%% rbt-mathnotes.sty %% Copyright 2021 Rebecca B. Turner. % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Rebecca B. Turner. % % This work consists of the files: % README.md % rbt-mathnotes.tex % rbt-mathnotes.sty % rbt-mathnotes.cls % rbt-mathnotes-util.sty % rbt-mathnotes-messages.sty % rbt-mathnotes-hw.cls % rbt-mathnotes-formula-sheet.cls % examples/cheat-sheet.tex % examples/multivar.tex % examples/topology-hw-1.tex % and the derived files: % rbt-mathnotes.pdf % examples/cheat-sheet.pdf % examples/multivar.pdf % examples/topology-hw-1.pdf \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \RequirePackage{expl3} \ProvidesExplPackage{rbt-mathnotes}{2021/11/29}{1.0.2}{Styles for mathematical note taking.} \errorcontextlines 20 % Module 'mn' % Load some utility packages. \RequirePackage{xparse} % Better command declarations. \RequirePackage{xkeyval} % Better keyval parsing. % {{{ Package options \RequirePackage{kvoptions} % More flexible package options. \RequirePackage{rbt-mathnotes-util} \SetupKeyvalOptions { family = mn__package_options , } \mn__option_new[init = true]{fonts} \mn__option_new[init = true]{stix} \mn__option_new[init = true]{symbols} \mn__option_new[init = true]{maketitle} \mn__option_new[init = true]{titles} \mn__option_new[init = true]{xcolor} \mn__option_new[init = true]{theorems} \mn__option_new[init = true]{enumitem} \mn__option_new{listings} \mn__option_new{knowledge} \mn__option_new{index} \mn__option_new{footnotes} \mn__option_new{figures} \mn__option_new{tabu} \mn__option_new{kindle} \mn__process_options:n { mn__package_options } % }}} \RequirePackage{rbt-mathnotes-messages} % {{{ Load fonts. % Check if we can load fontspec; this is taken from fontspec.sty. \bool_new:N \c__mn_fontspec_bool \bool_set:Nn \c__mn_fontspec_bool { \sys_if_engine_xetex_p: || \sys_if_engine_luatex_p: } % NOTE: The order these packages are loaded in is very important. % - mathtools has to be loaded before these or overbrackets and such get % messed up % - unicode-math overwrites a bunch of commands, so should be loaded after % amsmath and others % - amsmath should be loaded after stix2 (not sure why, but the stix2 % documentation specifies this) -- however, if we can use fontspec, we % just load the stix2 fonts without the stix2 package itself, so we load % amsmath before unicode-math (and the stix2 fonts) \RequirePackage{mathtools} \bool_if:NTF \g__mn_fonts_bool { \bool_if:NTF \c__mn_fontspec_bool { \RequirePackage{amsmath}[2013/01/14] % unicode-math makes equations copy/pastable in PDF output. % Note that unicode-math encapsulates the functionality of fontspec. \RequirePackage[ warnings-off={mathtools-colon,mathtools-overbracket} ]{unicode-math} \bool_if:NT \g__mn_stix_bool { \setmainfont [ UprightFont = *-Regular , ItalicFont = *-Italic , BoldFont = *-Bold , BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic , Extension = .otf , ] { STIX2Text } \setmathfont [ StylisticSet = { 1 , % better caligraphic forms 8 , % upright integrals } , Extension = .otf , ] { STIX2Math } } } { % Otherwise, load non-XeTeX fallbacks. \bool_if:NT \g__mn_stix_bool { \RequirePackage[upint]{stix2} } \RequirePackage{amsmath}[2013/01/14] } } { % No fonts \RequirePackage{amsmath}[2013/01/14] } % }}} \bool_if:NT \g__mn_symbols_bool % {{{ Define math symbol commands { % Logical not \mn__if_package_loaded:nTF { unicode-math } { \DeclareDocumentCommand \lnot {} { \char "AC } } % 0xAC = �� { \mathchardef \Not = "1218 } % Blackboard bold set symbols \NewDocumentCommand \Rational {}{\mathbb{Q}} \ProvideDocumentCommand \Rat {}{\Rational} \ProvideDocumentCommand \Q {}{\Rational} % \NewDocumentCommand \Irrational {}{\mathbb{I}} % \ProvideDocumentCommand \Irrat {}{\Irrational} % \ProvideDocumentCommand \I {}{\Irrational} \NewDocumentCommand \Natural {}{\mathbb{N}} \ProvideDocumentCommand \Nat {}{\Natural} \ProvideDocumentCommand \N {}{\Natural} \NewDocumentCommand \Integer {}{\mathbb{Z}} \ProvideDocumentCommand \Int {}{\Integer} \ProvideDocumentCommand \Z {}{\Integer} \NewDocumentCommand \Complex {}{\mathbb{C}} \ProvideDocumentCommand \Comp {}{\Complex} % Renew \C to mean \Complex in math-mode; normally, \C just gives an % error in math-mode. % ...if \C isn't defined, just define it normally. \AtBeginDocument { \cs_if_free:NTF \C { \NewDocumentCommand } { \cs_set_eq:NN \mn__C_old \C \RenewDocumentCommand } \C {}{ \mode_if_math:TF { \Complex } % Complex set { \mn__C_old } % Copyright sign } } \NewDocumentCommand \Real {}{\mathbb{R}} \ProvideDocumentCommand \R {}{\Real} % Using the Weierstrass p here is probably a bit controversial, but I like % it. I'm open to change, though... \ProvideDocumentCommand \powerset {}{\wp} \RenewDocumentCommand \vec {m}{\mathbf{#1}} % Operator synonyms. % Set intersect. \ProvideDocumentCommand \intersection {}{\cap} \ProvideDocumentCommand \inter {}{\cap} \ProvideDocumentCommand \bigintersection {}{\bigcap} \ProvideDocumentCommand \biginter {}{\bigcap} % Set union. \ProvideDocumentCommand \union {}{\cup} \ProvideDocumentCommand \bigunion {}{\bigcup} % Disjoint union. \ProvideDocumentCommand \disjointunion {}{\sqcup} \ProvideDocumentCommand \disunion {}{\sqcup} % Divisiblity. \ProvideDocumentCommand \divisible {}{\mid} \ProvideDocumentCommand \div {}{\mid} % Negation. \ProvideDocumentCommand \notdivisible {}{\nmid} \ProvideDocumentCommand \ndivisible {}{\nmid} \ProvideDocumentCommand \notdiv {}{\nmid} \ProvideDocumentCommand \ndiv {}{\nmid} % Wrappers around floor and ceil. \ProvideDocumentCommand \floor {m}{\lfloor #1\rfloor} \ProvideDocumentCommand \ceil {m}{\lceil #1\rceil} % The default empty set symbol is very ugly. Use \varnothing instead, % which is less ugly. \AtBeginDocument{\RenewDocumentCommand \emptyset {}{\varnothing}} \ProvideDocumentCommand \es {}{\emptyset} % Function composition. The notation g \after f helps internalize the % order of operations. :) \ProvideDocumentCommand \after {}{\circ} % Cross product. \ProvideDocumentCommand \cross {}{\times} % Operators. % Function image. \cs_if_free:NT \img { \DeclareMathOperator \img {img} } % Function pre-image. \cs_if_free:NT \pre { \DeclareMathOperator \pre {pre} } % Function stabilizer. \cs_if_free:NT \Stab { \DeclareMathOperator \Stab {Stab} } % Set of a function's fixed points. \cs_if_free:NT \FixPt { \DeclareMathOperator \FixPt {FixPt} } % Identity function \cs_if_free:NT \id { \DeclareMathOperator \id {id} } % Injective function. \ProvideDocumentCommand \injection {}{\hookrightarrow} \ProvideDocumentCommand \inj {}{\hookrightarrow} % Surjective function. \ProvideDocumentCommand \surjection {}{\twoheadrightarrow} \ProvideDocumentCommand \surj {}{\twoheadrightarrow} % Bijective function. \ProvideDocumentCommand \bijection {}{\twoheadrightarrowtail} \ProvideDocumentCommand \bijective {}{\twoheadrightarrowtail} \ProvideDocumentCommand \bij {}{\twoheadrightarrowtail} % Function restriction. \cs_if_free:NT \restriction { \DeclareMathOperator \restriction {|} } \ProvideDocumentCommand \restr {}{\restriction} % d/dx \ProvideDocumentCommand \dd { O{} m }{\frac{d#1}{d#2}} \ProvideDocumentCommand \pd { O{} m }{\frac{\partial#1}{\partial#2}} \ProvideDocumentCommand \gradient {}{\nabla} \ProvideDocumentCommand \grad {}{\nabla} \cs_if_free:NT \curl { \DeclareMathOperator \curl {curl} } \cs_if_free:NT \dive { \DeclareMathOperator \dive {div} } } % }}} % Gives this an equation a number in an amsmath starred environment. \ProvideDocumentCommand \numberthis { } % {{{ { \tag { \theequation } \refstepcounter { equation } } % }}} % Gives this equation a number and label in an amsmath starred environment. \ProvideDocumentCommand \labelthis { m } % {{{ { \numberthis \IfValueT { #1 } { \label { #1 } } } % }}} \bool_if:NT \g__mn_enumitem_bool { \RequirePackage{enumitem} } \bool_if:NT \g__mn_listings_bool { \RequirePackage{listings} } \bool_if:NT \g__mn_xcolor_bool % {{{ Load xcolor and define MN colors { \PassOptionsToPackage { rgb } { xcolor } \RequirePackage { xcolor } \providecolorset { HTML } % Prefix/postfix of all color names { } { } { \use_none:n ; MNthmtitle , 0F0066 ; MNthmbg , EBFEFF ; MNthmline , 4836B3 ; MNextitle , 692219 ; MNexbg , FFF0EB ; MNexline , CC7468 ; MNdefntitle , 00540B ; MNdefnline , 196924 ; MNdefnbg , EBFFED ; MNnotetitle , 6B0019 ; MNnoteline , CC3F60 ; MNnotebg , FFF5F7 ; MNsecnum , 8015A1 ; MNlink , 113DB8 } } % }}} \bool_if:NT \g__mn_listings_bool % {{{ Better default styles { \RequirePackage { xcolor } \lstset { % Use a monospace font for code listings. basicstyle = \ttfamily , language = Mathematica , % Tab size of 4, but you should probably use spaces. tabsize = 4 , % Keywords in blue. keywordstyle = \bfseries\ttfamily\color[rgb]{0,.3,.7} , % Comments in green. commentstyle = \color[rgb]{0.133,0.545,0.133} , % Strings in orange. stringstyle = \color[rgb]{0.75,0.49,0.07} , % The default listings characters are too widely-spaced. % 0.55em/character makes things look a lot better. basewidth = 0.55em , % Wrap lines if they're too long, and wrap at whitespace. breaklines , breakatwhitespace = true , } } % }}} % Creates an acronym-command. % \newacronym[<\command>]{<text>} defines \command to be \textsc{text}. % \newacronym{<text>} defines \text to be \textsc{text}. \ProvideDocumentCommand \newacronym { o m } % {{{ { \group_begin: % If we have #1, then #1 is the cs we're going to define; #1 is a cs. % Otherwise, we define \#2. \IfValueTF { #1 } { \cs_set:Npn \mn__acronym_cs: { \cs_to_str:N #1 } } { \cs_set:Npn \mn__acronym_cs: { #2 } } % Ensure that the cs is undefined. \cs_if_exist:cT { \mn__acronym_cs: } { \msg_error:nnxx { mathnotes } { acronym already defined } { \exp_not:c { \mn__acronym_cs: } } { #2 } } % Finally, define the acronym command. \cs_new:cpn { \mn__acronym_cs: } { \textsc { #2 } } \group_end: } % }}} % \newacronyms takes a comma-separated list as its argument and defines them % all as acronyms. \ProvideDocumentCommand \newacronyms { m } { \clist_map_function:nN { #1 } \newacronym } % {{{ Package configuration string values; \mathnotes command \keys_define:nn { mn__main } { date .value_required:n = true , date .code:n = \date{#1} , author .value_required:n = true , author .code:n = \author{#1} , title .value_required:n = true , title .code:n = \title{#1} , generate~thanks .value_required:n = false , generate~thanks .bool_set:N = \g__mn_should_make_thanks , generate~thanks .default:n = true , generate~thanks .initial:n = true , } \cs_set:Npn \mn__key_new:n #1 { \keys_define:nn { mn__main } { #1 .value_required:n = true , #1 .tl_gset:c = g__mn_#1_tl , #1 .initial:x = , } } \cs_set:Npn \mn__keys_new:n #1 { \clist_map_function:nN { #1 } \mn__key_new:n } \mn__keys_new:n { instructor, course, name, email, institution, semester, } \NewDocumentCommand \mathnotes { m } { \keys_set:nn { mn__main } { #1 } } % }}} \bool_if:NT \g__mn_maketitle_bool % {{{ \author, \title, \maketitle, \thanks, etc. { \bool_new:N \g__mn_author_set \cs_set:Npn \author #1 { \bool_gset_true:N \g__mn_author_set \cs_gset:Npn \@author { #1 } } \bool_new:N \g__mn_title_set \cs_set:Npn \title #1 { \bool_gset_true:N \g__mn_title_set \cs_gset:Npn \@title { #1 } } \prg_new_conditional:Npnn \mn__if_should_make_thanks: % {{{ { T, } { \bool_if:NTF \g__mn_should_make_thanks { \bool_lazy_all:nTF { { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_email_tl } { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_course_tl } { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_instructor_tl } { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_institution_tl } { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_semester_tl } } { \prg_return_false: } { \prg_return_true: } } { \prg_return_false: } } % }}} \cs_set:Npn \mn__make_thanks_text % {{{ { \tl_if_empty:NF \g__mn_email_tl { \email { \tl_use:N { \g__mn_email_tl } } \bool_lazy_all:nF { { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_course_tl } { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_instructor_tl } { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_institution_tl } { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_semester_tl } } { ;~ } } \tl_if_empty:NF \g__mn_course_tl { \tl_use:N \g__mn_course_tl \bool_lazy_all:nF { { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_instructor_tl } { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_institution_tl } { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_semester_tl } } { ~ } } \tl_if_empty:NF \g__mn_instructor_tl { \bool_lazy_all:nTF { { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_email_tl } { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_course_tl } } { Taught~by~ } { taught~by~ } \tl_use:N \g__mn_instructor_tl } \tl_if_empty:NF \g__mn_institution_tl { \bool_lazy_all:nTF { { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_email_tl } { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_course_tl } { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_instructor_tl } } { At~ } { ~at~ } \tl_use:N \g__mn_institution_tl } \tl_if_empty:NF \g__mn_semester_tl { \bool_lazy_all:nF { { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_email_tl } { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_course_tl } { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_instructor_tl } { \tl_if_empty_p:N \g__mn_institution_tl } } { ,~ } \tl_use:N \g__mn_semester_tl } . } % }}} \cs_set:Npn \@author % {{{ { % If the author hasn't been set, we provide this (complicated, PITA) % default; however, if we don't have any information to put in it, we % still give a warning. \tl_if_eq:NNTF \g__mn_name_tl \c_novalue_tl { \msg_warning:nn { mathnotes } { no name } } { \tl_use:N \g__mn_name_tl % Do we have any information to put in a \thanks? \mn__if_should_make_thanks:T { \thanks { \mn__make_thanks_text } } } } % }}} % {{{ \@maketitle and \maketitle \skip_const:Nn \g__mn_maketitle_after_title { 1em } \skip_const:Nn \g__mn_maketitle_after_author { 0.5em } \skip_const:Nn \g__mn_maketitle_after { 1.5em } \RenewDocumentCommand \@maketitle {} { \begin{center} \let \footnote \thanks % Set the title, if it