%% h2020proposal.cls 2015/08/06 version V1.0
%% LaTeX class for writing EU H2020 RIA proposals.
%% Adapted from ICTProposal.cls 2010/08/09 version V0.9 by Giacomo Indiveri
%% Based on the 2009 fet-workpackage.sty file by Dennis Goehlsdorf and
%% the 2008 ProposalB-template.tex files by Elisabetta Chicca and Chiara
%% Bartolozzi
%% Contributors: Giacomo Indiveri
%% Current maintainer (V1.0): Giacomo Indiveri
%% Copyright (c) 2010, Giacomo Indiveri
%%  This latex class is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
%%  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
%%  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
%%  (at your option) any later version.
%%  h2020proposal.cls is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%%  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%%  GNU General Public License for more details.
%%  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%%  along with h2020proposal.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
% 2011-09-29 - Added draft mode option, to show reference keys and EU instructions
% 2012-02-26 - Added \maketasklist command, to show responsible PIs for WP tasks
% 2012-03-14 - Modified \makewptable to allow for arbitrary number of groups
% 2012-03-20 - Added \ganttchartdata command to fill in data for Gantt chart
% 2015-02-12 - Adapted ICTProposal class to the new H2020 template
% 2015-02-15 - Added Summary of Costs tables
% 2015-04-022- Modified \wptask command to show both leader and contributors 
% 2015-04-04 - Modified \wpdeliverable command to show both "nature" and "dissemination level" in table.
% 2015-08-06 - Rewrote \makecoststable command without making use of auxiliary files. 

\ProvidesClass{h2020proposal}[2015/08/06 revision V0.7 by Giacomo Indiveri]
\ClassInfo{h2020proposal}{-- See the h2020proposal manual for usage information.}
\ClassInfo{h2020proposal}{-- The source comments also have basic usage notes.}

% define new needed flags to indicate document options
% and set a few "failsafe" defaults
\newif\if@draftmode       \global\@draftmodefalse


%% We use the memoir class because it offers a many easy to use features.
  \typeout{** ATTENTION: DRAFT mode.}%
  \renewcommand{\showkeyslabelformat}[1]{\begin{sideways} \framebox{\normalfont\tiny\ttfamily\color{red}#1} \end{sideways}}


\usepackage{longtable} % for the WP, Deliverable and Milestone lists 
\usepackage{coolstr}   % for string checking


%% Proposal pagestyle 
% Set page heading and footers. Read memman Chap.7 for more info on 
% customized headers and footers

%Page Footers
\makeevenfoot{proposal}{ \@shortname }{ \thepage }{ \date{\today} }
\makeoddfoot{proposal}{ \@shortname }{ \thepage }{ \date{\today} }

% Page Headers

%% Main Proposal Information 

\newcounter{@wpcount} % Main Work package counter
\newcounter{@milestone} % Milestones counter
\newcounter{@risk} % Critical risk counter
\newcounter{@pcount} % Participant counter
\newcounter{@totpm} % Total project person months counter
\newcounter{@totdeliv} % Total deliverables counter
\newcounter{@tottask} % Total tasks counter

%Assign values to global variables 
  \stepcounter{@pcount}% Participants counter
  \newcounter{@p\arabic{@pcount}totpm} % Total participants person months counter
  \expandafter\xdef\csname @pFullName\arabic{@p#2num}\endcsname{#1}%
  \expandafter\xdef\csname @pShortName\arabic{@p#2num}\endcsname{#2}%
  \expandafter\xdef\csname @pCountry\arabic{@p#2num}\endcsname{#3}%
%Display variables assigned
%Get participant number from short name
%  Create participants table row
  \ifthenelse{\value{#1}=1}{ (Coordinator) &}{&}%
  \disptoken{@pFullName\arabic{#1}} & 
  \disptoken{@pShortName\arabic{#1}} & 
  \disptoken{@pCountry\arabic{#1}} \\

%% Proposal Title Page

%%% Redefine \maketitle
%  \let\clearpage\relax
  \long\def\@makefntext##1{\parindent 1em\noindent
  \global\@topnum\z@   % Prevents figures from going at top of page

    \let \footnote \thanks
    {\LARGE \@title \par}%
    \vskip 1.25em%
    {\Large \@shortname \par}%
    \vskip 1.25em%
    \ifx\@titlelogoname\empty \else
%    \vskip 1.5em%

