prettyref is copyright 1995, 1998 Kevin Ruland.

README and licence notices were added by Clea F. Rees on behalf of Kevin Ruland on 2008/11/05.

prettyref consists of the files prettyref.dtx, prettyref.ins, prettyref.pdf, README and the derived file prettyref.sty. It is released to the public domain.

CTAN description:
Prettyref provides a command  \newrefformat, which specifies the way in which a reference is typeset, according to a label \identification.  The identification is set in the  \label  command, by using prefixed label names; so instead of  \label{mysection}, one uses \label{sec:mysection}, and prettyref interprets the \sec: part.  The package is compatible with  hyperref  and with other packages.