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\begin{thebibliography}{} \bblsize

\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{{\citenf Aamport\/}}{1986}]{article-full}
{\bblnf Aamport, L.~A.}:
\newblock \bbllq The gnats and gnus document preparation system\bblrq.
\newblock  In: {\bbltf \mbox{G-Animal's} Journal}, \bblvol~41, 7, 1986,
\newblock This is a full ARTICLE entry (language = english).

\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{{\citenf Knuth\/}}{1973}]{inbook-full}
{\bblnf Knuth, D.~E.}:
\newblock {\bbltf Fundamental Algorithms}. {\bbltf The Art of Computer
  Programming}, \bblvol~1, section 1.2, \bblpp~10--119.
\newblock Second \bbledit, Reading, Massachusetts, {\noopsort{1973b}}1973.
\newblock This is a full INBOOK entry (language = english).

\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{{\citenf Knuth\/}}{1981}]{book-full}
{\bblnf Knuth, D.~E.}:
\newblock {\bbltf Seminumerical Algorithms}. {\bbltf The Art of Computer
  Programming}, \bblvol~2.
\newblock Second \bbledit, Reading, Massachusetts, {\noopsort{1973c}}1981. This
  is a full BOOK entry (language = english).

\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{{\citenf Lipcoll
{\bblnf Lipcoll, D.~J./Lawrie, D.~H./Sameh, A.~H.} \bbleds:
\newblock {\bbltf High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization}.
\newblock \bblNo ~23, Fast Computers. Third \bbledit, New York, 1977. This is a
  cross-referenced BOOK (collection) entry (language = english).
