%%% Author          1997  Werner Fink   <werner@suse.de>
%%% Copyright  (c)  1997  SuSE GmbH  Nuernberg, Germany.
%%  Based on `susemac.sty' v 1.30 1997/10/14
%%  Some modifications by Rolf Niepraschk <niepraschk@ptb.de>, 2000/10/29
%%  keystroke.sty is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
%%  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
%%  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
%%  any later version.
%%  keystroke.sty is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%%  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%%  GNU General Public License for more details.
%%  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%%  along with keystroke.sty; see the file COPYING; if not, write to
%%  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
%%  Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.

%   Please send corrections and enhancements 
%   to Rolf Niepraschk <Rolf.Niepraschk@gmx.de>.

%   Changes:
%   v1.3, 2001/10/27; Loading the graphics package only if needed. 
%                     All unknown options are options for `graphics'. 
%   v1.4, 2001/12/14; New and corrected definitions for spanish.
%   v1.5, 2003/08/15; Fix a bug with the global option "english". 
%                     New optin "ngerman". RN
%   v1.6, 2010/04/23; New and corrected definitions for french.

\ProvidesPackage{keystroke}[2010/04/23 v1.6 3D keystrokes (SuSE GmbH/RN)]



  \def\Shift{\keystroke{Shift $\Uparrow$}}
  \def\PgUp{\keystroke{Page $\uparrow$}}
  \def\PgDown{\keystroke{Page $\downarrow$}}


  \def\PgUp{\keystroke{Bild $\uparrow$}}
  \def\PgDown{\keystroke{Bild $\downarrow$}}

  \typeout{******Please use `german' instead of `germanb'******}%

% Contributed by Denis Bitouz\'e <dbitouze@wanadoo.fr>
    % or \def\Home{\keystroke{$nwarrow$}} but
    % in fact should be something % like $\Nwarrow$ from txfonts/pxfonts
    % arrows
  \def\PgUp{\keystroke{page $\uparrow$}}  
  \def\PgDown{\keystroke{page $\downarrow$}}

  \typeout{******Please use `french' instead of `francais'*****}%

% Contributed by Arndt Mehlhorn <mehlhorn@Techno-Sol.com>
  \def\PgUp{\keystroke{Re P\'ag}}
  \def\PgDown{\keystroke{Av P\'ag}}
  \def\PrtSc{\keystroke{Impr Pant}}
  \def\Scroll{\keystroke{Bloq Despl}}






\setbox\keystroke@left  =\hbox{\includegraphics{keystroke_left}}
\setbox\keystroke@right =\hbox{\includegraphics{keystroke_right}}
\def\suse@keystr@ke#1{\ %
  \advance\@tempdima by \dp\suse@key%
  \advance\@tempdimc by 1.16ex%
  \hbox to 0pt{\unhbox\suse@key\hss}%    
  \lower\@tempdima\hbox to \@tempdimb{\hss%
}\ }


