# Copyright (C) 2023 by Charles P. Schaum <charles[dot]schaum@comcast.net> # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This file may be distributed and/or modified under the # conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 # of this license or (at your option) any later version. # The latest version of this license is in: # # http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt # # and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX # version 2005/12/01 or later. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Usage: # # Delete all generated files, do clean build on # POSIX-compliant systems, WSL, or Cygwin. # # make # # This target does the same default build as above. # # make release # # Just do a quick rebuild; keep generated files. # One must edit or touch `$(NAME).dtx'. # # make package # # Install/remove supplied files into the user's texmf tree. # These targets only work in a POSIX environment and do not # install from WSL or Cygwin into a Windows wnvironment # They have not been tested on MikTeX for Linux. # # make inst # make uninst # # Install/remove supplied files into the local texmf tree. # Needs an appropriate level of permission. These targets # only work in a fully POSIX environment. They have not # been tested on MikTeX for Linux. Note that one should # not put "sudo" before these commands because they will # not find the proper path variables. Just let the make # target ask for the password. # # make install # make uninstall # # Compile examples file with pdflatex. # # make examples # # Compile examples file with all different engines. # # make examples ENGINE=xelatex # make examples ENGINE=lualatex # make examples ENGINE=dvilualatex # make examples ENGINE=pdflatex # make examples ENGINE=latex # # Compile test files with pdflatex. # # make tests # # Compile test files with all different engines. # # make tests ENGINE=xelatex # make tests ENGINE=lualatex # make tests ENGINE=dvilualatex # make tests ENGINE=pdflatex # make tests ENGINE=latex # # Clean up auxiliary files for the package, examples, and tests. # # make clean # make exclean # make testclean # # Remove all generated files. # # make distclean # # Regenerate files from the dtx file if needed. # # make unpack # # Generate manual illustrations on POSIX-compliant systems # and TeX distributions that support doing so. This requires # the use of pdfjam, which is not available in some cases. # # make images # # Do a clean package build and create a zip archive # ready for distribution. # # make zip # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Programs minimally necessary to execute this make file: # # make bash pdflatex kpsewhich # makeindex zip pdftex # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Assign most variables in this section. Here we determine what # programs exist and choices related to that. # # Name of package NAME = nameauth # Shell to use; default is bash SHELL = bash # Value of current working directory PWD = $(shell pwd) # LaTeX engines to use for building th package and for typesetting # the examples file and testing files; below is the default. # One can choose from latex, pdflatex, xelatex, lualatex, dvilualatex. ENGINE ?= pdflatex BUILDENGINE := $(shell command -v pdflatex 2> /dev/null) TESTENGINE := $(shell command -v $(ENGINE) 2> /dev/null) # If we cannot find the engine, add a .exe extension and try that instead. # This usually occurs only when using WSL and a Windows-native TeX distro. ifeq ($(strip $(BUILDENGINE)),) BUILDENGINE = pdflatex EXT = .exe else BUILDENGINE = pdflatex EXT = endif ifeq ($(strip $(TESTENGINE)),) TESTENGINE = $(ENGINE) EXT = .exe else TESTENGINE = $(ENGINE) EXT = endif # Now if we still can't find things, something is very wrong. ifeq ($(strip $(BUILDENGINE)$(EXT)),) $(error Cannot find $(BUILDENGINE). Please check your installation.") endif ifeq ($(strip $(TESTENGINE)$(EXT)),) $(error Cannot find $(TESTENGINE). Please check your installation.") endif # Get Package pversion info; check if not available in some environments. # Create a zip file name that will not cause problems, e.g., in Windows. DOVERSION := $(shell command -v ltxfileinfo 2> /dev/null) ifeq ($(strip $(DOVERSION)),) ZIPNAME = $(NAME) else ZIPNAME = $(NAME)-$(shell ltxfileinfo -v $(NAME).dtx|sed -e 's/^v//') endif # Determine which dvi to pdf converter to use. If Ghostscript is installed # use dvipdf, otherwise dvipdfmx. DVIPDF := $(shell command -v dvipdf 2> /dev/null) ifeq ($(strip $(DVIPDF)),) DVIPDF = dvipdfmx else DVIPDF = dvipdf endif # Test if pdfjam is available. PDFJAM := $(shell command -v pdfjam 2> /dev/null) # Build options are in this variable. BUILDOPTS = -recorder -interaction=nonstopmode # Test and example options are in this variable. TESTOPTS = -interaction=nonstopmode # Add options with this variable, e.g.: make ADDOPTS="--synctex=1" ADDOPTS ?