%% Participants Table
\newcommand{\makeparticipantstable} {%
  % set counters, and decrease count by one to get tabular to work properly
  % create Participants table
      \textbf{Participant no.} & \textbf{Organization name} &
      \textbf{Short name} & \textbf{Country} \\ 
      \ptablerow{@ptable} % add last row by hand to get tabular to
      % work properly

%% Work package macros

% \renewcommand{\the@wpcount}{WP.\arabic{@wpcount}}

\expandafter\xdef\csname @wp\arabic{@wpcount}Title\endcsname{#1} 
\expandafter\xdef\csname @wp\arabic{@wpcount}StartMonth\endcsname{#1} 
\expandafter\xdef\csname @wp\arabic{@wpcount}EndMonth\endcsname{#1} 
\expandafter\xdef\csname @wp\arabic{@wpcount}Type\endcsname{#1} 

%% Work package environment


  %% WP objectives environment

  %% WP description environment
      \subsubsection*{Description of work}

  %% WP description environment

{% leader, contributors, start, end, title, description
  % Linear vector for task list  index entries
  % Strings
%  \begin{shaded} \paragraph{Task \the@wptask} \textbf{#5 (M#3-M#4)}\end{shaded}
  \paragraph{Task \the@wptask:  #5 (M#3-M#4) } 
  \hfill \emph{Leader: \textbf{#1}. Contributors: #2}\\

{ % [delivery date]{leader}{nature}{dissemination level}{title}
  % if no delivery date is specified, the default is M12
  % Linear vector for sorting dates in delivery list table, and index entries
  % Strings
  % Output
  \paragraph{\the@wpdeliv} {#5} \textbf{(M#1)}%\relax

  \expandafter\xdef\csname @wpLeader\arabic{@wpcount}\endcsname{\getPnum{#1}}


%%% WP Table row

    \whiledo{\boolean{@stillundefined} \AND \value{@wpcolgroup}<\value{@pcount}}
    }% end whiledo stillundefined   
  }% end whiledo colidx
  {& \multicolumn{\arabic{@wpcolempty}}{X|}{}\\}%

%% WP Table
\newcommand{\makewptable} {%
    \textbf{Work package number} & \noexpand\cellcolor[gray]{0.8}\textbf{WP\the@wpcount} & 
    \textbf{Starting month} &
    \disptoken{@wp\arabic{@wpcount}StartMonth} \\
    \textbf{Work package title} & 
    \multicolumn{2}{p{0.65\textwidth}}{\textbf{\disptoken{@wp\arabic{@wpcount}Title}}} & \\
  % make multiples rows 
    \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|p{0.25\textwidth}|X|X|X|X|X|X|} % 6 columns for participants
      % \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|p{0.25\textwidth}|p{4em}@{}|p{4em}@{}|p{4em}@{}|p{4em}@{}|p{4em}@{}|p{5em}@{}|X|} % 6 columns for participants
      \textbf{Participant number} 
      \textbf{Short name}
  }% end multiples rows
  % Update Total Person Months

%% Direct Costs Macros

\newcounter{@costsT}  % Travel costs counter
\newcounter{@costsE}  % Equipment costs counter
\newcounter{@costsO}  % Other costs counter
\newcounter{@totcosts} % Total costs counter

  % {participant}{cost}{justification}
  \expandafter\protected@xdef\csname @tJustification\arabic{@costsT}\endcsname{#3}%

  % {participant}{cost}{justification}
  \expandafter\protected@xdef\csname @eJustification\arabic{@costsE}\endcsname{#3}%

  % {participant}{cost}{justification}
  \expandafter\protected@xdef\csname @oJustification\arabic{@costsO}\endcsname{#3}%

%% Other direct costs Table
\newcommand{\makecoststable} {%
      participants defined yet. Use the \texttt{\textbackslash
        participant} command to define new participants.}}{%

