% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Author:  Jianrui Lyu <tolvjr@163.com>
% Package: https://ctan.org/pkg/randexam
% License: The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

\ProvidesClass{randexam}[2024-07-09 v2024F Make an exam paper and its randomized variants]

%% Old LaTeX release could not recognize date format like 2022-11-01
    Your current TeX distribution is quite old.\MessageBreak
    We need TeXLive 2023+ or MiKTeX 2023+ or CTeX 3.0+%
  }{Please update your TeX distribution first.}

%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Start ignoring spaces in the code
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Boolean commands for this class
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------








%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Declare language commands
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------





%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Declare class options
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

\NewExamBool{plain}      \SetExamBoolFalse{plain}      % use plain page style
\NewExamBool{twoinone}   \SetExamBoolFalse{twoinone}   % use A3 paper
\NewExamBool{oneside}    \SetExamBoolFalse{oneside}    % use single sided exam paper
\NewExamBool{resetnumber}\SetExamBoolTrue{resetnumber} % reset numbers in new exam parts
\NewExamBool{random}     \SetExamBoolFalse{random}     % shuffle questions
\NewExamBool{answer}     \SetExamBoolTrue{answer}      % show answers
\NewExamBool{evaluator}  \SetExamBoolFalse{evaluator}  % add evaluator line in the grade table
\NewExamBool{mathdesign} \SetExamBoolTrue{mathdesign}  % use mathdesign fonts
\NewExamBool{freealign}  \SetExamBoolFalse{freealign}  % load freealign package
\NewExamBool{medmath}    \SetExamBoolFalse{medmath}    % use medium-size formulas
\NewExamBool{moremath}   \SetExamBoolFalse{moremath}   % define more math commands

   language   .store     = \l@rdxm@current@language@tl
  ,plain      .if        = exam@plain
  ,a3paper    .if        = exam@twoinone
  ,a3input    .code      = \SetExamBoolTrue{twoinone}\SetExamBoolTrue{plain}
  ,oneside    .if        = exam@oneside
  ,random     .if        = exam@random
  ,noanswer   .ifnot     = exam@answer
  ,evaluator  .if        = exam@evaluator
  ,mathdesign .if        = exam@mathdesign
  ,freealign  .if        = exam@freealign
  ,medmath    .if        = exam@medmath
  ,moremath   .if        = exam@moremath
  ,math       .choice:
  ,math       .default:n = many
  ,math/many  .code      = \SetExamBoolTrue{mathdesign}\SetExamBoolTrue{freealign}
  ,math/most  .code      = \SetExamBoolTrue{mathdesign}\SetExamBoolTrue{freealign}
  ,math/all   .code      = \SetExamBoolTrue{mathdesign}\SetExamBoolTrue{freealign}

%% Support for Chinese language
\NewExamBool{ctex}     \SetExamBoolFalse{ctex}      % load ctex package
\NewExamBool{solidot}  \SetExamBoolFalse{solidot}   % use full-width solid periods
\NewExamBool{sourcehan}\SetExamBoolFalse{sourcehan} % use source han font
   ctex         .if        = exam@ctex
  ,solidot      .if        = exam@solidot
  ,sourcehan    .if        = exam@sourcehan
  ,chinese      .choice:
  ,chinese      .default:n = many
  ,chinese/many .code      = \SetExamBoolTrue{ctex}
  ,chinese/most .code      = \SetExamBoolTrue{ctex}\SetExamBoolTrue{solidot}
  ,chinese/all  .code      = \SetExamBoolTrue{ctex}\SetExamBoolTrue{solidot}\SetExamBoolTrue{sourcehan}




%% Avoid option conflicts with fontspec package
%% see https://github.com/latex3/fontspec/issues/501





  % When pdfpages package is newer enough, putting \includepdf at the beginning
  % of document body will cause an error about an undefined command;
  % see https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/352007/ieeetran-and-pdfpages
  % Also since LaTeX release 2018-04-01 \@ifundefined won't turn an undefined command
  % into \relax; see https://www.latex-project.org/news/latex2e-news/ltnews28.pdf

  \RequirePackage[utopia]{mathdesign} % charter, utopia
  \DeclareTextCommandDefault{\nobreakspace}{\leavevmode\nobreak\ }




%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Template commands for exam elements
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

%% #1: exam element; #2: template name; #3: template code
%% If the template name = default, we enable the template at once
%% Otherwise, we may enable the template by using \SelectExamTemplate command

%% #1: exam element; #2: template name

%% #1: exam element; #2: template name.
%% In an expandable command, we should use \UseName but not \expName.

