% Copyright (c) 2008  Ross Moore <ross@maths.mq.edu.au>
% mmap package -- include CMap resources for math symbols into PDF
%   to make "search" and "copy-n-paste" functions work properly
%  -m.cmap  CMap uses ascii strings for the macro-names
%  .cmap    CMap uses the Unicode code-point of the symbols
% You may distribute and/or modify this program under the terms of LPPL
% the program consists of mmap.sty and .cmap files:
%   {t1,lmr,ly1,oml,oms,omx,ot1,ulasy,umsa,umsb,ueuf,upsy,upzd}.cmap
%   {oml{b,m}it,omsb,ot1{rbxit,rbxn,rmit,rmn,ssbxn,ssmn,ttmn}}.cmap
%   {t1,oml,oms,omx,ot1,ueuf,ueufb,ulasy,umsa,umsb,upsy,upzd}-m.cmap
%   {oml{b,m}it,omsb,ot1{rbxit,rbxn,rmit,rmn,ssbxn,ssmn,ttmn}}-m.cmap
% Usage: 
%  put \usepackage{mmap}  to load CMAP resources from -m.cmap files.
%  Or put \usepackage[noTeX]{mmap}  to load CMAP resources from .cmap files.
%  Or put \usepackage[useTeX]{mmap} to load CMAP resources from -m.cmap files.
%  IMPORTANT:  place this immediately after the \documentclass line
%     to ensure that all fonts are checked for appropriate resources.
%   add *.cmap files for other font encodings (contributions are welcome):
%     TS1, OT2, IL2, ...
%   support dvips?
% History:
% 2008/08/11  Fixed error for <3D> character ('equals') in ot1*-m files.
% 2008/07/08  Adjusted the documentation in the header of this file.
% 2008/07/02  Full support for math styles in OT1 and Euler Fraktur.
%             Fixed loading to avoid multiple inclusion of CMaps.
%             Ensure default OT1 font cancelled, to get CMap for math.
%             Improved CMap ranges and support for Plane-0 math letters.
%             Added /CMapVersion number to all .cmap files
% 2008/06/29  Now has partial support for different math styles in OT1.
% 2008/05/26  First version, including patch for \setaccent .
%             Cancel the default pre-loaded main font, so it can reload
%             later with a associated CMap resource.
% 2007/04/22  First attempt, to work seamlessly with cmap.sty
%             Previous work used a modified version of that package.

\ProvidesPackage{mmap}[2008/08/11 v1.03 CMAP support for math in PDF]

% The  mmap  package can be used only with pdflatex,
% but not with ordinary latex
  \PackageWarningNoLine{mmap}{pdftex not detected - will not do anything}%
  \PackageWarningNoLine{mmap}{pdftex in DVI mode - will not do anything}

\bgroup \catcode`\m 12\relax
{\catcode`\U 12\relax \catcode`\O 12\relax \catcode`\T 12\relax
 \catcode`\M 12\relax \catcode`\L 12\relax \catcode`\S 12\relax 
  \else  % use the style when not 'm'
  \else  % use the style when not 'm'
  \show\cmap@f@encoding % this is not accessed normally
% strip the 'cm' part from the resulting name
{\catcode`\m 12\relax \catcode`\c 12\relax
}%  end of \catcode
 \expandafter\strip@CM@prefix@\cmap@f@encoding @cm@!%
%  extra indirection, to allow features to be easily isolated
%  when doing detailed testing
  % check unknown encoding for math support
  \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\mmap@enc@getname@\expandafter\string\font@name @@%
 \else % cmap doesn't get this far !
  % check OT1 encoding for old-tex letters
   \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\mmap@enc@oldtexname@\expandafter\string\font@name @@%
  % check T1 encoding for new-tex letters
   \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\mmap@enc@newtexname@\expandafter\string\font@name @@%
  % check OML encoding for math style
   \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\mmap@enc@getmathname@\expandafter\string\font@name @@%
  % check OMS encoding for math style
   \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\mmap@enc@getsymbname@\expandafter\string\font@name @@%
   % write out a message to the .log file, but don't change the encoding,
   % unless \mmap@enc@getname@ alters the value of \this@f@encoding 
   \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\mmap@enc@getname@\expandafter\string\font@name @@%
   \typeout{\cmap@f@namestyle\space encoding encountered}%
  \PackageWarning{mmap}{!!! No \mmap@end@\space file found for \cmap@f@encoding\space !!! }%
  \real@cmap@load}%  fall back to the original cmap loading

%  \cmap@hook  is used when loading math-versions
 \csname cmap@set@\cmap@f@encoding\endcsname

