2001-09-08  Matt Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* abbrevs.cfg: Add testing for Acromake category.
	* abbrevs.dtx: Added (messy!) acromake emulation.  Removed
	\TMCurrentMacro for the plain abbrevs -- will deal with that
	* moredefs.dtx: Fixed broken \SaveName.
	* moredefs.dtx: Extend \EExpand...\In examples.
	* Makefile: Remove acromake -- abbrevs now emulates it.
2001-09-05  Matt Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* titles.dtx: Add \slash to \nospacelist.
2001-08-31  Matt Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* abbrevs.dtx: Added to \nospacelist the following between bars:
	|/\slash\@sptoken\ \space\/\@xobeysp|.  Added \TMCurrentMacro.
	* abbrevs.cfg: Add test with \slash.
	* newclude.dtx: Extensive documentation revisions.  Incorporation
	of includex package.  Revision and extension of hooks mechanisms.
	Remove "group" option, which seemed inferior in all cases to the
	* titles.dtx: Changed: \booktitle -> \book, \journaltitle ->
	\journal, \musictitle -> \music, \articletitle -> \article,
	\playtitle -> \play, \crafttitle -> \craft.  Compatibility easily
	retained in configuration file.  New: \species, \WrapquotesSN,
	\WrapquotesDN, \WrapquotesSK, \nospacelist (abstraction of what
	was hard-coded).  Dox revisions.  Some code cleanup.

	* titles.cfg: New: \newlet\longpoem\textitswitch
	\newlet\film\textitswitch \newlet\essaytitle\Wrapquotes
	\newlet\chaptertitle\Wrapquotes. Revise and expand testing to
	accommodate changes in titles.dtx.
	* tag.sto: Add 2d optional argument to \include.  Revise
	* lips.dtx: New: \BracketedLips, \olips, \Lips, mla package
	* group.sto: This file is not distributed any more; it proved
	inferior to other newclude solutions in all applications.
	* footnote.dtx: Dox changes only.
	* epigraph.dtx: Remove call to \normalcitations.  Remove \EPBox.
	Add \@afterheading.
	* compsci.dtx: New: \file \email.  Changed: \booktitle -> \book.
	Add hyperlatex package option.  Make \code not \long.
	* compsci.cfg: Define \ALaTeX instead of \require it (or something
	like that).

	* blkcntrl.dtx: Implementation and documentation revisions.
	* bits.dtx: Requires letterhead package -- which I don't think I
	distribute.  Aha, that's why this is "unsupported"!  It may be
	usable with a dummy letterhead package.  Call scheme-components
	tasks now.

	* attrib.dtx: Add \attribcitations.  Some dox revisions.
	* allocate.sto: Slight dox revisions.
	* achicago.dtx: Depends on slemph and verbatim too now, but not
	relsize.  Some code cleanup.  Bumped minor version number to
	differentiate from what I had up there on my FTP site.
	* achicago-bst.dtx: Extensive revisions to documentation.  Thanks
	to Panagiotis Louridas for pointing out a significant bug that
	would indicate authors with the same last name as the same with a
	3-em dash in the bibliography.  More cleanup of code.  Major
	version to 1; reflects non-beta state.
	* README-unsupported: Remove entry for newclude; revise entry for
	* README: Add section for newclude.
	* Makefile: bundle-license = LPPL.  Newclude moves to supported,
	but remove group.sto.  Includex remains for now.  Alpha-bibstyle
	mla: comment out for now, needs work in Frankenfile.
	Alpha-configs: add letterhead remove myletter.  Dox-requirements:
	add attrib.

	* moredefs.dtx: Many documentation changes.  Change implementation
	of \provideboolean and \newboolean to be compatible with ifthen
	package.  Fix \prependto@macro \g@prependto@macro so they work.
	Fix check for defined macro in \SaveName.  Fix \GobbleO \GobbleMO
	so they work.  Bump \docdate and minor version to distinguish from
	limited release on FTP site.

1999-03-22  Matthew Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* Makefile: Moved dialogue from alph to stable (was a mistake).
	Added ifndefs around HAVE_WEB2C definition.
1999-03-08  Matthew Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* abbrevs.cfg: Moved basic categories and datemarks to .dtx.
	Changed \AbbrevInitialSuffix, \AbbrevSubsequentSuffix back to
	* INSTALL: Added relsize to abbrevs deps.
	* Makefile: Added relsize to abbrevs-deps.
	* abbrevs.dtx: Some dox.  Require slemph.  Changed
	\Abbrev{Initial,Subsequent}Suffix back to \TM...  Added basic
	categories and datemarks from .cfg to main .dtx.

