% \iffalse -*- mode: LaTeX -*- % % qcm.dtx --- Doc file for QCM (code and documentation) % % Copyright (C) 2004 Didier Verna. % % PRCS: $Id: qcm.dtx Sat, 27 Nov 2004 17:03:01 +0100 didier $ % % Author: Didier Verna <didier@lrde.epita.fr> % Maintainer: Didier Verna <didier@lrde.epita.fr> % Created: Mon Dec 18 10:18:50 2000 % Last Revision: Tue Nov 9 17:47:21 2004 % % This file is part of QCM. % % QCM may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.1 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.1 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 1999/06/01 or later. % % QCM consists of the files listed in `README'. % % % Commentary: % % Contents management by FCM version 0.1-b2. % % % Code: % %<*driver> \documentclass[a4paper]{ltxdoc} % \OnlyDescription % \CodelineIndex % \RecordChanges \begin{document} \DocInput{qcm.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % % \fi % % \catcode`\�=14 % \CheckSum{557} %% \CharacterTable %% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z %% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z %% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 %% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# %% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& %% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) %% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, %% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ %% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< %% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? %% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ %% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ %% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| %% Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % ^^A $Format: "% \\newcommand{\\version}{v$Version$}"$ % \newcommand{\version}{v2.1} % ^^A $Format: "% \\newcommand{\\classreleasedate}{$ClassReleaseDate$}"$ % \newcommand{\classreleasedate}{2004/11/27} % ^^A $Format: "% \\newcommand{\\stylereleasedate}{$StyleReleaseDate$}"$ % \newcommand{\stylereleasedate}{2004/11/27} % ^^A $Format: "% \\newcommand{\\packagecopyright}{$LaTeXCopyright$}"$ % \newcommand{\packagecopyright}{Copyright \copyright{} 2004 Didier Verna} % \newcommand{\qcm}{\textsf{QCM}} % \newcommand{\auctex}{AUC-\TeX} % \date{\today} % \title{\qcm{} -- A \LaTeXe{} package for making \textbf{M}ultiple % \textbf{C}hoices \textbf{Q}uestionnaires\thanks{This document % describes \qcm{} \version, class release date \classreleasedate, % style release date \stylereleasedate.}} % \author{Didier Verna\\ % \texttt{mailto:didier@lrde.epita.fr}\\ % \texttt{http://www.lrde.epita.fr/\~{}didier}} % \maketitle % % \begin{abstract} % \qcm{} is a package for making multiple choices questionnaires % (``\textsc{QCM}'' is the corresponding French acronym) under \LaTeXe. A % special environment allows you to define questions and possible answers. You % can specify which answers are correct and which are not. \qcm{} not only % formats the questions for you, but also generates a ``form'' (a grid that % your students will have to fill in), and a ``mask'' (the same grid, only % with correct answers properly checked in). You can then print the mask on a % slide and correct the questionnaires more easily by superimposing the mask % on top of students' forms.\par % The \qcm{} package is \packagecopyright{}, and distributed under the terms % of the LPPL license. % \end{abstract} % % \section{Using \qcm{} (attention users of version 1)} % As of version 2.0, \qcm{} comes both in style and class form. The style % provides all the basic features: making questions, generating the form and % the mask\ldots You can use it with any class you want, which is useful when % you want to incorporate multiple choice questions in a larger document (a % full exam for instance).\par % If you want to make simple multiple choice questionnaires, with just a list % of questions, you can alternately use the class which provides some basic % formatting on top of the style itself. % % \section{The \qcm{} Style} % First of all, please note that \qcm{} requires the packages \texttt{ifthen}, % \texttt{calc} and \texttt{tabularx}. As of version 2.1, the % \texttt{verbatim} package is also required. You don't have to require these % packages explicitly though. As long as \LaTeXe{} is able to locate them, % they will be used automatically.