% place the /ToUnincode resource and save its object reference
 \immediate\pdfobj stream
 %attr {/Type /CIDFile}
   file {\reserved@f}%
 \expandafter\xdef\csname cmap@set@\cmap@f@encoding\endcsname{%
    {/ToUnicode \the\pdflastobj\space 0 R}}%

% for combining accent characters to work, they must come
% after the letter being accented. 
% The following coding achieves this; e.g. for OT1 encoded fonts.
  \let \hmode@start@before@group \@firstofone 
%  \ifdim\ht\@tempboxa>1ex\relax
   \raise\dimen@\hbox to\wd\@tempboxa{\hss
%  \else
%  \accent#1{%\vphantom{#2}
%   \vrule width\z@ height\ht\@tempboxa depth\dp\@tempboxa}%
% \fi
% \accent#1 #2\spacefactor\accent@spacefactor

%%%   Handle some special cases

%\OT1\c #1->
  {\ooalign{\unhbox\z@\crcr\hidewidth\char 24\hidewidth}}%
  {\ooalign{\cr\hidewidth\char 24\hidewidth\cr\raise\baselineskip\box\z@\cr\cr}}%
\def\mmap@bindOTcedilla{\expandafter\let\csname OT1\string\c\endcsname\mmap@OTcedilla}
 \expandafter\let\csname OT1\string\c\endcsname\mmap@OTcedillabefore
% \expandafter\let\csname T1\string\c\endcsname\mmap@TIcedillabefore

%\OT1\b #1->
  \hmode@bgroup \setbox\z@\hbox{#1}%
  \o@lign{\unhbox\z@\crcr\hidewidth\ltx@sh@ft{-3ex}\vbox to.2ex{\hbox{\char22}\vss}\hidewidth}%
  \o@lign{\relax#1\crcr\hidewidth\ltx@sh@ft{-3ex}\vbox to.2ex{\hbox{\char22}\vss}\hidewidth}%
\def\mmap@bindOTunderbar{\expandafter\let\csname OT1\string\b\endcsname\mmap@OTunderbar}
 \expandafter\let\csname OT1\string\b\endcsname\mmap@OTunderbarbefore
% \expandafter\let\csname T1\string\b\endcsname\mmap@TIunderbarbefore

%\T1\c #1->
  {\leavevmode \setbox \z@ \hbox {#1}%
   {\ooalign{\unhbox\z@\crcr\hidewidth\char 11\hidewidth}}%
\def\mmap@bindTIcedilla{\expandafter\let\csname T1\string\c\endcsname\mmap@TIcedilla}

%\T1\k #1->
   \ooalign{\cr\hidewidth\char 11\hidewidth\cr\raise\baselineskip\box\z@\cr\cr}%
\def\mmap@bindTIcedillabefore{\expandafter\let\csname T1\string\c\endcsname\mmap@TIcedillabefore}

%\T1\k #1->
   \ooalign{\cr\hidewidth\char 12\hidewidth\cr\raise\baselineskip\box\z@\cr\cr}%
\def\mmap@bindTIcaronbefore{\expandafter\let\csname T1\string\k\endcsname\mmap@TIcaronbefore}

%\OT1\d #1->
  \dimen@=\dp\z@ \advance\dimen@.4ex\relax
  {\ooalign{\cr\hidewidth\lower\dimen@\hbox{\char 46}\hidewidth\cr\raise\baselineskip\box\z@\cr\cr}}%
 \expandafter\let\csname OT1\string\d\endcsname\mmap@underdotbefore
% \expandafter\let\csname T1\string\d\endcsname\mmap@underdotbefore

%\\OT1\r-A ->

%\OT1\L ->
%\OT1\l ->
\expandafter\let\expandafter\realOTL\csname OT1\string\L\endcsname
\expandafter\let\expandafter\realOTl\csname OT1\string\l\endcsname
   \hbox to\wd\@tempboxa{#1%\global\mathchardef\accent@spacefactor\spacefactor
% These don't work well, as the combination isn't honored adequately
\def\mmap@bindOTLstroke{\expandafter\def\csname OT1\string\L\endcsname{\mmap@stroke{L}{.27}}}
\def\mmap@bindOTlstroke{\expandafter\def\csname OT1\string\l\endcsname{\mmap@stroke{l}{0}}}

%  cancel the current font, which have been preloaded without a CMap
%  when needed it will load again, this time having a CMap
%  also always cancel OT1, as this may be needed in math
\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\mmap@oti@cancel@\expandafter\string\font@name @@%

% Cannot delay the rebinding, since the .aux file or a package
% may cause font-loading without the correct CMap
%   \mmap@bindOTLstroke
%   \mmap@bindOTlstroke