        \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|l| p{4em}| X |}
          \cellcolor[gray]{0.8} \textbf{Participant no. \arabic{@row}}
          \textbf{(\csname @pShortName\arabic{@row}\endcsname)} &
          \cellcolor[gray]{0.8} \textbf{Cost (EUR)} &
          \cellcolor[gray]{0.8} \textbf{Justification}
          \\ \hline
            \cellcolor[gray]{0.8} \textbf{Travel} &
            \arabic{@dctpnum\arabic{@row}} &
            \csname @tJustification\arabic{@row}\endcsname 
            \\ \hline
            \cellcolor[gray]{0.8} \textbf{Equipment} &
            \arabic{@dcepnum\arabic{@row}} & 
            \csname @eJustification\arabic{@row}\endcsname 
            \\ \hline
            \cellcolor[gray]{0.8} \textbf{Other goods and services} &
            \arabic{@dcopnum\arabic{@row}} & 
            \csname @oJustification\arabic{@row}\endcsname 
            \\ \hline
          \cellcolor[gray]{0.8} \textbf{Total} &
          {\arabic{@totcosts}} &
          \\ \hline

%% Large Research Infrastructure tables
\newcounter{@costsLRI}  % Other costs counter

  % {participant}{cost}{justification}
  \expandafter\protected@xdef\csname @lriJustification\arabic{@costsLRI}\endcsname{#3}%


\newcommand{\makelritable} {%
        \noindent \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|l| p{4em}| X |}
          \textbf{Participant no. \arabic{@row}}
          \textbf{(\csname @pShortName\arabic{@row}\endcsname)} & \cellcolor[gray]{0.8} \textbf{Cost (EUR)} & \cellcolor[gray]{0.8} \textbf{Justification}\\
          \cellcolor[gray]{0.8} \textbf{Large research infrastructure} & \arabic{@lripnum\arabic{@row}} & \csname @lriJustification\arabic{@row}\endcsname\\
%\csname @lriJustification\arabic{@row}\endcsname\\

%% make list commands that use auxiliary files

% redefining this counter does not work here, because it gets
% redefined at every chapter. It is important to add this command at
% the beginning of Section 1.3


%% WP List
  \InputIfFileExists {\jobname.lwp}{}{%
    \ClassWarning{h2020proposal}{Work Package List data not complete yet. Recompile to
      include all data.}

  % create wplist table on auxiliary lwp file
      \noexpand\caption{List of work packages}
      {\noexpand\textbf{Work package number}} & 
      {\noexpand\textbf{Work package title}} &
      {\noexpand\textbf{Lead participant no.}} &
      {\noexpand\textbf{Lead participant name}} &
      {\noexpand\textbf{Person-months}} &
      {\noexpand\textbf{Start month}} &
      {\noexpand\textbf{End month}}
      \noexpand\multicolumn{7}{|r|}{Continued on next page}
      \noexpand\cellcolor[gray]{0.8} &
      \noexpand\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\noexpand\textbf{TOTAL}} &
      \noexpand\cellcolor[gray]{0.8} &
      \noexpand{\arabic{@totpm}} &
      \noexpand\cellcolor[gray]{0.8} &
    \ifthenelse{\value{@wpcount}<1}{\ClassWarning{h2020proposal}{Work packages
        not defined yet. Use the \texttt{\textbackslash workpackage}
          environment to define new work packages.}}{%
          \noexpand\textbf{WP\arabic{@row}} & 
          \csname @wp\arabic{@row}Title\endcsname &
          \csname @wpLeader\arabic{@row}\endcsname &
          \csname @pShortName\csname @wpLeader\arabic{@row}\endcsname\endcsname &
          \arabic{@wp\arabic{@row}totpm} &
          \csname @wp\arabic{@row}StartMonth\endcsname &
          \csname @wp\arabic{@row}EndMonth\endcsname 

%% Deliverables List
  \InputIfFileExists {\jobname.ldl}{}{%
    \ClassWarning{h2020proposal}{Deliverables  List data not complete yet. Recompile to
      include all data.}

%% Sorting pseudo code Insertion sort
%     while i< length[A] do
%         i++
%         value := A[i];
%         j := i - 1;
%         done := false;
%         repeat
%             if A[j] > value then
%             begin
%                 A[j + 1] := A[j];
%                 j := j - 1;
%                 if j < 0 then
%                     done := true;
%             end
%             else
%                 done := true;
%         until done;
%         A[j + 1] := value;
%     end;
    \whiledo{\NOT \boolean{@done}}{%
        %Swap j <-> j+1

