@warnunits \examn@warnunitstrue
  \ClassWarning{exam-n}{The units macro will be removed in the next
    version; the [siunitx] option is now on by default, so you can use
    the macros in the siunits package}%