%   The MLA Package for LaTeX
%   By Ryan Aycock
%   with contributions by Steven Wheelwright,
%        Edward Z. Yang, and Teddy Bradford
%   Last updated on December 29, 2010  
%    For use with LaTeX and pdflatex.
%   To use, 
%   1. Put  \usepackage{mla}  in the preamble
%   2. After the \begin{document}, put \begin{mla}{Firstname}{Lastname}{Prof's lastname}{class name}{date}{Paper title}
%   3. Immediately - the next line - start typing your paper.
%   4. Put   \end{mla}   just before \end{document}
%   To use the bibliography feature,
%   1. Use  \begin{workscited} to start the bibliography.  There is no need to 
%      declare a new page or even type "Works Cited" at the top of the page.
%   2. Use   \bibent  before each entry.
%   3. Put   \end{workscited} at the end.
% The following template is what I use:
% \documentclass[12pt,letterpaper]{article}
% \usepackage{mla}
% \begin{document}
% \begin{mla}{Ryan}{Aycock}{Professor's last name}{Class name}{\today}{Really Cool Title}
% Start typing paragraph 1 here.
% Continue the rest of the paper as normal.
% \begin{workscited}
% \bibent
% author's last name, first name.  ``Paper Title."  \textit{Book Title}.  Date of publication.
% \end{workscited}
% \end{mla}
% \end{document}
%   Tips for writing MLA:
%   I strongly recommend using \documentclass[12pt,letterpaper]{article}
%   Some professors require block quotes to be singled space.  To accomplish this with 
%      the MLA package, use the blocks and blockm environments for single paragraph and
%      multiple paragraph cites, respectively.
%   LaTeX will not tab the first paragraph after new sections.  To get around this, use  \tab
%   LaTeX does not allow double spaces after periods like most term and research papers require.
%       When typing your paper, hit the spacebar twice as normal.  After you are finished with your project, 
%       do a find/replace by changing all double spaces into (space)\(space).

\typeout{MLA Package - by Ryan Aycock}

% New code thanks to Edward Z. Yang
\ifpdf % We're generating a pdf

% The old code
% \ifx\pdfoutput\undefined % We're not running pdftex
% \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx}
% \else
% \usepackage[pdftex]{color,graphicx}
% \pdfpagewidth=\paperwidth
% \pdfpageheight=\paperheight
% \usepackage{thumbpdf}
% %\pdfcompresslevel=9
% \fi


% fixes headings

% correct page size

% One inch borders

% eliminates margin notes

% Double space

% Places heading 1/2 inch from top of page

%   Last name and page number on every page
\fancypagestyle{norule}{ %

% If you want an index, uncomment the lines below
% \usepackage{makeidx}
% \makeindex

%   Other new commands

%   MLA environment
\newenvironment{mla}[6]{\newcommand{\lastname}{#2} \fancyhead[RO]{\lastname\ \thepage} \raggedright #1\ #2 \\  #3 \\ #4 \\ #5 \\ \centering #6 \\ \frenchspacing\raggedright\setlength{\parindent}{.5in}}{\newpage}

%   Block quote environment
\newenvironment{blocks}{\begin{quote} \linespread{1} \small \normalsize}{\end{quote} \linespread{2} \small \normalsize}
\newenvironment{blockm}{\begin{quotation} \linespread{1} \small \normalsize}{\end{quotation} \linespread{2} \small \normalsize}

%   Russ Ault's mla quote environment

%   Works Cited environment
\newcommand{\bibent}{\noindent \hangindent 40pt}
\newenvironment{workscited}{\newpage {\centering Works Cited\\}}{\newpage}