%%% Macros to typeset Rhetorical Structures (RSTs).
%%% Written by David Reitter (reitter at mle.media.mit.edu)
%%% All rights reserved. Usage is free, put please cite or point to the manual.
%%% Copyright 2003 David Reitter
%%% New versions to be found here: http://www.reitter-it-media.de/compling/

%%% This package provides the commands \dirrel, \multinuc, \rstsegment
%%% and the environment rhetoricaltext with the associated commands \unit, \source and \relr.
%%% Please refer to rst.pdf for instructions.

%%% revised 11-06: horizontal spacing issues (at least) improved so that relation names 
%%%                        can be drawn correctly. Still does not work well in some multi-satellite
%%%                        configurations.
%%% revised 01-15: rhetoricaltext environment uses better label / reference mechanism now
%%%                        so TeX won't run out of memory when working with large documents and
%%%                        many rhetoricaltexts. You always need to compile twice to get the refs right!
%%% revised 02-12: rhetoricaltext environment does not use \lineheight any more. Margins
%%%                        before and after rhetoricaltexts may change.
%%% revised 02-17: provide \rl command to format a relation name (capitalized)
%%%                        All relation names in diagrams are capitalized now

\ProvidesPackage {rst}
    [2003/02/17 typeset rhetorical structures v. 1.3]


\setlength{\compressionWidth}{0pt}  % set to any length>0 to compress trees horizontally

\setlength{\terminalWidth}{100pt}  % set to any length>0 to compress trees horizontally

\newlength{\rstmargin}          % left and right margin
\newlength{\rstmiddleskip}          % margin between spans


%empty the following two if you wish NOT to use the color package
\newcommand{\relnamebgcolor}{}%       background color. 
\newcommand{\relnamecolor}{red}%     relation name color

%uncomment the following two if you wish NOT to use the color package
\newcommand{\mycolorbox}{}  % uncommented so that \raisebox may be used


%%% no change beyond this point.

\providecommand {\rl}[1]{\textsc{\expandafter\MakeUppercase#1}}

% internal stuff 





%\newlength{\drwdrstrealwidth}% temp (local)
%\newlength{\rstrealwidth}% global (as return var)
%\newlength{\rstleftoffset}% global (as return var)
%\newlength{\rstrightoffset}% global (as return var)
%\gdef\rstrealwidth{}\gdef\rstleftoffset{}\gdef\rstleftoffset{}% all global


\begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% spacing

%% This package ...

\let\rstvarfont=\it%          Font for variables
\let\rstcondfont=\rm%         Font for conditions -- no spaces in here!!
\let\rstseparator=\hline%     Separator between variables and conditions

\newcommand{\relnamefont} [1] {\mycolor\relnamecolor\small\rl{#1}}

\newcount\@rstlevel \@rstlevel=0

\newlength{\myVSpace}% the height of the box
\setlength{\myVSpace}{1ex}% the default, 
\newcommand\xstrut{\raisebox{-1\myVSpace}% symmetric behaviour, 

% calc middle position
\setlength{#1}{.5 #1}


\newcommand{\ifemptyd}[1]{\settowidth{\drwdemptycheck}{#1}\ifnum\drwdemptycheck<1}% this is stupid, but other variants did not work
\newcommand{\ifemptydd}[3]{\settowidth{\drwdemptycheck}{#1}\ifnum\drwdemptycheck<1#2\else#3\fi}% this is stupid, but other variants did not work

%for compatibility reasons (old aux files)

% called from .aux file
% local versions
\def\tmakedef#1#2{\expandafter\xdef\csname #1\endcsname{#2}}%
%\@ifundefined{uu#1}{}{\typeout{rst-package error: you defined the #1 label for a rst unit twice.}}%

