% \iffalse meta-comment % % % COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND LICENSE % % % COPYRIGHT % ========= % % Copyright Gianfranco Boggio-Togna 2006 % % % DEFINITIONS % =========== % % In this document the following terms are used: % % `Work' % The files TEXNIKA.dtx, poetry.dtx, drama.dtx, technica.ins and % the derived files TEXNIKA.sty, poetry.sty, drama.sty % % 'Copyright Holder' % Gianfranco Boggio-Togna % % `Derived Work' % Any work that under any applicable law is derived from the Work. % % `Modification' % Any procedure that produces a Derived Work under any applicable % law -- for example, the production of a file containing an % original file associated with the Work or a significant portion of % such a file, either verbatim or with modifications and/or % translated into another language. % % `Modify' % To apply any procedure that produces a Derived Work under any % applicable law. % % `Distribution' % Making copies of the Work available from one person to another, in % whole or in part. Distribution includes (but is not limited to) % making any electronic components of the Work accessible by % file transfer protocols such as FTP or HTTP or by shared file % systems such as Sun's Network File System (NFS). % % % CONDITIONS ON DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION % =========================================== % % 1. You may distribute a complete, unmodified copy of the Work as you % received it. Distribution of only part of the Work is considered % modification of the Work, and no right to distribute such a Derived % Work may be assumed under the terms of this clause. % % 2. The Copyright Holder may, without restriction, modify the Work, % thus creating a Derived Work. The Copyright Holder may also distribute % the Derived Work without restriction. Derived Works distributed in % this manner by the Copyright Holder are considered to be updated % versions of the Work. % % 3. If you are not the Copyright Holder, you are not allowed % to modify the Work. % % 4. The conditions above are not intended to prohibit, and hence do % not apply to, the modification, by any method, of any component so that it % becomes identical to an updated version of that component of the Work as % it is distributed by the Copyright Holder under Clause 2, above. % % 5. Distribution of the Work in an alternative format, where the Work % is then produced by applying some process to that format, does not % relax or nullify any sections of this license as they pertain to the % results of applying that process. % % 6. This license places no restrictions on works that are unrelated to % the Work, nor does this license place any restrictions on aggregating % such works with the Work by any means. % % 7. Nothing in this license is intended to, or may be used to, prevent % complete compliance by all parties with all applicable laws. % % % CONDITIONS ON USE % ================= % % The Work may be used without charge for non-commercial private % or academic purposes. Use of the Work for commercial purposes is % prohibited. To use the Work for commercial purposes you must obtain a % license for commercial use from the Copyright Holder. % % % NO WARRANTY % =========== % % There is no warranty for the Work. Except when otherwise stated in % writing, the Copyright Holder provides the Work `as is', without % warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not % limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for % a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance % of the Work is with you. Should the Work prove defective, you % assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction. % % In no event unless agreed to in writing will the Copyright Holder or % any other party who may distribute the Work as permitted above, be % liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental % or consequential damages arising out of any use of the Work or out % of inability to use the Work (including, but not limited to, loss of % data, data being rendered inaccurate, or losses sustained by anyone % as a result of any failure of the Work to operate with any other % programs), even if the Copyright Holder or said other party has been % advised of the possibility of such damages. % %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage[ibycus,english]{babel} \usepackage[pagestyles]{titlesec} \newpagestyle {TEXNIKA@page} { \sethead {} {\large {\itshape The} \texttt{TEXNIKA} {\itshape package}} {\textup{\thepage}} \setfoot {} {Copyright \copyright\ Gianfranco Boggio--Togna 2006} {}% \setmarks {section}{subsection} } \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \setlength{\textwidth}{5.5in} \setlength{\textheight}{8.5in} \setlength{\parskip}{\smallskipamount} \setcounter{tocdepth}{4} \MakeShortVerb{|} \AlsoImplementation \begin{document} \DocInput{texnika.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % % \fi %\iftrue \CheckSum{16391}\fi % % \def\fileversion{0.99} % \def\filedate{2006/11/11} % \def\TEXNIKA {% \expandafter \ifx \csname l@polutonikogreek\endcsname \relax \expandafter \ifx \csname l@ibycus\endcsname \relax $\tau\kern-.05em\epsilon\chi\nu\kern-.05em\iota \kappa\kern.04em\acute\alpha$% \else \foreignlanguage{ibycus}{texnika'}% \fi \else \foreignlanguage{polutonikogreek}{teqnik'a}% \fi } \def \TeXbook {\textit{The \TeX{}book}{}} \def \TXN@cmd#1{\texttt{\protect\bslash #1}}% % % \thispagestyle{empty} % \begin{centering} % {\large \textsc{Gianfranco Boggio\,--Togna}}\par % \vspace*{1in} % {\Huge \TEXNIKA}\par % \vspace*{.15in} % {\LARGE Typesetting for the Humanities}\par % \vspace*{.5in} % {\Large The {\normalsize TEXNIKA} package}\par % \vfill % {\Large Version 0.9}\par % \end{centering} % \newpage % \thispagestyle{empty} % \vspace{6ex} % \section*{Copyright notice} % \noindent Copyright \copyright\ Gianfranco Boggio--Togna 2006\par % Author's address: C.P. 14021, I-20140 Milano\\ % Email: \textsl{gbt\kern .08em @\kern .1em acm.org} % \vspace{6ex} % \section*{License} % \noindent This program is distributed under the terms of the license % that appears at the start of the file \texttt{TEXNIKA.dtx} (this file) % and in file \texttt{license.txt} % % This program consists of the files \texttt{TEXNIKA.dtx} and % \texttt{technica.ins} % % \newpage % \pagenumbering{roman} % \tableofcontents % \newpage % \pagenumbering{arabic} % \pagestyle {TEXNIKA@page} % % \StopEventually{} % \section{Preliminaries} % \subsection{External dependencies} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@temp {LaTeX2e} \def \TXN@temp@bis {2003/12/01} \@tempswafalse \ifx \fmtname \TXN@temp \ifx \fmtversion \TXN@temp@bis \else \def \TXN@temp@bis {2005/12/01} \ifx \fmtversion \TXN@temp@bis \else \@tempswatrue \fi \fi \else \@tempswatrue \fi \if@tempswa \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {The Technica suite requires the LaTex\MessageBreak release dated `2003/12/01' or `2005/12/01'} {} \def\recurse{(\recurse)}\recurse \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesPackage {TEXNIKA}[2006/11/11] \def \TXN@option@repeat {n} \def \TXN@option@stats {y} \def \TXN@warnings@level {2} \def \TXN@showlineno {n} \DeclareOption {repeat} {\def\TXN@option@repeat{y}} \DeclareOption {norepeat} {\def\TXN@option@repeat{n}} \DeclareOption {nostats} {\def\TXN@option@stats{n}} \DeclareOption {nowarnings} {\def\TXN@warnings@level{0}} \DeclareOption {warnings} {\def\TXN@warnings@level{1}} \DeclareOption {inplacewarnings} {\def\TXN@warnings@level{2}} \DeclareOption {lineno} {\def\TXN@showlineno{y}} \ProcessOptions \RequirePackage {keyval}[1999/03/16 v1.13] \RequirePackage {calc}[1998/07/07 v4.1b] \RequirePackage {txnline} \RequirePackage {txntitle} \RequirePackage {txndrop} \RequirePackage {ifmtarg}[2000/03/24 v1.2] \RequirePackage {ifthen}[2001/05/26 v1.1c] \RequirePackage {soul}[2003/11/17 v2.4] % \end{macrocode} % \newpage % \subsection{Booleans} % \begin{macrocode} % \end{macrocode} % A general-purpose switch, always used globally. % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@sw \def \TXN@sw@true {\global\TXN@swtrue} \def \TXN@sw@false {\global\TXN@swfalse} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@withinVersus \newif \ifTXN@withinProsa \newif \ifTXN@withinDrama \newif \ifTXN@withinSD \newif \ifTXN@withinPersona \newif \ifTXN@withinAd \newif \ifTXN@withinFaciesStrophae \newif \ifTXN@withinIndexes % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@milestones \newif \ifTXN@replay \newif \ifTXN@lineating \newif \ifTXN@folio@set % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@poetry \newif \ifTXN@leaders \newif \ifTXN@outside@preamble \newif \ifTXN@blank@line \newif \ifTXN@after@Spatium \newif \ifTXN@internal % \end{macrocode} % Visible to the user % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifNewPage % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Registers} % We stick to the rules for scratch registers. % Registers with names ending in `@' are even-numbered and used only % with local assignments; odd-numbered registers are used only with % global assignments. % \begin{macrocode} \dimendef \dimen@iii = 3 \dimendef \dimen@@ = 4 \toksdef \toks@i = 1 \toksdef \toks@@ = 2 \toksdef \toks@iii = 3 \toksdef \toks@v = 5 \skipdef \skip@i = 1 \skipdef \skip@@ = 2 % \end{macrocode} % Work registers % \begin{macrocode} \newcount \TXN@counter \newcount \TXN@counter@a \newcount \TXN@counter@b % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newdimen \TXN@dim@a \newdimen \TXN@dim@b \newdimen \TXN@dim@c % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newskip \TXN@skip@a \newskip \TXN@skip@b \newskip \TXN@skip@c % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newtoks \TXN@toks@a \newtoks \TXN@toks@b \newtoks \TXN@toks@c % \end{macrocode} % Dedicated registers % \begin{macrocode} \newskip \TXN@skip@depth@cclv % \end{macrocode} % Where the paragraph parameters are saved % \begin{macrocode} \newskip \TXN@baselineskip \newskip \TXN@leftskip \newskip \TXN@rightskip \newskip \TXN@hangindent \newskip \TXN@hangafter % \end{macrocode} % The leading space in the line, for both \textit{Versus} and \textit{Prosa} % \begin{macrocode} \newskip \TXN@leading@space % \end{macrocode} % The output of |\TXN@trim| % \begin{macrocode} \newtoks \TXN@trimmed % \end{macrocode} % The text measure % \begin{macrocode} \newdimen \TXN@measure \let \Measure = \TXN@measure % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Boxes} % Work boxes % \begin{macrocode} \newbox \TXN@vbox \newbox \TXN@hbox % \end{macrocode} % Dedicated boxes % \begin{macrocode} \newbox \TXN@object@numerus \newbox \TXN@object@textus \newbox \TXN@marginalia \newbox \TXN@standalone % \end{macrocode} % A box for inserts (used for milestones) % \begin{macrocode} \@next \TXN@insert \@freelist \relax \relax \def \TXN@max@floats {256\relax} % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Options} % Options marked with an asterisk can be set/tested by the user: % the value must not be changed. % \begin{macrocode} % \end{macrocode} % Paragraph shape % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@o@Justified {j} % * \def \TXN@o@RangedLeft {l} % * \def \TXN@o@RangedRight {r} % * \def \TXN@o@Centred {c} % * \def \TXN@o@CentredFinal {f} % * % \end{macrocode} % Areas % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@o@AttachedToArea {A} \def \TXN@o@AreaBottom {B} \def \TXN@o@AreaMiddle {M} \def \TXN@o@AreaTop {T} \def \TXN@o@AreaWrap {W} \def \TXN@o@AreaExtend {E} % \end{macrocode} % Spacing % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@o@NoSpatiumAnte {a} % * \def \TXN@o@NoSpatiumPost {p} % * \def \TXN@o@NoSpatiumSupra {s} % * \def \TXN@o@NoSpatiumInfra {i} % * % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@o@SpatiumStar {*} \def \TXN@o@SpatiumExclude {x} \def \TXN@o@SpatiumExcludeDim {d} \def \TXN@o@SpatiumExcludeEject {[} % \end{macrocode} % Alignment % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@o@AlignedAxis {a} \def \TXN@o@AlignedBottom {b} \def \TXN@o@AlignedTop {t} \def \TXN@o@AlignedMiddle {m} \def \TXN@o@AlignedCentre {C} \def \TXN@o@AlignedLeft {L} \def \TXN@o@AlignedRight {R} \def \TXN@o@AlignedTail {y} \def \TXN@o@FieldAutoWidth {f} % \end{macrocode} % Drama % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@o@PersonaNormal {n} \def \TXN@o@PersonaCentre {c} \def \TXN@o@PersonaLeft {l} \def \TXN@o@DetachedSD {d} % * \def \TXN@o@EmbeddedSD {e} % * \def \TXN@o@InitialSD {b} % * \def \TXN@o@LeftSD {l} % * \def \TXN@o@RightSD {r} % * \def \TXN@o@NoHangindent {h} % * \def \TXN@o@NoFirstIndent {q} % * \def \TXN@o@FullWidth {w} % * % \end{macrocode} % |\textus| % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@o@Unhyphenated {u} \def \TXN@o@Multiples {x} \def \TXN@o@Leaders {.