% morehelp.sty version 0.1       1997 by Olaf Kummer
% see morehelp.README for explanations
\ProvidesPackage{morehelp}[1997/02/18 More Help Package V0.1]

% Save the original definition.

% Define some auxillary macros.

% It is helpful to distinguish the first error.

% Check if the second argument is a prefix of the
% first argument. Arguments are delimited by plus signs.

% Check if the first argument is a prefix of the 
% current error message. If yes, replace the current
% help message by the second argument.
  % Is this the error message we are looking for?
    % Yes, but is it helpful?
      % Replace the help message.

% The help text is given as is, without choices.

% The help text is expandable and will try some tricks to be more precise.

% Redefine the internal error handling routine of LateX.
  % Are we on safe ground?
    {% Yes, proceed with analysis.
      % Inhibit looping.
      % Keep track of the actual error.
      % See if we can find a better help message.
      % We read the file with the messages now. Slower and somewhat
      % more error prone than reading it ahead of time, but
      % more memory efficient.
      \@@input morehelp.eng\relax
      % Now we output the error.
          LaTeX Error: #1%
          See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for further explanation.%
    % No, we might run into trouble. Better be invisible.


% Try to catch the most obvious catcode error.


  % Nobody clobbered \@, so we try to redefine it.
    % Are we ok?
      % Yes, probably the user knows what to do.
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname morehelp@atsign\endcsname=@

      \@@input morehelp.dyn\relax