%^^A file name   : `lettre-romand.ldf'.
%^^A package name: lettre
%^^A maintenance : Vincent Bela�che (vincentb1@users.sourceforge.net)
%^^A author      : Denis M�gevand - Observatoire de Gen�ve
%^^A email       : vincentb1@users.sourceforge.net
%^^A version     : v3.002
%^^A date        : 
%^^A This file is part of the "lettre" package.
%^^A This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
%^^A LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your
%^^A option) any later version.  The latest version of this license is in
%^^A http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3 or later is part of all
%^^A distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
%^^A This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
%^^A The Current Maintainer of this work is Vincent Bela�che.
%^^A This work consists of all files listed in file README
%\subsubsection{D�finitions pour la langue \texttt{romand}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \sigflag=0 %
    \ifnum\day=1\relax 1\ier\else \number\day\fi
    janvier\or f\'evrier\or mars\or avril\or mai\or juin\or
    juillet\or ao\^ut\or septembre\or octobre\or novembre\or d\'ecembre\fi
    \space \number\year}%
  \def\faxwarning{\large\slshape\bfseries En cas de mauvaise transmission, 
                               appelez s.v.p. l'op\'erateur t\'el\'efax}%
  \def\telefaxstring{{\FAXSTR T~\'E~L~\'E~F~A~X}}%
  \def\telephonelabelname{T\'EL\'EPHONE :~}%
  \def\telefaxlabelname{T\'EL\'EFAX :~}%
  \def\telefaxname{T\'el\'efax :~}%
  \def\faxlabelname{Fax :~}%
  \def\emaillabelname{E-Mail :~}%
  \def\telexlabelname{T\'ELEX :~}%
  \def\headtoname{\`A :~}%
  \def\headfromname{De :~}%
  \def\pagetotalname{Nombre de pages :~}%
  \def\concname{Concerne :~}%
  \def\mentionname{Annexe(s) mentionn\'ee(s)}%
  \def\vrefname{V.\raise.4ex\hbox{\tiny /}r\'ef.~}
  \def\nrefname{N.\raise.4ex\hbox{\tiny /}r\'ef.~}
%    \end{macrocode}
%^^A End of file `lettre-romand.ldf'.
\iffalse Local Variables: \fi
\iffalse mode: DocTeX\fi
\iffalse ispell-dictionary: "francais"\fi
\iffalse End: \fi