  % create delivlist table on auxiliary ldl file
      \noexpand\caption{Deliverable list}
      {\noexpand\textbf{Delive\-rable number}} & 
      {\noexpand\textbf{Deliverable name}} &
      {\noexpand\textbf{WP no.}} &
      {\noexpand\textbf{Lead participant name}} &
      {\noexpand\textbf{Na\-tu\-re}} &
      {\noexpand\textbf{Disse\-mina\-tion Level}} &
      {\noexpand\textbf{Delivery date (proj. month)}}
      \noexpand\multicolumn{6}{|r|}{Continued on next page}
        not defined yet. Use the \texttt{\textbackslash deliverable}
          command to define new deliverables.}}{% 
          \noexpand\textbf{D\arabic{@deliv\arabic{@row}WP}.\arabic{@deliv\arabic{@row}D}} &
          @wp\arabic{@deliv\arabic{@row}WP}Deliv\arabic{@deliv\arabic{@row}D}Title\endcsname & 
          WP\arabic{@deliv\arabic{@row}WP} & 
          @wp\arabic{@deliv\arabic{@row}WP}Deliv\arabic{@deliv\arabic{@row}D}Leader\endcsname & 
          @wp\arabic{@deliv\arabic{@row}WP}Deliv\arabic{@deliv\arabic{@row}N}Nature\endcsname & 
          @wp\arabic{@deliv\arabic{@row}WP}Deliv\arabic{@deliv\arabic{@row}D}DLevel\endcsname & 

% Proposal Milestones Macro
  % [due date]{title}{means of verification}{wps involved}

%% Milestones List
\newcommand{\makemilestoneslist} {%
  \InputIfFileExists {\jobname.lms}{}{%
    \ClassWarning{h2020proposal}{Milestones List data not complete
      yet. Recompile to include all data.}}%

%% Milestones Table
  % create wplist table on auxiliary lwp file
      \noexpand\caption{List of milestones}
      {\noexpand\textbf{Milestone number}} & 
      {\noexpand\textbf{Milestone name}} &
      {\noexpand\textbf{Related WPs}} &
      {\noexpand\textbf{Estimated date}} &
      {\noexpand\textbf{Means of verification}}
      \noexpand\multicolumn{5}{|r|}{Continued on next page}
        not defined yet. Use the \texttt{\textbackslash milestone}
          command to define new milestones.}}{%
          \noexpand\textbf{M\arabic{@row}} & 
          \csname @ms\arabic{@row}Title\endcsname &
          \noexpand\csname @ms\arabic{@row}WPList\endcsname &
          \csname @ms\arabic{@row}Date\endcsname &
          \csname @ms\arabic{@row}Verification\endcsname 

%% Proposal Critical Risks Macros
  % {description of risk}{wps involved}{risk-mitigation measures}
  \expandafter\protected@xdef\csname @rk\arabic{@risk}Description\endcsname{#1}%
  \expandafter\protected@xdef\csname @rk\arabic{@risk}WP\endcsname{#2}%
  \expandafter\protected@xdef\csname @rk\arabic{@risk}Solution\endcsname{#3}%

%% Risks List
\newcommand{\makerisklist} {%
  \InputIfFileExists {\jobname.lrk}{}{%
    \ClassWarning{h2020proposal}{Task List data not complete
      yet. Recompile to include all data.}}%

  % create rklist table on auxiliary lwp file
  \setcounter{@row}{0} \newwrite\rklistfile
    \immediate\write\rklistfile{ \noexpand\caption{Critical risks for implementation}
      {\noexpand\textbf{Description of Risk}} & {\noexpand\textbf{WPs involved}} &
      {\noexpand\textbf{Proposed risk-mitigation measures}} \noexpand\endfirsthead 
      \noexpand\multicolumn{3}{|r|}{Continued on next page}
        not defined yet. Use the \texttt{\textbackslash criticalrisk}
        command within the Work Package Deliverables environment to
        define new tasks.}}{%
          \csname @rk\arabic{@row}Description\endcsname &
          \noexpand\csname @rk\arabic{@row}WP\endcsname &
          \noexpand\csname @rk\arabic{@row}Solution\endcsname 

%% Summary of effort Table
\newcommand{\makesummaryofefforttable} {%
  \InputIfFileExists {\jobname.lse}{}{%
    \ClassWarning{h2020proposal}{Summary of effort table data not complete
      yet. Recompile to include all data.}}%