\def\tcallup#1{\csname #1\endcsname}

%\newcommand{\refr}[1]{\@ifundefined{\expandafter\csname\@rsttt #1\endcsname}{??}{\csname\@rsttt#1\endcsname\csname\@rstuu#1\endcsname}}%
\newcommand{\source}[1]{ {\hfill\small(#1)}}

{\ifemptydd{\@relOne}%\else% if 1 is the nuc
{% to 1st right
\settowidth{\drwdtemp}{\relnamefont{\ \@relTwo\ }}%
\setlength{\drwdtemp}{1.0\drwdtemp}% space that we need
\setlength{\drwdtempx}{0.5\drwdone}%half of nuc
\addtolength{\drwdtempx}{0.8\drwdtwo}%most of right
% to 2. right
\settowidth{\drwdtemp}{\relnamefont{\ \@relThree\ }}%
\setlength{\drwdtemp}{1.0\drwdtemp}% space that we need
\setlength{\drwdtempx}{0.5\drwdone}%half of nuc
\addtolength{\drwdtempx}{0.8\drwdthree}%most of right
% to 3. right
\settowidth{\drwdtemp}{\relnamefont{\ \@relFour\ }}%
\setlength{\drwdtemp}{1.0\drwdtemp}% space that we need
\setlength{\drwdtempx}{0.5\drwdone}%half of nuc
\addtolength{\drwdtempx}{0.8\drwdfour}%most of right
% to 4. right
\settowidth{\drwdtemp}{\relnamefont{\ \@relFive\ }}%
\setlength{\drwdtemp}{1.0\drwdtemp}% space that we need
\setlength{\drwdtempx}{0.5\drwdone}%half of nuc
\addtolength{\drwdtempx}{\drwdthree}%most of right
\addtolength{\drwdtempx}{0.8\drwdfive}%most of right
\ifnum\drwdtwo>0\ifemptydd{\@relTwo}%\else% if 2 is the nuc
{% to 1st left
\settowidth{\drwdtemp}{\relnamefont{\ \@relOne\ }}%
\setlength{\drwdtemp}{1.0\drwdtemp}% space that we need
\setlength{\drwdtempx}{0.8\drwdone}%most of left
\addtolength{\drwdtempx}{0.5\drwdtwo}%half of nuc
% to 1st right
\settowidth{\drwdtemp}{\relnamefont{\ \@relThree\ }}%
\setlength{\drwdtemp}{1.0\drwdtemp}% space that we need
\setlength{\drwdtempx}{0.5\drwdtwo}%half of nuc
\addtolength{\drwdtempx}{0.8\drwdthree}%most of right
% to 2nd right
\settowidth{\drwdtemp}{\relnamefont{\ \@relFour\ }}%
\setlength{\drwdtemp}{1.0\drwdtemp}% space that we need
\setlength{\drwdtempx}{0.5\drwdtwo}%half of nuc
\addtolength{\drwdtempx}{0.8\drwdfour}%most of right
% to 4th right
\settowidth{\drwdtemp}{\relnamefont{\ \@relFive\ }}%
\setlength{\drwdtemp}{1.0\drwdtemp}% space that we need
