%%	This is file 'fancyhandout.cls', Version 2018-01-22
%%	Copyright 2017-18 Sebastian Friedl <sfr682k@t-online.de>
%%	This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project
%%	Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%%	The latest version of this license is available at
%%		http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%%	and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2008-05-04 or later.
%%	This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'maintained'.
%%	Author: Sebastian Friedl
%%	Current maintainer of this work is Sebastian Friedl
%%	This work consists of the files fancyhandout.cls and fancyhandout-doc.tex
%%	---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%	A LaTeX class for producing nice-looking handouts.
%%	---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%	Please report bugs and other problems as well as suggestions for improvements to the following email address: sfr682k@t-online.de
%%	--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

\ProvidesClass{fancyhandout}[2018/01/22 fancyhandout: A LaTeX class for producing nice-looking handouts]

% DEFINE OPTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

% Option for using letter paper

% Option for one-sided layout

% Option for 10pt or 12pt font size

% Option for using the roman font as text font


% LOAD "article" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

% Pass font size to article
\if@tenpt           \PassOptionsToClass{10pt}{article}
\else\if@twelvept   \PassOptionsToClass{12pt}{article}
\else               \PassOptionsToClass{11pt}{article}

% If not specified otherwise, use twoside layout
\if@twoside         \PassOptionsToClass{twoside}{article}

% All options specified. Load article.

% Set \parindent to zero
\parindent 0pt

% REQUIRE "geometry" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

% If not specified otherwise, use twoside layout
\if@twoside \PassOptionsToPackage{twoside}{geometry}

% Page size
\if@letter	\PassOptionsToPackage{letterpaper}{geometry}
\else		\PassOptionsToPackage{a4paper}{geometry}

% Default page margins
\PassOptionsToPackage{left=2.25cm, right=2.25cm, top=2.25cm, bottom=2.25cm, includehead, includefoot}{geometry}

% All options specified. Load geometry.

% REQUIRE OTHER PACKAGES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



			\ifx\insertshorttitle\@empty\else\ifx\insertshortauthor\@empty\else :~\fi\fi%
			\ifx\insertshorttitle\@empty\else\ifx\insertshortauthor\@empty\else :~\fi\fi%

% Required when hyperref is not loaded by the user
% This "fake command" gets redefined when hyperref is loaded
\ifx\phantomsection\@undefined	\let\phantomsection\@empty	\fi
% Also, write the document information to hyperref when loaded
		\hypersetup{pdftitle=\inserttitle,pdfauthor=\insertauthor,pdfcreator={LaTeX with fancyhandout class}}%

% COLOR SETTINGS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


% Basic color

% Initial definition of a primary and a secondary color

% Line colors

% Title box colors

% FONT SETTINGS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

% As long as not specified otherwise, use the sans-serif font by default
\if@sffont    \def\familydefault{\sfdefault}

% TITLE COMMANDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

% Redefine the provided commands and define beamer-like commands inserting their values

% Set the according variable when a command is used

% Typesets a title box
					\ifx\inserttitle\@empty\else {\LARGE\bfseries\inserttitle} \\[\smallskipamount] \fi
					\ifx\insertsubtitle\@empty\else {\large\insertsubtitle} \\ \fi
					\ifx\insertauthor\@empty\else \insertauthor \ifx\insertinstitute\@empty \\[\medskipamount] \else \\ \fi\fi
					\ifx\insertinstitute\@empty\else \insertinstitute \\[\medskipamount] \fi

% SECTION COMMANDS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

% TOC (Pt. I):  Add some space below
	\vskip 1.5\bigskipamount}

% TOC (Pt. II): No numbering of sections and subsections

% Own \section command
	\vskip 2\bigskipamount% \vskip, not \vspace; starts a new paragraph
		#1}\vskip -1ex%
	\vskip \bigskipamount%

% Own \subsection command
	\vskip 1.25\bigskipamount%
		#1}\vskip -1.25ex%
	\vskip \medskipamount%

% Own \subsubsection command
	\vskip .75\bigskipamount% \vskip, not \vspace; starts a new paragraph
	\vskip .75\smallskipamount%

% Redefine article's sectioning commands
	\def\@currentlabel{\enquote{#1}}% Manipulate LaTeX's internal mechanisms to print the section name when using \ref >:)



% OTHER TODOS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

% TODO: Beamer styled boxes!!