% excludeonly.sty 
% Dan Luecking <luecking@uark.edu> and Donald Arseneau <asnd@triumf.ca>
% This software is contributed to the public domain.
% Usage:
% ~~~~~~
% In the document preamble, "\excludeonly{aaa,bbb}" will prevent files
% aaa.tex and bbb.tex from being typeset by \include{aaa} and \include{bbb}. 
% If both \includeonly and \excludeonly are used, then only the files
% permitted by both declarations are used:
% \includeonly{aaa,bbb}
% \excludeonly{bbb,ccc}
% results in only aaa being included.
% This behavior contradicts the name "exclude only" but the name is 
% desirable anyway to show the relationship with \includeonly.
%     In case it is actually desireable that \excludeonly lives up
% to its name, and causes *all* parts to be included, except those
% explicitly listed for exclusion, there is an [only] package option 
% \usepackage[only]{excludeonly}
% The effect of this is to override any \includeonly commands.
% Conflicts:
% ~~~~~~~~~~ 
% This package redefines the internal \@include command, so it could
% conflict with other redefinitions.  Known conflicts are with document 
% classes "paper.cls" and "thesis.cls" by Wenzel Matiaske. 
%     A different method for implementing \excludeonly would be to 
% redefine \@setckpt to compile a file-inclusion list (\@partlist)
% that accounts for exclusions.  Surprisingly, several packages
% redefine \@setckpt, so this alternative would have more conflicts.
\ProvidesPackage{excludeonly}[2003/03/14 v1.0 %
   eponymous command opposite to \string\includeonly]
\newif\if@excludesw \@excludeswfalse
  \edef\@excllist{\zap@space#1 \@empty}}
\def\@include#1 {%
      \immediate\openout\@partaux #1.aux