%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Translation commands for exam keywords
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  \tlSet{\expName{l@rdxm@translate@\l@rdxm@declare@language@tl @#1@tl}}{#2}

%% #1: language name; #2: a keyval list with keyword = transaltion format

%% #1: a keyval list with keyword = transaltion format

%% #1: language name

%% #1: keyword name.
%% In an expandable command, we should use \UseName but not \expName.
  \UseName{l@rdxm@translate@\l@rdxm@current@language@tl @#1@tl}

%% #1: keyword translation; #2: keyword number.
%% The \relax prevents functional package from treating the result as a function

   answertable-Answer   = Answer
  ,answertable-Number   = Number
  ,examdata-Appendix    = Appendix
  ,exampart-Part        = Part
  ,examtitle-Name       = Name
  ,examtitle-Solutions  = Solutions
  ,gradetable-Evaluator = Evaluator
  ,gradetable-Part      = Part
  ,gradetable-Score     = Score
  ,gradetable-Total     = Total
  ,headfoot-Name        = Name
  ,headfoot-of          = of
  ,headfoot-Page        = Page
  ,headfoot-Solutions   = Solutions
  ,headfoot-Version     = Version
  ,points-point         = point
  ,points-points        = points
  ,question-Question    = Question
  ,solution-Solution    = Solution


%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Keyvalue commands for exam elements
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

%% #1 element name; #2: key definitions

%% #1 element name; #2: key name; #3: its value


%% #1 element name; #2: key-value list

%% #1: element name; #2: key name.
%% In an expandable command, we should use \UseName but not \expName.
%% When the key is undefined, the expanded result of \UseName is \relax,
%% and we could test this case with \tlIfExist function.


%% In fact, \ifdef/ifcsname is a wrapper for \ifdefined/\ifcsname in eTeX;
%% they will not turn an undefined macro into \relax

%% #1 element name

%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Theme commands for exam papers
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

%% #1: theme name; #2: theme code

%% #1: theme name

  theme .code = \SelectExamTheme{#1}

%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Fill commands for exam papers
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  \leavevmode\xleaders\hbox to 0.5em{\hss$\cdot$\hss}\hfill\kern0pt\relax




%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Command for exam title: \examtitle
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------






%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Command for grade table: \gradetable
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

%% total: total number of parts in current exam;
%% strut: strut height in the score row.


%% #1: the tl variable; #2: the first cell; #3: the last cell
%% #4: the number of middle cells; #5: the map command for middle cells.
  \tlSet#1{#2 & }
    \tlPutRight#1{#5{##1} &}
  \tlPutRight#1{ #3}


%% \dimeval or \dimexpr doesn't accept decimal numbers such as 0.3

    \l@rdxm@gradetable@part@tl \\ \hline
    \l@rdxm@gradetable@score@tl \\ \hline
    \IfExamBoolT{evaluator}{\l@rdxm@gradetable@evaluator@tl \\ \hline}


%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Setting header and footer
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------









%% plain page style

%% fancy page style

%% set page style at this time since users may change header/footer templates

%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Class option for shuffling questions: random
%% Class option for random seed: seed
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

%% The random seed could not exceed 2147483647 = "7FFFFFFF
%% You need to put .store before .initial:n
  seed .store     = \rdxm@random@seed,
  seed .initial:n = 19061116

    %% When the argument of \pgfmathrandom is a multiple of three,
    %% the random numbers generated by nearby seeds are not uniformly distributed
    %% Therefore we take this approach: generating next random seed with current seed

%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Command for exam groups: \exampart
%% Command for appendix data: \examdata
%% Environment for questions: question
%% Environment for solutions: solution
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------



%% No displaying question number when there is only one question in the part


%% question: problem number within current part
%% questionreal: problem number for display, used when exam@resetnumber=false
%% totalquestions: total number of problems in previous parts, used when exam@resetnumber=false

\newcounter{choice} % used in abcd environment




    \foreach \i in {1,...,\value{question}} {\listxadd\rdxm@shuffle@list{\i}}
    %% always change the postions of the first and the last questions
    %% no restrition for questions in the middle



  \if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax % #1 is empty
  % \@afterheading sets \@nobreaktrue, which will prevent page breaks before lists;
  % see source2e



