# $Id: README,v 1.30 1996/12/02 01:38:45 ohl Exp $

    This is feynmf, a combined LaTeX/Metafont package for easy drawing
    of professional quality Feynman diagrams.  feynmf lays out most
    diagrams satisfactorily from the structure of the graph without
    any need for manual intervention.  Nevertheless all the power of
    Metafont is available for more obscure cases.  See the
    documentation for appetizers, examples and more details.

    A preformatted manual (`manual.ps.gz') is provided to wet your
    appetite with numerous examples.

    Anyway, you are invited to share, use, abuse, and improve it, see
    the file COPYING for details.




   You need a recent LaTeX (LaTeX2e, as of December 1994 is
   sufficient) to use feynmf,  docstrip.tex to install it and doc.sty
   to typeset the documentation.  If it is not already on your system,
   you can get all this (and much more) from your nearest CTAN host.

   To install, either use the Makefile or use the installation file

     $ latex feynmf.ins

   then you can typeset the documentation by

     $ latex fmfman.drv
     $ mf '\mode:=laserjet; input fmfsamp1'
     $ mf '\mode:=laserjet; input fmfsamp2'
     $ mf '\mode:=laserjet; input fmfsamp3'
     $ mf '\mode:=laserjet; input fmfsamp4'
     $ latex fmfman.drv
     $ makeindex -s gind.ist -o fmfman.ind fmfman.idx
     $ makeindex -s gglo.ist -o fmfman.gls fmfman.glo
     $ latex fmfman.drv

   or by using the Makefile (`make man').  That's it.

   There is also a simple example `template.tex' that you can use as
   a template for your own creations.  To typeset, either use the
   feynmf script

     $ feynmf template

   or run Metafont manually

     $ latex template
     $ mf '\mode:=localfont; input fmftempl'
     $ latex template

   Finally, there is another installation file for LaTeX 2.09 compatible
   versions: feynmf209.ins.  This file has to be processed _in addition_
   to feynmf.ins!



    If LaTeX fails with `Unknown graphics extension: 3', you have a
    slightly out-of-date graphics.sty file (LaTeX will have issued a
    warning in this case).  There has been a change to the user
    interface, which makes it very hard to support both versions.
    Sorry.  I have chosen to support the current one, which will
    hopefully be stable.

    You can work around this by either getting a more recent graphics
    package from CTAN (macros/latex/packages/graphics) or by using
    epsf.sty instead (`\let\includegraphics\epsffile\input epsf.sty').
    [You can also ignore it and get the preformatted manual.  But you
    will not be able to use the MetaPost version in this case.]


    Comments, bug reports and improvements are welcome at:

        (aka: ohl@crunch.ikp.physik.th-darmstadt.de)

    New versions can be found in:


    or at CTAN:

          ... macros/latex/contrib/supported/feynmf

    There are two mailing lists


    both are open for subscription.  The former should be very low
    volume and carry only important announcements.  The latter can
    serve as a more general discussion forum.

    To subscribe, send mail to


    and NOT to the lists itself.  The following commands (on a line in
    the body of the mail, not in the subject) are useful: `subscribe
    feynmf-announce', `unsubscribe feynmf-bugs', `help', etc.


NEWS for Version 1.08

    *  Improved very short gluon and photon propagators by relaxing
    overly aggressive rounding.

    *  New (still experimental) `feynmf' script automating the
    invocation of Metafont (requires perl(1)).

NEWS for Version 1.07

    *  Switch off I/O during the first pass in AMS-LaTeX equation
    environments.  This avoids a nasty race condition (thanks to Axel
    Thimm for reporting this bug).  A beneficial side effect is that
    it saves us 50% processing time in these cases.

NEWS for Version 1.06

    *  New abstraction: polygons.  Useful for complex vertices in
    non-perturbative diagrams.

    *  New commands: \fmfpoly, \fmfpolyn and \fmfrpolyn, implementing

    *  New option `rubout' for crossing propagators.

    *  Some common typos are detected are appropriate warning messages
    are issued.

    *  New options `errorstop', `scroll', `nonstop' and `batch' for
    specifying the desired interactionmode.

    *  Work around an obscure babel/german/feynmf three way
    destructive interference.

NEWS for Version 1.05

    *  FeynMF now coexists with french.sty and other packages that
    change the \catcode of ``:''.

    *  Fixed a bug introduced in version 1.03, which could cause
    problems with font loading.  Unfortunately, the fix has to give up
    some compatibility with earlier versions.  Sources for version
    1.02 and earlier which used \noexpand in labels have to upgraded
    or the option `pre-1.03' has to be used.  Sorry.

NEWS for Version 1.04

    *  Finally, \fmffixed{(dx,whatever)}{v1,v2} and
    \fmffixed{(whatever,dy)}{v1,v2} do what you would expect them
    to.  \fmffixedx and \fmffixedy are new synonyms for those.

NEWS for Version 1.03

    *  It is no longer necessary to protect TeX command sequences with
    \noexpand.  Old files using \noexpand will continue to work.

NEWS for Version 1.02

    *  Read the .tfm file before writing the .mf file destructively.
    This should allow a transparent two pass processing if MakeTeXTFM
    is enabled.  Thanks to Thomas Esser <te@informatik.uni-hannover.de> 
    for the suggestion.

NEWS for Version 1.01

    * new decoration shapes for vertices by popular demand: `cross'
    (also `triacross', `pentacross' and `hexacross').

    * fixed a rounding bug in cut-off ends (noticeable as a spurious
    thin diagonal line at the left end of double lines).

    * The maximum size for shaded and hatched areas has been doubled
    by removing an obsolete speedup hack that was not used anymore.

    * In an unrelated move, shading and hatching has been
    reimplemented in a much more general fashion.  Now arbitray
    tilings can be specified as argument to `decoration.filled='.  The
    old style numerical arguments continue to work, but should be
    replaced by `empty', `full', `shaded', and `hatched' in new

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