-------:| ----------------------------------------------------------------- gzt:| Bundle of two classes and BibLaTeX styles for the French journal ���La Gazette de la Soci��t�� Math��matique de France��� Author:| Denis Bitouz�� E-mail:| denis.bitouze@univ-littoral.fr License:| Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later See:| http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt This bundle provides two classes and BibLaTeX styles for the French journal [���La Gazette de la Soci��t�� Math��matique de France���](https://smf.emath.fr/les-publications/la-gazette): - `gzt` for the complete issues of the journal, aimed at the Gazette���s team, - `gztarticle`, intended for authors who wish to publish an article in the Gazette. This class���s goals are to - faithfully reproduce the layout of the Gazette, thus enabling the authors to be able to work their document in actual conditions, and - provide a number of tools (commands and environments) to facilitate the drafting of documents, in particular those containing mathematical formulas.