\setlength{\drwdtempx}{0.5\drwdtwo}%half of nuc
\addtolength{\drwdtempx}{\drwdthree}%most of right
\addtolength{\drwdtempx}{0.8\drwdfive}%most of right
\ifnum\drwdthree>0\ifemptydd{\@relThree}%\else% if 3 is the nuc
{% to 1st left
\settowidth{\drwdtemp}{\relnamefont{\ \@relTwo\ }}%
\setlength{\drwdtemp}{1.0\drwdtemp}% space that we need
\setlength{\drwdtempx}{0.8\drwdtwo}%most of left
\addtolength{\drwdtempx}{0.5\drwdthree}%half of nuc
% to 2nd left
\settowidth{\drwdtemp}{\relnamefont{\ \@relOne\ }}%
\setlength{\drwdtemp}{\drwdtemp}% space that we need
\setlength{\drwdtempx}{0.8\drwdone}%most of left
\addtolength{\drwdtempx}{0.5\drwdthree}%half of nuc
% to 1st right
\settowidth{\drwdtemp}{\relnamefont{\ \@relFour\ }}%
\setlength{\drwdtemp}{1.0\drwdtemp}% space that we need
\setlength{\drwdtempx}{0.5\drwdthree}%half of nuc
\addtolength{\drwdtempx}{0.8\drwdfour}%most of right
% to 2nd right
\settowidth{\drwdtemp}{\relnamefont{\ \@relFive\ }}%
\setlength{\drwdtemp}{1.0\drwdtemp}% space that we need
\setlength{\drwdtempx}{0.5\drwdthree}%half of nuc
\addtolength{\drwdtempx}{0.8\drwdfive}%most of right
\ifnum\drwdfour>0\ifemptydd{\@relFour}%\else% if 4 is the nuc
{% to 1st left
\settowidth{\drwdtemp}{\relnamefont{\ \@relTwo\ }}%
\setlength{\drwdtemp}{1.0\drwdtemp}% space that we need
\setlength{\drwdtempx}{0.8\drwdthree}%most of left
\addtolength{\drwdtempx}{0.5\drwdfour}%half of nuc
% to 2nd left
\settowidth{\drwdtemp}{\relnamefont{\ \@relOne\ }}%
\setlength{\drwdtemp}{1.0\drwdtemp}% space that we need
\setlength{\drwdtempx}{0.8\drwdtwo}%most of left
\addtolength{\drwdtempx}{0.5\drwdfour}%half of nuc
% to 3rd left
\settowidth{\drwdtemp}{\relnamefont{\ \@relOne\ }}%
\setlength{\drwdtemp}{1.0\drwdtemp}% space that we need
\setlength{\drwdtempx}{0.8\drwdone}%most of left
\addtolength{\drwdtempx}{0.5\drwdfour}%half of nuc
% to 1st right
\settowidth{\drwdtemp}{\relnamefont{\ \@relFive\ }}%
\setlength{\drwdtemp}{1.0\drwdtemp}% space that we need
\addtolength{\drwdtempx}{0.5\drwdfour}%half of nuc
\addtolength{\drwdtempx}{0.8\drwdfive}%most of right

