% \iffalse meta-comment
% !TEX TS-program = dtxmk 
% Copyright (C) 2002-2020 by John Burt <burt@brandeis.edu>
% --------------------------------------------------
% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in:
%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is John Burt.
% This work consists of the files poemscol.dtx and poemscol.ins
% and the derived file poemscol.sty.
% \fi
% \iffalse
%<package>   [2020/06/12 v3.1415926 poemscol file] 
% \fi
% \CheckSum{10704}
% \CharacterTable
%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
% \changes{v1.0}{2002/06/05}{Initial version}
% \changes{v1.01}{2002/06/25}{Added commands for titles of poems without
% formal titles.  Corrected typographical errors in manual.}
% \changes{v1.1}{2003/04/18}{Added commands to change mark in cases
% where page break fall (or does not fall) on stanza break.  Added
% command to change the amount of indentation in runover lines in
% verse.  Removed special geometry to make the program more generic.}
% \changes{v1.11}{2005/02/12}{Corrected bugs in headers for
% explanatory notes and emendations.}
% \changes{v1.2}{2005/2/19}{Accidentals and typescript variants test
% to see whether textual notes are being made.  Corrected a bug when
% quoting verse in note sections.  Added a command to change the page
% number of the table of contents.  Added a command to input the table
% of contents file.  Added commands to input the external files for
% emendations, explanatory notes, textual notes, and the index of
% titles and first lines.  Added a command to test whether there is an
% .aux file from a previous run and to prevent typesetting of the
% external files for emendations, explanatory notes, textual notes if
% there is not.  Added a command to restore the main page style after
% the table of contents.} \changes{v1.7}{2005/2/22}{Changed how labels
% are made for use in contents and notes sections.  Control sequences
% in titles (such as for italics and so on) no longer require special
% commands, although those commands are retained for backward
% compatibility.} \changes{v2.01}{2005/2/22}{Rewrote all of the title
% commands in order to make them easier to maintain.  Added environment
% for flushing runover lines in verse to the right margin.  Added
% information on how to customize titles.}
% \changes{v2.02}{2005/2/28}{Corrected an error in setting poems
% without formal titles} \changes{v2.12}{2005/3/19}{Notes sections can
% take ranges of lines.} \changes{v2.13}{2005/3/20}{tsentry no longer
% needs an unskip if the entry starts with a comma.}
% \changes{v2.2}{2005/3/23}{The user can create new kinds of endnote.}
% \changes{v2.21}{2005/3/24}{Cross references can refer to line
% numbers} \changes{v2.22}{2005/3/25}{Removed dependence upon
% marn.sty.  Enabled multiple levels of block-formatted footnotes}
% \changes{v2.24}{2005/4/02}{commands to aid typesetting parallel
% texts.} \changes{v2.25}{2005/5/06}{Bug fix in running headers to
% notes sections} \changes{v2.26}{2005/5/09}{Fix no unskip in vertical
% mode error} \changes{v2.27}{2005/5/09}{Changed name of linelabel
% command, to prepare for making poemscol and lineno compatible}
% \changes{v2.30}{2005/5/16}{Prose sections such as Authors'
% Introductions are line numbered by lineno.sty.  Textnotes,
% emendations, and explanatory notes for prose sections may be either
% footnotes or endnotes, and the latter are sent to the same place as
% their verse equivalents.  Good solution to ``missing number''
% problem on first runs.} \changes{v2.301}{2005/5/31}{Corrected small
% bug in table of contents commands, rewrote manual for clarity}
% \changes{v2.31}{2005/6/3}{Ranges of line for notes sections (in
% verse or prose sections) need no longer involve counting of lines.
% Lemmas may be nested, may overlap, and may cross stanza boundaries.}
% \changes{v2.32}{2005/6/29}{Simpler configuration of marginal line
% numbers, revision of manual} \changes{v2.33}{2005/7/03}{Fixed a bug
% in index generation, compensated for odd interaction between
% fancyhdr and reversemarginpar} \changes{v2.34}{2005/7/17}{Easier
% modification of format of tables of contents}
% \changes{v2.35}{2005/7/18}{poemscol can break the lines for long
% titles in the table of contents on its own without making a mess of
% it.  poemscol can break the lines for long titles on its own without
% making a mess of it.  Modified commands for volume titles to use the
% facilities for poem titles.} \changes{v2.36}{2005/8/16}{Versions of
% note commands for typescript variants and accidentals for annotated
% prose.  Commands for marking up and annotating prose by paragraph and
% sentence number.  Commands for cross references by sentence and
% paragraph number.} \changes{v2.37}{2005/8/30}{In cases of broken
% lines or runover lines you can choose whether to set the line number
% with the beginning of the line or with the end of the line.  Also,
% you can choose to have it set the number always at the beginning if
% the line number is at the left, and always at the end if it is at
% the right.} \changes{v2.38}{2005/9/04}{Checked cases where commands
% might introduce extra white space.  Made sure that line numbers for
% verse, prose, and paragraph-sentence prose line up.  Fixed
% overlapping of paragraph and line numbers for paragraph-sentence
% mode.  Up to four sentences can appear on a line in paragraph-line
% mode without having their marginal line numbers overlap.  Fixed a
% bug that added an extra colon in footnotes in paragraph-sentence
% format.  Changed ``gutter'' and ``outer'' line numbering in verse
% and paragraph-sentence prose to use Peter Wilson's sidepars rather
% than marginpars.} \changes{v2.39}{2005/9/07}{Left a DeclareOption
% hanging in version 2.38.  Fixed that.}
% \changes{v2.391}{2005/10/06}{Corrections to user's guide.}
% \changes{v2.392}{2005/10/13}{More corrections to user's guide.}
% \changes{v2.394}{2005/12/10}{More corrections to user's guide.}
% \changes{v2.4}{2006/02/25}{Commands to make new kinds of endnotes
% also make notes for line numbered prose sections and for prose
% sections with paragraph and sentence numbering.}
% \changes{v2.41}{2006/03/02}{Fixed a bug in line numbers of new kinds
% of prose note.} \changes{v2.42}{2006/03/04}{Fixed error in handling
% conditionals when setting prose numbered by sentence and paragraph.}
% \changes{v2.43}{2006/03/06}{Notes in prose numbered by sentence and
% paragraph number can refer only to the sentence number even when
% paragraphs are also being counted.}
% \changes{v2.44}{2006/03/07}{Fixed a bug which caused new kinds of
% endnotes in prose sections to add unwanted white space to the
% output.} \changes{v2.45}{2006/04/08}{Use of sidepar in v2.38
% introduced a problem, causing line numbers sometimes to drift up a
% point.  Changed commands for putting verse line numbers, but not
% paragraph and sentence numbers, to use marginpars again.}
% \changes{v2.46}{2006/04/10}{Changed definition of sidepar so that it
% uses struts to find the depth of the line, restored line number
% commands to use sidepar and its variants.}
% \changes{v2.47}{2006/04/12}{Changed name of sidepar to pcmclsidepar
% to avoid conflicts with the sidepar command from the memoir class,
% since they are no longer exactly the same.  Added commands to put a
% marginal reference to the notes section in the margins of poem
% titles.} \changes{v2.48}{2006/04/13}{Added more general form of the
% commands to put a marginal reference to the notes section in the
% margins of poem titles.} \changes{v2.49}{2006/04/25}{Changed
% marginal reference command to use marginpar rather than pmclsidepar
% (alas, it still adds vertical white space after the title with
% pmclsidepar).  Added marginal reference commands for sequences and
% sequence sections.  Fixed errors in manual.  }
% \changes{v2.50}{2006/05/13}{Added marginal reference commands for
% poem sections, poem subtitles, epigraphs, and dedications.  These
% commands no longer require an additional label command to set the
% label to which they refer.  Added commands to make marginal
% references to the pages in notes sections where comments on
% individual lines may be found, for textual notes, explanatory notes,
% emendations, and user-defined notes.  Added commands for changing
% the names of the Table of Contents, the various endnotes sections,
% and the running headers for the contents and endnotes sections, in
% order to facilitate editions of works in languages other than
% English.} \changes{v2.51}{2006/05/22}{Changed prose section
% environment so that it does not always assume that the modulo for
% line numbers in prose is the same as the number in verse.  Corrected
% a problem with alignment of line numbers in the prosesectionnoreset
% environment.  Added commands to support generation of multiple
% indices using the splitindex package.  Fixed a variety of small
% bugs, including a newly introduced one in the correction to textual
% notes for quoted verse.} \changes{v2.52}{2007/07/10}{Changed
% dedication to poemdedication to avoid a conflict with a command in
% koma-script.  dedication command is provided using providecommand
% for compatibility} \changes{v2.53}{2007/07/14}{Changed the name of
% an internal token register to avoid a conflict with babel}
% \changes{v2.531}{2011/08/16}{Fixed a typo in example code.}
% \GetFileInfo{poemscol.sty} \changes{v2.6}{2012/08/31}{Added an
% optional argument to the poem environment to center the text block
% of the poem on the longest line.  Added a switch to enable titles to
% be centered on the page.} \changes{v2.61}{2013/02/06}{Added a
% boolean to switch notes to one note per paragraph form.  Boolean to
% switch off poem titles in notes. Two column formatting for notes sections.}
% \changes{v2.62}{2013/05/22}{You can adjust the margins of 
% epigraphs, dedications, and similar things. Made the appearance of 
% entries in the table of contents for endnotes sections 
% customizable. Fixed a bug which caused user-defined  
% endnotes to put extra white space in prose passages.}
% \changes{v2.63}{2013/06/01}{Revisions to manual.}
% \changes{v2.64}{2013/08/02}{Bug fix: remove extra white space in 
% custom endnotes for prose sections when notes are in single paragraph mode. Fix 
% appearance of page number in endnote sections.}
% \changes{v2.65}{2013/12/20}{Modifications to parallel text commands, 
% corrections to manual.}
% \changes{v2.66}{2015/5/14}{Change to page styles}
% \changes{v2.7}{2015/6/18}{Improvements to parallel texts.}
% \changes{v2.72}{2015/6/25}{Improvements to parallel texts. Generic note types for parallel texts.
% corrections to manual.}
% \changes{v2.8}{2017/8/25}{Changes in default values about where line numbers 
% are placed. verselinenumberstoleft and related commands no longer change 
% marginparsep. Endnote sections may have normal or hanging paragraphs. 
% Endnotes may have multiple paragraphs.}
% \changes{v2.81}{2017/8/30}{Versemarginadjust to 
% adjust margins of the verse block. Line numbers automatically move closer to 
% the text when the text block is centered on the longest line. New boolean to 
% force line numbers to the margins when the text block is centered. New commands to 
% control the distance of line numbers from margins of centered text block. New default 
% values for marginparwidth and marginparsep.}
% \changes{v2.85}{2017/9/03}{Boolean to turn centering of verse block on and off. 
% Subtitles center when centertitles is issued. New boolean to adjust placement of marginal 
% reference markers in jhtextnote and related commands.}
% \changes{v2.87}{2017/10/23}{Notes to appear at the end of individual poems.}
% \changes{v2.88}{2017/10/29}{Revisions to manual.}
% \changes{v2.89}{2017/11/30}{Append the date to the end of the poem.}
% \changes{v2.9}{2017/12/02}{Date aligns with left margin of poem even when poem is centered.}
% \changes{v2.95}{2017/12/20}{Long poems can put firstline---lastline in running header. 
% Revisions to manual. Textual notes, emendation notes, and explanatory notes can also be 
% placed at the end of the poem rather than at the bottom of the page or in an endnote section.
% Commands to set the title only in the contents and only in the notes.}
% \changes{v2.96}{2018/01/02}{Epigraphs, headnotes, dedications, and attributions move
% towards the center when titles are centered. Easier customization of epigraphs and similar things.}
% \changes{v2.97}{2018/01/05}{Correction to JHepigraphs. Epigraphenvironment for 
% headnotes with more than one stanza or paragraph. Corrections to manual.}
% \changes{v2.98}{2018/01/11}{Corrections to manual.}
% \changes{v2.99}{2019/08/02}{Hierarchy of indented stanzas}
% \changes{v3}{2019/08/03}{With centered verse you can align the title, epigraphs,
% attributions, and so on with the left margin of the verse block.}
% \changes{v3.01}{2019/08/04}{Corrections to manual}
% \changes{v3.04}{2019/08/18}{Appendix sections. New contents entries.}
% \changes{v3.08}{2019/09/03}{Indentations of species of titles in text can be independently changed without changing the 
% definition of the title. Appendix and Foreword section titles can be indented differently from notes section titles. }
% \changes{v3.081}{2019/09/05}{Fixed centertitles bug for subsections}
% \changes{v3.09}{2019/09/06}{New schemes for titles. Titles can be placed 
% according the indentation schemes introduced in version 3.08, at the left text margin, at
% the left verse margin, centered over the longest line of a verse block at the left verse margin, 
% at the left margin of a verse block centered on the longest line, and centered over a verse 
% block centered over the longest line.}
% \changes{v3.1}{2019/09/08}{New commands shortpoemepigraph, shortpoemdedication, 
% shortpoemattribution, JHshortepigraph, JHshortdedication. These 
% commands are controlled by the same booleans that control placement 
% of titles.}
% \changes{v3.12}{2019/09/05}{Bug fix. Fix command clash with titlesec. Manual revision}
% \changes{v3.13}{2019/09/15}{Fixed subtitles in emendations and explanations, Fixed bug in sequencesectiontitlefirstline, changed sequence hierarchy of indentations, subsubsections of sequences no longer appear in contents}
% \changes{v3.14}{2019/09/27}{Bug fix: ifpagenumberinnotesfalse, Manual revision}
% \changes{v3.141}{2019/10/27}{Manual revisions. Fixed spacing of sentence and 
% paragraph numbers in
% sections numbered by paragraph and sentence. You can suppress the appearance of the
% first sentence number, whether in the margin or in the running text. You can suppress
% the appearance of the first paragraph number, whether in the margin or in the running text.}
% \changes{v3.1415}{2020/05/25}{Changed controlling how to place 
% marginal marks in JHpoemtitle and its siblings, and in JHtextnote 
% and its siblings. Marginal marks are now set using their own inserts, rather than using marginpar.}
% \changes{v3.14159}{2020/06/02}{Marginal marks set by JHpoemtitle now work with the different 
% title placement schemes.}
% \changes{v3.141592}{2020/06/12}{Special commands for titles with footnotes (where the footnotes 
% are authorial and part of the title). Title footnotes can be set  at the bottom of the page, like 
% traditional footnotes, at the bottom of the page like ``Layered'' footnotes, or at the 
% end of the poem. Marginal marks set by JHpoemtitle can be placed 
% independently of the marginal marks produced by margreftextnote..}
% \changes{v3.1415926}{2020/08/08}{Bug fix. Extra white space problem. Thanks to David Carlisle.}
% \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newenvironment,\def,\edef,\else,\renewcommand,\makeatletter,\makeatother}
% \DoNotIndex{\abovedisplayskip,\belowdisplayskip,\abovedisplayshortskip,\belowdisplayshortskip}
% \DoNotIndex{\newcommand, \section, \subsection, \subsubsection,
% \fileversion,} \DoNotIndex{\filedate, \docdate, \leavevmode,
% \vspace, \small, \normalsize, \fontsize,} \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,
% \section, \subsection, \subsubsection, \fileversion}
% \DoNotIndex{\filedate, \docdate, \leavevmode, \vspace, \small,
% \normalsize, \fontsize} \DoNotIndex{\selectfont, \abovedisplayskip,
% \belowdisplayskip, \setlength, \item} \DoNotIndex{\global, \input,
% \def, \edef, \texttt, \textsf, \setcounter}
% \DoNotIndex{\pagenumbering, \oddsidemargin, \evensidemargin,
% \newdimen, \renewcommand} \DoNotIndex{\makeatletter, \let, \@listi,
% \@listl, \z@, \@xpt, \@xipt, \p@ , \@plus2} \DoNotIndex{\@minus5,
% \@minus3, \@plus3, \makeatother, \@minus4, \relax, \pagestyle}
% \DoNotIndex{\fancyhead, \fancyfoot, \thepage, \@ixp}
% \DoNotIndex{\begin \botmark, \botmark, \catcode, \croppadbot,
% \croppadtop} \DoNotIndex{\croppagewidth, \endverse, \equal,
% \fancyfoot, \fancyhead, \fancyhf} \DoNotIndex{\fancypagestyle,
% \firstmark, \footrulewidth, \hbox, \hbox, \headrulewidth}
% \DoNotIndex{\hfil, \hspace, \ifthenelse, \immediate, \itemindent,
% \listparindent} \DoNotIndex{\makeatletter, \nolinebreak, \openout,
% \raggedbottom, \setcounter, \textrm} \DoNotIndex{\value, \vspace,
% \write} \DoNotIndex{\afterpoemtitleskip, \addtocounter, \advance,
% \begin, \bf, \bigskip} \DoNotIndex{\bigskipamount, \fi, \@fulltitle,
% \label, \large, \leftheader} \DoNotIndex{\leftheadervalue,
% \leftmargin, \leftmargini} \DoNotIndex{\medskip, \newcounter,
% \nobreak, \par, \textbf}
% \DoNotIndex{\closeout,\em,\emph,\expandafter,\Huge,\it,\jobname,\kern,\newif,
% \newwrite,\p@,\pageref,\renewenvironment,\rm,\scriptsize,\string,
% \textsc, \unskip} 
% \setcounter{IndexColumns}{2} 
% \MakeShortVerb{|}
% \def\fileversion{3.1415926} 
% \def\filedate{8 August 2020} 
% \def\docdate{8 August 2020}
%  \title{Typesetting Poetry Collections with
% \textsf{poemscol}\thanks{This document corresponds to
% \textsf{poemscol}~\fileversion, dated \filedate.}} 
% \author{John Burt
% \\ \texttt{burt@brandeis.edu}} 
% \date{8 August 2020} 
% \maketitle
% \begin{abstract} \textsf{poemscol} provides commands for \LaTeX\ for
% setting collections of poetry.  It is especially suited for setting
% collections of poetry in which several volumes are combined, such as
% in a critical edition of a poet's Collected Poems.  It provides the
% structures required to produce a critical edition of the kind
% specified by the Modern Language Association's Committee on
% Scholarly Editions, and it automatically marks every occasion where
% a stanza break falls on a page break.  \end{abstract}
% \tableofcontents \hfuzz=50pt \section{Introduction}
% \textsf{poemscol} provides the structures necessary for editing a
% critical edition of a volume of poems (or of a collection of a poet's
% works) such as those required by the Modern Language Association's
% Committee on Scholarly Editions.  \textsf{poemscol} numbers the lines, and produces separate,
% formatted endnote sections (or, optionally, 
%multiple layers of footnotes) for emendations, textual collations, and
% explanatory notes, tying
% each note to the range of lines upon which it is a comment. 
% Producing line numbers for verse is something for which \LaTeX\
% would seem to be especially suited.  A line of verse, after all, is
% not a carriage return but a logical unit, an element of
% versification more than of typesetting, perhaps running over several
% physical lines, or perhaps split into half-lines as speakers or
% subjects change.  With \textsf{poemscol} you mark lines, stanzas,
% and entire poems up as logical units, and \LaTeX\ does the
% formatting and counting.  Once you have marked out the logical units
% of the poem, \textsf{poemscol} will automatically mark every textual
% note, emendation, or explanatory note with the range of line 
% numbers to which it applies. 
% Editions of Collected Poetry might also require special structures
% to reflect the fact that they are made up of the contents of several
% volumes of poetry.  In particular, such editions require 
% facilities for setting up specially formatted divider pages between
% volumes. They also require tables of contents and other front matter, as well
% as an index of titles and first lines (or, optionally, several separate indices)
% and other sorts of back matter.
% \textsf{poemscol} automatically generates a table of contents, an index of titles
% and first lines, and divider pages for the sections of the volumes.
% It produces running headers of the form ``Emendations to pp.~xx-yy''
% for the note sections.  
% In poetry which does not have a regular stanzaic form, it is useful
% to be able to mark automatically occasions where there is a stanza
% break at the bottom of a page which the reader might not notice. 
% Doing this by hand is not only tedious and easy to get wrong, but
% also a process you will have to start over again if anything about
% your volume changes --- if you add a poem, say, or even decide to break
% a title across two lines.  \textsf{poemscol} takes care of this
% process, so that the editor need never worry about it, automatically
% marking cases where the page break coincides with a stanza break
% with a symbol. 
% \textsf{poemscol} includes facilities for typesetting parallel text editions
% of poems, for instance to compare different versions or translations of the same poem
% on the recto and verso pages. \textsf{poemscol} will keep the line 
% numbering of the two texts separate, will provide separate endnote sections
% for textual notes, emendations, and explanatory notes for the different texts,
% and will also make marginal markers to tie lines in the verso text to the 
% equivalent line in the recto text. 
% \textsf{poemscol} is also suited for verse drama, and the package
% \textsf{dramatist} has been modified to work with \textsf{poemscol}.
% \textsf{poemscol} can provide line numbers and notes for prose
% sections such as the author's introduction or prose poetry. (It
% can also handle inset prose passages in the midst of verse, pausing and 
% restarting verse line numbering as the editor desires.)
%  It also has some limited facilities for typesetting and annotating 
% line-numbered parallel passages in prose.
% \textsf{poemscol} is not, however, designed for typesetting critical editions of large
% scale prose works, although very possibly it could be tweaked to 
% work.  For critical editions of prose works, several
% other packages are available, including the \texttt{EDMAC} format, a
% \TeX\ format analogous to but distinct from \LaTeX, by John
% Lavagnino and Dominik Wujastyk, or \textsf{ledmac}, a port of
% \texttt{EDMAC} into \LaTeX\  originally by Peter Wilson and
% now maintained  as \textsf{reledmac} by Ma\"{\i}eul Rouquette, or \textsf{ednotes}, a
% completely independent set of commands for critical editions which
% builds on \textsf{manypar} and \textsf{lineno}, by Uwe L\"{u}ck.
% \textsf{poemscol} can number and annotate prose marked in 
% ``paragraph number: sentence number''
% format (or bible chapter and verse). The advantage of this method of numbering lines
% of prose is that what is numbered is something the author chose to create
%  (sentences and paragraphs)
% rather than an accidental feature of typesetting (line numbers). Paragraph and sentence
% numbering will also be stable across multiple editions, and, like line numbers in verse,
% provides a common system of reference.
% \textsf{poemscol} provides 
% the ability to make cross references to verse line numbers, to line numbers in prose sections,
% or to paragraph and sentence numbers in sections with ``paragraph and sentence'' annotation.
% \textsf{poemscol} also provides a few bells and whistles, such as the ability
% to create new endnote or footnote sections on the fly, the ability
% to center a poem on the longest line (or to move the margin of the
% verse block wherever you wish), and the ability to place a mark in the margin
% indicating where in the apparatus commentary on that line can be found.
% For long poems,  \textsf{poemscol} can provide a
% a special running header which indicates the range of lines to be
% found on the page. 
% It has a special command to place 
% the publication date under the poem just at the left margin of the verse block even
% when the verse block is centered.
% \textsf{poemscol} also provides notes
% to be placed just after a poem (rather than at the bottom of the page 
% or in the endnote sections). It gives the user 
% fine control over the placement of line numbers and the placement and format of titles
% including multi-line titles.
% The user can choose whether to concatenate the notes for a poem into a single paragraph,
% or to give each note a separate paragraph. The user can print the notes
% in single or multicolumn format. The names of things like the Contents can
% be changed to facilitate editions in languages other than English.
% Just about every feature of \textsf{poemscol} can be 
% easily customized.
% The best features of \textsf{poemscol} are of course simply that it 
% is \TeX: it uses \TeX's automatic kerning and setting of ligatures, 
% its algorithm for justifying lines (in prose sections), and \LaTeX's 
% way of setting verse.
% Using \LaTeX\ to typeset critical editions offers more advantages
% than simply the ability to automate tedious and easy to fumble
% tasks.  \TeX\ compilers have the ability to produce
% output in Adobe pdf format.  Adobe pdf output can be used as camera
% ready copy, saving your publisher time and expense, and perhaps
% making a marginally economic critical edition a bit easier to bring
% to press.  Furthermore, since typesetting the edition yourself in
% \LaTeX\ obviates the publisher's own typesetting of your text, it
% removes another possible source of new errors.  (You should expect
% to work with your publisher on the final design of the book, but
% \LaTeX\ is a flexible language which will enable you to reproduce
% most book designs.) 
% Editions made in the formats of proprietary software such as
% QuarkXPress\copyright\ or InDesign\copyright\ will become not only obsolete
% but unreadable if those programs pass from use.  Since your \LaTeX\
% sources for your edition are in ASCII, or perhaps Unicode, they provide a permanent
% record of your local intentions at every point in your edition,
% whether or not those who wish to consult your files have access to a
% \LaTeX\ compiler, or indeed (since most of the commands have self-explanatory names) 
% whether or not they can read \LaTeX\
% code.
% Although \LaTeX\ is a typesetting language, not a content
% markup language, the ability to create new commands which the
% language offers comes very close to enabling one to realize the
% ideal of completely separating content markup from formatting.  One
% advantage of this kind of markup is that even if the appearance of
% the poem on the page may be ambiguous, the editor's intentions about
% the logical structure of the poem will be preserved in the \LaTeX\
% source. Should you wish later to produce an electronic edition of
% your work, perhaps using the XML markup approved by the Text
% Encoding Initiative, transforming your texts from \LaTeX\ to XML
% would largely (although not entirely) be a matter of performing a
% series of global search-and-replaces, and could conceivably be done
% with XSLT or with perl.
% This is a long manual, but there is no need to study it all before beginning. 
% In the first place, it includes all the commented-on source code for the 
% package, which will only matter to you if you are planning to customize
% it in some way I didn't anticipate, or if you need to know how the commands
% work internally. (The code section begins on page \pageref{implementation}.)
% The most important commands are explained in the first 30 pages, and even there
% many sections discuss things you may not need to know immediately. Also,
% many sections conclude with a subsection which suggests ways of customizing
% the output, usually giving suggestions in increasing order of difficulty. You'll
% have to be the judge of what to skip the first time through.
% \section{Dependencies and compatibility with other packages}
% \textsf{poemscol} depends upon several other packages, which you
% should be sure you have in your preamble and search path: 
% \textsf{fancyhdr} for managing the running headers, \textsf{makeidx}
% and \textsf{multicol} for managing the index, \textsf{geometry}, and
% \textsf{ifthen} and \textsf{keyval} to simplify page geometry. 
% If you are planning to generate multiple indices, substitute 
% \textsf{splitindex} for \textsf{makeidx} in your list of packages.
% \subsection{~Prose sections}
% If you plan to number lines in prose contexts, and to make textual
% notes, emendations, or explanatory notes in prose contexts, you will
% need to add the \textsf{lineno} package to your preamble.  I use the
% ``right'' and ``modulo'' options with this package, but you can set
% the options however you wish to make how you number the lines of
% prose sections consistent with how you number the lines of verse
% sections. 
% \subsection{~Multi-layer footnotes}  If you plan to use
% paragraph-formatted footnotes rather than endnotes, you should load
% \textsf{manyfoot}.  You should load it with the ``ruled,'' and
% ``para'' options.  (\textsf{poemscol's} footnote commands are just a
% wrapper around \textsf{manyfoot}.)  \textsf{manyfoot} inherited some
% of the limitations of \LaTeX\ in dealing with long inserts at the
% end of the page, so you may have to do some fiddling.  As fixes to
% these problems emerge, I will incorporate them into
% \textsf{poemscol}.  \textsf{manyfoot} does not allow multiple
% paragraph footnotes when typesetting in ``para'' mode.  This is
% probably a feature, not a bug, since one would want such notes to be
% set in several paragraphs, rather than running them together into
% one, as \textsf{manyfoot} would naturally want to do in para mode.
% For that reason, I have defined the two traditional classes of note
% in which multiple paragraph notes are likely to appear, ``sources,''
% and ``explanatory notes,'' to be typeset in ``plain'' mode, which
% opens a new paragraph with each note.  If your textual notes or
% emendations sections also have multiple paragraph notes, you should
% re-define them in order to produce footnotes in plain rather than in
% para mode, if you wish to produce footnotes rather than endnotes.
% \textsf{manyfoot} sometimes gets into conflicts with other packages
% over the number of |\counts| it uses, causing \LaTeX\ to complain
% that there is no room for a |\newcount|. If this happens, 
% issue |\usepackage{etex}| and |\reserveinserts| in your preamble.
% \subsection{~Special running header for long poems}
% For long poems, it is a convenience to have a running header 
% that includes information about what lines of the poem appear
% on that page in the form firstline--lastline. The fancypagestyle |longpoem|
% will set that information in the running header.  That page style
% uses the |\marks| mechanism, and requires more |\marks| than
% are available by default. To use it, you will need to add the \textsf{etex} and 
% \textsf{emarks} packages to your preamble. 
% \subsection{~Verse drama and \textsf{dramatist}}
% Massimiliano Dominici has made his \textsf{dramatist} package
% compatible with \textsf{poemscol}, for which I am very grateful. 
% Versions 1.2a or later of \textsf{dramatist} are compatible with 
% versions 2.3 or later of \textsf{poemscol}. 
% \subsection{~Parallel text editions} 
% \begin{sloppypar}
% If you are using the six pre-defined endnote sections
% for parallel text editions (|\rectotexnote|, |\versotextnote|, |\rectoemendation|, |\versoemendation|,
% |\rectoexplanatory|, |\versoexplanatory| and their prose equivalents |\rectoprosetextnote|
% and so on) you won't need to add any new packages. If  
% you are defining your own endnote sections using |\definenewnotetype| you may need
% the |\keeptitlestraight| hack described below  at section \ref{parallelhack}, 
% page \pageref{parallelhack}. If you use |\keeptitlesstraight| you should add \textsf{etoolbox}
% to your package list.\end{sloppypar}
% \subsection{~Crop marks}
% \textsf{poemscol} no longer provides cropmarks, but is compatible with 
% the style packages that do. I use \textsf{crop}, with the 
% letter,pdftex,cam, and center options.
% \subsection{~Incompatibility with \textsf{memoir} and \textsf{verse}}
% Unfortunately, \textsf{poemscol} is not compatible with the
% \textsf{memoir} class and the \textsf{verse} package, because they
% share some command names. I will eventually prepare a workaround for this 
% problem. 
% \subsection{~Conflict with \textsf{BibLaTeX} }
% \BibTeX\ works with \textsf{poemscol} with no problem. But a bug I haven't
% yet tracked down  (probably involving |\makeatletter|)
% complicates the use of \textsf{BibLaTeX}. To use \textsf{BibLaTeX}
% you will need to open up the .bbl file. You will find near the top
% the following lines:\\
%  |\makeatletter|\\
%  |\@ifundefined{ver@biblatex.sty}|\\
%  | {\@latex@error|\\
%     |{Missing 'biblatex' package}|\\
%    | {The bibliography requires the 'biblatex' package.}|\\
%     | \aftergroup\endinput}|\\
%   |{}|\\
%  Just comment out these lines and you will be able to use the .bbl file as usual.
% \subsection{~Compatibility with earlier versions of
% \textsf{poemscol}} Making \textsf{poemscol} compatible with
% \textsf{lineno} required me also to change the commands for turning
% verse line numbering on and off, which means that version 2.3 of
% \textsf{poemscol} is incompatible with prior versions.  The old
% command |\makelinenumbers| has been replaced with
% |\makeverselinenumbers| to distinguish it from a command from the
% \textsf{lineno} world.  (|\makelinenumbers| will still work, but I
% have deprecated it.)  To turn on verse line numbering, issue
% |\makeverselinenumbers|.  Because the counter ``linenumber'' has
% been changed to ``verselinenumber,'' you must use
% |\global\verselinenumbersfalse| to turn off line numbering, rather
% than |\global\linenumbersfalse| as before.  
% Up to version 2.44 \textsf{poemscol} borrowed the code for
% |\sidepar| non-floating marginal paragraphs from the memoir class, 
% and also made |\leftsidepar| and |\rightsidepar| commands on their 
% model. Version 2.46 modified Peter Wilson's original code for 
% |\sidepar|, so therefore I have changed the names of |\sidepar|, 
% |\leftsidepar|, and |\rightsidepar| to |\pmclsidepar|, 
% |\pmclleftsidepar| and |\pmclrightsidepar| respectively. If you 
% used any of these commands in your files, you will need to change 
% their names.
% Up to version 2.5 the |\definenewnotetype| command took four 
% arguments, using the third argument for both the running header for 
% the notes section and for the entry in the table of contents. In 
% order to make it easier to handle titles in languages other than 
% English I have found it necessary to separate these two uses, so 
% |\definenewnotetype| now takes five arguments. You will need to 
% retrofit files that use the old version of this command. You can 
% see the details at section \ref{definingnewnotes}, page 
% \pageref{definingnewnotes}.
% Version 3 introduced the boolean |\ifleftaligntitles|, for aligning the title with
% the left edge of a verse block centered on the longest line. Version 3.1 introduces
% new title placement schemes, including one which
% centers the title on the longest line of a verse block at the left margin. This made
% the meaning of |\ifleftaligntitles| ambiguous. So I have changed that boolean to 
% |\iftitlesatleftmarginofcenteredblock.|\end{sloppypar}
% Up to version 3.141 the marginal marks associated with poem titles 
% set by |\JHpoemtitle| and |\margreftextnote| moved in towards the 
% verse block when the verse block is centered on the longest line. 
% These marks could be returned to their normal position in the 
% margin by setting the boolean |\margrefstomargin| to true. As of 
% version 3.141 these marks are set in the margin by default even 
% when verse block centering is in effect. The boolean |\margrefstomargin| controls
% nothing, but has been left in case I decide to restore the possibility
% of moving the marginal marks in when the lines are centered. You can control
% the horizontal placement of these marginal marks by changing the value
% of the length |\JHmarginparsep|.
% \section{Marking up individual poems}
% First, a word about the command names. The command names may seem 
% ugly and long. And there are separate commands for many tasks that 
% seem closely related, such as a command to mark the title of a 
% section of a poetic sequence, and a separate command to mark a 
% subsection. But the names do describe pretty much what
% each command does, and they do specify exactly what the object they 
% mark is supposed to be.  The markup is designed to look like content
% markup, marking objects as a poem title, as a stanza, as a line, and so on. 
% \textsf{poemscol} gives all of these content terms typographical
% meaning.  
% There are also many commands for special purposes whose necessity
% may not seem clear until the editor finds him or herself in the jam
% the command was designed for.  For instance, \textsf{poemscol}
% normally encourages a page break before the title of a poem, or
% before the title of a section of a poetic sequence, to discourage
% page breaks between the title and the poem. But for the first
% section of a poetic sequence, or the first section of a poem in
% sections, one does not want to encourage \LaTeX\ to break the page 
% before the section title, since that would leave the title of the sequence
% or the title of the larger poem as an orphan on the previous page.
% |\sequencefirstsectiontitle| and its siblings are designed for this 
% situation. Although all commands like |\sequencefirstsectiontitle| 
% discourage page breaks before the title (and all of the commands
% discourage page breaks after the title), widowed or orphaned titles,
% and orphaned first lines will still sometimes 
% happen, particularly if you have a multi-line sequence title
% followed by a multi-line section title. For these cases, a page
% break at some other suitable point will have to be explicitly issued to
% move widowed or orphaned lines to better places.
% \subsection{~The title of the poem}
% \DescribeMacro{\poemtitle}|\poemtitle|, as its name implies, sets
% its argument as the title of the poem. 
%The command takes one
% argument --- the title, of course.  The command typesets the title in
% the body of the volume (testing first to see whether there is enough
% space at the bottom of the page to get the title and a couple of
% lines of the poem in), typesets the title in the table of contents
% (with the page number), typesets the title in the textual notes
% (adding the page number, and checking to see whether there is room
% enough on the page), and prepares similar entries in the lists of
% emendations and in the explanatory notes (if you need them)
% as well as in the endnote sections for any species of endnote you have defined for yourself.
% \textsf{poemscol} gives default values for
% such things as the font size, the separation between the top of the
% title and the bottom of the previous poem, the separation between
% the bottom of the title and the first line, and so on.  It also sets
% penalties in order to encourage page breaks just before a title, and
% to discourage page breaks between a title and a poem. 
% You can
% change all these values in your preamble by changing the value of
% the parameters for the relevant commands, listed below in the implementation section, using
% either |\setlength| or |\renewcommand| (depending upon what you are
% changing).  Some common values you might change are described in section 
% \ref{titlecustomization}.
% \subsubsection{Title placement schemes}
% \begin{sloppypar}
% There are a number of places where a title might be set.  I have
% defined for this purpose five ``title placement schemes.'' For each 
% one there is a boolean which turns on the choice, and a ``scheme'' 
% command which switches that boolean on and switches off the 
% booleans for the other schemes.  They are
% \begin{itemize} 
%\item Aligned with the left print margin, or
% indented from it according to the scheme of title indentations (whether it is
% the title to a poem, to a section, to a subsection, or so on).  The 
% hierarchy of indentations for various kinds of title is described 
% below at section \ref{customtitleindentations}, 
% page \pageref{customtitleindentations}.
% I will call the boolean that describes this
% situation |\ifnormaltitleindentation| because it was the default for
% \textsf{poemscol}. You invoke this title scheme with the command 
% |\normaltitleindentationscheme|
% \item Aligned with the left margin of a left-aligned verse block.
% The verse block is normally inset from the left print margin by the length
% |\leftmargini | (the default distance between the left margin of
% a list environment --- I defined titles as lists --- and the surrounding text).  
% I will call the boolean that describes 
% title placement at the left verse margin |\iftitlesatleftversemargin|. You invoke this title 
% scheme with the command |\titlesatleftversemarginscheme|. 
% \item Centered over the longest line of a left-aligned verse block.
% I will call the boolean that describes this title placement
% |\iftitlescenteredonleftverseblock|. The corresponding command is 
% |\titlescenteredonleftverseblockscheme|. 
% \item Aligned with the left margin of a verse block centered on the
% page on the longest line. This will be associated with the boolean 
% |\iftitlesatleftmarginofcenteredblock|. (In version 3.0 this boolean
% was called |\ifleftaligntitles|. I have removed that boolean 
% because its meaning is ambiguous now.) The command to invoke this 
% title scheme is |\titlesatleftmarginofcenteredblockscheme|. 
% \item Titles centered over a centered verse block.  I call this
% |\ifcentertitleson|. The corresponding command is 
% |\centertitlesscheme|. I have retained the command |\centertitles| 
% from earlier versions of \textsf{poemscol} for compatibility.  This
% scheme can also be used to center the titles (and epigraphs, headnotes
% and other top matter) over a non-centered verseblock too, if you 
% don't use the optional argument to |\begin{poem}| describe in the next 
% section, or if you turn off centering of the verse block by issuing the
% boolean |\textcenteringturnedonfalse|.
% \subsubsection{Using title placement schemes: verse width and title width}
% \begin{sloppypar}
%  |\centertitlesscheme|, |\titlescenteredonleftverseblockscheme|, and \\
% |\titlesatleftmarginofcenteredblockscheme| require additional information
% about each poem. Here are some details about the uses of these schemes.\end{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\centertitlesscheme} For each poem you wish to center you will have 
% to set the length of the length variable |\versewidth| to the 
% width of the longest line. To do this, use |\settowidth| as 
% follows:\\ |\settowidth{\versewidth}{text of longest line}|.\\ 
% |\centertitlesscheme| will center the 
% titles even if you do not center the verse block on the longest 
% line. 
% To center the verseblock use the optional argument to |\begin{poem}| as follows:\\ 
% |\begin{poem}[\versewidth].| \\ (For further instructions about 
% how to center the verse block on the longest line, see section \ref{centeringtextblock} 
% on page \pageref{centeringtextblock}.) 
%  |\centertitlesscheme| also moves in epigraphs, headnotes,
% attributions, and dedications towards the center. Since an epigraph or a headnote may be 
% a prose paragraph, or a passage of verse, it would be unwise to set them in a centering
% environment, so |\centertitles| just moves the margins of epigraphs and headnotes in 
%  towards the center. To adjust the placement
% of epigraphs and similar things, see section \ref{centerepigraphs}, page \pageref{centerepigraphs}.
% Single line epigraphs, attributions, and dedications, however,
%  will be centered if |\centertitlesscheme|
% is in effect. There are special commands for single line epigraphs, attributions, or dedications.
% To set these, issue
% |\shortpoemepigraph|, |\shortpoemdedication|, or |\shortpoemattribution|. 
% \DescribeMacro{\titlescenteredonleftverseblockscheme} 
% Using |\titlescenteredonleftverseblockscheme|
% scheme will require you to make known the width of the longest line
% of the poem being set \emph{and} the width of the title.  You will need to
% use the |\settowidth| command to set the length of |\versewidth| and
% |\poemtitlewidth|. For example: \begin{quotation}
% \noindent |\settowidth{\poemtitlewidth}{poem title}| \\
% |\settowidth{\versewidth}{text of longest line}|. \end{quotation}
% Normally
% you should not use the optional argument to |\begin{poem}| with this
% title scheme.  But you may have already marked up all your poems
% such a way as to leave open the choice of centering them.  You can
% turn off centering of the verse block, without erasing all of the optional arguments, by
% issuing |\textcenteringturnedonfalse|.  You can turn on centering the
% text block again by issuing |\textcenteringturnedontrue|. 
% \begin{sloppypar}
% In this scheme, |\shortpoemepigraph|, |\shortdedication|, and |\shortattribution| will
% not center their arguments on the line, but set them flush with the beginning of the title.
% \end{sloppypar}
% If you don't set the length of |\poemtitlewidth| this scheme will simply set the 
% left margin of the title over the center of the poem. (This may be an effect you want.)
% Note: this scheme will only yield proper results if the title  is shorter than
%  the longest line is. 
% \DescribeMacro{\titlesatleftmarginofcenteredblockscheme} 
%Rather than centering the title over 
% a centered block of verse, one might prefer to align the title with 
% the left margin of the centered verse block. The length |\versewidth|
% is used both to center the verse block and to place the title at the verse block's left margin.
% You will need to use |\settowidth| to set the length of |\versewidth| before
% issuing |\poemtitle| or the other title-making commands (such as |\sequencesectiontitle|).  
% Issue |\settowidth{\versewidth}{Text to be used for centering}| just 
% before you issue the |\poemtitle| or |\epigraph| command. 
% In addition, you must center to verse block by using the optional argument |\versewidth|
% to |\begin{poem}|, for example: |\begin{poem}[\versewidth]|
% For more about how to use |\settowidth| to center the
% verse block or to align titles, epigraphs, and so forth with the left margin of the
% verse block, see section \ref{centeringtextblock}, page \pageref{centeringtextblock}.
% Consult the table to see when you should issue |\settowidth| and when you should
% use the optional argument to |\begin{poem}|.
%\caption{Placement in Title Schemes}
%\begin{tabular}{l l l}
%Scheme & Lengths to Set  & Argument to |\begin{poem}|\\
%|\normalindentationtitlescheme| & None & None\\
%|\titlesatversemarginscheme| & None & None\\
%|\titlescenteredonleftverseblockscheme| & |\poemtitlewidth| |\versewidth| & None\\
%|\titlesatleftmarginofcenteredblockscheme| & |\versewidth| & |\begin{poem}[\versewidth]| \\
%|\centertitlesscheme| &  |\versewidth|  & |\begin{poem}[\versewidth]| \\
% \end{sloppypar}
%\subsubsection{Customization of titles}\label{titlecustomization}
% \DescribeMacro{\leftalignepigraphs} You 
% may also wish to align epigraphs, dedications, attributions, or 
% headnotes with the left margin of the verse block (even if you 
% center the titles). To do this, issue |\leftalignepigraphstrue| to 
% set the boolean |\ifleftalignepigraphs|.
% |\leftalignepigraphstrue| will also align attributions, 
% dedications, and other pre-texts of poems. (It will not affect the 
% dedications and attributions on volume title pages, which are set 
% using the |\volumededication|, |\volumeepigraph|, and 
% |\volumeattribution| commands.) A new group of commands, 
% |\shortpoemepigraph|, |\shortpoemdedication|, |\shortpoemattribution|, 
% |\JHshortepigraph| and |\JHshortdedication| will appear at the places 
% controlled by the new ``title schemes'' listed above. These commands will not
% obey |\leftalignepigraphs|.
% \end{sloppypar}
% \begin{sloppypar}
%  \DescribeMacro{\poemtitlefont}
% |\poemtitlefont| globally sets the font size (and
% leading) for all poem titles in the main text. 
% For instance, you can change the font parameters for the font for
% setting poem titles from 14 points type on 18 points leading to 12 on 14 by issuing
% |\renewcommand{\poemtitlefont}{\fontsize{12}{14}\selectfont}| in
% your preamble. There are similar commands to set the font size and leading for 
% the titles of poetic sequences,
% sequence sections, titles of volumes, and so on. 
% You can find a complete list of those font parameters at  section \ref{internal font size commands},
% page \pageref{internal font size commands}.
% |\poemtitlefont|  and its siblings do not change the
% default typeface. To change the default typeface to, say, Times Roman, or 
% Tex Gyre Pagella, use the commands \LaTeX\ 
% or Xe\LaTeX\ provide for that purpose (e.g.\ |\usepackage{tgpagella}|). Changing the default 
% typeface is probably something you would want
% to do globally, not at the level of classes of title, anyway.
% \DescribeMacro{\contentspoemtitlefont}
% |\contentspoemtitlefont| globally sets the font size (and leading)
% for poem titles in the table of contents. There are similar commands for each of the
% other kinds of titles in the table of contents. They can be changed just as the font
% parameters for titles in the main text are changed, using |\renewcommand|.
% You can find a complete list of those font parameters at  section \ref{internal font size commands},
% page \pageref{internal font size commands}.
% \begin{sloppypar}
%  \DescribeMacro{\afterpoemtitleskip}
% |\afterpoemtitleskip|
% sets the vertical separation between a poem and its title. To change
% its value, for instance, to |\medskip| (the default is |\smallskip|), 
% issue |\renewcommand{\afterpoemtitleskip}{\medskip}| in your preamble.
% |\afterpoemskip| sets the vertical separation between the end of a
% poem and the title of the next poem. ``Skips'' for other kinds of title can be
% changed the same way.  You can find a complete list of these skips at 
% section \ref{skiplist}, page \pageref{skiplist}.\end{sloppypar} 
%  \DescribeMacro{\poemtitlepenalty}
% |\poemtitlepenalty| encourages
% but does not require a page break just before a poem title.  To change
% the penalty, for instance, from -1000 to -3000, 
% issue |\renewcommand{\poemtitlepenalty}{\penalty-3000}|
% in your preamble. Penalties for other kinds of title can be changed the same way.
% A
% complete list of all of the special commands for setting font sizes,
% skips, and penalties, is in section \ref{changingfontsandleading}, page 
% \pageref{changingfontsandleading}, below.
%  \DescribeMacro{\putpagenumberinnotesfalse}
% If you don't want the entry in the notes section for this poem to include
% the page number of the poem, issue |\putpagenumberinnotesfalse|. 
% \DescribeMacro{\titleindent} |\titleindent| is an internal command for indented parts of titles. 
% You should change it with caution. In the 
% commands for setting the sections and subsections of poetic sequences, 
% \textsf{poemscol} uses |\titleindent| internally to set up a 
% hierarchy of indentations. (A section of a sequence is indented one 
% |\titleindent|. A subsection is indented two. And so on.) 
% |\titleindent| is also used internally in the commands for multiple 
% line titles. Instructions about changing the value of |\titleindent|
% can be found in section \ref{changingfontsandleading}. Each kind of title,
% for poems, sections of poems, sequences, and so forth, has its own default
% indentation both in the text and in the table of contents. You can see a list of these
% default values, and instructions about how to change them, at \ref{customtitleindentations}, 
% page \pageref{customtitleindentations}.
% \subsubsection{Subtitles and special titles}
% \DescribeMacro{\poemsubtitle} Subtitles of poems should be issued as 
% the arguments to the |\poemsubtitle| command.
% Multiple line titles (if it matters how they are broken up on page), 
% titles of subsections of poems, titles of
% sequences of poems, titles of the elements of a sequence of
% poems, and ``empty'' titles (for untitled poems)
% are all special cases, with special commands, which will be
% dealt with below at sections \ref{multilinetitles} and \ref{poeticsequences}. 
%You can also create new varieties of title. For instructions 
% on how to do this, see section \ref{customizing titles} below, page \pageref{customizing titles}.
% \subsection{~The body of the poem}
% \subsubsection{The poem environment}
% \DescribeEnv{poem} The body of every poem should be placed in a
% |poem| environment.  Putting the body of the poem between
% |\begin{poem}| and |\end{poem}| resets the line counter to 1, 
% puts the poem in a modified |verse| environment (to handle run over lines
% automatically), and turns off automatic hyphenation with the |poem| environment. 
% \DescribeEnv{pmclverse}  \textsf{poemscol} slightly modifies the |verse|
% environment from the standard \LaTeX\ definition, increasing the
% indentation used for run over lines, in order to make the difference
% between the indented run over portion of a long line, on one hand,
% and an explicitly indented second line, on the other, more obvious in the output.
% \textsf{poemscol}  also adds a little bit
% more white space between stanzas than the standard \LaTeX\ |verse|
% environment does.  (I found that the standard stanza breaks did not
% leap out on the page as stanza breaks.) 
% The verse environment for \textsf{poemscol} is |pmclverse|, defined
% below on page \pageref{versedefine}. You don't have to place poems explicitly in
% the |pmclverse| environment. The |poem| environment automatically opens (and closes)
% |pmclverse|.
% \subsubsection{Customizing the poem environment}
% \DescribeMacro{\versewidth} 
% The |poem| environment uses an optional argument to center the verse block on a 
% line of a given width. If your poem has 
% short lines, and you wish to center it on the page, rather than set 
% it against the left margin of the normal |poem| environment, you can 
% give the width of the line you want to use to center the poem as the optional
% argument.  To center a verse block 30 ems wide, for instance, issue
% |\begin{poem}[30em]|. 
% \label{centeringtextblock}
% Rather than specifying the length explicitly, you can use the length
% |\versewidth| as the optional 
% argument to |\begin{poem}|. You can set the length of |\versewidth| to the proper 
% amount using |\settowidth| as follows: 
% \begin{center} |\settowidth{\versewidth}{Text of line to use for centering}|. \end{center}
% Once you have set |\versewidth|
% to center the poem on a sample line, you use it to center the |poem| environment this way:
% \begin{center} |\begin{poem}[\versewidth]|.\end{center}
% Notice that the optional argument is in square braces,
% not in curly braces. 
% If you are planning to align the poem title with the
% left margin of the centered verse block you should use the |\versewidth| method
% to center the verse block, since |\versewidth| is used to place the title in that case.
% (You can just enter a length into the optional argument of |\begin{poem}|, but in that case,
% if you are left-aligning the poem title, you should set |\versewidth| to that value
% by issuing e.g. |\setlength{\versewidth}{30em}|.)
% \DescribeMacro{\linenumberscenteredwithverse} 
% If you want to center the verse on the page using the optional argument to |\begin{poem}|, 
% you probably also want 
% to move the line numbers in, so as to be closer to the line. 
% \textsf{poemscol} will do this by default. If you wish to leave the line 
% numbers at the margin, set the boolean |\linenumberscenteredwithverse| to 
% false. For centered verse, the distance between the line numbers and the 
% verse can be set by setting the length of |\marginparsepmin| (not 
% |\marginparsep|). The default 
% value of |\marginparsepmin| is 2 em. 
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\centertitles} 
% \DescribeMacro{\ifcenterepigraphson}
% If you center the poem on a sample 
% line, you probably also want to center the title of the poem too, 
% which you can do by issuing |\centertitles|. 
% (|\centertitles| invokes the title centeringscheme.) If you decide against centering the title,
% you can either just remove or comment out the |\centertitles| command, or
% switch a boolean by issuing |\centertitlesonfalse|. By default, |\centertitles|
% also moves epigraphs, dedications, headnotes, and attributions toward the center.
% To prevent this, issue |\centerepigraphsonfalse|. This boolean applies to the 
% regular |\epigraph|,  |\headnote| and |\dedication| commands, not to the
%single-line |\shortpoemepigraph|, |\shortpoemdedication| and |\shortpoemattribution| commands,
%whose places are defined by the title scheme that is in force when they are issued.
% \DescribeMacro{\iftextcenteringturnedon} Suppose you have marked up many poems with 
% the optional second argument to |\begin{poem}|, which would cause the text 
% block to be centered on the longest line, but change your mind about 
% centering all the poems.  You can turn off centering, without 
% erasing all of the second arguments, by issuing |\textcenteringturnedonfalse|. 
% You can turn on centering the text block again by issuing 
% |\textcenteringturnedontrue|.
%  \DescribeMacro{\versemarginadjust} 
% If you don't want to center the verse block on the longest line, but do want
% to adjust its horizontal placement, you can adjust the 
% placement of the verse block by changing the value of the 
% length |\versemarginadjust|. For most commonly used type sizes, setting 
% |\versemarginadjust| to 28pts will put the verse block at the left margin, aligned
% with the page number.
% \subsubsection{Hyphenation is off in the poem environment}
% \textsf{poemscol} turns off automatic hyphenation in poetry
% environments.  The idea here is that every hyphen in the printed
% poem is authorial, obviating the need for you to compile a
% hyphenated-lines list to distinguish between authorial hyphens and
% hyphens you added for lineation purposes.  Line-ending hyphens
% should not be a feature of verse anyway, I think.  
% You may wish to restore automatic hyphenation in poetry environments
% for your own edition.
% If you do so you must keep track of added hyphens yourself.  This
% list will be easy to compile, however, because only authorial
% hyphens will appear in your source code.  Automatically added
% hyphens will appear only in the output.  (You might even modify the
% output routine so that automatically added hyphens have a different
% look.  That would be non-trivial, but Donald Knuth has an exercise
% about doing just that in \emph{The \TeX book}.) To
% restore automatic hyphenation, copy the definition of the |poem|
% environment (below at page \pageref{poemdef}) and redefine the 
% environment using |\renewenvironment|, commenting out the line that reads
% |\language=255|. Place the renewed definition of the environment in your preamble,
% with |\makeatletter| before the renewed definition and |\makeatother| after it.
%  If you are restoring automatic hyphenation for a parallel-text
% edition, be aware that |\startparalleltexts| also (defined below at 
% page \pageref{startparalleltexts}) redefines the |poem| 
% environment, so you will have to change |\startparalleltexts| using
% |\renewcommand| as well. 
%  \textsf{poemscol}
% turns automatic hyphenation back on in prose contexts, so if you
% wish to keep a hyphenation list for such things as authorial
% prefaces and so on, you must do so yourself manually.
% (Alternatively, you can turn automatic hyphenation off in those
% contexts as well, by setting the |\language| to 255.  For an example
% of how to do this, look at the definition of the |poem| environment
% in the implementation section below.  If you do turn automatic
% hyphenation off, it would be wise to restrict the change to some
% particular environment, rather than changing the |\language|
% globally.  You might wish, for instance, to turn automatic
% hyphenation off in the |prosesection| environment.)
% \subsubsection{The stanza environment}
% \DescribeEnv{stanza} Every stanza should be placed in its own stanza
% environment.  Every poem should have at least one stanza.  Marking
% the beginning and end of every stanza (with |\begin{stanza}| and
% |\end{stanza}|) provides \textsf{poemscol} with a way of detecting
% cases in which a page boundary falls on a stanza break, since in
% those cases a page turn happens when one is \emph{inside} a poem
% environment but \emph{not} inside a stanza environment.  Further,
% marking the beginning and end of every stanza makes the logical
% structure of the poem (and the editor's intentions about it) clear
% to readers of your source code.  If you want to change the |stanza| environment
% consult its definition below at page \pageref{stanzadefine}.
%  \DescribeMacro{indentedverse} To indent stanzas (or stretches of verse) relative to the margin
% you can use the |indentedverse| environment.
% You can also
% set different stanzas or passages at a hierarchy of levels of indentation.
% (For how to do this, see section \ref{indentedverse} below, page \pageref{indentedverse}.)
% \DescribeMacro{\stanzaatbottom}
% \DescribeMacro{\nostanzaatbottom}
% If you wish to change the symbol used to mark cases in which a 
% break falls on a page turn, issue the command |\stanzaatbottom|, 
% using as the argument whatever you wish to use to mark such cases. 
% The default is |\stanzaatbottom{*}|, which is suitable for a published volume. If you 
% are preparing a typescript for submission, you may wish to set 
% |\stanzaatbottom| to ``stanza break.'' 
% If you wish also to mark all cases where there is \emph{not} a stanza break 
% at the bottom of the page, issue the command |\nostanzaatbottom|, 
% using as the argument whatever you wish to mark such cases. The 
% default is |\relax| (which is to say, ``don't do anything'').
% \subsubsection{Verse lines and line numbering}
% \DescribeMacro{\verseline} |\verseline| should mark the end of every
% line, except the last line of every stanza (which should be marked
% with |\end{stanza}|).  |\verseline| marks the end of every line as a
% prosodic unit (since a line of verse is not simply a carriage
% return), and advances the line counter.  There are commands below
% for changing the line counter's horizontal placement (how close it
% is to the left or right margin of the line) and appearance. (See
% section \ref{marginalgeometry} for these.)
% \DescribeMacro{\setverselinemodulo} |\setverselinemodulo| sets how
% often a marginal line number appears.  To print a line number every
% five lines, issue |\setverselinemodulo{5}|.  The default value is
% 10.
% \DescribeMacro{\makeverselinenumbers}  
% Marginal verse line numbering is on by default.  To turn line
% numbering off, issue |\global\verselinenumbersfalse|.  To turn it
% back on, issue |\makeverselinenumbers|.
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\verselinenumberstoright}
% \DescribeMacro{\verselinenumberstoleft}
% To put all of the line numbers to the left, issue |\verselinenumberstoleft| in
% your preamble.  |\verselinenumberstoright| puts the line numbers in the right
% margin.  (These two commands use non-floating marginal note commands derived
% from the \textsf{memoir} class, |\pmclleftsidepar| and |\pmclrightsidepar|,
% respectively.) 
% \end{sloppypar} 
% \DescribeMacro{\verselinenumbersouter}
% \DescribeMacro{\verselinenumbersgutter}
% If you wish the line numbers to appear in the outer margins of each two-page spread, issue
% |\verselinenumbersouter| in your preamble.  If you want the line numbers to
% appear in the inner margins, issue |\verselinenumbersgutter| in your preamble.
% (These two commands use |\pmclsidepar|, derived from |\sidepar| from the
% \textsf{memoir} class, but modified by Dan Leucking.)  
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\marginparsep}
% You can adjust the
% distance between the marginal line number and the text with
% |\setlength{\marginparsep}{your length}|.  The default value for |\marginparsep| is 18pt,
% and the default value for the width of the box in which the line numbers are
% set, |\marginparwidth|, is 18 pt.  If you are setting with the line numbers to
% the right, |\marginparwidth| can be as small as you wish, although your log
% file will be full of complaints if you make it too small.  But if you are
% setting with the line numbers to the left, if |\marginparwidth| is narrower
% than the width of the line number, the line number will be moved down a line.
% Setting |\marginparsep| to zero lines the verse line numbers up with the page
% numbers, and puts both at the margin.  If you move the verse line numbers by
% changing |\marginparsep|, you can move the page numbers to keep them aligned
% by changing |\headoffsetlength| to the same value.  
% \end{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\marginparsepmin}
% If the verse block is centered on the longest line, the distance between the line numbers and the 
% verse can be set by setting the length of |\marginparsepmin| (not 
% |\marginparsep|). The default 
% value of |\marginparsepmin| is 2em. 
% \DescribeMacro{\pmclsideparvshift}
% The line numbers should print on the baseline. You can adjust them 
% to move them up or down by changing the value of a length called
% |\pmclsideparvshift|. The default value is
% |\setlength{\pmclsideparvshift}{0ex}|. 
% \subsection{~Special line markup}
% \subsubsection{Indentation, line breaks, runover, and broken lines}
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\verseindent} The |\verseindent| command is to be
% used for formally indented lines. It should not be used to indent 
% the run over portion of long lines (which \textsf{poemscol} handles 
% automatically anyway).  |\verseindent| indents the line a bit less
% than the run over portion of long ``bent'' lines are indented, so 
% that the two cases can be visually distinguished. By default, the 
% length of |\verseindent| is 2 em. To change it, say to 3 em,  you should change 
% the length |\verseindentamount| by 
% issuing |\setlength{\verseindentamount}{3em}|.\end{sloppypar}\goodbreak
% You can create a hierarchy of indentations by issuing |\verseindent| 
% multiple times. But you can also use an optional argument to |\verseindent|, with
% the number indicating how many levels of indentation to add to this line,  like so
% |\verseindent[3]| for the third level of indentation, (with each level being one |\verseindent| 
% deep). If you use this option, don't put any white space between the end of the 
% |\verseindent| command and the beginning of the poetic text, otherwise
% poemscol will add about 10pt of unwanted extra white space. (The only real 
% consequence of forgetting about this will be that |\verseindent[1]| will be about
% 10pts deeper than plain |\verseindent|, which may not  really be an issue for you.)
% \begin{sloppypar} 
% \DescribeMacro{indentedverse} \label{indentedverse} You might want to indent whole stanzas, 
% or perhaps extended passages of verse, relative to the rest of the poem (you might,
% for instance, want to indent refrains systematically). This would be tedious to
% do using |\verseindent|. Put stretches of 
% verse you wish to indent in the |indentedverse| environment. Whatever is 
% in this environment will be indented. The indentation will be of the length
% |\indentedstanzaamount|, which is by default set to |\verseindentamount|, 
% which by default is 2 em. You can change |\indentedstanzaamount|  to 3em, by issuing
% |\setlength{\indentedstanzaamount}{3em}|. 
% You can also set a hierarchy of intended stanzas
% or passages by issuing an optional argument to |\begin{indentedverse}|. So, for instance,
% |\begin{indentedverse}[2]| will indent that environment by two |\indentedstanzaamount|s
% (4 em), and |\begin{indentedverse}[3]| will indent that environment by three 
% |\indentedstanzaamount|s, or 6 em. Note that if you use the optional argument, you
% must enclose it in square brackets, not curly ones. Note also that (for reasons
% I have not been able to track down) |\indentedverse[1]| indents the stanza
% slightly more deeply than plain |\indentedverse|. To preserve a
% consistent look for a hierarchy of indented stanzas, use |\indentedverse[1]| for the 
% lowest level of indentation, not plain |\indentedverse|. \end{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\linebend} \textsf{poemscol} automatically runs over
% long lines, indenting the run over portion on the next physical
% line.  If you are unhappy with where \textsf{poemscol} has run over
% a particular line, you can ``bend'' that line by issuing |\linebend|
% at the point where you wish it to run over.  The run over portion of
% the line will be indented just as if \textsf{poemscol} had ``bent''
% the line at your selected point.  This command only works if you
% have chosen to bend the line at some point earlier than
% \textsf{poemscol} would have chosen on its own. 
% You may also wish to use |\linebend| to reproduce how your author
% broke up long lines on the page (if you know that your author cared
% about such things and did not leave them up to the typesetter).
% |\linebend| should only be used for managing run over lines, not for
% cases in which a line is to be broken into separate half-lines.  For
% cases in which a line is to be broken into half-lines, use the
% |\brokenline| command.  The two commands do similar (but not identical)
% things.  But a ``linebend'' is a feature of typesetting, and a
% ``broken line'' is a feature of versification, and it seems best to
% distinguish them logically. (|\linebend|, like |\brokenline|, issues 
% a carriage return without incrementing the line number, but 
% |\linebend| adds indentation to the next line.)
%  If you 
% want to extend a line further into the right margin, beyond the normal break point, you can
% probably do so by using a combination of |\nobreak| and |\hbox|,
% or by turning all of the spaces in that line into unbreakable
% spaces, marked with |~| in your source.  But \textsf{poemscol} will
% complain if you do this, and rightly so, since the result is likely
% to be ugly. It would probably be wiser to adjust the lengths |\leftmargin|
% and |\rightmargin| in the definition of the |pmclverse| environment, 
% allowing all of the lines to be a little bit longer. The |pmclverse| environment
% is defined below, at section \ref{versedefine},  page \pageref{versedefine}.
% \DescribeMacro{\runoverindent} To change the indentation for the run
% over portion of verse lines globally, issue the amount of
% indentation you desire as the argument to |\runoverindent|.
% |\runoverindent| is currently set to 6 em, rather more than the
% standard amount in the definition of the \LaTeX\ |verse|
% environment. By default, the runover portion of long lines is 
% indented. You may wish to flush the runover portion to the right 
% margin instead. For instructions about how to do this, see section 
% \ref{rightflushverse}, page \pageref{rightflushverse}. 
% \DescribeMacro{\brokenline}
% \DescribeMacro{\versephantom}|\brokenline| should be used where you
% wish to break the line without incrementing the line counter. 
% Authors often break a line into two half-lines, setting the
% beginning of the second half-line flush with the end of the first
% half-line.  (Sometimes these broken lines indicate a change of
% speaker.  Sometimes they just indicate a change of subject, usually
% an abrupt one, a change which calls attention to itself by
% interrupting a line rather than waiting for a line break or stanza
% break).  |\brokenline| is normally used with |\versephantom|,
% which adds white space exactly as long as its argument would have 
% been had it been set in type. |\versephantom| thus provides an easy 
% way of setting the beginning of the second half-line flush with the 
% end of the first, whatever the font size or special formatting of the 
% first line.
% The sestet of Yeats's sonnet ``Leda and the Swan,'' has such a broken 
% line: 
% \begin{verse}
% A shudder in the loins engenders there\\
% The broken wall, the burning roof and tower\\
% And Agamemnon dead.\\
% $\phantom{And Agamemnon dead.~}$ Being so caught up,\\
% So mastered by the brute blood of the air,\\
% Did she put on his knowledge with his power\\
% Before the indifferent beak could let her drop?\end{verse}
% To set the broken line properly, issue:
% \begin{verse}
% 	And Agamemnon dead.|\brokenline|\\
% 	|\versephantom{And Agamemnon dead.}| Being so caught up,|\verseline|
% 	\end{verse}
% \DescribeMacro{\stanzalinestraddle}
% Some poets (such as Robert Penn Warren) occasionally introduce a 
% stanza break in the middle of a broken line, considering the line to 
% be a single metrical unit despite the fact that it straddles a stanza 
% break. To record these cases, mark the end of the first half-line 
% with |\end{stanza}| as usual. But instead of opening the next stanza 
% with |\begin{stanza}| issue |\stanzalinestraddle| instead. This will 
% make sure that the line counter counts the straddling line as only one 
% line, despite the stanza break. |\stanzalinestraddle| is usually used 
% with |\versephantom|.
% \subsubsection{Customizing broken lines}
% \DescribeMacro{\tweakbrokenline}
% By default, \textsf{poemscol} sets the line numbers level with the 
% ends of broken lines. If the line numbers are set to the right of 
% the text, this seems the obvious choice. Conceivably you might want 
% to set the line number level with the beginning of a broken line 
% when the line numbers are set to the left. To ensure that the line 
% numbers of broken lines are set level with the beginning of a 
% broken line when the line number is on the left, issue 
% |\tweakbrokenline| in your preamble. 
% You should issue |\tweakbrokenline| with caution, because although 
% it changes how |\brokenline| is handled, it does not change the 
% handling of long lines with runover. Runover lines will still set 
% the line number level with the end of the line. You can have 
% runover lines set their line number level with the beginning of the 
% line by issuing |\startverseline| at the beginning of the line.
% \DescribeMacro{\brokenlineatbeginning} Conceivably you might want 
% |\brokenline| to set the line number level with the beginning of 
% the line in every case. To do this, issue |\brokenlineatbeginning| 
% in your preamble. If you do this, you should be prepared to mark 
% the beginning of runover lines with |\startverseline|.
% \DescribeMacro{\startverseline}
% If you begin a verse line with |\startverseline| the line number 
% will be set level with the beginning of the line rather than with 
% the end. This is useful, for instance, if you want to ensure that 
% the line number of a line with runover is set level with the 
% beginning of the line. You can, if you don't want to keep track of 
% where runover lines are, start every line with |\startverseline|. 
% \DescribeMacro{\tweakstartverseline} 
% Rather than setting the line number of every runover line level with
% the beginning of the line, it may make more sense for you to set the
% line number level with the beginning in cases where the line number
% is to the left, and level with the end in cases where the line
% number is to the right.  You might want to do this, for instance, if
% you have decided to set all the verse lines at the outer margin (by
% issuing |\verselinenumbersouter| in your preamble), or have decided to
% set all the verse lines at the inner margin (by issuing
% |\verselinenumbersgutter| in your preamble).  To ensure that
% |\startverseline| does this, issue |\tweakstartverseline| in your
% preamble.
% \subsubsection{Right-flushed runover lines}
% \DescribeEnv{rightflushverse}
% \DescribeMacro{\rightversebegin}\label{rightflushverse} By default,
% \textsf{poemscol} indents the runover portion of long lines by the
% amount |\runoverindent| (by default 6 em).  It is possible to set
% verse so that the runover portion is flushed to the right margin.
% To do this, you should put the |\rightflushverse| environment inside
% the |\poem| environment.  And you must mark the beginning of each
% verse line with |\rightversebegin|.  Christian Ebert has reminded me
% that the |\rightflushverse| environment must be issued \emph{inside}
% the poem environment.  Otherwise it simply flushes every line to the
% right.
% It is rather clumsy to need a special environment for verse with 
% right flushed runover. I plan to provide a command for switching 
% between a verse environment that indents runover lines and a verse 
% environment that flushes runover lines to the right. I have seen 
% examples of this kind of environment from Markus Kohm and Christian 
% Ebert, but so far I haven't been able to persuade them to play well with \textsf{poemscol}
% \subsection{Cross references by line number}
% \DescribeMacro{\poemlinelabel} \label{poemlinelabel}
% |\poemlinelabel| enables crossreferences by line number.  To make
% a line label, issue |\poemlinelabel{text of label}| right after the
% line to which you wish to refer, where ``text of label'' is some
% distinctive label you can use for a reference elsewhere.  (You
% should issue the command \emph{after} the |\verseline| or
% |\end{stanza}| command, to make sure that the line number will be
% correct.)  To produce the reference, just issue |\ref{text of label}| as usual.  
% (|\poemlinelabel| is just a crudely hacked
% version of |\label| from \LaTeX.) |\pageref{text of label}| will set
% the page number of the page on which the label appears.
% \section{Making a table of contents}
% \subsection{~Setup}
% \DescribeMacro{\makepoemcontents} 
% I found the normal \LaTeX\ commands for making tables of contents for scholarly works
% unsuited for making tables of contents of poetry, so I have provided my own.  To make a table of
% contents for your poems, issue |\makepoemcontents|.  
% |\makepoemcontents| takes an optional argument, which
% sets the page number for the table of contents.  If your publisher
% wishes to add some front matter so that the contents will appear on
% page vii, you should issue |\makepoemcontents[7]|.
% It might seem
% as though you would want to issue this command in your preamble.  In
% fact it is better to issue it in the body of the document,
% immediately \emph{after} issuing the |\putpoemcontents|, the command which
% inputs and typesets a table of contents from a prior run. If you issue |\makepoemcontents|
% before issuing |\putpoemcontents|, you will simply erase the table of contents
% from the prior run (the one which will have all the contents information you
% are intending to use) and enter an empty table of contents into your document.
% \subsection{~Printing the table of contents}
% \DescribeMacro{\putpoemcontents}\label{putpoemcontents} 
% Information for your table of contents will be written to an
% external file with the extension .ctn. |\makepoemcontents| creates this file, and 
% opens an output channel to send information to it. |\putpoemcontents| closes
% the file and reads it into your document. 
% You will need to run your
% book through \LaTeX\ twice in order to generate a table of contents,
% the first time to generate the titles and the references for the page numbers, and the second
% time to use the labels to which the references point
% to enter the page numbers.  (Under some circumstances --- if
% you have an index, for instance --- you may need three passes rather
% than two.)  
% \DescribeMacro{\resetpagestyle}
%  Because the
% table of contents uses a special page style and special fonts
% |\putpoemcontents| issues |\resetpagestyle|,
% which restores the default fancy page style to ``main'' once it has
% input the contents, and restores the font size to |\normalsize| as well.  
% \DescribeMacro{\pagenumbering}
% Be sure to
% reset the style of page numbering (from |\pagenumbering{roman}| to
% |\pagenumbering{arabic}|) after issuing |\putpoemcontents|, since
% when you read in the external file created by |\makepoemcontents|
% the page numbering will be set to roman numerals.  The command
% |\resetpagestyle| (which is called by |\putpoemcontents|) will reset
% the fancy page style to that used in the main body of the volume,
% but it won't change the page numbering to arabic, in case there is
% some frontmatter between the contents and the main text, so you
% should be sure to do so yourself. (Front matter is normally given page numbers
% in roman numerals.)  If you neglect to issue
% |\pagenumbering{arabic}| at the end of your front matter, the 
% page numbering will remain in roman numerals.  The notes sections
% use the page numbers from the poem to construct running headers of
% the form ``Notes to pp.~xx--yy.''  If those numbers are roman
% numerals rather than arabic ones, \textsf{poemscol} will not
% recognize them as numbers, and you will get the infamous ``Missing
% Number'' error that puzzles so many users of \LaTeX.
% \subsection{~Contents entries for notes sections and the index}
% \begin{sloppypar}\DescribeMacro{\puttextnotes}
% \DescribeMacro{\putemendations}
% \DescribeMacro{\putexplanatory} 
% |\puttextnotes|, and its siblings |\putemendations| and
% |\putexplanatory|, input the formatted endnotes
% sections into your document, and put entries for them into your table of contents.  
% You will have to run \LaTeX\ again to set the page numbers of those sections
% in the 
% table of contents properly.  The first run sets the title of the endnotes section and a label to find the
% page number to add to the table of contents, and the second run
% actually sets page number.  (These commands are described
% below, in section \ref{putexternalfiles}.)  All of these commands
% also restore normal hyphenation for the endnotes sections.  \end{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\putpoemindex}
% |\putpoemindex| inputs the formatted index (after your raw entries have been
% processed by MakeIndex), and adds an entry 
% for it into the table of contents.
% Remember that if you are making an index of titles and first lines
% you may need to run your file through \LaTeX\ twice more after running
% MakeIndex, to put the entry for the index and its correct page number into your table of
% contents.  
% \DescribeMacro{\putmultiplepoemindex}
% Use |\putmultiplepoemindex| instead if 
% you are making several indices. For instructions about 
% |\putmultiplepoemindex| see section \ref{multipleindex}, 
% p.~\pageref{multipleindex}.
% \subsection{~Customizing contents entries}
% Lines in the table of contents usually include an indent (how
% much of one depends upon what the entry is --- whether it is a
% volume title, a poem title, or something else), then the title
% itself.  If the entry is for a poem, for a section of a poem, for a poetic sequence, or for
% a section or subsection of a poetic sequence, a slash follows the title, followed
% by the page number.  
% All of the commands that generate lines in the table of contents are
% somewhat messy and somewhat rigid, but you can modify them if you
% wish. Here are some ways of customizing contents
% entries, in increasing order of difficulty.
%\DescribeMacro{\setcontentsleaders} By default the title and the page 
% are separated by a slash (actually by |~/~|). If you wish to change 
% this, say to put dot leaders in instead, issue what you wish to use 
% as the argument to |\setcontentsleaders|. For instance 
% |\setcontentsleaders{\poemdotfill}| will flush the number to 
% the right margin, and insert leading dots up to the number.
% The argument to |\setcontentsleaders| can be whatever you wish
% to use to separate the title from the page number, such as a colon,
% a hard space (|~|), or even |\hfil| to flush the page number to the right margin.
% \DescribeMacro{\contentspoemtitlefont}
% You can change the font sizes that are used to set particular classes of title
% in the contents by redefining the commands that are used to set the font size
% for that kind of title. For instance, if you wanted to set the titles of all 
% poems in 12 point type on 14.5 point leading, issue \begin{verbatim}
% \renewcommand{\contentspoemtitlefont}{\fontsize{12}{14.5}\selectfont}
% \end{verbatim}
% in your preamble. You can find a list of the various relevant font size commands
% below at section \ref{internal font size commands}, page \pageref{internal font size commands}.
% \DescribeMacro{\contentsindentoneamount}
% You can also change the amount of the indentations used in the hierarchy of indentations
% in the table of contents by changing the value of  the elements of
% that hierarchy. You can change ``contentsindentoneamount'' 
% (the amount a poem title is normally indented, by default 24pt) to, 
% say, 36pt, by issuing |\contentsindentoneamount=36pt| in your preamble. You
% can find all of the values in the contents indentation hierarchy at section 
% \ref{contents indentation hierarchy}, page \pageref{contents indentation hierarchy}.
% \DescribeMacro{\pmclcontentsentry} There is a simple way of adding a new contents
% entry using the command |\pmclcontentsentry|. The command creates an entry on the model
% of the entry for the textual notes section. It takes three arguments. The first is the title of 
% the section. The second is the indentation of the entry (typically |\contentsindentone|
% |\contentsindenttwo|, or |\contentsindentthree|, but any indentation command will do). 
% The third is the page number.
% Remember that |\contentsindentone| is a command, not a length. The length of 
% the indentation is |\contentsindentoneamount|. 
% The command is defined as |\hspace{contentsindentoneamount}|.
% You can suppress the page number by setting the boolean |\putpagenumbersincontentsfalse|.
% A more general way to add a entry in the table
% of contents is to use the command |\pmclecontentsentrydefaults|. This command takes
% four arguments: (1) The title  (2) the indentation command (3) the font size (e.g. |\contentendnotesfont| for the
% same font size used in contents entries for the endnotes sections) and (4) the page number. Here
% also you can suppress the page number by setting the boolean |\putpagenumbersincontentsfalse|.
% \DescribeMacro{\setlength} To change the amount various kinds of title are indented in the Table
% of Contents, see below at section \ref{contentsindentations}, page \pageref{contentsindentations}.
% \DescribeMacro{\renewcommand}
% You can also make global changes to the appearance of a particular kind of contents entry. To
% change the appearance of a kind of entry (for all sections of 
% sequences of poems, for instance), go to the definition of the title
% of that kind of entry (e.g.\ |\sequencesectiontitle|) below, 
% and copy the definition into a |\renewcommand| for that kind of title;
% find where that command calls the 
% |\c@ntentsinfo| command, and change the arguments
% to that command to suit you. (You should consult  section \ref{customizing titles},  page
% \pageref{customizing titles}, to see what all of the arguments to |\c@ontentsinfo| do.)
% Put the whole renewed version of the title command into your preamble, being
% sure to issue |\makeatletter| before the |\renewcommand| and to issue
% |\makeatother| after it. 
% (You have to put this whole |\renewcommand| between |\makeatletter| and |\makeatother| because
% |\c@ntentsinfo| and several other commands called to set titles include 
%the |@| character, which you can't use in command names
% except in the .sty file. Internal commands like |\c@ntentsinfo|, which are used by
% other commands but are under most circumstances not meant to be invoked 
% by users directly, have an |@| in their names so that the user won't accidentally
% redefine them.)
% You can find the commands for making titles below at
% section \ref{poemtitlecode}, page \pageref{poemtitlecode}.
% Here, for instance, is the code that defines titles for sections of poetic sequences:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \newcommand{\sequencesectiontitle}[1]{%
% \set@p@emtitle{#1}{\poemtitlepenalty}{\poemtitlefont}
% {\titleindent}{\nobreak\par\nobreak\afterpoemtitleskip\nobreak}
% {\titleindentamount}
% \c@ntentsinfo{#1}{\contentsindenttwo}{\contentspoemtitlefont}
% {\contentsindentthreeamount}
% \t@xtnotesinfo{#1}} 
% \end{verbatim} 
% Notice in the above that entries for sequence sections in the table 
% of contents are given the indentation
% |\contentsindenttwo|. To give them the indentation |\contentsindentthree| 
% and to set the runover portion of long titles with the  indentation |\contentsindentfour| put this in
% your preamble:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \makeatletter
% \renewcommand{\sequencesectiontitle}[1]{%
% \set@p@emtitle{#1}{\poemtitlepenalty}{\poemtitlefont}
% {\titleindent}{\nobreak\par\nobreak\afterpoemtitleskip\nobreak}
% {\titleindentamount}
% \c@ntentsinfo{#1}{\poemsectiontitleindent}{\contentspoemtitlefont}
% {\contentsindentfouramount}
% \t@xtnotesinfo{#1}} 
% \makeatother
% \end{verbatim} 
% \DescribeMacro{\c@ntentsinfo}
% You can make even more sweeping and fundmental changes in the look of your
% table of contents by redefining the |\c@ntentsinfo| command itself, which can be found 
% below at  section \ref{poemtitlecode}. Think very hard about this before doing it.
% \section{Making an index of titles and first lines}
% \subsection{~Setup}
% \DescribeMacro{\indexingontrue} First you must add the \textsf{makeidx} package
% to the list of packages you call in your preamble. (If you are planning to set several
% indices, call \textsf{splitindex} instead.) Then, to set up the Index section of your
% volume, issue |\indexingontrue| in your preamble.  This will create
% the external file for your index information and send that file the
% typesetting information for its title.  You must process this
% external file (the .idx file) with MakeIndex to create a properly organized and
% formatted index.  MakeIndex sorts the various multi-level ``index
% cards'' generated by all of the |\index| commands in your source
% files.  
% \subsection{~Printing the index}
% \DescribeMacro{\putpoemindex}
%Once you have processed your .idx file with MakeIndex, and
% generated the sorted and formatted .ind file for your book, the
% |\putpoemindex| command will insert the typeset index where you
% issue it, and put an entry for your index in your table of contents.
% You will have to run your file through \LaTeX\  twice again to make the
% page number for that entry correct.
% \textsf{poemscol} sets up a two-column index with a simple running
% header.  (Setting up a two-column index, however, requires that you
% include the \textsf{multicol} package in your |\usepackage| list.)
% To turn indexing off, issue |\global\indexingonfalse|.  
% Enter the individual index entries in the poems as you normally
% would for use by MakeIndex (say, after each title and first line).  One of
% the nice features of MakeIndex is that every entry has two parts,
% one for specifying the sort key of the entry (or subentry), the other
% for specifying the font and typesetting information of the entry (or
% subentry).  This enables you to drop all of the initial uses of
% ``the'' in titles for sorting purposes, while still including the
% ``the'' in the title.  It also enables you to distinguish titles
% from first lines (by italicizing them), and to include typesetting
% information (such as italicization) in titles or first lines without
% messing up their sort order. 
% \subsection{~Making multiple indices}\label{multipleindex}
% \textsf{poemscol} can work with \textsf{splitindex} to generate 
% more than one index. You might, for instance, wish a separate index 
% of titles and index of first lines, or an index of proper names. To 
% do this, call \textsf{splitindex} in your list of packages. Then, 
% in your preamble, declare the indices you are planning to use, e.g.:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \newindex[Index of Titles]{idx}
% \newindex[Index of First Lines]{fir} 
% \newindex[Onomastic Index]{ono}
% \end{verbatim}The second argument is the 
% ``shortcut'' defined by \textsf{splitindex}, and will be used to 
% mark index entries in your text (see below), and used also as the extension 
% for the external index files used by MakeIndex.
% Then mark up individual entries. Some entries (in the example 
% above, the ``Index of Titles'' examples) can be marked up with 
% |\index| just as if you were using only one index. Entries for 
% other indices should be marked using the |\sindex| command from 
% \textsf{splitindex}, as follows
% \begin{verbatim} 
% \sindex[fir]{Of Man's first disobedience and the fruit} 
% \end{verbatim}
% where the 
% first argument is the ``shortcut'' and the second is the index 
% entry. If you are loading \textsf{splitindex} with the 
% \textsf{split} option, the different types of index entry will be 
% sent to separate output streams, which each must be processed separately 
% with MakeIndex. \TeX\ has only a limited number of such output 
% streams, however, so it is probably wiser not to choose that 
% option, but to use splitindex.tex, splitindex.pl, or one of the 
% other means provided with the \textsf{splitindex} package to break 
% up the index into the separate parts, each of which must be 
% processed with MakeIndex separately.
% To include the indices, and to add entries for them to the table of 
% contents, issue |\putmultiplepoemindex| for each one. 
% |\putmultiplepoemindex| takes four arguments, which are: 1.\ The 
% three letter ``shortcut'' used by |\splitindex|, 2.\ The title of 
% the Index on its first page, 3.\ The running header for that index 
% section, and 4.\ The name of the section as you wish it to appear in 
% the Table of Contents. So, for instance
% \begin{verbatim}
% \putmultiplepoemindex{fir}{INDEX OF FIRST LINES}{Index of First 
% Lines}{First Line Index} \end{verbatim}
% includes an index with shortcut ``fir,'' title ``INDEX OF FIRST 
% LINES,'' running header ``Index of First Lines,'' and contents 
% entry ``First Line Index.''
% \section{Collections with multiple volumes}
% \DescribeEnv{volumetitlepage} \DescribeEnv{maintitlepage}
% The |volumetitlepage| environment is an
% environment for divider pages in collections made up of several
% volumes.  Volume title pages will always appear on recto pages with blank verso pages. 
% \textsf{poemscol} will also automatically create a blank verso page
% preceding the volume title page if it is necessary.  The
% |maintitlepage| environment is for the title page of the whole
% book.  The main title page will also automatically always be on a
% recto page. These divider pages have special
% page styles, with no page numbers and no running headers.
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\wholebooktitle} \DescribeMacro{\volumetitle}
% |\wholebooktitle| is for the title of the entire collection. 
% |\volumetitle| is for the title of an individual volume within a
% Collected Poems.   |\wholebooktitle|
% merely sets its argument in a very large font. |\volumetitle| also sets an entry
% in the table of contents (with no page number, but followed by extra
% vertical space) and in the endnotes (with 
% no page number). 
% \DescribeMacro{\volumetitlefirstline}
% \DescribeMacro{\volumetitlemiddleline}
% \DescribeMacro{\volumetitlelastline} 
% \DescribeMacro{\volumesubtitle}
% The |\volumetitlefirstline|,
% |\volumetitlemiddleline|, and |\volumetitlelastline| commands are
% for multi-line titles of volumes gathered into the collection.  (Use
% these last commands if you want to specify how a long title is
% broken up both in the text and in the table of contents.
% \textsf{poemscol} will break up long titles on its own anyway
% if you don't specify how to break them up, but
% you might not be happy with how it breaks up the lines.)
% |\volumesubtitle| is for setting the subtitle to a volume.
% In addition to setting the text in the body of your
% edition, these commands send the title (and the formatting
% information about it) to the table of contents file and to the
% various endnotes files.\end{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\volumesectiontitle} 
% |\volumesectiontitle| is for setting the title of a section of a
% volume.  |\volumesectiontitle| merely prints the title in a large font in boldface
% in the text. It always prints at the top of a page, but it does not ensure that that
% page is a recto page,  does not reserve the whole
% page for the title, or put a  blank verso page following the title. It prints the title
% in the contents without a page number, and prints the title in the textual notes 
% (but not in the other endnote sections) in boldface on a separate line.
% Because it is so different from other titles, it does not use the three internal 
% commands (|\set@p@emtitle|, |\c@ntentsinfo|, and |\t@xtnotesinfo|) that
% all of the other title commands use, so modifying those internal commands will not
% change |\volumesectiontitle|.
% \DescribeMacro{\volumeepigraph} \DescribeMacro{\volumeattribution}
% |\volumeepigraph| and
% |\volumeattribution| are for epigraphs and attributions on the
% divider pages.  \goodbreak
% \DescribeMacro{\volumeheader} \DescribeMacro{\leftheader}  \DescribeMacro{\rightheader} 
% |\volumeheader| or |\rightheader| is for setting the right
% running header for that volume (except for divider pages, the table
% of contents, the notes sections, and other special cases).  Normally
% that is just the name of the particular volume.  |\leftheader| is for setting
% the left running header for the entire book (except for divider
% pages, the table of contents, the notes sections, and other special
% cases).  Normally that is the name of the entire book.
% \section{Recording textual notes, emendations, and explanatory notes}\label{recordingtextualnotes}
% \subsection{~Setup for endnote sections}
%  \DescribeMacro{\maketextnotes} \DescribeMacro{\makeemendations}
% \DescribeMacro{\makeexplanatorynotes} 
% To collect textual collations, issue |\maketextnotes| in your
% preamble.
% To collect emendation notes, issue |\makeemendations| in your preamble. 
% To collect explanatory notes, issue
% |\makeexplanatorynotes| in your preamble.
% These commands open external files for emendations, textual
% collations, and explanatory notes (with extensions .emd, .ent, and
% .enx respectively). \textsf{poemscol} reads these files back into the main document
% at the place you specify
% with |\puttextnotes|, |\putexplanatory|, or |\putemendations|, or at
% the end (if you use the |\finish| command).
%  These commands  also send to the external files the commands for typesetting the
% title of each section (e.g. Explanatory Notes), for making an entry in the table
% of contents for each endnote section, and for modifying the
% running headers of the notes sections to xx--yy format (e.g.
% ``Explanatory Notes to pp.~55--7'').
% \textsf{poemscol} opens an entry (headed with
% the title, and the page the poem appears on in the body of the 
% text, in boldface) in the textual notes
% section for every poem (since, minimally, you want to include
% information about the variants and copy text of the poem).
% In the emendations or explanatory notes sections  
% \textsf{poemscol} 
% sets this information only if you actually have emendations or explanatory notes on that poem.
% If you have defined a new endnote section using |\definenewnotetype| \textsf{poemscol}
% will also only set the poem heading in the notes if there actually is a note for that poem.
% The notes for each poem are set in a block paragraph, with a new
% paragraph for every |\poemtitle| command, and the line counter for
% the notes is reset to 1 with every |\begin{poem}|.  (For long poems
% in books or cantos, it you might use |\poemtitle| for the
% canto names or numbers, or perhaps you might want to design a new species
% of title using the commands described below at section \ref{customizing titles}, 
% page \pageref{customizing titles}.)
% By default, there is one paragraph per poem, with a hanging indent to give 
% prominence to the page number.
% If you wish to use multi-layer footnotes rather than endnotes, you 
% do not need to issue |\maketextnotes| or its relatives (but you 
% should of course issue |\textnotesatfoot| or its relatives). You can mix 
% footnotes or endnotes as you wish. You may, for instance, wish to 
% set explanatory notes as footnotes, and textual notes and 
% emendations as endnotes. Instructions for setting up 
% \textsf{poemscol} to make such footnotes are in section 
% \ref{makingfootnotes} below.
% \subsection{~Customizing endnotes}
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\iftextnotessinglepar} 
% \DescribeMacro{\ifemendationssingplepar}
% \DescribeMacro{\ifexplanationssinglepar}
% You may, 
% particularly if you are annotating long poems, wish each 
% note to appear in its own paragraph rather than in a block paragraph 
% with the other notes to that poem. To do this, you need to set 
% the relevant boolean. Issue |\textnotessinglepartrue| 
% |\emendationssingplepartrue| or |\explanationssinglepartrue| to give
% each such note a separate paragraph. (Similar booleans will be automatically
% defined for any species of endnote you create.) By default, these notes will have a 
% hanging indent, to give prominence to the line number.
% \end{sloppypar}
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\noteindentation}
% You may have notes with multiple paragraphs.  The default settings for all of
% the forms of endnotes set them with hanging indentation, which probably is not
% a good idea for multiple paragraph notes.  There are two ways of approaching
% this problem.  The first way is to change all of the paragraphs of the notes to
% normal indentation, which you can do by issuing
% |\literaltextnote{\setlength{\parindent}{\noteindentation}}| just after issuing |\maketextnotes| . 
% You can change the amount of indentation by changing the value of the 
% length |\noteindentation| (the default value is 1 em).
% You should remember to issue similar 
% commands for emendations, explanatory notes, and whatever kinds of notes you 
% create using |\definenewnotetype|. 
% \end{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\noteparbreak} 
% Alternatively, if you want to keep the hanging indent for the page number, but still have paragraph 
% breaks in the note, issue |\noteparbreak| whenever you want a paragraph break 
% in the midst of a note. The first paragraph will have a hanging indent for the 
% page number, but every paragraph that follows a |\noteparbreak| will have normal 
% paragraph indentation. By default, |\noteparbreak| indents the new paragraph 
% 1em. You can change this by changing the value of the length 
% |\noteindentation|.
% \DescribeMacro{\iftextnotestwocol} 
% \DescribeMacro{\ifemendationstwocol}
% \DescribeMacro{\ifexplanationstwocol}
% By default, notes are set in single columns. To set them in two column mode, 
% set the relevant booleans to true, e.g. |\textnotestwocoltrue|. Again, any note type
% you create with |\definenewnotetype| will automatically define the ``twocol'' boolean
% that goes with it.
% \DescribeMacro{\putpagenumberinnotesfalse}
% \DescribeMacro{\puttitleinnotesfalse}
% You may not wish to have the poem's page number and title appear in
% the notes.  To turn off the appearance of the page number in the
% notes, issue |\putpagenumberinnotesfalse|.  You may also not wish to
% put the poem's title in the notes.  To turn off the appearance of the
% poem's title in the notes, issue |\puttitleinnotesfalse|. \textsf{poemscol} assumes
% that the notes to a poem will begin with either the poem's title, or its page number, or both,
% so although you can set either boolean to ``false,'' don't set both of them to ``false." 
% \textsf{poemscol} will let you do this, but the results will be strange. Also, |\putitleinnotesfalse|
% applies only the textnotes. Emendations, explanatory notes, and any note types you create
% with |\definenewnotetype| will include the title of the poem.
% \goodbreak
% \DescribeMacro{\contentsendnotesindent}
% \DescribeMacro{\contentsendnotesfont}
% You can control the appearance of the entry for endnote sections in 
% the table of contents by changing the definition of 
% |\contentsendnotesindent| (set by default to |\contentsindentone|) 
% or |\contentsendnotesfont| (set by default to 
% |\contentspoemtitlefont|.)
% \subsection{~Textual notes of various kinds}
% \DescribeMacro{\sources} To record information about the copy text,
% editions and publication history of individual poems, or any
% information not tied to specific lines in the poem, you should place
% that information in the argument to the |\sources| command.
% |\sources| sends information to the external file for textual notes, but does not
% tag what it sends with line numbers, hence its use for sending ``sources.''
% Typically, you should issue this command after you have issued
% |\poemtitle| and before you issue |\begin{poem}|. That way the ``sources'' will
% appear in the textual notes section just after the title of the poem, but before the 
% notes on particular lines. 
% You could conceivably use |\sources|
% send typesetting information to the textual notes file (such as to force a page
% break), but I prefer to do that
% by using |\literaltextnote|, which also sends information to the external
% file for textnotes without sending line numbers. Although they do the same thing, I use |\sources| to 
% send editorial information to the texual note section, but use 
% |\literaltexnote| to send formatting instructions to the textual note section, so that
% the different purposes of the note are clear at first glance. You can send
% typesetting information to other sections by using
% |\literalemend|, |\literalexplain|, or |\literalcontents|. \textsf{poemscol} also
% creates a similar ``literal'' command for any type of endnote you create on the fly
% using |\definenewnotetype|.
% There is one subtle difference between |\sources| and |\literaltextnote|. If you
% issue the commands to set your textual notes as footnotes rather than endnotes, 
% notes issued with |\sources| will be set as footnotes, but anything issued using |\literaltextnote|
% will be discarded. To set textual notes as footnotes, 
% see section \ref{makingfootnotes}, page \pageref{makingfootnotes}, below.
% \DescribeMacro{\textnote}
% \DescribeMacro{\emendation}
% \DescribeMacro{\explanatory}
% |\textnote| is used to capture variants and tie them to the
% correct line number.  You don't have to count line numbers; 
% \textsf{poemscol} keeps track of them for you.  Issue |\textnote|
% immediately after the |\verseline| command which marks the ending of
% the line you wish to comment upon.  Put the text of your note (which
% may be simply the recording of a variant in standard notation) into
% the argument of the command.  You should put both the lemma and the
% variants or comment in the argument to the |\textnote| command. 
% For emendations, use |\emendation|, and for explanatory notes,
% use |\explanatory|. These notes go to their own endnote sections. The
% only difference is that each poem opens a new paragraph (headed with the
% poem's title and page number) for its own 
% textual notes, but such paragraphs for explanatory notes or emendations are only 
% opened if there actually are explanatory notes or emendations for that poem.
% \DescribeMacro{\sameword}
% \DescribeMacro{\missingpunct}
%  To
% put the $\sim$ glyph in your note (used for recording places where
% the variant and the copy text have the same word, as for instance
% when recording a variation of punctuation) use |\sameword|.  To put
% the ${}_{\wedge}$ glyph into your text (used for recording places
% where a punctuation mark is missing in a variant), use
% |\missingpunct|. 
% For notes that refer to ranges of lines, |\textnote|, |\emendation|,
% and |\explanatory| have an optional argument, which records how many
% lines the note refers to.  There are two ways of using this
% argument.  The grubby but simple way is simply to put into the
% argument the number of lines it refers to.  If, for instance, you
% issue |\textnote[4]{lemma] rest of note}|, \textsf{poemscol}, rather
% than printing merely the number of the line which closed just before
% you issued |\textnote|, will print a line range, beginning at that
% line, and ending at the fourth line after it.  If that |\textnote|
% were issued after line 214, this is to say, the output in the
% textual notes would be: 214--218: lemma] rest of note.
% \begin{sloppypar} It seems clumsy to count the lines referred to by
% a note, especially since you don't have to count lines to set where
% the note begins.  A more sophisticated way, and one which involves
% no counting, is to make a unique poem line label for the last line
% of the range by issuing |\poemlinelabel{some unique label}| just
% after the |\verseline| or |\end{stanza}| that ends the range.  (To
% use |\poemlinelabel| see section \ref{poemlinelabel}.)  Then, back
% after the |\verseline| or |\end{stanza}| command that closes the
% first line of the range, put the text of the label into the optional
% argument of |\textnote| as follows: |\textnote[some unique label]{lemma]rest of note}|.  
%This is the preferred method.  The
% line-counting method is deprecated, but retained for backwards
% compatibility with earlier versions.  If you use the label method,
% you will have to run your file through \LaTeX\ twice, once to define
% the labels, and once to set the text.\end{sloppypar}
% Here is a complete example:
%Yes, then I met the beast. Well, better, indeed,\verseline
%\textnote[had it been the]{better, indeed, / Had it been the] better if 
%it / Had been the 1953TS (revised in black pencil 
%on 1953TS to 1953)}
%Had it been the manifest beast and the circumstantial\verseline
%\poemlinelabel{had it been the}
%Avatar of destruction. But no beast then: the towering\verseline
%Definition, angelic, arrogant, abstract,\verseline
%Greaved in glory, thewed with light, the bright\verseline
%Brow tall as dawn. I could not see the eyes.\end{stanza}
% \end{verbatim}
% Overlapping lemmas, or lemmas that 
% include stanza breaks, do not pose any difficulties for |poemscol|. 
% |\emendation| and |\explanatory| are used exactly as |\textnote| 
% is. Issue the emendation or the explanatory note as the argument to 
% the command. Place the command immediately after the |\verseline| that 
% concludes the line to which it is a comment. These commands also can 
% take optional arguments to specify line ranges.
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\accidental} |\accidental| behaves exactly like 
% |\textnote|.  Accidentals 
% are included by default, but if you issue |\global\includeaccidentalstrue| 
% in your preamble, you will remind yourself of that fact.  
% If you wish to distinguish between accidentals and 
% substantives, using |\accidental| provides a way of doing so.\end{sloppypar}
% If you wish to exclude accidentals from your printed output, but to
% mark them in your source files, so that your published collation in the
% textual notes endnotes section 
% consists only of substantives, issue
% |\global\includeaccidentalsfalse| in your preamble.  Many publishers
% are reluctant to publish accidentals, believing that they are, well,
% less substantive than substantives.  Using the |\accidental|
% command allows you to exclude accidentals from the published version
% should your publisher insist, while preserving the information about
% them in your source files should the publisher's mind change.  In the very worst case, if
% you have marked all the accidentals in this way you can still
% produce a list of accidentals for later use, and other scholars can
% search for accidentals in your source files simply by searching for
% the string |\accidental|.
% \textsf{poemscol} does not provide for a separate backmatter section
% for accidentals, but it would be trivial to construct one, using 
% |\definenewnotetype|, described in section \ref{definingnewnotes} 
% below.  You may, for instance, use |\definenewnotetype| to create a command called 
% |\newaccidental|, then issue| \let\accidental=\newaccidental|.
% \DescribeMacro{\tsvariant} \DescribeMacro{\tsentry} Some publishers
% may turn up their noses at typescript or manuscript variants (changes on
% a manuscript or typescript as opposed to differences between published versions) in just
% the way they turn up their noses at accidentals.  If you wish to
% distinguish between published variants and typescript,
% man\-u\-script, or galley variants, |\tsvariant| (for a whole note)
% and |\tsentry| (for a typescript entry in a list of variants in a
% textual note that includes other kinds of variant) provide ways of
% doing so.  By default, typescript variants are included.  To exclude
% typescript variants, issue |\global\includetypescriptsfalse| in your
% preamble.  You can issue |\global||\includetypescriptstrue| in your
% preamble, to remind yourself that you are including typescript
% variants.  In that (default) case |\tsvariant| will behave exactly
% like |\textnote|, and entries in other notes marked with
% |\tsentry| will be included in your output.
% Here is how to use |\tsentry|:
% if you wish to include typescript entries in a single note including
% those entries in a list with variants from other published versions
% (as for instance when a word appears in a typescript but only in
% the second edition of the published poem), simply issue
% |\textnote| as usual, marking the relevant variant in the list of
% variants with the |\tsentry| command. If typescript variants
% are excluded, the typescript entry will also be excluded. 
% Here is a typical use of the |\tsentry| command:
% \begin{verbatim}
% Of moonlit desert. A stallion, white and flashing, slips,\verseline
% \textnote{Of moonlit] Of the moonlit {\em NY\/}\tsentry{, SP85TS 
% (revised in black pen to SP85)}}
% \end{verbatim}
% Notice that since the |\tsentry| comes in the middle of the list, 
% it begins with a comma. You might expect an |\unskip| command 
% before the comma, to prevent 
% \LaTeX\ from adding white space before the comma. \textsf{poemscol} 
% automatically provides the |\unskip| if the entry starts with a 
% comma or a semicolon.
% You can
% mark individual variants with |\tsentry| in the arguments to the
% |\explanatory| and |\emendation| commands as well, and 
% |\tsentry| will also behave normally in any endnote or footnote section 
% you define using |\definenewnotetype|.
% \textsf{poemscol} does not provide for a separate backmatter section
% for typescript variants, but it would be trivial to construct one,
% again using |\definenewnotetype|. To do this, you would also have to 
% copy all of the emendations, explanatory notes, and textual notes 
% which have a |\tsentry| in their arguments, and add
% |\tsvariant| commands in those places. For information about 
% |\definenewnotetype| see section \ref{definingnewnotes}.
% \DescribeMacro{\margreftextnote}
% \DescribeMacro{\margrefexplanatory}
% \DescribeMacro{\margrefemendation}
% Some editions include a marginal mark in the text showing where in the 
% apparatus a textual note on that line can be found. (The edition of William
% Blake's poetry and prose edited by Harold Bloom and David V. Erdman, for instance,
% includes such marks.)
% |\margreftextnote| sets a label in the textual notes section, and 
% sets a marginal note with a page reference to that label in the main text. Issue 
% |\margreftextnote| \emph{before} issuing the |\verseline| or 
% |\end{stanza}| that closes the line to which it refers. (The textual 
% note itself can be an ordinary |\textnote|, and should be placed, as 
% usual, \emph{after} the |\verseline| or |\end{stanza}|.)
% |\margrefexplanatory| does the same thing for explanatory notes, and
% |\margrefemendation| does the same thing for emendations. 
% If you define a new kind of endnote with |\definenewnotetype|, you
% will automatically also define a new |\margref| command for that kind of note. For
% details about how these markers work, see 
% section \ref{margreftextnote}, page \pageref{margreftextnote}.
% \DescribeMacro{\quotedversecorrectiontextnote}  
% If you quote verse \emph{within} a textual note, an explanatory
% note, or an emendation, you may want to use the normal \LaTeX\
% |verse| environment for that quotation, rather than the special markup
% for \textsf{poemscol}.  You can also use the special |pmclverse| environment, which
% enlarges the indentation of runover lines and the white space
% between stanzas. But you should not use the |poem| environment within the textual notes.
% If a textual note 
% \emph{ends} with a quotation in verse, you should
% follow the |\textnote| entry with
% |\quotedversecorrectiontextnote|.  I found that if I quoted verse in
% the note sections a dirty trick I used to send the notes to the
% external files would cause the following notes on that poem in the
% notes sections to be set in a new paragraph.  (This is of course not
% a problem if the quoted verse is the last thing in the notes to that
% poem, since the next poem will open a new paragraph in the notes
% anyway.  It is also not a problem if more of the individual textnote
% follows the verse.  It's only a problem if the last thing in the
% note is quoted verse, and the note is not the last one on that
% poem.)  The command should set it flush as it is, but I have found
% odd cases I can't understand in which that doesn't work, so the
% command has an optional argument, which should be the additional
% length you need to adjust the next line by to make it flush.  The
% default is 0pt.  |\quotedversecorrectionexplanatory| and
% |\quotedversecorrectionemendation| should follow explanatory notes
% or emendations that end with snippets of verse.  These three
% commands are an embarrassing kludge on my part.  They simply send
% commands to the relevant note sections that prohibit opening a new
% paragraph.  You should issue this command in the main text right
% after the close of the textnote (not in the text of the textnote
% itself).
% \section{Creating new kinds of endnote} \label{definingnewnotes}
% \DescribeMacro{\definenewnotetype} The |\definenewnotetype| command
% can be used to create new kinds of endnote, in case the kinds
% \textsf{poemscol} has predefined do not suffice.  |\definenewnotetype|
% takes five arguments.  They are (assuming you are creating a new
% kind of note to be called a ``mynote''): \begin{enumerate} \item A base name
% used to construct \begin{itemize} \item some |\if| variables (e.g.\
% |\ifmynoteson| to see whether you are collecting ``mynotes'',
% |\ifnomynoteyet| to see whether you have written a ``mynote'' for a
% particular poem yet, |\ifmynotestwocol| to set the notes in two
% column mode, and |\ifmynotesinglepar| to set the notes in
% one paragraph per note form, rather than in block paragraphs).  
% \textsf{poemscol} will only open an entry for a poem in the
% ``mynotes'' section if there actually is a ``mynote'' on that poem.
% Note that every  |\if| that refers to a section is plural
% (|\ifmynoteson|, |\ifmynotestwocol|, |\ifmynotessinglepar|) and 
% that every |\if| that refers to a singular note
% is singular (|\ifnomynoteyet|).  \item The name for the output
% channel for writing the notes to the appropriate external file.
% This name will always be plural (e.g.\ ``mynotes"). \item The name for the ``literal''
% command for writing literal, unexpanded text on the file (as
% |\literaltextnote| does on the textnotes file), and for the note
% command that sends the actual textual note (line number and all) to
% the section (e.g.\ |\literalmynote| and |\mynote|), also the command to write notes in
% line-numbered prose (e.g.\ |\prosemynote|) or prose numbered by
% paragraph and sentence (e.g.\ |\pmmynote|).  These commands will
% always be singular.  \item The name of the |\put| command (e.g.\
% |\putmynotes|) which closes the external file for the notes section,
% reads it back in to your document, and adds an entry in the table of
% contents for that notes section.  This command will always be
% plural.  (There won't be a |\makemynotes| command,
% because |\definenewnotetype| takes its place.)
%  \item The name of the |\margref| command for putting a
% marginal mark next to a line giving the page number in the apparatus
% where a note is to be found (e.g.\ |\margrefmynote|) \end{itemize}
% \item The extension for the external file which will hold the notes
% as you generate them.  ``Emendations'' for instance, are written to
% an external file called |\jobname.emd| The file name will always be
% |\jobname|, and the different species of endnotes will all have
% distinctive extensions.  (|\jobname| is a command that always expands
% to the name of your top level source file.  If, for instance, I am
% setting running a file called ``myfile.tex'' through \LaTeX\,
% |\jobname.emd| translates to ``myfile.emd.'') \item The title of the
% notes section as you wish it to appear in the running header (e.g.
% ``Mynotes to '').  \item The title of the notes section as you wish
% it to appear on the first page of the notes section (e.g.
% ``MYNOTES'').  \item The title of the notes section as you wish
% it to appear in the table of contents (e.g.\ ``Mynotes'').  \end{enumerate}
% \begin{sloppypar} So, for instance,\begin{verbatim} 
% \definenewnotetype{xyznote}{xyz}{Xyznotes to}{XYZNOTES}{Xyznotes} 
% \end{verbatim}
% creates the booleans |\ifxyznoteson|,  |\ifnoxyznoteyet|, and 
% |\ifxyznotessinglepar|,  the
% commands |\xyznote|, |\literalxyznote|, |\prosexyznote|,
% |\pmxyznote|, and |\putxyznotes| (and, although you don't ever have
% to use it explicitly, |\firstxyznote|) the output channel xyznotes,
% the external file |\jobname.xyz|, an entry in the contents for
% ``Xyznotes'', and an endnotes section with a running header of the
% form ``Xyznotes to pp.~xx--yy'' and a title XYZNOTES. \end{sloppypar}
% |\xyznote|
% takes the same arguments that |\textnote| does (which is to say,
% an optional argument for a label for entering line ranges, and an
% argument for the lemma and the comment).  There won't be an entry
% for a poem in the ``Xyznotes'' endnotes section unless there
% actually is an xyznote for the poem.  
% (for ``xyznotes'' on line-numbered prose passages) takes the same
% arguments |\prosetextnote| does (which is to say, an optional
% argument for a label for entering line ranges, an argument for a
% label to capture the line number of the first line, and an argument
% for the lemma and the comment). For notes on passages of line-numbered
% prose, see section \ref{prosesections}, page \pageref{prosesections}.
% |\pmxyznote| (for prose passages 
%  numbered by paragraph and sentence) takes the same arguments as
% |\pmtextnote|. For notes on passages of prose numbered by
% paragraph and sentence, see section \ref{paragraphsentence}, page
% \pageref{paragraphsentence}.
% \section{Multi-level footnotes} \label{makingfootnotes}
% \DescribeMacro{\textnotesatfoot} \textsf{poemscol} will set multiple 
% levels of footnotes in block paragraphs, separating each level with 
% a rule. To enable this feature, call the \textsf{manyfoot} package 
% as follows in your preamble: |\usepackage[ruled,para*]{manyfoot}|.
% To set your textual notes as footnotes, issue |\textnotesatfoot| in
% your preamble.  If you do this, \textsf{poemscol} will actually
% create two sets of footnotes for textnotes, one for those that are
% called with |\textnote|, which will produce an unindented block of
% notes, and one for those that are called with |\sources|, which will
% produce individual indented paragraphs, opening a new paragraph with
% every note.  |\sources| notes often have several paragraphs, so they
% are inappropriate for block-paragraph or ``para'' mode, and because
% those paragraphs are often in fact prose paragraphs, rather than
% blocks of notations, they are indented, so that they will be read as
% prose.  To set your emendations as footnotes, issue
% |\emendationsatfoot| in your preamble.  These notes will be set by
% default as block paragraphs.  If you have multiple-paragraph notes
% in your emendations, you should redefine these notes to set plain
% rather than para style notes. (See the next paragraph for how to do 
% this.) To set your explanatory notes as
% footnotes, issue |\explanationsatfoot|.  These notes will also, by
% default, be plain style notes, with one indented paragraph per note.
% You do not need to issue |\maketextnotes|, |\makeemendations| or
% |\makeexplanatorynotes| if you set those notes as footnotes.  If you
% use |\literaltextnote| anywhere in your file, however, you will lose
% the text it would have put in your textnotes, since |\literaltextnote|
% just writes its argument onto the external file for textual notes.
% The arguments to |\literalexplain| and |\literalemendation| will
% be discarded as well if explanatory notes or emendation notes are set as footnotes.
%  \DescribeMacro{\iftextfootnotespara} 
%  \DescribeMacro{\ifsourcesfootnotespara}
% \DescribeMacro{\ifemendationfootnotespara}
% \DescribeMacro{\ifexplanfootnotespara}
% To change the style of your footnotes between plain and
% para modes, globally change the values some of the following
% booleans.  |\ifsourcesfootnotespara|, obviously, is true if
% footnotes from the |\sources| command are set in ``para'' mode
% (default is false).  |\iftextfootnotespara| is true if footnotes
% from |\textnote| are set in ``para'' mode (default is true).
% |\ifemendationfootnotespara|, or |\ifexplanfootnotespara| are the
% booleans which set the style of footnotes from |\emendation| and
% |\explanatory| respectively.  By default, footnotes from
% |\emendation| are set in ``para'' mode (|\emendationfootnotesparatrue|), and footnotes from
% |\explanatory| are set in ``plain'' mode (|\explanfootnotesparafalse|).  To change explanatory
% footnotes from plain to para mode, for instance, issue
% |\global\explanfootnotesparatrue|.  Counterintuitive as it sounds,
% you must issue this \emph{before} issuing |\textnotesatfoot|,  |\emendationsatfoot|,
% or   |\explanationsatfoot|. 
% When |\sources| is defined to send endnotes to the textual notes 
% section, they usually appear immediately underneath the title of 
% the volume or poem they comment upon in the endnotes section. If you are having |\sources| 
% output footnotes, it would be a good idea to open the note with the 
% title of the volume or poem it is a comment upon, in case there is 
% more than one poem on the page.
% When note classes are set as footnotes, the symbol which marks 
% cases in which a page turn falls on a stanza break will be set 
% \emph{beneath} the footnotes. This is a consequence of the way 
% \textsf{poemscol} uses the |\mark| mechanism to keep track of these 
% cases, so I have not figured out how to change it. But it may well 
% be more of an idiosyncrasy than a bug, particularly if the symbol 
% is changed from * to something like ``stanza break at page turn.''
% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareNewFootnote} 
% To create a new level of footnote, you must first declare it to 
% make it known to \textsf{manyfoot}, which requires each level of 
% footnote to be given a unique suffix (usually a capital letter of 
% the alphabet). You can declare a new footnote level called 
% |\footnoteE| for instance, by issuing 
% |\DeclareNewFootnote[para]{E}|. You will want notes which don't put 
% a mark in the body of the text, and begin with the line number or 
% range of line numbers of the lemma. To define a footnote called 
% |\mynote|, first declare new footnote |\footnoteE| (A, B, C and D 
% are reserved for sources, textual notes, emendations, and explanatory notes, 
% respectively, and H is reserved for use for titles with 
% authorial footnotes). Then issue: \begin{verbatim}
%  \newcommand{\mynote}[2][0]{\setlemmarange{#1}\\
% \FootnotetextE{\citerange}{#2}
%  \resetlemmacounters} \end{verbatim}
% |\setlemmarange|, |\citerange|, and 
% |\resetlemmacounters|  are internal commands to enable your footnote to handle line ranges in 
% the lemma. They are defined in the implementation section below, at section 
% \ref{notetools}. If a |\mynote| refers to a range of lines, you can issue 
% the same kinds of optional argument that are used with |\textnote|.
% \section{Notes at the end of poems}
% \DescribeMacro{\poemendnote}
% \DescribeMacro{\makepoemendnotes}
% \DescribeMacro{\putpoemendnotes}
% You may wish, rather than using endnotes or footnotes, simply to print your
% notes at the end of each poem.  To do this for simple notes, issue |\makepoemendnotes| just
% after |\begin{poem}|.  Issue |\poemendnote| where you wish to make a note,
% using the same conventions for line ranges you use for |\textnote|.  Where you want to output
% the notes, issue |\putpoemendnotes|. These notes can have multi-line lemmas, 
% just like textual notes.
% \DescribeMacro{\ifpoemendnotessinglepar} 
% By default, each poem end note is given its own paragraph. To concatenate 
% them into one big paragraph, issue |\poemendnotessingleparfalse|.
% \DescribeMacro{\poemendemendationnote}
% \DescribeMacro{\makepoemendemendationnotes}
% \DescribeMacro{\putpoemendemendationnotes}
% You can also print emendation notes  at the end of each poem.
%  To do this, issue |\makepoemendemendationnotes| just
% after |\begin{poem}|.  Issue |\poemendemendationnote| where you wish to make a note,
% using the same conventions you use for |\textnote|.  Where you want to output
% the notes, issue |\putpoemendemendationnotes|. These notes can have multi-line lemmas, 
% just like textual notes.
% By default, each poem end note is given its own paragraph. To concatenate 
% them into one big paragraph, issue |\poemendemendationnotessingleparfalse|.
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\poemendexplanatorynote}
% \DescribeMacro{\makepoemendexplanatorynotes}
% \DescribeMacro{\putpoemendexplanatorynotes}
% You can print explanatory notes at the end of each poem.
% To do this, issue |\makepoemendexplanatorynotes| just
% after |\begin{poem}|.  Issue |\poemendexplanatorynote| where you wish to make a note,
% using the same conventions you use for |\textnote|.  Where you want to output
% the notes, issue |\putpoemendexplanatorynotes|. These notes can have multi-line lemmas, 
% just like textual notes.\end{sloppypar}
% By default, each poem end note is given its own paragraph. To concatenate 
% them into one big paragraph, issue |\poemendexplanatorynotessingleparfalse|.
% \DescribeMacro{\poemendtextnote}
% \DescribeMacro{\makepoemendtextnotes}
% \DescribeMacro{\putpoemendtextnotes}
% You can print textual
% notes at the end of each poem.  To do this, issue |\makepoemendtextnotes| just
% after |\begin{poem}|.  Issue |\poemendtextnote| where you wish to make a note,
% using the same conventions you use for |\textnote|.  Where you want to output
% the notes, issue |\putpoemendtextnotes|. These notes can have multi-line lemmas, 
% just like textual notes.
% \DescribeMacro{\ifpoemendtextnotessinglepar} 
% By default, each poem end note is given its own paragraph. To concatenate 
% them into one big paragraph, issue |\poemendtextnotessingleparfalse|.
% \section{Printing endnotes and index} 
% \DescribeMacro{\testforauxonfirstrun} If you don't want to listen to
% \LaTeX\ complain about missing references during your first run,
% issue |\testforauxonfirstrun|, which won't let |\finish|,
% |\putexplanatory|, |\puttextnotes|, or |\putemendations| run unless
% there is an .aux file for a previous run.  \emph{Be sure to issue
% this command before issuing} |\begin{document}|, \emph{since that
% reads in the existing .aux file, and overwrites it with a new one.}
% \label{putexternalfiles}
% \DescribeMacro{\putemendations} This command closes the external file
% for emendations and reads it in.  It also puts an entry for the
% emendations section into your table of contents.  After
% |\putemendations| has read in the external file for emendations, you
% will need to run your file through \LaTeX\ again, to put the correct
% page number in the table of contents file.
% \DescribeMacro{\puttextnotes}
% \DescribeMacro{\putexplanatory} |\puttextnotes| and 
% |\putexplanatory| do the same thing for the textual 
% notes and for the explanatory notes.
% Each of these last three commands restores normal hyphenation. Since 
% all three are printed with the |\small| font size, the hyphen 
% character is defined only for that size. This should not create 
% other issues, however, because the commands that prohibit 
% hyphenation in the |poem| environment (and in the |contentsentry| 
% environment) are local to those environments, so the restoration of 
% the hyphen character may be redundant.
% \DescribeMacro{\putpoemindex} |\putpoemindex| reads in the index at
% this point, and adds an entry for the index to external file for the
% table of contents.
% \DescribeMacro{\putmultiplepoemindex} If you are generating 
% several indices using \textsf{splitindex} |\putmultiplepoemindex| 
% reads in one of them at this point. For instructions about this 
% command, see section \ref{multipleindex}, p.~\pageref{multipleindex}.
% \DescribeMacro{\finish} The
% |\finish| command is deprecated but still available.  It is designed
% to be placed just before |\end{document}| (which, in fact, it
% replaces --- but you should still put an |\end{document}| at the end
% of your document for form's sake).  |\finish| closes the external
% files for the three notes sections and reads them back into the
% document (turning the automatic hyphenation back on for these
% sections).  It adds entries to the table of contents file for the
% notes sections.  It reads in the formatted index file (which you
% have made from your raw .idx file using MakeIndex between \LaTeX\
% runs) and adds an entry for the index to the table of contents.
% Then it closes the external file for the table of contents and reads
% that in (putting it at the end of the document, as I explained
% before).  Then it adds a page explaining that the symbol (by default
% *) at the bottom of certain pages marks places where a stanza break
% and a page break coincide.  If you have an editor's introduction
% preceding your notes section, or a list of abbreviations, you may
% wish to consult the |\finish| command for suggestions about how to add
% the lines to read those files in and add entries for them in the
% table of contents.
% \section{Forewords, Appendices, Contents Entries}
% \DescribeMacro{\makeappendix} To make a an Appendix, or any other inserted
% prose section, use |\makeappendix|. |\makeappendix| takes one argument, the title.
% The new section will open on a recto page, and its first page will be in the empty page style.
% The title of the section will appear on the page in the style of the textual notes section.
% The title of the section will appear in the running header of subsequent pages.
% An entry for the new section, with the page number,
%  will be added to the table of contents. The entry will
% be formatted the way the entries for textual notes and explanatory notes are formatted. 
% \DescribeMacro{\appendixtitle} If you wish to add an Appendix which you don't 
% want to start on a new page but do want
% to have a contents entry for, use |\appendixtitle| instead of |\makeappendix|.
% \DescribeMacro{\makesubappendix} |\makesubappendix| behaves exactly as |makeappendix| does,
% except the contents entry will be indented by the length |\subappendixtitleindentamount|.
% \DescribeMacro{\subappendixtitle} If you wish to add an Subappendix which you don't 
% want to start on a new page but do want
% to have a contents entry for, use |\subappendixtitle| instead of |\makesubappendix|.
% \DescribeMacro{\appendixincontents} If you wish to suppress contents entries for 
% appendices, issue the boolean |\appendixincontentsfalse|. Contents entries for 
% appendices or subappendices will be suppressed so long as that boolean is set to false.
% \DescribeMacro{\makeforeword} |\makeforeword| and |\forewordtitle| behave basically the way
% |\makeappendix| and |\appendixtitle|. I provided separate commands because it occurred to 
% me that one might want to treat front matter and back matter sections differently in the 
% table of contents, so I have allowed for different indentations for their contents entries.
% \DescribeMacro{\pmclcontentsentry} \label{pmclcontentsentry} If you want to add a 
% line to the table of contents that
% will follow the formatting of other entries in the contents, issue |\pmclcontentsentry|. 
% |\pmclcontentsentry| takes three arguments. The first is the title you wish to put in the contents.
% The second is the length of the indentation to appear in the contents (usually |\contentsindentone|, 
% |\contentsindenttwo|, or |\contentsindentthree|, but you can use any arbitrary length).
% The third argument is the page number. The argument could be a |\pageref| rather than a number.
% if you define the |\label| for that |\pageref| somewhere else in your file.
% \section{Special cases}
% \subsection{~Epigraphs, attributions etc.} \label{centerepigraphs}
% \DescribeMacro{\epigraph} \DescribeMacro{\headnote}
% \DescribeMacro{\attribution} \DescribeMacro{\poemdedication} 
% |\epigraph|, |\headnote|, |\attribution|, and |\poemdedication| set
% their arguments as epigraphs, headnotes, attributions, or
% dedications for poems or poetic sequences.
% There are in addition the  special commands |\JHepigraph|  and  |\JHdedication|, which  place
%  a mark in the margin
% showing where in the notes comments on that epigraph or dedication may be found. 
% \DescribeMacro{\volumeepigraph} If you have dedications, epigraphs, or attributions on
% the divider pages of editions that combine several volumes of
% poetry, use |\volumededication|, |\volumeepigraph|, and
% |\volumeattribution|. 
% \DescribeMacro{\centertitles}
% If |\centertitles| or |\centeritlescheme| is in effect, epigraphs, headnotes, dedications,
% and attributions will all be centered on the page. (|\volumeepigraph|, |\volumededication|,
% and |\volumeattribution|, however, are unaffected by |\centertitles|.)
% If your epigraph or headnote is a prose passage of more than one line, or 
% of more than one paragraph, or a verse
% passage of more than line, or even more than one stanza, the |\epigraph| command will work 
% properly if |\centertitles| is in effect, which is to say it will draw the margins in towards the center,
% rather than centering the epigraph line by line.  
% Issuing |\centertitles| moves the margins in on both sides by the length 
% |\centerepigraphindentation| (the default is 6em). The margins for 
% uncentered epigraphs and the like are controlled by the length |\normalepigraphindentation|
% (the default is 1.5em). Both values can be adjusted by using |\setlength|.
% After issuing |\centertitles| you can move epigraphs and similar things back to the margin
% by issuing |\centerepigraphsonfalse|. After issuing |\centertitles| you can put titles at the margin
% while leaving epigraphs alone by issuing |\centertitlesonfalse|. 
% If you use the standard \LaTeX\ |verse|
% environment within an epigraph, you may wish to add a |\smallskip| between 
% stanzas. (To my eye that environment does not leave enough white space between
% stanzas.) Alternatively, you can use the special |pmclverse| environment.
% You can even use
% the |poem| environment, but if
% you do this, you should so mark line breaks with |\\| and stanza breaks
% with a blank line, as in the standard |verse| environment. If
% you mark up the epigraph with things like |\verseline| and |\end{stanza}| you may wind
% up with marginal line numbers in your epigraph.
% \begin{sloppypar}You 
% may also wish to align epigraphs, dedications, attributions, or 
% headnotes with the left margin of the verse block (even if you 
% center the titles). To do this, issue |\leftalignepigraphstrue| to 
% set the boolean |\ifleftalignepigraphs|. Remember that for |\leftalignepigraphstrue| to 
% work, you will need to use the |\settowidth| command. Issue 
% |\settowidth{\versewidth}{Text to be used for centering.}| just 
% before you issue the |\poemtitle| command. 
% |\leftalignepigraphstrue| will also align attributions, 
% dedications, and other pre-texts of poems. \end{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\shortpoemepigraph} 
% \DescribeMacro{\shortpoemdedication} 
% \DescribeMacro{\shortpoemattribution}
% Because |\centerepigraphs| merely 
% draws in the margins on both sides rather than centering each line 
% line by line, short epigraphs may not appear 
% well centered. |\shortpoemepigraph|  |\shortpoemdedication| and 
% |\shortpoemattribution|,  are better for single line epigraphs, 
% since they will center their arguments line by line.
%  \begin{sloppypar} The commands 
% |\shortpoemepigraph| |\shortpoemdedication| and 
% |\shortpoemattribution|  will all place their texts in 
% accordance with the title placement scheme you select in your 
% preamble. 
% |\normaltitleindentationscheme| will place them near the left text 
% margin.
% |\titlesatleftversemarginscheme| will place them at the left verse 
% margin.
% |\titlescenteredonleftverseblockscheme| will center them over the 
% longest line of a left-flushed verse block. 
% |\titlesatleftmarginofcenteredblockscheme| will place them at the 
% left margin of a centered verse block. 
% |\centertitlesscheme| will center them over a centered verse block.
% You can center epigraphs and similar things on the page over an uncentered verse block 
% by issuing the boolean |\centerepigraphson|.
% \DescribeMacro{\JHshortepigraph}
%  I have also defined
% |\JHshortepigraph| and |\JHshortdedication|, which set marginal 
% marks pointing to where notes on the epigraph or dedication in the textual notes section may be 
% found, in the manner of |\JHpoemtitle|. 
% These commands too obey the title placement scheme that may be in effect. \end{sloppypar}
% \subsection{~Appending publication date}
% \DescribeMacro{\poemdate} You can append the date of the poem
% with |\poemdate|. Issue |\poemdate| just after |\end{poem}|. You can 
% include both the composition and publication date if you wish simply by 
% including both dates in the argument. 
% (In fact, you can put anything in the argument, not just dates.) By default |\poemdate| places the
% date one |\bigskip| under the left margin of the verse block of the poem, 
% whether the poem is set at the left
% margin or whether the verse block is centered on the longest line.
% You can move the placement of the date left or right
% by changing the value of the length |\dateindent|. If you wish to change
% |\dateindent| you will have to issue |\setlength{\dateindent}{your value}| before
% each instance of |\poemdate|, since \textsf{poemscol} recalculates 
% |\dateindent| freshly for every poem.
% There is a slight bug in |\poemdate|. If there is a page turn between the last line of the 
% poem and the date, and the last line has a runover portion, the date will be set
% flush with the indented runover portion of the line rather than with the beginning
% of the line. This should not in practice
% be a problem, because you should use |\longpage| or several |\shortpage| commands
% to move the widowed date line anyway.  
% (For |\longpage| and |\shortpage| see section \ref{longpage},
% page \pageref{longpage}.)
% \subsection{~Pausing line numbering}
% \DescribeMacro{\saveverselinenumber}
% \DescribeMacro{\restoreverselinenumber} There are cases in which you 
% might want to pause and resume line numbering later at the same number.
% For instance, you may have inset prose 
% passages which do not take line numbers, but you wish to resume line numbering the verse 
% after the passage. The way to set this is to issue |\end{stanza}| 
% at the end of the stanza before the prose insert. Then issue 
% |\saveverselinenumber|. Then issue |\end{poem}|. Insert the prose 
% quotation (perhaps followed by |\attribution|). Then issue 
% |\begin{poem}| followed by |\restoreverselinenumber| and |\begin{stanza}|. 
% Then begin entering the rest of the poem as usual. Longer, independent prose 
% sections (such as the author's preface or prose poems) require 
% different handling. To provide line numbers and notes for such 
% prose sections, see section \ref{prosesections}.
% \subsection{~Quoted verse}
% Sometimes you wish to quote verse within verse (as when a speaker 
% in a verse play quotes a poem). \DescribeMacro{quotedverse} The 
% |quotedverse| environment is designed for this contingency.  If
% you issue |\verseline| commands or the |stanza| environment, line counting
% and annotation will proceed as usual in quoted verse.
% \subsection{~Multiline poem titles}\label{multilinetitles}
% \DescribeMacro{\poemtitlefirstline}
% \DescribeMacro{\poemtitlemiddleline}
% \DescribeMacro{\poemtitlelastline}
%  Very long titles present special problems.  In the first place, they
% require special provisions to make sure that page breaks don't
% happen in the middle of a title, or immediately after a title.  In
% the second place, they raise questions about how the author wished
% to break them up over several lines.  If you think it might matter,
% these commands make it possible for you to ensure that long titles are
% broken in exactly the same way in your text and in your table of
% contents.  (I didn't pursue this question for titles in notes
% sections, and in notes sections these commands simply concatenate a
% long title.) 
% There are similar commands for most but not all of the whole series of 
% titles for sequences, sequence sections, sequence subsections, and so on.
% If you need commands for a kind of multi-line title that is not already
% defined, see below at section \ref{customizing titles}, page \pageref{customizing titles}.
% Alternatively, you can just let \textsf{poemscol} handle the long 
% titles by itself. If you are pretty sure that the author did not 
% care how long titles were broken up, this would probably be the 
% best thing to do. Remember also that if \textsf{poemscol} breaks a 
% title across two lines, you can always force it not break the line 
% by using enclosing the argument to |\poemtitle| in an |\hbox|. You 
% may get a complaint on your log file about an overfull |\hbox| if 
% you do this, however.
% \subsection{~Poems in sections}
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\poemsectiontitle} 
% |\poemsectiontitle| and  |\poemsubsectiontitle|, as their 
% names imply, set their arguments as the titles of sections or subsections of poems.
% |\poemfirstsectiontitle| is for the first section
% of a poem with many sections.  (It differs from |\poemsectiontitle|
% in that it tries to make it harder for a page break to separate the
% title of a poem from the title of its first section.)
% |\poemsectiontitlefirstline|, |\poemsectiontitlemiddleline|,
% |\poemsectiontitlelastline|, |\poemsectiontitlenocontents|, and
% |\poemsectiontitlebaretitle|), as their titles imply, are used for
% special cases such as long section titles, if you wish to specify
% explicitly how the title is to be broken up in the text and in the
% table of contents.  You can construct variants of these commands for
% dealing with special cases I didn't anticipate by using
% the commands described in section \ref{customizing titles}.
% \subsection{~Poetic sequences}\label{poeticsequences}
% \DescribeMacro{\sequencetitle} \DescribeMacro{\sequencesectiontitle}
% \DescribeMacro{\sequencefirstsectiontitle} 
% \DescribeMacro{\sequencesubsectiontitle} Sequences of related
% poems, perhaps with an over-title, demand special handling in the
% text, in the notes sections, and in the table of contents.  (A
% moment's thought will show that they are different in some ways from
% poems in sections.  For one thing, a sequence manifests a different
% relationship between part and whole than a poem in sections does,
% and often provides stronger experiences of momentary closure between
% sections.) |\sequencetitle| sets its argument as the title of the sequence,
% |\sequencesectiontitle| sets the titles of the sections of the 
% sequence, and |\sequencesubsectiontitle| sets the titles of 
% subsections of the sequence (there is even a command for the title
% of sub-subsections, |\sequencesubsubsectiontitle|). 
% |\sequencefirstsectiontitle| gives a little more
% vertical space between the main title and the first section title
% than |\sequencesectiontitle| gives between adjacent sections later
% on in the sequence (since the over-title for the sequence is in
% larger type) and adjusts the page breaking penalties to reflect the
% fact that such titles should not occur near the bottom of a page,
% since there should be no page break between the sequence title and
% the title of the first section of the sequence (although page breaks
% are permissible, indeed even slightly favored, between later
% sections).  There should also never be a page break between a
% section title and the first or second line of the section.  The
% penalties \textsf{poemscol} sets should take care of these
% automatically, but you may still have cases which require you to
% specify a page break with |\pagebreak| or |\newpage|.  There are a
% host of other commands, all with self-explanatory titles, that deal
% with some special situations that arise in setting the elements of
% poetic sequences, such as cases where you wish to specify how long 
% titles will be broken up into lines, or where you wish no entry to 
% be made for the section in the table of contents or in the notes 
% sections.   These commands don't of course exhaust the dizzying
% possibilities, but from them you can construct whatever other commands
% you may need. 
% Here is a list of all of the defined title commands. 
% \begin{itemize}
%     \item Commands for Poem titles
%     \begin{itemize}
% \item |\poemtitle|
% \item |\poemtitlefirstline|
% \item |\poemtitlemiddleline|
% \item |\poemtitlelastline|
% \item |\poemsubtitle|
% \item |\poemtitlenotitle|
% \item |\poemtitlenocontents|
% \item |\poemtitlebaretitle|
% \item |\poemtitleonlycontents|	
% \item |\poemtitleonlynotes|
% 	\end{itemize}
%      \item Poems in Sections
%      \begin{itemize}
% \item |\poemsectiontitle|
% \item |\poemsectiontitlefirstline|
% \item |\poemsectiontitlemiddleline|
% \item |\poemsectiontitlelastline|
% \item |\poemsectiontitlenocontents|
% \item |\poemsectiontitlebaretitle|
% \item |\poemfirstsectiontitle|
% \item |\poemfirstsectiontitlebaretitle|
% \item |\poemsubsectiontitle|
% 	 \end{itemize}
%       \item Sequence Titles
%       \begin{itemize}
% \item |\sequencetitle|
% \item |\sequencetitlefirstline|
% \item |\sequencetitlemiddleline|
% \item |\sequencetitlelastline|
% \item |\sequencetitlenonotes| 
% 	  \end{itemize} \goodbreak
% 	\item Sequence Sections
%        \begin{itemize}
% \item |\sequencesectiontitle|
% \item |\sequencesectiontitlenocontents|
% \item |\sequencesectiontitlenonotes|
% \item |\sequencesectiontitlebaretitle|
% \item |\sequencesectiontitlefirstline|
% \item |\sequencesectiontitlemiddleline|
% \item |\sequencesectiontitlelastline|
% \item |\sequencefirstsectiontitle|
% \item |\sequencefirstsectiontitlenocontents|
% \item |\sequencefirstsectiontitlenonotes|
% \item |\sequencefirstsectiontitlefirstline|
% \item |\sequencefirstsectiontitlemiddleline|
% \item |\sequencefirstsectiontitlelastline|
% \item |\sequencesectionsubtitle|
% \end{itemize}
%          \item Sequence Subsections
%          \begin{itemize}
% \item |\sequencesubsectiontitle|
% \item |\sequencesubsectiontitlenocontents|
% \item |\sequencefirstsubsectiontitle|
% \item |\sequencefirstsubsectiontitlenocontents|
% \item |\sequencesubsectiontitlefirstline|
% \item |\sequencesubsectiontitlemiddleline|
% \item |\sequencesubsectiontitlelastline|
% \item |\sequencefirstsubsectiontitlefirstline|
% \item |\sequencefirstsubsectiontitlemiddleline|
% \item |\sequencefirstsubsectiontitlelastline|
% \item |\sequencesubsubsectiontitle|
% \item |\sequencesubsubsectiontitlenocontents|
% \item |\sequencefirstsubsubsectiontitlenocontents|
% \end{itemize}
% \end{itemize}
% \subsection{~Titles with marginal markers}
% \DescribeMacro{\JHpoemtitle}
% In his edition of the poetry of Jos\'e Maria Heredia, Tilmann 
% Altenberg placed a marker in the margin next to poem titles with a
% reference to where in the apparatus notes on that poem could be
% found.  To do this, use the |\JHpoemtitle| command.  This command
% takes two arguments: first, the title of the poem, second, the label
% used by the |\label| command on the page of the notes section to
% which the title refers.  So, you would issue the poem title command
% this way: |\JHpoemtitle{Los desvelados}{EP_LosDesvelados_AC}|. 
% (Up to
% version 2.49 of \textsf{poemscol} you had to be sure to define the
% label in the notes sections by issuing
% |\literaltextnote{\label{EP_LosDesvelados_AC}}|.  This is no longer
% necessary, and |\JHpoemtitle| defines both the |\label| and the
% |\pageref|.)  
% Instructions are given in section \ref{JHpoemtitle},
% p.~\pageref{JHpoemtitle} for how to construct similar commands for
% sequences, sequence sections, and so on.
% The following related commands are defined already: 
% \begin{itemize}
% \item |\JHsequencetitle| \item |\JHsequencefirstsectiontitle| 
% \item |\JHsequencesectiontitle| \item |\JHsequencesubsectiontitle|  
% \item |\JHpoemsectiontitle|   \item |\JHpoemfirstsectiontitle| 
% \item |\JHpoemsubtitle|  \item |\JHepigraph| \item  |\JHprosesectiontitle|
% \item |\JHdedication| \end{itemize}
% \DescribeMacro{\setmargpoemtitle}
% |\setmargpoemtitle| is a more general version of 
% |\JHpoemtitle|, with the second argument being any commands you 
% want to be issued just after the title is processed.
% \DescribeMacro{\margreftextnote}\label{margreftextnote}
% Another feature of Altenberg's Heredia edition is a marginal mark 
% attached to lines to which text notes refer showing where in the 
% apparatus a comment upon that line is to be found. 
% |\margreftextnote| sets a label in the textual notes section, and 
% sets a marginal note with a page reference to that label in the main text. Issue 
% |\margreftextnote| \emph{before} issuing the |\verseline| or 
% |\end{stanza}| that closes the line to which it refers. (The textual 
% note itself can be an ordinary |\textnote|, and should be placed, as 
% usual, \emph{after} the |\verseline| or |\end{stanza}|.)
% |\margreftextnote| generates its own label, so there is no need to 
% make up one yourself. 
% |\margreftextnote| and its siblings use a 
% new kind of insert, |\JHmarginpar|, to set the marginal marks. 
% This is so  that you can control the placement of these marks 
% independently of how you place the line numbers (which use 
% |\pmclsidepar|) or other marginal marks you may define using 
% |\marginpar|. 
% Horizontal placement of the mark is controlled by the 
% length |\JHmarginparsep|, which is set by default to 0 pt. Vertical 
% placement of the marginal mark for a textual note, relative to the baseline, is set by 
% the length |\JHmarginparvshift|, which is set by default to 0 pt.
% The horizontal placement of the 
% marginal mark set by  |\JHpoemtitle|,  and its siblings, however, 
% is controlled by the length |\JHtitlemarginparsep|. |\JHtitlemarginparsep|
% is set by default to value of |\JHmarginparsep|, 
% so that the two
% kinds of mark
% should  align with each other by default. 
% \end{sloppy}
% By default these marginal references are placed in the right 
% margin. If you wish to set them in the left margin, issue the 
% command |\JHmarksleft|. If you wish to place them back into the 
% right margin, issue the command |\JHmarksright|. 
% If you wish the 
% marks to aways be in the outer margin, issue the command 
% |\JHmarksouter|. If you wish the marks to always be in the inner 
% margin, issue |\JHmarksgutter|. (The marks for titles and the marks for 
%  notes always appear on the same side of the page, and the different |\JHmarks| commands
% always move both kinds of mark.)
% If you are centering the verse block on the longest line, the verse 
% line numbers normally move in towards the verse block. (To center 
% the verse block on the longest line, see section 
% \ref{centeringtextblock}.) The marginal 
% marks for |\margeftextnote| do not do this, since they are designed to
% line up with the marginal mark produced by |\JHpoemtitle|.  You can change
% the alignment if you wish by changing the value of either the length |\JHmarginparsep|, 
% which controls the placement of marginal marks for notes, or changing the value 
% of the length |\JHtitlemarginparsep|, which controls the placement of the marginal
% marks for titles. 
% \begin{sloppypar}
% If you define a new endnote type using |\definenewnotetype|,
% |\definenewnotetype| will also define a new |\margref| command to go
% with it. So, for example, if you define a new note type called 
% |\mynote|, you will automatically also define a ``margref'' command 
% called |\margrefmynote| which will place a mark in the margin with 
% a label showing where in the end notes sections the text of that 
% |\mynote| can be found. \end{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\setmargrefmarker} Altenberg's edition used a ding 
% from the pifonts collection in the marginal marks made by 
% |\margreftextnote| and its siblings. I have set the default to 
% |\dag|, so as not to depend upon yet another style package. You can 
% choose another mark using |\setmargrefmarker| (e.g.\ 
% |\setmargrefmarker{\ding{228}}|).
% \DescribeMacro{\settitlemargrefmarker} Altenberg's edition also used a 
% different marker for marginal marks for the titles of poems from that used 
% for marginal marks made by |\margreftextnote|. By default that marker
% is |\dag|, but you can change it by using |\settitlemargrefmarker|,
% \DescribeMacro{\margrefemendation} |\margrefemendation| is a 
% version of |\margreftextnote| for emendations.
% \DescribeMacro{\margrefexplanatory}|\margrefexplanatory| is a 
% version of |\margreftextnote| for explanatory notes.
% \subsection{~Titles with footnotes}
% In James Benstead's edition of the collected poems of Hugh 
% MacDiarmid, many of the titles of the poems have footnotes by the 
% author. Under most circumstances, one can put a note about the title 
% in the textual notes section simply by, after the |\begin{poem}| 
% command, issuing something like this: |\literaltextnote{title] text of note}|. 
% (One can make similar notes for the explanatory notes 
% section or for the emendations section.) But MacDiarmid's notes are 
% authorial, not editorial, and should be considered part of the 
% title. At the same time, the notes should not be printed in the Table 
% of Contents, nor for that matter in the endnotes sections. 
% \DescribeMacro{\footnotepoemtitle} |\footnotepoemtitle| is for the default 
% case. It takes two arguments. The first argument is the title of 
% the poem. The second is the text of the footnote.
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\footnotepoemtitlefirstline} 
% |\footnotepoemtitlefirstline| |\footnotepoemtitlemiddleline| and 
% |\footnotepoemtitlelastline| are for long titles in which how the 
% author broke up the title on the page matters, and one or more of 
% the lines has a footnote. These commands also take two arguments, 
% of which the first is the title line and the second is the text of 
% the footnote.  You can intersperse these commands with 
% |\poemtitlefirstline|
% |\poemtitlemiddleline| or |\poemtitlelastline| (depending on which 
% line has the footnote). The lines will be broken in the same way in 
% the text and in the table of contents. \end{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\footnotesplitpoemtitle} |\footnotesplitpoemtitle| 
% is for the most general case. Use it if there is a footnote in the middle 
% of the title, or if you have a long title and don't need to ensure 
% that it is broken in the text and in the table of contents in the 
% same way. |\footnotesplitpoemtitle| takes three arguments. The first 
% argument is the first part of the title, up to the footnote mark, 
% the second is the text of the footnote, and the third is the rest 
% of the title.
% I have not created footnoted titles for sequences, sequence 
% sections, and so on. But if you compare how those titles are 
% defined in the implementation section below and how footnoted 
% titles are defined at \ref{footnotetitles} 
% (page \pageref{footnotetitles}), how to write those commands should be clear.
% You can control where the footnotes for footnoted titles are placed.
% By default, those footnotes are conventional footnotes (and all
% their parameters are set in the way normal \LaTeX\ footnotes are
% set).  You can force the default setting by issuing the command
% |\maketitlefootnotesplain| in your preamble.  If you are setting
% your textual notes or other notes at the foot of the page using
% ``layers'' of footnotes, you can treat these footnotes as just
% another layer by issuing the command |\maketitlefootnoteslayered| in
% your preamble.  (``Layered'' footnotes are described at section \ref{makingfootnotes}, 
% page \pageref{makingfootnotes}.) If you wish to place these footnotes at the end of 
% the poem, you must issue |\maketitlefootnotesatpoemend| in the 
% preamble. Just before you declare a title with a footnote, issue 
% |\makepoemendnotes|,  and just after issuing |\end{poem}| for that 
% poem, issue |\putpoemendnotes|. 
% \subsection{~Empty poem titles and italicized poem titles} 
% \DescribeMacro{\poemtitlenotitle}
% |\poemtitlenotitle|, with its paradoxical name, is for poems 
% without formal titles. Usually such poems are referred to by their 
% first lines. This command does not produce a title in the text, but 
% sets its argument in the table of contents and in the notes. Usually 
% you use the first line as the moral equivalent of a title.
% \DescribeMacro{\poemtitleitalic} 
% Titles
% with italics or other special formatting posed special problems in
% earlier versions (before version 1.7) since the typesetting commands
% gummed up how I passed parameters around that I was unable to solve
% using |\protect|.  All of these commands are obsolete now, but are
% retained for backward compatibility.
% |\poemtitleitalic| takes
% two arguments.  The first is the title of the poem with the italics
% (or small capitals or international characters or what have you),
% for typesetting, and the second is the title without the commands,
% for cross reference purposes.  (Actually, now that \textsf{poemscol}
% no longer needs to treat italics in titles in a different way, it can
% be anything you want, since the second argument is discarded.)
% \begin{sloppypar}
%  \DescribeMacro{\poemtitlenotitleitalic}
%  |\poemtitlenotitleitalic|, with its doubly paradoxical name, 
% is for poems without formal titles but with italicized words in their 
% first lines.  |\poemtitlenotitleitalic| takes two arguments. The 
% first is the first line with the italics (for typesetting 
% purposes), and the second is the 
% first line without the italics (for crossreference purposes). This command
% is obsolete now that italics in titles no longer require special 
% handing, but is retained for backwards compatibility.\end{sloppypar}
% \subsection{~Problem titles}
% \DescribeMacro{\poemtitlebaretitle}
% \DescribeMacro{\poemtitleonlycontents}
% \DescribeMacro{\poemtitleonlynotes}
% If you have a problem title, one for instance
% in which the title in the text might cause problems in the contents or in the notes,
% you can send information
% separately to the places it will be used.
% For example, a user planned to attach a footnote to a poem title, 
% but didn't want the mark or the text of the
% note to show up in the contents or in the endnotes. I would usually
% have advised him to use |\sources| to send the text of the note to the endnotes,
% but he really wanted the title to include the footnote mark and to put the footnote
% on the same page. The solution to this problem
% was to set the title in the text separately from setting it in the notes and in the contents.
% |\poemtitlebaretitle|, for instance simply sets the title in the text. Then
% you can use |\poemtitleonlycontents| to send the title to the contents
% and |\poemtitleonlynotes| to send the title to the notes. These commands
% are defined for poem titles, and for some but not all of  the whole range of titles including
% sequence titles, sequence section titles, sequence section subtitles, and so on. But
% it would be easy to roll your own versions of these commands by looking below at
% section \ref{customizing titles}, page \pageref{customizing titles}, or at the
% models in the code below at  section \ref{poemtitlecode}, page \pageref{poemtitlecode}.
% \DescribeMacro{\poemtitlenocontents}
% \DescribeMacro{\poemtitlenonotes}
% \DescribeMacro{\poemtitlenotitle}
% There are also commands to send information to any two of the relevant locations
% but not the third. |\poemtitlenocontents| sends the title to the text and to the notes,
% but not to the contents. |\poemtitlenonotes| sends the title to the text and to the 
% contents, but not to the notes. |\poemtitlenotitle| sends the title to the contents and the
% notes, but not to the main text.
% Remember that in the last resort, you can send information to the contents section
% with |\literalcontents|. To actually set a contents entry using |\literalcontents| is a tall order,
% however, since you would have to include all the information from the |\c@ntentsinfo| command
% for the relevant type of title. (For what |\c@ntentsinfo| does, 
% see section \ref{customizing titles}, below.) 
% For instance, for a poem called 
% Test Poem, that would be:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \literalcontents{\setlength\contentsentryoverrun{\contentsindenttwoamount }
% \begin{contentsentryenvironment}
% \contentsindentone
% {\contentspoemtitlefont
% Test
% Poem}
% \contentsleaders
% \pageref{testpoemlabel} % pick a unique label
% \end{contentsentryenvironment}
% \par}
% \end{verbatim}
% Another tricky thing about this method is the |\pageref| line in the above, which is a pageref to find 
% and set in the contents the number of the 
% page the poem appears on. You should put |\label{testpoemlabel}|, with any unique
% text for the label (so long as it is the same one used in the |\pageref| line), 
% on the page of the text where the poem occurs, in order to capture
% the correct page number. (Alternatively, you could just put the actual page number in 
% what you send to the contents with |\literalcontents| instead of the pageref line, but you will
% have to remember to change this number if anything changes in your edition.)
% Remember also that you can send information to the relevant notes sections using 
% |\literaltextnote|, |\literalexplain|, and |\literalemend|.
% \subsection{~Customizing titles} \label{customizing titles} \textsf{poemscol} provides a large
% number of ways of setting titles, but conceivably you may wish to
% define your own.  Here is a template for designing a new kind of
% title.  Suppose you wish to create a kind of title called
% |\mytitle|.  It would take one argument, which would be the title
% itself.  The command defining the |\mytitle| command should call three commands,
% |\set@p@emtitle|, to set the title in the main text and make the
% label for use by the contents and notes sections, |\c@ntentsinfo| to
% set the title in the table of contents, and |\t@xtnotesinfo|, which
% sets the title in the notes sections.  (You should enclose the whole thing
% between |\makeatletter| and |\makeatother|.) 
% |\set@p@emtitle|
% takes six arguments, which are, in order, (1) the title (which, if
% you are calling this command inside of the definition of |\mytitle|
% should just be |#1|), (2) commands to be issued before setting the
% title (minimally, a penalty, such as |\poemtitlepenalty|), (3) the
% font size in which the title is to be set in the text (such as
% |\poemtitlefont| or |\large|), (4) any indentation of the title
% (|\relax| for |\poemtitle|, or |\titleindent| for
% |\sequencesectiontitle|), (5) commands to be issued after the
% title is set (such as |\afterpoemtitleskip|) and (6) the amount 
% overrun lines in the title should be indented.  
%|\c@ntentsinfo| takes
% four arguments, which are, in order, (1) the title, (2) the
% indentation of the title in the table of contents (such as
% |\contentsindentone|), (3), the font size in which the title
% should be set (such as |\contentspoemtitlefont|) and (4) the amount 
% overrun lines in the table of contents should be indented (such as 
% |\contentsindenttwoamount|). 
% \DescribeMacro{\t@xtnotesinfo}
%  |\t@xtnotesinfo|
% takes one argument, the title. 
%  So, for example, to create a new kind of title called |\mytitle| which looks
% just like |\poemtitle|, issue
% \begin{verbatim}
% \makeatletter
% \newcommand{\mytitle}[1]{%
% \set@p@emtitle{#1}{\poemtitlepenalty}{\poemtitlefont}%
% {\relax}{\nobreak\par\nobreak\afterpoemtitleskip\nobreak}{\z@}%
% \c@ntentsinfo{#1}{\contentsindentone}{\contentspoemtitlefont}%
% {\contentsindenttwoamount}%
% \t@xtnotesinfo{#1}%
% }
% \makeatother
% \end{verbatim}
% (The |\z@| which is the sixth argument to |\set@p@emtitle| above is
% a constant set to zero. You will also notice that I became completely hysterical
% on the subject of preventing a page break after a poem title.)

