
%version information
  `Fixed Point Pascal Triangle',%
  Version \FP@pasversion\space%
  \space(C) Michael Mehlich%

%resolve dependencies

%%%public area (macros which may be used)%%%

\def\FPpascal#1#2{\FP@pascal{#1}{#2}}%pascal triangle for lines 0,...,63

%%%private fp-area (don't use these macros)%%%

%allocation of registers

%addition of two natural numbers
  % #1 macro, which gets the result
  % #2 1st value
  % #3 2nd value

%the first two entries of the pascal-triangle
\expandafter\edef\csname FP@pas0\endcsname{[1]}
\expandafter\edef\csname FP@pas1\endcsname{[1,1]}

%which is the highest line of the pascal-triangle we have already computed?
\expandafter\edef\csname FP@pascount\endcsname{1}

%compute next line of pascal-triangle
  % #1 previous line of pascal-triangle

%compute n-th line of pascal-triangle
  % #1 which line to compute
        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\FP@pasdouble\csname FP@pas\the\FP@pasc\endcsname%
	\edef\next{\noexpand\global\noexpand\let\csname FP@pas\the\FP@pasc\endcsname\noexpand\FP@tmpb}%

  % #1 macro, which gets the result
  % #2 which line of the pascal-triangle to compute
   \global\edef\FP@tmp{\csname FP@pas\the\FP@pas\endcsname}%