% sfmath.sty, copyright 2001-2007 by Olaf Dietrich (olaf@dtrx.de)
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Olaf Dietrich.
% This work consists of the file sfmath.sty.

\ProvidesPackage{sfmath}[2007/08/27 v0.8 sans serif maths]

% This is a simple package for sans serif maths in documents.
% Usage: \usepackage{sfmath} or \usepackage[OPTIONS]{sfmath}
% After including the package sfmath.sty, all maths of the current
% document is displayed with sans serif fonts; there is no way to
% switch back to the original behavior.
% The default sans serif font for maths is the sans serif font
% selected for sans serif text (i.e., \sfdefault) when sfmath.sty
% is loaded. Therefore, you must include sfmath.sty after having
% changed \sfdefault, e.g., by a package such as helvet.sty or
% manually. Alternatively, use one of the font options described
% below (cm, helvet, cmbright, tx, px, or lm) in order to override
% the default sans serif font.
% Package OPTIONS (options marked with (+) are experimental):
% * slantedGreek: for slanted uppercase Greek letters
% * cm: use Computer Modern (cmss) for maths (explicitly)
% * helvet: use Postscript Helvetica (phv) for maths (explicitly)
% * cmbright: use CM-Bright fonts (cmbr) for maths (explicitely)
% * tx: use Postscript txfonts (tx) for maths (explicitly)
% * px: use Postscript pxfonts (tx) for maths (explicitly)
% * lm: use Latin Modern (lmss) for maths (explicitly) (+)
% * T1experimental: use T1 font encoding for standard maths (+)
% * AlphT1experimental: use T1 font encoding for \math*{...} commands (+)
% * mathrmOrig: do not change the behavior of the \mathrm command
% * mathbfOrig: do not change the behavior of the \mathbf command
% * mathitOrig: do not change the behavior of the \mathit command
% * mathsfOrig: do not change the behavior of the \mathsf command
% (+): Known limitations of experimental options:
%      T1experimental produces a warning about the encoding of the
%                     operators font.
%      AlphT1experimental DOES NOT WORK with uppercase Greek letters
%                     within the \math*{...} command!
%      These options should only be used with the ec fonts.
%      lm includes T1experimental and AlphT1experimental with the
%      limitations mentioned above.
%           use the fix-cm package instead of the experimental
%           T1 options: with fix-cm.sty, the chosen ec fonts
%           harmonize much better with the cm sans serif math fonts.
%           Add \RequirePackage{fix-cm} _before_ \documentclass{...}.
% Some new macros are defined by sfmath.sty:
% * \mathsl{...}: A new math alphabet that is by default identical
%   with \mathit{...}; useful in combination with the option mathitOrig.
% * \upOmega, \upDelta: upright versions of \Omega and \Delta;
%   useful when the option slantedGreek is selected.
% More documentation can currently be found at:
% <URL:http://dtrx.de/od/tex/sfmath.html>

% v0.8:
% * Update documentation and add license details for CTAN upload.
% v0.7:
% * Add (experimental) support for latin modern (lmodern) fonts.
% v0.6:
% * Add some artificial intelligence to use slanted bold letters
%   if available (e.g., for phv, txfonts, or pxfonts).
%   Add options to select txfonts, pxfonts, and cmbright (probably
%   not very useful) explicitely.
%   (Thanks to Alberto Lusiani who asked for slanted bold letters.)
% v0.5:
% * Add experimental options for T1 font encoding of maths fonts.
%   Using these options can be useful with ec fonts which look
%   slightly different from the standard cm maths fonts (especially
%   at large font size). About limitations see above.
% v0.4:
% * Add \upDelta, \upOmega command (to be a little more compatible
%   with other packages that provide the slantedGreek option)
% v0.3:
% * Add sans serif shapes for "," and ".", "\ldotp"
% * Modified documentation
% v0.2:
% * New option slantedGreek for slanted greek capitals
% * Options helvet and cm to select explicitly the sans serif font
%   for maths. Without any of these options, the current \sfdefault
%   is chosen.
% * Options mathxxOrig: don't change the alphabet command \mathxx;
%   available for \mathrm, \mathbf, \mathit, and \mathsf
% * Provide dotlessi and dotlessj (if available)