% By default, \textsf{poemscol} 
% does not indent the overrun portion of titles relative to the first 
% line of the title, but if that first line is indented will set the 
% overrun portions to be indented the same amount. Overrun portions 
% of titles in the table of contents will be indented by one 
% |\contentsindentamount| more than the first line is indented. Both 
% of these behaviors can be changed by changing the arguments to 
% |\set@p@emtitle| or |\c@ntentsinfo|. 
% If you wish to design a title which might have multiple lines, 
% and you wish to specify how those lines are broken up, you
% will need to write three commands: one for the first line, one for
% middle lines, and one for the last lines. 
% (This only matters if you care how the title is broken up. You 
% can choose to let \LaTeX\ do the breaking if you wish.) Before issuing
% |\set@p@emtitle| issue |\firstlinesettings|, |\middlelinesettings|,
% or |\lastlinesettings| (as the case may require).  And issue
% |\restoresinglelinesettings| last of all in each of your three
% commands.  The lines will be broken in the table of contents and in
% the body of the text in the same way, but will be run in in the
% notes sections.
% \subsection{~Customizing indentations in titles in the text body}\label{customtitleindentations}
% Titles of poems, subtitles, titles of sequences, sections of sequences (and subsections and so on), 
% appear in the text with a hierarchy of indentations. If you want to change anything
% about these indentations, you don't need to modify the various title-setting commands, but only to 
% change the length of the relevant indentation command. I
% have given the indentations for each class of title a defined length, which you can change
% by changing the definition of the indentation command. (e.g. 
% |\renewcommand{\poemtitleindent}{\hspace{3em}}.)| For many of these 
% indentations you can also simply change the applicable length (e.g. 
% |\setlength{\sequencesubtitleindentmount}{\titleindenttwoamount}|. )
%  The ``amount'' part in the command
% is important. |\poemtitleindentamount| is a length. On the other 
% hand, |\sequencesectiontitleindentindent| is a command, defined
% defined as\\
%  |\hspace{\sequencesectiontitleindenttitleindentamount}|. \\
% The table lists all the commands for these 
% indentations. In the table ``Extra Lines'' refers to the indentation for the second and third lines
% (and so on) of multi-line titles. If you wish to change the 
% indentation of any of the titles whose default length is listed as 
% 0 in the table, you must use the |\renewcommand| method. (I 
% found that setting the length of one of the indentations to 0pt 
% added a few points of white space I could not figure out how to get 
% rid of, so by default those commands are defined not by using a 
% length but by, for example, |\newcommand{\poemtitleindent}{\relax}|.)
%\caption{Indentations in Titles}
%\begin{tabular}{l l l}
%Entity Title & Indentation  & Default Length\\
%Volume & |\volumetitleindentamount| & |0pt| \\
%Extra Lines & |\volumetitlesecondlineindentamount| & |0pt| \\
%Volume Subtitle & |\volumesubtitleindentamount| & |\titleindentamount| (1pc)\\ 
%Extra  Lines & |\volumesubtitlesecondlineindentamount| & |\titleindentamount| \\ 
%Volume Section & |\volumesectiontitleindentamount| & |0pt| \\ 
%Extra  Lines & |\volumesectiontitlesecondlineindentamount| & |0pt|  \\ 
%Poem & |\poemtitleindentamount| & |0pt| \\
%Extra Lines & |\poemtitlesecondlineindentamount| & |0pt| \\
%Poem Subtitle & |\poemsubtitleindentamount| & |\titleindentamount| \\ 
%Poem Section & |\poemsectiontitleindentamount| & |\titleindentamount| \\
%Extra Lines  & |\poemsectiontitlesecondlineindentamount| & |\titleindentamount| \\
%Poem Subsection & |\poemsubsectiontitleindentamount| & | \titleindenttwoamount| \\
%Sequence & |\sequencetitleindentamount| & |0pt| \\
%Extra Lines  & |\sequencetitlesecondlineindentamount| & |0pt| \\
%Sequence Subtitle & |\sequencesubtitleindent | & |\titleindentamount| \\ 
%Extra Lines & |\sequencesubtitlesecondlineindentamount| & |\titleindentamount| \\ 
%Sequence Section & |\sequencesectiontitleindentamount| & |\titleindentamount| \\
%Extra Lines & |\sequencesectiontitlesecondlineindentamount| & |\titleindentamount| \\
%Sequence Section Subtitle & |\sequencesectionsubtitleindentamount| & |\titleindenttwoamount| \\
%Extra Lines & |\sequencesectionsubtitlesecondlineindentamount| &  |\titleindenttwoamount| \\
%Sequence Subsection & |\sequencesubsectiontitleindentamount| &   |\titleindenttwoamount| \\
%Sequence Subsubsection & |\sequencesubsubsectiontitleindentamount| &  |\titleindentathreeamount| \\
%Appendix & |\appendixtitleindentamount| & |0pt| \\
%SubAppendix & |\subappendixtitleindentamount| & |\titleindentamount| \\
%Foreword & |\forewordtitleindentamount| & |0pt| \\
%Notes Sections & |\notestitleindentamount| & |0pt| 
% \subsection{~Customizing indentations in titles in the Contents}\label{contentsindentations}
% There is also a hierarchy of indentations for titles in the Table of Contents. Again,
% to change the indentations in the Contents, you don't need to redefine the title-setting
% commands, only to change the value of the relevant length. The table shows the hierarchy
% of indentations in the Table of Contents:
%\caption{Indentations in Contents}
%\begin{tabular}{l l l}
%Entity Title & Indentation  & Default Length\\
%Volume & |\contentsvolumetitleindentamount| & |0pt| \\
%Extra Lines & |\contentsvolumetitlesecondlineindentamount| & |0pt| \\
%Volume Subtitle & |\contentsvolumesubtitleindentamount| & |\contentsindentoneamount| (24pt)\\ 
%Extra Lines & |\contentsvolumesubtitlesecondlineindentamount| & |\contentsindentoneamount| \\ 
%Volume Section & |\contentsvolumesectiontitleindentamount| & |0pt| \\ 
%Extra Lines & |\contentsvolumesectiontitlesecondlineindentamount| & |0pt|  \\ 
%Poem & |\contentspoemtitleindentamount| & |\contentsindentoneamount| \\
%Extra Lines & |\contentspoemtitlesecondlineindentamount| & |\contentsindentoneamount| \\
%Poem Section & |\contentspoemsectiontitleindentamount| & |\contentsindenttwoamount| \\
%Extra Lines & |\poemsectiontitlesecondlineindentamount| & |\contentsindenttwoamount| \\
%Sequence & |\contentssequencetitleindentamount| & |\contentsindentoneamount|\ \\
%Extra Lines & |\contentssequencetitlesecondlineindentamount| & |\contentsindentoneamount| \\
%Sequence Section & |\contentssequencesectiontitleindentamount| & |\contentsindenttwoamount| \\
%Extra Lines & |\contentssequencesectiontitlesecondlineindentamount| & |\contentsindenttwoamount| \\
%Sequence Subsection & |\contentssequencesubsectiontitleindentamount| &  |\contentsindentthreeamount| \\
% Sequnce Subsubsection & Does not appear in Contents & \\
%Appendix or Foreword & |\contentsappendixtitleindentamount| & |0pt| \\
%Notes Sections & |\contentsnotestitleindentamount| & |0pt|  
% \subsection{~Visual formatting}
% \DescribeMacro{\longpage}
% \DescribeMacro{\shortpage}
% \label{longpage}
% The ideal in \LaTeX\ is to separate 
% content markup and formatting as completely as possible. In the text 
% itself you simply mark the logical units (a poem, a title, a stanza, 
% a textual note), and a header program (like \textsf{poemscol}) interprets the 
% meaning of those terms typographically. However, one still winds up 
% having to do some visual formatting. Especially in prose sections, 
% such as in the textual notes, you will sometimes have to enlarge or 
% shrink a page by one line in order to avoid an intractable widow or 
% club line, and when one does so one must be careful to do the same to 
% the other member of the two-page spread of which that page is a part
% so that the spread will be properly balanced. 
% These commands enable one to wiggle pagelength enough to handle these 
% problems. Since verse sections should be set with |\raggedbottom| 
% in effect, the commands are not necessary in verse sections.
% |\longpage| and |\shortpage| are cumulative: issuing |\longpage| twice lengthens the
% page by two lines, and issuing  |\shortpage| twice shortens the page by two lines.
% \section{Customizing page geometry and page styles}
% \subsection{~Font sizes, skips, sinks, indents, and penalties}
% \label{changingfontsandleading}
% \textsf{poemscol} sets the font sizes, but not the typeface, of
% fonts for many common tasks, in order to create a hierarchy of
% sizes.  They can be changed with a |\renewcommand| of the following
% form, where the first number is the font size in points and the
% second is the leading:\\
% |\renewcommand{\volumetitlefont}{\fontsize{18}{23}\selectfont}|
% The following table gives the default values for the fonts. The titles of 
% the fonts give their uses. Backmatterheaderfont is for setting the 
% titles of back matter sections. Sequence section titles use 
% poemtitlefont. Backmattertext font is |\small|, backmatterintrofont 
% is |\normalsize|.
% \bigskip
% \begin{tabular}{l l l}
% \textbf{Font} & \textbf{Size} & \textbf{Leading} \\
% volumetitlefont & 18 & 23 \\
% volumesubtitlefont & 14 & 18 \\
% poemtitlefont & 14 & 18 \\
% sequencetitlefont & 16 & 20 \\
% subsectiontitlefont & 12 & 14.5 \\
% backmatterheaderfont & 16 & 20 \\
% backmattervolumefont & 12 & 14.5 \\
% backmattervolumesubtitlefont & 11 & 13 \\
% contentsvolumefont & 13 & 20 \\
% contentsvolumesubtitlefont & 12 & 14.5 \\
% contentssequencetitlefont & 10 & 14 \\
% contentspoemtitlefont & 10 & 14 \\
% \end{tabular}
% \bigskip
% The following table gives various skips, sinks, penalties, and indentations. The 
% titles of these should be self-explanatory. These should be changed 
% with |\renewcommand| as follows:\\ 
% |\renewcommand{\volumetitlesink}{\leavevmode\vspace{23.5pt}}|
% \bigskip
% \begin{tabular}{l l l}
%     \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Argument} & \textbf{Comment} \\
%     backmattersink & 21.5pt & \relax \\
%     backmatterafterheadersink & 11pt& \relax \\
%     afterpoemtitleskip & |\smallskip| & \relax \\
%     afterpoemskip & |\bigskip| & \relax \\
%     aftersequencetitleskip & |\medskip| & \relax \\
%     stanzaskip & |\medskip| & Extra skip between stanzas \\
%     titleindent & |\titleindentamount| (1pc) & use |\setlength| to 
%     change \\
%     parindent & |\titleindentamount| & \relax \\
%     volumetitleshift & |\volumetitleshiftamount| (1pc) & use |\setlength| to 
%     change \\
%     contentsindentone & 24pt & \relax \\
%     contentsindenttwo & 42pt & \relax \\
%     contentsindentthree & 60pt & \relax \\
%     contentsindentfour & 72pt & \relax \\
%     runoverindentvalue & 6em & for runover lines in verse\\
%     verseindent & 2em & for formally indented lines\\
%     notesclubpoempenalty & -300 & \relax \\
%     notessequenceclubpenalty & -1500 & \relax \\
%     notesvolumetitlepenalty & -1500 & \relax \\
%     epigraphquoteleftmargin & 1.5em & for epigraphs, attributions, etc.\\
%     epigraphquoterightmargin & 1.5em & \relax \\
%     \end{tabular}
% \subsection{~Customizing page styles}
% \textsf{poemscol} sets several default page styles, defined 
% below. The main page style is ``fancy,''  which is used for 
%the main body of the  poetry,
% prose frontmatter (such as introductions),  and the endnotes sections. 
% ``Volumefirststyle'' is for the 
% first page of a volume of poems. ``Volumetitlestyle'' is for the 
% title page of a volume of poems. The external file for the table of 
% contents redefines ``fancy,'' so you should issue |\resetpagestyle| 
% after issuing |\putpoemcontents|. |\resetpagestyle| resets the page
% style to ``main'' (which is the same as  the original ``fancy'').
% Because |\putpoemcontents| resets the page style to ``main,'' any page style you defined
% in the preamble becomes forgotten if you include a table of contents. There are two
% possible solutions to this. The first is to define your page style after you have issued 
% |\putpoemcontents|. The second is to redefine the fancypage style ``main,'' so that it does
% what you want. In either case, do not forget to issue  |\pagenumbering{arabic}|
% after |\putpoemcontents|, else all of your page numbers will be in roman numerals.
%  You can find the default
% definitions of those ``fancy'' and ``main''  below at \ref{pagestyledefs}, page \pageref{pagestyledefs}.
% You can change the text in the left (verso) running head
% by issuing |\leftheader{your header}| or |\volumeheader{your header}|. (The commands
% are synonyms.) You can change the text in the right (recto) running head by issuing 
% |\rightheader{your header}|. \end{sloppypar}
% \subsection{~Special page style for long poems} The fancy page style ``longpoem'' 
% will add information of the form ``firstline--lastline'' to the running header.  This
% page style otherwise resembles ``main,'' and ``fancy.''
% Issue |\pagestyle{longpoem}| to use this page style. If you use ``longpoem,'' be sure to
% call \textsf{etex} and \textsf{emarks} in your preamble. Also, when a poem ends, be sure
% to issue |\newpage|, otherwise the running header will list the first line  on the page from the 
% first poem and the last  line on the page from the second poem.
% If you use ``longpoem''  and you have a table of contents, you must issue 
% |\pagestyle{longpoem}| at some point \emph{after} issuing |\putpoemcontents|.  
% Do not forget to issue  |\pagenumbering{arabic}|
% after |\putpoemcontents|, else all of your page numbers will be in roman numerals. Also, if you 
% have back matter, you must issue |\pagestyle{main}| at the end of your poetry section, 
% before the back matter starts, since otherwise your header will include the last line
% number \textsf{poemscol} saw. Issuing |\pagestyle{main}| will restore the normal page 
% headers for the backmatter
% sections.
% \begin{sloppypar}
% The header will include the abbreviation l.\ (for a single line) or ll.\ (for a range of lines).
% You can change either abbreviation with |\changesinglelineabbrev| or
% |\changemultiplelineabbrev|. So, for instance, to get rid of the abbreviations
% entirely, issue |\changemultiplelineabbrev{\relax}| and |\changesinglelineabbrev{\relax}|. 
% \end{sloppypar}
% \begin{sloppypar}
% You may need to play with |\leftheader| and |\rightheader| to get the information you
% want into the header. You might, for instance, what to use something like
% |\leftheader{``Your main title''  \hfil ``Your poem title''}| and 
% |\rightheader{``Your volume title'' \hfil ``Your poem title''}|. Whatever else you put into
% the header, the last thing should be your poem title, since it will be followed by the line
% numbers.\end{sloppypar}
% \subsection{~Page geometry and type leading}
% You have to give geometry the values that suit you.  I include the
% values I used in my own book, just to give you a starting place.
%  The default values for marginparsep and
% marginparwidth are different now (18pt and 18pt respectively).  With
% that warning, here is a list of the values I used:
% \bigskip
% \begin{tabular}{l l}
%     textheight&6.75in\\
%     marginparsep&18pt\\
%     marginparwidth&18pt\\
%     headheight& 14pt\\
% paperwidth&6in\\
% paperheight& 9in\\
% inner&4.5pc\\
% outer&4.5pc\\
%     footskip&15pt\\
%     \end{tabular}
% In my own book I also, strictly to save money, and at the price of
% some ugliness, changed the definition of |\normalsize| and |\small|,
% so that the former was 10 pt type on 11 pt leading (rather than 12
% pt), and that the latter was 9 pt type on 10 pt leading.  You can
% reproduce this setting by issuing |\tightleading|, although I would
% advise not doing so unless you are under financial constraints.
% \section{Prose Sections with line numbers} \label{prosesections} 
% \subsection{Setup}
% uses the \textsf{lineno} package to make marginal line numbers for
% prose sections such as the Author's Introduction, Afterword,
% Author's Notes, or such prose interludes or prose poems the volume
% may include.  To control the appearance, placement, and frequency of
% marginal line numbers in prose sections, you may wish to consult the
% manual to \textsf{lineno}.  I have added a minimal user interface to
% make \textsf{lineno} cohere with poemscol.  You may have to fiddle
% with the parameters of both \textsf{poemscol} and \textsf{lineno} to
% persuade them to set marginal line numbers that look the same way in
% prose and verse contexts.  The default values should work as is.
% Line numbers in prose sections are placed using a different
% |\length| from that used in verse sections.  Essentially, verse
% sections, and prose sections which use paragraph and sentence
% numbering --- see below, in section \ref{paragraphsentence} ---
% place the marginal line numbers using |\marginparsep|.  Prose
% sections which are numbered by line use |\linenumbersep| instead,
% which is a length defined in the \textsf{lineno} package. I have
% given values for both lengths which seem to place line numbers on
% the left and on the right side in prose sections roughly where they
% are placed in verse sections.  You can change these values with
% |\setcounter{countername}{length}|.
% |\verselinenumberstoleft| and |\verselinenumberstoright| also place
% the line numbers to the left or to the right, respectively, in prose
% sections.  If you wish the numbering to appear on a different side
% in prose contexts you can set the side by issuing |\leftlinenumbers|
% or |\rightlinenumbers|.  These last are commands from the
% \textsf{lineno} package.  The two forms in which line numbers switch
% sides in prose contexts can't at the moment be used, because of a
% clash between how \textsf{lineno} handles line numbers that switch
% sides and the way I pass the line numbers to notes sections.  If you
% have set the verse line numbers to switch sides, prose line numbers
% will appear on the right side.  I hope soon to find a workaround for
% this problem.
% By default, the line modulo for prose sections is the same as that for 
% verse sections; if you have a line number every 5 lines in verse, 
% you will have the same in prose. You can set the prose line modulo 
% independently with |\setprosemodulo|.
% \textsf{poemscol} may deal with rather long stretches of prose, but
% it is not designed to be used for critical editions of extended
% prose texts, as \texttt{EDMAC}, \textsf{reledmac}, or \textsf{ednotes}
% are.  The method of entering line ranges into notes in prose
% contexts is something of a hack, and rather a worse one than the one
% employed in verse contexts, since it involves using two labels for
% each note, one to capture the line number of the beginning, the
% other to capture the line number of the end.  Other limitations of
% this method may show up with longer prose extracts.
% \DescribeMacro{\prosesectiontitle} Prose sections may be titled with
% |\prosesectiontitle| which is essentially just |\poemtitle|, or
% |\prosesectiontitlenotitle|, which is essentially just
% |\poemtitlenotitle|.  (Remember that if you use the latter command,
% you must specify a ``dummy'' title to use in the note and contents
% sections.)  They will be formatted in the notes and contents
% sections as poems are.  Alternatively, you can use
% the commands for defining new kinds of titles, in section 
% \ref{customizing titles}, page \pageref{customizing titles},
% to make new kinds of titles for prose sections.
% Prose sections should be enclosed in a |prosesection| environment
% (between |\begin{prosesection}| and |\end{prosesection}|).  Entering
% this environment sets the modulo repeat for line numbering to the
% same value that prevails in verse contexts, and resets the prose
% line number to zero.  If for some reason you do not wish to reset
% the line number but continue on from where it left off at the end of
% the last prose section, use the |prosesectionnoreset| environment
% instead.
% \DescribeMacro{\setprosemodulo}
% If you wish to set the modulo repeat for line numbering in prose to 
% some value different for that from verse contexts, issue the new 
% modulo as the argument to |\setprosemodulo|.
% It is possible, if a prose section is interpolated in the midst of
% verse, to number the prose and verse continuously.  To move from a
% verse passage to a prose passage, just before the |\end{poem}| at
% the end of the first verse passage issue |\saveverselinenumber| to
% save the number of the verse passage.  After you issue
% |\begin{prosesection}| issue
% |\resetlinenumber[\theverselineumberscratch]| to apply that number
% to the prose section.  To number continuously while moving from
% prose to verse is more tricky.  One way might be to mark a label at
% the end of the prose passage with |\proselinelabel{prose end label}|
% (or some other suitably unique label).  This label will record the
% line number of the last prose line.  Pass that value to
% |\restoreverselinenumber| by issuing
% |\setcounterfromref{verselinenumberscratch}{prose end label}|.  Then
% issue |\restoreverselinenumber| just after issuing the
% |\begin{poem}| that restarts the verse again.  I would recommend
% against numbering verse and prose continuously, however, since a
% verse line and a prose line are different categories of thing, the
% one being an element of prosody, the other being only an element of
% typography.
% \DescribeMacro{\proselinelabel}
% |\proselinelabel| is simply |\linelabel| from \textsf{lineno}. I 
% have provided the new name to make it easy to distinguish from 
% |\poemlinelabel|. 
% \subsection{Endnotes for prose sections}
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\prosetextnote}
% \DescribeMacro{\prosemendation}
% \DescribeMacro{\proseexplanatory}
% Special versions of |\textnote|, |\emendation| and |\explanatory|
% are available for use in prose sections.  |\prosetextnote|,
% |\proseemendation|, and |\proseexplanatory| differ from the verse
% versions in that they each require an extra argument, a unique label
% to be used in locating the line number for use by the notes
% commands.  If |\maketextnotes|, |\makeemendations|, or
% |\makeexplanatorynotes| have been issued, the endnotes will be sent
% to the usual sections, where all the notes from that prose section
% will be grouped into a paragraph, with the entry headed by the title
% given by |\prosesectiontitle|, just as if that were the title of a
% poem.  |\textnotesatfoot|, |\emendationsatfoot|, and
% |\explanationsatfoot| will send the notes from prose contexts to the
% usual footnote levels.  Notes commands in prose contexts take three
% arguments.  As in verse sections, in prose sections textnotes,
% explanatory notes, and emendations have an optional first argument
% for recording line ranges.  As in verse sections, you can record
% these line ranges either by simply putting in the argument how many
% lines the lemma will refer to (a deprecated method retained for
% backward compatibility reasons), or the argument of a
% |\proselinelabel| command on the last line of the lemma.  (The only
% difference from the verse version here is that you should make the
% label using the |\proselinelabel| command, rather than with the
% |\poemlinelabel| command.)  The second argument is a label to
% identify each note uniquely, which is used to find the line number 
% at which the note begins.  You will need a different label for
% every note.  The third argument is the text of the note, which
% should include both the lemma and the rest of the note, as in the 
% notes for verse sections.
% |\proseemendation| and
% |\proseexplanatory| are coded the same way. So, if you wished 
% to make a textual note on a passage that begins with ``Call me 
% Ishmael.'' and ends ``a way of driving away the spleen,'' you would 
% issue at the point where the note is to 
% occur (at the beginning of the passage):
% \begin{verbatim}
% \prosetextnote[a way of driving away the spleen] {Call me Ishmael}
% {Call me Ishmael \ldots\ a way of driving away the spleen] text of
% textual note} \end{verbatim} On the
% last line of the passage to which the note refers you would 
% issue: \\ |\proselinelabel{a way of driving away the spleen}|.\end{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\prosetsvariant}
% \DescribeMacro{\proseaccidental}
% \DescribeMacro{\prosetsaccidental}
% You can issue |\sources| and |\tsentry| in prose contexts as usual. 
% For typescript variants and accidental variants you need to issue 
% |\prosetsvariant|, |\proseaccidental|, and 
% |\prosetsaccidental|. |\prosetsvariant| is entered just as 
% |\prosetextnote| is, with an optional argument (for use with 
% line ranges, as usual), and two mandatory arguments (the first a 
% label to capture the line number, the second the lemma and comment).
% |\proseaccidental| and |\prosetsaccidental| take only the two
% mandatory arguments, since by definition an accidental variant is
% confined to one line.
% One caveat: because the line numbers for notes in prose contexts
% are generated by a label/ref mechanism, each note will result in a
% complaint about an undefined reference the first time the file is run through
% \LaTeX.  Either run the first pass in quiet mode, or be prepared to
% ignore a lot of griping until
% \LaTeX\ has generated the .aux file at the end of the first run.
% \section{Paragraph and sentence annotation}\label{paragraphsentence}
% \subsection{~Setup}
% Annotating a prose section by sentence number, or by paragraph number and 
% sentence number, has some advantages over annotating it by line 
% number. The principal advantage is that the annotation and reference 
% system can remain stable over multiple editions, even if they are set 
% in different formats. The most familiar of such systems is the 
% chapter and verse system in the Bible, introduced by Archbishop 
% Stephen Langton in the thirteenth century (who divided the Vulgate 
% edition into numbered chapters) and by Robert Estienne in the 
% sixteenth century (who added the verse numbers). Such a form of 
% annotation might be especially useful for medieval prosimetra, a form 
% combining verse and prose. (Hence the commands that follow often 
% begin with |pm|.)
% \DescribeMacro{pmsection}
% You should put prose marked up for sentence and paragraph 
% annotation in a |pmsection| environment.
% You do not need to put prose marked up for sentence and paragraph 
% annotation in a |prosesection| environment. That environment is 
% only needed if you are line-numbering prose. You also do not need 
% to load the \textsf{lineno} package if you are using the sentence 
% and paragraph system for annotating prose. You might, however, 
% still wish to set the title with |\prosesectiontitle|.
% \DescribeMacro{\setprosebysentence} 
% |\setprosebysentence| sets \textsf{poemscol} to number prose by
% sentence rather than by line number.  This command is mostly a
% placeholder now, used only for setting the value of |\marginparsep|
% to something better for prose.  (|\marginparsep| sets how far the
% line numbers are from the text block.)  |\verselinenumberstoleft|,
% |\verselinenumberstoright|, and |\verselinenumbersswitch| each pick
% convenient values for |\marginparsep|.  By default these values all
% line up on the page, but if you change any of them, you may have to
% use reset |\marginparsep| to some value you will have to find by
% trial and error, since they each use |\marginparsep| in slightly
% different ways.  You can change |\marginparsep| either by using
% |\setlength{\marginparsep}{length}| or, better, by using
% |\renewcommand| to change the setting of |\marginparsep| in
% |\verselinenumberstoleft| or whatever else you intend to use. Adjust 
% |\headoffsetlength| to make the page numbers line up with the line numbers.
% \DescribeMacro{\pmsentence} Each sentence must begin with
% |\pmsentence|.  |\pmsentence| increments the sentence counter,
% optionally puts the sentence number in the running text, and
% optionally puts the sentence number in the margin.  
% |\runningsentencenumberstrue|
% sets sentence
% numbers in the running text.
% To set sentence numbers in the margin, issue
% |\marginsentencenumberstrue|. You can issue both, either, or neither of 
% these commands. 
% \DescribeMacro{\setpmmodulo} If you are putting sentence numbers in
% the margin, you need not number every sentence.  Indeed, if there is
% more than one sentence on a line, the numbers will overwrite each
% other (unless you use the marn.sty package, and substitute |\marn|
% for |\pmclrightsidepar|, |\pmclleftsidepar| or |\pmclsidepar| in the
% code for |\pmsentence|).  You can also avoid overlapping sentence
% numbers by using |\pmsentencetwo| and its siblings, defined below.
% You can set the modulo for sentence marginal numbers by issuing
% |\setpmmodulo|.
% \DescribeMacro{\pmsentencetwo}
% \DescribeMacro{\pmsentencethree}
% \DescribeMacro{\pmsentencefour} If you know, from a prior run, 
% that there will be a second or third sentence on some particular 
% line, marking them with these commmands will ensure that the 
% marginal sentence numbers do not overwrite each other. These commands 
% are something of a kludge, but they will do until I figure out how 
% to do this better.\newpage
% \DescribeMacro{\pmnumberstoright}
% \DescribeMacro{\pmnumberstoleft}
% \DescribeMacro{\pmnumbersgutter}
% \DescribeMacro{\pmnumbersouter}
% If you wish to control the
% margin in which sentence and paragraph numbers appear, issue
% |\pmnumbersright|, |\pmnumbersleft|, |\pmnumbersgutter|, or
% |\pmnumbersouter|.  By default, these numbers will line up with the
% line numbers in verse sections.  If you change the value of
% |\marginparsep| for prose sections from those used by their verse
% equivalents, it is a good idea to issue the verse equivalent command
% (|\versenumberstoright| or whatever) again when you move from a
% prose to a verse environment.
% \begin{sloppypar}
% |\runningsentencenumberformat| sets the format of running sentence
% numbers.  Currently it is |\textsuperscript| (the numbers are set as superscripts) and |\tiny|.  
% The format of marginal sentence
% numbers is set by |\marginsentencenumberformat|.  Currently it is
% |\tiny|.  Definitions of both commands are found at section \ref{runningsentencenumberformat},
% page \pageref{runningsentencenumberformat}. You can change either with |\renewcommmand|.
% \DescribeMacro{\pmpara}
% \DescribeMacro{\pmsentencebypara}
% \DescribeMacro{\pmsparainmartrue}
% \DescribeMacro{\pmpararunningtrue}
% You can also number paragraphs.  Each paragraph must begin with
% |\pmpara|.  |\pmpara| increments the paragraph counter, optionally
% puts the paragraph number in the running text, and optionally puts
% the paragraph number in the margin.  To reset the sentence counter
% at the beginning of each paragraph, issue |\pmsentencebyparatrue| in
% your preamble.  To set paragraph numbers in the margin, issue
% |\pmparainmartrue|.  To set paragraph numbers in the running text,
% issue |\pmpararunningtrue|. You can issue both, either, or neither of 
% these last two commands. Which margin these numbers are set in
% is controlled by the same commands that control placement of
% marginal sentence numbers.
% If you begin a paragraph with |\pmpara| \textsf{poemscol} will 
% assume that you intend to include the paragraph number in your 
% notes (in the form \textless \emph{paragraph
% number}\textgreater:\textless \emph{sentence number}\textgreater\ for simple 
% references, or  \textless  \emph{first paragraph
% number}\textgreater:\textless \emph{first sentence number}\textgreater\ -- 
%  \textless  \emph{lastparagraph
% number}\textgreater:\textless \emph{last sentence number}\textgreater\ 
% for ranges of sentences) even if you do not reset 
% the sentence number at the beginning of each paragraph. Normally 
% you would not issue |\pmpara| if you are not resetting the sentence 
% number at the beginning of each paragraph, since under those 
% circumstances you don't really need to keep track of the paragraph 
% numbers, in which case each note would simply include the sentence 
% number (just as in verse it would include the line number). In the 
% unusual event in which you wish to put the paragraph number in the 
% margin but refer only to sentence numbers in the notes, simply 
% follow every use of |\pmpara| with |\pmparasfalse|.
% \DescribeMacro{\pmpararunningformat}\DescribeMacro{\pmparmarformat}
% The format of running paragraph numbers is set 
% by |\pmpararunningformat|. Currently it is 
% |\textbf| and |\small|.
% The format of marginal paragraph numbers is set by 
% |\pmparmarformat|. Currently it is 
% |\textbf| and |\small|.  The definitions of these commands are found at 
% section \ref{pmparrunningformat}, page \pageref{pmparrunningformat}, Either can 
% be changed with |\renewcommand|.
% \DescribeMacro{\ifsupressfirstpara}
% \DescribeMacro{\ifsuppressfirstsentence}
% Some readers find it annoying to have the first sentence or the first paragraph marked.
% To suppress the appearance of the first sentence number, whether in the margin or in the
% running text, issue |\suppressfirstsentencetrue|. To suppress the appearance of the 
% first paragraph number, whether in the margin or in the running text, issue |\suppressfirstparatrue|.
% These commands will not affect the appearance of entries in the endnote 
% sections or in the footnotes.
% \subsection{~Cross references by sentence and paragraph}
% \DescribeMacro{\sentencelabel}
% To make labels that refer to sentences or paragraphs, issue
% |\sentencelabel|.  The label will be either both the paragraph
% number and the sentence number (if you are resetting sentence numbers
% by paragraph), or only the sentence number (if you are not resetting
% sentence numbers by paragraph).
% \subsection{~End notes by sentence and paragraph}
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\pmtextnote}
% \DescribeMacro{\pmexplanatory}
% \DescribeMacro{\pmemendation}
% \DescribeMacro{\pmaccidental}
% \DescribeMacro{\pmtsvariant}
% \DescribeMacro{\pmtsaccidental}
% |\pmtextnote|, |\pmexplanatory|, |\pmemendation|, |\pmaccidental|,
% |\pmtsvariant| and |\pmtsaccidental| are special versions of the
% usual endnote commands for use with annotations by sentence and
% paragraph.  If you have not issued |\pmsentencebypara| these
% commands will write the sentence number at the head of each note,
% where the line number would usually go.  If you have issued
% |\pmsentencebypara|, these commands will issue both the paragraph
% and sentence number, in the format \textless \emph{paragraph
% number}\textgreater:\textless \emph{sentence number}\textgreater.  You can
% refer to ranges of sentences (or paragraphs and sentences) in a way
% very similar to how you do so in verse sections.  At the end of the
% range, issue a |\sentencelabel| command, with a unique label.  At
% the beginning of the range, issue your |\pmtextnote| command with the
% optional argument in square brackets before the main argument,
% giving your unique label as the value of that argument, e.g.
% |\pmtextnote[some label]{text of lemma] comment}|.  At the end of 
% your range, issue |\sentencelabel{some label}|, using the same 
% label you put in the square brackets for the |\pmtextnote|. If you have not
% issued |\pmsentencebypara|, the range will simply be the range of
% sentence numbers.  If you have issued |\pmsentencebypara|, the range
% will include paragraph and sentence numbers, like this:
%\textless  \emph{first paragraph
% number}\textgreater:\textless \emph{first sentence number}\textgreater\ -- 
%  \textless  \emph{lastparagraph
% number}\textgreater:\textless \emph{last sentence number}\textgreater, for example: 
% 4:12--6:13.\end{sloppypar}
% |\sources| needs no special handling if you are annotating by 
% sentence and paragraph.
% \subsection{~Footnotes by sentence and paragraph}
% |\textnoteatfoot| shifts |\pmtextnotes| to the foot, as with 
% |\prosetextnote|. |\emendationsatfoot| and |\explanationsatfoot| 
% work the same way.
% \subsection{~Bible chapter and verse}
% Since |\pmsentence| and |\pmpara| are the moral equivalents of bible 
% verse and chapter, |\biblechapter| and |\bibleverse| are provided 
% for convenience.