} % \end{macrocode} % |\numerus| % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@o@Pagewise {p} % \end{macrocode} % Delimiters % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@o@DelimiterAtStart {s} \def \TXN@o@DelimiterAtEnd {e} % \end{macrocode} % Miscellaneous % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@o@NoArgument {0} \def \TXN@o@NoFacies {1} % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Short-hands} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@exxxpandafter {\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter} \def \TXN@c {\the\TXN@counter} % \end{macrocode} % Most control sequence names in the suite are built with |\csname| % |\endcsname|. These macros make the code somewhat more % readable (and writable :) % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@def #1{\expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname} \def \TXN@edef #1{\expandafter\edef\csname #1\endcsname} \def \TXN@gdef #1{\expandafter\gdef\csname #1\endcsname} \def \TXN@xdef #1{\expandafter\xdef\csname #1\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@let #1=#2{\expandafter\let\expandafter#1\csname #2\endcsname\relax} \def \TXN@assign #1=#2{\expandafter #1 \csname #2\endcsname\relax} % \end{macrocode} % These macros are used after |\if| (a trick from the Grand Wizard himself...) % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@empty #1{00\fi\expandafter \ifx \csname #1\endcsname \empty} \def \TXN@relax #1{00\fi\expandafter \ifx \csname #1\endcsname \relax} \def \TXN@num #1#2#3{00\fi\expandafter \ifnum \csname #1\endcsname#2#3\relax} \def \TXN@x #1{00\fi\expandafter \ifx \csname #1\endcsname} \def \TXN@option #1#2{00\fi\TXN@test@option #1#2\if@tempswa} % \end{macrocode} % Two macros used to handle CR within \textit{Versus} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@normalCR {\catcode`\^^M=5 } \def \TXN@activeCR {\catcode`\^^M=\active} \def \Strut {\leavevmode \hbox{\vrule height \ht\strutbox depth \dp\strutbox width .25pt}} % \end{macrocode} % Macros to increment/decrement a number held in a control sequence % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@incr #1{% \count@ = #1\relax \advance \count@ by \@ne \edef #1{\the\count@}% } \def \TXN@gincr #1{% \count@ = #1\relax \advance \count@ by \@ne \xdef #1{\the\count@}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@decr #1{% \count@ = #1\relax \advance \count@ by \m@ne \edef #1{\the\count@}% } \def \TXN@gdecr #1{% \count@ = #1\relax \advance \count@ by \m@ne \xdef #1{\the\count@}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Miscellaneous macros} % % The pass number % \begin{macrocode} \gdef \TXN@pass {1}% \def \TXN@theTextus {0}% % \end{macrocode} % A `sentinel' placed at the end of the parameter list for a macro % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@nil {} % \end{macrocode} % Self-explanatory % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@self #1{#1} % \end{macrocode} % This macro is placed wherever there is the risk (for example, after macros % that expand to numerals) of unwanted expansion as \TeX{} looks ahead. % It is also used in |\ifx| tests to check if a macro holds |\relax|, % so the definition must NOT be changed. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@safe {\relax} % \end{macrocode} % Makes a new test available in |\ifthenelse| % \begin{macrocode} \def \isempty #1{\boolean{\ifx \empty#1true\else false\fi}} % \end{macrocode} % Used in some debugging output (and available to the user) % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXNcmr}{% \fontencoding{OT1}\fontfamily{cmr}\fontseries{m}% \fontshape{n}\selectfont } % \end{macrocode} % \section{Service macros} % % \subsection{Lists} % % Two types of lists are available. The first (\textit{Simple List}) has % the format described in section 3 of the \textit{Dirty Tricks} % chapter. The second (\textit{Name List}) holds named elements, each % consisting of a control sequence (the name) and a value (enclosed % within braces). % % A \textit{Simple List} is created by |\TXN@SimpleList|. % For \textit{Name List}s, |\TXN@NameList| defines a prototype, which % is never used directly. An instance of the \textit{Name List} % is created by means of an |\edef| using the prototype as argument; % for instance: % % |\TXN@NameList\ThePrototype{\first \second \third}|\par % |\edef\AnInstance{\ThePrototype}| % % Lists are defined and modified by \textbf{local} assignements. % If a list is a global structure the next boolean must be set % to |true| before calling a macro that modifies the list (the % boolean is automatically reset to |false| after use). % % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@global@list \let \TXN@listname = \relax % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Creating a list} % % Create a \textit{Simple List}.\\ % |#1| the list name \\ % |#2| the number of elements % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@SimpleList #1#2{% \begingroup \let \\ = \relax \gdef#1{}% \@tempcnta = #2\relax \loop \ifnum \@tempcnta > \z@ \xdef#1{#1\\{}}% \advance \@tempcnta by \m@ne \repeat \endgroup } \TXN@SimpleList \TXN@SimpleList@work \z@ % \end{macrocode} % Define a \textit{Name List} prototype. \\ % |#1| the \textit{Name List} prototype name\\ % |#2| the list element names\\ % All the list element names are |\let| equal to |\relax| % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@NameList #1#2{% \count@ = \escapechar \escapechar = \m@ne \edef #1{\TXN@listname {\string#1}}% \escapechar = \count@ \def \TXN@temp {#1}% \TXN@NameList@bis #2\TXN@nil } \def \TXN@NameList@bis #1{% \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \else \let #1 = \relax \expandafter \edef \TXN@temp {\TXN@temp #1{\relax}}% \expandafter \TXN@NameList@bis \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Check if |#1| is \textit{Name List} of type |#2| % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@NameList@check #1#2{% \count@ = \z@ \TXN@sw@false \TXN@NameList@check@bis #1\TXN@nil \ifTXN@sw \TXN@sw@false \begingroup \TXN@List@gobble {#2}% \def \TXN@listname ##1{% \if \TXN@x {##1}#2\relax \TXN@sw@true \fi }% \setbox\z@ = \hbox {#1}% \endgroup \fi } \def \TXN@NameList@check@bis #1{% \let \next = \TXN@NameList@check@bis \def \TXN@parameter {#1}% \ifx \empty \TXN@parameter \else \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \let \next = \relax \else \ifnum \count@ = \z@ \ifx \TXN@listname #1\relax \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \advance \count@ by \@ne \fi \fi \next } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Service macros for lists} % Make all the elements of a \textit{Name List} equivalent to |\@gobble|.\\ % |#1| is the list name. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@List@gobble #1{% \let \TXN@listname = \@gobble \expandafter \TXN@List@gobble@bis #1\TXN@nil } \def \TXN@List@gobble@bis #1#2#3\TXN@nil{% \TXN@List@gobble@ter #3\TXN@nil } \def \TXN@List@gobble@ter #1{% \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \else \def \TXN@parameter {#1}% \ifx \empty \TXN@parameter \else \ifx \TXN@parameter \TXN@safe \else \let #1 = \@gobble \fi \fi \expandafter \TXN@List@gobble@ter \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % Determine the list type.\\ % The argument of the macro call is the expanded list.\\ % If \textit{Simple List}, |\TXN@list@type| is |\empty|\\ % If \textit{Name List}, |\TXN@list@type| is the list prototype % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@check@list@type #1{% \gdef \TXN@list@type {}% \def \TXN@parameter {#1}% \ifx \empty \TXN@parameter \else \expandafter \TXN@check@list@type@bis #1\TXN@nil \fi } \def \TXN@check@list@type@bis #1#2#3\TXN@nil{% \begingroup \def \TXN@listname{\TXN@listname}% \ifx \TXN@listname #1\relax \gdef \TXN@list@type {#2}% \fi \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % % Check that the element name is defined for the \textit{Name List} % (to catch typos during development). |#1| is the list name, % |\TXN@token| holds the element name. % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@check@name #1{% % \count@ = \@ne % \expandafter \TXN@check@name@bis #1\TXN@nil \count@ = \z@ } \def \TXN@check@name@bis #1#2#3\TXN@nil{% \TXN@check@name@ter #3\TXN@nil % \expandafter \TXN@check@name@ter #3\TXN@nil } \def \TXN@check@name@ter #1{% \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \else \expandafter \ifx \TXN@token #1\relax \count@ = \z@ \fi \expandafter \TXN@check@name@ter \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Returns the number of list elements in |\@tempcnta|.\\ % |#1| is the list name. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@SimpleList@length #1{% \@tempcnta = \z@ \def \TXN@parameter {#1}% \ifx \empty \TXN@parameter \else \begingroup \def \\##1{\global\advance \@tempcnta by \@ne}% #1% \endgroup \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Getting a list element} % % The |\TXN@get| command fetches the value of a list element.\\ % |#1| the list name, followed by a dot followed by...\\ % |#2| the element name\\ % |#3| a control sequence to which the value is assigned % % The macro first check |#1| to determine the list type and % then calls the appropriate macro. % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get #1{% \TXN@check@list@type #1\relax \ifx \empty \TXN@list@type \expandafter \TXN@SimpleList@get \else \expandafter \TXN@NameList@get \fi #1% } % \end{macrocode} % % Get a value from a \textit{Simple List} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@SimpleList@get #1.#2#3{% \begingroup \global \toks@i = {}% \count@ = #2\relax \def \\##1{% \ifnum \count@ = \z@ \global \toks@i = {##1}% \fi \advance \count@ by \m@ne }% #1% \endgroup \edef #3{\the\toks@i}% } % \end{macrocode} % Get a value from a \textit{Name List} % % All list elements are |\let| equal to |\@gobble| except the % element being fetched and then the list is executed. % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@NameList@get #1.#2#3{% \begingroup \def \TXN@token {#2}% \expandafter \TXN@check@name \csname \TXN@list@type\endcsname \ifodd \count@ \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {\expandafter\protect\TXN@token\space undefined for NameList\space \protect#1} {Please report the error to the author}% \fi \expandafter \TXN@List@gobble \csname \TXN@list@type\endcsname \def #2##1{\global \toks@i={##1}}% #1% \endgroup \edef #3{\the\toks@i}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Setting a list element} % % The |\TXN@set| command sets the value of a list element\\ % |#1| the list name, followed by a dot followed by... \\ % |#2| the element name\\ % |#3| the new value % % The macro first check |#1| to determine the list type and % the calls the appropriate macro. % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@set #1{% \TXN@check@list@type #1\relax \ifx \empty \TXN@list@type \expandafter \TXN@SimpleList@set \else \expandafter \TXN@NameList@set \fi #1% } % \end{macrocode} % % Set the value of a \textit{Simple List} element. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@SimpleList@set #1.#2#3{% \begingroup \TXN@SimpleList \TXN@gtemp \z@ \count@ = \z@ \def \\##1{% \ifnum \count@ = #2\relax \TXN@SimpleList@append \TXN@gtemp{#3}% \else \TXN@SimpleList@append \TXN@gtemp{##1}% \fi \advance \count@ by \@ne }% #1% \ifnum \count@ < #2\relax \PackageError{TEXNIKA}% {Invalid element number for simple list} {Please report the error to the author}% \fi \endgroup \ifTXN@global@list \TXN@global@listfalse \global \fi \let #1= \TXN@gtemp } % \end{macrocode} % Append an element to a \textit{Simple List}. % |#1| the list name\\ % |#2| the element % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@SimpleList@append #1#2{% \begingroup \toks@ = \expandafter {#1}% \toks@@ =\expandafter {#2}% \xdef \TXN@gtemp{\the\toks@ \noexpand\\{\the\toks@@}}% \endgroup \ifTXN@global@list \TXN@global@listfalse \global \fi \let #1= \TXN@gtemp } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@SimpleList@set@extend #1.