% $Id: ifthenx.sty 790 2012-04-01 10:59:41Z Geoffrey $ % % ifthenx.sty Copyright (C) 2012 Geoffrey Jones 2012/04/01 (v0.1a) % <geoffrey stop jones snailshell uqconnect stop edu stop au> % % Package ifthenx.sty -- this little package extends David Carlisle's % ifthen package, adding a few extra tests. These include: % \isinteger % \ispositiveinteger % \isrealnumber (synonym: \isnumber) % \ispositiverealnumber (synonym: \ispositivenumber) % \classloaded % \packageloaded % \fileexists % % Example: % \ifthenelse{\ispositiveinteger{\foo}\AND\fileexists{\foo.log}} % { commands to execute if true } % { commands to execute if false } % % The production rules for numbers are quite straightforward: % \ispositiveinteger (string of one or more digits) % \isinteger (ditto, with optional leading minus sign) % \isrealnumber (ditto, with optional decimal point) % \ispositiverealnumber (ditto, with no leading minus sign) % % Note that well-formed numbers are considered negative if they % possess a leading minus sign. Accordingly, while 0, 0.0, -0 and % -0.0 are all well-formed numbers, only 0 and 0.0 test positive. % Consider this a feature. % % Motivation: % While nowadays the ifthen package is sometimes deprecated (e.g., see the % March 2011 stackexchange.com conversation on this topic), it has several % useful attributes that make it attractive in certain situations. % Setting aside its downsides (particularly, the care needed when using it % inside fragile contexts), positives include: % 1. it provides a simple mechanism for assembling complex logical % expressions, i.e., those employing \AND, \OR, \NOT and \( ... \) % 2. its syntax, while always subject to preference, may be somewhat % easier for LaTeX novices to read, write and understand. (To my % eye, it presents a more approachable and certainly more uniform % grammar than etoolbox's syntax. E.g., compare % \ifboolexpr{ test {\ifnumcomp{\value{mycounter}}{>}{3}}}... % with % \ifthenelse{\value{mycounter} > 3}... % ) % 3. string expansion semantics (cf., etoolbox that does not) % 4. it is relatively lightweight compared to, say, the might of etoolbox % (although note that we use etoolbox's \patchcmd if already loaded). % % Required Packages: % ifthen.sty (that's all) % % However, note that ifthenx uses \patchcmd if etoolbox.sty is already % loaded. % % Related Packages: % xifthen.sty provides an alternative set of ifthen package extension % tests, several of which are based around capabilities drawn from % the calc package. % % xifthen and ifthenx are compatible, but only if xifthen is loaded % before ifthenx (xifthen doesn't patch \ifthenelse but rewrites its % own modified version instead). If loaded in the recommended order, % users can ``mix and match'' the tests. % For example: % \newcommand*\foo{3} % \newcommand*\baz{98} % \ifthenelse{ % \isnumber{\foo} % ifthenx pkg command % \AND\isodd{\foo} % ifthen pkg command % \AND\cnttest{\foo + \baz}{>}{100} % xifthen pkg command % }{true}{false} % evaluates true. % % Version: v0.1a *** release for comments *** % The author would welcome bug reports, comments, suggestions, % extensions and so forth at this early stage. % % Acknowledgements: % Gracious thanks David Carlisle for the ifthen package and for % teaching me a new technique for run-time patching macro code. % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the % LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at % your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3 or later is part of % all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Original Author of this work is Geoffrey Jones. % The Current Maintainer of this work is Geoffrey Jones. % ========================================================================== \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01] \ProvidesPackage{ifthenx} [2012/04/01 (v0.1a) ifthen package extensions (GJ)] \RequirePackage{ifthen} \def\itx@patchpayload{% \let\isinteger\itx@isinteger \let\ispositiveinteger\itx@ispositiveinteger \let\isrealnumber\itx@isrealnumber% <-- synonyms (a) \let\isnumber\itx@isrealnumber% <-- synonyms (a) \let\ispositiverealnumber\itx@ispositiverealnumber% <-- synonyms (b) \let\ispositivenumber\itx@ispositiverealnumber% <-- synonyms (b) \let\classloaded\itx@classloaded \let\packageloaded\itx@packageloaded \let\fileexists\itx@fileexists } \newif\ifitx@patched \itx@patchedfalse \@ifpackageloaded{etoolbox}{ % compile-time patch \patchcmd{\ifthenelse} {\TE@undef}{\TE@undef\itx@patchpayload} {\itx@patchedtrue}{} }{} \ifitx@patched\else % run-time patch \let\itx@ifthenelse\ifthenelse \long\def\ifthenelse{\expandafter\itx@@patch\itx@ifthenelse} \def\itx@@patch#1\TE@undef{#1\TE@undef\itx@patchpayload} \itx@patchedtrue % quite unnecessary but at least complete \fi % Pattern: all the tests that follow share a similar structure. % Each entry command sets up conditions then executes a helper % macro. The helper writes `!' or `?' to a temporary macro, % respectively to signify test success/true or failure/false. % This is then expanded and responded to by the mainline command. % Note that, where appropriate (the number tests), we ensure that % any `!' contained in arguments won't interrupt this pattern. %------------------------------------------------------------------ % \ifthenelse{\packageloaded{<pkgname>}}{<true part>}{<false part>} % \ifthenelse{\classloaded{<clsname>}}{<true part>}{<false part>} %------------------------------------------------------------------ \def\itx@packageloaded#1#2{% \TE@neg\TE@throw\noexpand\itx@@packageloaded#1\noexpand\@nil% \noexpand\if!