% \section{Parallel text editions} \label{parallelhack}
% \subsection{~Setup for parallel texts in verse}
% \textsf{poemscol} can make parallel
% text editions in which the contrasting versions are set on facing
% verso and recto pages.  \textsf{poemscol} does not automatically provide the page
% breaks for parallel editions, and even if it did, one would still
% probably have to specify page breaks every two or three pages to keep
% the texts in register anyway, so you will have to use |\newpage|
% to mark every page break.  If you are willing to set the page breaks
% yourself, however, \textsf{poemscol} does provide commands for keeping the line count
% correct on successive recto or verso pages, and for keeping track of
% whether or not one was in the middle of a stanza when one closed the
% previous verso or recto page (as the case may be).  And it provides, in
% the |\synchrolabel| and |\synchroref| commands, a way of marking which
% lines on the recto side correspond to particular lines on the verso
% side.  |\synchroref| will even tag the marginal line number it makes
% with a marker to specify the text to which it refers.
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\startparalleltexts}
% \DescribeMacro{\finishparalleltexts}
% \DescribeEnv{parallelverse}
% You must begin a region of parallel text on a \emph{verso} page. 
%  A parallel text region must begin with 
% |\startparalleltexts| and end with |\finishparalleltexts|. 
% Setting parallel texts requires one to redefine the poem and stanza 
% environments, and |\startparalleltexts| redefines those environments.
% You can make those changes local to the parallel text region by using 
% |\begin{parallelverse}|  and |\end{parallelverse}| rather than |\startparalleltexts|
% and |\finishparalleltexts|.
% |\startparalleltexts| and |\finishparalleltexts| can be issued on their own
% but I have combined them to make the |parallelverse| environment. \end{sloppypar}
% Although usually with \textsf{poemscol} it is up to you where to put 
% the marginal line numbers, when you issue |\startparalleltexts| the 
% positions are fixed as follows: marginal line numbers are in the left 
% margin, line cross references (marking which lines in the recto  text 
% correspond to which lines in the verso text, which 
% are made with |\synchroref|) are in the right margin.
% \DescribeMacro{\startrectopage}
% \DescribeMacro{\finishrectopage}
% \DescribeMacro{\startversopage}
% \DescribeMacro{\finishversopage}
% Verso pages 
% should begin with |\startversopage| and end with |\finishversopage|.
% Recto pages should begin with |\startrectopage| and end with 
% |\finishrectopage|.  You have to declare the page breaks manually, 
% so be sure you are putting the |\finishversopage|  or |\finishrectopage| commands 
% in places which 
% will work. |\finishparalleltexts| just makes certain that stanzas, and poems,
% that you opened in a region of parallel texts are closed when you leave it.\end{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\versopoemtitle}
% \DescribeMacro{\rectopoemtitle}
% \DescribeMacro{\versopoemtitlenocontents}
% \DescribeMacro{\rectopoemtitlenocontents}
% Use |\versopoemtitle| and |\rectopoemtitle| 
% rather than |\poemtitle| for the title of the poem (or prose passage)
% on the verso or recto pages.
% if you are making a parallel text of Wordsworth's 1805 and 1850
% versions of \emph{The Prelude}, you might want to use something
% like |\versopoemtitle{The Prelude (1805 Version)}| and 
% |\rectopoemtitle{The Prelude (1850 Version)}|.
% I have also made versions of these commands that do not make
% entries in the table of contents, should the need arise for them. 
% If you wish to make titles for other things,
% such as poetic sequences or sequence sections, you can use the techniques
% described in section \ref{customizing titles} above, page \pageref{customizing titles}, 
% except substitute the command |\versoset@p@emtitle| 
% or |\rectoset@p@emtitle| for |\set@p@emtitle|, using
% all the same arguments you would have used with |\set@p@emtitle|.
%\subsection{~Parallel texts and on the fly note types}
% If you are making a parallel text edition, you may need to 
% use |\definenewnotetype| to make the different kinds of endnote 
% for the parallel texts. For instance, 
% if you are making a parallel text of Wordsworth's 1805 and 1850
% versions of \emph{The Prelude}, you may use something like |\fiveexplanatory|
% and |\fiftyexplanatory| for explanatory notes for the poems on the verso 
% and recto pages. 
%  \DescribeMacro{\keeptitlestraight}
% Without special care, \textsf{poemscol} may become
% confused about whether it has seen, for example, a |\fiveexplanatory| for 
% a particular book of \emph{The Prelude} or not, and, if |\settitleinnotes| is set, 
% may neglect to put the 
% title of that book of \emph{The Prelude} in the notes 
% for the first note for that book. To remedy this, |\versopoemtitle|
% and |\rectopoemtitle| set up a way of keeping track whether each  species 
% of note has appeared already or not. 
%  While setting parallel texts \textsf{poemscol} checks at the beginning of every
%  verso or recto page whether the the different species of endnote for the poem on
%  that page has appeared before. On rare occasions this turns out not to be frequently
% enough in cases
% where you are defining your own kinds of endnote. 
% In this case, the following hack, |\keeptitlesstraight|, will check whether the verso or recto
% poem has set that species of note each time it is issued. Suppose, for instance,
% going back to our Wordsworth example, 
% that you have defined, using |\definenewnotetype|, the following six
% kinds of endnotes: |\fivetextnote| |\fiveemendation|, |\fiveexplanatory|,
% |\fiftytextnote|, |\fiftyemendation|, and |\fiftyexplanatory|. You should
% define a new command called |\keeptitlesstraight| to keep track of these six
% kinds of note. Here is  how it might look:
% \medskip
% \noindent|\newcommand{\keeptitlesstraight}{|\\
% |\pretocmd{\fivetextnote}{\versotitleinnotescheck}{\relax}{\relax}|\\
% |\pretocmd{\fiveemendation}{\versotitleinnotescheck}{\relax}{\relax}|\\
% |\pretocmd{\fiveexplanatory}{\versotitleinnotescheck}{\relax}{\relax}|\\
% |\pretocmd{\fiftytextnote}{\rectotitleinnotescheck}{\relax}{\relax}|\\
% |\pretocmd{\fiftyemendation}{\rectotitleinnotescheck}{\relax}{\relax}|\\
% |\pretocmd{\fiftyexplanatory}{\rectotitleinnotescheck}{\relax}{\relax}|\\
% |}|
% \medskip
% All those fields filled with |\relax| are for reporting the success or failure
% |\pretocmd| has had in appending |\versotitleinnotescheck| (or |\rectotitleinnotescheck|)
% to the different endnotes commands.  You may wish to replace
% the |\relax| with something like |\typeout{fiftytextnote modified}| or 
% |\typeout{fiftytextnote not modified}|. \end{sloppypar}
%If you are using the |\keeptitlestraight|
% hack described here, you should add \textsf{etoolbox}
% to your package list.
%  \DescribeMacro{\resettitleinnotes}
% If you are defining new kinds of note, and a section of 
% non-parallel texts follow a section of parallel texts, you
% will need to issue the following hack after the parallel texts close
% (again I am using the Wordsworth example):\\
% |\newcommand{\resettitleinnotes}{|\\
% |\nofiveemendationyettrue%|\\
% |\nofiveexplanatoryyettrue%|\\
% |\nofivetextnoteyettrue%|\\
% |\nofiftyemendationyettrue%|\\
% |\nofiftyexplanatoryyettrue%|\\
% |\nofiftytextnoteyettrue%|\\
% |}|
% \subsection{~Parallel texts and generic note types}
% \begin{sloppypar}
%  \DescribeMacro{\rectotexnote}
%  \DescribeMacro{\rectoemendation}
%  \DescribeMacro{\rectoexplanatory}
%  \DescribeMacro{\versotexnote}
%  \DescribeMacro{\versoemendation}
%  \DescribeMacro{\versoexplanatory}
% In case you find using these hacks a bit burdensome, 
%  I have defined for your convenience six generic kinds of endnote for use in parallel text
%  editions: |\rectotextnote|, |\rectoeemendation|, |\rectoexplanatory|,
%  |\versotextnote|, |\versoemendation|, and |\versoexplanatory,|  as well as |\rectoprosetexnote|,
% |\versoprosetextnote,| |\rectoproseemendation,| |\versoproseemendation|, 
% |\rectoproseexplanatory|, and |\versoproseexplanatory.| 
% \end{sloppypar}
% \begin{sloppypar}
% I have also defined
% |\literalrectotextnote|, |\literalversotextnote|, |\literalrectoemendation|, |\literalversoemendation|,
% |\literalrectoexplain|, and |\literalversoexplain| for sending material other than formal
% endnotes to these endnote sections.
% \end{sloppypar}
%  You can use all of these without creating versions of |\keeptitlesstraight| and 
% |\resettitleinnotes|.
% \begin{sloppypar}
%  \DescribeMacro{\makerectotexnotes}
%  \DescribeMacro{\makerectoemendations}
%  \DescribeMacro{\makerectoexplanatorynotes}
%To use these
% kinds of note, issue |\makeversotextnotes|, |\makeversoemendations|, 
% |\makeversoexplanatorynotes| or their recto equivalents in your preamble. You can mark
% up your texts with these notes 
% just as you would do with  |\textnote|,  |\emendation| or |\explanatory| (or |\literalversotextnote|
% |\literalversoemendation| and |\literalversoexplain|), without any of the special hacks
% I have just described.
% \end{sloppypar}
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\changerectotextnotesname}
% \DescribeMacro{\changerectotextnotesheader}
% \DescribeMacro{\rectotextnotessinglepar}
% \DescribeMacro{\rectotextnotestwocol}
% I have given the endnotes sections generated by these notes rather
% generic names (|\rectotextnote| and |\versotextnote| for instance, both open endnote sections
% with the title TEXTUAL NOTES, with a running header of the form ``Textual Notes to pp.~xx--yy''
% an a contents entry of Textual Notes).  You will probably need to change
% those to something more descriptive. You can change any of these with 
% |\changeversotextnotesname{Your Title}|, |\changeversotextnotesheader{Your running header}|,
% and |\changeversotextnotescontentsname{Your contents entry}|. 
% You can change the appearance of these notes
% by changing the values of the booleans |\versotextnotessinglepar| and |\versotextnotestwocol|.
% Similar sets of commands are available for |\versoemendation| and |\versoexplanatory|
% and their recto equivalents.
% \end{sloppypar}
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\putrectotextnotes}
% To include these note sections in your document, issue |\putversotextnotes|, |\putrectotextnotes|,
% |\putversoemendations|,  |\putrectoemendations|, |\putversoexplanatorynotes|, or 
% |\putrectoexplanatorynotes| at the point where you wish them to appear. These commands
% behave exactly like |\puttextnotes|.
% \end{sloppypar}
% \subsection{~Parallel text labels}
% \DescribeMacro{\synchrolabel} \DescribeMacro{\synchroref}
% \DescribeMacro{\setsynchroflag} You may want to mark cross references
% to make it clear to the reader which line of the poem on the recto side
% of the spread corresponds to a particular line on the verso side.
% To mark these cross references, you
% need to make a label on the verso side (using |\syncrolabel|), and a corresponding
% reference on the recto side (using |\synchroref|).  You may also wish to add a mark to
% that reference (using |\setsynchroflag|) to specify to the reader what edition it refers to.  So, for
% instance, if your verso text is the 1805 version of Wordsworth's
% \emph{The Prelude}, and your recto text is the 1850 version, you may
% wish to specify |\setsynchroflag{1805: }|, which will preface the
% references put out by the |\synchroref| command with~`1805:~'.
% Suppose you wished to tie these corresponding passages from the ``Boy of Winander''
% episode in Book 3.   To make the label, issue the
% |\synchrolabel| command on the verso side (the 1805 side) just after the
% |\verseline| or |\end{stanza}| which closes the line you wish to
% label:
% \begin{verbatim}
%This boy was taken from his mates, and died \verseline
%In childhood ere he was full ten years old \verseline
% \synchrolabel{full ten years old}
% \end{verbatim}
% You don't have to quote the whole line in the label, but it should be 
% long enough to uniquely pick out that line in the poem. (If the line 
% is repeated in the poem, you will have to exercise your ingenuity in 
% making up a unique label.)
% Over on the recto side (the 1850 side), you will want to use |\synchroref| in order 
% to print the marginal cross reference. The |\synchroref| command 
% should come \emph{before} the |\verseline| that closes the line it is 
% tied to, as follows:
% \begin{verbatim}
%This Boy was taken from his mates, and died\verseline
%In childhood, ere he was full twelve years old.
% \synchroref{full ten years old}}\verseline
% \end{verbatim}
% \subsection{~Parallel prose passages}
% \DescribeMacro{parallelprose}
% \DescribeMacro{\startparalleltextprose}
% \DescribeMacro{\finishparalleltextprose}
% \textsf{poemscol} is not designed to manage long parallel texts in prose,
% but for shorter texts up to a couple of dozen pages, such as 
% two versions of an Author's Preface, say, \textsf{poemscol} has the |parallelprose|
% environment. (You can also use |\startparalleltextprose| and |\finishparalleltextprose|.)
% Like passages of parallel text in verse, parallel prose passages must start
% on a verso page.
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\startversoprosepage}
% \DescribeMacro{\finishversoprosepage}
% \DescribeMacro{\startrectoprosepage}
% \DescribeMacro{\finishrectoprosepage}
% Each verso page must start with |\startversoprosepage| and finish with 
% |\finishversoprosepage|, and each recto page must start with |\startrectoprosepage|
% and finish with |\finishrectoprosepage|. If a page continues a paragraph from the previous
% page, say, from a previous recto page, put the beginning of the 
% text on the second page right after the |\startrectopage| command with 
% no blank line. (Alternatively, you could just
% begin that page with |\noindent|.) 
% \end{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\parastart}
% \DescribeMacro{\paraend}
% You must mark the beginning and end of every paragraph in parallel prose passages
% with |\parastart| and |\paraend|.
% You will have to pick the page breaks manually, using |\newpage|, once you find where
% \LaTeX\ would naturally break the page. Because how \LaTeX\ justifies text is a little
% unpredictable, however, you may find that the line before the page break, which filled 
% the line before you added the page break, is actually a little shorter, and thus is 
% no longer justified, once you add the page break. You may well not be able to exactly
% fill out the line by trial and error, adding a word or even just a syllable, to the line at a time.
% You can kludge around the problem, however, by adding 
% an  |\hfil| between each word of the last line.
% \section{Using \textsf{poemscol} in a multilingual world}
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\changecontentsname}
% By default, \textsf{poemscol} uses English language titles for such
% things as the Table of Contents, the Explanatory Notes, and so on,
% and uses English language running headers.  As of version 2.5 these
% are easily changed.  To change the name of the Table of Contents
% (the default is CONTENTS) to Inhaltsverzeichnis, issue
% |\changecontentsname{Inhaltsverzeichnis}|.  To change the running
% header on contents pages, issue 
% |\changecontentsheader{your header}|.\end{sloppypar}
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\changenotesname} To change the name for the endnote 
% section for textual notes (the default is TEXTUAL NOTES), issue 
% |\changenotesname{your version}|. To change the running header (by 
% default ``Textual Notes to'') issue 
% |\changenotesheader{your version}|.
% To change the name for 
% the textual notes in the table of contents issue 
% |\changetextnotescontentsname{your version}|.
% \DescribeMacro{\changesinglepageabbrev}
% \DescribeMacro{\changemultiplepageabbrev}
% Running headers refer to single pages with the English 
% abbreviation ``p.'' and to multiple pages with the English 
% abbreviation ``pp.'' To change these issue 
% |\changesinglepageabbrev{new abbrev}| or 
% |\changemultiplepageabbrev{new abbrev}| respectively. The ultimate 
% outcome is to translate a header of the form ``Textual Notes to 
% pp.~xx-yy'' to the form appropriate for your language.\end{sloppypar}
% \begin{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\changeemendationsname} To change the name for the endnote 
% section for emendations (the default is EMENDATIONS), issue 
% |\changeemendationsname{your version}|. To change the running header (by 
% default ``Emendations to'') issue 
% |\changeemendationsheader{your version}|. To change the name for 
% the emendations in the table of contents issue 
% |\changeemendationscontentsname{your version}.|\end{sloppypar}
% \DescribeMacro{\changeexplanationsname} To change the name for the endnote 
% section for explanatory notes (the default is EXPLANATORY NOTES), issue 
% |\changeexplanationsname{your version}|. To change the running header (by 
% default ``Explanatory Notes to'') issue 
% |\changeexplanationsheader{your version}|.
% To change the name for 
% the explanatory notes in the table of contents issue 
% |\changeexplanationscontentsname{your version}|.\end{sloppypar}
% \begin{sloppypar} \DescribeMacro{\changepoemindexname} To change the name
% for the index (the default is ``Index of Titles and First Lines'', issue
% |\changepoemindexname{your version}|.  To change the running
% header (the default is ``Index of Titles and First Lines'') issue
% |\changepoemindexheader{your version}|. To change the contents 
% entry for the index (the default is ``Index of Titles and First Lines'') 
% issue 
%  |\changepoemindexcontentsname{your version}|.\end{sloppypar}
%\section{A sample driver file}
% If you are compiling a collected poems, you are probably preparing
% your volume from many files.  You may (or may not) wish to subdivide
% your edition by the original volumes.  Or you may subdivide by year,
% or by the significant phases of the poet's career.  One way to keep
% in control of the process is to create a driver file, which calls
% all the appropriate\ .sty files and sets the variables globally, and
% then read in the sections of the edition using |\input|.  Here is a
% version of the driver file I used for
% \emph{The Collected Poems of Robert Penn Warren}:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \documentclass[10pt,twoside]{article}
% \usepackage{fancyhdr,kdgreek,makeidx,times,multicol,geometry,}
% \usepackage{keyval,ifthen,mparhack,manyfoot,poemscol}
% \begin{document}
% \leftheader{The Collected Poems of Robert Penn Warren}
% \makeexplanatorynotes
% \makeemendations 
% \maketextnotes
% \makepoemcontents
% \makeverselinenumbers
% \global\indexingontrue
% \global\includeaccidentalstrue
% \global\includetypescriptstrue
% \input maintitle.tex
% \input poems1922_1943.tex
% \input thirtysix.tex
% \input eleven.tex
% \input sp43.tex
% \input promises1.tex
% \input promises2.tex
% \input promises3.tex
% \input yeo1.tex
% \input yeo2.tex
% \input yeo3.tex
% \input tale1.tex
% \input tale2.tex
% \input incarnations.tex
% \input audubon.tex
% \input orelse1.tex
% \input orelse2.tex
% \input arcturus.tex
% \input nowthen.tex
% \input beinghere.tex
% \input rumor1.tex
% \input rumor2.tex
% \input cj1.tex
% \input cj2.tex
% \input altitudes.tex
% \input poems1943_1989.tex
% \input introduction.tex
% \finish
% \end{verbatim}
% \section{A sample poem markup}
% Here is a poem Robert Penn Warren wrote in his first volume, 
% \emph{Thirty-Six Poems} (1935). The poem is the first poem of his 
% sequence ``Kentucky Mountain Farm.'' I include the over-title, to 
% demonstrate how to mark up such cases. 
% \begin{verbatim}
% 	\sequencetitle{Kentucky Mountain Farm}
% \index{Kentucky Mountain Farm@{\em Kentucky Mountain Farm\/}}
% \sources{Text: TSP. Variants: SP43, SP66 (Deletes ``The Cardinal,'' ``The
% Jay,'' and ``Watershed''), SP75 (Same sections as SP66), SP85 (Restores
% ``Watershed''), {\em Helsinki\/} (includes only ``Rebuke of 
% the Rocks'' and 
% ``At the Hour of the Breaking of the Rocks''). 
% ``The Owl'' (above) was marked as a section of ``Kentucky
% Mountain Farm'' when it first appeared in {\em Poetry,\/} but it was never
% included in any book version of the entire sequence. The sequence in {\em
% Poetry\/} included, in this order, ``The Owl,'' ``The Cardinal,'' and
% ``Watershed.'' TSP uses lower case Roman numerals in the section 
% titles. The typescript drafts in the Beinecke Library do not seem to 
% be setting copies.}
% \sequencefirstsectiontitle{I. Rebuke of the Rocks}
% \index{Rebuke of the Rocks@{\em Rebuke of the Rocks\/}}
% \sources{Text: TSP. Variants: {\em Nation\/}, 11 Jan.\ 1928, 
% p.~47, {\em Literary
% Digest,\/} 28 Jan.\ 1928, p.~32, {\em Vanderbilt Masquerader,\/} 10
% (Dec.\ 1933), p.~16, SP43, SP66, SP75, SP85, {\em Helsinki\/}, 
% Broadside: The Press at Colorado College, printed on paper handmade by 
% Thomas Leech for the American Poetry Society, April~26, 1985. This 
% poem was not included in SP85 until the second set of galleys, in 
% which a photocopy of the SP75 text is a stapled insert.} 
% \begin{poem}
% \begin{stanza}
% Now on you is the hungry equinox,\verseline
% \index{Now on you is the hungry equinox}
% O little stubborn people of the hill,\verseline
% \accidental{hill,] \sameword--- {\em Nation,\/} {\em Literary Digest\/}
% \sameword, {\em Vanderbilt\/} (I include the reading 
% from {\em Vanderbilt\/}
% even though it is the same as in TSP, because 
% {\em Vanderbilt\/} was published
% after the other magazine versions but before TSP.)}
% The season of the obscene moon whose pull\verseline
% Disturbs the sod, the rabbit, the lank fox,\verseline
% Moving the waters, the boar's dull blood,\verseline
% And the acrid sap of the ironwood.\end{stanza}
% \begin{stanza}
% But breed no tender thing among the rocks.\verseline
% Rocks are too old under the mad moon,\verseline
% \accidental{old\missingpunct] \sameword, {\em Vanderbilt\/}}
% Renouncing passion by the strength that locks\verseline
% The eternal agony of fire in stone.\end{stanza}
% \begin{stanza}
% Then quit yourselves as stone and cease\verseline
% \accidental{stone\missingpunct] \sameword, {\em Vanderbilt\/}}
% To break the weary stubble-field for seed;\verseline
% Let not the naked cattle bear increase,\verseline
% Let barley wither and the bright milkweed.\verseline
% \accidental{milkweed.] milk-weed. {\em Vanderbilt\/}}
% Instruct the heart, lean men, of a rocky place\verseline
% That even the little flesh and fevered bone\verseline
% May keep the sweet sterility of stone.\end{stanza}
% \end{poem}
% \end{verbatim}