#2#3{% \begingroup \TXN@SimpleList\TXN@gtemp \z@ \count@ = \z@ \def \\##1{% \ifnum \count@ = #2\relax \TXN@SimpleList@append \TXN@gtemp{#3}% \else \TXN@SimpleList@append \TXN@gtemp{##1}% \fi \advance \count@ by \@ne }% #1% \ifnum #2 < \count@ \else {\loop \ifnum \count@ < #2\relax \TXN@SimpleList@append \TXN@gtemp {}% \advance \count@ by \@ne \repeat \TXN@SimpleList@append \TXN@gtemp{#3}% }% \fi \endgroup \ifTXN@global@list \TXN@global@listfalse \global \fi \let #1 = \TXN@gtemp } % \end{macrocode} % Set the value of a \textit{Name List} element % % All list elements remain |\let| equal to |\relax| except the % element being set and then the list is redefined. % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@NameList@set #1.#2#3{% \def \TXN@token {#2}% \count@=\@ne \expandafter \TXN@check@name \csname \TXN@list@type\endcsname \ifodd \count@ \PackageError{TEXNIKA}% {\expandafter\protect\TXN@token\space undefined for NameList \protect#1} {Please report the error to the author}% \fi \def #2##1{\noexpand#2{#3}}% \edef#1{#1}% \let #2 = \relax } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Miscellanea} % \subsubsection{Issuing a warning message} % % The starred form of the command is used when we are in |vmode|: it % does not typeset the line number directly but adds it to the % |\TXN@marginalia| box. % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@Warning@star \newcommand {\TXN@Warning}{% \@ifstar {\TXN@Warning@startrue\TXN@Warning@bis} {\TXN@Warning@starfalse\TXN@Warning@bis}% } \newcommand {\TXN@Warning@bis}[2][0]{% \ifnum \TXN@warnings@level > \z@ \PackageWarningNoLine {TEXNIKA} {Input line \number\inputlineno: \MessageBreak #2}% \fi \ifnum \TXN@warnings@level > \@ne \begingroup \TXNcmr \footnotesize \dimen@ = \oddsidemargin \ifdim \dimen@ < \evensidemargin \dimen@ = \evensidemargin \fi \dimen@ = .5\dimen@ \setbox \z@ = \hbox {\lower .45ex \hbox{*}}% \if@twocolumn \if@firstcolumn \setbox \tw@= \llap {% \copy \z@ \number\inputlineno \copy \z@ \kern \dimen@}% \else \setbox \tw@= \rlap {\kern\TXN@measure \kern \dimen@ \copy \z@ \number\inputlineno \copy \z@}% \fi \else \setbox \tw@= \llap{% \copy \z@ \number\inputlineno \copy \z@ \kern \dimen@}% \fi \ifTXN@Warning@star \global \setbox \TXN@marginalia = \hbox to \z@ {% \unhbox \TXN@marginalia \unhbox \tw@}% \else \ifvmode \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {WARNING in vmode} {Please report the error to the author}% \fi \box\tw@ \fi \endgroup \fi } \let \TXN@PackageWarningNoLine = \PackageWarningNoLine % \end{macrocode} % Handling an error in the \texttt{keyval} package % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@keyval@error #1{% \expandafter \TXN@keyval@error@bis \KV@prefix \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {Bad argument for \@backslashchar\TXN@temp} {Please report the error to the author}% } \def \TXN@keyval@error@bis KV@#1@{\def \TXN@temp {#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Checking for the beginning of a number} % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@isdigit \newif \ifTXN@issign \def \TXN@check@start@of@number #1{% \TXN@check@start@of@number@bis #1\TXN@nil } \def \TXN@check@start@of@number@bis #1#2\TXN@nil{% \TXN@isdigittrue \TXN@issignfalse \ifx 0#1\else \ifx 1#1\else \ifx 2#1\else \ifx 3#1\else \ifx 4#1\else \ifx 5#1\else \ifx 6#1\else \ifx 7#1\else \ifx 8#1\else \ifx 9#1\else \TXN@isdigitfalse \TXN@issigntrue \ifx +#1\else \ifx -#1\else \TXN@issignfalse \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Checking for glue} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@check@if@glue #1\TXN@nil{% \TXN@sw@true \begingroup \setbox \z@ = \hbox {\skip@ = #1 sp}% \ifdim \wd\z@ = \z@ \TXN@sw@false \fi \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Checking for not infinitely stretchable glue} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@check@if@normal@glue #1{% \TXN@sw@true \begingroup \hbadness = \@M \setbox \z@ = \hbox to \maxdimen {\hskip #1}% \ifnum \badness = \z@ \TXN@sw@false \fi \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{\TXN@cmd{futurenonspacelet}} % From \TeXbook % \begin{macrocode} \def \futurenonspacelet #1{% \def \TXN@cs {#1}% \afterassignment \TXN@fnsl@bis \let \TXN@fnsl@token= } \def \TXN@fnsl@bis {% \expandafter \futurelet \TXN@cs \TXN@fnsl@ter} \def \TXN@fnsl@ter {% \expandafter \ifx \TXN@cs \@sptoken \expandafter \TXN@fnsl@quater \else \expandafter \TXN@fnsl@token \fi } \def \TXN@fnsl@quater {\afterassignment \TXN@fnsl@bis \let \next= } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Checking for an option} % If the option given in the first argument occurs in the option % string given in the second argument, set |\TXN@sw| % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@test@option #1#2{% \@tempswafalse \edef \TXN@token {#1}% \expandafter \TXN@test@option@bis #2\TXN@nil } \def \TXN@test@option@bis #1{% \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \else \if #1\TXN@token \@tempswatrue \TXN@exxxpandafter \TXN@test@option@ter \else \TXN@exxxpandafter \TXN@test@option@bis \fi \fi } \def \TXN@test@option@ter #1\TXN@nil{} % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Trimming spaces from a string} % The result is in the token register |\TXN@trimmed|.\\ % The code is taken from Michael Downes' Solution~5 to % exercise 15 of his wonderful \textit{Around the Bend} collection % (\texttt{tex-archive/info/aro-bend}). % \begin{macrocode} \catcode`\Q=3 % \def \TXN@trim #1{% \begingroup \aftergroup \global \aftergroup \TXN@trimmed \aftergroup {% \expandafter \TXN@trim@bis \expandafter \noexpand#1Q Q}% } \def \TXN@trim@bis #1 Q{\TXN@trim@ter #1Q} \def \TXN@trim@ter #1Q#2{% \afterassignment \endgroup \vfuzz = \the\vfuzz #1% } \catcode`\Q=11 % % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Checking for a parameter in a macro definition} % Check if parameter `n' (`n' = |#1|) occurs in macro |#2| % % \begin{macrocode} {\catcode`\#=11 \global\def \TXN@hash{#}} \def \TXN@check@parm #1#2{% \TXN@sw@false \def \TXN@parm@number {#1}% \edef\TXN@work{\expandafter\TXN@strip\meaning#2}% \expandafter \TXN@check@parm@bis \TXN@work \TXN@check@parm} \def \TXN@check@parm@bis {% \afterassignment \TXN@check@parm@ter \let\token= } \def \TXN@check@parm@ter {% \ifx \token \TXN@check@parm \let \next = \relax \else \let \next = \TXN@check@parm@bis \if \TXN@hash\token \ifTXN@sw \else \let \next = \TXN@check@parm@quater \fi \fi \fi \next } \def \TXN@check@parm@quater #1{% \if \TXN@parm@number #1\relax \TXN@sw@true \fi \let \token = #1\relax \TXN@check@parm@ter } \def \TXN@strip #1>{} % \end{macrocode} % % \section{Special typographic features} % \subsection{General purpose commands} % \subsubsection{Changing the font size} % Changing the font size (and the inter-line spacing) % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\RelSize} [2] [\relax] {% \def \TXN@parameter {#1}% \ifx \TXN@parameter \TXN@safe \else \def \baselinestretch{#1}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % The following code is from relsize.sty ver 2.0b, placed in the % public domain by Donald Arseneau. % \begin{macrocode} \@tempcnta = \ifx \@currsize \normalsize 4\else % funny order is to have most ... \ifx \@currsize \small 3\else % ...likely sizes checked first \ifx \@currsize \footnotesize 2\else \ifx \@currsize \large 5\else \ifx \@currsize \Large 6\else \ifx \@currsize \LARGE 7\else \ifx \@currsize \scriptsize 1\else \ifx \@currsize \tiny 0\else \ifx \@currsize \huge 8\else \ifx \@currsize \Huge 9\else 4% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \advance \@tempcnta by #2\relax \ifnum \@tempcnta < \z@ \@tempcnta = \z@ \fi \ifcase \@tempcnta \tiny \or \scriptsize \or \footnotesize \or \small \or \normalsize \or \large \or \Large \or \LARGE \or \huge \or \Huge \else \Huge \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Letter spacing, underlining etc.} % \begin{macrocode} \sodef \so {} {.15em\relax}{.66em plus .1em\relax}{.66em plus .15em\relax} \newcommand {\LetterSpace}[2][\relax]{% \leavevmode \def \TXN@parameter {#1}% \ifx \TXN@parameter \TXN@safe \expandafter \so \expandafter {#2}% \else \begingroup \TXN@counter@a = \z@ \TXN@counter@b = \@ne \TXN@LetterSpace@parm #1\TXN@nil \let \TXN@temp = \SOUL@sopreamble \let \SOUL@sopreamble = \relax \so{}% \SOUL@preamble \TXN@skip@a = \SOUL@soletterskip \TXN@safe \multiply \TXN@skip@a by \TXN@counter@a \divide \TXN@skip@a by \TXN@counter@b \TXN@skip@b = \SOUL@soinnerskip \TXN@safe \multiply \TXN@skip@b by \TXN@counter@a \divide \TXN@skip@b by \TXN@counter@b \TXN@skip@c = \SOUL@soouterskip \TXN@safe \multiply \TXN@skip@c by \TXN@counter@a \divide \TXN@skip@c by \TXN@counter@b \let \SOUL@sopreamble = \TXN@temp \sodef \so {}{\TXN@skip@a}{\TXN@skip@b}{\TXN@skip@c}% \expandafter \so \expandafter {#2}% \endgroup \fi } \def \TXN@LetterSpace@parm #1{% \let \next = \TXN@LetterSpace@parm \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \let \next = \relax \else \ifx /#1\relax \else \ifnum \TXN@counter@a = \z@ \TXN@counter@a = #1\relax \else \TXN@counter@b = #1\relax \fi \fi \fi \next } \newcommand {\LETTERspace}[2][\relax]{\MakeUppercase{\LetterSpace[#1]{#2}}} \newcommand {\letterspace}[2][\relax]{\MakeLowercase{\LetterSpace[#1]{#2}}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\Underline}[2][\relax]{% \leavevmode \def \TXN@parameter {#1}% \ifx \TXN@parameter \TXN@safe \else \begingroup \setul #1\relax \fi \expandafter \ul \expandafter {#2}% \ifx \TXN@parameter \TXN@safe \else \endgroup \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\Capitals}[1]{% \leavevmode \expandafter \caps \expandafter {#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\StrikeOut}[1]{% \leavevmode \expandafter \st \expandafter {#1}% } \let \Strikeout = \StrikeOut % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{\textit{guillemets}} % \begin{macrocode} \let \guillemetleft = \guillemotleft \let \guillemetright = \guillemotright % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Old style numerals} % The same as |\oldstylenums| except that % it leaves unaltered any non-digit tokens within the argument. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\OldStyleNums}[1]{% \count@ = \z@ \toks@ = {}% \TXN@toks@a = {}% \TXN@OldStyleNums@bis #1\TXN@nil } \def \TXN@OldStyleNums@bis {\futurelet\TXN@token\TXN@OldStyleNums@ter} \def \TXN@OldStyleNums@ter {% \ifx \TXN@token \@sptoken \expandafter \TXN@OldStyleNums@space \else \expandafter \TXN@OldStyleNums@quater \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@OldStyleNums@space {% \TXN@OldStyleNums@quater { }% \afterassignment \TXN@OldStyleNums@bis \let \TXN@token = } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@OldStyleNums@quater #1{% \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \ifnum \count@ > \z@ \edef \TXN@temp {% \the\TXN@toks@a\noexpand\oldstylenums{\the\toks@}}% \TXN@toks@a = \expandafter {\TXN@temp#1}% \fi \the\TXN@toks@a \else \@tempswatrue \ifx 0#1\else \ifx 1#1\else \ifx 2#1\else \ifx 3#1\else \ifx 4#1\else \ifx 5#1\else \ifx 6#1\else \ifx 7#1\else \ifx 8#1\else \ifx 9#1\else \@tempswafalse \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \if@tempswa \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@#1}% \advance \count@ by \@ne \else \ifnum \count@ > \z@ \edef \TXN@temp {\the\TXN@toks@a\noexpand\oldstylenums{\the\toks@}}% \TXN@toks@a = \expandafter {\TXN@temp#1}% \else \TXN@toks@a = \expandafter {\the\TXN@toks@a#1}% \fi \count@ = \z@ \toks@ = {}% \fi \ifx \@sptoken #1\relax \else \TXN@exxxpandafter \TXN@OldStyleNums@bis \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Roman numerals} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\RomanNumeral}[1]{{\scshape \romannumeral#1}} \newcommand {\ROMANnumeral}[1]{% \expandafter \uppercase \expandafter{\romannumeral#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Ordinals} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\ordinal} [2] [m]{% \xdef \theordinal {\csname TXN@ordinal@% \ifx \@undefined\languagename english\else \languagename\fi\endcsname{#1}{#2}{\relax}% }% } \newcommand {\Ordinal} [2] [m]{% \xdef \theordinal {\csname TXN@ordinal@% \ifx \@undefined\languagename english\else \languagename\fi\endcsname{#1}{#2}{i}% }% } \def \TXN@ordinal@english #1#2#3{% \ifcase #2\relax ???