% smartref.sty
% Giuseppe Bilotta
% Phone +39 095 338103
% Email: bourbaki@bigfoot.com
% This package is distributed under the terms
% of the LaTeX Project Public License
% Please read the readme.txt file for details
\ProvidesPackage{smartref}[\filedate\space\fileversion\space Increase
reference capability (deep reference)]
        \@latex@warning {SmartReference `#2' on page %
            \thepage \space undefined}%
        \nfss@text{\reset@font \bfseries ??}%
        \expandafter #2#1%
\newcommand*{\@getsmartref}[3]{%Paramaters are: #1: Where #2: Label, #3: place in list
        \expandafter\@getsmartreflist\csname sr@#2\endcsname{}{}}%
%    \typeout{Got Smart Reference (place #3, value \@currsmartvalue)}%
% Hack label: also write the SmartRef data ...
\def\newsmartlabel{\@newl@bel {sr}}
%save previous \label
% This one is needed for those who use AMS-LaTeX, to ensure that
% smartref labelling system is used wih equations too (AMS-LaTeX
% uses its own labeling system for equations
% Command to add new items to reflist:
\newcommand*{\addtoreflist}[1]{% Add item ...
    \@ifundefined{c@#1}% Check if real counter;
        {\@nocounterr{#1}}% If not, give error
        {\@ifundefined{#1posinlist}{% If yes, check if already defined:
        \sm@rtintern@ltok=\expandafter{\sm@rtreflist}% If not, define everything ...
        \expandafter\edef\csname sm@rtreflist\endcsname{%
            \the\sm@rtintern@ltok{\noexpand\csname the#1\endcsname}}% Add it ...
% Set position of counter in list:
        \expandafter\edef\csname #1posinlist\endcsname{\the@smartlistlen}%
% Define SmartCommands:
% Define command to get number of <name> for <label>; parameters:
% #1 is where the value goes, #2 is label name.
        \typeout{Defining \csname sget#1val\endcsname ...}
% `smart get <name> value'
% Usage \sgetchapternum{\holder}{labelname}
        \expandafter\def\csname sget#1val\endcsname##1##2{%
                \@latex@warning{SmartReference `##2' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
                {\expandafter\@getsmartref{##1}{##2}{\csname #1posinlist\endcsname}}%
% Define command to check if number of <name> for <label> is different from current
% <name> value; parameters:
% #1 is label name.
        \typeout{Defining \csname s#1ref\endcsname ...}
% `smart <name> \ref'
% Usage \schapterref{labelname}
% TODOs:
%   - check for counters that get reset.
        \expandafter\newif\csname if#1changed\endcsname % define if consctruct
        \expandafter\def\csname is#1changed\endcsname##1{% checker for change
            \csname sget#1val\endcsname{\sm@rtrefvalue}{##1}%
            \edef\@currentrefvalue{\csname the#1\endcsname}%
                \csname #1changedfalse\endcsname%
                \csname #1changedtrue\endcsname%
        \expandafter\def\csname s#1ref\endcsname##1{%
            \csname is#1changed\endcsname{##1}%
            \csname if#1changed\endcsname%
                , \csname short#1name\endcsname~\csname #1ref\endcsname{##1}%
%                , \csname short#1name\endcsname~\sm@rtrefvalue%
% Define shorthand for \ref{labelname}\s<name>ref{labelname}; parameters:
% #1 is label name.
        \typeout{Defining \csname sref#1ref\endcsname ...}
% Usage \srefchapterref{labelname}
% If HyperRef is used, let it use no-link refs
% TODO: define starred and unstarred version; maybe the same for the next.
            \expandafter\def\csname sref#1ref\endcsname##1{%
                \@refstar{##1}\csname s#1ref\endcsname{##1}%
            \expandafter\def\csname sref#1ref\endcsname##1{%
                \ref{##1}\csname s#1ref\endcsname{##1}%
% Define equivalent of \pageref; parameters:
% #1 is label name.
        \typeout{Defining \csname #1ref\endcsname ...}
% Usage \chapterref{labelname}
        \expandafter\def\csname #1ref\endcsname##1{%
            \csname sget#1val\endcsname{\sm@rtrefv@lue}{##1}%
    \typeout{Short chapter name defined: \shortchaptername}%
    \typeout{Short part name defined: \shortpartname}%
                   {Option `\CurrentOption' unknown!\MessageBreak%
                    Adding `\CurrentOption' as a reflevel}%