% \goodbreak
% \section{A sample divider page}
% \begin{verbatim}
% \begin{volumetitlepage}
% \volumetitle{Being Here}
% \volumeheader{Being Here}
% \volumesubtitle{Poetry 1977--1980}
% \volumededication{To Gabriel Thomas Penn\\
% (1836--1920)}
% \bigskip
% \volumeepigraph{OLD MAN: You get old and you can't do anybody
% any good any more.\\
% BOY: You do me some good, Grandpa. You
% tell me things.}
% \bigskip
% \volumeepigraph{There is in short no absolute time standard.}
% \volumeattribution{{\em Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia,\/}\\
% Fifth Edition, p. 2203}
% \bigskip
% \volumeepigraph{I thirst to know the power and nature of Time\ldots.}
% \volumeattribution{St.\ Augustine: {\em Confessions,\/}\\
% Book {\em XI,\/} Chapter {\em XXIII\/}\\
% Translated by Albert C. Outler}
% \bigskip
% \volumeepigraph{Time is the dimension in which God 
% strives to define His own Being.}
% \sources{The typescript material in the Beinecke Library 
% indicates that this 
% book went through many drafts, and some rethinking about what to 
% include and how to order the poems. Until a late stage of 
% production---very late, since the typescript includes a designed 
% mock-up of the proposed title page---the title of this volume was {\em 
% Life is a Fable.\/} Indeed, as late as the time the book was set in 
% galleys it was called {\em Life is a Fable\/}, although the title was 
% corrected on the galleys. Like {\em Now and Then\/}, the typescript 
% was assembled from photocopies of re-typed copies of poems made after 
% their magazine appearance, with annotations giving the name of the 
% magazine in which they occurred. Unlike {\em Now and Then\/}, the 
% typescript seems to have been typed in one piece, and the annotations 
% added for the convenience of the permissions department at 
% Random House. The page numbers have been added---presumably 
% later---in blue pen. The copy is marked up in Warren's hand in black 
% pencil, and in another hand in red pencil. (Unless marked otherwise, 
% all of the mark-up described here is in black pencil.) \tsentry{Like most 
% Warren typescripts BHTS is single-spaced. The dedication to Gabriel 
% Thomas Penn and the dialogue between the old man and the boy appeared 
% on a separate page, and the three epigraphs appeared on another 
% separate page. BHTS gives 1838 as the year of Gabriel 
% Thomas Penn's 
% birth (the error is corrected on the galleys). In the quotation from 
% Augustine, the second word is corrected to ``thirst'' from ``yearn,'' 
% and the translator's name is added in pencil, not in Warren's 
% handwriting.} In one of Warren's own 
% copies at Western Kentucky University, he has corrected the date of 
% Gabriel Thomas Penn's birth to 1837 (copy 310). Some revisions in this book 
% may have come very late 
% indeed. A letter to Erskine of January 28, 1980, refers to changes 
% made in a bound manuscript that Warren kept after returning the 
% copy-edited typescripts. There are revisions not only on the galleys, 
% but also on the page proofs. There are even some corrections on the 
% ``blues'' for this volume, including some new copy on a card referred 
% to in a note on the cover of the ``blues'' but now lost. The Secker 
% and Warburg London edition is, except for the title page, printed from 
% the American plates. There is a copy of this book, marked up by 
% Warren with 
% proposed revisions for Stuart Wright's use on May 25, 1987, in the 
% Special Collections 
% Department of the Emory University Library. I quote Warren's 
% notes by permission. 
% Warren has also marked up, slightly, a copy of this book now in the 
% Robert Penn Warren Room of the Library of the Kentucky Museum at 
% Western Kentucky University. I quote that volume too by permission. 
% The setting typescript for the section of SP85 drawn from this volume 
% consisted of taped-in photocopies of passages from BH. Because the 
% revisions for SP85 are sometimes a vexed question, I have indicated 
% where the SP85 revisions are made on SP85TS.}
% \sources{Title Page] SP85 omits the dialogue between the old man and 
% the young boy. SP85 capitalizes ``time standard'' in the quotation 
% from Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia, and does not capitalize 
% ``Time'' in the quotation from Augustine.}
% \end{volumetitlepage}
% \end{verbatim}
% \StopEventually{\PrintChanges\PrintIndex}
% \section{Implementation}\label{implementation}
% \subsection{~Page geometry and crop marks}