% \or \if #3iF\else f\fi irst% \or \if #3iS\else s\fi econd% \or \if #3iT\else t\fi hird% \or \if #3iF\else f\fi ourth% \or \if #3iF\else f\fi ifth% \or \if #3iS\else s\fi ixth% \or \if #3iS\else s\fi eventh% \or \if #3iE\else e\fi ighth% \or \if #3iN\else n\fi inth% \or \if #3iT\else t\fi enth% \or \if #3iE\else e\fi leventh% \or \if #3iT\else t\fi welfth% \or \if #3iT\else t\fi hirteenth% \or \if #3iF\else f\fi ourteenth% \or \if #3iF\else f\fi ifteenth% \or \if #3iS\else s\fi ixteenth% \or \if #3iS\else s\fi eventeenth% \or \if #3iE\else e\fi ighteenth% \or \if #3iN\else n\fi ineteenth% \or \if #3iT\else t\fi wentieth% \or \if #3iT\else t\fi wenty-first% \or \if #3iT\else t\fi wenty-second% \or \if #3iT\else t\fi wenty-third% \or \if #3iT\else t\fi wenty-fourth% \or \if #3iT\else t\fi wenty-fifth% \or ??% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@ordinal@german #1#2#3{% \ifcase #2\relax ??% \or\if #3iE\else e\fi rste% \or\if #3iZ\else z\fi weite% \or\if #3iD\else d\fi ritte% \or\if #3iV\else v\fi ierte% \or\if #3iF\else f\fi \"unfte% \or\if #3iS\else s\fi echste% \or\if #3iS\else s\fi iebente% \or\if #3iA\else a\fi chte% \or\if #3iN\else n\fi eunte% \or\if #3iZ\else z\fi ehnte% \or\if #3iE\else e\fi lfte% \or\if #3iZ\else z\fi w\"olfte% \or\if #3iD\else d\fi reizhente% \or\if #3iV\else v\fi ierzhente% \or\if #3iF\else f\fi \"unzhente% \or\if #3iS\else s\fi echzhente% \or\if #3iS\else s\fi iebzhente% \or\if #3iA\else a\fi chtzhente% \or\if #3iN\else n\fi eunzhente% \or\if #3iZ\else z\fi wanzigste% \or\if #3iE\else e\fi inundzwanzigste% \or\if #3iZ\else z\fi weiundzwanzigste% \or\if #3iD\else d\fi reiundzwanzigste% \or\if #3iV\else v\fi ierundzwanzigste% \or\if #3iF\else f\fi \"unfundzwanzigste% \else ??% \fi \ifx f#1\else \ifx n#1\relax s\else r\fi\fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@ordinal@latin #1#2#3{% \ifcase #2\relax ??% \or \if #3iP\else p\fi rim% \or \if #3iS\else s\fi ecund% \or \if #3iT\else t\fi erti% \or \if #3iQ\else q\fi uart% \or \if #3iQ\else q\fi uint% \or \if #3iS\else s\fi ext% \or \if #3iS\else s\fi eptim% \or \if #3iO\else o\fi ctav% \or \if #3iN\else n\fi on% \or \if #3iD\else d\fi ecim% \or \if #3iU\else u\fi ndecim% \or \if #3iD\else d\fi uodecim% \or \if #3iT\else t\fi erti% \ifx f#1\relax a\else \ifx n#1\relax um\else us\fi\fi{} decim% \or \if #3iQ\else q\fi uart% \ifx f#1\relax a\else\ifx n#1\relax um\else us\fi\fi{} decim% \or \if #3iQ\else q\fi uint\ifx f#1\relax a% \else \ifx n#1\relax um\else us\fi\fi{} decim% \or \if #3iS\else s\fi ext\ifx f#1\relax a% \else \ifx n#1\relax um\else us\fi\fi{} decim% \or \if #3iS\else s\fi eptim\ifx f#1\relax a% \else \ifx n#1\relax um\else us\fi\fi{} decim% \or\if #3iD\else d\fi uodevicesim% \or\if #3iU\else u\fi ndevicesim% \or\if #3iV\else v\fi icesim% \or \if #3iU\else u\fi n% \ifx f#1\relax a\else \ifx n#1\relax um\else us\fi\fi{} et vigesim% \or \if #3iA\else a\fi lter% \ifx f#1\relax a\else \ifx n#1\relax um\else\fi\fi{} et vigesim% \or \if #3iT\else t\fi erti% \ifx f#1\relax a\else \ifx n#1\relax um\else us\fi\fi{} et vigesim% \or \if #3iQ\else q\fi uart% \ifx f#1\relax a\else \ifx n#1\relax um\else us\fi\fi{} et vigesim% \or \if #3iQ\else q\fi uint% \ifx f#1\relax a\else \ifx n#1\relax um\else us\fi\fi{} et vigesim% \else ??% \fi \ifx f#1\relax a\else \ifx n#1\relax um\else us\fi\fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@ordinal@italian #1#2#3{% \ifcase #2\relax ??% \or \if #3iP\else p\fi rim% \or \if #3iS\else s\fi econd% \or \if #3iT\else t\fi erz% \or \if #3iQ\else q\fi uart% \or \if #3iQ\else q\fi uint% \or \if #3iS\else s\fi est% \or \if #3iS\else s\fi ettim% \or \if #3iO\else o\fi ttav% \or \if #3iN\else n\fi on% \or \if #3iD\else d\fi ecim% \or \if #3iU\else u\fi ndicesim% \or \if #3iD\else d\fi odicesim% \or \if #3iT\else t\fi redicesim% \or \if #3iQ\else q\fi uattordicesim% \or \if #3iQ\else q\fi uindicesim% \or \if #3iS\else s\fi edicesim% \or \if #3iD\else d\fi iciassettesim% \or \if #3iD\else d\fi iciottesim% \or \if #3iD\else d\fi iciannovesim% \or \if #3iV\else v\fi entesim% \or \if #3iV\else v\fi entunesim% \or \if #3iV\else v\fi entiduesim% \or \if #3iV\else v\fi entitreesim% \or \if #3iV\else v\fi entiquattresim% \or \if #3iV\else v\fi enticinquesim% \else ??% \fi \ifx f#1\relax a\else o\fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@ordinal@french #1#2#3{% \ifcase #2 \or \ifx f#1\relax \if #3iP\else p\fi remi\`ere% \else \if #3iP\else p\fi remier% \fi \or \if #3iD\else d\fi euxi\`eme% \or \if #3iT\else t\fi roisi\`eme% \or \if #3iQ\else q\fi uatri\`eme% \or \if #3iC\else c\fi inqui\`eme% \or \if #3iS\else s\fi ixi\`eme% \or \if #3iS\else s\fi epti\`eme% \or \if #3iH\else h\fi uiti\`eme% \or \if #3iN\else n\fi euvi\`eme% \or \if #3iD\else d\fi ixi\`eme% \or \if #3iO\else o\fi nzi\`eme% \or \if #3iD\else d\fi ouzi\`eme% \or \if #3iT\else t\fi reizi\`eme% \or \if #3iQ\else q\fi uatorzi\`eme% \or \if #3iQ\else q\fi uinzi\`eme% \or \if #3iS\else s\fi eizi\`eme% \or \if #3iD\else d\fi ix-septi\`eme% \or \if #3iD\else d\fi ix-huiti\`eme% \or \if #3iD\else d\fi ix-neuvi\`eme% \or \if #3iV\else v\fi ingti\`eme% \or \if #3iV\else v\fi ingt et uni\`eme% \or \if #3iV\else v\fi ingt-deuxi\`eme% \or \if #3iV\else v\fi ingt-troisi\`eme% \or \if #3iV\else v\fi ingt-quatri\`eme% \or \if #3iV\else v\fi ingt-cinqui\`eme% \else ????% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Mapping numbers to letters} % The command to define a new alphabet. The first argument is the % name of the alphabet; the second a series of pairs of values % (lower case/upper case). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\alphabetum} [2][]{% \def \TXN@temp {#1}% \toks@ = {??}% \count@ = \z@ \TXN@make@alphabetum #2\TXN@nil } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@make@alphabetum #1{% \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \expandafter \TXN@make@alphabetum@bis \else \ifodd \count@ \toks@ = \expandafter{\the\toks@ {#1}}% \else \toks@ = \expandafter{\the\toks@ \or {#1}}% \fi \advance \count@ by \@ne \expandafter \TXN@make@alphabetum \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@make@alphabetum@bis {% \ifodd \count@ \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {The argument of \protect\alphabetum\space has an odd number of entries}% {There must be an even number of entries\MessageBreak in the argument of \protect\alphabetum}% \else \divide \count@ by \tw@ \TXN@edef {TXN@alphabetum@\TXN@temp @count}{\the\count@}% \toks@ = \expandafter{\the\toks@ \else??\fi}% \fi \TXN@edef {TXN@alphabetum@\TXN@temp}{\the\toks@}% } % \end{macrocode} % The commands to map a number to a lower/upper case letter.\\ % The first (optional) argument is the name of the alphabet to use. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\letter} [2][]{% \TXN@letter {#1}{#2}% \expandafter \@firstoftwo \ifcase \the\count@\csname TXN@alphabetum@#1\endcsname } \newcommand {\Letter}[2][]{% \TXN@letter {#1}{#2}% \expandafter \@secondoftwo \ifcase \the\count@\csname TXN@alphabetum@#1\endcsname } % \end{macrocode} % Check and adjust the value of the number % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@letter #1#2{% \TXN@counter = \csname TXN@alphabetum@#1@count\endcsname \count@ = #2\relax \ifnum \count@ = \z@ \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {The value of a \protect\numerus\space to be mapped to a letter is zero} {The first letter corresponds to 1}% \else \loop \ifnum \count@ > \TXN@counter \advance \count@ by -\TXN@counter \repeat \fi } % \end{macrocode} % The default alphabet % \begin{macrocode} \alphabetum {aA bB cC dD eE fF gG hH iI jJ kK lL mM nN oO pP qQ rR sS tT uU vV wW xX yY zZ} % \end{macrocode} % Other alphabets: % \begin{macrocode} \alphabetum [latin] {aA bB cC dD eE fF gG hH iI kK lL mM nN oO pP qQ rR sS tT uU vV xX yY zZ} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \alphabetum [italian] {aA bB cC dD eE fF gG hH iI lL mM nN oO pP qQ rR sS tT uU vV zZ} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \alphabetum [ibycus] {aA bB gG dD eE zZ hH qQ iI kK lL mM nN cC oO pP rR sS tT uU fF xX yY wW} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \alphabetum [greek] {aA bB gG dD eE zZ hH jJ iI kK lL mM nN xX oO pP rR sS tT uU fF qQ yY wW} % \end{macrocode} % A special `alphabet'. % \begin{macrocode} \alphabetum [symbol] {** \dag\dag \ddag\ddag \S\S \P\P {$\|$}{$\|$}} % \end{macrocode} % A shorthand for referring to the special alphabet % \begin{macrocode} \def \reference {\letter[symbol]} % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Number range} % The first two arguments are the lower and upper % limits of a numeric range; the third argument (which must be a \LaTeX{} % counter) is set to the value to be used instead of the second argument % in printing the range. For instance:\\ % |\NumberRange {1961}{1975}{counter}| sets |counter| to 75;\\ % |\NumberRange {16}{18}{counter}| sets |counter| to 18. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\NumberRange} [3]{% \ifnum #1 > #2\relax \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {The upper limit of the range is less than the lower limit} {\the#1-\the#2}% \fi \begingroup % to protect the counters \TXN@counter = 10\relax \loop \TXN@counter@a = #1\relax \TXN@counter@b = #2\relax \divide \TXN@counter@a by \TXN@counter \divide \TXN@counter@b by \TXN@counter \ifnum \TXN@counter@a < \TXN@counter@b \multiply \TXN@counter by 10\relax \repeat \count@ = #2 \multiply \TXN@counter@b by \TXN@counter \advance \count@ by -\TXN@counter@b \ifnum \TXN@counter = 10\relax \TXN@counter@b = \TXN@counter@a \divide \TXN@counter@b by 10\relax \multiply \TXN@counter@b by 10\relax \advance \TXN@counter@a by -\TXN@counter@b \ifnum \TXN@counter@a = \@ne \advance \count@ by 10\relax \fi \fi \TXN@counter = #1\relax \divide \TXN@counter by 10\relax \multiply \TXN@counter by -10\relax \advance \TXN@counter by #2\relax \global \@nameuse {c@#3} = \count@ \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{`Driving out' the text in an emergency} % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@drive@out \newcommand {\DriveOut} {% \@ifstar {\TXN@DriveOutPar}{\TXN@DriveOut}} \def \TXN@DriveOutPar {% \global \TXN@drive@outtrue \begingroup \TXN@DriveOut \def \par {\endgroup\global \TXN@drive@outfalse\par}} \def \TXN@DriveOut {% \spaceskip .33em plus .33em minus .11em \xspaceskip .5em \nonfrenchspacing } \let \DrivenOut = \DriveOut % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Allowing full hyphenation} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\FullHyphenation} {% \pretolerance -1 \hyphenpenalty 0 \exhyphenpenalty 0 \adjdemerits 0 \doublehyphendemerits 0 \finalhyphendemerits 0 } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Generating some random text} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\lorem}[1][6]{\TXN@lorem #1\TXN@nil} \def \TXN@lorem #1{% \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \else \count@ = #1\relax \loop \ifnum \count@ > \z@ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. \advance \count@ by \m@ne \repeat \par \expandafter \TXN@lorem \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Generating rules} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@rule}[1][]{% \gdef \TXN@rule@height {0pt}% \gdef \TXN@rule@Height {0pt}% \gdef \TXN@rule@depth {0pt}% \gdef \TXN@rule@level {\maxdimen}% \gdef \TXN@rule@type {0}% \define@key {rule}{height}[0pt]{\gdef\TXN@rule@height{##1}}% \define@key {rule}{Height}[0pt]{\gdef\TXN@rule@Height{##1}}% \define@key {rule}{depth}[0pt]{\gdef\TXN@rule@depth{##1}}% \define@key {rule}{level}[\maxdimen]{\gdef\TXN@rule@level{##1}}% \define@key {rule}{double}[1]{\gdef\TXN@rule@type{##1}}% \define@key {rule}{parallel}[2]{\gdef\TXN@rule@type{##1}}% \define@key {rule}{total}[3]{\gdef\TXN@rule@type{##1}}% \let \KV@errx = \TXN@keyval@error \setkeys {rule}{#1}% \dimen@ = \hsize \TXN@check@if@normal@glue \leftskip \ifTXN@sw \advance \dimen@ by -\leftskip \fi \TXN@check@if@normal@glue \rightskip \ifTXN@sw \advance \dimen@ by -\rightskip \fi \xdef \TXN@rule@width {\the\dimen@}% \ifcase \TXN@rule@type % single \ifdim \TXN@rule@height = \z@ \gdef \TXN@rule@height {.4pt}% \fi \setbox \z@ = \hbox {\vrule width \TXN@rule@width height \TXN@rule@height depth \TXN@rule@depth}% \or % double \ifdim \TXN@rule@height = \z@ \gdef \TXN@rule@height {.4pt}% \fi \setbox\z@ = \vbox {% \hrule width \TXN@rule@width height \TXN@rule@height depth \TXN@rule@depth \dimen@ = \TXN@rule@height \TXN@safe \vskip 4\dimen@ \TXN@safe \hrule width \TXN@rule@width height \TXN@rule@height depth \TXN@rule@depth }% \or % parallel \ifdim \TXN@rule@height = \z@ \gdef \TXN@rule@height {.2pt}% \fi \ifdim \TXN@rule@Height = \z@ \gdef \TXN@rule@Height {1.6pt}% \fi \setbox\z@ = \vbox {% \hrule width \TXN@rule@width height \TXN@rule@Height depth \TXN@rule@depth \dimen@ = \TXN@rule@Height \TXN@safe \advance \dimen@ by -\TXN@rule@height \TXN@safe \vskip \dimen@ \TXN@safe \hrule width \TXN@rule@width height \TXN@rule@height depth \TXN@rule@depth }% \or % total \ifdim \TXN@rule@height = \z@ \gdef \TXN@rule@height {.2pt}% \fi \ifdim \TXN@rule@Height = \z@ \gdef \TXN@rule@Height {1.6pt}% \fi \setbox\z@ = \vbox {% \hrule width \TXN@rule@width height \TXN@rule@height depth \TXN@rule@depth \dimen@ = \TXN@rule@Height \TXN@safe \advance \dimen@ by -\TXN@rule@height \TXN@safe \vskip \dimen@ \TXN@safe \hrule width \TXN@rule@width height \TXN@rule@Height depth \TXN@rule@depth }% \fi \dimen@ = \TXN@rule@level \TXN@safe \ifdim \dimen@ = \maxdimen \setbox \tw@ = \hbox {$\vcenter{}$}% \dimen@ = \ht\tw@ \fi \parindent \z@ \everypar {}% \endgraf \leavevmode \raise \dimen@ \box\z@ \endgraf } \def \Rule {\TXN@rule} % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Incipit} % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@incipit@check \def \noincipit {\incipit{}} % \end{macrocode} % The |\incipit| command % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\incipit} {% \ifx \empty \TXN@attribute@name \expandafter \TXN@incipit \else \def \TXN@subclass@name {incipit}% \def \TXN@subclass@number {}% \def \TXN@temp {TXN}% \expandafter \TXN@attribute@set \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Setting the |\Facies| attribute % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setFacies@incipit #1{% \ifx \empty #1\empty \def \TXN@FaciesIncipit {}% \else \def \TXN@FaciesIncipit ##1##2##3##4{#1}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % The explicit command % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@incipit #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@incipit \let \next = \relax \def \TXN@temp {#1}% \def \TXN@temp@bis {*}% \global \TXN@incipit@checkfalse \ifx \empty \TXN@FaciesIncipit \ifx \TXN@temp \TXN@temp@bis \else #1\relax \fi \else \ifx \empty \TXN@temp \else \xdef \TXN@everypar@incipit@save {}% \def \TXN@temp@bis {*}% \ifx \TXN@temp \TXN@temp@bis \global \TXN@incipit@checktrue \ifTXN@withinVersus \else \xdef \TXN@everypar@incipit@save {\the\everypar}% \global \everypar {\TXN@check@incipit}% \fi \else \toks@ = {#1}% \let \next = \TXN@split@incipit \fi \fi \fi \next } % \end{macrocode} % Split the incipit into its components % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@split@incipit{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@split@incipit \expandafter \TXN@split@incipit@bis \the\toks@\TXN@nil } \def \TXN@split@incipit@bis #1#2\TXN@nil{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@split@incipit@bis \ifcat a\noexpand #1\relax \def \TXN@parm@i {#1}% \def \TXN@parm@ii {#2}% \def \TXN@parm@iii {}% \expandafter \TXN@typeset@Incipit \else \ifx \relax #1\relax \else % \end{macrocode} % Check for |\leavevmode|. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx \unhbox #1\relax \TXN@split@incipit@quater #2\TXN@nil \else \def \TXN@parm@iii {#1}% \TXN@split@incipit@ter #2\TXN@nil \fi \fi \fi } \def \TXN@split@incipit@ter #1#2\TXN@nil{% \def \TXN@parm@i {#1}% \def \TXN@parm@ii {#2}% \TXN@typeset@Incipit } % \end{macrocode} % We just assume this was the |\unhbox| from |\leavevmode|. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@split@incipit@quater #1#2\TXN@nil{% \TXN@split@incipit@quinquies #2\TXN@nil } \def \TXN@split@incipit@quinquies #1#2\TXN@nil{% \ifcat a\noexpand #1\relax \def \TXN@parm@i {#1}% \def \TXN@parm@ii {#2}% \def \TXN@parm@iii {}% \expandafter \TXN@typeset@Incipit \else \def \TXN@parm@iii {#1}% \TXN@split@incipit@ter #2\TXN@nil \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Typeset the incipit % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@typeset@Incipit {% \edef \TXN@parm@iv {\TXN@parm@i\TXN@parm@ii}% \leavevmode \begingroup \ifTXN@withinVersus \let \unindent = \relax \else \def \unindent {\hskip -\parindent}% \fi \TXN@FaciesIncipit {\TXN@parm@i} {\TXN@parm@ii} {\TXN@parm@iii} {\TXN@parm@iv}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % Check if there is an explicit command; if not, set the incipit % automatically. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@check@incipit {% \ifTXN@incipit@check \global \TXN@incipit@checkfalse \ifx \empty \TXN@FaciesIncipit \else \TXN@exxxpandafter \TXN@check@incipit@bis \fi \fi } \def \TXN@check@incipit@bis {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@check@incipit@bis \futurenonspacelet \TXN@temp \TXN@check@incipit@ter} \def \TXN@check@incipit@ter {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@check@incipit@ter \ifx \noexpand\incipit \TXN@temp \else \ifx \empty \TXN@everypar@incipit@save \else \everypar = \expandafter{\TXN@everypar@incipit@save}% \fi \toks@ = {}% \expandafter \TXN@incipit@auto \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Automatic incipit % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@incipit@auto {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@incipit@auto \futurelet \TXN@token \TXN@incipit@auto@bis } \def \TXN@incipit@auto@bis {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@incipit@auto@bis \let \next = \TXN@split@incipit@auto \ifx \TXN@token \PTR@atendofline % the current meaning of ^^M \else \ifx \@sptoken \TXN@token \let \next = \TXN@incipit@auto@ter \else \ifx \\\TXN@token \else \let \next = \TXN@incipit@auto@quater \fi \fi \fi \next } \def \TXN@incipit@auto@ter {% \afterassignment \TXN@split@incipit@auto \let \TXN@token= } \def \TXN@incipit@auto@quater #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@incipit@auto@ter \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@#1}% \TXN@incipit@auto } \def \TXN@split@incipit@auto {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@split@incipit@auto \expandafter \TXN@split@incipit@auto@bis \the\toks@\TXN@nil } \def \TXN@split@incipit@auto@bis #1#2\TXN@nil{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@split@incipit@auto@bis \@ifmtarg {#2} {\TXN@split@incipit@auto@ter#1} {\TXN@split@incipit@bis #1#2\space\TXN@nil}% } \def \TXN@split@incipit@auto@ter #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@split@incipit@auto@ter \ifcat \noexpand#1a \toks@ = {#1\space}% \expandafter \TXN@incipit@auto \else #1\space% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % The interface with the \texttt{txndrop} package % \begin{macrocode} \gdef \TXN@DropCap@lines {\z@} \let \DropCap = \TXNd@DropCap % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Setting the page height and width} % Adjust the |\textheight| so that a page can accomodate a whole % number of lines % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TextHeight}{% \@ifstar {\TXN@sw@true \TXN@textheight}{\TXN@sw@false \TXN@textheight} } \def \TXN@textheight #1{% \ifTXN@sw \setlength {\textheight}{\baselineskip}% \multiply \textheight by #1\relax \advance \textheight by -\baselineskip \else \setlength {\textheight}{#1}% \divide \textheight by \baselineskip \multiply \textheight by \baselineskip \fi \advance \textheight by \topskip } % \end{macrocode} % This is provided mailnly for symmetry with the previous command % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TextWidth} [1]{% \setlength {\textwidth}{#1}% \linewidth = \textwidth \columnwidth = \textwidth } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Setting the house style} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\HouseStyle} [1] {% \InputIfFileExists {#1.hs} {\def \housestyle {#1}} {\PackageError {TEXNIKA} {House style `#1' not found} {The file `#1.hs' does not exist} } } % \end{macrocode} % \section{Paragraph formatting} % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@nostyle \newif \ifTXN@style@set % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{\TXN@cmd{justified}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\justified} {\ifTXN@nostyle \else \TXN@style@justified \fi} \def \TXN@style@justified {\TXN@reset@skips \TXN@style@settrue} % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{\TXN@cmd{rangedleft}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\rangedleft} {\ifTXN@nostyle \else \TXN@style@rangedleft \fi} \def \TXN@style@rangedleft {% \TXN@reset@skips \advance \rightskip by \z@ plus 1filll\relax \TXN@style@settrue } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{\TXN@cmd{rangedright}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\rangedright} {\ifTXN@nostyle \else \TXN@style@rangedright \fi} \def \TXN@style@rangedright {% \TXN@reset@skips \advance \leftskip by \z@ plus 1filll\relax \parfillskip = \z@skip \TXN@style@settrue } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{\TXN@cmd{centered}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\centered}{\ifTXN@nostyle \else \TXN@style@centered \fi} \def \TXN@style@centered {% \TXN@reset@skips \advance \leftskip by \z@ plus 1filll\relax \advance \rightskip by \z@ plus 1filll\relax \parfillskip = \z@skip \TXN@style@settrue } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{\TXN@cmd{centeredfinal}} % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@centrefinal \newcommand{\centeredfinal}{% \ifTXN@nostyle \else \TXN@style@centeredfinal \fi} \def \TXN@style@centeredfinal {% \global \TXN@centrefinaltrue \TXN@style@settrue } \let \centred = \centered \let \centredfinal = \centeredfinal % \end{macrocode} % Remove any stretchability and shrinkability from left and rightskips % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@reset@skips {% \dimen@ = \leftskip \leftskip = \dimen@ \TXN@safe \dimen@ = \rightskip \rightskip = \dimen@ \TXN@safe } \let \leading = \baselineskip % \end{macrocode} % \section{Creating a subclass} % % A subclass is associated with a control sequence of the form\\ % |\csname TXN@|\meta{class name}|[|\meta{subclass number}|]\endcsname|\\ % The \meta{subclass number} is assigned automatically but may % also be defined explicitly in the |\Novus| command (this is % an undocumented feature and its use is deprecated). % % The default subclass of each class has \meta{subclass number} $=0$ % and $0$ is the default value of the \meta{optional parameter} of the % command defining the \meta{class}. % % % % The list of |\textus| subclasses. % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@SimpleList \TXN@textus@subclasses \@ne \TXN@set \TXN@textus@subclasses.\z@ {textus} % \end{macrocode} % The list of |\numerus| subclasses. % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@SimpleList \TXN@numerus@subclasses \@ne \TXN@set \TXN@numerus@subclasses.\z@ {numerus} \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[0]name}{numerus} \newcounter {numerus}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@c@numerus #1{% \csname c@\csname TXN@numerus[#1]name\endcsname\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % The list of |\titulus| subclasses. % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@SimpleList \TXN@titulus@subclasses \@ne \TXN@set \TXN@titulus@subclasses.\z@ {titulus} % \end{macrocode} % The list of |\spatium| subclasses. % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@SimpleList \TXN@spatium@subclasses \@ne \TXN@set \TXN@spatium@subclasses.