rpg_module: A Role-Playing Game Module document class for LaTeX

Version 1.0 2016/04/25

Includes basic_stats.sty, a package to typeset monster stat blocks from the
1981 Basic/Expert version of Dungeons and Dragons (Moldvay/Cook/Marsh)

Copyright 2016 Michael C. Davis

This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX
Project Public License version 1.3 or later. The Basic Stats style contains
material which is licensed under the Open Gaming License version 1.0A.

The rpg_module class is inspired by the old-school Dungeons and Dragons modules
of the 1980s and attempts to recapture the look and feel of those classic
adventures. In the examples directory, you will find several pages from D&D
modules from 1981 which have been typeset with this class and which you can
compare to the original documents.

This package also includes the Basic Stats style, which contains stat blocks
for every monster from the Moldvay/Cook/Marsh Basic/Expert version of the
game. A future version of this class will include monster stats for Advanced
Dungeons & Dragons/OSRIC.

Usage: \documentclass[options]{rpg-module}

See rpg_module.pdf for detailed documentation and a worked example. See
the examples directory for further examples.

The author can be contacted at Dragonsfoot, user: slithy


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