%% stage.cls %% Copyright 2005 Robert Jahrling %% Copyright 2017���2022 Reuben Thomas % % This is a LaTeX2e class called stage, providing a class % for stage play Manuscript Format. % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2003/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". % % This Current Maintainer of this work is Reuben Thomas % % This work consists of the file stage.cls. % % See https://github.com/rrthomas/stage or contact me at rrt@sc3d.org % \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{stage}[2022/03/29 v1.03 Manuscript Format for stage plays] % The class is based on the default book class \LoadClass[12pt,oneside]{book} \PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{book} % We're going to use ifthen to do some conditional page breaking. \RequirePackage{ifthen} \RequirePackage{fancyhdr} \RequirePackage{extramarks} \RequirePackage{needspace} \RequirePackage{changepage} % These three commands are required. % The default font size is 12/14. It looks better than 12 solid. % The textwidth and textheight represent one-inch margins all % around. \renewcommand{\normalsize}{\fontsize{12pt}{14pt}\selectfont} \setlength{\textwidth}{6.0in} \setlength{\textheight}{8.5in} \setlength{\topmargin}{0in} \raggedbottom %%% Customizable strings (Note: keep in sync with the docs) \newcommand{\actname}{Act} \newcommand{\scenename}{Scene} \newcommand{\continuedname}{Continued} \newcommand{\castname}{Cast of Characters} \newcommand{\theendname}{The End} %%% pagestyle commands % use fancy pagestyle \pagestyle{fancy} % Sets the left header to use the picture environment to put % continued marks where necessary! \lhead{\setlength{\unitlength}{\baselineskip}% \begin{picture}(0,0) \put(12.9,-1.1){\makebox(0,0)[tl]{\firstxmark}} \end{picture}\leftmark} \rfoot{\lastxmark} % puts the page numbers in the header on the right \rhead{\thepage} % empties center foot; otherwise, the page number would display here. \cfoot{} % by default, fancyhdr puts a rule in the header, which I don't want. \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % since we're using a slightly larger font, we need more headheight \renewcommand{\headheight}{14pt} %%% % No indentation; space between paragraphs. \usepackage{parskip} % \introduce is used the first time we meet a character. \newcommand{\introduce}[1]{\textsc{#1}} % \address is used for the writer's address \newcommand{\address}[1]{\gdef\@address{#1}} % Counts acts \newcounter{actcounter} % We need to initialize actcounter for page numbering. \setcounter{actcounter}{0} % Counts scenes per act \newcounter{scenecounter}[actcounter] % \dialog sets the character's name above their speech \newlength{\saveparskip} \newcommand{\dialog}[2]{% \needspace{2\baselineskip}% {\begin{adjustwidth}{2.5in}{0in}\textsc{#1}\saveparskip=\parskip\parskip=0pt\end{adjustwidth}% \extramarks{}{}% {\begin{adjustwidth}{0in}{0in}\parskip=\saveparskip#2\end{adjustwidth}}% \extramarks{\textsc{#1} (\continuedname)}{}} } % \dialogue, for people who like that spelling better \newcommand{\dialogue}[1]{\dialog{#1}} % \act creates an act header, with large roman numerals % % Start a new page for each Act except the first \newcommand{\act}{% \renewcommand{\thepage}{\Roman{actcounter}-\arabic{page}}% \ifthenelse{\value{actcounter} > 1}{\newpage}{\vspace{\parskip}} \stepcounter{actcounter} \hspace*{2.5in}\textsc{\actname} \Roman{actcounter}% \setcounter{page}{1} } % \scene creates a scene header, with arabic numerals % % Start a new page for each scene except the first \newcommand{\scene}{% \extramarks{}{}% \stepcounter{scenecounter} \ifthenelse{\value{scenecounter} > 1}{\newpage}{\vspace{\parskip}} \hspace*{2.5in}\textsc{\scenename} \arabic{scenecounter}% } % \stage sets the stage directions farther in than the box % containing the dialog, and parenthesizes them. \newcommand{\stage}[1]{% \begin{adjustwidth}{2in}{0in}% (#1)% \end{adjustwidth}% } % \charsd is like \paren in ScriptTeX, used for brief character % stage directions. It's intended to set properly into a passage % of dialog. \newcommand{\charsd}[1]{% \parskip=0pt% \stage{#1}\par\leavevmode\parskip=\saveparskip} % Undocumented, for backwards compatibility \newcommand{\initsd}[1]{\charsd{#1}} % \pause is just convenient. \newcommand{\pause}{\stage{Pause.}} % Implemented \paren to ease transition from ScriptTeX \newcommand{\paren}[1]{\charsd{#1}} % \opensd is opening stage directions, set differently from % other stage directions; \opensd sets time and place. \newcommand{\opensd}[1]{% \begin{adjustwidth}{2.5in}{0in} (#1)% \end{adjustwidth} } % \open is the same as \opensd \newcommand{\open}[1]{\opensd{#1}} % "placeholder" redefinition of \maketitle. \renewcommand{\maketitle}{% \begin{titlepage} \center{\textsc{\@title}} \par \center{\@author} \vspace{5in} \begin{adjustwidth}{0in}{0in} \ifthenelse{\not\isundefined{\@address}}{\@address}{} \end{adjustwidth} \end{titlepage} \setcounter{page}{1} } % The castpage environment sets up the cast page \newenvironment{castpage}{% \thispagestyle{empty}% \center{\textsc{\castname}}% \vspace{3ex}% \begin{adjustwidth}{0in}{0.5in}% }{% \end{adjustwidth}% \setcounter{page}{0}% \newpage% } % \addcharacter adds characters to the cast page. \newcommand{\addcharacter}[2]{% \begin{tabular}[2]{p{2in} p{4in}} \textsc{#1} & #2\\[\parskip] \end{tabular} } % Mark the end of the document. \AtEndDocument{% \hskip 2.5in % \textsc{\theendname}% }