%% rcsid = @(#)$Id: songbook.ins,v 1.8 2010-04-12 18:04:32 rathc Exp $ %% %% songbook.ins - Docstrip batch file for Songbook Style %% %% Version 4.5, 30 April, 2010 %% %% Copyright 1992--2010 Christopher Rath <christopher@rath.ca> %% %% This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %% modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser %% General Public License as published by the Free Software %% Foundation. %% %% This package is distributed in the hope that it will be %% useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied %% warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR %% PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more %% details. %% %% This file will generate fast loadable files and documentation %% driver files from the doc files in this package when run %% through LaTeX or TeX. %% %% --------------- start of docstrip commands ------------------ %% \input docstrip \def\SimplePackage#1{% \generate{\file{#1.sty}{\from{#1.dtx}{package}}}} \keepsilent %\usedir{tex/latex/tools} \preamble This is a generated file. Copyright 1992--2002 Christopher Rath <christopher@rath.ca> This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. The list of all files belonging to the LaTeX Songbook Style is given in the file `relnotes.txt'. \endpreamble % Generate Files %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SimplePackage{songbook} \Msg{***********************************************************} \Msg{*} \Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the following} \Msg{* files into a directory searched by TeX:} \Msg{*} \Msg{* All the files with extension `.sty' and `.tex'} \Msg{*} \Msg{* To produce the documentation run the .dtx files through LaTeX.} \Msg{*} \Msg{* Happy TeXing} \Msg{***********************************************************} \endbatchfile