%    \begin{macro}{\tightgeometry} There's no reason why you should use the
% page geometry I used in \emph{The Collected Poems of Robert Penn Warren}, 
% and there are many reasons not to. But I include it just to show what is possible.
% If you issue |\tightgeometry| in your 
% preamble, you will have the geometry I have used. If you issue 
% |\tightleading|  you will 
% redefine |\normalsize| and |\small| to use tighter leading. 
%  Normal
% 10 point \LaTeX\ uses 12 point leading.  Strictly to save money, I
% redefined |\normalsize| to use 11 point leading.  
% I use the \textsf{geometry} package,
% since it's simpler to figure out.  I give my page geometry here
% chiefly to remind the reader of some important variables that should
% be kept track of, such as marginparsep, which controls the
% separation of the marginal line numbers from the verse line,
% marginparwidth, which controls how wide the block for the marginal
% line numbers will be, headsep, which controls how far the text will
% be from the running headers, and footskip, which controls how far
% the last verse line will be from the marker which tells the reader
% that there is a stanza break at the end of the page (if there is
% one).  I've also set the odd side margin and the even side margin
% for two-sided printing.  Finally, I have set the default handling
% of page endings to |\raggedbottom|.  Verse should always be set with
% a ragged bottom margin, otherwise \LaTeX\ will stretch the spaces
% between stanzas to make the bottom perfectly flush.  When you enter
% prose sections, such as the editor's introduction, you should enter
% the command |\flushbottom| to make sure that the prose sections have
% flush page bottoms. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
 \newcommand{\tightgeometry}{\geometry{verbose, tmargin= 33pt,
 headheight= 15pt,
   \abovedisplayskip 10\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus5\p@
   \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus3\p@
   \belowdisplayshortskip 6\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus3\p@
   \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
   \abovedisplayskip 8.5\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus4\p@
   \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus2\p@
   \belowdisplayshortskip 4\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus2\p@
               \topsep 4\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus2\p@
               \parsep 2\p@ \@plus\p@ \@minus\p@
               \itemsep \parsep}%
   \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip

%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}

% \subsubsection{Internal font size commands} You will probably never need 
% to use these font commands explicitly. I defined these for internal 
% use within \textsf{poemscol}, so that a command will always call the 
% same fonts. \label{internal font size commands}
% As a way of making global changes to repeated features I have
% defined various special fonts for special purposes.  For instance,
% in a Collected Poems in which the poems are arranged by volume, with
% divider pages for the beginning of each volume, the first command
% sets the font for the volume title on the divider page, using the
% default font family, setting it in 18 point type on 23 point
% leading.  The second command, as the name of the command indicates,
% sets the font for the subtitle of the volume to be 14 point type on
% 18 point leading.  You can change these either by changing the
% values in your (renamed) style file, or by using |\renewcommand|. 
% For instance, you can change the font parameters for the font for
% setting poem titles from 14 on 18 to 12 on 14 by issuing
% |\renewcommand{\poemtitlefont}{\fontsize{12}{14}\selectfont}| in
% your preamble.  Notice that there are special fonts for titles in
% the back matter and in the table of contents as well.

%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}

% \subsection{~Miscellaneous dimensions and constants}
% \textsf{poemscol} sets relatively large penalties for widows and
% clubs, both in the main text, and in the notes sections.  There are
% also special penalties after volume titles in the notes sections,
% since one does not want to leave a volume title in the notes
% sections stranded at the bottom of a page.  (Setting penalties may
% not automatically solve all the problems, however.  You can fix an
% intractable widow problem in the contents or in the notes sections
% by issuing |\literalcontents{\pagebreak}| or
% |\literalemend{\pagebreak}| just before you issue the
% |\poemtitle| or |\volumetitle| that resulted in the problematic
% title line.)  \textsf{poemscol} also manipulates penalties for places like
% the space between a poem's title and its first line.  It defines
% special values for the white space before and after poems and for
% the amount of a stanza break.  |\contentsindentone|,
% |\contentsindenttwo|, and so on are amounts to indent different
% hierarchical levels, say of poetic sequences and subsequences, in
% the table of contents. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Since the right margin of verse is ragged anyway, I allowed some 
% flexibility for slightly longer lines.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    For explicitly declared indented lines or ranges of lines:
%    \begin{macrocode}
\advance \l@@pcounter -1
%\newcommand{\verseindent}{\hspace{\verseindentamount}} %old version
  \advance \l@@pcounter -1%
\ifnum \l@@pcounter>0
\list{}{\itemsep\z@ \itemindent -\runoverindentvalue\listparindent \itemindent
\rightmargin 0sp\leftmargin 0sp\advance\leftmargin
%    \end{macrocode}
%    For multicolumn notes:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    A hierarchy of indentations for sequence section titles and 
% subsection titles.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%\newdimen\titleindentamount \titleindentamount=1pc
%\newdimen\titleindenttwoamount \titleindenttwoamount=2pc
%\newdimen\titleindentthreeamount \titleindentthreeamount=3pc
% \titleindentamount=1pc
% \newcommand{\volumesectiontitleindent}{\hspace{\volumesectiontitleindentamount}}
% \newcommand{\volumesectiontitlesecondlineindent}{\hspace{\volumesectiontitlesecondlineindentamount}}
% \newcommand{\poemtitleindent}{\hspace{\poemtitleindentamount}}
% \newcommand{\poemtitlesecondlineindent}{\hspace{\poemtitlesecondlineindentamount}}
% \newcommand{\sequencetitleindent}{\hspace{\sequencetitleindentamount}}
% \newcommand{\sequencetitlesecondlineindent}{\hspace{\sequencetitlesecondlineindentamount}}
% \newcommand{\appendixtitleindent}{\hspace{\appendixtitleindentamount}}
% \newcommand{\subappendixtitleindent}{\hspace{\subappendixtitleindentamount}}
% \newcommand{\forewordtitleindent}{\hspace{\forewordtitleindentamount}}
% \newcommand{\notestitleindent}{\hspace{\notestitleindentamount}}

%    \end{macrocode}
%    A hierarchy of indentations for the table of contents: \label{contents indentation hierarchy}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newdimen\volumetitleshiftamount \volumetitleshiftamount=1pc
\newdimen\voladditionalamount \voladditionalamount=2pc
\newdimen\contentsindentoneamount \contentsindentoneamount=24pt
\newdimen\contentsindenttwoamount \contentsindenttwoamount=42pt
\newdimen\contentsindentthreeamount \contentsindentthreeamount=60pt
\newdimen\contentsindentfouramount \contentsindentfouramount=72pt
\newdimen\contentsindentfiveamount \contentsindentfiveamount=80pt
%    \end{macrocode}
%    A hierarchy of indentations for sequence section titles and 
% subsection titles in the table of contents.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\setlength{\contentssequencetitleindentamount}{\contentsindentoneamount} %313
\setlength{\contentssequencetitlesecondlineindentamount}{\contentsindentoneamount} %313
\setlength{\contentssequencesubtitleindentamount}{\contentsindenttwoamount} %313
\setlength{\contentssequencesubtitlesecondlineindentamount}{\contentsindenttwoamount} %313
\setlength{\contentssequencesectiontitleindentamount}{\contentsindenttwoamount} %313
\setlength{\contentssequencesectiontitlesecondlineindentamount}{\contentsindenttwoamount} %313
\setlength{\contentssequencesectionsubtitleindentamount}{\contentsindentthreeamount} %313

%    \end{macrocode}
%    White space after poem titles, after poems, and after sequence 
% titles. \label{skiplist}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    A little extra white space between stanzas.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Penalties to encourage page breaks before poem titles, before 
% multi-line poem titles, and before sequence titles.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{~Title Schemes} Ways of controlling the placement of titles.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\l@ftc@ntertitleblock}{\rightmargin        \z@%%

%    \end{macrocode}   
% \subsection{~Verse} The verse environment here is taken from \LaTeX, 
% slightly modified to indent run over lines more. The idea is to 
% distinguish the automatic indentation of run over lines from the 
% explicitly declared indentation of indented lines. You can change 
% the amount of indentation of runover lines with |\runoverindent|.
% \label{versedefine}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\makeatother{\catcode`\@=12 }
% pmclverse (runover indented  more than it is in the normal verse 
% environment)
% \newenvironment{pmclverse}{%
% \let\\=\@centercr%  
% \list{}{\itemsep\z@ \itemindent -\runoverindentvalue\listparindent \itemindent 
%           \rightmargin 1sp\leftmargin 1sp\advance\leftmargin 
%           \runoverindentvalue}\item[]}
% {\endlist}
\newcommand{\c@nterverseblock}[1]{\rightmargin        \z@%
\itemindent -\runoverindentvalue
\listparindent \itemindent
         \ifdim #1 < \linewidth
	 \rightmargin        \leftmargin
             \rightmargin        \leftmargin
% next is from 2.88
%\itemindent -\runoverindentvalue
%\listparindent \itemindent
%         \ifdim #1 < \linewidth
%	 \iftextcenteringturnedon
%	 \c@nterverseblock{#1}%
%	 \else
%	 \rightmargin        \leftmargin
% 	    \addtolength{\leftmargin}{-\versemarginadjust}\fi
%          \else
%             \rightmargin        \leftmargin
% 	    \addtolength{\leftmargin}{-\versemarginadjust}
%          \fi
%{\endlist}% from 2.72 with additions
% \newenvironment{pmclverse}[1][\linewidth]{%
% \let\\=\@centercr%
% \list{}{\itemsep\z@ 
% \itemindent -\runoverindentvalue
% \listparindent \itemindent
%          \ifdim #1 < \linewidth
%             \rightmargin        \z@
%             \setlength{\leftmargin}{\linewidth}%
%             \addtolength{\leftmargin}{-#1}%
%             \addtolength{\leftmargin}{-0.5\leftmargin}%
%             \iflinenumberscenteredwithverse
%            \setlength{\marginparsep}{-\leftmargin+\marginparsepmin}
%            \fi
%           \else
%             \rightmargin        \leftmargin
%             \addtolength{\leftmargin}{-\versemarginadjust}
%           \fi
% \advance\leftmargin\runoverindentvalue}
% \item[]}
% {\endlist\setlength{\marginparsep}{0pt}} % from email

% \newenvironment{pmclverse}[1][\linewidth]{%
% \let\\=\@centercr%
% \list{}{\itemsep\z@ 
% \itemindent -\runoverindentvalue
% \listparindent \itemindent
%         \iftextcenteringturnedon
%          \ifdim #1 < \linewidth
%             \rightmargin        \z@
%             \setlength{\leftmargin}{\linewidth}%
%             \addtolength{\leftmargin}{-#1}%
%             \addtolength{\leftmargin}{-0.5\leftmargin}%
% \iflinenumberscenteredwithverse\setlength{\marginparsep}{-\leftmargin+\marginparsepmin}\fi
%           \else
%             \rightmargin        \leftmargin
%             \addtolength{\leftmargin}{-\versemarginadjust}
%           \fi % linewidth
%         \else
%         \rightmargin        \leftmargin
%             \addtolength{\leftmargin}{-\versemarginadjust}
%         \fi% textcentering
% \advance\leftmargin\runoverindentvalue}
% \item[]}
% {\endlist\setlength{\marginparsep}{0pt}}% % draft

% \let\\=\@centercr%
% \list{}{\itemsep\z@ 
% \itemindent -\runoverindentvalue
% \listparindent \itemindent
%          \ifdim #1 < \linewidth
%             \rightmargin        \z@
%             \setlength{\leftmargin}{\linewidth}%
%             \addtolength{\leftmargin}{-#1}%
%             \addtolength{\leftmargin}{-0.5\leftmargin}%
%           \else
%             \rightmargin        \leftmargin
%             \addtolength{\leftmargin}{-\versemarginadjust}
%           \fi
% \advance\leftmargin\runoverindentvalue}
% \item[]}
% {\endlist} % first version from 2.81
% \newenvironment{pmclverse}[1][\linewidth]{%
% \let\\=\@centercr%
% \list{}{\itemsep\z@ 
% \itemindent -\runoverindentvalue
% \listparindent \itemindent
%          \ifdim #1 < \linewidth
%             \rightmargin        \z@
%             \setlength{\leftmargin}{\linewidth}%
%             \addtolength{\leftmargin}{-#1}%
%             \addtolength{\leftmargin}{-0.5\leftmargin}%
%           \else
%             \rightmargin        \leftmargin
%           \fi
% \advance\leftmargin\runoverindentvalue}
% \item[]}
% {\endlist}% from 2.72
 \list{}{\itemsep\z@ \itemindent -\runoverindentvalue\listparindent \itemindent 
           \rightmargin 0sp\leftmargin 0sp\advance\leftmargin 
% rfoverse (flushes runover to right) (Just a placeholder now.)
% \newif\ifrfv
% \rfvfalse
% \newcommand{\rightflushrunoververse}{\global\rfvtrue}
% \newcommand{\indentrunoververse}{\global\rfvfalse}
% \newenvironment{rfoverse}{\begin{pmclverse}}{\end{pmclverse}}
% % verse environment with a switch
% \renewenvironment{verse}{\ifrfv\begin{rfoverse}\else\begin{pmclverse}\fi}
% {\ifrfv\end{rfoverse}\else\end{pmclverse}\fi}
%    \end{macrocode}

% \subsection{~Miscellaneous internal counters}
% |\verselinenumber| is the line number, obviously. |\printlineindex| 
% records how many lines have passed since the last marginal line 
% number was output. |\lineindexrepeat| governs how often the marginal 
% line numbers appear. |\lemmalines| and |\lemmaend| are for setting 
% number ranges for multiline lemmas.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcounter{lineindexrepeat} \setcounter{lineindexrepeat}{9}
%    \end{macrocode}
% This next counter is used to make labels for each poem for the contents and notes sections.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    These next two are used to set the page numbers in the running 
% headers of the various notes sections, which are of the form 
% ``Textual notes to pp.~xx--yy.''
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcounter{notepageholdertitle} \setcounter{notepageholdertitle}{1}
\newcounter{notepageholdernote}  \setcounter{notepageholdernote}{1}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \subsection{~Miscellaneous token lists}
% Since the explanatory notes section and the emendations section should
% only open an entry for poems for which there actually are explanatory notes or
% emendations, the current are held in token lists in case they are needed.|\titlesofar| 
% and |\titleincrement| are used to concatenate multi-line titles.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}    
%    \subsection{~Miscellaneous booleans}
%    Most of these have self-explanatory names.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\let\makelinenumbers=\makeverselinenumbers% for compatibility
%    \end{macrocode}

% \subsection{~Defining page styles} \label{pagestyledefs} These define several special page styles. 
% To use them you must have the \textsf{fancyhdr} package installed. 
% First, the default running headers: the right side (|\volumeheader|)
% is the title of the volume in a multivolume edition, and the left
% (|\leftheader|) is the title of the general collection. 
%    \begin{macro}{\volumeheader} 
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\leftheader}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% The default page style. Note the use of the mark mechanism to keep 
% track of cases where the stanza breaks and page breaks overlap.
%    \begin{macro}{\pagestyle{fancy}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\fancyhead[CO]{\hfil{\small{\em \volumeheadervalue}}\hfil}
\fancyhead[CE]{\hfil{\small{\em \leftheadervalue}}\hfil}
\fancyfoot[CE]{{\small \botmark}\hfil}
\fancyfoot[CO]{\hfil{\small \botmark}}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\pagestyle{main}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\fancyhead[CO]{\hfil{\small{\em \volumeheadervalue}}\hfil}
\fancyhead[CE]{\hfil{\small{\em \leftheadervalue}}\hfil}
\fancyfoot[CE]{{\small \botmark}\hfil}
\fancyfoot[CO]{\hfil{\small \botmark}}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% Style for the first page of every volume in a Collected Poems. You 
% don't have to call this style explicitly. It is called by the |\volumetitlepage| 
% environment. But of course if you want to change the style of those 
% pages, you should do it here.
%    \begin{macro}{volumefirststyle}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\fancyfoot[C]{\hfil{\small \botmark}\hfil}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% Style for plain pages.
%    \begin{macro}{plain}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% Style for long poems.
%    \begin{macro}{\myversemarks}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\singlelineabbrev={l.\ }
\multiplelineabbrev{ll.\ }
        {\unskip ~\the\singlelineabbrev~\thefirstmarks{verselinemark}}% if equal
{\unskip ~\the\multiplelineabbrev\thefirstmarks{verselinemark}--\thebotmarks{verselinemark}}} % if not equal
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{longpoem}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\fancyhead[CO]{\hfil{\small{\em \volumeheadervalue ~\myversemarks}}\hfil}
\fancyhead[CE]{\hfil{\small{\em \leftheadervalue~\myversemarks}}\hfil}
\fancyfoot[CE]{{\small \botmark}\hfil}
\fancyfoot[CO]{\hfil{\small \botmark}}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% Style for divider pages between volumes
%    \begin{macro}{volumetitlestyle}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\resetpagestyle}
% |\resetpagestyle| restores the fancy page style of the main sections of the
% book. |\putpoemcontents| changes the fancy page style, and |\resetpagestyle|,
% which is called by |\putpoemcontents| as it finishes, restores the original
% style
%    \begin{macrocode}
% \fancyhead{}
% \fancyfoot{}
% \fancyhead[RO,LE]{{\small\textrm{\thepage}}}
% \fancyhead[CO]{\hfil{\small{\em \volumeheadervalue}}}
% \fancyhead[CE]{{\small{\em \leftheadervalue}\hfil}}
% \fancyfoot[CE]{{\small \botmark}\hfil}
% \fancyfoot[CO]{\hfil{\small \botmark}}
% \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}
% \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\clearemptydoublepage}
%    This macro is useful for making sure that the verso of a title
%    page is blank.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\mymarks}
% Here the marks mechanism keeps track of pages from which notes 
% come. Marks are used different in the notes sections and in the body 
% of the volume. In the body, they are used to keep track of cases 
% where a stanza break falls on a page break. In the notes sections, 
% they set the running headers.
%    \begin{macrocode}
        {\unskip ~\the\singlepageabbrev~\firstmark}% if equal
        {\unskip ~\the\multiplepageabbrev~\firstmark--\botmark}}%if not equal
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsection{~Environments: poem, and stanza} Here are definitions 
% of the poem and stanza environments, and of the |\verseline|  and 
% |\stanzalinestraddle| macros.
%    \begin{macro}{stanza} \label{stanzadefine}
% Page breaks are slightly encouraged in stanza breaks.  Notice that
% entering a stanza sets the mark to |\relax| and leaving it sets the
% mark to * (the default value of |\stanzaatbottom|).  If you want to
% use some other symbol for this purpose, use |\stanzaatbottom| or
% |\nostanzaatbottom| (if you also want to mark cases where there
% is \emph{no} stanza break at the bottom of the page) to change it.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newenvironment{stanza}{\penalty-100\instanzatrue\mark{\nostanzaatbottomvalue\ }}
 {\nobreak\mark{\stanzaatbottomvalue\ }\nobreak\ifspeciallinelock%


%    \end{macrocode}
% The next two environments are for contents entries and titles. The 
% idea is to handle overrun titles the way overrun lines are handled 
% in verse. Contents entries indent the overrun slightly. Titles do 
% not indent the overrun relative to the first line, but preserve the 
% indentation of that line. 
%    \begin{macrocode}   
\language=255%no hyphenation in contents
\itemsep\z@ \itemindent -\contentsentryoverrun\listparindent \itemindent 
          \rightmargin 1sp\leftmargin 1sp\advance\leftmargin 
\language=255%no hyphenation in poem titles
\itemsep\z@ \itemindent -\titleentryoverrun%
\listparindent \itemindent %
\rightmargin \z@\leftmargin \lefttitlemargin%
\rightmargin \z@\leftmargin \lefttitlemargin
\rightmargin \z@\leftmargin \z@%
\advance\leftmargin \titleentryoverrun}\item[]}{\endlist}
% older version:
%\language=255%no hyphenation in poem titles
%\itemsep\z@ \itemindent -\titleentryoverrun%
%\listparindent \itemindent %
%\rightmargin 1sp\leftmargin \lefttitlemargin%
%\rightmargin 1sp\leftmargin 1sp%
%\advance\leftmargin \titleentryoverrun}\item[]}{\endlist}		  
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% The poem environment.  The little trick about setting the language
% number is designed to suppress automatic hyphenation in the poem
% environment.  The booleans tell the |\emendation| and
% |\explanatory| macros that there have not yet been emendations or
% explanatory notes for this poem.  The little trick with |\mark| sets
% the value of |\mark| to the current value of |\stanzaatbottom| (by
% default *) if the current location is in a poem but not in a stanza
% (which is to say, in a stanza break).  The |\pagestyle| for poetry
% sets the value of |\mark| in the footer, which is * if the page break
% happens at a stanza break, and |\relax| if the page break happens
% anywhere else. \label{poemdef}
%    \begin{macro}{poem}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\setlength{\versewidth}{\linewidth}% default length for \versewidth
     \language=255%no hyphenation in verse
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{rightflushverse}
% Sets verse with the runover portions of long lines flushed to the right. Each line
% must begin with |\rightversebegin|.This code was suggested to me by Mark Wooding
% on comp.text.tex, who describes the code as ``very unpleasant.''
%    \begin{macrocode}
\leftskip=1 \leftskip\advance\leftskip by 0pt plus 1fill}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsection{~Environments: main title page, divider pages}
% 	 Environments for the main title page, and for the divider pages for 
% 	 individual volumes in a Collected Poems.
%    \begin{macro}{volumetitlepage}
%    \begin{macro}{maintitlepage}
%    \begin{macro}{booksectionpage}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
% \subsection{~Marginal line numbers, verse lines, line cross
% references, etc.}\label{marginalgeometry} The default is that the
% line numbers are on the left side, and that the |\marginparsep| is
% 18pt.  If you use |\pmclleftsidepar| the placement of the number is
% controlled by |\marginparsep| and |\marginparwidth|.  You should
% experiment with different values until you find a set that suits
% you.  A rule of thumb for me is that the |\marginparsep| if the
% numbers is on the right should be the negative of the value if it is
% on the left.  First, some lengths and ifs:
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newif\ifnumbersswitch \numbersswitchfalse
\newif\ifnumbersright \numbersrightfalse
%    \end{macrocode}
%   Next, code for |\pmclsidepar|, taken from the memoir class, by 
% Peter Wilson. Modified by Dan Luecking.
%    \begin{macro}{\pmclsidepar}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\long\def\@pmclsidepar[#1]#2{\@bsphack\strut\vadjust{% added
      \if@firstcolumn     % put at left
        \kern -\marginparsep \kern -\marginparwidth % at left
      \else               % put at right
        \kern \columnwidth \kern \marginparsep % at right
      \ifoddpage            % put at right
        \kern \textwidth \kern \marginparsep        % at right
      \else                 % put at left
        \kern -\marginparsep \kern -\marginparwidth % at left
%     \vbox to 0pt{%
%      \kern \pmclsideparvshift%           % vertical shift to align top text lines
%      \begin{minipage}{\marginparwidth}%
    \setbox0=\vtop to 0pt{% added
     \begin{minipage}[t]{\marginparwidth}% added
     \ifoddpage #2\else #1\fi%
%   \vss}}}\@esphack}
\vss}% added
 \vtop to 0pt{\kern\pmclsideparvshift % default should be 0pt 
  \kern-\dp\strutbox \kern-\ht0 \box0 \vss}}}\@esphack}% added 

