%% This is file `screenplay-pkg.sty'
% Copyright 2006 by John Pate
% Copyright 2015 by Alan Munn
% This package implements the tools of the screenplay document class
% in the form of a package so that screenplay fragments can be included
% within another document class.
% The main documentation for the package is contained in the screenplay class
% documentation. Please read that in addition the included documentation.
% All commands related to the titlepage in screenplay.cls have been
% eliminated.
% One new environment is implemented:
%    \begin{screenplay} ... \end{screenplay} 
% Two additional user commands are added to allow for user adjustment of the
% fragment font and linespacing (the setspace package is used for spacing unless memoir is loaded).
%    \screenspacing{} % sets the linespacing for screenplay fragments; default
%                       is \onehalfspacing
%    \screenfont{}    % sets the font for screenplay fragments; default is
%                       \ttfamily
%    \sccenter 		  % American spellings of centring commands now possible
%    \centertitle
% This package may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This package has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this package is Alan Munn.
% This package consists of the file 
% screenplay-pkg.sty 
% and documentation files:
% screenplay-pkg.tex, screenplay-pkg.pdf, 
% screenplay-pkg-example.tex and screenplay-pkg-example.pdf.
% Version 1.0 2015/07/11
% Version 1.1 2017/08/05 Added memoir support

\ProvidesPackage{screenplay-pkg}[2017/08/05 v1.1
LaTeX2e Draft Screenplay tools adapted from the screenplay document class
original code (C)2006 John Pate
package modifications (C)2015-2017 Alan Munn
released under the LPPL]
    \PackageError{screenplay-pkg}{Unwanted option '\CurrentOption'}%
    {There are no options available for screenplay-pkg}}
% Use setspace or memoir for linespacing AM
% screenplay font will default to ttfamily AM
% screenplay font can be changed with \screenfont macro AM
% new command to set the internal spacing and formatting of
% the screenplay fragments AM
\newcommand*{\slugspace}{\hspace{2.0em plus 0em minus 0em}}
% Don't want to change global \textwidth in the package version

% Added new environment for screenplay fragments AM


\begin{dialogue}[#1]{\MakeUppercase{#2} \contd}
\begin{dialogue}{\MakeUppercase{#2} \contd}


\titleovertext #1\punctchar









% add some American English spellings
%% End of file `screenplay-pkg.sty'.