\savebox{\rstboxone}[\drwdone]{\@optOne}% returns rstrealwidth -- we just need left and right borders
\savebox{\rstboxfive}[\drwdfive]{\@optFive}% one of these returns the right border (others are empty)

%\setlength{\rstrealwidth}{\drwdrstrealwidth}% this to be returned to calling macro


\@ifnextchar\bgroup{\dirrelb{#1}}{\typeout{dirrel: syntax error. needs at least 3 \{ \} arguments (relname, nucleus-idx, segment+)}\relax}}
\@ifnextchar\bgroup{\dirrelc{#1}{#2}}{\typeout{dirrel: syntax error. needs at least 3 \{ \} arguments (relname, nucleus-idx, segment+)}\relax}}

% syntax: \dirrel{relname}{nucleus-number}{arg1}...{arg5}

\advance\@rstlevel by 1%
\def\arraystretch{0}% undefined by default: value for \arraystretch
\fboxsep0pt%    no space
\fboxrule0pt%    no space
%%%%% calc graph width %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%\setlength{\drwdmiddle}{\rstmiddleskip}% middle space
\setlength{\drwdmiddleOne}{\rstmiddleskip}% middle space
\setlength{\drwdmiddleTwo}{\rstmiddleskip}% middle space
\setlength{\drwdmiddleThree}{\rstmiddleskip}% middle space
\setlength{\drwdmiddleFour}{\rstmiddleskip}% middle space
%%%%% calc bezier positions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\addtolength{\drwdbezA}{.1666\drwdone}% a single branch should go straight down
\addtolength{\drwdbezB}{.1666\drwdtwo}% the rightmost branch goes further to the right
\addtolength{\drwdbezC}{.1666\drwdthree}% the rightmost branch goes further to the right
\addtolength{\drwdbezD}{.1666\drwdfour}% the rightmost branch goes further to the right
%set nucleus position
\ifnum\drwdbezleft=0\typeout{dirrel: where's my nucleus?? One of the relation parameters should be empty}\fi%
%%%%% calc graph height %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\setlength{\drwdtemp}{2.5\drwdtemp}%  1/(0.4) = 2.5
%%%%% calc text height %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%% calc total height %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% vertical space
\begin{picture}(0,1)(0,0)% spacing
\setlength{\unitlength}{\drwdgraph}%  middle
% draw vertical line; bezleft contains nucleus position
% draw relation name %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% attention: these picture environments must overlap 100%. no spaces inbetween in source code allowed! 
%%%%%% spacing %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\setlength{\unitlength}{\drwdone}%    left
\begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% spacing
\setlength{\unitlength}{\drwdmiddleOne}%  middle
\settoheight{\unitlength}{\usebox{\rstboxtwo}}% text
\setlength{\unitlength}{\drwdtwo}%    spacing
\setlength{\unitlength}{\drwdmiddleTwo}%  middle
\settoheight{\unitlength}{\usebox{\rstboxthree}}% text
\setlength{\unitlength}{\drwdthree}%    spacing
\setlength{\unitlength}{\drwdmiddleThree}%  middle
\settoheight{\unitlength}{\usebox{\rstboxfour}}% text
\setlength{\unitlength}{\drwdfour}%    spacing
\setlength{\unitlength}{\drwdmiddleFour}%  middle
\settoheight{\unitlength}{\usebox{\rstboxfive}}% text
\setlength{\unitlength}{\drwdfive}%    spacing
}                        % close \dirrel

%########## MULTINUC relations ########################################################################




% ( #1-#2-#3-#4-#5 )

\advance\@rstlevel by 1%
\def\arraystretch{0}% undefined by default: value for \arraystretch
\fboxsep0pt%    no space
\fboxrule0pt%    no space
%%%%% calc graph width %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\setlength{\drwdmiddle}{\rstmiddleskip}% middle space
%%%%% calc bezier positions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%\setlength{\drwdbezA}{.5\drwdgraph}% uncomment this for nicer (straight) lines in the middle - layout may break! 
\addtolength{\drwdbezC}{.1666\drwdbezleft}% a single branch should go straight down    %%%%%%%%%%%%%% was \drwdleft ???
\addtolength{\drwdbezA}{.1666\drwdtwo}% the rightmost branch goes further to the right
\addtolength{\drwdbezB}{.1666\drwdthree}% the rightmost branch goes further to the right
\addtolength{\drwdbezC}{.1666\drwdfour}% the rightmost branch goes further to the right
%%%%% calc graph height %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%% calc text height %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%% calc total height %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\begin{picture}(0,1)(0,0)% spacing
% a \vspace at this point would lead to a line break...
\setlength{\unitlength}{\drwdgraph}%  middle
%%%%%%%% spacer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% draw relation name %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% attention: these picture environments must overlap 100%. no spaces inbetween in source code allowed!
% we need to center the relation name...
%%%%%% text and horizontal lines %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\setlength{\unitlength}{\drwdone}%    left
\begin{picture}(1,0)(0,0)% spacing
\settoheight{\unitlength}{\usebox{\rstboxtwo}}% text
\setlength{\unitlength}{\drwdtwo}%    spacing
\settoheight{\unitlength}{\usebox{\rstboxthree}}% text
\setlength{\unitlength}{\drwdthree}%    spacing
\settoheight{\unitlength}{\usebox{\rstboxfour}}% text
\setlength{\unitlength}{\drwdfour}%    spacing
\settoheight{\unitlength}{\usebox{\rstboxfive}}% text
\setlength{\unitlength}{\drwdfive}%    spacing
%\setlength{\unitlength}{\drhetext}%    spacing
%}% frame
}% font
% add margins to global width variable (needed for positioning if \compressionWidth works!)
}                        % close \dirrel