\@tempa#2} \def\itx@@packageloaded#1\@nil{% \def\@tempa{\if\csname ver@#1.sty\endcsname\relax!\else?\fi}} \def\itx@classloaded#1#2{% \TE@neg\TE@throw\noexpand\itx@@classloaded#1\noexpand\@nil% \noexpand\if!\@tempa#2} \def\itx@@classloaded#1\@nil{% \def\@tempa{\if\csname ver@#1.cls\endcsname\relax!\else?\fi}} %------------------------------------------------------------------ % \ifthenelse{\fileexists{<file.ext>}}{<true part>}{<false part>} % % Normal TeX file search conventions apply, e.g., if file `x.tex' % exists in the TEXMF file structure or a local path, then % \ifthenelse{\fileexists{x}}{<true part>}{<false part>} % will branch along the <true part> path. % % \input@path will be searched if the file isn't found in the % installation TEXMF tree. This can be configured; for example, % \newcommand*\input@path{{C:/Temp/}{C:/tmp/}} % Note that each search path must reside within its own group, % and that each must end with a file path separator '/'. % % Also note that this test trims leading (but not trailing) space % characters from its argument before producing its result. Like % LaTeX's native \IfFileExists, this test returns false if passed % an empty (zero length) filename and, rather absurdly, true % if the filename expands to \relax. % % While our \filexists test (mostly) follows \IfFileExists semantics, % we resist the urge to emulate the following rather rare and thus % far unreported bug... % % LaTeX2e \IfFileExists bug. Under the following conditions, % 1. \input@path has been defined, and % 2. filename includes one or more leading spaces, and % 3. file does not exist in TEXMF or in \input@path % then, once for every path specified in \input@path, % \IfFileExists places filename on the token stream. % % Example: % \newcommand\input@path{{C:/Temp/}{D:/tmp/}} % \IfFileExists{ xx}{yes}{no} % produces: % xx xx no %------------------------------------------------------------------ \def\itx@fileexists#1#2{% \TE@throw\openin\@inputcheck=#1 % local endgroup implicitly closes the file \noexpand\itx@@fileexists#1\noexpand\@nil% \noexpand\@tempa\noexpand\if!\@tempb#2} \def\itx@@fileexists#1\@nil{% \def\@tempa{% \edef\@tempc{% zap leading spaces in #1 \detokenize\expandafter{\romannumeral-`X\expandafter\noexpand#1}}% \if\relax\@tempc\relax% catch empty #1 \def\@tempb{?}% \else \ifeof\@inputcheck% \ifx\input@path\@undefined% \def\@tempb{?}% \else% \@iffileonpath{\@tempc}{\def\@tempb{!}}{\def\@tempb{?}}% \fi% \else% \def\@tempb{!}% \fi% \fi% }% } %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \ifthenelse{<numtest>{...}}{<true part>}{<false part>}, where <numtest> is: % \ispositiveinteger (string of one or more digits) % \isinteger (ditto, with optional leading minus sign) % \isrealnumber (ditto, with optional decimal point) % \ispositiverealnumber (ditto, with no leading minus sign) % % NB, 0, 0.0, etc consigned positive, -0, -0.0, etc negative by these tests. %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- \def\itx@gobbleleadingminus#1{\if-#1\else#1\fi} \def\itx@gobblefirstdecimalpoint#1{% \expandafter\itx@@gobblefirstdecimalpoint% \romannumeral-`X#1\@empty.\@empty\relax} \def\itx@@gobblefirstdecimalpoint#1.#2\@empty#3\relax{#1#2} \def\itx@ispositiveinteger#1#2{% \TE@throw\noexpand\in@{!}{#1}% \noexpand\itx@@ispositiveinteger#1\noexpand\@nil% \noexpand\if!\@tempa#2} \def\itx@@ispositiveinteger#1\@nil{% \def\@tempa{\ifin@?\else\ifnum9<1#1!\else?\fi\fi}} \def\itx@isinteger#1#2{% \TE@throw\noexpand\in@{!}{#1}% \noexpand\itx@@isinteger#1\noexpand\@nil% \noexpand\if!\@tempa#2} \def\itx@@isinteger#1\@nil{% \expandafter\itx@@ispositiveinteger% \expandafter{\expandafter\itx@gobbleleadingminus#1}\@nil} \def\itx@ispositiverealnumber#1#2{% \TE@throw\noexpand\in@{!}{#1}% \noexpand\itx@@ispositiverealnumber#1\noexpand\@nil% \noexpand\if!\@tempa#2} \def\itx@@ispositiverealnumber#1\@nil{% \expandafter\itx@@ispositiveinteger% \expandafter{\expandafter\itx@gobblefirstdecimalpoint% \expandafter{#1}}\@nil} \def\itx@isrealnumber#1#2{% \TE@throw\noexpand\in@{!}{#1}% \noexpand\itx@@isrealnumber#1\noexpand\@nil% \noexpand\if!\@tempa#2} \def\itx@@isrealnumber#1\@nil{% \expandafter\itx@@ispositiveinteger% \expandafter{\expandafter\itx@gobblefirstdecimalpoint% \expandafter{\expandafter\itx@gobbleleadingminus% \expandafter{#1}}}\@nil} % %============================ end ifthenx.sty ============================