= # Core options for generating the sty file and included files # the normal way. Alternate is via make unpack. COREOPTS = -shell-escape -recorder -interaction=batchmode # Local, system-wide tex tree LOCAL = $(shell kpsewhich$(EXT) --var-value TEXMFLOCAL) # Tex tree in user's home directory UTREE = $(shell kpsewhich$(EXT) --var-value TEXMFHOME) # # Package Building Section # # Default make target is the package release and its dependencies. # When building, erase all generated files to make a fresh build. release : distclean package # Use this recipe to make the package without removing all prior files. package : $(NAME).pdf @echo "Package has been made successfully." # This is the recipe for the package and the docs. $(NAME).pdf : $(NAME).sty $(BUILDENGINE)$(EXT) $(BUILDOPTS) $(ADDOPTS) $(NAME).dtx > /dev/null makeindex$(EXT) -q -s gglo.ist -o $(NAME).gls $(NAME).glo makeindex$(EXT) -q -s gind.ist -o $(NAME).ind $(NAME).idx $(BUILDENGINE)$(EXT) $(BUILDOPTS) $(ADDOPTS) $(NAME).dtx > /dev/null $(BUILDENGINE)$(EXT) $(BUILDOPTS) $(ADDOPTS) $(NAME).dtx > /dev/null # This is the core dependency. When run we get all extracted files: # README.md, nameauth.ins, nameauth.sty, examples.tex, and the test # files as well. $(NAME).sty : $(NAME).dtx $(BUILDENGINE)$(EXT) $(COREOPTS) $(ADDOPTS) $(NAME).dtx > /dev/null # # Examples and Testing Section # # Compile the test files into their output documents. tests : $(TESTFILES) $(MAKE) testout @echo "Test files have been made successfully." testout : test01_01.pdf \ test07_01.pdf test07_02.pdf \ test09_01.pdf \ test11_01.pdf test11_02.pdf test11_03.pdf test11_04.pdf \ test11_05.pdf test11_06.pdf test11_07.pdf test11_08.pdf \ test11_09.pdf test11_10.pdf \ test13_01.pdf test13_02.pdf test13_03.pdf test13_04.pdf # Regardless of what engine is used for tests, one must use the # build engine (pdflatex) to extract the tests. TESTFILES = $(BUILDENGINE)$(EXT) \ "\def\NameauthDoTestFiles{}\input{nameauth.dtx}" \ > /dev/null # Make the example pdf using the TeX to pdf pattern rule. # Ensure that at least the style file exists when doing so. examples : $(NAME).sty examples.pdf @echo "Examples file has been made successfully." # Pattern for pdf files; works on tests or examples with or without # indexes, those with multiple indexes, and with or without TOC. %.pdf : %.tex $(TESTENGINE)$(EXT) $(TESTOPTS) $< > /dev/null $(TESTENGINE)$(EXT) $(TESTOPTS) $< > /dev/null if [ -f $*.idx ]; \ then makeindex$(EXT) -q -o $*.ind $*.idx > /dev/null; fi if [ -f $*.rdx ]; \ then makeindex$(EXT) -q -o $*.rnd $*.rdx > /dev/null; fi $(TESTENGINE)$(EXT) $(TESTOPTS) $< > /dev/null $(TESTENGINE)$(EXT) $(TESTOPTS) $< > /dev/null if [ -f $*.dvi ]; then $(DVIPDF)$(EXT) $*; fi if [ -f $*.out.ps ]; then rm $*.out.ps; fi # # Generate Manual Images from Examples # # Create example images instead of using the supplied pdf files. # For this recipe one needs the pdfjam script to be somewhere in # the command search path. Otherwise, this recipe will fail. # In case of failure, use another application to split the pdf # files and rename the appropriate pages, or use the pdfpages # package. Normally, users should not need to make this recipe. # This target may fail if using MikTeX. images : $(TESTFILES) $(MAKE) imageout ENGINE=pdflatex ifeq ($(strip $(PDFJAM)),) @echo "Image files have been typeset, but you need to split \ and rename the pages manually; pdfjam is not available. Sorry." @echo "Page 3 of test07_02.pdf -> cat01.pdf" @echo "Pages 1,2,3 of testo9_01.pdf -> beamer01.pdf, \ beamer02.pdf, beamer03.pdf" else pdfjam --paper a6paper --landscape --quiet \ test07_02.pdf 3 --outfile cat01.pdf pdfjam --paper a5paper --landscape --quiet \ test09_01.pdf 1 --outfile beamer01.pdf pdfjam --paper a5paper --landscape --quiet \ test09_01.pdf 2 --outfile beamer02.pdf pdfjam --paper a5paper --landscape --quiet \ test09_01.pdf 3 --outfile