\par % In order to use the \qcm{} style, say |\usepackage[|\meta{options}|]{qcm}| % in the preamble of your document. The available options are described along % the text, where appropriate. % % \subsection{Creating Questions} % Here's a simple example demonstrating how to produce a new question: % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{question}{What is the color of Henri the Fourth's white horse?} % \false black, % \true white, % \false yellow, % \false red. % \end{question} % \begin{correction} % The correct answer is white, because it's in the question. % \end{correction} % \end{verbatim} % % \subsubsection{The \texttt{question} environment} % \DescribeEnv{question} % The |question| environment allows you to insert questions into your % document. It takes one mandatory argument which specifies the actual % question's text. The question will be displayed in a frame box, the size of % the line.\par % \DescribeMacro{\true}\DescribeMacro{\false} % The proposed answers are displayed below the question in a list fashion (the % |question| environment is a list-based one). Instead of using |\item| % however, use either |\true| or |\false| to insert a possible answer.\par % % \subsubsection{Question Numbers} % The |question| environment is associated with a \LaTeX{} counter named % |question|. This counter stores the number of the next (or current) % question. It is initialized to 1, and automatically incremented at the end % of |question| environments. You might want to use it to format question % titles. For instance, you could decide that each question belongs to a % subsection in the |article| class, and use something like this before each % question: |\subsection*{Question \thequestion}| % % \subsection{The Form and the Mask} % Based on the questions appearing in your document, \qcm{} has the ability to % generate a ``form'' (a grid that your students will have to fill in), and a % ``mask'' (the same grid, only with correct answers properly checked in). % This can make the correction process easier.\par % \DescribeMacro{\makeform} % \DescribeMacro{\makemask} % To generate a form and a mask, use the macros |\makeform| and |\makemask|. % \qcm{} uses two auxiliary files to build them. These files have respectively % an extension of \texttt{frm} and \texttt{msk}. If you use these macros, you % will need two passes of \LaTeXe{} in order to get a correctly formatted % document.\par % % \subsection{Typesetting corrections} % \DescribeEnv{correction} % As of version 2.1, \qcm{} comes with a ``correction'' mode which allows you % to automatically typeset and distribute corrections to your students. These % corrections are slightly modified versions of your questionnaire: each % possible answer is prefixed with a small symbol (a visual clue) indicating % whether the answer was correct or wrong. In addition, you can typeset % explanations below each question.\par % To activate the correction mode, use the |correction| option. It is off by % default.\par % To typeset explanations below the questions, use the |correction| % environment (no argument). The contents of this environment is displayed % only in |correction| mode. In normal mode, it is simply discarded.\par % In addition, note that \qcm{} cancels the actions performed by |\makeform| % and |\makemask| in |correction| mode. This is to avoid further edition of % the source when typesetting a correction. % % \subsection{Important Note} % Currently, \qcm{} requires that you provide a constant number of proposed % answers across all questions in your \textsc{QCM}. This is something natural % when you want to build forms, but this might me too restrictive otherwise, % I'm not sure, so it is possible that this restriction will be removed in % future versions.