%% %% This is an example of `hlete.clo' which is part of the hletter package %% it should be rewritten by the user %% %% Copyright (C) 2011 Brian Housley %% %% It may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% � �http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 1999/12/01 or later. %% %% Problems, bugs and comments to %% brian.housley@gcs.ch %% % Letter options for English % % private -> 1 % signit -> 2 % bruni -> 3 % test -> 4 % \ifcase\hltype % case = 0 (no option - GCCS) \addressA{Largitzenstrasse 15} \addressB{CH--4056 Basle} \addressC{Switzerland} \extraA{Telephone: +41 (61) 345 78 90} \extraB{Telefax: +41 (61) 345 78 92} \extraC{eMail: info@gccs.com} \bottomL{Bank: VCT Unterwil, CH--4220 Unterwil/BL} \bottomR{Account: 322--956123.02R} \or % case = 1 (private) \address{Hauptstrasse 15\\ \textbf{CH-4056 Basle}\\ Switzerland\\[1ex] \small Tel: +41 61 322 6382\\ \small Fax: +41 61 383 8148\\ \small Mobile: +41 76 337 4207\\ \small eMail: brian.smith@epfl.ch} \or % case = 2 (signit) \addressA{Largitzenstrasse 15} \addressB{CH--4056 Basle} \addressC{Switzerland} \extraA{Telephone: +41 (61) 345 78 90} \extraB{Telefax: +41 (61) 345 78 92} \extraC{eMail: info@gccs.com} \bottomL{Bank: VCT Unterwil, CH--4220 Unterwil/BL} \bottomR{Account: 322--956123.02R} \sign{signat} \or % case = 3 (bruni) \addressA{The Church Tower} \addressB{54, Main Street} \addressC{Upper Throgmortondale} \extraA{tel.: +44 187 3546} \extraB{fax.: +44 187 3547} \extraC{email: bruni@songs.flat.ac.uk} \centreA{Songs written \& sung} \centreB{Loudness no problem} \centreC{Flats \& sharps used} \centreD{\rule[.5ex]{16mm}{1pt}} \centreE{Notes sometimes used} \centreF{Spears may be hurled} \centrepos{-10mm} \bottomL{$\ast\ast\ast\ast\ast$} \bottomC{Lullabies for children aged 7 to 70 our speciality} \bottomR{$\ast\ast\ast\ast\ast$} \sign[10mm]{signat} \logo[50mm]{Bruennhilde} \DeclareFixedFont{\newfa}{OT1}{phv}{m}{n}{12pt} \DeclareFixedFont{\newfc}{OT1}{phv}{m}{sl}{10pt} \or % case = 4 (test --- run with draft) \logo{test} \addressA{\texttt{\char'134addressA}} \addressB{\texttt{\char'134addressB}} \addressC{\texttt{\char'134addressC}} \extraA{\texttt{\char'134extraA}} \extraB{\texttt{\char'134extraB}} \extraC{\texttt{\char'134extraC}} \centreA{\texttt{\char'134centreA}} \centreB{\texttt{\char'134centreB}} \centreC{\texttt{\char'134centreC}} \centreD{\texttt{\char'134centreD}} \centreE{\texttt{\char'134centreE}} \centreF{\texttt{\char'134centreF}} \centrepos{10mm} \bottomL{\texttt{\char'134bottomL}} \bottomC{\texttt{\char'134bottomC}} \bottomR{\texttt{\char'134bottomR}} \logo{test} \sign{testsig} \else % all other cases (should never be used!) \addressA{?} \addressB{?} \addressC{?} \extraA{Telephone: ?} \extraB{Telefax: ?} \extraC{eMail: ?} \fi