\ProvidesExplPackage {tagpdfdocu-patches} {2024-09-16} {0.99f}
 {patches/commands for the tagpdf documentation}

% only spacing changes:
     T\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.05emX\@ %changed from -.125em
        L\kern-.25em % %changed from -0.36em
        \sbox\z@ T%
         \vbox to\ht\z@{\hbox{\check@mathfonts
        \kern-.1em % %changed from 0.15em
        T\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.05emX\@ %changed from -0.125
% minisec, correct tagging is still unclear.  
    \if@noskipsec \leavevmode \fi
  {\tagpdfsetup{para/maintag=P,para/tag=Strong}\parindent \z@    
   \setlength{\parfillskip}{\z@ plus 1fil}%
    \nobreak\interlinepenalty \@M #1\par\nobreak%

% listings. Unclear how to make it work for the original lstlisting, so we make a 
% copy taglstlisting for now
  env-name       = lstlisting,
  tag-name       = verbatim,
  tag-class      = ,
  tagging-recipe = standard,
  inner-level-counter  = ,
  level-increase = false,
  setup-code     = ,
  block-instance = displayblock ,
  inner-instance = ,
  final-code     =  \tl_set:Nn \l__tag_para_main_tag_tl {codeline}\tagtool{paratag=Code},

     \UseInstance{blockenv}{lstlisting} {}
     \csname\@lst @SetFirstNumber\endcsname%
     \csname\@lst @SaveFirstNumber\endcsname%
% ======== marginnote ==========
% 2024-03-23 currently marginnote is no longer used, we use marginpar
% TODO marginnote has a bug (a \par is missing) so it messes up tagging.
% but currently unneeded as we marked them up as artifacts anyway as they don't contain
% meaningful contents

% {%
%   %\tag_mc_artifact_group_begin:n{notype}\tagpdfparaOff\marginnote{#1}\tag_mc_artifact_group_end:
%   \marginpar{#1}%
% }


%======== tcolorbox ========
% We switch of paratagging at the begin and reenable it locally in before upper.
% the before upper setting is dangerous as it can be overwritten by
% users. So a more stable hook is needed.
% we force also a \par and add a div structure, to avoid clashes with the block
% tagging code. This needs revisiting!

\AddToHook{env/tcolorbox/begin}{\tagpdfparaOff \tcbset{before upper=\tagpdfparaOn}}

% ========= doc Commands from tcolorbox
% Not sure if this is generally usable but one must avoid tagstop if there can
% be a pagebreak 
  env-name       = docCommand,
  tag-name       = Div,
  tag-class      = ,
  tagging-recipe = standalone,
  inner-level-counter  = ,
  level-increase = false,
  setup-code     = ,
  block-instance = displayblock ,

    {\endblockenv } 

 doc head command=
   {before upper=\tagstructbegin{tag=Code}\tagmcbegin{},
    after upper=\tagmcend\tagstructend},

% ======= footnote ========
% done in testphase code

% ====== hyperref ========
% this should probably go into tagpdf, but it is related to
% problem of pdf strings and context ....


%====== tikz picture =======
% first draft to tag. The main problem is to handle paragraphs. One 
\cs_new_protected:Npn\__tag_tikz_savepos:n #1
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__tag_tikz_savepos:n {e}
   \dim_compare:nNnTF {\dim_abs:n {\pgf@x}} > {15999pt} 
    { 0 }
    { \dim_to_decimal_in_sp:n{\pgf@x} } 
   \dim_compare:nNnTF {\dim_abs:n {\pgf@y}} > {15999pt} 
    { 0 }
    { \dim_to_decimal_in_sp:n{\pgf@y} } 

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__tag_tikz_getbbox:
   \tl_set:Ne\l__tag_graphic_currentlabel_tl {__tag_graphic_\int_use:N \g__tag_graphic_int}
         {   \property_ref:een {\l__tag_graphic_currentlabel_tl}{xpos}{0}sp 
           + \property_ref:een {\l__tag_graphic_currentlabel_tl-bl}{pgfx}{0}sp  
            { \property_ref:een {\l__tag_graphic_currentlabel_tl}{ypos}{0}sp 
              + \property_ref:een {\l__tag_graphic_currentlabel_tl-bl}{pgfy}{0}sp
         {   \property_ref:een {\l__tag_graphic_currentlabel_tl}{xpos}{0}sp 
           + \property_ref:een {\l__tag_graphic_currentlabel_tl-tr}{pgfx}{0}sp  
         {   \property_ref:een {\l__tag_graphic_currentlabel_tl}{ypos}{0}sp 
           + \property_ref:een {\l__tag_graphic_currentlabel_tl-tr}{pgfy}{0}sp  

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__tag_graphic_tikz_begin_picture:
  \bool_if:NTF \l__tag_graphic_artifact_bool
   { \tagmcbegin{artifact} }
         { g__tag_struct_\int_eval:n {\c@g__tag_struct_abs_int}_prop }
         { A } 
             /O /Layout /BBox~

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__tag_graphic_tikz_end_picture:
   \bool_if:NF \l__tag_graphic_artifact_bool
       \__tag_tikz_savepos:e {__tag_graphic_\int_use:N \g__tag_graphic_int}
       \bool_set_false:N \l__tag_graphic_artifact_bool
       \tl_set:Nn \l__tag_graphic_alt_tl{#1}
    \bool_set_true:N \l__tag_graphic_artifact_bool