\z@ {spatium} % \end{macrocode} % The list of special subclasses. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@special@subclasses {% \\{stropha}\\{incipit}\\{excessus}\\{persona}\\{commissura}\\{aparte}% \\{[}\\{(}% } % \end{macrocode} % The list of classes that take line numbers % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@numbered@classes {}% % \end{macrocode} % Return the subclass number in |\@tempcnta| or |-1| if so such % subclass exists. The parameters are: % |#1| the class name (|\textus| or |\numerus| or |\titulus|), % |#2| the subclass name % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@subclass@number #1#2{% \@tempcnta = \z@ \gdef \TXN@gtemp {}% \begingroup \def \\##1{% \expandafter \ifx \csname ##1\endcsname #2\relax \xdef \TXN@gtemp {\the\@tempcnta}% \fi \advance \@tempcnta by \@ne }% \@nameuse {TXN@\expandafter\@gobble\string#1@subclasses}% \endgroup \ifx \empty \TXN@gtemp \@tempcnta = \m@ne \else \@tempcnta = \TXN@gtemp \TXN@safe \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Sets |\TXN@gtemp| to the subclass name (without the backslash) % or to |\empty| if no such subclass exists. The parameters are: % |#1| the class name (|\textus| or |\numerus| or |\titulus|), % |#2| the subclass number % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@subclass@name #1#2{% \@tempcnta = \z@ \gdef \TXN@gtemp {}% \begingroup \def \\##1{% \ifnum \@tempcnta = #2\relax \xdef \TXN@gtemp {##1}% \fi \advance \@tempcnta by \@ne }% \@nameuse {TXN@\expandafter\@gobble\string#1@subclasses}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % Insert the \texttt{cs} (\textit{sans} the escape character) in the % list of subclasses. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@insert@subclass@name #1#2#3{% \TXN@counter = #3\relax \advance \TXN@counter by \@ne \expandafter \TXN@SimpleList@length \csname TXN@\expandafter\@gobble\string#1@subclasses\endcsname \ifnum \@tempcnta < \TXN@counter \loop \expandafter \TXN@SimpleList@append \csname TXN@\expandafter\@gobble\string#1@subclasses\endcsname \TXN@safe \advance \@tempcnta by \@ne \ifnum \@tempcnta < \TXN@counter \repeat \fi \count@ = \escapechar \escapechar = \m@ne \TXN@toks@a = \expandafter {\string#2}% \escapechar = \count@ \advance \TXN@counter by \m@ne \expandafter \TXN@set \csname TXN@\expandafter\@gobble\string#1@subclasses\endcsname.% \TXN@counter {\the\TXN@toks@a}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{The \TXN@cmd{Novus} command} % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@Novus@star \newcommand {\Novus}{% \@ifstar {\TXN@Novus@startrue \TXN@Novus} {\TXN@Novus@starfalse \TXN@Novus}% } \def \TXN@Novus {\futurenonspacelet \TXN@temp \TXN@Novus@bis} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@Novus@bis {% \ifx \TXN@temp \textus \let \next = \TXN@Novus@textus \else \ifx \TXN@temp \numerus \let \next = \TXN@Novus@numerus \else \ifx \TXN@temp \titulus \let \next = \TXN@Novus@titulus \else \ifx \TXN@temp \spatium \let \next = \TXN@Novum@spatium \else \PackageError{TEXNIKA}% {Misplaced \protect\Novus\space command}% {\protect\Novus\space must be followed by a class name}% \fi\fi\fi\fi \next } \def \TXN@Novus@textus {\afterassignment \TXN@new@textus \let\next= } \def \TXN@Novus@numerus {\afterassignment \TXN@new@numerus \let\next= } \def \TXN@Novus@titulus {\afterassignment \TXN@new@titulus \let\next= } \def \TXN@Novum@spatium {\afterassignment \TXN@new@spatium \let\next= } % \end{macrocode} % The usual synonyms % \begin{macrocode} \let \Nova = \Novus \let \Novum = \Novus % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Creating a subclass of the \TXN@cmd{textus} class} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@new@textus {% \def \TXN@subclass@name {textus}% \ifTXN@Novus@star \expandafter \TXN@textus@reset \else \expandafter \TXN@new@textus@bis \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@textus@reset #1{% \TXN@get@subclass@number \textus #1\relax \ifnum \@tempcnta < \z@ \toks@ = {#1}% \expandafter \TXN@new@textus@create \else \edef \TXN@subclass@number {[\the\@tempcnta]}% \TXN@initialize@textus {\the\@tempcnta}% \fi } \def \TXN@new@textus@create {% \expandafter \TXN@new@textus@bis \the\toks@ } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@new@textus@bis {\futurelet \TXN@token \TXN@new@textus@ter} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@new@textus@ter{% \ifx [\TXN@token \expandafter \TXN@new@textus@quinquies \else \count@ = \TXN@textus@max \advance \count@ by \@ne \expandafter \TXN@new@textus@quater \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@new@textus@quater{% \expandafter \TXN@new@textus@quinquies \expandafter [\the\count@]} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@new@textus@quinquies [#1]#2{% \ifTXN@internal \else \ifnum #1 < \z@ {\PackageError{TEXNIKA}% {You cannot use a negative number as the \MessageBreak identifier of \protect\textus\space subclass} {}% }% \fi \fi \ifx \textus #2\relax \PackageError{TEXNIKA}% {The control sequence \protect\textus\MessageBreak cannot be used for a new subclass}% {\protect\textus\space is the default subclass}% \fi \TXN@get@subclass@number \textus #2\relax \ifnum \@tempcnta > \z@ \PackageError{TEXNIKA}% {The \protect#2 subclass already exists} {}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Define the \textbf{cs}. % \begin{macrocode} \def #2{\@ifstar{\textus*[#1]}{\textus[#1]}}% \TXN@check@start@of@number {#1}% \ifTXN@internal \else \ifnum #1 > \TXN@textus@max \def \TXN@textus@max{#1}% \fi \PackageInfo{TEXNIKA}% {\protect#2 defined as \protect\textus[#1]}% \def \TXN@subclass@number {[#1]}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Initialize the variables for the class. % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@initialize@textus{#1}% % \end{macrocode} % Add the subclass name to the list (not for \TXN@cmd{excessus}) % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum #1 < \z@ \else \TXN@insert@subclass@name \textus #2{#1}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Initialize a \TXN@cmd{textus} subclass % % Flags are stored in 3 \textbf{cs} (|\Modus| and |\Locus| may be redefined % indipendently of each other): % \halign {\quad\tt#&\kern 1em#\hfill % &\quad\tt#&\kern 1em#\hfill % &\quad\tt#&\kern 1em#\hfill\cr % \noalign{\texttt{flags}\vskip .3ex} % |\TXN@o@NoArgument|&|\TXN@o@DelimiterAtStart|&|\TXN@o@DelimiterAtEnd|\cr % \noalign{\texttt{flagsModus}\vskip .3ex} % |\TXN@o@AlignedLeft|&|\TXN@o@AlignedRight|&|\TXN@o@AlignedCentre|\cr % |\TXN@o@AlignedTtop|&|\TXN@o@AlignedMiddle|&|\TXN@o@AlignedBottom|\cr % |\TXN@o@RangedLeft|&|\TXN@o@RangedRight|&|\TXN@o@Centred|\cr % |\TXN@o@Justified|&|\TXN@o@FieldAutoWidth|&|\TXN@o@Unhyphenated|\cr % |\TXN@o@Multiples|\cr % \noalign{\texttt{flagsLocus}\vskip .3ex} % |\TXN@o@AttachedToArea|&|\TXN@o@AreaMiddle|&|\TXN@o@AreaTop|\cr % |\TXN@o@AreaBottom|&|\TXN@o@AreaWrap|&|\TXN@o@AreaExtend|\cr % } % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@textus@flags #1{% \edef \TXN@textus@flags {% \csname TXN@textus[#1]flags@\TXN@theFolio\endcsname \csname TXN@textus[#1]flagsLocus@\TXN@theFolio\endcsname \csname TXN@textus[#1]flagsModus@\TXN@theFolio\endcsname }% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@initialize@textus #1{% \ifnum #1 = \z@ \TXN@edef {TXN@textus[#1]side@recto}{\TXN@leftmargin}% \TXN@edef {TXN@textus[#1]side@verso}{\TXN@leftmargin}% \else \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]side@recto}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]side@verso}{}% \fi \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]offset@recto}{\z@}% \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]flags@recto}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]flagsLocus@recto}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]flagsModus@recto}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]field@recto}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]area@recto}{}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]offset@verso}{\z@}% \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]flags@verso}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]flagsLocus@verso}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]flagsModus@verso}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]field@verso}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]area@verso}{}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]Facies}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]measure}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]shift}{\z@}% \TXN@gdef {TXN@textus[#1]last@shift}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]milestone}{0}% \TXN@gdef {TXN@textus[#1]text}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]star}{}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Creating a subclass of the \TXN@cmd{numerus} class} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@new@numerus {% \def \TXN@subclass@name {numerus}% \ifTXN@Novus@star \expandafter \TXN@numerus@reset \else \expandafter \TXN@new@numerus@bis \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@numerus@reset #1{% \TXN@get@subclass@number \numerus #1\relax \ifnum \@tempcnta < \z@ \toks@ = {#1}% \expandafter \TXN@new@numerus@create \else \edef \TXN@subclass@number {[\the\@tempcnta]}% \TXN@initialize@numerus {\the\@tempcnta}% \fi } \def \TXN@new@numerus@create {% \expandafter \TXN@new@numerus@bis \the\toks@ } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@new@numerus@bis {% \TXN@incr \TXN@numerus@max \expandafter \TXN@new@numerus@ter \expandafter{\TXN@numerus@max}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@new@numerus@ter #1#2{% \ifx \numerus #2\relax \PackageError{TEXNIKA}% {The control sequence \protect\numerus\MessageBreak cannot be used for a new subclass}% {\protect\numerus\space is the default subclass}% \fi \TXN@get@subclass@number \numerus #2\relax \ifnum \@tempcnta > \z@ \PackageError{TEXNIKA}% {The \protect#2 subclass already exists} {}% \fi \PackageInfo{TEXNIKA}% {\protect#2 defined as \protect\numerus[#1]}% \def \TXN@subclass@number {[#1]}% % \end{macrocode} % Define the \textbf{cs}. % \begin{macrocode} \def #2{\@ifstar{\numerus*[#1]}{\numerus[#1]}}% % \end{macrocode} % Initialize the variables for the class. % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@edef {TXN@numerus[#1]name}{\expandafter\@gobble\string#2}% \edef \TXN@temp {\expandafter\noexpand \csname c@\csname TXN@numerus[#1]name\endcsname\endcsname}% \expandafter \ifx \TXN@temp \relax \newcounter {\@nameuse {TXN@numerus[#1]name}}% \fi \TXN@initialize@numerus{#1}% % \end{macrocode} % Add the subclass name to the list % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@insert@subclass@name \numerus #2{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % Initialize a \TXN@cmd{numerus} subclass % % Flags: % \halign {\quad\tt#&\kern 1em#\hfill % &\quad\tt#&\kern 1em#\hfill % &\quad\tt#&\kern 1em#\hfill\cr % |\TXN@o@AlignedFeft|&|\TXN@o@AlignedRight|&|\TXN@o@AlignedCentre|\cr % |\TXN@o@AlignedTail|\cr % |\TXN@o@RangedLeft|&|\TXN@o@RangedRight|&|\TXN@o@Centred|\cr % |\TXN@o@Pagewise|\cr % } % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@initialize@numerus #1{% \TXN@gdef {TXN@numerus[#1]index}{0}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@gdef {TXN@numerus[#1]first@value}{}% \TXN@gdef {TXN@numerus[#1]second@value}{}% \TXN@gdef {TXN@numerus[#1]separator}{}% \TXN@gdef {TXN@numerus[#1]head}{}% \TXN@gdef {TXN@numerus[#1]tail}{}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@gdef {TXN@numerus[#1]previous}{}% \TXN@gdef {TXN@numerus[#1]previous@incr}{}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]side@recto}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]offset@recto}{\z@}% \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]flagsModus@recto}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]field@recto}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]fragment@recto}{lL}% \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]classes@recto}{}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]side@verso}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]offset@verso}{\z@}% \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]flagsModus@verso}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]field@verso}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]fragment@verso}{lL}% \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]classes@verso}{}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]progressio}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]milestone}{0}% \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]SpatiumAnte}{\hskip .5em\relax}% \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]printing}{0}% \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]frozen}{0}% \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]Caput}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]Facies}{}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Creating a subclass of the \TXN@cmd{titulus} class} % Create a new class of \textit{titulus}.