\par % Currently, there is a built-in mechanism for checking that the number of % proposed answers remains constant: when \qcm{} encounters the first % occurrence of the |question| environment, it remembers the number of proposed % answers from there. Afterwards, any noticed difference in subsequent % occurrences will generate an error. As a consequence, you never have to tell % \qcm{} explicitly what that number is. % % \subsection{Customizing the \qcm{} style} % \subsubsection{The question environment} % \DescribeMacro{\questionspace} % |\questionspace| is the amount of extra vertical space to put under the % question, before the list of proposed answers. This is a \LaTeX{} length % that defaults to \texttt{0pt}.\par % \DescribeMacro{\answerstitlefont} % Before the list of possible answers, a short title is displayed (for % English, it reads ``Possible answers:''). The |\answerstitlefont| macro % takes one mandatory argument which redefines the font to use for the answers % title. By default, |\bfseries| is used.\par % \DescribeMacro{\answernumberfont} % Each proposed answer in the list is numbered automatically (and % alphabetically). The |\answernumberfont| macro takes one mandatory argument % which redefines the font to use for displaying the answer number. By % default, |\bfseries| is used.\par % % \subsubsection{The Form and the Mask} % \DescribeMacro{\headerfont} % The |\headerfont| macro takes one mandatory argument which redefines % the font to use for the headers (first line and first column) of the form % and mask arrays. By default, |\bfseries| is used.\par % \DescribeMacro{\X} % In the mask, correct answers are checked in by filling the corresponding % cell with an ``X'' character. If you want to change this, call the |\X| % macro with one (mandatory) argument. % % \subsubsection{The correction} % \DescribeMacro{\truesymbol} % \DescribeMacro{\falsesymbol} % In correction mode, labels in front of answers are modified to give a visual % clue about whether the answer was correct or wrong. By default, a cross and % a small arrow are used. You can change these symbols by using the % |\truesymbol| and |\falsesymbol| macros. For instance, you could give a % fancier look to your correction by using the |pifont| package and issuing: % \begin{verbatim} % \truesymbol{\ding{'063}~} % \truesymbol{\ding{'067}~} % \end{verbatim} % \DescribeMacro{\correctionstyle} % The appearance of the contents of the |correction| environment can be % adjusted by using the |\correctionstyle| macro. By default, |\itshape| is % used. % \subsubsection{Internationalization} % \DescribeEnv{english} % \DescribeEnv{french, francais} % \qcm{} currently supports English, and French. You can select the language % you want to use by using the corresponding option. The \texttt{french} and % \texttt{francais} options are synonyms. If you want a finer grain on the % language-dependent parts of \qcm, the following macros are provided.\par % \DescribeMacro{\answerstitle} % This macro takes one mandatory argument which lets you redefine the % answers'titles. For English, the answers title defaults to % ``Possible answers:''.\par % % % \section{The \qcm{} Class} % The \qcm{} class provides a wrapper around the style to allow you to format % simple multiple choice questionnaires, with just a list of questions.\par % In order to use the \qcm{} class, say % |\documentclass[|\meta{options}|]{qcm}| at the beginning of your document. % The available options are described along the text, where appropriate. Note % that the underlying \qcm{} style is loaded automatically. % % \subsection{Standard Class Features} % % \subsection{Page Size and layout} % \DescribeEnv{a4paper} % \DescribeEnv{a5paper} % \DescribeEnv{b4paper} % \DescribeEnv{letterpaper} % \DescribeEnv{legalpaper} % \DescribeEnv{executivepaper} % \DescribeEnv{landscape} % The \texttt{a4}, \texttt{a5}, \texttt{b4}, \texttt{letter}, \texttt{legal} % and \texttt{executive} ``paper'' options allow you to select the type of % page format you want. By default, \texttt{letterpaper} is used. The % \texttt{landscape} options switches the horizontal and vertical settings. % I'm not sure why I propose this option. Nobody wants to write a \textsc{QCM} % in landscape mode, right?