% journal.bib        15-Dec-90
% last modification 30-Oct-96
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%% Types of entries currently allowed in a BibTeX file:
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%%            - optional fields: volume, number, pages, month, note.
%% BOOK -- A book with an explicit publisher.
%%            - required: author or edititor, title, publisher, year.
%%            - optional: volume, series, address, edition, month, note.
%% BOOKLET -- A work that is printed and bound,
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%%            - required: title.
%%            - optional: author, howpublished, address, month, year, note.
%% included for Scribe compatibility.
%% INBOOK -- A part of a book,
%% which may be a chapter (or section or whatever) and/or a range of pages.
%%            - required: author or editor, title, chapter and/or pages,
%%                        publisher, year.
%%            - optional: volume, series, address, edition, month, note.
%% INCOLLECTION -- A part of a book having its own title.
%%             - required: author, title, booktitle, publisher, year.
%%             - optional: editor, chapter, pages, address, month, note.
%% INPROCEEDINGS -- An article in a conference proceedings.
%%             - required: author, title, booktitle, year.
%%             - optional: editor, pages, organization, publisher, address,
%%                         month, note.
%% MANUAL -- Technical documentation.  
%%             - required: title.
%%             - optional: author, organization, address, edition, month,
%%                         year, note.
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%%             - optional: address, month, note.
%% MISC -- Use this type when nothing else fits.
%%             - required: ---
%%             - optional: author, title, howpublished, month, year, note.
%% PHDTHESIS -- A PhD thesis.
%%             - required: author, title, school, year.
%%             - optional: address, month, note.
%% PROCEEDINGS -- The proceedings of a conference.
%%            - required: title, year.
%%            - optional: editor, publisher, organization, address, month, note.
%% TECHREPORT -- A report published by a school or other institution,
%% usually numbered within a series.
%%            - required: author, title, institution, year.
%%            - optional: type, number, address, month, note.
%% UNPUBLISHED -- A document having an author and title, but not formally
%% published.
%%            - required: author, title, note.
%%            - optional: month, year.
@string{aAW    = "angew. Arbeitswissenschaft"}
@string{ADMS   = "Admin. and Society"}
@string{AER    = "Am. Econ. Rev."}
@string{AfK    = "Archiv f{{\"u}}r Kommunalforschung???"}
@string{AJPS   = "Am. J. Pol. Sci."}
@string{AJS    = "Am. J. Sociol."}
@string{AME    = "Acad. Management Executive"}
@string{AMJ    = "Acad. Management J."}
@string{AMR    = "Acad. Management Rev."}
@string{AP     = "Am. Psychologist"}
@string{APSR   = "Am. Pol. Sci. Rev."}
@string{ARP    = "Ann. Rev. Psychol."}
@string{ARS    = "Ann. Rev. Sociol."}
@string{AS     = "The Am. Sociologist"}
@string{ASQ    = "Admin. Sci. Q."}
@string{ASR    = "Am. Sociol. Rev."}
@string{AdMJ   = "Advanced Management J."}
@string{AfSW   = "Archiv f{{\"u}}r Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik"}
@string{AuL    = "Arbeit und Leistung"}
@string{BAnz   = "Bundesanzeiger"}
@string{BB     = "Betriebs Berater"}
@string{BFuP   = "Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis"}
@string{BH     = "Business Horizons"}
@string{BIOM   = "Biometrika"}
@string{BJM    = "British J. Management"}
@string{BJS    = "British J. Sociol."}
@string{BS     = "Behav. Sci."}
@string{BT-Dr  = "Bundestagsdrucksache"}
@string{BW     = "Der Betriebswirt"}
@string{CMR    = "California Management Rev."}
@string{DB     = "Der Betrieb"}
@string{DBW    = "Die Betriebswirtschaft"}
@string{DIAG   = "Diagnostika"}
@string{DU     = "Die Unternehmung"}
@string{DV     = "Die Verwaltung"}
@string{DoV    = "Die {{\"o}}ffentliche Verwaltung"}
@string{ECO    = "Economica"}
@string{EER    = "European Econ. Rev."}