% * Functionality is limited by the intention to work without
%   additionally defined (virtual) fonts; instead, only standard
%   fonts are used.
% * The font metrics are not adjusted to maths usage (this may
%   result in typographically unsatisfying results).
% * In many constellations with Postscript fonts (helvet.sty,
%   pslatex.sty, ...) the upper-case greek letters are not chosen
%   correctly within \mathrm, \mathbf, \mathit, ... (because
%   they should be part of OT1-encoded fonts but are not included
%   in these standard postscript fonts).
% * Bold math symbols are not always available (e.g. with pslatex.sty)
%   or at least not slanted (e.g. with cmss fonts), so better don't
%   use bold maths with this package. (This has been partially improved
%   in version 0.6.)
% * There is a visual difference between the ec sans serif text fonts
%   and the cm sans serif maths fonts, especially at larger font sizes.
%   The fix-cm package might help to reduce the ugliness of the ec
%   sans serif fonts and the differences between the ec text fonts
%   and the cm math fonts.
%   Alternatively, the experimental options T1experimental and
%   AlphT1Experimental might help by using the ec fonts for maths as well.
% * The txfonts and pxfonts are reported to have several deficiencies
%   with respect to font metrics and macro implementation; using
%   these fonts is not recommended by the package author.
% * The set symbols \mathbb{N} or \mathbbm{N} (from bbm.sty) are not
%   changed. You might like to use \mathbbmss{N} (from bbm.sty).
% * Some symbols have serifish shapes (\sum, \prod, probably more) and
%   are not changed.
% * Lower-case greek letters are not available in sans serif shape
%   (they don't have real serifs, but cannot be expected to harmonize
%   with the sans serif latin letters).
% * Improve documentation.
% * Provide LaTeX .ins/.dtx files instead of naked .sty file.


% Declare options and defaults and process options







% \math@sfGreek: Font for capital greeks: cmss or other?
% \greek@shape: Capital greeks: normal or slanted? [slantedGreek]
% \greek@bold@shape: Bold capital greeks: normal or slanted? [slantedGreek]
% \greek@bold@sl: Bold capital greeks: "sl" if slanted possible
% \mathnormal@bold@shape: Bold letters: normal or slanted? (always bold)
% \mathit@bold@series: Bold \mathit (\mathsl): medium or bold? (always slanted)



% check the current value of \math@sfdefault


  % \sfdefault is cmss
  % no slanted bold letters
  % no slanted bold capital Greeks

  % \sfdefault is phv (helvet.sty)
  % slanted bold letters
  % no capital Greeks

  % \sfdefault is txss (txfonts.sty)
  % slanted bold letters
  % slanted bold capital Greeks

  % \sfdefault is pxss (pxfonts.sty)
  % slanted bold letters
  % slanted bold capital Greeks

  % \sfdefault is cmbr (cmbright.sty)
  % no slanted bold letters
  % no slanted bold capital Greeks

  % \sfdefault is lmss (lmodern.sty sans serif)
  % T1 encoding only
  % slanted bold letters
  % no slanted bold capital Greeks

% Change font for digits and "operators" (\sin, \exp, ...)
% to default sans serif font


% Most special math symbols remain unmodified (and many of those
% don't have serifs); however all letters (A-Z, a-z) are
% explicitely changed to the sans serif version (again
% default sans serif font).
% Unfortunately, there is no standard slanted+bold sans serif font
% available (as Postscript Type 1 font), so try an upright
% version (may be better than nothing).



% The symbols ",", ".", and "\ldotp" should be sans serif
% but upright.


% Take capital greek letters from cmss or [tp]xss; other sans serif fonts
% like helvetica don't have capital greeks, so here cmss is
% taken instead of \sfdefault. Unfortunately, this does not work
% within the alphabet commands \mathrm, \mathsf, ...





% Define new behavior for math alphabet commands






% Define new math alphabet command \mathsl

