%% %% This is file `showcharinbox.ins', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% showcharinbox.dtx (with options: `batchfile') %% %% ______________________________________ %% Copyright �� 2012���2013 Persian TeX Group %% %% License information appended. %% %% \input docstrip.tex \keepsilent \preamble ______________________________________ Copyright �� 2012���2013 Persian TeX Group License information appended. \endpreamble \postamble Copyright �� 2012���2013 Persian TeX Group <persian-tex@tug.org> It may be distributed and/or modified under the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c or higher (your choice). The latest version of this license is at: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt This work is ���maintained��� (as per LPPL maintenance status) by Persian TeX Group. \endpostamble \askforoverwritefalse \generate{\file{showcharinbox.sty}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{showcharinbox.sty}}} \endbatchfile %% %% Copyright �� 2012���2013 Persian TeX Group <persian-tex@tug.org> %% %% It may be distributed and/or modified under the LaTeX Project Public License, %% version 1.3c or higher (your choice). The latest version of %% this license is at: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% %% This work is ���maintained��� (as per LPPL maintenance status) %% by Persian TeX Group. %% %% %% %% %% End of file `showcharinbox.ins'.