fmtcount package versions:

Version 3.08

* Add Dutch language support

* Update special characters for German and Spanish

* Fix test suite

Version 3.07:

* Make french definition robust against cleveref 0.21.4 dirty handling
  of conditionals. See

Version 3.06:

* Fix French documentation ����mille���� ��� ����mil���� where applicable.

* Rename \Hexadecimal to \HEXADecimal, and document why. Same for
  \Hexadecimalnum renamed to \HEXADecimalnum. Keep support for old
  macro name with deprecation warning.

* Fix issue #34 (documentation concerning no more trailing space
  gobbling when the optional gender argument is omitted).

* Fix issue #33 (fix ordinalstringnum in German)

Version 3.05:

* Fix issue #28 (works now with lualatex: actually from 3.05 fmtcount
  does not test any longer for what compiler is used but only for what
  multilingual package --- such as polyglossia or babel --- are used).

* Fixe pull request #29 (Fix European Portuguese cardinal
  numbers). Portuguese formatting prior to 3.05 is renamed brazilian,
  and the portuguese is fixed to reflect European Portuguese

Version 3.04:

* Fix issue #27 (New definition of `\Numberstring` is now causing
  problems with glossaries.sty)

* Code optimization with \octal, \hexdecimal, \aaalph, \abalph and
  upercase counterparts when applicable.

* Declare \ordinalnum with etoolbox \newrobustcmd*, rather than LaTeX
  kernel \DeclareRobustCommand* --- this is preferable for compilation
  with TeX4ht.

* Test bench upgrade.

Version 3.03:

* Fix issue #25 (docstripable doc spilled into the portugese code)

Version 3.02:

* Fix issue #24 (Capitalization in French).

* Fix issue #11 (Make lang definition .def files loadable from within
  a group).
* Fix issue #18 (no impact for end user, code optimization for
  \storeordinal definition).
* Make robust \FCordinal, \storeordinal, \ordinalnum, and
Version 3.01:

 * Make fmtord option language dependant

 * Support language as a documentclass option

 * Some improvements in code documentation and testing

 * Use xkeyval instead of keyval for option processing, so as to avoid
   trouble with option de-bracketting

 * Solve issue #15: protect \' for accent in French ordinal

 * Make 1er/1re, 2e the default for French abbreviated ordinals, and
   make abbreviated ordinals the default --- as opposed to
   non-abbreviated like 2\`eme.

 * Solve issue #16: (use of superscript font for ordinals when
   available and xelatex is used)
Version 3.00:

Version 2.04:

 * Renamed \@modulo to \@FCmodulo to avoid conflict with other

 * Fixed "eins" bug in fc-german.def

 * Fixed bug in \@@unitstringportuges

 * Added fc-portuguese.def

Version 2.03:

 * Renamed \@fc@loadifbabelldf to \@fc@loadifbabelorpolyglossialdf
   and added check for polyglossia language.

 * Fixed multilingual issues where provided languages weren't

 * Removed spurious spaces.

Version 2.02:

 * Improved check for multilingual options

 * Fixed \FCloadlang so that catcode for @ set to `letter' before
   reading .def file.

 * Moved loading of fcprefix from fc-french.def to fmtcount.sty

Version 2.01:

 * Fixed copyright text in fmtcount.ins

Version 2.0:

 * fcprefix.sty, fcnumparser.sty added by Vincent Bela��che

 * fmtcount.sty now loads etoolbox

 * Minor corrections to fc-spanish.def (corrections provided by
   Fernando Maldonado Mill��n)

 * Minor corrections to fc-german.def (corrections provided by
   Dominik Wa��enhoven)

 * Fixed bug in OrdinalstringMgerman etc

Version 1.31:

 * fixed unwanted space in \decimalnum

 * fixed bug that ignores spaces after commands like

 * added Italian support (translations provided by Edoardo Pasca)

Version 1.3:

 * no longer loads xspace package (was causing extraneous
   spaces when the optional argument to \ordinalstring etc 
   was omitted.)
 * Made some long commands short.
 * Changes licence text in fmtcount.ins to conform with LPPL.

Version 1.2: fmtcount now loads xspace package, and uses \xspace
after \numberstring etc.

Version 1.1: Added German support. Added check for USenglish
and UKenglish babel settings.

Version 1.09: Added upper case variants \ORDINALstring etc 
(\MakeUppercase{\ordinalstring{<counter>}} doesn't work because
of the way \MakeUppercase expands its argument).

Added commands to store textual representations \storeordinalstring etc

Version 1.08: fixed Portugues spelling mistakes (tr\`es -> tr\^es
centa -> cento)

Version 1.07: fixed bug that causes fc-english.def to be loaded twice

Version 1.06: fixed language-related bug

Version 1.05: fixed bug in \padzeroes

Version 1.04: provided \FCordinal to avoid clashes with the memoir class.

Version 1.03: Minor bug fixes (concerning fmtcount.cfg and the effect of \padzeroes).

Version 1.02: Added multilingual support

Version 1.01: Added support for LaTeX2HTML

Version 1.0: separated counter related code from 