	* achicago-bst.dtx: Revised some dox, adding the table of entry
	types, defining \field, \entry, etc.
	* titles.dtx: Tiny bit of dox.  Fixed some mistakes in
	commented-out \DTypeouts.
	* compsci.dtx: Fix a bit of dox.
	* README-unsupported: Tidied a bit, and mentioned dependences on
	* Makefile: Removed non-bundle fileset rules, dependencies, and
	variables.  Removed symlinks.
	* INSTALL: Revised handling of non-Frankenstein packages.
	Mentioned dox-building requirements.
	* README: Eliminated reference to non-Frankenstein links.
1999-03-01  Matthew Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* compsci.dtx: Lotso doxo.  The whole version-control system
	revamped.  Also began to kick some butt in my verbatim skills with
	a revamp of bothexample that got the kinks out and eliminated
	dependence on moreverb.  Bracket \email with angle brackets.
	* dialogue.dtx: Updated version to 1.1.
	* achicago-bst.dtx: Lotso doxo.
	* titles.cfg: Added Question-or-Exclamation testing.
	* titles.dtx: Major revision.  Lots of dox.  Implemented four
	complementary \WrapquotesXX and two package options.  Implemented
	\IfQuestionOrExclamation.  Package now requires package slemph.
	Added \word \phrase etc.  (Were they in the cfg?)  Changed some
	names from old \sc@ to \ti@.  Moved from an \if to an \ifx so
	titles don't break before funny command sequences.

	* abbrevs.dtx: Just documentation.
	* achicago.dtx: Dox.
	* lips.dtx: Major revision.  Revised most dox.
	\lips will insert nonbreakable space when followed by the chars in
	\LPNobreakList and normally-breakable space for everything else.
	Previously, \lips inserted nonbreakable space for all following
	punctuation, and minimally breakable space for everything else.
	The space that follows a period + ellipsis is now
	normally-breakable when it was nonbreakable.
	We use \ifx instead of \ifcat to look ahead.  This fixes \lips
	breaking before command sequences.
	If \lips occurs before a tie, don't insert post-ellipsis space,
	let the tie insert it.
	Fixed \PackageError bug.  Changed internal \sc@ macros to \lp@
	except for scratch.
1999-02-27  Matthew Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* includex.dtx: Revised dox a bit.  Redid titling.  Added counters
	sc@count and bit.
	* includex-test.tex: Changed titles of provided files.  Redid
	document titling.
1999-02-26  Matthew Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* moredefs.dtx: Revised some dox.  Added \GVerboseErrors, \GDebug,
	\D*Typeout, \DGobbleM, and dox.  Revised \Debug to deal with them.
	* bits.dtx: A tiny bit of dox.
	* newclude.dtx: Changed abstract.  Changed (reverted) to
	\nc@endofpackage instead of \AtEndOfPackage because of some sort
	of problem.
	* INSTALL: Removed mention of moreverb.
	* Makefile: Added some dox.  Removed moreverbs dependency and
	* dialogue.dtx: Attributed the example.  Added a bit of user
	* attrib.dtx: Added user documentation.  Changed \AttribInit to
	\at@init and gave user a hook \AttribInit.  Added footnote hack to
	\at@init.  Added \normalcitations, and added it to \attribstar.
	Added \nobreak to \attrib.
1999-02-25  Matthew Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* Makefile: Added blkcntrl.sty to dox-requirements.
	* blkcntrl.dtx: Added warning when \smallblocks called twice.
	Changed \item[]\hook to \item\relax hook following latest
	classes.dtx (did it change there?).
	* slemph.dtx: Significant change: \itswitch (and \slswitch) now
	switches iff the current font is italic (slanted), rather than
	switching when the current font is sloped
	(i.e., either slanted OR italic).

	* lips.dtx: Revise documentation.
1999-02-23  Matthew Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* README: Thorough revision.
	* Makefile: Thorough revision.
	* INSTALL: Thorough revision.
1999-02-18  Matthew Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* install-lsr: Changed [ -n "$addlsr" ] to [ $addlsr ]; revised
	comments.  Moving to Frankenbundle directory.
1998-08-27  Matthew Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* epigraph.dtx: Added \normalcitations (see attrib.dtx) to

1998-08-24  Matthew Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* achicago-bst.dtx: I changed all `new.sentence' back to
	`new.block' because \newblock was adding a tiny bit of horiz
	space, and that seemed like a good idea.

	* achicago-bst.dtx: Removed `second.presort' function.  Removed
	superfluous variables `sort.label' and `year.and.extra.label'.
	Renamed several variables and functions for clarity.  Added much
	documentation.  Streamlined and debugged
	`make.short.label.names.q'.  Handled duplicate items in the
	bibliography better: now handles duplicate organizations in the
	`manual' entry type.