\par % % \DescribeEnv{oneside} % \DescribeEnv{twoside} % \qcm{} also supports the standard \texttt{oneside} and \texttt{twoside} % class options. By default, \texttt{oneside} is used. In \texttt{twoside} % mode, odd and even pages have a different geometry and headings layout. % % \subsection{Font Size} % \DescribeEnv{10pt} % \DescribeEnv{11pt} % \DescribeEnv{12pt} % The \texttt{10pt}, \texttt{11pt} and \texttt{12pt} options let you choose % the size of the default font you want to use. By default, \texttt{10pt} is % used. % % \subsection{Output Mode} % \DescribeEnv{final} % \DescribeEnv{draft} % In \texttt{draft} mode, a black rule will be drawn at the end of overfull % lines (as done by standard classes). % % \subsection{Page styles} % \qcm{} supports the standard \LaTeX{} page style mechanism. Available styles % are \texttt{empty}, \texttt{plain}, \texttt{headings} and % \texttt{myheadings}. These styles have their usual meaning, except that % there are no sectioning commands in the \qcm{} class. By default, the page % style is \texttt{plain}. Also, note that the form and the mask have an empty % page style, whatever the setting for the rest of the document. % % \subsection{Title} % \DescribeMacro{\title} % The |\title| macro takes one mandatory argument which defines a title for % your questionnaire (repeated on the form and the mask). It can be used in % the document's preamble only. The title will be centered on the page.\par % \DescribeMacro{\titlefont} % The |\titlefont| macro takes one mandatory argument which redefines the % font to use for the title. By default, |\LARGE\bfseries| is used.\par % \DescribeMacro{\titlespace} % |\titlespace| is the amount of extra vertical space to put after the title. % This is a \LaTeX{} length that defaults to \texttt{20pt}.\par % \DescribeMacro{\maketitle} % If you have defined a title, make it appear by calling |\maketitle| after % the beginning of your document. If you call |\maketitle| without having % defined a title, an error will be generated. % % \subsection{Modifications to the question environment} % The \qcm{} class modifies the |question| environment so as to display a % title before each question (something that you would probably do with a % sectioning command in other classes). This title is displayed in a frame % box, the size of a quarter of the line. For English, the default reads % ``Question n.\meta{X}:''.\par % % \subsection{Modifications to \cs{makeform} and \cs{makemask}} % The \qcm{} class modifies |\makeform| and |\makemask| along the following % lines: each grid is printed on a page of its own, and the document's title % is repeated on top of each. Also, the page style is set to |empty|. % % \subsection{Customizing the \qcm{} class} % \subsubsection{The question titles} % \DescribeMacro{\questiontitlefont} % The |\questiontitlefont| macro takes one mandatory argument which redefines % the font to use for each question title. By default, |\bfseries| is % used.\par % \DescribeMacro{\questiontitlespace} % |\questiontitlespace| is the amount of extra vertical space to put after the % question title (and before the questions' text). This is a \LaTeX{} length % that defaults to \texttt{5pt}.\par % \DescribeMacro{\questionsepspace} % In addition, questions are separated from each other by some vertical space. % |\questionsepspace| is the amount of extra vertical space to put between % each question block. This is a \LaTeX{} length that defaults to % \texttt{20pt}. % % \subsubsection{Internationalization} % \DescribeEnv{english} % \DescribeEnv{french, francais} % \qcm{} currently supports English, and French. You can select the language % you want to use by using the corresponding option. The \texttt{french} and % \texttt{francais} options are synonyms. If you want a finer grain on the % language-dependent parts of \qcm, the following macros are provided.\par % \DescribeMacro{\questiontitle} % This macro takes one mandatory argument which lets you redefine the % questions'titles. For English, the question title defaults to % ``|Question N.\thequestion:|''.\par % % % \section{\auctex{} support} % \auctex{} is a powerful major mode for editing \TeX{} documents in % \textsf{Emacs} or \textsf{XEmacs}. In particular, it provides automatic % completion of macro names once they are known. \qcm{} supports \auctex{} % by providing a style file named \texttt{qcm.el} which contains \auctex{} % definitions for the relevant macros. This file should be installed to a % location where \auctex{} can find it (usually in a subdirectory of your % \LaTeX{} styles directory). Please refer to the \auctex{} documentation for % more information on this.