%%                                                                          %%
%% synproof.sty v. 1.0 by Paul Isambert                                     %%
%% This set of macros is published under the LaTeX Project Public License.  %%
%%                                                                          %%
%% Comments, suggestions and bugs:                                          %%
%%                                                                          %%
%% zappathustra@free.fr                                                     %%
%%                                                                          %%
%% http://paulisambert.free.fr/                                             %%
%%                                                                          %%
%% Enjoy!                                                                   %%
%%                                                                          %%
\ProvidesPackage{synproof}[2007/06/09 Drawing syntactic proofs with PSTricks.]


% Options declaration %



% Counters, Lengths and Keys % 

% This is a "perverted" version of \newcounter, which allows you 
% (or rather me) to create a new counter even if it's already defined.


% \Start and \Num set the position of the starting point of the
% assumption line and the position of the line number respectively,
% and are not accessible from user's interface. See the documentation
% for the other lengths.










% Definition of \step %


	\addtocounter{infline}{-4}%     Position of the line relative to the previous one
	\stepcounter{step}%             Line number
		{\rput[ml](\Num,\value{infline}ex){\thestep.}}% Automatic numbering and position of the line number
	\rput[ml](\NumToEx,\value{infline}ex){#2}%   Position of the expression
	\rput[ml](\ExToRule,\value{infline}ex){#3}%  Position of the rule
	\ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{none}}{}{%            Optional label
		\expandafter\newsavebox\expandafter{\csname lab@#4\endcsname}%
		\expandafter\savebox\expandafter{\csname lab@#4\endcsname}{%
		\@namedef{#4}{\expandafter\usebox\expandafter{\csname lab@#4\endcsname}}% Creation of the command to call the label

% Environment %


% \assumption and \assumend %

	\addtolength{\OutLine}{\LineSpace}% Increases the position of the assumption line by the value of \LineSpace
	\expandafter\newctr\expandafter{\alph{embedding}begin@ss}% This counter is created on the fly to keep track of the starting positions 
	\expandafter\setcounter\expandafter{\alph{embedding}begin@ss}{\value{infline}}% of running assumptions

	\setcounter{endassumption}{\value{infline}}% Tuning of the end position of the assumption line. Should not be modified.
	\addtocounter{embedding}{-1}%	    Back to the previous running assumption
	\addtolength{\OutLine}{-\LineSpace}% Back to the previous setting of the line position