%% This is file `renditions.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% renditions.dtx  (with options: `copyright,package')
%% Renditions.sty package,            2010-1-29         %%
%% Copyright (C) 1999-2002  D. P. Story                 %%
%%   dpstory@uakron.edu                                 %%
%%                                                      %%
%% This program can redistributed and/or modified under %%
%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License        %%
%% Distributed from CTAN archives in directory          %%
%% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the  %%
%% License, or (at your option) any later version.      %%
%% History: Noel Vaillant began developing a better renditions.sty
%%   based on my earlier published renditions.sty. Many thanks
%%   to him for starting me off.
 [2010/01/29 v0.1 rendition: Package for creating multiple renditions from the same source (dps)]
    \expandafter\let\csname Afterver\the\@tempcntb Comment\endcsname\relax
        \advance\@tempcnta-1 \divide\@tempcnta\ren@numberOf
        \typeout{Modular arithmetic applied: ren=\thisrendition}%
%% End of file `renditions.sty'.