\par % For people already knowing \auctex: note that the \auctex{} command % \texttt{LaTeX-insert-item} (usually bound to \texttt{M-Ret}) inserts % |\false| by default in a \textsc{QCM}, since it replaces |\item|. If you % want to insert a |\true|, use a prefix. % % \StopEventually{\par Well, I think that's it. Enjoy using \qcm{}! % \vfill\hfill\small\packagecopyright{}.} % % \iffalse %<*qcmstyle> % \fi % \section{Style Code} % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} � $Format: "\\ProvidesPackage{qcm}[$StyleReleaseDate:$ v$Version$"$ \ProvidesPackage{qcm}[2004/11/27 v2.1 Multiple Choice Questionnaire style for LaTeX2e] \RequirePackage{ifthen} \RequirePackage{calc} \RequirePackage{verbatim} \RequirePackage{tabularx} % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{The Form and Mask} % Here are the customization parameters: % \begin{macrocode} \def\@headerfont{\bfseries} \newcommand\headerfont[1]{\gdef\@headerfont{#1}} \def\@X{X} \newcommand\X[1]{\gdef\@X{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % We use two new column types in the form and mask arrays: |Q| for header % cells and |D| for data cells. We also use centered cells for the X % specification. Note that this might clash with a user setting one day, but % let's not anticipate problems. % \begin{macrocode} \def\pbs#1{\let\tmp=\\#1\let\\=\tmp} \newcolumntype{D}{>{\pbs\centering}X} \newcolumntype{Q}{>{\@headerfont}X} \renewcommand\tabularxcolumn[1]{m{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\makeform@nocorrection{% \addtocontents{frm}{\protect\end{tabularx}} \@starttoc{frm}} \newcommand\makeform@correction{% \addtocontents{frm}{\protect\end{tabularx}}} \newcommand\makemask@nocorrection{% \addtocontents{msk}{\protect\end{tabularx}} \@starttoc{msk}} \newcommand\makemask@correction{% \addtocontents{msk}{\protect\end{tabularx}}} % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{The \texttt{question} Environment} % Here are the customization parameters: % \begin{macrocode} \newlength\questionspace \setlength\questionspace{0pt} \newcommand\answerstitle[1]{\gdef\@answerstitle{#1}} \def\@answerstitlefont{\bfseries} \newcommand\answerstitlefont[1]{\gdef\@answerstitlefont{#1}} \def\@answernumberfont{\bfseries} \newcommand\answernumberfont[1]{\gdef\@answernumberfont{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % The |question| counter starts at one, and is incremented at the end of each % question. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{question}\stepcounter{question} \newcounter{@choice} % \end{macrocode} % The macro |\@initorcheck| is called at the end of each question. After the % first one, it initializes the number of proposed answers (this must be % constant across all questions). This is used to build the form and mask % arrays description lines, and initialize the auxiliary files. Afterwards, it % redefines itself so that subsequent calls will just check that the number of % answers remains the same across all questions. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@initorcheck{% \xdef\@choices{\the@choice}% \setcounter{@choice}{1}% \gdef\@arraydesc{|Q||}% \gdef\@headerline{}% \whiledo{\not{\value{@choice}>\@choices}}{ \xdef\@arraydesc{\@arraydesc D|} \def\@appendheader{\g@addto@macro\@headerline} \@appendheader{&\protect\@headerfont} \edef\@the@choice{{\alph{@choice}}} \expandafter\@appendheader\@the@choice \stepcounter{@choice}}% \addtocontents{frm}{% \protect\begin{tabularx}{\protect\linewidth}{\@arraydesc} \protect\hline \@headerline\protect\\\protect\hline\protect\hline}% \addtocontents{msk}{% \protect\begin{tabularx}{\protect\linewidth}{\@arraydesc} \protect\hline \@headerline\protect\\\protect\hline\protect\hline}% \gdef\@initorcheck{% \ifthenelse{\value{@choice} = \@choices}{}{% \ClassError{QCM}{Question \thequestion: wrong number of choices (\the@choice\space instead of \@choices)}{% Questions must all have the same number of proposed answers.% \MessageBreak Type X <return> to quit, fix your QCM and rerun LaTeX.