1998-08-22  Matthew Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* achicago-bst.dtx: Added `make.vol.series.num.month.pages', which
	seems to work for half the cases, namely, where |series| is empty.
	Haven't written the other cases yet.
1998-08-20  Matthew Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* moredefs.dtx: *prepend macros were not prepending, they were

	* epigraph.dtx: Changed \parbox argument from [c] default to [b].

1998-08-15  Matthew Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* abbrevs.cfg: Added example in comments about changing

1997-11-11  Matthew Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* titles.cfg: Moved all the definitions to the main file.  The
	config file should be expendable.

	* moredefs.dtx: Added \ReserveCS* and \ReserveName* and changed
	related dox.

	* titles.dtx: Changed @ti@double@ to @doublequotes@ by using
	\DeclareBooleanOptions to define it.

	Moved the contents of the cfg file into the main file.

	Added \term, \word, \defn, \foreign, \foreignword, \phrase.

	* abbrevs.cfg: Added backwards compatibility of \TMNewCategory,

	* compsci.dtx: removed \word \term \defn and put them in
	titles package, which compsci requires.

	v0.91 (beta) -> v0.92 (beta): changed the redefinition of the
	moreverb command to recognize a variable change in the new
	moreverb.sty.  Released to CTAN 4 Oct 96.  Is there a version of
	the moreverb package I should be checking for?

	* lips.dtx: 1.1 -> 1.2
	1.1 used \newlet but did not require moredefs (bug).  I changed to
	use \newcommand and \let, rather than require moredefs.

	Removed the \expandafters expanding \sc@t@a in
	\sc@lips@check@punct.  This was a bug, it shouldn't have been

        Added more testing material.

	* abbrevs.dtx: \TMLongSuffix and \TMShortSuffix changed to
	\TMInitialSuffix and \TMSubsequentSuffix.
	\TMNewCategory changed to \NewAbbrevCategory; backward compatible
	\let is in the config file.
	\TMDefineAbbrevPlain changed to \TMDefineAbbrevStandard;
	\tm@defineabbrevplain changed to \tm@defineabbrevstandard.
	backward compatible \let for the former in the config file.
	Added documentation for programmer interface commands
	\NewUserAbbrevDefiner, \NewAbbrevCategory.
	Actually implemented \TMHookAll, \TMFontAll (oops!).
	Added note about using with CJK.
1997-11-07  Matthew Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* moredefs.dtx: \NewUserInfo should use \ReserveCS to initialize
	the variable, not \InitCS.

	Fixed documentation of \NewUserCommand: order of arguments was
	wrong; mention how the variable is initialized.
1997-10-20  Matthew Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* compsci.dtx, titles.dtx, abbrevs.dtx, moredefs.dtx: 
	Changed \Monster* to \Franken*.

	* lips.dtx, abbrevs.dtx: Revised abstract.

1997-10-19  Matthew Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* compsci.dtx: Fixed problem with \char`\\ producing a " in
	non-typewriter fonts, that is, in the definition of \meta.  I'm
	lost on the current LaTeX font situation.  I'm using teTeX 0.4,
	which bombs when I try to use T1 encoding.

	Fixed some documentation, including ^^A comments which were
	showing up in the codexample examples.
1997-10-18  Matthew Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

	* titles.cfg: Added \musictitle on 5 Aug 96; just making new
	version now.

	* lips.dtx, abbrevs.dtx, moredefs.dtx, slemph.dtx, titles.dtx:
	Revised documentation.

	* compsci.dtx, abbrevs.cfg: Corrected typos in dox.
	Use \NewRobustCommand for \cname instead of \DeclareRobustCommand.
	* abbrevs.cfg: Corrected typos in testing.

	* abbrevs.dtx:	Added caveat about CJK and 8-bit input.
	Changed \TMNewAbbrevPlain to use \NewRobustCommand instead of

	* moredefs.dtx: Either added or fixed \NewRobustCommand and
	In 1.02 (beta), which this version supercedes, I think I did the

		fixed bug in \InitName 
		added \DeclareBooleanOptions, \DeclareBooleanUserOptions
		      \SaveCS, \SaveName, \RestoreCS, \RestoreName
	* INSTALL: Revised to reflect new CTANs and new distribution
	package format.

	* slemph.dtx: Changed \DeclareTextFontCommand to
	Changed \DeclareRobustCommand to \NewRobustCommand.
	* titles.dtx: Fixed infinite loop bug that occurred with
	1996/12/01 and 1997/06/01 kernels with revised lookahead macros.
	Changed some legacy macro names from \sc@ to \ti@.

Wed Dec 11 12:12:50 1996  Matthew Swift  <swift@bu.edu>

	* README: Added pointer to INSTALL.