@string{EaPM   = "Educational and Psychological Measurement"}
@string{FB     = "Fortschrittliche Betriebsf{{\"u}}hrung"}
@string{FB/IE  = "Fortschrittliche Betriebsf{{\"u}}hrung/Industrial Engineering"}
@string{FUB    = "Freie Universit{{\"a}}t Berlin"}
@string{GD     = "Gruppendynamik"}
@string{GS     = "General Systems"}
@string{HB     = "Handelsblatt"}
@string{HBR    = "Harvard Business Rev."}
@string{HBS    = "Harvard Business School"}
@string{HCR    = "Human Communication Res."}
@string{HER    = "Harvard Education Rev."}
@string{HF     = "Human Factors"}
@string{HIOP   = "Handbook Industrial and Organizational Psychol."}
@string{HIOP   = "Handbook Industrial and Organizational Psychol."}
@string{HM     = "Harvard Manager"}
@string{HO     = "Human Organization"}
@string{HOB    = "The Handbook Organizational Behav."}
@string{HR     = "Human Relations"}
@string{HRM    = "Human Resource Management"}
@string{HSP    = "The Handbook Soc. Psychol."}
@string{HSR    = "Hist. Soc. Res."}
@string{HUB    = "Humboldt Universit{{\"a}}t Berlin"}
@string{HWA    = "Handw{{\"o}}rterbuch der Absatzwirtschaft"}
@string{HWB    = "Handw{{\"o}}rterbuch der Betriebswirtschaft"}
@string{HWF    = "Handw{{\"o}}rterbuch der F{{\"u}}hrung"}
@string{HWO    = "Handw{{\"o}}rterbuch der Organisation"}
@string{HWP    = "Handw{{\"o}}rterbuch des Personalwesens"}
@string{HWPlan = "Handw{{\"o}}rterbuch der Planung"}
@string{HWProd = "Handw{{\"o}}rterbuch der Produktionswirtschaft"}
@string{HWR    = "Handw{{\"o}}rterbuch des Rechnungswesens"}
@string{HWS    = "Handw{{\"o}}rterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften"}
@string{HWStR  = "Handw{{\"o}}rterbuch des Steuerrechts"}
@string{HdA    = "Humanisierung der Arbeit"}
@string{HdSW   = "Handw{{\"o}}rterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften"}
@string{HdW    = "Handbuch der Wirtschaftswissenschaften"}
@string{HdWW   = "Handw{{\"o}}rterbuch der Wirtschaftswissenschaften"}
@string{IMR    = "Industrial Management Rev."}
@string{IO     = "Industrielle Organisation/Management-Zeitschrift"}
@string{IR     = "Industrial Relations"}
@string{IJSA   = "Internat. J. Selection and Assessment"}
@string{ISMO   = "Internat. Studies Management and Organization"}
@string{ISR    = "Institute for Soc. Res."}
@string{ISSJ   = "Internat. Soc. Sci. J."}
@string{JASA   = "J. Am. Stat. Assoc."}		  
@string{JABS   = "J. Appl. Behav. Sci."}
@string{JAP    = "J. Appl. Psychol."}
@string{JAPM   = "J. Appl. Psychol. Monograph"}
@string{JAS    = "J. Appl. Sociol."}
@string{JASP   = "J. Abnormal and Soc. Psychol."}
@string{JBR    = "J. Business Res."}
@string{JBV    = "J. Business Venturing"}
@string{JBus   = "J. Business"}
@string{JCB    = "J. Contemporary Business"}
@string{JCR    = "J. Consumer Res."}
@string{JEBO   = "J. Econ. Behav. and Organization"}
@string{JEL    = "J. Econ. Literature"}
@string{JESP   = "J. Experimental Soc. Psychol."}
@string{JET    = "J. European Training"}
@string{JGM    = "J. General Management"}
@string{JHR    = "Hist. Soc. Res."}
@string{JIE    = "J. Industrial Econ."}
@string{JITE   = "J. Institutional and Theoretical Econ."}
@string{JLE    = "J. Law and Econ."}
@string{JLEO   = "J. Law, Econ. and Organization"}
@string{JM     = "J. Management"}
@string{JMS    = "J. Management Studies"}
@string{JoMP   = "J. Math. Psychol."}
@string{JoMS   = "J. Math. Sociol."}
@string{JMark  = "J. Marketing"}
@string{JOB    = "J. Occupational Behav."}
@string{JOOP   = "J. Occupational and Organizational Psychol."}
@string{JP     = "J. Psychol."}
@string{JPE    = "J. Public Economy"}
@string{JPSP   = "J. Personality and Soc. Psychol."}
@string{JPers  = "J. Personality"}
@string{JSI    = "J. Soc. Issues"}
@string{JSP    = "J. Soc. Psychol."}
@string{JVB    = "J. Vocational Behav."}
@string{JbSowi = "Jahrbuch f{{\"u}}r Sozialwissenschaften"}
@string{JfB    = "J. f{{\"u}}r Betriebswirtschaft"}
@string{KZfSS  = "K{{\"o}}lner Zeitschrift f{{\"u}}r Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie"}
@string{Komm   = "Kommunikation"}
@string{LRP    = "Long Range Planning"}
@string{MBR   =  "Multivariate Behavi. Res."}
@string{MDE    = "Managerial and Decision Econ."}