}}}} % \end{macrocode} % A minipage environment is used in order to prevent page breaks in the middle % of a question. % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{question}[1]{% %% \begin{question} \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} % \end{macrocode} % Each line in the form and mask arrays is stored in the macros % |\@formanswerline| and |\@maskanswerline|. They are initialized here, % updated progressively by each call to |\true| or |\false|, \ldots % \begin{macrocode} \xdef\@formanswerline{\@questionheader}% \xdef\@maskanswerline{\@questionheader}% \fbox{\parbox[c]{\linewidth}{#1}} \vspace\questionspace\par {\@answerstitlefont\@answerstitle} \begin{list}{\@answernumberfont\alph{@choice}.~}{\usecounter{@choice}}}{% %% \end{question} \end{list} \@initorcheck% % \end{macrocode} % \ldots and added to the form and mask auxiliary files here: % \begin{macrocode} \addtocontents{frm}{\@formanswerline\protect\\\protect\hline}% \addtocontents{msk}{\@maskanswerline\protect\\\protect\hline}% \end{minipage} \stepcounter{question}} \def\@truesymbol{$\rightarrow$~} \def\@falsesymbol{$\times$~} \newcommand\truesymbol[1]{\gdef\@truesymbol{#1}} \newcommand\falsesymbol[1]{\gdef\@falsesymbol{#1}} \def\@true@nocorrection{\item} \def\@false@nocorrection{\item} \def\@true@correction{\item[\@truesymbol\refstepcounter{@choice}]} \def\@false@correction{\item[\@falsesymbol\refstepcounter{@choice}]} \newcommand\true{% \xdef\@formanswerline{\@formanswerline&}% \xdef\@maskanswerline{\@maskanswerline&\@X}% \@true}% \newcommand\false{% \xdef\@formanswerline{\@formanswerline&}% \xdef\@maskanswerline{\@maskanswerline&}% \@false}% % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{The correction environment} % Here, we only define the visible version of the |correction| environment. % The other one is provided by |verbatim|'s comment environment. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@correctionstyle{\itshape} \newcommand\correctionstyle[1]{\gdef\@correctionstyle{#1}} \newenvironment{@correction}{\@correctionstyle}{} % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Internationalization} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{english}{% \def\@questionheader{Question n.\thequestion} \answerstitle{Possible answers:}} \DeclareOption{french}{% \def\@questionheader{Question n$^o$~\thequestion} \answerstitle{R\'eponses possibles~:}} \DeclareOption{francais}{% \ExecuteOptions{french}} % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Options Processing} % Note that we don't use |\let| but |\def| to implement the correct behavior % of |\makeform| and |\makemask|. This is because when using the class, the % underlying macros might be redefined, so we want to use their latest % definition. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{nocorrection}{% \let\@true\@true@nocorrection \let\@false\@false@nocorrection \let\correction\comment \let\endcorrection\endcomment \def\makeform{\makeform@nocorrection} \def\makemask{\makemask@nocorrection}} \DeclareOption{correction}{% \let\@true\@true@correction \let\@false\@false@correction \let\correction\@correction \let\endcorrection\end@correction \def\makeform{\makeform@correction} \def\makemask{\makemask@correction}} \ExecuteOptions{english,nocorrection} \ProcessOptions % \end{macrocode} % \iffalse %</qcmstyle> % \fi % % \iffalse %<*qcmclass> % \fi % \section{Class Code} % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} � $Format: "\\ProvidesClass{qcm}[$ClassReleaseDate$ v$Version$"$ \ProvidesClass{qcm}[2004/11/27 v2.1 Multiple Choice Questionnaire class for LaTeX2e] \RequirePackage{qcm}[2004/11/09] % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{The Title} % \begin{macrocode} \def\@titlefont{\LARGE\bfseries} \newcommand\titlefont[1]{\gdef\@titlefont{#1}} \@onlypreamble\titlefont \newlength\titlespace \setlength\titlespace{20pt} \@onlypreamble\title % \end{macrocode} % |\maketitle| informs \qcm{} that the title should be repeated on the form % and mask pages by defining |\@maketitle|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@make@title{% \begin{center} \@titlefont\@title \end{center} \vspace\titlespace} \let\@maketitle\empty \newcommand\maketitle{% \@make@title% \let\@maketitle\@make@title} % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{The Form and Mask} % The qcm{} style |\makeform| and |\makemask| macros are saved and wrapped % into new ones that first repeat the document's title on a new page. The page % style is also set to |empty|.