Distribution: rmannot
Author: D. P. Story
Dated: 2021-04-21

The rmannot package is part of the AeB Pro family of packages. The package 
creates rich media annotations, in which MOV, MP4, M4V, 3GP, 3G2, and MP3 
files can be played. Rich media annotations is a version 9 feature of 
Acrobat/Adobe Reader. Acrobat Pro and Distiller version 9.0 or later are 
required to build a document, Adobe Reader 9.0 or later is needed to activate 
the annotation and play the media. 

What's New (2021-04-21) A rmannot document can now be compiled and built 
using non-Distiller workflows; however, the document is non-functional. A 
frame box replaces any Rich Media annotation; the frame box contains the 
caption "Distiller required". This enables document authors to use their 
favorite workflow for building and prefiewing a PDF; an Acrobat/Distiller 
workflow is still needed to producing annotations that play media files. 

What's New (2020-08-21) This is the update to the rmannot package in response 
to the EOL of Flash player. The package now supports alternate media file 
types. The richness of rich media annotations is gone; there is no longer any 
control of the media using Acrobat JavaScript API. The package is still quite 
functional in this age of "plain" media annotations. The updated package 
features revised documentation, a few new features, and new demo files.

Let me know if there are problems or suggested features.  e-mail
me at dpstory@uakron.edu or dpstory@acrotex.net

Additional examples appear at the AcroTeX blog site
http://www.acrotex.net/blog/; in particular see, 
http://www.acrotex.net/blog/?tag=rmannot-package and

D. P. Story
dpstory at uakron dot edu
dpstory at acrotex dot net