\dimen0=2\fboxrule\advance\dimen0 2\fboxsep%
\dimen1=#2\advance\dimen1 -\dimen0%
\dimen2=#3\advance\dimen2 -\dimen0%

\dimen0=0pt%2\fboxrule\advance\dimen0 2\fboxsep%
\dimen1=#2\advance\dimen1 -\dimen0%
\dimen2=#3\advance\dimen2 -\dimen0%

% naturalparbox
% Crude attempt at making parboxes of `natural' width.
% Author: Stephan Lehmke <Stephan.Lehmke@cs.uni-dortmund.de>
% Originally, this belongs to the TeXPower package: http://texpower.sourceforge.net/


%[2001/11/11 Attempt at making parboxes of `natural' width]


% User-configurable: Which `resolution' should be used when searching for `best' width?

% User-configurable: Which badness should be tolerated as `perfect' (stopping the search for a better one).

% Internal parameter: Badness of the parbox currently under consideration.


% \naturalparbox[<max width>][<max height>]{<contents>} will (try to)
% automatically calculate the `best' width of a \parbox to contain
% <contents> and then set <contents> into a \parbox of this width.
% The optional parameters <max width> (default \linewidth) and <max
% height> (default \textheight) limit the growth of the box. If not
% both can be respected, <max width> will be respected and <max
% height> violated.
% Owing to limitations set by TeX, there are certain limits to the
% sophistication of the procedure for finding the `optimal' width. For
% instance, any `whatsits' (specials (like color changes), file
% accesses (like \label), or hyper anchors) or rules which are
% inserted directly in the vertical list of the parbox `block' the
% analysis, so the procedure can't `see' past them (starting at the
% bottom of the box) when analysing the contents of the parbox. The
% user should make sure such items are set in horizontal mode (by
% using \leavevmode or enclosing stuff in boxes). Furthermore, only
% overfull and underfull hboxes which occur while setting the parbox
% are considered when judging which width is `best'. This will
% reliably make the width large enough to contain `wide' objects like
% tabulars or included graphics, but might not give optimal results
% for justified text.
% vboxes occurring directly in the parbox are ignored.
% Note further that hboxes with fixed width (made by \hbox to...)
% which occur directly in the vbox may disturb the procedure, because
% the fixed width cannot be recovered. These hboxes will be
% reformatted with the width of the vbox, generating an extremely
% large badness, unsettling the calculation of maximum badness. To
% avoid this such hboxes should be either contained in a vbox or set
% in horizontal mode with appropriate glue at the end.