exists. \bool_if:NT \g__mn_title_set { \group_begin: \HUGE \bfseries \@title \par \group_end: } \skip_vertical:N \g__mn_maketitle_after_title % Set the author. \group_begin: \LARGE \lineskip 0.5em \begin{tabular}[t]{c} \@author \end{tabular} \par \group_end: \skip_vertical:N \g__mn_maketitle_after_author % Set the date. \large \@date \end{center} \par \skip_vertical:N \g__mn_maketitle_after } \RenewDocumentCommand \maketitle {} { \par \group_begin: \cs_set:Npn \thefootnote { \@fnsymbol \c@footnote } \cs_set:Npn \@makefnmark { \rlap { \@textsuperscript { \normalfont \@thefnmark } } } \cs_set:Npn \@makefntext ##1 { \parindent 1em \noindent \hbox_to_wd:nn { 1.8em } { \hss \@textsuperscript { \normalfont \@thefnmark } } ##1 } \legacy_if:nTF { @twocolumn } { \if_int_compare:w \col@number = \@ne \@maketitle \else: \twocolumn [ \@maketitle ] \fi: } { \newpage \global\@topnum\z@ \@maketitle } \thispagestyle{empty} \@thanks \group_end: \setcounter{footnote}{0} \cs_set:Npn \thanks ##1 { } % NOTE: we don't erase the definitions of \@title, etc. } % }}} \@maketitle and \maketitle } % }}} \bool_if:NT \g__mn_kindle_bool % {{{ { \keys_set:nn { mn__main } { generate~thanks = false , } \skip_gset:Nn \g__mn_maketitle_after_title { 0em } \skip_gset:Nn \g__mn_maketitle_after_author { 0em } \skip_gset:Nn \g__mn_maketitle_after { 0em } \@ifclassloaded { memoir } { \pagestyle { empty } \setstocksize{12.2cm}{9cm} \settrimmedsize{12.2cm}{9cm}{*} \settypeblocksize{12.2cm}{9cm}{*} \setlrmargins{0cm}{*}{*} \setulmargins{0cm}{*}{*} \setlength{\headheight}{0cm} \setlength{\headsep}{0cm} \setlength{\footskip}{0cm} \checkandfixthelayout } { \msg_error:nnx { mathnotes } { requires memoir class } { kindle } } } % }}} % e.g. `\exp:w \mn__color:n { MNnotetitle }` \cs_set:Npn \mn__color:n #1 % {{{ { \bool_if:NTF \g__mn_xcolor_bool { \exp_end: \color{#1} } { \exp_end: } } % }}} \bool_if:NT \g__mn_theorems_bool % {{{ mdtheorem setup { \RequirePackage[thmmarks, amsmath, amsthm]{ntheorem} \RequirePackage{mdframed} \mdfdefinestyle { theorem } { linewidth = 1.5pt , } \bool_if:NT \g__mn_xcolor_bool { \mdfapptodefinestyle { theorem } { frametitlefont = \normalfont\bfseries\color{MNthmtitle} , linecolor = MNthmline , backgroundcolor = MNthmbg , } } \mdfdefinestyle { minor-theorem } { style = theorem , linewidth = 0.75pt , } \mdfdefinestyle { example } { theoremtitlefont = \normalfont , } \bool_if:NT \g__mn_xcolor_bool { \mdfapptodefinestyle { example } { frametitlefont = \normalfont\bfseries\color{MNextitle} , linecolor = MNexline , backgroundcolor = MNexbg , } } \mdfdefinestyle { definition } { } \bool_if:NT \g__mn_xcolor_bool { \mdfapptodefinestyle { definition } { frametitlefont = \normalfont\bfseries\color{MNdefntitle} , linecolor = MNdefnline , backgroundcolor = MNdefnbg , } } \mdfdefinestyle { note } { topline = false , rightline = false , bottomline = false , linewidth = 2pt , } \bool_if:NT \g__mn_xcolor_bool { \mdfapptodefinestyle { note } { frametitlefont = \normalfont\bfseries\color{MNnotetitle} , linecolor = MNnoteline , backgroundcolor = MNnotebg , } } \mdfdefinestyle { example } { theoremtitlefont = \normalfont , } \bool_if:NT \g__mn_xcolor_bool { \mdfapptodefinestyle { example } { frametitlefont = \normalfont\bfseries\color{MNextitle} , linecolor = MNexline , backgroundcolor = MNexbg , } } \mdtheorem [ style = theorem ] { thm } { Theorem } % \newtheorem{shortthm}[thm]{Theorem} \mdtheorem [ style = minor-theorem ] { lem } { Lemma } \mdtheorem [ style = minor-theorem ] { cor } { Corollary } \mdtheorem [ style = minor-theorem ] { prop } { Proposition } % \theoremstyle{definition} \mdtheorem [ style = definition ] { defn } { Definition } \mdtheorem [ style = definition ] { notation } { Notation } % \theoremstyle{remark} \mdtheorem [ style = example ] { ex } { Example } \skip_new:N \mn__note_title_after_skip \skip_set:Nn \mn__note_title_after_skip { 1em plus 0.25em minus 0.75em } \cs_set:Npn \mn__note_title:n #1 { \textbf { \exp:w \mn__color:n { MNnotetitle } #1 } \skip_horizontal:N \mn__note_title_after_skip } \newmdenv [ style = note , startinnercode = \mn__note_title:n { Note: } , ] { note } \newmdenv [ style = note , startinnercode = \mn__note_title:n { Remark: } , ] { remark } \newmdenv [ style = note , startinnercode = \mn__note_title:n { Hint: } , ] { hint } \newmdenv [ style = note , startinnercode = \mn__note_title:n { Abuse of notation: } , ] { abuse-of-notation } % % reset for future defn.s % \theoremstyle{plain} } % }}} \NewDocumentCommand \TODO { o } % {{{ { \framebox { \textbf{ TODO \IfValueT { #1 } { :~} } \IfValueT { #1 } { #1 } } } % }}} % \bool_if:NT \g__mn_titles_bool % {{{ % { % \RequirePackage{titlesec} % % \titleformat { \command } [ shape ] { format } { label } { sep } { before-code } [ after-code ] % % before-code can be a command % \titleformat { \chapter } % [ block ] % { \bfseries \HUGE } % { { \exp:w \mn__color:n {MNsecnum} \thechapter} } % { 20pt } % { } % [ ] % \titleformat { \section } % [ hang ] % { \bfseries \LARGE } % { { \exp:w \mn__color:n {MNsecnum} \thesection} } % { 16pt } % { } % [ ] % \titleformat { \subsection } % [ hang ] % { \bfseries \Large } % { { \exp:w \mn__color:n {MNsecnum} \thesubsection} } % { 16pt } % { } % [ ] % % \titlespacing* { \command } { left } { before } { after } [ right ] % \titlespacing* { \chapter } { 0em } { 0em } { 2em } [ 0em ] % \titlespacing* { \section } { 0em } { 2em } { 0.5em } [ 0em ] % \titlespacing* { \subsection } { 0em } { 1em } { 0em } [ 0em ] % \titlespacing* { \subsubsection } { 0em } { 1em } { 0em } [ 0em ] % } % }}} \bool_if:NT \g__mn_xcolor_bool % {{{ { \RequirePackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} \hypersetup { colorlinks = true , allcolors = MNlink , } } % }}} \bool_if:NT \g__mn_index_bool { \bool_set_true:N \g__mn_knowledge_bool } \bool_if:NTF \g__mn_knowledge_bool % {{{ { \bool_if:NT \g__mn_xcolor_bool { \PassOptionsToPackage{xcolor}{knowledge} \providecolorset { HTML } % Prefix/postfix of all color names { } { } { \use_none:n ; MNunknown , DE0B0F ; MNunknowncont , AD483E ; MNintro , 051338 } } \RequirePackage[quotation, notion, makeidx]{knowledge} % Disable the redefined \label command; this fixes some documents. \KnowledgeConfigureBooleanOption[\knowledge_configuration_label_autoscope_bool]{patch~label} % {{{ Patch in the automatic-AP feature \bool_new:N \g__mn_noAP_bool \NewDocumentCommand \noAP { } { \bool_gset_true:N \g__mn_noAP_bool } \cs_set:Npn \mn__maybe_AP:N #1 { \bool_if:NTF \g__mn_noAP_bool { \bool_gset_false:N \g__mn_noAP_bool } { #1 } } \RequirePackage{etoolbox} \pretocmd { \intro } { \mn__maybe_AP:N \AP } { } { } \bool_new:N \l__mn_using_itemAP \cs_set:Npn \mn__use_itemAP: { \bool_if:NF \l__mn_using_itemAP { \let \mn__item_orig: \item \bool_set_true:N \l__mn_using_itemAP \RenewDocumentCommand \item { o } { \IfNoValueTF { ##1 } { \mn__item_orig: \mn__maybe_AP:N \AP } { \mn__item_orig: [ \mn__maybe_AP:N \knowledge_itemAP: % NOTE: this isn't expandable, which fucks up % everything. \cs_set_eq:NN \AP \prg_do_nothing: ##1 ] } } } } \apptocmd { \enumerate } { \mn__use_itemAP: } { } { } \apptocmd { \itemize } { \mn__use_itemAP: } { } { } \apptocmd { \description } { \mn__use_itemAP: } { } { } % }}} % {{{ Make some better styles. \knowledgeconfigure { visible~anchor~points = false } \cs_set:Npn \mn__knowledgestyles:nn #1#2 { \clist_map_inline:nn { #1 } { \knowledgestyle* { ##1 } { #2 } } } % List of default styles % notion, intro notion % intro, intro unknown, intro unknown cont % kl unknown, kl unknown cont \bool_if:NTF \g__mn_xcolor_bool { \mn__knowledgestyles:nn { notion , intro~notion } { color = MNlink , } \mn__knowledgestyles:nn { intro , intro~notion , intro~unknown, intro~unknown~cont , } { boldface , color = MNintro , } \mn__knowledgestyles:nn { intro~unknown , intro~unknown~cont , kl~unknown , kl~unknown~cont , } { underline = false , color = MNunknown , } \mn__knowledgestyles:nn { intro~unknown~cont , kl~unknown~cont , } { color = MNunknowncont , } } { % These blank definitions are important for erasing some very poorly % typeset decisions. \mn__knowledgestyles:nn { notion , intro~notion } { } \mn__knowledgestyles:nn { intro , intro~notion , intro~unknown, intro~unknown~cont , } { boldface , } \mn__knowledgestyles:nn { intro~unknown , intro~unknown~cont , kl~unknown , kl~unknown~cont , } { } \mn__knowledgestyles:nn { intro~unknown~cont , kl~unknown~cont , } { } } % }}} } { % If we don't load the knowledge package, provide a *similar* interface % to make writing commands that *optionally* use the knowledge interface % easier. \ProvideDocumentCommand \itemAP { O{} } { \item[#1] } \ProvideDocumentCommand \AP { } { } \ProvideDocumentCommand \phantomintro { d() m } { } \ProvideDocumentCommand \nointro { m } { } \ProvideDocumentCommand \reintro { s o m } { #3 } \ProvideDocumentCommand \intro { d() o d() m } { #4 } \ProvideDocumentCommand \kl { d() o d() m } { #4 } } % }}} \bool_if:NT \g__mn_index_bool { \makeindex } % The \emailstyle command gives the style of an email; by default, we % initialize it to \texttt. \ProvideDocumentCommand \emailstyle { m } { \texttt{#1} } % The \email command typesets an email; if the user has loaded the % hyperref package, we can add a link as well. \mn__if_package_loaded:nTF { hyperref } % {{{ { \ProvideDocumentCommand \email { m } { \href{mailto:#1}{\emailstyle{#1}} } } { \ProvideDocumentCommand \email { m } { \emailstyle{#1} } } % }}} \bool_if:NT \g__mn_tabu_bool % {{{ { \RequirePackage{multirow} \RequirePackage{booktabs} \RequirePackage{longtable} \RequirePackage{tabu} \ProvideExpandableDocumentCommand \Th { O{l} m } { \multicolumn { 1 } % For 1 column... { #1 } % ...with column-spec #1... { \textbf{#2} } % Typeset #2 in bold. } } % }}} \bool_if:NT \g__mn_figures_bool % {{{ { % figure captions \RequirePackage{graphicx} \RequirePackage{caption} \captionsetup { format = hang, font = { sf, footnotesize }, margin = 1in } } % }}} % {{{ Footnotes \bool_if:NT \g__mn_footnotes_bool { \PassOptionsToPackage{bottom, hang}{footmisc} \RequirePackage{footmisc} } \setlength { \footnotesep } { \baselineskip } % }}} % Document style. \setlength { \parindent } { 0em } \setlength { \parskip } { 1em } % {{{ Set \parskip=0 around \tableofcontents \RequirePackage{etoolbox} \pretocmd { \tableofcontents } { \group_begin: \setlength{\parskip}{0pt} } { } { } \apptocmd { \tableofcontents } { \group_end: } { } { } % }}} % This has to be hooked so that it doesn't break the other bools undefined % with it first. \AtEndOfPackage { \cs_undefine:N \mn__legacy_bool_undefine:n }