%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\thepmemc@@page}
% The value of the page counter.
%    \begin{macrocode}

%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\pmemlabel}
% A version of |\label| that uses |\pmemprotected@write|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\pmemprotected@write}
% |\pmemprotected@write| is a modified version of the kernel's
% |\protected@write|.
%    \begin{macrocode}

%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\newpmemlabel}
%    \begin{macro}{\pmemlabelref}
% We have to be able to cope with a particular label
% not (yet) being in the the aux file when we come to check 
% the page number.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \expandafter\ifx\csname m@#1\endcsname\relax
    \csname m@#1\endcsname

%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\@memcnta}
% We need a scratch count register.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\checkoddpage}
% This is the user level command to check for odd/even page. It does
% a robust check for |\strictpagecheck| otherwise the simple minded
% check. It sets |\ifoddpage| to TRUE if the page is odd, otherwise
% it sets it to FALSE.
%    This is now fixed so that it should work for non-arabic page numbering.
% It uses a new label/pageref variant based on the page counter value, not
% its printed representation. This also gets rid of worrying about hyperref!!
% The problem was discovered by Bastiaan Niels Veelo
%    \begin{macrocode}

%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro} 
%    \begin{macro}{\ifpmclreversesidepar}
%    \begin{macro}{\ifpmclsideparswitch}
% Analogues of |\marginpar| controls.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%  \pmclreversesideparfalse
\if@twoside \pmclsideparswitchtrue \fi

%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ifoddpage}
%    \begin{macro}{\ifstrictpagecheck}
%    \begin{macro}{\c@cp@cntr}
%    \begin{macro}{\cplabel}
% The boolean |\ifoddpage| is TRUE if the checked page is odd. The
% boolean |\ifstrictpagecheck| is for turning on (TRUE) and off (FALSE)
% the strictest method of page checking. The counter |cp@cntr| is used
% to make unique labels, which start with |\cplabel|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    Two-column and one-column printing is again realized via a switch
%    which is defined in the kernel. The default is single column printing.
%    \begin{macro}{\pmclsideparvshift}
% Vertical shift for sidepar to align with text line
%    \begin{macrocode}
%  \setlength{\pmclsideparvshift}{-2.08ex}% seems to work for all font sizes
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%   My code resumes here
%    \begin{macro}{\verselinenumberstoleft}
%    \begin{macro}{\verselinenumberstoright}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%   \setlength{\marginparsep}{18pt}%
%   \setlength{\marginparwidth}{10pt}%
%  \setlength{\marginparsep}{18pt}%
%   \setlength{\marginparwidth}{10pt}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\verselinenumbersswitch}
%    \begin{macro}{\verselinenumbersgutter}
%    \begin{macro}{\verselinenumbersouter}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%   \setlength{\marginparsep}{18pt}%
%   \setlength{\marginparwidth}{10pt}%
\newif\ifnumbersgutter \numbersgutterfalse%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\putverselinenumber}
%    \begin{macrocode}
% \ifnumbersswitch\marginpar{\hfil\textrm{\scriptsize\theverselinenumber}}%
%     \else% 
%     \ifnumbersright\marginpar{\hfil\textrm{\scriptsize\theverselinenumber}}%
%       \else%
%       \marginpar{\textrm{\scriptsize\theverselinenumber}\hfil}%
%       \fi%
%     \fi              
%  \marn{\hfil\textrm{\theverselinenumber}}
%  \marginpar{\hfil\textrm{\scriptsize\theverselinenumber}}
%   \linenumberside{\textrm{\scriptsize\theverselinenumber}\hfil}
% \pmclrightsidepar{\textrm{\scriptsize\theverselinenumber}}  
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\verseline}
%    \begin{macrocode}
% \newif\iflongpoemon
% \longpoemonfalse
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro} 
%    \begin{macro}{\linebend}
% A linebend is a a normal linebreak from \LaTeX, with no incrementing 
% of the line number counter, but the indentation makes the line look 
% like a run over line. If you change the value of the run over in the 
% definition of the |\verse| environment, be sure to change it here 
% too. |\linebend| should be used for tweaking how \textsf{poemscol} 
% runs over long lines.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%  |\saveverselinenumber| and |\restoreverselinenumber| are useful for setting 
% prose interjections in the midst of poems.
%    \begin{macro}{\saveverselinenumber}
%    \begin{macro}{\restoreverselinenumber}
%    \begin{macrocode} 
%    \end{macrocode}
% 	\end{macro}
% 	\end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\rightversebegin}
% By default, \textsf{poemscol} indents the runover portion of long lines by the
% amount |\runoverindent| (by default 6 em).  It is possible to set verse so that
% the runover portion is flushed to the right margin.  To do this, you should
% enclose the |\poem| environment in the |\rightflushverse| environment.  And you
% must mark the beginning of each verse line with |\rightversebegin|
%    \begin{macrocode}
{\leavevmode\nobreak\hskip0pt plus -1fill\ignorespaces}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\hour}
% |\hour| is useful for typesetting the AM and the PM in the time.
%    \begin{macrocode}	
\newcommand{\hour}[1]{{{\textsc{#1}}\ $\!\!\!$}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\brokenline}
%  \begin{macro}{\versephantom}
%  |\brokenline| and |\versephantom{}| are a pair, useful for setting 
%  cases where there is a line break in the midst of a single metrical 
%  line. |\tweakbrokenline| ensures that the line number will mark 
%  the first partial line if the line numbers are on the left, the 
%  last partial line if the line numbers are on the right. If you 
%  have issued |\tweakbrokenline| in your preamble, the setting of 
%  runover lines may not be consistent with the setting of broken 
%  lines, because the line number will be set on the level of the end 
%  of the line. This is not a problem if the line numbers are set on 
%  the right, but it may look odd if the numbers are set on the left.
%  |\startverseline| will ensure that the line number marks the 
%  beginning of any line it begins. If you put |\startverseline| at 
%  the beginning of the runover lines, it will ensure that the line 
%  number marks the beginning, not the end, of the line. If you wish 
%  |\startverseline| to align the number with the beginning of 
%  runover lines when the line number is on the left, and with the 
%  end of runover lines when the line number is on the right, issue 
%  |\tweakstartverseline| in your preamble.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\tweakbrokenline}
% Causes |\brokenline| to set the line number level with the 
% beginning of the line if the number is on the left, level with the 
% end of the line if the number is on the right. Issue it in the 
% preamble.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \ifnumbersgutter% shift on odd pages for gutter numbers
  \ifodd\c@page \relax \else \speciallinelocktrue\incrementverselinenumber\fi
  \else % shift on even pages for outer numbers
  \ifodd\c@page \speciallinelocktrue\incrementverselinenumber \fi
     \else \ifnumbersright \relax%
       \else \speciallinelocktrue\incrementverselinenumber%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\brokenlineatbeginning}
% Issue |\brokenlineatbeginning| if you want broken line to set the 
% line number level with the beginning of the line, regardless of 
% whether the line number is at the right or at the left
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\startverseline}
% Put |\startverseline| at the beginning of every line where you wish 
% to ensure that the line number is level with the beginning of the 
% line. This is particularly useful for overrun lines when 
% |\tweakbrokenline| or |\brokenlineatbeginning| is in effect.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\tweakstartverseline}
% You may want |\startverseline| to align the line number with the 
% beginning of the line if the line number is on the left, and with 
% the end of the line if the line number is on the right. To do this, 
% issue |\tweakstartline| in your preamble.
%    \begin{macrocode}
% gutter case: shift on odd pages to top of runover line
      \ifodd\c@page \relax \else \speciallinelocktrue\incrementverselinenumber\fi
% outer case: shift on even pages to top of runover line
      \ifodd\c@page \speciallinelocktrue\incrementverselinenumber \fi
  \fi% end of ifnumbersgutter
\else \ifnumbersright \relax% numbers don't switch. Are they to the right?
       \else \speciallinelocktrue\incrementverselinenumber% or to the left?
       \fi% end of ifnumbersright
\fi% end of ifnumbersswitch
}% end of renewcommand
}% end of tweakverseline
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\poemlinelabel}
%  |\poemlinelabel| is a hacked version of |\label| for crossreferences by 
%  line.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% \subsection{~Setup for contents, textual notes, emendations, and explanatory notes}
%  First, the table of contents:
%  \begin{macro}{\makepoemcontents}
%  An external file is created with the extension .ctn, and the 
% filename of your driver file. The 
% channel to that file is called |\poemcontents|. The rest of the 
% command is the page style for the contents section. You will notice 
% the running head Contents, and the title of the Contents section. I am 
% assuming that the table of contents starts on page 5, but it may be 
% different in different books. 
% If you want to change that page 
% number (say, to page 3) without messing with this file, issue 
% |\literalcontents{\setcounter{page}{3}}| just after you issue 
% |\makepoemcontents| Alternatively, you can issue |\makepoemcontents{}| with its
% optional argument, putting the page number in the argument.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\fancyhead[CO]{{\small{\em \the\pmclcontentsheader}}}
\fancyhead[CE]{{\small{\em \the\pmclcontentsheader}}}
\begin{center}{\normalfont \backmatterheaderfont
\literalcontents{  \relax}}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}

% Next, the textual collations:
%    \begin{macro}{\maketextnotes} Like the |\makecontents| macro, 
% |\maketextnotes| opens an external file using |\jobname|, this time with the extension .ent. It 
% makes sure that line numbering is on (since it makes no sense to make 
% notes without numbering the lines, particularly since the 
% |\textnote{}| macro uses the line number). And it makes sure that the 
% notes section is set with a flush bottom line, rather than with the 
% ragged bottom line used for the verse sections. Also, it sets a 
% label for sending the page number of the textual notes to the table of 
% contents. 
% First, a few commands for use by all of the endnotes 
% sections. |\setendnotessectiontitledefaults| sets the title of the endnotes section
% at the top of the first page of that species of note, and takes six arguments,
% which are, in order, (1) the title  of the endnote section, (2) 
% commands to be issued before setting the
% title (minimally, a penalty, such as |\poemtitlepenalty|), (3) the
% font size in which the title is to be set in the text (such as
% |\poemtitlefont| or |\large|), (4) any indentation of the title
% (|\relax| to put the title where |\poemtitle| puts it, or |\titleindent| to put it where
% |\sequencesectiontitle| puts it), (5) commands to be issued after the
% title is set (such as |\afterpoemtitleskip|) and (6) the label to 
% be used for this section, to be used to set the page number in the 
% table of contents.
% |\setendnotessectiontitle| is a simpler version of |\setendnotessectiontitledefaults|
% with all the defaults filled in, leaving only two arguments, the 
% title of the section, and the label for use by the table of 
% contents.
% |\contentsendnotesdefaults| sets the defaults for the table of 
% contents entries for endnotes sections. It takes four arguments
% which are, in order, (1) the title of the endnote section, (2) the
% indentation of the title in the table of contents (such as
% |\contentsindentone|), (3), the font size in which the title
% should be set (such as |\contentspoemtitlefont|) and (4) the amount 
% overrun lines in the table of contents should be indented (such as 
% |\contentsindenttwoamount|).
% |\contentsendnotesindent| sets the default indent for table of 
% contents entries for endnotes sections, and |\contentsendnotesfont| 
% sets the default font for the.
% |\contentsendnotestitle| is a simpler command for sending 
% information about endnote sections to the table of contents, taking 
% only two arguments, the title and the label used for page reference 
% purposes.
%    \begin{macrocode}
% Generic command for titles of endnote sections
#3 \begin{titleentryenvironment}%
{\ifcentertitleson\begin{center}#1\end{center}\else #4 #1\fi}%
% Simpler version with only two parameters, the title and the label 
% for page references
% Generic command for sending info about endnotes sections to table 
% of contents
% default styles for contents entries for endnotes sections
% simpler command to set up contents entry with only two parameters, 
% the title and the label for page references
% command for paragraph breaks within notes
% tokens to use to change the names of the sections
\pmclnotesname={TEXTUAL NOTES}
\notesheadername={Textual Notes to}
\textnotescontentsname={Textual Notes}
% A boolean to change to two column notes.
% Setup for textual notes
\fancyhead[CO]{{\small{\em \the\notesheadername~\mymarks}}}
\fancyhead[CE]{{\small{\em \the\notesheadername~\mymarks}}}
\normalfont \backmattertextfont

%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}

%    \begin{macro}{\makeemendations}
% Next, the emendations section:
%    \begin{macrocode}
% tokens for changing the names of these notes
\emendationsheadername={Emendations to}
% two column notes
% Emendations section setup
\fancyhead[CO]{{\small{\em \the\emendationsheadername~\mymarks}}}
\fancyhead[CE]{{\small{\em \the\emendationsheadername~\mymarks}}}
\normalfont \backmattertextfont
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}

%    \begin{macro}{\makeexplanatorynotes}
% And the explanatory notes:
%    \begin{macrocode}
% Tokens to change names of these notes
\explanationsname={EXPLANATORY NOTES}
\explanationsheadername={Explanatory Notes to}
\explanationscontentsname={Explanatory Notes}
% Two column notes
% Explanatory notes setup
\fancyhead[CO]{{\small{\em \the\explanationsheadername~\mymarks}}}
\fancyhead[CE]{{\small{\em \the\explanationsheadername~\mymarks}}}
\normalfont \backmattertextfont 

%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% Auxiliary commands for note and title sections
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{~Appendices, Forewords, Contents Entries}
%    \begin{macro}{\makeappendix}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\fancyhead[CO]{\small{\em #1}}
\normalfont \backmattertextfont
\normalfont \backmattertextfont
\fancyhead[CO]{\small{\em #1}}
\normalfont \backmattertextfont

%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\pmclcontentsentry}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% \subsection{~Book, volume, and volume section titles}
%    \begin{macro}{\wholebooktitle}
%    \begin{macro}{\booksection}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\volumetitle{}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \t@xtnotesinfo{\backmattervolumefont #1 \backmattertextfont\nobreak}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro} 
%    \begin{macro}{\volumetitlefirstline}
%    \begin{macro}{\volumetitlelastline}
%    \begin{macro}{\volumesubtitle} 
%    \begin{macro}{\volumesectiontitle}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%  \literaltextnote{\notesvolumetitlepenalty\bigskip\par}
  \t@xtnotesinfo{\backmattervolumefont #1 \backmattertextfont\nobreak}
  \t@xtnotesinfo{\backmattervolumefont #1 \backmattertextfont\nobreak}
  \t@xtnotesinfo{\backmattervolumefont #1 \backmattertextfont\nobreak}
\volumetitleshift \volumesubtitleindent #1 \par}
     \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\backmattervolumesubtitlefont\ #1}
     \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\par \string\backmattertextfont} 
\volumetitleshift \volumesubtitlesecondlineindent #1 \par}
     \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\backmattervolumesubtitlefont\ #1}
     \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\par \string\backmattertextfont} 
\volumesubtitlesecondlineindent #1 \par}
     \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\backmattervolumesubtitlefont\ #1}
     \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\par \string\backmattertextfont} 
\volumesubtitlesecondlineindent #1 \par}
     \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\backmattervolumesubtitlefont\ #1}
     \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\par \string\backmattertextfont} 
\ifcentertitleson\begin{center} {\volumesubtitlefont\textbf{#1}}
\else \volumesectiontitleindent {\volumesubtitlefont\textbf{#1}} 
  \literalcontents{\goodbreak{\ifcentertitleson\contentsvolumesubtitlefont #1\par\nobreak\else
  \contentsvolumesectiontitleindent #1 \par\nobreak\fi}}
     \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\par \string\begin{bf}}
     \immediate\write\textnotes{#1 \string\end{bf}}
\ifcentertitleson\begin{center} {\volumesubtitlefont\textbf{#1}}
\else \volumesectiontitleindent {\volumesubtitlefont\textbf{#1}\par} 
\fi% \bigskip\bigskip
  \literalcontents{\goodbreak{\ifcentertitleson\contentsvolumesubtitlefont #1\par\nobreak\else
  \contentsvolumesectiontitleindent #1 \par\nobreak\fi}}
     \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\par \string\begin{bf}}
     \immediate\write\textnotes{#1 \string\end{bf}}
\ifcentertitleson\begin{center} {\volumesubtitlefont\textbf{#1}}
\else \volumesectiontitleindent {\volumesubtitlefont\textbf{#1}\par} 
\fi% \bigskip\bigskip
  \literalcontents{\goodbreak{\ifcentertitleson\contentsvolumesubtitlefont #1\par\nobreak\else
  \contentsvolumesectiontitleindent #1 \par\nobreak\fi}}
     \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\par \string\begin{bf}}
     \immediate\write\textnotes{#1 \string\end{bf}}
\ifcentertitleson\begin{center} {\volumesubtitlefont\textbf{#1}}
\else \volumesectiontitleindent {\volumesubtitlefont\textbf{#1}} 
  \literalcontents{\goodbreak{\ifcentertitleson\contentsvolumesubtitlefont #1\par\nobreak\else
  \contentsvolumesectiontitleindent #1 \par\nobreak\fi}}
     \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\par \string\begin{bf}}
     \immediate\write\textnotes{#1 \string\end{bf}}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}

% \subsection{~Commands for setting titles of poems and sequences}
% First, commands for sending labels to the table of contents and to 
% the notes sections. Since these are internal commands, not intended 
% to be issued in the body of the text, they might have been marked out 
% with ``at'' signs to prevent accidental redefinition. But since they 
% are repeatedly written out to the external files, it seemed more 
% economical to run the risk of redefinition than to write out 
% |\makeatletter| and |\makeatother| with every note.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \subsubsection{Poem Titles} 
%  \begin{macro}{\poemtitle}\label{poemtitlecode}
% All of the other commands in this section are variations on this
% one, changing the penalties, the skips, the indentations, and the
% fonts.  The command breaks into three sections.  First, the title
% is set in the text.  |\poemtitlepenalty| tests whether there is
% room for the title and the first couple of lines.  |\poemtitlefont|
% globally sets the fonts for all poem titles.  You can put the
% argument in an |\hbox{}| to make sure that the poem title is not
% broken across two lines, and the |\label| records the page for the
% contents and notes sections.  |\afterpoemtitleskip| is the amount
% of white space after a poem title.  |\fulltitleholder| and
% |\@compoundlabelscratch| record the title for concatenation later.
% All of these commands can manage titles with control sequences in
% them, such as for italics or international characters.  In an
% earlier version there were special commands for such titles, using
% two arguments (one with the control sequence, one without it).
% Those commands are no longer necessary, but have been retained for
% backward compatibility with earlier versions.
% Second, the poem is entered in the external file for the table of 
% contents. |\contentsindentone| sets it in one level in the hierarchy 
% of indentations, and |\contentspoemtitlefont| is the type size used 
% for poems in the table of contents. The |\pageref{}| holds the page 
% number of the poem. 
% Third, a new paragraph is opened in the textual notes for textual 
% collations. |\@poempagetotextnotes{}| sends the page number to the 
% textual notes. |\@poemtitletotextnotes{}| sends the title.
%    \begin{macrocode}

     \else \relax

	     \global\edef\titleconcat{\the\titlesofar \the\titleincrement}%
	      \global\edef\titleconcat{\the\titlesofar \the\titleincrement}%
{\begin{pmclverse}\addtolength{\leftmargin}{-\leftmargini}{#2 #3 #4 #1 #5} \end{pmclverse}}%
{#3 \begin{titleentryenvironment}%
{{\ifnormaltitleindentation #4 #1%
\else \ifcentertitleson \begin{center} #1 \end{center} \else #1\fi\fi}}%
%{#3 \begin{titleentryenvironment}%
%{\ifcentertitleson\begin{center}#1\end{center}\else #4 #1\fi}%
%%% special version for subtitles
{\begin{pmclverse}\addtolength{\leftmargin}{-\leftmargini}{#2 #3 #4 #1 #5} \end{pmclverse}}%
{#3 \begin{titleentryenvironment}%
{{\ifnormaltitleindentation #4 #1%
\else \ifcentertitleson \begin{center} #1 \end{center} \else #1\fi\fi}}%
%    \else
%   \relax
\newif\ifleftaligntitles % title flush with left margin of centered poem
\leftaligntitlesfalse  % default value
\newcommand{\left@ligntitleblock}{\rightmargin        \z@%%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\poemtitleitalic} Poems with italic titles or other 
% formatting (such as |\hour{}|) take two arguments. The second 
% argument is discarded. This command is to maintain backward compatibility
% with earlier versions.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    For poem subtitles, see the entry on |\sequencesectionsubtitle{}|.
%    \begin{macro}{\poemtitlefirstline}
%    \begin{macro}{\poemtitlemiddleline}
%    \begin{macro}{\poemtitlelastline}
% Next, macros for setting multiline poem titles. Notice the special larger 
% penalty for page breaks in the middle of  multiple line title. 
%    \begin{macrocode}




%    \end{macrocode}

% Notice the use of token registers and |\edef| here to concatenate the first and second 
% lines.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
% Titles for sections of poems, and multi-line titles of sections 
% of poems
%    \begin{macro}{\poemsectiontitle}
%    \begin{macro}{\poemsectiontitlefirstline}
%    \begin{macro}{\poemsectiontitlemiddleline}
%    \begin{macro}{\poemsectiontitlelastline}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\poemsectiontitlenocontents}
%    \begin{macro}{\poemsectionbaretitle}
%    \begin{macro}{\poemsubsectiontitle}
%    \begin{macro}{\poemtitlenotitle}
%    \begin{macro}{\poemtitlenotitleitalic}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}  
%    \subsubsection{Poetic Sequences: Setting the Main Title}
%    \begin{macro}{\sequencetitle}
%    Variants here for multiple line titles and titles with font 
% commands. Also some all-purpose kludges to work around other problems.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}

%    \begin{macro}{\sequencetitlefirstline}
%    \begin{macro}{\sequencetitlemiddleline}
%    \begin{macro}{\sequencetitlelastline}
%  To set the title of a poetic sequence if it requires several lines 
% to do so.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsubsection{Sections of poetic sequences}
%    \begin{macro}{\sequencesectiontitle}
% First, the easy case: a simple section of a poetic sequence.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}

%    \begin{macro}{\sequencefirstsectiontitle}
% The first poem in a sequence is a special case. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\sequencesectiontitlenonotes}
% If you don't have any notes on a sequence section, it seems a shame 
% to open an entry in the textual notes for that section:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% For multiple line titles of sequence sections
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The following macros are
% to kludge around situations where the section title is just a number.  This
% macro has two arguments.  Originally, the first was the title of the section.
% The second is the title of the sequence as a whole. I've retained
% the second argument for backward compatibility with earlier versions, but 
% you can set it to anything, since it's discarded now.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% If the first section of a sequence is a multiple line title, the 
% following macros can handle the special problems that situation poses.
%    \begin{macrocode}


%    \end{macrocode}

%    \begin{macro}{\sequencesectionsubtitle}
%    \begin{macro}{\poemsubtitle}
%    \begin{macrocode}
% \newcommand{\sequencesectionsubtitle}[1]{{\subsectiontitlefont \hbox{\titleindent #1}}
%   \nobreak\par\nobreak\afterpoemtitleskip\nobreak
% }
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
% Another (former) kludge for special situations:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Italic titles used to require two arguments. These commands
% are retained only for backward compatibility.
%    \begin{macro}{\sequencesectiontitleitalic}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}

% \subsubsection{Subsections of sequences} 
%    \begin{macro}{\sequencesubsectiontitle}

% 	Continuing several levels down: macros for setting subsections and 
% subsubsections  of sequences. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
%{\contentssequencesubsectiontitleindentmount} % 313

%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}

% Interjections in sequences, as in Robert Penn Warren's \emph{Or Else}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Titles and Notes with marginal marks} 
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macro}{\setmargpoemtitle}
% Titles with a marginal reference to the notes giving the page in 
% the notes where a comment on the poem appears, as in Altenberg's 
% Heredia edition.\label{JHpoemtitle} |\setmargpoemtitle| takes as 
% its second argument anything you want to add to the line while the 
% title is being processed. |\JHpoemtitle| is just 
% |\setmargpoemtitle| with the second argument passed to |\JHlabel|, 
% which actually makes the marginal mark.
%    \begin{macrocode}
% JHmarksright is the default
% jhrightmarginpar command for notes % right side
\kern\JHtextwidth\kern\JHmarginparsep% at right
\setbox0=\vtop to 0pt{% added
\begin{minipage}[t]{\JHmarginparwidth}% added
\vtop to 0pt{\kern\JHmarginparvshift% default should be 0pt 
\kern-\dp\strutbox \kern-\ht0 \box0 \vss}}}\pmclesphack}% 
% jhleftmarginpar command for notes % left side
\pmclbsphack\strut\vadjust{% changed
\kern -\JHmarginparsep \kern -\JHmarginparwidth% at left
\setbox0=\vtop to 0pt{
\begin{minipage}[t]{\JHmarginparwidth}% added
\vss}% changed
\vtop to 0pt{\kern\JHmarginparvshift % default should be 0pt 
\kern-\dp\strutbox \kern-\ht0 \box0 \vss}}}\pmclesphack}% changed
%%\marginpar{\scriptsize {\the\margrefmarker~p.~\pageref{margref\themargrefnumber}}}
%\JHrightmarginpar{\scriptsize {\the\margrefmarker~p.~\pageref{margref\themargrefnumber}}}%
%\else% below is for even pages
%\JHleftmarginpar{\scriptsize {\the\margrefmarker~p.~\pageref{margref\themargrefnumber}}}%
%\marginpar{\scriptsize {\the\margrefmarker~p.~\pageref{margref\themargrefnumber}}}
\JHswitchmarginpar{\scriptsize {\the\margrefmarker~p.~\pageref{margref\themargrefnumber}}}%
\else% below is for even pages
\JHswitchmarginpar{\scriptsize {\the\margrefmarker~p.~\pageref{margref\themargrefnumber}}}%
%%\marginpar{\scriptsize {\the\margrefmarker~p.~\pageref{margref\themargrefnumber}}}
% \JHleftmarginpar{\scriptsize {\the\margrefmarker~p.~\pageref{margref\themargrefnumber}}}%
%\else% below is for even pages
%  \JHrightmarginpar{\scriptsize {\the\margrefmarker~p.~\pageref{margref\themargrefnumber}}}%
\JHswitchmarginpar{\scriptsize {\the\margrefmarker~p.~\pageref{margref\themargrefnumber}}}%
\else% below is for even pages
\JHswitchmarginpar{\scriptsize {\the\margrefmarker~p.~\pageref{margref\themargrefnumber}}}%
% jhswitchmarginpar command for notes in  gutter and outer
\long\def\@JHswitchmarginpar[#1]#2{\@bsphack\strut\vadjust{% added
      \if@firstcolumn     % put at left
        \kern -\JHmarginparsep \kern -\JHmarginparwidth % at left
      \else               % put at right
        \kern \columnwidth \kern \JHmarginparsep % at right
      \ifoddpage            % put at right
        \kern \textwidth \kern \JHmarginparsep        % at right
      \else                 % put at left
        \kern -\JHmarginparsep \kern -\JHmarginparwidth % at left
%     \vbox to 0pt{%
%      \kern \JHmarginparvshift%           % vertical shift to align top text lines
%      \begin{minipage}{\JHmarginparwidth}%
    \setbox0=\vtop to 0pt{% added
     \begin{minipage}[t]{\JHmarginparwidth}% added
     \ifoddpage #2\else #1\fi%
%   \vss}}}\@esphack}
\vss}% added
 \vtop to 0pt{\kern\JHmarginparvshift % default should be 0pt 
  \kern-\dp\strutbox \kern-\ht0 \box0 \vss}}}\@esphack}% added
% commands for placing the marginal marks for titles 
% right side
\kern\textwidth\kern\JHtitlemarginparsep% at right
\setbox0=\vtop to 0pt{% added
\begin{minipage}[t]{\JHmarginparwidth}% added
\vtop to 0pt{\kern\JHmarginparvshift% default should be 0pt 
\kern-\dp\strutbox \kern-\ht0 \box0 \vss}}}\pmclesphack}% 
% commands for placing the marginal marks for titles 
% left side
\pmclbsphack\strut\vadjust{% changed
\kern -\JHtitlemarginparsep \kern -\JHmarginparwidth% at left
\setbox0=\vtop to 0pt{%
\begin{minipage}[t]{\JHmarginparwidth}% added
\vss}% changed
\vtop to 0pt{\kern\JHmarginparvshift % default should be 0pt 
\kern-\dp\strutbox \kern-\ht0 \box0 \vss}}}\pmclesphack}% changed
% command for JHtitlemarks in title in outer margin or in gutter
\long\def\@JHswitchtitlemarginpar[#1]#2{\@bsphack\strut\vadjust{% added
      \if@firstcolumn     % put at left
        \kern -\JHtitlemarginparsep \kern -\marginparwidth % at left
      \else               % put at right
        \kern \columnwidth \kern \JHtitlemarginparsep % at right
      \ifoddpage            % put at right
        \kern \textwidth \kern \JHtitlemarginparsep        % at right
      \else                 % put at left
        \kern -\JHtitlemarginparsep \kern -\marginparwidth % at left
%     \vbox to 0pt{%
%      \kern \pmclsideparvshift%           % vertical shift to align top text lines
%      \begin{minipage}{\marginparwidth}%
    \setbox0=\vtop to 0pt{% added
     \begin{minipage}[t]{\marginparwidth}% added
     \ifoddpage #2\else #1\fi%
%   \vss}}}\@esphack}
\vss}% added
 \vtop to 0pt{\kern\JHmarginparvshift % default should be 0pt 
  \kern-\dp\strutbox \kern-\ht0 \box0 \vss}}}\@esphack}% added 
{#3 \begin{titleentryenvironment}%
{\ifcentertitleson\begin{center}#4 #1 #7\end{center}\else #4 #1
%% subtitle version
{#3 \begin{titleentryenvironment}%
{\ifcentertitleson\begin{center}#4 #1 #7\end{center}\else #4 #1
% user version
%{#3 \begin{titleentryenvironment}%
%{#4 #1 #7}\end{titleentryenvironment}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\JHpoemtitle} Macros to set marginal line 
%    references.
%    \begin{macrocode}
% \newcommand{\JHpoemtitle}[2]{%
% \setmargpoemtitle{#1}{\JHlabel{#2}}%
% }
\@mparswitchfalse % so the title marker won't switch sides on alternate pages

%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\JHsequencetitle} Macros to set marginal page 
%    references for sequences, sequence sections, poem sections, poem 
%    subtitles, dedications, and epigraphs.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\backmattersectiontitle} Macros to set the titles of back matter sections
%    such as textual notes.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\margreftextnote} Macros to set marginal page 
% references showing where in the apparatus a comment upon the 
% marked line is to be found. |\margrefspecial{}| is for occasions
% when you might need to set the label by hand. For instance, suppose
% you have several textnotes on a line, and the note you wish to draw
% attention to is on a different page from the other notes.
% |\margreftextnote| under those circumstances will point only to the
% first note. Use |\margrefspecial| to point to the other note,
% giving |\margrefspecial| a unique argument, and opening that note
% with a \label{} command using the same argument.   
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \JHrightmarginpar{\scriptsize {\the\margrefmarker~p.~\pageref{margref\themargrefnumber}}}%
 \JHleftmarginpar{\scriptsize {\the\margrefmarker~p.~\pageref{margref\themargrefnumber}}}%

%\scriptsize {\the\margrefmarker~p.~\pageref{margref\themargrefnumber}}}
% \newcommand{\setmargref}
% {\marginpar{\scriptsize {\the\margrefmarker~p.~\pageref{margref\themargrefnumber}}}
% }
\marginpar{\scriptsize {\the\margrefmarker~p.~\pageref{#1}}}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    To change other title making commands to produce titles which add
%    something while processing the title, you should: 1.  add one to
%    the number of arguments it uses 2.  replace the use of
%    |\set@p@emtitle| with |\set@margp@emtitle| 3.  add |{#2}| or 
%    |\JHlabel{#2}| or whatever as the
%    last (seventh) argument to |\set@margp@emtitle|.  So, to change
%    |\sequencetitle{}| to |\JHsequencetitle{}{}| start with:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \newcommand{\sequencetitle}[1]{
% \set@p@emtitle{#1}{\sequencetitlepenalty}{\sequencetitlefont}
% {\sequencetitleindent}{\nobreak\par\nobreak\aftersequencetitleskip\nobreak}{\z@}
% \putpagenumberincontentsfalse
% \c@ntentsinfo{#1}{\contentsindentone}{\contentssequencetitlefont}
% {\contentsindenttwoamount}
% \putpagenumberincontentstrue
% \t@xtnotesinfo{#1}
% }
% \end{verbatim}
%  and change it to
% \begin{verbatim}
% \catcode`\@=11
% \newcommand{\JHsequencetitle}[2]{
% \set@margp@emtitle{#1}{\sequencetitlepenalty}{\sequencetitlefont}
% {\relax}{\nobreak\par\nobreak\aftersequencetitleskip\nobreak}{\z@}
% {\JHlabel{#2}}\putpagenumberincontentsfalse
% \c@ntentsinfo{#1}{\contentsindentone}{\contentssequencetitlefont}
% {\contentsindenttwoamount}
% \putpagenumberincontentstrue
% \t@xtnotesinfo{#1}
% }
% \catcode`\@=12
% \end{verbatim}
% \subsection{~Titles with footnotes}
% \label{footnotetitles}
%    \begin{macro}{\footnotepoemtitle}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\immediate\write\poemendnotes{\string\footnotemark\string[\the\c@footnote \string]}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\footnotepoemtitlefirstline}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\footnotesplitpoemtitle}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\set@p@emtitle{#1\placetitlefootnote{#2} #3}{\poemtitlepenalty}{\poemtitlefont}%
\c@ntentsinfo{#1 #3}{\contentspoemtitleindent}{\contentspoemtitlefont}%
\t@xtnotesinfo{#1 #3}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% \subsection{~Epigraphs, headnotes, attributions, dedications}
% Notice that epigraphs to volumes are handled differently from 
% epigraphs to poems. Notice also the ``short'' commands, which
% are placed on the page according to the same booleans
% that control how titles are placed.
%    \begin{macro}{\epigraph}
%    \begin{macro}{\headnote}
%    \begin{macro}{\attribution}
%    \begin{macro}{\poemdedication}
%    \begin{macro}{\volumededication}
%    \begin{macro}{\volumeepigraph}
%    \begin{macro}{\volumeattribution}
%    \begin{macrocode}
 {\small \emph{#1}}\end{volumetitlepagequote}}
{\begin{pmclverse}\addtolength{\leftmargin}{-\leftmargini}{\nobreak \emph{#1} \afterpoemtitleskip} \end{pmclverse}}%
\else % for the \ifnormaltitleindentation
\begin{center} \emph{#1}\end{center} 
\else \emph{#1}\fi % for ifcenterepigraphson
\fi %\ifnormaltitleindentation
\fi}% for the \iftitlesatleftversemargin	
\set@short@pigraph{{\small #1}}

%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsection{~Tools used for making note sections} \label{notetools} The main tool is 
% a dirty trick borrowed from John Lavagnino's package for endnotes, 
% \textsf{endnotes}, which allows for writing out literal characters to an 
% external file. The trick involves redefining the space character as 
% the newline character and treating the text of the note as the body of 
% a macro that |\meaning| specifies. The result is that the text is 
% written to the external file in a long ribbon one word wide.
%    \begin{macrocode} 
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macro}{\pmccheckifinteger}
% |\pmccheckifinteger{|\meta{num}|}| checks if \meta{num} is an integer.
% If it is, then |\ifinteger| is set TRUE, otherwise it is set FALSE.
% (Code taken from memoir class, and based on Donald Arseneau's 
% |\Lpack{cite}| package).
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \ifcat _\ifnum9<1\pmcgobm{#1} _\else A\fi
%    \begin{macro}{\pmcgobm}
% |\pmcgobm{|\meta{num}|}| is defined as \meta{num}. It could be defined as: \\
% |\newcommand{\pmcgobm}[1]{\ifx-#1\expandafter\gobm\else#1\fi}| \\
% which would remove a leading minus sign (hyphen) from its argument
% (|gobm| = gobble minus sign).
% (Code from memoir class and a posting to comp.text.tex by Donald Arseneau on 1997/07/21).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% \subsection{~Commands to make notes and send info to contents} 
%    \begin{macro}{\setlemmarange}
% |\setlemmarange| calculates the range of line numbers for multi-line 
% lemmas.
%    \begin{macrocode}
% \newcommand{\setlemmarange}[1]{
% \setcounter{lemmalines}{#1}
% \ifthenelse{\equal{\value{lemmalines}}{0}}{\rangelemmafalse}{\rangelemmatrue}
% \setcounter{lemmaend}{\theverselinenumber}
% \addtocounter{lemmaend}{\thelemmalines}
% }
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\citerange}
% |\citerange| sets the range of line numbers for multi-line lemmas
%    \begin{macrocode}
\theverselinenumber --\thelemmaend
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\resetlemmacounters}
% |\resetlemmacounters| resets the counts for multiline lemmas. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\checknoteheaders}
% |\checknoteheaders| Checks and corrects the values in the running 
% headers of notes sections. The running headers are of the form 
% ``Notes to pages xx--yy.'' Every title and every note checks 
% whether the values in the running header should be changed. This 
% command essentially gives a list of strings to be written on the 
% external file for the note section. When these strings are read 
% back in when the file is set, they make a little program that 
% recalculates the values in the headers during the processing of 
% every note. Also typesets the line number or line number range in 
% notes sections.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\string\unskip\string\relax\ \citerange :\string~\string\nolinebreak}%