\par % For a reason I don't recall anymore, |\addtocontents| fails to write % anything in the auxiliary files when nothing has been written on the page % yet. To cope with this problem, we restate the title first. % \begin{macrocode} \let\old@makeform@nocorrection\makeform@nocorrection \def\makeform@nocorrection{% \newpage \@maketitle \thispagestyle{empty} \old@makeform@nocorrection} \let\old@makemask@nocorrection\makemask@nocorrection \def\makemask@nocorrection{% \newpage \@maketitle \thispagestyle{empty} \old@makemask@nocorrection} % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{The \texttt{question} Environment} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\questiontitle[1]{\gdef\@questiontitle{#1}} \def\@questiontitlefont{\bfseries} \newcommand\questiontitlefont[1]{\gdef\@questiontitlefont{#1}} \newlength\questiontitlespace \setlength\questiontitlespace{5pt} \newlength\questionsepspace \setlength\questionsepspace{20pt} % \end{macrocode} % The real space used is |\@questionsepspace|. It is initialy set to 0 to % prevent extra space from appearing before the first question. It is % redefined to the real value at the end of the |question| environment. % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\@questionsepspace{0pt} % \end{macrocode} % The qcm{} style |question| environment is saved and wrapped into a new one % that outputs a question title. % \begin{macrocode} \let\old@question\question \let\old@endquestion\endquestion \renewenvironment{question}[1]{% %% \begin{question} \vspace\@questionsepspace \fbox{\parbox[c]{0.25\linewidth}{\@questiontitlefont\@questiontitle}} \nopagebreak\vspace\questiontitlespace\par \old@question{#1}}{% %% \end{question} \old@endquestion \gdef\@questionsepspace{\questionsepspace}} % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Language Processing} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{english}{% \questiontitle{Question N.\thequestion:}} \DeclareOption{french}{% \questiontitle{Question N$^{o}$~\thequestion~:}} \DeclareOption{francais}{% \ExecuteOptions{french}} % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Standard Class Processing} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{a4paper}{ \setlength\paperheight{297mm} \setlength\paperwidth{210mm}} \DeclareOption{a5paper}{ \setlength\paperheight{210mm} \setlength\paperwidth{148mm}} \DeclareOption{b5paper}{ \setlength\paperheight{250mm} \setlength\paperwidth{176mm}} \DeclareOption{letterpaper}{ \setlength\paperheight{11in} \setlength\paperwidth{8.5in}} \DeclareOption{legalpaper}{ \setlength\paperheight{14in} \setlength\paperwidth{8.5in}} \DeclareOption{executivepaper}{ \setlength\paperheight{10.5in} \setlength\paperwidth{7.25in}} \DeclareOption{landscape}{ \setlength\@tempdima{\paperheight} \setlength\paperheight{\paperwidth} \setlength\paperwidth{\@tempdima}} \DeclareOption{10pt}{\def\@ptsize{0}} \DeclareOption{11pt}{\def\@ptsize{1}} \DeclareOption{12pt}{\def\@ptsize{2}} \DeclareOption{oneside}{\@twosidefalse\@mparswitchfalse} \DeclareOption{twoside}{\@twosidetrue\@mparswitchtrue} \DeclareOption{draft}{\setlength\overfullrule{5pt}} \DeclareOption{final}{\setlength\overfullrule{0pt}} \ExecuteOptions{english,letterpaper,10pt,oneside,final} \ProcessOptions \input{size1\@ptsize.clo} \setlength\parindent{0pt} \setlength\parskip{0pt} \setlength\tabcolsep{6pt} \setlength\arrayrulewidth{0.4pt} \raggedbottom \onecolumn \pagestyle{plain} \pagenumbering{arabic} \if@twoside \def\ps@headings{% \let\@oddfoot\@empty\let\@evenfoot\@empty \def\@evenhead{\thepage\hfil\slshape\leftmark}% \def\@oddhead{{\slshape\rightmark}\hfil\thepage}% \let\@mkboth\markboth } \else \def\ps@headings{% \let\@oddfoot\@empty \def\@oddhead{{\slshape\rightmark}\hfil\thepage}% \let\@mkboth\markboth } \fi \def\ps@myheadings{% \let\@oddfoot\@empty\let\@evenfoot\@empty \def\@evenhead{\thepage\hfil\slshape\leftmark}% \def\@oddhead{{\slshape\rightmark}\hfil\thepage}% \let\@mkboth\@gobbletwo } % \end{macrocode} % \iffalse %</qcmclass> % \fi % % ^^A \PrintChanges % ^^A \PrintIndex % \Finale % % ^^A qcm.dtx ends here.