%% ot-tableau.sty
%% Copyright 2021 Adam Baker
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Adam Baker.
% This work consists of the files ot-tableau.sty and ot-tableau.tex.


% Package option: notipa

% Package option: circledviolations

% Package option: usehhline
\ottableau@usehhlinefalse % default to false

% Package option: shadedcells

% Package option: fingerafter

\ExecuteOptions{tipa} % default is tipa

\RequirePackage{amssymb} % provides the asterisks
\RequirePackage{bbding} % provides \HandRight, etc.
\RequirePackage{suffix} % provides stared commands
\RequirePackage{colortbl} % for shading

% fancy table and lines
% 2021-05-19: Removing hhline, which makes the nice lines, because hhline conflicts with arydshln


% IPA typesetting macros
	% use TIPA for IPA commands:

% Control package options inline





% Custom Markers

% OT tableaux

% Keep track of whether the optimal candidate is optimal

%% Cell shading commands

% Wholly shaded constraint columns must be specified with the s column type



% Automatic row lettering
\newcommand*{\rowletter}{\stepcounter{tableaurow}\alph{tableaurow}. }

			\ifottableau@fingerfirst % finger first: this is the default
			\else % finger second
			{\begin{tabular}{|r@{\hspace{4pt}}l@{\hspace{3pt}}l||#1|}} % finger first
			{\begin{tabular}{|l@{\hspace{2pt}}r@{\hspace{4pt}}l||#1|}} % finger second
% draw two lines after the constraints, one line elsewhere

						\ifottableau@fingerfirst \ipa{#1} \else \rowletter \fi%
						\ifottableau@fingerfirst \rowletter \else \ipa{#1} \fi%
									\ifottableau@fingerfirst #1 \else \rowletter \fi%
									\ifottableau@fingerfirst \rowletter \else #1 \fi%
% add multi-input candidates (added by Alan Munn 2023/08/01)
						\ifottableau@fingerfirst \ipa{#1}  \fi%
						\ifottableau@fingerfirst  \else \ipa{#1} \fi%
									\ifottableau@fingerfirst #1  \fi%
									\ifottableau@fingerfirst  \else #1 \fi%
% add starred version of \vio to remove vertical lines for initial multi-input candidates
% (added by Alan Munn 2023/08/01)
		\ifottableau@excl \ifottableau@shadedcells \ShadeTheCell \fi \fi%
		\ifottableau@excl \empty \else \IfSubStr{#2}{!}{\ExclOn}{\ExclOff} \fi%