%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\textnote}
% The 
% basic |\textnote{}| command, on which everything else is based, has 
% several parts. First, it writes out a little program 
% on the external endnotes file which, when it is read back in when 
% the endnotes are typeset, sets a variable with the value of 
% the page of the line the note is commenting upon and checks to see 
% whether that value is equal to or greater than that of previous notes 
% on that page of notes. Depending upon the outcome of that test, it 
% sets the value of |\mark| with the correct numbers to print the proper 
% running header of the form ``Textual Notes to pp.xx--yy.'' Second, it 
% sends the line number of the line it is a comment upon and the text of 
% the note to the notes section. The optional first argument is the 
% number of lines covered by a multiline lemma. If there is no 
% optional first argument specified, the default is 0. The second 
% argument is the text of the note, which includes the rest of the 
% lemma, other than the line number. It is up to you to suitably 
% abbreviate long lemmas.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\accidental}
% Accidentals: As it is, the command just tests to see whether 
% accidentals are being included or not, and sets the accidental as a 
% textnote if accidentals are being included. It would not be hard to 
% divert accidentals to another external file in order to compile a 
% separate list of accidentals. Accidentals, by their nature, cannot have multiline 
% lemmas.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\tsvariant}
%    \begin{macro}{\tsaccidental}
%    Typescript variants. Treated like accidentals. If they are being 
% collected, they are sent to the textual notes. Again, it would not be 
% hard to collect them separately. Typescript variants can have 
% multiline lemmas.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\tsentry}
% Typescript entries. Allows one to to selectively include or exclude 
% typescript entries from lists of variants. If an  entry begins with 
% a comma (as it commonly will, since it will typically be a member 
% of a list of entries, you need not put |\unskip| before the comma, 
% since \textsf{poemscol} will do it for you. Thanks to Donald 
% Arseneau for suggesting how to do this.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\sources}
%    |\sources{}| is essentially a |\textnote{}| with no line number 
% and no page checking. Useful for typesetting the sources of the text 
% (hence the name) and for sending literal characters to the endnotes 
% file for other purposes.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsection{~Emendations and explanatory notes}
%    The difference between these kinds of notes and ordinary 
% |\textnotes{}| is that they must first test to see whether there have 
% been any emendations or explanatory notes for the poem in question. 
% If there have not been prior notes, then a new paragraph must be 
% opened and the page number and title of the poem set in the note 
% section.
%    \begin{macro}{\titletoothernotes}
% |\titletoothernotes| sends the page and title information to the 
% Emendations or Explanatory Notes sections. It is called only for 
% the first emendation or explanatory note for a poem. It is designed 
% so that if the user wishes to define another category of notes in 
% which might not apply to all of the poems to be set --- not all 
% poems, for instance, have emendations --- this command can be used 
% for those notes as well.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\string\textbf\string{\ \the\fulltitleholder\string}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\emendation}
%    \begin{macrocode}
	 \fi % ifrangelemma}
    \fi% iftextnotesinglepar
       \fi %iftextnoteson
   \fi % ifredundantemendations    
    \ifnoemendyet % firstemendation
      \fi %noemendyet
    \fi% ifemendationssinglepar    
\fi % ifemendationson 
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%  This next is an internal command, 
% called by |\emendation|. There's no need to use it explicitly.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macro}{\explanatory}
%    Again, |\firstexplanatory| is internal, called by |\explanatory|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \ifnoexplainyet % first explanation
      \fi %noexplainyet
    \fi % ifexplanon 


%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsection{~Making new notes sections}
%    \begin{macro}{\definenewnotetype} This monster macro has nine 
% sections, and does all of the things required to set up a new end 
% notes section. If you decide to mark a new kind of note in your 
% text with, say |\mynote|, but decide at the last moment against 
% including those notes in your edition, simply don't issue |\putmynotes| at 
% the point it might have appeared, and neither the notes section nor 
% the contents entry for it will be included.
%    \begin{macrocode}
% 1.  make an if for this kind of note and set it to true by default;
% make an if for the first instance of the command per poem and set it
% to false; make an if for setting the notes in single note 
% paragraphs and set it to false; make an if for setting
% these notes in two column mode and set it to false
% Thanks to Igor Pechtchanski and Ulrich Schwarz.
\expandafter\newif\csname if#1son\endcsname
\global\csname #1sontrue\endcsname
\expandafter\newif\csname ifno#1yet\endcsname
\csname no#1yettrue\endcsname
\expandafter\newif\csname if#1ssinglepar\endcsname
\csname #1singleparfalse\endcsname
\expandafter\newif\csname if#1stwocol\endcsname
\csname #1stwocolfalse\endcsname
% 2. open a new output stream
\expandafter\newwrite\csname #1s\endcsname
% 3. open a file to associate with the stream
\immediate\expandafter\openout\csname #1s\endcsname=\expandafter\jobname .#2
% 4. set up a literalwrite command
 \expandafter\newcommand\csname literal#1\endcsname[1]{
\immediate\write\expandafter\csname #1s\endcsname{\expandafter\strip\meaning\next}%
% 5. send heading information to output file
% first, use literaltext to send commands without parameters
\csname literal#1\endcsname{\flushbottom{\par\clearpage
% then immediate write to send the parameter for the marks in the 
% headers
\immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\fancyhead[CO]\string{\string{\string\small
\string{\string\em\ #3\string~\string\mymarks\string}\string}\string}}
\immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\fancyhead[CE]\string{\string{\string\small
\string{\string\em\ #3\string~\string\mymarks\string}\string}\string}}
% then literal to finish the headers
\csname literal#1\endcsname{\fancyfoot[C]{}
% then immediate write to send the title of the section to print at 
% the top of the page
\immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{
% literal write to turn hyphenation on, set the font for the note 
% section, and turn on two column mode (if the boolean is set)
\csname literal#1\endcsname{\lefthyphenmin=2\backmatterafterheadersink
\normalfont \backmattertextfont}
\immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\if#1stwocol}
% \csname literal#1\endcsname{\setlength}{\parindent}{2}}% problem here
% 6. set up a command to write the page and title of the poem for the first 
% instance of this kind of note in a poem
\expandafter\newcommand\csname first#1\endcsname{%
\immediate\write\expandafter\csname #1s\endcsname{\titletoothernotes}%
\immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\if#1ssinglepar}%
\immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\par}%
\immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\fi}%
% 7. set up a command to write a note, complete with line numbers
\expandafter\newcommand\csname #1\endcsname[2][0]{%
\csname ifno#1yet\endcsname%
 \csname first#1\endcsname%
\global\csname no#1yetfalse\endcsname%
\csname literal#1\endcsname{##2}%
\csname if#1ssinglepar\endcsname%
\csname literal#1\endcsname{\par}%
% prose  version
\expandafter\newcommand\csname prose#1\endcsname[3][0]{%	
\csname ifno#1yet\endcsname%
\csname first#1\endcsname%
\global\csname no#1yetfalse\endcsname%
\immediate\write\expandafter\csname #1s\endcsname{\checkprosenoteheaders}%
\csname literal#1\endcsname{##3}%
\csname if#1ssinglepar\endcsname%
\csname literal#1\endcsname{\par}%
% pm version
\expandafter\newcommand\csname pm#1\endcsname[2][0]{%                                                         	      
     \csname ifno#1yet\endcsname%
     \csname first#1\endcsname%
\global\csname no#1yetfalse\endcsname%
\immediate\write\expandafter\csname #1s\endcsname{\pmchecknoteheaders\string~}%
\immediate\write\expandafter\csname #1s\endcsname{\pmciterange}%
\csname literal#1\endcsname{##2}%
\csname if#1ssinglepar\endcsname%
\csname literal#1\endcsname{\par}%
% 8.  modify the end of the poem environment to reset the first
% command per poem boolean (so that the page and title will be set in
% the notes section when the first note is called for a poem)
%  thanks to Heiko Oberdiek
\appendtomacro{\endpoem}{\global\expandafter\csname no#1yettrue\endcsname}
\appendtomacro{\endprosesection}{\global\expandafter\csname no#1yettrue\endcsname}
\appendtomacro{\endpmsection}{\global\expandafter\csname no#1yettrue\endcsname}

% 9. command for closing the output file
%  command for reading in and printing the output file
\expandafter\newcommand\csname put#1s\endcsname{
\csname if#1stwocol\endcsname%
\csname literal#1\endcsname{\end{multicols}}%
\fi %\iftwocol
\immediate\expandafter\closeout\csname #1s\endcsname
\expandafter\input \jobname.#2
% 10. command for making a marginal mark at a line, giving the page 
% number in the apparatus where a note is to be found
\expandafter\newcommand\csname margref#1\endcsname{%
\immediate\write\expandafter\csname #1s\endcsname{\makemargreflabel}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% \subsection{~Prose sections}\textsf{poemscol} calls on
% \textsf{lineno} to do all the heavy lifting for making line numbers
% in prose sections and for making endnotes of various kinds for prose
% sections.  First, set up a counter for the line number and for the
% modulo line number for prose sections, and set it to equal that used
% in verse sections.  Then set the font for marginal line numbers to
% the size used in marginal line numbers in verse sections.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Then commands for setting titles of prose sections. These are just 
% versions of |\poemtitle|. Fancier versions will follow if there is 
% need.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Next, environments for prose sections. The environment resets (or 
% doesn't, in the second case) the marginal line number. The 
% default modulo line number is that prevailing in verse sections, 
% but you can change it at will.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\modulolinenumbers[\value{prosemodulo}]% if lineno is called
\addtolength{\linenumbersep}{5pt}% seems about right
\addtolength{\linenumbersep}{5pt}% seems about right
% \noemendyettrue%
% \noexplainyettrue%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Set up commands for notes sections.
%    \begin{macro}{\setproselemmastart}
% Finds the line number at the beginning of a lemma. Thanks to Robin 
% Fairbairns and Heiko Oberdiek for |\ifrefundefined|.
% Fairbairns version
%    \begin{macrocode}
% \newcommand*\ifrefundefined[1] {% 
% �� ��\expandafter\ifx\csname r@#1\endcsname\relax 
% }
% Oberdiek version
  \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#1\endcsname\relax




    \@latex@warning{Reference `#2' on page \thepage \space
    \@latex@warning{Reference `#2' on page \thepage \space
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\setproselemmarange}
% Finds the end of a multi-line lemma.
%    \begin{macrocode}
% \newcommand{\setproselemmarange}[2]{%
% \setproselemmastart{#1}%
% \setcounter{lemmalines}{#2}%
% \ifthenelse{\equal{\value{lemmalines}}{0}}{\rangelemmafalse}{\rangelemmatrue}%
% \setcounter{lemmaend}{\theproselinenumber}%
% \addtocounter{lemmaend}{\thelemmalines}\unskip%
% }
% \ref{#2}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\proseciterange}
% Sets the range note for in a multi-line lemma.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\theproselinenumber --\thelemmaend%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\checkprosenoteheaders}
% Updates running header for note sections. Typesets line number in 
% notes.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\string\unskip\string\relax\ \proseciterange :\string~\string\nolinebreak}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\prosetextnote}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\proseemendation}
% Notice that it calls |\firstemendation| as usual.
%    \begin{macrocode}
	 \fi % ifrangelemma}
       \fi %iftextnoteson
\fi%  iftextnotessinglepar     
   \fi % ifredundantemendations    
    \ifnoemendyet % firstemendation
\fi% ifemendationssinglep
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\proseexplanatory}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \ifnoexplainyet% firstexplanation
    \fi% ifexplanationssinglepar
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\proseaccidental}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsection{~Annotation by Sentence and Paragraph Number}
% Marking sentences. First, some |\if|s, token lists, and counters.
%    \begin{macrocode}


%    \end{macrocode}
% A starter. Mostly a placeholder. For changes to a whole section.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Formatting for sentence numbers in the running text and in the 
% margin. \label{runningsentencenumberformat}
%    \begin{macrocode}
% \setlength{\marginparsep}{18pt}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Macros for actually writing the numbers in the margin.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \ifnumbersswitch%\marginpar{\hfil #2{#1}}
  \pmclsidepar{\hfil #2{#1}}%
    \ifnumbersright%\marginpar{\hfil #2{#1}}
    \pmclrightsidepar{\hfil #2{#1}}%
      \else% \marginpar{#2{#1}\hfil}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macro}{\pmsentence}
% Put this before every sentence. (This is the opposite of the 
% convention in verse sections, where |\verseline| is at the end of 
% each line.
%    \begin{macrocode}
% increment sentence number at beginning of sentence
\ifrunningsentencenumbers% add running number
\ifmarginsentencenumbers% add marginal number
% create header for notes if any are to occur
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\pmsentencetwo}
% Kludge for the second sentence in a line.
%    \begin{macrocode}
% increment sentence number at beginning of sentence
\ifrunningsentencenumbers% add running number
\ifmarginsentencenumbers% add marginal number
{     \putpmsentencenumbertwo\nobreak%
%   \ifnum\thepmindexcount>\thepmmodulo%
%       \putpmsentencenumbertwo\nobreak%
%     \setcounter{pmindexcount}{0}%
%    \fi%
% create header for notes if any are to occur

%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\pmsentencethree}
% Kludge for the third sentence in a line.
%    \begin{macrocode}
% increment sentence number at beginning of sentence
\ifrunningsentencenumbers% add running number
\ifmarginsentencenumbers% add marginal number
{     \putpmsentencenumberthree\nobreak%
%   \ifnum\thepmindexcount>\thepmmodulo%
%       \putpmsentencenumberthree\nobreak%
%     \setcounter{pmindexcount}{0}%
%    \fi%
% create header for notes if any are to occur

%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\pmsentencefour}
%    \begin{macrocode}
% increment sentence number at beginning of sentence
\ifrunningsentencenumbers% add running number
\ifmarginsentencenumbers% add marginal number
{     \putpmsentencenumberfour\nobreak%
% create header for notes if any are to occur


%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% Macros for numbering paragraphs
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newif{\ifpmsentencebypara}% reset sentence counter every paragraph
%    \end{macrocode}
% Formatting marginal and running paragraph numbers, printing them. \label{pmparrunningformat}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\pmparmarformat}[1]{\textbf{{\small #1}}}
\ifthenelse{\thepmparagraph=1}{\relax}{\textbf{\small #1}~}%
\textbf{\small #1}~%

%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macro}{\pmpara}
% Mark the beginning of each paragraph with |\pmpara|
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ifpmparainmar% put in marginal paragraph number
\ifpmpararunning% put in running number
\ifpmsentencebypara% reset sentence counter
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\sentencelabel}
% Makes a label either by sentence number or by paragraph and 
% sentence number, for use by |\ref| and by the various notes commands.
%    \begin{macrocode}
	 {\string\newlabel{#1}{{\thepmparagraph :\thepmsentencenumber}{\thepage}}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% Macros to set up endnote commands for paragraph and sentence
% annotation.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newtoks{\pmrangeend} % for notes that refer to ranges
% setting the range for the lemma:
% Setting the string to include ranges in notes:
\ifrangelemma{\the\pmnoteheader --\the\pmrangeend:}%
% For running headers
% to reset lemma counters at end of note
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macro}{\pmtextnote}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\pmexplanatory}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \ifnoexplainyet % first explanation
      \fi %noexplainyet
    \fi %ifexplanationssinglepar
    \fi % ifexplanon 
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\pmemendation}
%    \begin{macrocode}
	 \fi % ifrangelemma}
       \fi %iftextnoteson
   \fi % ifredundantemendations    
    \ifnoemendyet % firstemendation
      \fi %noemendyet
    \fi% ifemendationssinglepar 
    \fi % ifemendationson 
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\pmaccidental}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\pmtsvariant}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%\subsection{~Using Footnotes} |\texnotesatfoot| has to redefine 
%    |\sources| and a few others as well. 
%    \begin{macro}{\textnotesatfoot}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\textnotesatfoot}{% first redefine textnotes
% then redefine sources
% then prose textnote
% then pmtextnote
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\emendationsatfoot}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\explanationsatfoot}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\bibleverse}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% \subsection{~Notes at the foot of individual poems} 
%    \begin{macro}{\poemendnote}
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \input \jobname.pnd
%    \begin{macro}{\poemendemendationnote}
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \input \jobname.pmd
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\poemendexplanatorynote}
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \input \jobname.pxd
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\poemendtextnote}
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \input \jobname.pmd
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsection{~Embarrassing kludges} Because the dirty trick 
% mentioned above writes out textnotes as a ribbon one word wide, 
% quoted poetry in the notes sections will leave a blank line at the 
% end, which will be interpreted as a paragraph break when the file is 
% read back in by \LaTeX. These kludges correct that problem.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \subsection{~Marking stanza breaks on page turns} Use the macro 
% below to change the symbol used to mark cases in which there is or is 
% not a stanza break at a page turn.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{~Parallel Texts}
% First, three utility macros from the memoir class:
%  \begin{macro}{\cleartorecto}
% A repeat of |\cleardoublepage|; clears to a recto (odd-numbered) page.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\cleartorecto{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\cleartoverso}
% Clears to a verso (even-numbered) page.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ifenv}
%  Macro for testing whether one is in a particular environment.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% Macros for forcing the marginal line numbers to the left side or 
% the right side. These marginal line numbers, unlike those made with 
% |\marginpar|, do not float. This code is modeled after code from 
% the memoir class, by Peter Wilson.
%    \begin{macro}{\pmclleftsidepar}
% As in the memoir class, these sidepars do not float.
%    \begin{macrocode}
% \newcommand{\pmclleftsidepar}[1]{%
% \pmclbsphack\leavevmode\vadjust{%
%     \rlap{\kern-\parindent%
% 	  \kern -\marginparsep \kern -\marginparwidth % at left
%       \vbox to 0pt{%
%        \kern \pmclsideparvshift%           % vertical shift to align top text lines
%        \begin{minipage}{\marginparwidth}%
% 	#1%
% 	\end{minipage}%
%     \vss}}}\pmclesphack%
% } % version 2.44
\pmclbsphack\strut\vadjust{% changed
\kern -\marginparsep \kern -\marginparwidth% at left
%       \vbox to 0pt{%
%        \kern \pmclsideparvshift%           % vertical shift to align top text lines
%        \begin{minipage}{\marginparwidth}%
\setbox0=\vtop to 0pt{% added
\begin{minipage}[t]{\marginparwidth}% added
%     \vss}}}\pmclesphack%
\vss}% changed
\vtop to 0pt{\kern\pmclsideparvshift % default should be 0pt 
\kern-\dp\strutbox \kern-\ht0 \box0 \vss}}}\pmclesphack}% changed

% \pmclbsphack\leavevmode\vadjust{%
% 	  \kern \textwidth \kern -\marginparsep        % at right
\kern\textwidth\kern\marginparsep% at right
%       \vbox to 0pt{%
%        \kern \pmclsideparvshift%           % vertical shift to align top text lines
%        \begin{minipage}{\marginparwidth}%
\setbox0=\vtop to 0pt{% added
\begin{minipage}[t]{\marginparwidth}% added
%     \vss}}}\pmclesphack%
\vss}% changed
\vtop to 0pt{\kern\pmclsideparvshift% default should be 0pt 
\kern-\dp\strutbox \kern-\ht0 \box0 \vss}}}\pmclesphack}% changed

%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% Booleans for parallel texts
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Booleans are needed to describe situations in which poems and stanzas 
% are left open at the page break. |\finishrectopage| and 
% |\finishversopage| will close poems and stanzas (so as not to 
% generate errors because of environments left open), although as far 
% as the poem is concerned the stanza or poem may still be open. (I 
% will say that the stanza or poem in such a case is ``artificially 
% closed.'') There are two of them for each case of artificial closure. 
% The first boolean (for each stanza or poem artificially closed) 
% must reflect whether the stanza or poem has been (artificially) 
% closed, to reopen on the next page of the same kind (recto or verso). 
% If a poem or stanza has been (artificially) closed, the |\mark| will 
% not be changed (so that it will still reflect whether the reader 
% should understand there to be a stanza break at the bottom of the 
% page or not). The second boolean for each case of artificial closure 
% reflects whether the |\mark| has been changed or not.
%    \begin{macrocode}
% the same for prose sections
% the same for quoted verse
%    \end{macrocode}
%    A further set of booleans is required for emendations and 
% explanatory notes. Again the idea is that if a poem is artificially 
% closed, but has already had its first emendation or explanatory note 
% written to the external notes files, \textsf{poemscol} will remember that 
% the next emendation or explanatory note it sees is not the first one 
% for that poem and thus won't set the heading information for that 
% poem in the notes section all over again.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Counters for parallel texts: New counters are needed, not only for the recto and verso lines, but 
% also for the scratch value which determines whether or not it is time to 
% output a marginal line number. These are saved at the end of every 
% page, and restored at the beginning of every page of the same kind.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macro}{\startparalleltexts}
% Clears to a verso (even-numbered) page, fixes where to put line 
% numbers, modifies poem and stanza environments, changes where 
% marginal line numbers are set, sets the booleans.   \label{startparalleltexts}
%    \begin{macrocode}
     \language=255%no hyphenation in verse
     % must end poem if parallel text. Don't worry, 
     % begin recto page and begin verso page will 
     % reopen the poem and reset the line counter to the right value
     % if it was finish recto page or finish verso page
     % that closed the poem rather than your own declaration.
\fi\fi     }
\renewenvironment{stanza}{\penalty-100\instanzatrue\mark{\nostanzaatbottomvalue\ }}
% must end stanza if parallel text. Don't worry, 
% begin recto page and begin verso page will 
% reopen the stanza and reset the line counter to the right value
% if it was finish recto page or finish verso page
% that closed the stanza rather than your own declaration. 
	 \nobreak\mark{\stanzaatbottomvalue\ }\nobreak

%  \marn{\hfil\textrm{\theverselinenumber}}
%  \marginpar{\hfil\textrm{\scriptsize\theverselinenumber}}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\versopoemtitle}
%    \begin{macrocode}
{#3 \begin{titleentryenvironment}%
{\ifcentertitleson\begin{center}#1\end{center}\else #4 #1\fi}%
	     \global\edef\titleconcat{\the\titlesofar \the\titleincrement}%
	      \global\edef\titleconcat{\the\titlesofar \the\titleincrement}%
\string\textbf\string{\ \the\versotitleholder\string}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\rectopoemtitle}
%    \begin{macrocode}
{#3 \begin{titleentryenvironment}%
{\ifcentertitleson\begin{center}#1\end{center}\else #4 #1\fi}%
	     \global\edef\titleconcat{\the\titlesofar \the\titleincrement}%
	      \global\edef\titleconcat{\the\titlesofar \the\titleincrement}%
\string\textbf\string{\ \the\rectotitleholder\string}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\saveversoline}
%    Macros for saving and restoring line numbers:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\restoreversoline}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\saverectoline}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\restorerectoline}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% Macros for line cross references:
% You will probably want to use line cross references to show which
% lines on the recto page correspond to which lines on the verso page.
% When you do this, you will set, in the margin of a line on the recto
% page, the line number of the corresponding line on the verso side, in
% square brackets.  You may mark that line number with a distinctive
% identifier.  |\synchroflag| is a token register to hold that
% identifier, and |\setsynchroflag| is a command to put the identifier
% in the register.  For instance, if you are setting the 1805 version of
% Wordsworth's \emph{The Prelude} on the verso, and the 1850 version on
% the recto, you might wish to set the ``synchroflag'' to ``1805'' so
% that the line cross reference will look something like ``[1805:
% 147]''.
%    \begin{macro}{\setsynchroflag}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% Here are commands for defining and calling ``synchrolabels'', line 
% cross references that tie verso and recto pages:
%    \begin{macro}{\synchrolabel}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\hfilll}{\hskip 0pt plus 1 filll}
%  \hfill\rlap{{\textrm{\scriptsize[\the\synchroflag\ref{#1}]}}}                           
%  \ifnum\theprintlineindex=\thelineindexrepeat
%  \hspace{-7pt}
% \fi
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    Finally, the |\startversopage|, |\finishversopage|, |\startrectopage| 
% |\finishrectopage| and |\finishparalleltexts| macros:
%    \begin{macro}{\startversopage}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ifrectopoemstillopen % from previous page
\ifversopoempending % from previous verso
\ifversostanzapending % from previous verso
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\finishversopage}
%    \begin{macrocode}
% \clearpage % keep in comment until footnotes problems are worked out
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\startrectopage}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\finishrectopage}
%    \begin{macrocode}
% \clearpage % until footnote problem is solved
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\finishparalleltexts}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\makeversotextnotes}
% Next, the versotextnotes section:
%    \begin{macrocode}
% tokens for changing the names of these notes
\versotextnotesname={TEXTUAL NOTES}
\versotextnotesheadername={Textual Notes to}
\versotextnotescontentsname={Textual Notes}
% two column notes
% versotextnotes section setup
\fancyhead[CO]{{\small{\em \the\versotextnotesheadername~\mymarks}}}
\fancyhead[CE]{{\small{\em \the\versotextnotesheadername~\mymarks}}}
\normalfont \backmattertextfont
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\versotextnote}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \fi% ifversotextnotessinglepa
    \ifnoversotextnoteyet % firstversotextnote
      \fi %noversotextnoteyet
    \fi% ifversotextnotessinglepar    
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\makerectotextnotes}
% Next, the rectotextnotes section:
%    \begin{macrocode}
% tokens for changing the names of these notes
\rectotextnotesname={TEXTUAL NOTES}
\rectotextnotesheadername={Textual Notes to}
\rectotextnotescontentsname={Textual Notes}
% two column notes
% rectotextnotes section setup
\fancyhead[CO]{{\small{\em \the\rectotextnotesheadername~\mymarks}}}
\fancyhead[CE]{{\small{\em \the\rectotextnotesheadername~\mymarks}}}
\normalfont \backmattertextfont
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\rectotextnote}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \fi% ifrectotextnotessinglepar  
    \ifnorectotextnoteyet % firstrectotextnote
      \fi %norectotextnoteyet
    \fi% ifrectotextnotessinglepar    
%    \end{macrocode}
%     \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\makeversoemendations}
% Next, the versoemendations section:
%    \begin{macrocode}
% tokens for changing the names of these notes
\versoemendationsheadername={Emendations to}
% two column notes
% versoemendations section setup
\fancyhead[CO]{{\small{\em \the\versoemendationsheadername~\mymarks}}}
\fancyhead[CE]{{\small{\em \the\versoemendationsheadername~\mymarks}}}
\normalfont \backmattertextfont
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\versoemendation}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \fi% ifversoemendationssinglepar  
    \ifnoversoemendationyet % firstversoemendation
      \fi %noversoemendationyet
    \fi% ifversoemendationssinglepar    
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\makerectoemendations}
% Next, the rectoemendations section:
%    \begin{macrocode}
% tokens for changing the names of these notes
\rectoemendationsheadername={Emendations to}
% two column notes
% rectoemendations section setup
\fancyhead[CO]{{\small{\em \the\rectoemendationsheadername~\mymarks}}}
\fancyhead[CE]{{\small{\em \the\rectoemendationsheadername~\mymarks}}}
\normalfont \backmattertextfont
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\rectoemendation}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \fi% ifrectoemendationssinglepar   
    \ifnorectoemendationyet % firstrectoemendation
      \fi %norectoemendationyet
    \fi% ifrectoemendationssinglepar    
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\makeversoexplanatorynotes}
% And the verso explanatory notes:
%    \begin{macrocode}
% Tokens to change names of these notes
\versoexplanationsname={EXPLANATORY NOTES}
\versoexplanationsheadername={Explanatory Notes to}
\versoexplanationscontentsname={Explanatory Notes}
% Two column notes
% versoexplanatory notes setup
\fancyhead[CO]{{\small{\em \the\versoexplanationsheadername~\mymarks}}}
\fancyhead[CE]{{\small{\em \the\versoexplanationsheadername~\mymarks}}}
\normalfont \backmattertextfont 
%    \begin{macro}{\versoexplanatory}
%    Again, |\firstversoexplanatory| is internal, called by |\versoexplanatory|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \ifnoversoexplainyet % first versoexplanation
      \fi %noversoexplainyet
    \fi % ifexplanon 
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\makerectoexplanatorynotes}
% And the recto explanatory notes:
%    \begin{macrocode}
% Tokens to change names of these notes
\rectoexplanationsname={EXPLANATORY NOTES}
\rectoexplanationsheadername={Explanatory Notes to}
\rectoexplanationscontentsname={Explanatory Notes}
% Two column notes
% rectoexplanatory notes setup
\fancyhead[CO]{{\small{\em \the\rectoexplanationsheadername~\mymarks}}}
\fancyhead[CE]{{\small{\em \the\rectoexplanationsheadername~\mymarks}}}
\normalfont \backmattertextfont 
%    \begin{macro}{\rectoexplanatory}
%    Again, |\firstrectoexplanatory| is internal, called by |\rectoexplanatory|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \ifnorectoexplainyet % first rectoexplanation
      \fi %norectoexplainyet
    \fi % ifexplanon 
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\versoprosetextnote}
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \ifnoversotextnoteyet % firstversotextnote
      \fi %noversotextnoteyet
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\versoproseemendation}
% Notice that it calls |\firstemendation| as usual.
%    \begin{macrocode}
	 \fi % ifrangelemma}
       \fi %iftextnoteson
\fi%  iftextnotessinglepar     
   \fi % ifredundantemendations    
    \ifnoversoemendationyet % firstemendation
\fi% ifemendationssinglep
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\versoproseexplanatory}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \ifnoversoexplainyet% firstexplanation
    \fi% ifexplanationssinglepar
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\rectoprosetextnote}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \ifnorectotextnoteyet % firstrectotextnote
      \fi %norectotextnoteyet
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\rectoproseemendation}
% Notice that it calls |\firstemendation| as usual.
%    \begin{macrocode}
	 \fi % ifrangelemma}
       \fi %iftextnoteson
\fi%  iftextnotessinglepar     
   \fi % ifredundantemendations    
    \ifnorectoemendationyet % firstemendation
\fi% ifemendationssinglep
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\rectoproseexplanatory}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \ifnorectoexplainyet% firstexplanation
    \fi% ifexplanationssinglepar
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\pmclresetsettitleinnotes}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\pmclversoresetsettitleinnotes}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\pmclrectoresetsettitleinnotes}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\literalexplain}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\putversotextnotes} Does the same for textual notes.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\fi %\iftextnotetwocol
   \input \jobname.vtn
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\putrectotextnotes} Does the same for recto textual notes.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\fi %\iftextnotetwocol
   \input \jobname.rtn
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\putversoemendations} This macro closes external file 
% for verso emendations, 
% reads it in, and puts an entry for the emendations into the table of contents
% file. The macro tests to see whether there is an .aux file from a previous run 
% before doing this, and complains in the .log file if the .aux file does not
% exist.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\fi %\iftextnotetwocol
   \input \jobname.vem
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\putrectoemendations} This macro closes external file 
% for recto emendations, 
% reads it in, and puts an entry for the emendations into the table of contents
% file. The macro tests to see whether there is an .aux file from a previous run 
% before doing this, and complains in the .log file if the .aux file does not
% exist.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\fi %\iftextnotetwocol
   \input \jobname.rem
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\putversoexplanatorynotes} Does the same for verso explanatory notes. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
\fi %\iftextnotetwocol
   \input \jobname.vex
\fi}%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\putrectoexplanatorynotes} Does the same for recto explanatory notes. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
\fi %\iftextnotetwocol
   \input \jobname.rex
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% \subsection{~Parallel Texts in Prose}
% First, some booleans.
%    \begin{macro}{\ifversopassagestillopen}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% When the last recto page ended, was the last paragraph finished?
% True means the next recto should continue the paragraph from the last recto
%    \begin{macro}{\ifinpara}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% Counters: prosepage versoproselinecounter, etc., and commands to set them.
%    \begin{macro}{\makeprosepagelabel}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% The |\parastart| and |\paraend| macros, to mark the beginning and end
% of paragraphs
%    \begin{macro}{\parastart}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\paraend}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% |\startparalleltextsprose| and |\finishparalleltextsprose|
%    \begin{macro}{\startparalleltextsprose}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\finishparalleltextsprose}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{parallelprose}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newenvironment{parallelprose}{\startparalleltextprose} {\finishparalleltextsprose}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% |\startversoprosepage|
%    \begin{macro}{\startversoprosepage}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% |\finishversoprosepage|
%    \begin{macro}{\finishversoprosepage}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% |\startrectoprosepage|
%    \begin{macro}{\startrectoprosepage}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\finishrectoprosepage}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% \subsection{~Finishing up} 
%    \begin{macro}{\finish}
% The  |\finish| macro  reads in the notes, 
% the index (previously created from your .aux file by MakeIndex), and 
% the contents sections and sets them. The notes sections send page 
% information to the contents file as they are set. Then the page 
% information for the index is sent to the contents file. Finally the 
% contents file is closed and read in. If you have an editor's 
% introduction or a list of abbreviations, copy this macro, uncomment out the commented out lines, 
% and issue it all as a |\renewcommand| for |\finish|. Be sure to 
% have the command |\label{editorsintroduction}| on the first page of 
% your introduction.

% It usually takes three 
% passes to get the table of contents and the index files correct. 
% The consequence of doing using |\finish| is that the table of
% contents comes last.  There are ways around this that are described
% earlier.  The notes sections are all typeset in the |\small| size.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\small\bf \hyphenchar\font=45
\small\it \hyphenchar\font=45
\small\rm \hyphenchar\font=45

   \input \jobname.emd 
   \input \jobname.ent
      \input \jobname.enx
%      \immediate\write\poemcontents{\string\vspace{10pt}\string\par}
%      \immediate\write
% \poemcontents{\string\contentspoemtitlefont\ Introduction to the Notes}
%      \immediate\write
% \poemcontents{\string~ /  \string~\ \string\pageref{editorsintroduction} \string\par}
%      \immediate\write\poemcontents{\string\par \string\smallskip}
%      \immediate\write\poemcontents{\string\contentspoemtitlefont\ Abbreviations}
%      \immediate\write
% \poemcontents{\string~ /  \string~\ \string\pageref{abbreviations} \string\par}
%      \immediate\write\poemcontents{\string\par \string\smallskip}
\poemcontents{\string~ /  \string~\ \string\pageref{emendationnotes} \string\par}
      \immediate\write\poemcontents{\string\par \string\smallskip}
\poemcontents{\string~ /  \string~\ \string\pageref{textualnotes} \string\par}
      \immediate\write\poemcontents{\string\par \string\smallskip}
\poemcontents{\string\contentspoemtitlefont\ \the\explanationscontentsname}
\poemcontents{\string~ /  \string~\ \string\pageref{explanatorynotes}}
        \immediate\write\poemcontents{\string\par \string\smallskip}
\poemcontents{\string\contentspoemtitlefont\ \the\poemindexcontentsname}
\poemcontents{\string~ /  \string~\ \string\pageref{indexpage}\string\par}
    \input \jobname.ctn
{\poemtitlefont Note}

\noindent The symbol \stanzaatbottomvalue\ is used to indicate 
a space between sections of a poem 
wherever such spaces are lost in pagination.
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\testforauxonfirstrun} Put this in the preamble. It suppresses
% |\finish|, |\puttextnotes|, |\putemendations|, and |\putexplanatory| unless
% there is an .aux file from a previous run, this avoiding some error messages. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
\typeout{Run again to read in endnotes files}}}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\putpoemcontents}
% You may wish to do the tasks done by |\finish| separately. This will give you
% more flexibility. |\putpoemcontents| inserts the table of contents file from a 
% prior run. Be sure to issue it \emph{before} you issue |\makepoemcontents.|

%    \begin{macrocode}
\IfFileExists{\jobname.ctn}{\input \jobname.ctn 
\clearpage \resetpagestyle\normalsize}
{\typeout{Run again to input contents file here}}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\hyphenationforsmall} This command restores hyphenation for the
% backmatter sections of the book. Hyphenation is turned off in the main body of 
% the book, because verse should not be hyphenated. This macro turns hyphenation 
% on, but only for small roman, italic, and bold fonts. Backmatter sections are
% all set in |\small|. |\putemendations|, |\puttextnotes|, and
% |\putexplanatory| all call |\hyphenationforsmall|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\hyphenationforsmall}{\small\bf \hyphenchar\font=45
\small\it \hyphenchar\font=45
\small\rm \hyphenchar\font=45
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\putemendations} This macro closes external file for emendations, 
% reads it in, and puts an entry for the emendations into the table of contents
% file. The macro tests to see whether there is an .aux file from a previous run 
% before doing this, and complains in the .log file if the .aux file does not
% exist.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\fi %\iftextnotetwocol
   \input \jobname.emd
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\putexplanatory} Does the same for explanatory notes.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\fi %\iftextnotetwocol
   \input \jobname.enx
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\puttextnotes} Does the same for textual notes.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\fi %\iftextnotetwocol
   \input \jobname.ent
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\putpoemindex} Reads in the index of titles and first lines
%  and adds an entry for the index 
% into the table of contents.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\poemindexname={Index of Titles and First Lines}
\poemindexheadername={Index of Titles and First Lines}
\poemindexcontentsname={Index of Titles and First Lines}
     \immediate\write\poemcontents{\string\par \string\smallskip}
\poemcontents{\string\contentspoemtitlefont\ \the\poemindexcontentsname}
\poemcontents{\string~\string\contentsleaders \string~\ \string\pageref{indexpage}\string\par}
     \immediate\write\poemcontents{\string\par \string\smallskip}
\poemcontents{\string\contentspoemtitlefont\ \the\poemindexcontentsname}
\poemcontents{\string~ \string\contentsleaders \string~\ 
{\poemtitlefont Note}

\noindent The symbol \stanzaatbottomvalue\ is used to indicate 
a space between sections of a poem 
wherever such spaces are lost in pagination.
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% \subsection{~Visual formatting} The ideal in \LaTeX\ is to separate 
% content markup and formatting as completely as possible. In the text 
% itself you simply mark the logical units (a poem, a title, a stanza, 
% a textual note), and a header program like this interprets the 
% meaning of those terms typographically. However, one still winds up 
% having to do some visual formatting. Sometimes you have to enlarge or 
% shrink a page by one line in order to avoid an intractable widow or 
% club line, and when one does so one must be careful to do the same to 
% the other member of the two-page spread of which that page is a part. 
% These commands enable one to wiggle pagelength enough to handle these 
% problems.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}

%  \subsection{~Special environments: cjquotation and theindex}  
% An environment for special prose quotations within verse
% as in ``Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce''
% \goodbreak
%    \begin{macro}{cjquotation}
%    \begin{macrocode}
               \list{}{\listparindent 0em%
                        \itemindent 0em%
                        \rightmargin 2em%
                        \leftmargin 2em%
                        \topsep 0em%
                        \parskip 0em%
                        \itemindent    \listparindent
                        \rightmargin   \leftmargin
                        \parsep        \z@ \@plus\p@}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{theindex}
% And the environment for the index:
%    \begin{macrocode}
     \def\pmclidxitem{\par\hangindent 1em}
\fancyhead[CO]{{\small{\em \the\poemindexheadername}}}
\fancyhead[CE]{{\small{\em \the\poemindexheadername}}}
     \normalfont \backmattertextfont
\backmatterheaderfont \the\poemindexname}\end{center}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
% Finally, some other miscellaneous environments.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\rightmargin 1sp\leftmargin \lefttitlemargin%
                                       \topsep 0pt%
                                       \partopsep 0pt%
                                       \listparindent 0pt%
\newenvironment{volumetitlepagequote}{\list{}{\rightmargin \voladditionalamount%
                                              \leftmargin \voladditionalamount%                                             
                                       \topsep 0pt%
                                       \partopsep 0pt%
                                       \listparindent 0pt
%    \end{macrocode}
% \clearpage
% \Finale