%% Copyright
%% 1995-2015 Heiko Oberdiek
%% 2016-2019 Oberdiek Package Support Group
%% 2019-2024 LaTeX Project
%%      https://github.com/latex3/hyperref/issues
%% This file is part of the `Hyperref Bundle'.
  [2020/01/14 Bookmark section with hyperref documentation (HO)]

% This package adds bookmark entries that are added at the end
% and lists and links the PDF files of the hyperref documentation.
% Only pdfTeX in PDF mode is supported by this package.
% History
%   2005/08/27
%     * First version
%   2006/02/08
%     * Comments added
%     * \HyperrefOverview
%   2007/03/19
%     * Use package bookmark that also support other drivers
%       than pdfTeX.
%   2009/11/22
%     * Bug fix: correction of "this file".



      view={XYZ null null null},%
  \@bmhydoc[open=false]{0}{hyperref-doc.pdf}{Hyperref manual}
  \@bmhydoc{1}{slides.pdf}{Bookmark talk, slides}
  \@bmhydoc{2}{paper.pdf}{Bookmark talk, paper}
  \@bmhydoc{1}{hyperref.pdf}{Sources: hyperref.dtx}

  \def\bmhydoc@title{Documentation overview for \texttt{hyperref}}%
    % \phantomsection
    % \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\bmhydoc@title}%
  The documentation for package \texttt{hyperref} consists
  of several files:
        The \textbf{USER MANUAL} (also available as HTML).
        This file records the version history.
      \entry{slides.pdf}{Bookmark talk, slides}
        Slides for the talk ``PDF information and navigation elements with
        hyperref, pdfTeX and thumbpdf'' at Euro\TeX~1999.
      \entry{paper.pdf}{Bookmark talk, paper}
        The paper version of the talk.
    Source code documentation:
        This is the source code documentation for hyperref%
        ``Back referencing from bibliographical citations''%
        ``Section name references in \LaTeX''%
      \space(this file)%