%% this equals to \AddToHook{enddocument}[randexam]{...}




\newcommand{\questionpointstext}[1]{ (#1~\pointorpoints{#1}) }









\let \oldnewpage   = \newpage
\let \oldvfill     = \vfill
\let \oldsmallskip = \smallskip
\let \oldmedskip   = \medskip
\let \oldbigskip   = \bigskip

      \expandonce{\csname rdxm@question@a@\the\value{question}\endcsname}
      \expandonce{\csname rdxm@question@b@\the\value{question}\endcsname}

    \let \newpage   = \oldnewpage
    \let \vfill     = \oldvfill
    \let \smallskip = \oldsmallskip
    \let \medskip   = \oldmedskip
    \let \bigskip   = \oldbigskip



%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Command for answer tables: \answertable
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

%% total: total number of questions in current exam part;
%% column: number of questions in each answer row;
%% strut: strut height in each answer rows;
%% notice: notice text before the answer table.
   strut  = 1em
  ,notice = {Notice:~you~MUST~write~the~answers~in~the~following~tables.}




%% #1: strut; #2: total; #3: column.
  % change rounding down to rounding up in the division
  \let\hline=\relax  \let\\=\relax % forbid expansions
      \answer@lines@add{\\ \hline \answer@cell@strut{#1}}
      \answer@lines@add{\\ \hline}



%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Command for toggling answers: \answer
%% Command for true-or-false questions: \tickin and \tickout
%% Command for fill-in-the-blank questions: \fillin and \fillout
%% Command for multiple-choice questions: \pickin and \pickout
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


\newcommand*{\tick@text@T}{\sffamily T}
\newcommand*{\tick@text@F}{\sffamily F}

  \tick@box{\csname tick@text@#1\endcsname}
  \unskip\nobreak\ExamFillCdot\tick@box{\csname tick@text@#1\endcsname}




%% We choose three ways for shuffling four choices in a multiple-choice question
%% 1���ABCD -> CDAB��� 2���ABCD -> BADC; 3: ABCD -> DCBA
%% In other word, we only exchange choices in the same row or column,
%% so as to make the lengths of choice lines unchanged

\csdef{rdxm@shuffle@1@A}{C} \csdef{rdxm@shuffle@2@A}{B} \csdef{rdxm@shuffle@3@A}{D}
\csdef{rdxm@shuffle@1@B}{D} \csdef{rdxm@shuffle@2@B}{A} \csdef{rdxm@shuffle@3@B}{C}
\csdef{rdxm@shuffle@1@C}{A} \csdef{rdxm@shuffle@2@C}{D} \csdef{rdxm@shuffle@3@C}{B}
\csdef{rdxm@shuffle@1@D}{B} \csdef{rdxm@shuffle@2@D}{C} \csdef{rdxm@shuffle@3@D}{A}

\newcommand\rdxm@shuffle@abcd[1]{\csuse{rdxm@shuffle@\@rdxm@choice@random @#1}}


%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Environment abcd for typesetting options of multiple-choice questions
%% Put them in one, two, or four rows according to the lengths of the choices
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


  \hfill\egroup\hfill\hbox to \rdxm@item@len\bgroup
  \stepcounter{choice}(\Alph{choice})\ \ignorespaces
  \def\rdxm@label@text{(\Alph{choice})\ }
  \par \parshape 2 \hanglength \linewidth
  \dimexpr\hanglength + \rdxm@label@len\relax
  \dimexpr\linewidth - \rdxm@label@len\relax



      \vbox{\halign to\linewidth{##\hfil\tabskip=0pt plus 1fil&##\hfil\cr\BODY\crcr}}



%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Use hangindent in enumerate lists, and remove extra vertical space
%% The itemjoin set space between items in inline enumerate* environment
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Use freealign package to align math formulas in different lines
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Command for giving points in solutions: \points
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------




%% \eqno would cause extra space after a $$...$$ equation
%% this bug was fixed in latex release 2023-06-01
%% see https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/issues/1059
%% \tag is used in a \[...\] equation hence no problem with it


%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Use medium-size fractions and operators in both inline and displayed formulas
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Load more packages, define more commands
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  \setlength{\abovedisplayskip}{4pt minus 2pt}
  \setlength{\belowdisplayskip}{4pt minus 2pt}

    \let\rdxm@saved@lim=\lim    \def\lim{\rdxm@saved@lim\limits}
    \let\rdxm@saved@sum=\sum    \def\sum{\rdxm@saved@sum\limits}
    \let\rdxm@saved@prod=\prod  \def\prod{\rdxm@saved@prod\limits}