  % create wplist table on auxiliary lse file
  \newwrite\soelistfile \immediate\openout\soelistfile=\jobname.lse
    % \noexpand\stepcounter{table} % increase table counter, because WP tables are not real tables
      \noexpand\caption{Summary of staff effort}
        {\noexpand\textbf{Partic. no.}} &
        {\noexpand\textbf{Partic. short name}} }%
      \setcounter{@wpcolgroup}{0} \setcounter{@wpcolempty}{0}
        \stepcounter{@wpcolgroup} \ifthenelse{\NOT
          \value{@wpcolgroup}>\value{@wpcount}} {
            & {\noexpand\textbf{WP\arabic{@wpcolgroup}}} }%
        {\stepcounter{@wpcolempty}\null} }% end whiledo
          & \noexpand\multicolumn{\arabic{@wpcolempty}}{|l|}{
            {\noexpand\textbf{Total person months}} }%
          & {\noexpand\textbf{Total person months}} \noexpand\\
      \immediate\write\soelistfile{ \noexpand\hline }%
          participants defined yet. Use the \texttt{\textbackslash
            participant} command to define new participants.}}{%
          \stepcounter{@row} \immediate\write\soelistfile{%
            \arabic{@row} & \csname @pShortName\arabic{@row}\endcsname
                \immediate\write\soelistfile{& 0} }{%
                  & \csname
              }}{ \immediate\write\soelistfile{%
                & \noexpand\textbf{\csname
              & \noexpand\multicolumn{\arabic{@wpcolempty}}{|l|}{
                \arabic{@p\arabic{@row}totpm} }%
            }}{ \immediate\write\soelistfile{%
              & \arabic{@p\arabic{@row}totpm} \noexpand\\
        \immediate\write\soelistfile{\noexpand\textbf{Total} &}%
          \stepcounter{@wpcolgroup} \immediate\write\soelistfile{%
            & \arabic{@wp\arabic{@wpcolgroup}totpm} }}%
            & \noexpand\multicolumn{\arabic{@wpcolempty}}{|l|}{
        { \immediate\write\soelistfile{%
            & \arabic{@totpm}
    \immediate\write\soelistfile{ \noexpand\end{table}}%
  \closeout\soelistfile }%

%% Task List
\newcommand{\maketasklist} {%
  \InputIfFileExists {\jobname.ltk}{}{%
    \ClassWarning{h2020proposal}{Task List data not complete
      yet. Recompile to include all data.}}%

  % create tklist table on auxiliary lwp file
  \setcounter{@row}{0} \newwrite\tklistfile
    \immediate\write\tklistfile{ \noexpand\caption{List of Task PIs}
      {\noexpand\textbf{Task}} & {\noexpand\textbf{PI}} &
      {\noexpand\textbf{Start date}} & {\noexpand\textbf{End date}} &
      {\noexpand\textbf{Title}} \noexpand\endfirsthead 
      \noexpand\multicolumn{5}{|r|}{Continued on next page}
        not defined yet. Use the \texttt{\textbackslash wptask}
        command within the Work Package Deliverables environment to
        define new tasks.}}{%
          \noexpand\textbf{T\arabic{@tk\arabic{@row}WP}.\arabic{@tk\arabic{@row}T}} &
          @wp\arabic{@tk\arabic{@row}WP}Task\arabic{@tk\arabic{@row}T}PI\endcsname &
          @wp\arabic{@tk\arabic{@row}WP}Task\arabic{@tk\arabic{@row}T}Start\endcsname &
          @wp\arabic{@tk\arabic{@row}WP}Task\arabic{@tk\arabic{@row}T}End\endcsname &
  \closeout\tklistfile }%

%% Gantt chart data
\newcommand{\ganttchartdata} {%
  \InputIfFileExists {\jobname.gnt}{}{%
    \ClassWarning{h2020proposal}{Gantt chart data data not complete
      yet. Recompile to include all data.}}%

  % create tklist table on auxiliary lwp file
  \setcounter{@wpcolgroup}{0} % use this counter for wps
  \newwrite\gntchartfile \immediate\openout\gntchartfile=\jobname.gnt
      \noexpand\ganttgroup{WP\arabic{@wpcolgroup}}{\csname @wp\arabic{@wpcolgroup}StartMonth\endcsname}{\csname @wp\arabic{@wpcolgroup}EndMonth\endcsname}
    \setcounter{@row}{0} % use this counter for wp tasks   

%%% Create auxiliary file with table data