@string{MIR    = "Management Internat. Rev."}
@string{MIT    = "Massachusetts Institute Technology"}
@string{MR     = "Managerial Rev."}
@string{MS     = "Management Sci."}
@string{MW     = "Management-Wissen"}
@string{MZ     = "Management Z."}
@string{MZFP   = "Marketing ZFP"}
@string{Merk   = "Merkur"}
@string{MittAB = "Mitteilungen zur Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung"}
@string{NB     = "Neue Betriebswirtschaft"}
@string{NFA    = "Neue Formen der Arbeitsorganisation"}
@string{OAS    = "Organization and Admin. Sci."}
@string{OBHP   = "Organizational Behav. and Human Performance"}
@string{ODY    = "Organizational Dynamics"}
@string{OE     = "Organisationsentwicklung"}
@string{OP     = "Occupational Psychol."}
@string{OS     = "Organization Studies"}
@string{OeB    = "Der {{\"O}}sterreichische Betriebswirt"}
@string{PA     = "Personnel Admin."}
@string{PAR    = "Public Admin. Rev."}
@string{PBULL  = "Psychological Bulletin"}
@string{PBei   = "Psychologische Beitr{{\"a}}ge"}
@string{PJ     = "Personnel J."}
@string{PM     = "Psychological Monographs"}
@string{POQ    = "Public Opinion Q."}
@string{PP     = "Personnel Psychol."}
@string{PPM    = "Public Personel Management"}
@string{PR     = "Psychological Rev."}
@string{PRJ    = "Public Relations J."}
@string{PRP    = "Psychological Reports"}
@string{PRQ    = "Public Relations Q."}
@string{PSR    = "Psychologische Rundschau"}
@string{PSYCH  = "Psychometrika"}
@string{Pers   = "Personal --- Mensch und Arbeit"}
@string{PuA    = "Planung und Analyse"}
@string{PuP    = "Psychologie und Praxis"}
@string{QJE    = "Q. J. Econ."}
@string{ROB    = "Res. Organizational Behav."}
@string{Stat   = "The Statistician"}
@string{SF     = "Soc. Forces"}
@string{SMJ    = "Strategic Management J."}
@string{SMR    = "Sloan Management Rev."}
@string{SOFI   = "Soziologisches Forschungsinstitut G{{\"o}}ttingen"}
@string{SP     = "Soc. Problems"}
@string{SR     = "Soziologische Revue"}
@string{STATH2 = "Statist. Hefte (N.F.)"}
@string{STATI1 = "Statistics"}
%@string{STOCH1 = "Stochastica"}
%@string{STOCH2 = "Stochastics"}
@string{SUPQA  = "Sage University Paper Series on Quantitative Applications in the Soc. Sci."}
@string{SW     = "Soziale Welt"}
@string{Soc    = "Sociol."}
@string{SocMR  = "Sociol. Meth. Res."},
@string{SocQ   = "Sociological Q."}
@string{SuB    = "Sozialwissenschaften und Berufspraxis"}
@string{TDJ    = "Training and Development J."}
@string{TUB    = "Technische Universit{{\"a}}t Berlin"}
@string{UCLA   = "University California, Los Angeles"}
@string{ULA    = "ULA-Nachrichten"}
@string{WISU   = "Wirtschaftsstudium"}
@string{WZB    = "Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin"}
@string{WiSt   = "Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium"}
@string{Wpfg   = "Die Wirtschaftspr{{\"u}}fung"}
@string{ZAI    = "ZA-Information"}
@string{ZBR    = "Z. f{{\"u}}r Beamtenrecht"}
@string{ZFO    = "Z. F{{\"u}}hrung + Organisation"}
@string{ZfA    = "Z. f{{\"u}}r Arbeitswissenschaft"}
@string{ZfAO   = "Z. f{{\"u}}r Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie"}
@string{ZfB    = "Z. f{{\"u}}r Betriebswirtschaft"}
@string{ZfDDP  = "Z. f{{\"u}}r Differenzielle und Diagnostische Psychologie"}
@string{ZfN    = "Z. f{{\"u}}r National{{\"o}}konomie"}
@string{ZfO    = "Z. f{{\"u}}r Organisation"}
@string{ZfP    = "Z. f{{\"u}}r Psychologie"}
@string{ZfPf   = "Z. f{{\"u}}r Personalforschung"}
@string{ZfS    = "Z. f{{\"u}}r Soziologie"}
@string{ZfSP   = "Z. f{{\"u}}r Sozialpsychologie"}
@string{ZfbF   = "Z. f{{\"u}}r betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung"}
@string{ZfgK   = "Z. f{{\"u}}r das gesamte Kreditwesen"}
@string{ZfgSt  = "Z. f{{\"u}}r die gesamte Staatswissenschaft"}
@string{ZfhF   = "Z. f{{\"u}}r handelswissenschaftliche Forschung"}
@string{ZUMA   = "ZUMA Nachrichten"}
@string{jan = "Januar"}
@string{feb = "Februar"}
@string{mar = "M{{\"a}}rz"}
@string{apr = "April"}
@string{mai = "Mai"}
@string{jun = "Juni"}
@string{jul = "Juli"}
@string{aug = "August"}
@string{sep = "September"}
@string{okt = "Oktober"}
@string{nov = "November"}
@string{dez = "Dezember"}

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