% Calculate `best' width of a parbox. The current algorithm will set the textual contents into parboxes of increasing
% width, starting from 0pt and ending with the maximum width given, in \optwidthsteps steps. The `badness' of every
% parbox is measured. If it is below the threshold defined by \optwidthlinetolerance, the process is stopped and the
% found width accepted. If this doesn't happen, the width of the parbox with the least badness is returned.
  \setcounter{probe@NPB}{0}%                                    Initialize `probe counter' for box width.
  \let\best@cnt@NPB=\empty%                                     Initialize number of best `probe' so far.
  \def\bestbadness@NPB{1000000}%                                Initialize badness of best `probe'.
  \setboolean{carryon@NPB}{true}%                               Flag for breaking out of loop.
  \setlength{\maxheight@NPB}{#1}%                               Store maximal box height.
  {\value{probe@NPB}<\optwidthsteps\and\boolean{carryon@NPB}}%   Probes done or break of loop?
    \stepcounter{probe@NPB}%                                     Start next probe.
    \setbox\@tempboxa=\vbox%                                      The trick with vbox/lastbox is to get the vbox
    {%                                                           produced by \parbox `immediately' into a box register.
      \parbox[b]{(\maxwidth@NPB)/\optwidthsteps*\value{probe@NPB}}% Make the next parbox.
      \global\setbox\tempbox@NPB=\lastbox%                       ... and assign \tempbox@NPB to it.
    \setlength{\tempdima@NPB}{\ht\tempbox@NPB+\dp\tempbox@NPB}%  Measure total height.
    \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\tempdima@NPB>\maxheight@NPB}}%      If it exceeds the maximum height given, the box isn't
    {}%                                                          acceptable anyway.
      \calcmaxbadness@NPB{\maxbadness@NPB}{\tempbox@NPB}%      Calculate `worst badness' of any hbox appearing in parbox.
      \ifthenelse{\not\maxbadness@NPB>\optwidthlinetolerance}%   Below Threshold?
      {% Yes. Accept this width.
        \edef\best@cnt@NPB{\theprobe@NPB}%                       Store this probe number.
        \setboolean{carryon@NPB}{false}%                         Break loop.
      {% No. Carry on.
        \ifthenelse{\maxbadness@NPB<\bestbadness@NPB}%           Below lowest badness found so far?
        {% Yes. Store probe number.
          \edef\bestbadness@NPB{\number\maxbadness@NPB}%         Store badness value.
          \edef\best@cnt@NPB{\theprobe@NPB}%                     Store probe number.
        {}% No. Try next probe.
        }% matches second argument of \ifthenelse{\not\maxbadness@NPB>\optwidthlinetolerance}%
      }% matches second argument of \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\tempdima@NPB>\maxheight@NPB}}%
    }% matches \whiledo{\value{probe@NPB}<\optwidthsteps\and\boolean{carryon@NPB}}{%
  \ifx\best@cnt@NPB\empty%                                      Was _any_ badness below the initialization value found?
    \setlength{\optwidth@NPB}{\maxwidth@NPB}%                   No; return max width.
    \setlength{\optwidth@NPB}{(\maxwidth@NPB)/\optwidthsteps*\best@cnt@NPB}% Yes; return width of best probe.

% Calculate maximal badness of any hbox occurring in a vbox.
  \let\@resultcnt@NPB=#1%           Here we store the result.
  \global\@resultcnt@NPB=\z@\relax% Just in case no hbox occurs...
  \setlength{\@tempdima}{\wd#2}%    This is the width to which every hbox is stretched for finding its badness.
  \setbox\@tempboxa=\vbox%          A dummy vbox for recursively analysing the vbox contents using \lastbox
    \unvbox#2%                     `free' the contents of the vbox.
    \measureboxes@NPB%              Analyse `tail to head' using \lastbox.

% Recursively analyse vertical list using \lastbox, to find maximum badness of any contained hbox.
  \unskip\unpenalty\unkern%    This is a kluge for TeX, because there is no certain way of finding out whether there's a
  \unskip\unpenalty\unkern%    penalty, glue or kern on the vertical list. \lastpenalty will give its value, but a
  \unskip\unpenalty\unkern%    value of 0 might mean there was none or there was one of value 0.
  \unskip\unpenalty\unkern%    This is different in eTeX. I might make a switch to a smarter solution.
  \setbox\@tempboxa=\lastbox% Grab last box.
  \ifhbox\@tempboxa%          Was this an hbox?
    \setbox0=\hb@xt@\@tempdima{\unhbox\@tempboxa}% Yes. Reformat with given width.
    \ifnum\badness>\@resultcnt@NPB%                 Badness larger than largest recorded badness?
      \global\@resultcnt@NPB=\badness%              Yes. Memorize.
    \expandafter\measureboxes@NPB%                  Recursive call.
    \ifvbox\@tempboxa%                                       Was this a vbox?
      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\measureboxes@NPB% Ignore, but execute recursive call.