README for the `nicefilelist' package
     \listfiles Alignment with Date and Version Columns
         �� Uwe L��ck 2012/10/30 (deceased June 2020,
        2023-02-13 v0.9b patched by H.-Martin M��nch,
     original package version 0.7a has been archived at


While `longnamefilelist.sty' improves LaTeX's \listfiles with
respect to long base file-names only, the present `nicefilelist.sty'
can keep separate columns for
(i) date (ii) version, and (iii) "caption"
(don't write caption text in date column),
their alignment not being disturbed by short file-name extensions
such as `.fd'. This is achieved basing on the `monofill' package.

v0.7 offers a package option `[wrap]' for automatic word wrapping
within the caption column, using the `hardwrap' package,
so file-names and captions can be quite long without disturbing
the alignment.

v0.9a offers a package option `[autolength]' for automatic sizing
of the columns, using the `xstring' package.

As opposed to the `dateiliste' package, this is about the plain
text output in the `.log' file or, with `myfilist', as a stand-
alone plain text file.

The package `latexfileinfo-pkgs'

describes `nicefilelist' in a more general context. A file
`nicefilelist.RLS' provides release information accessible by
packages described there.


The package file `nicefilelist.sty' and the documentation files
`nicefilelist.pdf' and `nicefilelist.tex' can be redistributed and/or
modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License;
either version 1.3c of the License, or any later version, see

There is NO WARRANTY -- no responsibility can be accepted
when your monitor bursts.

The `nicefilelist' package is author-maintained in the sense of
this license.

The latest public version of the package is available at

A TDS version of the package is available at