\def\batchfile{minutes.ins} \input docstrip.tex \keepsilent % For documentation with index and changes, run: % latex minutes % latex minutes % makeindex -s gglo -o minutes.gls minutes.glo % makeindex -s gind -o minutes.ind minutes.idx % latex minutes % % or for PDF-Documentation run % % pdflatex minutes.dtx % pdflatex minutes.dtx % makeindex -s gglo -o minutes.gls minutes.glo % makeindex -s gind -o minutes.ind minutes.idx % pdflatex minutes.dtx % thumbpdf minutes % pdflatex minutes.dtx % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \preamble ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The original file is loadable from CTAN on: macros/latex/contrib/supported/minutes Name of contribution: minutes Name and email: Knut Lickert <knut@lickert.net> Location on CTAN: tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/minutes http://tex.lickert.net/packages/minutes/index.html Summary description: Package for writing (collection of) minutes German Information: Paket zum Erstellen von Protokollen to take minutes = Protokoll schreiben protocoll = diplomatische Protokoll License type: Free Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- minutes.sty provides the creation of a collection of minutes. Special features: - Support of tasks (who, schedule, what, date of finishing), possibility of creating a list of open tasks inclusion of open tasks from other minutes ('open last year tasks') (also possible as task.sty) - Support of attachments - Support of schedule dates (support of calendar.sty) - Different versions (`secret parts') - Macros for votes and decisions (list of decisions) The minutes package contains: - minutes.dtx - minutes.ins - protokol.tex German description - Overview.tex Include for minutes.dtx and protokol.tex Also stand-alone document - Tagesordnung.tex A template for a "Mitgliederversammlung" To run the examples, you need blindtext.sty. After running minutes.ins this package include: - minutes.sty The style itself - minutes.cfg A configuration file - Sample.tex A file, including an English, Dutch and German minute - SampleEN.tex An English minutes (loaded by Sample.tex) - SampleDE.tex A German minutes (loaded by Sample.tex) - SampleNL.tex A Dutch minutes (loaded by Sample.tex) - MinStyGd.tex A file to check the behavior with other classes, test different layouts... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \endpreamble \generateFile{minutes.sty}{f}{\from{minutes.dtx}{package}} \nopreamble %\generateFile{minutes.cfg}{t}{\from{minutes.dtx}{config}} \generateFile{Sample.tex}{f}{\from{minutes.dtx}{sample}} \generateFile{SampleEN.tex}{f}{\from{minutes.dtx}{sampleEN}} \generateFile{SampleDE.tex}{f}{\from{minutes.dtx}{sampleDE}} \generateFile{SampleNL.tex}{f}{\from{minutes.dtx}{sampleNL}} \generateFile{MinStyGd.tex}{f}{\from{minutes.dtx}{styleguide}} \Msg{***************************************************************} \Msg{*} \Msg{* To finish the installation you have to copy the files } \Msg{*} \Msg{*\space\space *.sty, *.cfg into a directory searched by TeX} \Msg{*} \Msg{* Adapt the *.cfg-File to your need} \Msg{*} \Msg{* in Sample.tex you will find an example} \Msg{* SampleEN.tex contains an example for an english minutes} \Msg{* SampleGE.tex enth"alt ein Beispiel eines deutschen Protokolls} \Msg{*} \Msg{***************************************************************} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \endinput