%%  hepnames.sty --- standard predefined high energy particle names
%%  This package is a wrapper to the hepnicenames and heppennames packages,
%%  primarily because the pair of packages as a whole are called hepnames
%%  and it's less of a mouthful. Plus, I imagine that anyone who's interested
%%  in using this package will prefer the ``nicenames'' scheme over PEN,
%%  historical precendent notwithstanding!
%%  Author: Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org>
%%  This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.
%%  See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html
%%  for the details of that license.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------

\ProvidesPackage{hepnames}[\filedate\space Pre-defined HEP particle symbols (version \fileversion)]

%% Declare package options: map directly on to options in hepnicenames
% \DeclareOption{itforce}{%
%   \PassOptionsToPackage{itforce}{hepnicenames}%
% }
% \DeclareOption{maybess}{%
%   \PassOptionsToPackage{maybess}{hepnicenames}%
% }
% \DeclareOption{noss}{%
%   \PassOptionsToPackage{noss}{hepnicenames}%
% }

%% Process package options

%% Load packages that do stuff

%% For referencing this package
%% \DeclareRobustCommand{\hepnames}{\texttt{hepnames}\xspace}

%% Just for completeness...