%  %NAME%    : Petiteannonce
%  %AUTHOR%  : Vincent Bela\"\i che
%  %EMAIL%   : vincent.b.1@hotmail.fr
%  %VERSION% : v1.001
%% This is file `petiteannonce.cls'.
%% This file is part of the "petiteannonce" package.
%% This package is distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project
%% Public License (LPPL) described in the file lppl.txt.
%% Ce fichier fait partie de la distribution du paquetage "petiteannonce".
%% Ce paquetage est distribu� sous les termes de la License Publique
%% du Projet LaTeX (LPPL) d�crite dans le fichier lppl.txt.
%    ****************************************
%    *             PREAMBULE                *
%    ****************************************
\ProvidesClass{petiteannonce}[2012/04/10 v1.001]
% Get font sizes

%% petiteannonce options
%\DeclareOption{someoption}{do something}


%    ****************************************
%    *               POLICES                *
%    ****************************************

%    ****************************************
%    *      MISE-EN-PAGE : parametres       *
%    ****************************************
\topmargin        =\petiteannonce@margin%  marge sup.
% suppression de l'offset vertical
\advance\topmargin by -1in
\headheight        0pt% entete
\headsep           0mm% sep. d'entete
\textheight        297mm 
\advance\textheight by -2\petiteannonce@margin% hauteur texte
\footskip          0mm% sep d'embase
% total vertical 1+0+295+0=296 mm, reste 1 mm sur A4 = 297 mm.
\footnotesep       0mm%
\marginparpush     0mm%
% marge gauche    
\oddsidemargin    =\petiteannonce@margin%
\evensidemargin   =\petiteannonce@margin%
% suppression de l'offset horizontal
\advance \oddsidemargin by  -1in%
\advance \evensidemargin by  -1in%
\textwidth       210mm
\advance\textwidth by -2\petiteannonce@margin%largeur texte  
\marginparsep      0mm% separation note lat\'erale
\marginparwidth   0mm% largeur note lat�rale
% total horizontal 1+208+0+0=209 mm, reste 1 mm sur A4 = 210 mm.
\skip\footins    4mm plus 2pt minus 4pt%

% objects for keyval-ed arguments
\newcount \petiteannonce@cols
\newcount \petiteannonce@count
\newcount \petiteannonce@skip
\newdimen \petiteannonce@cutvspace
\newdimen \petiteannonce@telcolsep % separation between telephone columns
\newdimen \petiteannonce@telrulewidth
\newdimen \petiteannonce@telvspace % space before and after telephone number
\newdimen \petiteannonce@texthspace % space before and after text
\newdimen \petiteannonce@textvspace % space above and below text
\newdimen \petiteannonce@frame@width
\newdimen \petiteannonce@width
\newdimen \petiteannonce@this@textwidth
% ============================================================================
% Define keys and their default values
% ============================================================================
  \divide\petiteannonce@frame@width by \petiteannonce@cols
  \advance\petiteannonce@width by -2\fboxrule
  \advance\petiteannonce@width by -2\fboxsep
  \advance\petiteannonce@width by -2\fboxrule
  \advance\petiteannonce@width by -2\fboxsep
% other objects for dimensions
\newcount \petiteannonce@telcount@temp
\newdimen \petiteannonce@half@colsep@worule % without rule
\newdimen \petiteannonce@telheight% width of telephone number when horizontal + hspace 
\newdimen \petiteannonce@telwidth % total = height + depth of telephone number when horizontal
\newdimen \petiteannonce@telwidth@temp 
\newdimen \petiteannonce@textwidth
\newdimen \petiteannonce@width@min@colsep % width reduced by column separator.
% counters for counting telephone number strips
\newcount \petiteannonce@telcount 
\newcount \petiteannonce@telcount@minone % same as above minus 1
% counters for counting petiteannonce
\newcount \petiteannonce@count@temp
\newcount \petiteannonce@col@temp
% boxes

% ==============================================================================
% The \petiteannonce command:
% Arg 1            = Telephone number
% Arg 2            = Advertisement text
% Arg 3 (optional) = Option keys
% ==============================================================================
  % Omitting keyed arguments is same as setting them to their default values
  % parse keyed arguments
  % consistency checks
    {non positive cols key value}%
    {The value of key cols shall be positive;\MessageBreak
     cols value will be forced to 1.}%
  % consistency check is  To Be Compeleted
  \advance\petiteannonce@width@min@colsep by -\petiteannonce@telcolsep%
  % compute half values and other temporary dimensions and counters
  \advance\petiteannonce@textwidth by -\petiteannonce@texthspace%
  \advance\petiteannonce@half@colsep@worule by -\petiteannonce@telrulewidth%
  % compute tel dimension
  % ------------------------------
  % tel-width = total height+depth when looked at horizontally
  % this is a first approximate that is going to be refined later on
  \advance\petiteannonce@telwidth by \petiteannonce@telwidth@temp%
  % tel-height = width when looked at horizontally + some vspace
  \advance\petiteannonce@telheight by \petiteannonce@telvspace
  % compute into \petiteannonce@telwidth@temp the number of columns (as a real number)
  \advance\petiteannonce@telwidth by \petiteannonce@telcolsep
  %\advance\petiteannonce@telwidth@temp by \petiteannonce@telcolsep 
  \divide\petiteannonce@telwidth@temp by \petiteannonce@telwidth
  \petiteannonce@telcount=\petiteannonce@telwidth@temp % floor
  % column count - 1
  \advance\petiteannonce@telcount@minone by -1
  % refine tel width now
  \multiply\petiteannonce@telwidth@temp by \petiteannonce@telcount
  \advance\petiteannonce@telwidth by - \petiteannonce@telwidth@temp
  \divide\petiteannonce@telwidth by \petiteannonce@telcount
  % save the telephone into a box
  % define the row of repeated telephone number
  % -----------------------------------------------
      \vrule width\petiteannonce@telrulewidth height\petiteannonce@telheight%
      \advance\petiteannonce@telcount@temp by -1%
  % now make one petiteannonce



        \noindent \hbox to\petiteannonce@width{\dotfill}%

  % now the petiteannonce main loop
    \advance\petiteannonce@count@temp by 1%
    \advance\petiteannonce@col@temp by 1%

  {Already defined command petiteannoncewidth}%
  {Already defined command petiteannoncewidth}%

  \def\petiteannonceaddtowidth#1{\advance \petiteannonce@this@textwidth by #1\relax}%
  {Already defined command petiteannonceaddtowidth}%
  {Already defined command petiteannonceaddtowidth}%

%% End of file `petiteannonce.cls.