  \newcommand{\dx}{\diff x}
  \newcommand{\dy}{\diff y}
  \def\dz{\diff z} % not sure whether it has been defined
  \newcommand{\du}{\diff u}
  \newcommand{\dv}{\diff v}
  \newcommand{\dr}{\diff r}
  \newcommand{\ds}{\diff s}
  \newcommand{\dt}{\diff t}
  \newcommand{\dS}{\diff S}
  %% Some packages such as hyperref will modify the definition of \d,
  %% so we put the code in \AtBeginDocument.
  %% Also we define \d as a protected command, so as to avoid wrong expansions of
  %% it at the beginning of math arrays such as align from amsmath package.
  \newcommand{\pdf}{\pd f}
  \newcommand{\pdg}{\pd g}
  \newcommand{\pdh}{\pd h}
  \newcommand{\pdl}{\pd l}
  \newcommand{\pdn}{\pd n}
  \newcommand{\pdu}{\pd u}
  \newcommand{\pdv}{\pd v}
  \newcommand{\pdx}{\pd x}
  \newcommand{\pdy}{\pd y}
  \newcommand{\pdz}{\pd z}
  \newcommand{\pdF}{\pd F}
  \newcommand{\pdL}{\pd L}
  \newcommand{\pdP}{\pd P}
  \newcommand{\pdQ}{\pd Q}
  \newcommand{\pdR}{\pd R}

  %% from mathabx package
  \DeclareFontShape{U}{mathx}{m}{n}{<-> mathx10}{}


  %% Longer fraction rules, \wfrac[2pt]{x}{y} will add 2pt to the left and right

  %% ������ stix font ������ white arrows
    %\IfFileExists{STIX-Regular.otf}{% ��� TeXLive ���������
      \newfontfamily{\@rdxm@stix}{STIX} % stix v1.1
      \newfontfamily{\@rdxm@stix}{STIXGeneral} % stix v1.0
    \let \leftwhitearrow = \Leftarrow
    \let \rightwhitearrow = \Rightarrow
    \let \upwhitearrow = \Uparrow
    \let \downwhitearrow = \Downarrow

  \RequirePackage{mathtools} % for \mathllap command���pmatrix* environment


%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Load local user config file
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Support for Chinese Language
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


  %% ������    ���������    ������      ���������
  %% 14bp    12bp      10.5bp    9bp
  %% ������������������������ ctex ������������ cs4size ��� c5size ������
  %% ������������ ctex ������������������ zihao ������������������������������
  %% ������������ xeCJK ��������������� CJKnumber ������������ CJKnumb ������������������������������
  %% ��������������� xeCJK ��� CJKnumber ������������������������������������������������������
  %% ��������� xeCJK ��������������������� CJKfntef��������� xeCJKfntef ���������������������������������
  %% ������������������������������ TeX ��������������������������������� \ifXeTeX ������������ \ifxetex
  %% ��������������� iftex ������������ \ifXeTeX ������������ ifxetex ������������ \ifxetex ������
  %% ��� 2019 ��� 10 ������LaTeX ��������������������� iftex ���������������������������������������������
    % https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_Forms
    % ���������������������������������������������������������������������
    \xeCJKsetcharclass{"2150}{"218F}{1} % ������������������������������������
    % https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enclosed_Alphanumerics
    \xeCJKsetcharclass{"2460}{"24FF}{1} % ���������������������������������������������������������

  %% ��������������������� LuaTeX ���������������������XeTeX ������

%% ��������������� \ifbool������������������ catcode ���������

%% Chinese translations of keywords
   answertable-Answer   = ������
  ,answertable-Number   = ������
  ,examdata-Appendix    = ������
  ,exampart-Part        = {���,������}
  ,examtitle-Name       = ������
  ,examtitle-Solutions  = ������������
  ,gradetable-Evaluator = ���������
  ,gradetable-Part      = ������
  ,gradetable-Score     = ������
  ,gradetable-Total     = ������
  ,headfoot-Name        = ������
  ,headfoot-of          = {���,���}
  ,headfoot-Page        = {���,���}
  ,headfoot-Solutions   = ������������
  ,headfoot-Version     = {\relax,���}
  ,points-point         = ���
  ,points-points        = ���
  ,question-Question    = ���
  ,solution-Solution    = ���

%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Stop ignoring spaces in the code
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
