%% This is file `hletter.cls' which is part of the hletter package
%% Copyright (C) 2011 Brian Housley
%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% � �http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 1999/12/01 or later.
%% Problems, bugs and comments to
%% brian.housley@gcs.ch

% hletter document class
% Original: Copyright (C) 1991 by Leslie Lamport
%  Modified version for Brian Housley -- V4.2 (13th. April, 2013)/B. Housley
%  A "from" address makes a private letter but
%  if there is no "from" address the layout is:
%    --------------------------------------------------------------------
%    |                            \centreA                 \addressA    |
%    |                            \centreB                 \addressB    |
%    |     <the logo>             \centreC                 \addressC    |
%    |                            \centreD                 \extraA      |
%    |                            \centreE                 \extraB      |
%    |                            \centreF                 \extraC      |
%    |                                                                  |
%    |                                                                  |
%    |                                              <to-address>        |
%    |                                                                  |
%    |                                               date               |
%    |          opening                                                 |
%    |                                                                  |
%                               ................
%    |                                                                  |
%    |    \bottomL                \bottomC                  \bottomR    |
%    --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                  .
%  further options:
%   \reference{<text>}  bold text ontop for german and below for English
%   \cc{<text>\\...}    copies to
%   \encl{<text>\\...}  enclosure(s)
%   \encls              enclosures as mentioned
%   \closingtwo{<text>} same as \closing but permits two names in \signature
%                       separated with &(s)
\ProvidesClass{hletter}[2009/07/02 v4.2 Housley's letter class]

\typeout{H-Letter class V4.0 <02/07/2009> hsy}

\newif\ifhlet  \hlettrue
\newcommand*{\sign}[2][15mm]{\global\signatureheight=#1 \gdef\signatureimage{#2}} \sign{}
\input hsetup.sty   % input the definition of \heading
\setlength{\parskip}{0pt plus 1pt}

    \if@twoside \ifodd\c@page
    \c@page \@ne
    \c@footnote \z@
    \interlinepenalty=200 % smaller than the TeXbook value

%  parameters: 1- top right text; 2- introduction; 3- from address; 4- to address.
  \ifnum\hlangcnt=0\noindent #2\ifx\reftext\@empty\par\smallskip\else
      \noindent\parbox{\textwidth}{\textbf{\reftext}}\par\medskip \fi
      \noindent #2\par\medskip\fi}

   \ifx\undefined\sigbx \newbox\sigbx
%  \stopbreaks
     \copy\sigbx \\


\newcommand{\reference}[1]{\def\reftext{#1}} \reference{}
%  end of file IDLETTER.CLS