{Professor Alfred B. Colquhoun\\
   Tittlebat Research Centre\\
   \textbf{Isle of Skye}\\
Dear Prof.\ Colquhoun,
%  old Coony
{Mr. A. Miller\\ 
   23a, Council Flats\\ 
   Park Lane\\ 
   \textbf{London WC1}}
Dear Archibald,
Frau. Dr. V. M\"uller\\ Langassstrasse 115\\ \textbf{3012 Bern}
Dear Vee,
% another Mueller
{Herr Brusch\\
   Kombing Weg\\ 
   \textbf{Glatze 30000}}
Sali Br\"uschli,
%{Mr.~A. Nother\\
%   123 High street\\
%   \textbf{Nether Poppleton}\\
%   Nr. York\\
%   England}
%Hello Alf,
%% Skip alf today
{Viscountess Elizabeth Featherstonehaught-Cholmondeley\\
   Cathedral Close\\ 
My Dearest Elizabeth,
{Sir Archibald Bloggs\\ 
   Jones Old Yard\\ 
   Gasworks Lane\\ 
Howdy Sir Archie,
{Frau B. Bossie\\ 
   Cookbook Corner\\ 
   \textbf{Hamble le Rice}\\
Dear Bossy Betty,
{Mr.~James Cowper,\\
   Chief Gardener,\\
   The Rose Bush,\\ 
   Pearl Cottage,\\
   147, Wild Rose Lane,\\
   High Street,\\
   \textbf{Little Muddleton.}\\
   Nr.~Greater Muddelton.\\
Hello Jimmie boy,
% a list of addresses to test the merge option.
% NOTE: comments are allowed between the addresses
% but NOT before the first address --- but NO BLANK LINES!