beamer03.pdf @echo "Image files have been made successfully." endif imageout : test07_02.pdf test09_01.pdf # # Utility Section # # Set up phony targets that do not depend on any specific files. .PHONY: tests images unpack clean exclean testclean distclean uninst ununstall # Simply unpack the other supplied files from the dtx file. # Not usually needed to build the package, but can be used, # for example, in case one accidentally deletes a file. unpack : pdftex$(EXT) $(NAME).dtx # Delete all auxiliary and log files for the package; prep for # re-running building and packaging targets. The file # "nameauth.dtx.aux" has appeared in some systems. Just in case # someone tries to create a "nameauth.dvi" file, we delete it. clean : rm -f $(NAME).{aux,glo,gls,idx,rdx,ilg,ind,rnd,toc} rm -f $(NAME).{dvi,fls,hd,log,out,tmp} rm -f $(NAME).synctex.gz rm -f $(NAME).'synctex(busy)' rm -f $(NAME).dtx.aux # Delete all auxiliary and log files for the examples files; leave # just the TeX file for re-running the examples target. exclean : rm -f examples.{aux,glo,gls,idx,rdx,ilg,ind,rnd,toc} rm -f examples.{dvi,fls,hd,log,out,pdf,tmp} rm -f examples.synctex.gz rm -f examples.'synctex(busy)' # Delete all test-related files to prep for re-running tests. testclean : rm -f test* # Delete all generated files related to package building except zip. distclean : clean exclean testclean rm -f $(NAME).{pdf,ins,sty,zip} rm -f README.md rm -f compat.tex rm -f examples.tex # Install the package release into the user's tree. # Note that this target depends on the "package" target, # so we do not do a clean build. This may aid testing. inst : package ifeq ($(strip $(UTREE)),) $(error "Unable to install; no path to user tree." ) else mkdir -p $(UTREE)/{tex,source,doc}/latex/$(NAME) cp $(NAME).dtx $(UTREE)/source/latex/$(NAME) cp Makefile $(UTREE)/source/latex/$(NAME) cp $(NAME).sty $(UTREE)/tex/latex/$(NAME) cp $(NAME).pdf $(UTREE)/doc/latex/$(NAME) cp *.tex $(UTREE)/doc/latex/$(NAME) cp README.md $(UTREE)/doc/latex/$(NAME) endif # Install the package release into the system tree. # Note that this target depends on the "package" target, # so we do not do a clean build. This may aid testing. install : package ifeq ($(strip $(LOCAL)),) $(error "Unable to install; no path to local tree." ) else sudo mkdir -p $(LOCAL)/{tex,source,doc}/latex/$(NAME) sudo cp $(NAME).dtx $(LOCAL)/source/latex/$(NAME) sudo cp Makefile $(LOCAL)/source/latex/$(NAME) sudo cp $(NAME).sty $(LOCAL)/tex/latex/$(NAME) sudo cp $(NAME).pdf $(LOCAL)/doc/latex/$(NAME) sudo cp *.tex $(LOCAL)/doc/latex/$(NAME) sudo cp README.md $(LOCAL)/doc/latex/$(NAME) endif # Uninstall the package release from the user's tree. # Show the state of the texmf tree thereafter. uninst : ifeq ($(strip $(LOCAL)),) $(error "Unable to uninstall; no path to user tree." ) else rm -f $(UTREE)/source/latex/$(NAME)/$(NAME).dtx rm -f $(UTREE)/source/latex/$(NAME)/Makefile rm -f $(UTREE)/tex/latex/$(NAME)/$(NAME).sty rm -f $(UTREE)/doc/latex/$(NAME)/$(NAME).pdf rm -f $(UTREE)/doc/latex/$(NAME)/*.tex rm -f $(UTREE)/doc/latex/$(NAME)/README.md rmdir $(UTREE)/{tex,source,doc}/latex/$(NAME) @echo "The texmf tree now looks like:" ls $(UTREE)/source/latex/ ls $(UTREE)/tex/latex/ ls $(UTREE)/doc/latex/ endif # Uninstall the package release from the system tree. uninstall : ifeq ($(strip $(LOCAL)),) $(error "Unable to uninstall; no path to local tree." ) else sudo rm -f $(LOCAL)/source/latex/$(NAME)/$(NAME).dtx sudo rm -f $(LOCAL)/source/latex/$(NAME)/Makefile sudo rm -f $(LOCAL)/tex/latex/$(NAME)/$(NAME).sty sudo rm -f $(LOCAL)/doc/latex/$(NAME)/$(NAME).pdf sudo rm -f $(LOCAL)/doc/latex/$(NAME)/*.tex sudo rm -f $(LOCAL)/doc/latex/$(NAME)/README.md sudo rmdir $(LOCAL)/{tex,source,doc}/latex/$(NAME) @echo "The texmf tree now looks like:" ls $(LOCAL)/source/latex/ ls $(LOCAL)/tex/latex/ ls $(LOCAL)/doc/latex/ endif # Create a zip file for upload to CTAN. On systems where ltxfileinfo # cannot be found, we create a zip file without a version in its name # instead of a zip file with a dash at the end, which can cause some # problems on Windows in certain cases. zip : release rm -f $(NAME)*.zip ln -sf . $(NAME) zip -Drq $(PWD)/$(ZIPNAME).zip \ $(NAME)/{Makefile,\ cat01.pdf,beamer01.pdf,beamer02.pdf,beamer03.pdf,\ $(NAME).dtx,\ compat.tex,examples.tex,$(NAME).pdf,README.md} rm $(NAME) @echo "Zip file has been made successfully."