\par % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@new@titulus {% \def \TXN@subclass@name {titulus}% \ifTXN@Novus@star \expandafter \TXN@titulus@reset \else \expandafter \TXN@new@titulus@bis \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@titulus@reset #1{% \TXN@get@subclass@number \titulus #1\relax \ifnum \@tempcnta < \z@ \toks@ = {#1}% \expandafter \TXN@new@titulus@create \else \edef \TXN@subclass@number {[\the\@tempcnta]}% \TXN@initialize@titulus {\the\@tempcnta}% \fi } \def \TXN@new@titulus@create {% \expandafter \TXN@new@titulus@bis \the\toks@ } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@new@titulus@bis {% \TXN@incr \TXN@titulus@max \expandafter \TXN@new@titulus@ter \expandafter{\TXN@titulus@max}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@new@titulus@ter #1#2{% \ifx \titulus #2\relax \PackageError{TEXNIKA}% {The control sequence \protect\titulus\MessageBreak cannot be used for a new subclass}% {\protect\titulus\space is the default subclass}% \fi \TXN@get@subclass@number \titulus #2\relax \ifnum \@tempcnta > \z@ \PackageError{TEXNIKA}% {The \protect#2 subclass already exists} {}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Define the \textbf{cs}. % \begin{macrocode} \def #2{\@ifstar{\titulus*[#1]}{\titulus[#1]}}% \PackageInfo {TEXNIKA} {\protect#2 defined as \protect\titulus[#1]}% \def \TXN@subclass@number {[#1]}% \TXN@initialize@titulus {#1}% \TXN@insert@subclass@name \titulus #2{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % Initialize a \TXN@cmd{titulus} subclass % % Flags are stored in 2 \textbf{cs} (|\Modus| may be redefined indipendently): % \halign {\quad\tt#&\kern 1em#\hfill % &\quad\tt#&\kern 1em#\hfill % &\quad\tt#&\kern 1em#\hfill\cr % \noalign{\texttt{flags}\vskip .3ex} % |\TXN@o@NoArgument|\cr % \noalign{\texttt{flagsModus}\vskip .3ex} % } % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@initialize@titulus #1{% \TXN@def {TXN@titulus[#1]Forma}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@titulus[#1]Caput}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@titulus[#1]flags}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@titulus[#1]flagsModus}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@titulus[#1]SpatiumSupra}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@titulus[#1]SpatiumInfra}{}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Creating a subclass of the \TXN@cmd{spatium}\ class} % Create a new subclass of \textit{spatium}.\par % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@new@spatium {% \def \TXN@subclass@name {spatium}% \ifTXN@Novus@star \expandafter \TXN@new@spatium@reset \else \expandafter \TXN@new@spatium@bis \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@new@spatium@reset #1{% \TXN@get@subclass@number \spatium #1\relax \ifnum \@tempcnta < \z@ \toks@ = {#1}% \expandafter \TXN@new@spatium@create \else \edef \TXN@subclass@number {[\the\@tempcnta]}% \TXN@initialize@spatium {\the\@tempcnta}% \fi } \def \TXN@new@spatium@create {% \expandafter \TXN@new@spatium@bis \the\toks@ } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@new@spatium@bis {% \TXN@incr \TXN@spatium@max \expandafter \TXN@new@spatium@ter \expandafter{\TXN@spatium@max}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@new@spatium@ter #1#2{% \ifx \spatium #2\relax \PackageError{TEXNIKA}% {The control sequence \protect\spatium\MessageBreak cannot be used for a new subclass}% {\protect\spatium\space is the default subclass}% \fi \TXN@get@subclass@number \spatium #2\relax \ifnum \@tempcnta > \z@ \PackageError{TEXNIKA}% {The \protect#2 subclass already exists} {}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Define the \textbf{cs}. % \begin{macrocode} \def #2{\@ifstar{\spatium*[#1]}{\spatium[#1]}}% \PackageInfo {TEXNIKA} {\protect#2 defined as \protect\spatium[#1]}% \def \TXN@subclass@number {[#1]}% \TXN@initialize@spatium {#1}% \TXN@insert@subclass@name \spatium #2{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % Initialize a \TXN@cmd{spatium} subclass % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@initialize@spatium #1{% \TXN@def {TXN@spatium[#1]Facies}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@spatium[#1]hFacies}{}% \TXN@def {TXN@spatium[#1]flags}{}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \section {Setting the subclass attributes} % \subsection {The switching mechanism} % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@attribute@starred % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@attribute@name {} \def \TXN@attribute@line {} \def \TXN@subclass@name {} \def \TXN@subclass@number {} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\Facies} {\TXN@attribute{Facies}} \newcommand {\Locus} {\TXN@attribute{Locus}} \newcommand {\Forma} {\TXN@attribute{Forma}} \newcommand {\Modus} {\TXN@attribute{Modus}} \newcommand {\Caput} {\TXN@attribute{Caput}} \newcommand {\Progressio} {\TXN@attribute{Progressio}} \newcommand {\SpatiumAnte} {\TXN@attribute{SpatiumAnte}} \newcommand {\SpatiumPost} {\TXN@attribute{SpatiumPost}} \newcommand {\SpatiumSupra} {\TXN@attribute{SpatiumSupra}} \let \SpatiumSuper = \SpatiumSupra \newcommand {\SpatiumInfra} {\TXN@attribute{SpatiumInfra}} % \end{macrocode} % Check for the starred form and supply, if needed, the implicit subclass % name and number. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@attribute #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@attribute \ifx \empty \TXN@attribute@name \def \TXN@attribute@name {#1}% \edef \TXN@attribute@line {\the\inputlineno}% \expandafter \TXN@attribute@bis \else \PackageError{TEXNIKA}% {The command \@bachslashchar\TXN@attribute@name\space at line % \number\TXN@attribute@line\space\space was\MessageBreak not followed by a subclass name} {}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@attribute@bis {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@attribute@bis \@ifstar {\TXN@attribute@starredtrue\TXN@attribute@ter} {\TXN@attribute@starredfalse\TXN@attribute@ter}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@attribute@ter {% \let \TXN@save@Delimiter = \Delimiter \def \Delimiter {\Delimiter}% \futurenonspacelet \TXN@token \TXN@attribute@quater } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@attribute@quater {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@attribute@quater \ifx \\\TXN@token \expandafter \TXN@attribute@esc@esc \else \ifx \TXN@token \Delimiter \let \Delimiter = \TXN@save@Delimiter \TXN@exxxpandafter \TXN@attribute@Delimiter \else \let \Delimiter = \TXN@save@Delimiter \TXN@exxxpandafter \TXN@attribute@quinquies \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % The special case of |\\| % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@attribute@esc@esc #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@attribute@esc@esc \def \TXN@subclass@name {esc@esc}% \def \TXN@subclass@number {}% \def \TXN@temp {TXN}% \TXN@attribute@set } % \end{macrocode} % The special case of |\Delimiter| % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@attribute@Delimiter #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@attribute@Delimiter \def \TXN@subclass@name {Delimiter}% \def \TXN@subclass@number {}% \def \TXN@temp {TXN}% \TXN@attribute@set } % \end{macrocode} % If no subclass name precedes the opening brace, insert it. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@attribute@quinquies {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@attribute@quinquies \TXN@swfalse \ifx \TXN@token \bgroup \TXN@sw@true \else \ifx +\TXN@token \TXN@sw@true \else \ifx -\TXN@token \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \ifx \empty \TXN@subclass@name \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {There is no implicit subclass name} {You must supply a subclass name after \@backslashchar\TXN@attribute@name}% \else \TXN@exxxpandafter \TXN@attribute@sexies \fi \else \TXN@get@subclass@number \textus \TXN@token \ifnum \@tempcnta < \z@ \TXN@get@subclass@number \titulus \TXN@token \ifnum \@tempcnta < \z@ \TXN@get@subclass@number \numerus \TXN@token \ifnum \@tempcnta < \z@ \TXN@get@subclass@number \spatium \TXN@token \ifnum \@tempcnta < \z@ \TXN@get@subclass@number \special \TXN@token \fi \fi \fi \fi \ifnum \@tempcnta < \z@ \TXN@exxxpandafter \TXN@attribute@quinquies@error \fi \fi } \def \TXN@attribute@quinquies@error #1{% \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {There is no \protect #1 subclass} {You may have forgotten to define it or mispelled the name}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@attribute@sexies {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@attribute@sexies \edef \TXN@temp {\TXN@subclass@name}% \def \TXN@temp@bis {bracketSD}% \ifx \TXN@temp \TXN@temp@bis \def \TXN@temp {[}% \else \def \TXN@temp@bis {parenthesisSD}% \ifx \TXN@temp \TXN@temp@bis \def \TXN@temp {(}% \fi \fi \csname \TXN@temp \expandafter\endcsname \TXN@subclass@number } % \end{macrocode} % Build the control sequence for the name of the macro that sets % the attribute and call it. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@attribute@set {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@attribute@set \ifx \empty \TXN@subclass@number \expandafter \TXN@attribute@set@ter \else \expandafter \TXN@attribute@set@bis \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@attribute@set@bis}[1][0]{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@attribute@set@bis \def \TXN@subclass@number {[#1]}% \TXN@attribute@set@ter } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@attribute@set@ter {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@attribute@set@ter \expandafter \def \expandafter \TXN@temp \expandafter {\csname \TXN@temp @set\TXN@attribute@name @\TXN@subclass@name\endcsname}% \TXN@sw@false \expandafter \ifx \TXN@temp \@undefined \TXN@sw@true \else \expandafter \ifx \TXN@temp \relax \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {\@backslashchar\TXN@attribute@name\space is not an attribute\MessageBreak of the \@backslashchar \TXN@subclass@name\space class} {}% \fi \def \TXN@attribute@name {}% \expandafter \TXN@temp \TXN@subclass@number } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection {Setting the \TXN@cmd{Facies} attributes} % \subsubsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Facies} for \TXN@cmd{textus}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@setFacies@textus}[2][0]{% \ifnum #1 = \z@ \TXN@setFacies@textus@zero {#2}% \else \TXN@setFacies@textus@bis {#1}{#2}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % |\Facies| for the default subclass is a parameterless macro. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setFacies@textus@zero #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@setFacies@textus@zero \def \TXN@temp ##1{#1}% \TXN@check@parm 1\TXN@temp \ifTXN@sw \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {\protect\Facies\space\protect\textus\space contains \TXN@hash1} {The attribute cannot contain a reference to a parameter}% \fi \ifTXN@attribute@starred \TXN@let \TXN@temp = {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]Facies}% \toks@ = \expandafter {\TXN@temp #1}% \TXN@edef {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]Facies}{\the\toks@}% \else \TXN@def {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]Facies}{#1}% \fi \ifTXN@withinProsa \@nameuse{TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]Facies}\relax \fi } % \end{macrocode} % A subclass other than the default subclass. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setFacies@textus@bis #1#2{% \TXN@sw@false \if \TXN@empty {TXN@textus[#1]Facies}% \else \ifTXN@attribute@starred \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \TXN@let \TXN@temp = {TXN@textus[#1]Facies}% \toks@ = \expandafter {\TXN@temp#2}% \TXN@edef {TXN@textus[#1]Facies}##1{\the\toks@}% \else \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]Facies}##1{#2\relax}% \fi \def \TXN@temp ##1{#2}% \TXN@check@parm 1\TXN@temp \ifTXN@sw \else \TXN@def {TXN@textus[#1]Facies}{#2\relax}% \TXN@setFacies@textus@flag {#1}{\TXN@o@NoArgument}% \def \TXN@temp {#2}% \ifx \empty \TXN@temp \TXN@setFacies@textus@flag {#1}{\TXN@o@NoFacies}% \fi \fi \TXN@setFacies@textus@delimiter {#1}{#2}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setFacies@textus@flag #1#2{% \edef \TXN@flags {\@nameuse{TXN@textus[#1]flags@recto}}% \TXN@edef {TXN@textus[#1]flags@recto}{#2\TXN@flags}% \edef \TXN@flags {\@nameuse{TXN@textus[#1]flags@verso}}% \TXN@edef {TXN@textus[#1]flags@verso}{#2\TXN@flags}% } % \end{macrocode} % Scan the argument for delimiters. Set option 's' if there is a % delimiter at the start of the argument, option 'e' if there is % one at the end. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setFacies@textus@delimiter #1#2{% \TXN@counter@a = \z@ \TXN@counter@b = \z@ \count@ = \z@ \let \TXN@save@Delimiter = \Delimiter \def \Delimiter {\Delimiter}% \TXN@setFacies@textus@delimiter@bis #2\TXN@nil \TXN@sw@false \ifnum \TXN@counter@b = \z@ \else \ifnum \TXN@counter@b = \count@ \TXN@setFacies@textus@flag {#1}{\TXN@o@DelimiterAtEnd}% \else \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \ifnum \TXN@counter@a = \z@ \else \ifnum \TXN@counter@a = \@ne \TXN@setFacies@textus@flag {#1}{\TXN@o@DelimiterAtStart}% \else \ifnum \TXN@counter@a = \count@ \TXN@setFacies@textus@flag {#1}{\TXN@o@DelimiterAtEnd}% \else \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {Misplaced \protect\Delimiter\space in \protect\Facies} {\protect\Delimiter\space can only occur at either end}% \fi \let \Delimiter = \TXN@save@Delimiter } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setFacies@textus@delimiter@bis #1{% \let \next = \TXN@setFacies@textus@delimiter@bis \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \let \next = \relax \else \advance \count@ by \@ne \ifx \Delimiter #1\relax \ifnum \TXN@counter@a = \z@ \TXN@counter@a = \count@ \else \ifnum \TXN@counter@b = \z@ \TXN@counter@b = \count@ \else \TXN@counter@b = \m@ne \fi \fi \let \next = \TXN@setFacies@textus@delimiter@ter \fi \fi \next } % \end{macrocode} % Gobble the star (if any) and the arguments of |\Delimiter| % and continue scanning. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setFacies@textus@delimiter@ter {% \@ifstar {\TXN@setFacies@textus@delimiter@quater} {\TXN@setFacies@textus@delimiter@quater}% } \newcommand {\TXN@setFacies@textus@delimiter@quater}[2][\relax]{% \TXN@setFacies@textus@delimiter@bis } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Facies} for \TXN@cmd{numerus}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@setFacies@numerus}[2][0]{% \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]Facies}##1##2##3##4##5{% \begingroup #2\endgroup}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Facies} for \TXN@cmd{titulus}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@setFacies@titulus}[2][0]{% \TXN@def {TXN@titulus[#1]Facies}##1{#2}% \@ifmtarg {#2} {\TXN@def {TXN@titulus[#1]Facies}{}} {% \TXN@def {TXN@titulus[#1]Facies}##1{#2}% \def \TXN@temp ##1{#2}% \TXN@check@parm 1\TXN@temp \ifTXN@sw \else \edef \TXN@flags {\@nameuse{TXN@titulus[#1]flags}}% \TXN@edef {TXN@titulus[#1]flags}{\TXN@o@NoArgument\TXN@flags}% \fi }% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Facies} for \TXN@cmd{spatium}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@setFacies@spatium}[2][0]{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@setFacies@spatium \def \TXN@temp ##1{#2}% \TXN@check@parm 1\TXN@temp \ifTXN@sw \TXN@def {TXN@spatium[#1]Facies}##1{#2}% \else \edef \TXN@flags {\@nameuse{TXN@spatium[#1]flags}}% \def \TXN@temp {#2}% \ifx \empty \TXN@temp \TXN@edef {TXN@spatium[#1]flags}{\TXN@o@NoFacies\TXN@flags}% \else \TXN@build@spatium@list {#2}% \TXN@edef {TXN@spatium[#1]Facies}{\TXN@L@spatium}% \TXN@build@spatium@horizontal {#2}% \TXN@edef {TXN@spatium[#1]hFacies}{\TXN@temp}% \fi \TXN@edef {TXN@spatium[#1]flags}{\TXN@o@NoArgument\TXN@flags}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Build the command for horizontal spacing % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@build@spatium@horizontal #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@build@spatium@horizontal \def \TXN@temp {}% \TXN@build@spatium@horizontal@check #1\TXN@nil } \def \TXN@build@spatium@horizontal@check #1#2\TXN@nil {% \@ifmtarg {#2} {\TXN@build@spatium@horizontal@check@subclass {#1}} {\TXN@build@spatium@horizontal@normal {#1#2}}% } \def \TXN@build@spatium@horizontal@check@subclass #1{% \TXN@get@subclass@number \spatium #1\relax \ifnum \@tempcnta = \m@ne \TXN@build@spatium@horizontal@normal {#1}% \else \edef \TXN@flags {\@nameuse{TXN@spatium[\the\@tempcnta]flags}}% \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@NoArgument \TXN@flags \expandafter \def \expandafter \TXN@temp \expandafter {\csname TXN@spatium[\the\@tempcnta]hFacies\endcsname}% \else \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {The \protect\spatium\space subclass \protect#1 cannot be used\MessageBreak as the argument for an attribute} {The \protect\Facies\space attribute for the \protect#1 subclass \MessageBreak contains a reference to a parameter}% \fi \fi } \def \TXN@build@spatium@horizontal@normal #1{% \TXN@build@spatium@list {#1}% \TXN@get \TXN@L@spatium.\TXN@s@glue \TXN@glue \TXN@get \TXN@L@spatium.\TXN@s@penalty \TXN@penalty \ifx \TXN@glue \TXN@safe \else \edef \TXN@temp {\hskip \TXN@glue\relax}% \fi \ifx \TXN@penalty \TXN@safe \else \edef \TXN@temp {\penalty \TXN@penalty\relax\TXN@temp}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Setting the \TXN@cmd{Locus} attribute} % \subsubsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Locus} for \TXN@cmd{textus}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@setLocus@textus}[2][0]{% \TXN@counter = #1\relax \def \TXN@entity@code {t}% \TXN@setLocus{#2}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Locus} for \TXN@cmd{numerus}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@setLocus@numerus}[2][0]{% \TXN@counter = #1\relax \def \TXN@entity@code {n}% \TXN@setLocus{#2}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The common code for \TXN@cmd{Locus}} % % |\TXN@counter| holds the subclass number. % % The codes for the text position (right = even) % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@auto {-3} \def \TXN@left {-2} \def \TXN@centre {-1} \def \TXN@rightmargin {0} \def \TXN@leftmargin {1} \def \TXN@textrightmargin {2} \def \TXN@textleftmargin {3} \def \TXN@textrightedge {4} \def \TXN@textleftedge {5} \newif \ifTXN@textus@shift \newif \ifTXN@textus@shift@minus % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus #1{% \global \TXN@textus@shiftfalse \global \TXN@textus@shift@minusfalse \if n\TXN@entity@code \def \TXN@entity {TXN@numerus}% \else \if t\TXN@entity@code \def \TXN@entity {TXN@textus}% \fi\fi % \end{macrocode} % Check for empty attribute (not allowed for the default |\textus| % subclass and |\persona|). % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@parameter {#1}% \TXN@sw@false \ifx \empty \TXN@parameter \if t\TXN@entity@code \ifnum \TXN@counter = \z@ \TXN@sw@true \fi \else \if p\TXN@entity@code \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {The attribute cannot be null} {}% \else \TXN@edef {\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]side@recto}{}% \TXN@edef {\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]side@verso}{}% \TXN@edef {\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]offset@recto}{\z@}% \TXN@edef {\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]offset@verso}{\z@}% \TXN@edef {\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]flagsLocus@recto}{}% \TXN@edef {\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]flagsLocus@verso}{}% \fi \else \TXN@toks@a = {}% flags \let \TXN@save@esc@esc = \\% \def \\{\relax}% \TXN@setLocus@bis#1\\\\% \let \\ = \TXN@save@esc@esc \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Split the argument into the \textit{recto} and \textit{verso} parts, % both trimmed of leading and trailing spaces. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@bis #1\\#2\\{% \def \TXN@folio {recto}% \TXN@trim {\noexpand#1}% \expandafter \TXN@setLocus@ter \the\TXN@trimmed \TXN@nil \def \TXN@folio {verso}% \@ifmtarg {#2} {\TXN@sw@false} {\TXN@sw@true}% \ifTXN@sw \ifTXN@textus@shift \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {You cannot specify different shift values \MessageBreak for `recto' and `verso'} {}% \fi \global \TXN@lineatingtrue \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@reason \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@rectoverso \TXN@trim {\noexpand#2}% \else \TXN@trim {\noexpand#1}% \fi \expandafter \TXN@setLocus@ter \the\TXN@trimmed \TXN@nil } % \end{macrocode} % Process one of the parts (\textit{recto} or \textit{verso}). % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@ter #1#2\TXN@nil{% % \end{macrocode} % We start a group, to keep all \textbf{cs} definitions locals and % to protect the \textit{calc} innards. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup \let \leftmargin = \relax \let \rightmargin = \relax \if n\TXN@entity@code \def \rightmargin {\rightmargin}% \def \leftmargin {\leftmargin}% \def \textrightmargin {\textrightmargin}% \def \textleftmargin {\textleftmargin}% \def \textrightedge {\textrightedge}% \def \textleftedge {\textleftedge}% \else \if t\TXN@entity@code \def \rightmargin {\rightmargin}% \def \leftmargin {\leftmargin}% \ifnum \TXN@counter = \z@ \else \def \textrightmargin {\textrightmargin}% \def \textleftmargin {\textleftmargin}% \def \textrightedge {\textrightedge}% \def \textleftedge {\textleftedge}% \fi \def \area {\area}% \def \auto {\auto}% \def \Auto {\Auto}% \def \noauto {\noauto}% \def \previous {\previous}% \else \if p\TXN@entity@code \def \center {\center}% \def \centre {\centre}% \def \left {\left}% \fi\fi\fi % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@sw@false \ifx +#1\relax \else \ifx -#1\relax \else \ifx \@undefined #1\relax \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {The parameter \string#1 is not valid \MessageBreak for this instance of \protect\Locus} {}% \fi \fi \fi \TXN@sw@false \if t\TXN@entity@code \ifnum \TXN@counter > \z@ \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \toks@ = {#1\TXN@nil#2\TXN@nil}% \ifTXN@sw \expandafter \TXN@setLocus@check@area \else \expandafter \TXN@setLocus@quater \fi } % \end{macrocode} % For a |\textus| subclass (other than the default subclass) we % must check for the optional |\area| command. % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@check@area {% \expandafter \TXN@setLocus@check@area@bis \the\toks@ } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@check@area@bis #1\TXN@nil#2\TXN@nil{% \ifx \area #1\relax \toks@ = {#2\TXN@nil}% \edef \TXN@area@options {\TXN@o@AttachedToArea}% \expandafter \TXN@SimpleList \csname TXN@textus[\TXN@c]text\endcsname \TXN@max@area@ind \expandafter \TXN@setLocus@check@area@ter \else % \end{macrocode} % Re-join the main path. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter \TXN@setLocus@quater \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@check@area@ter {% \expandafter \TXN@setLocus@check@area@quater \the\toks@ } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@check@area@quater #1#2\TXN@nil{% \ifx [#1\relax \expandafter \TXN@setLocus@check@area@quinqies \else \edef \TXN@area@options {\TXN@area@options\TXN@o@AreaMiddle}% \toks@ = {#1#2}% \expandafter \TXN@setLocus@check@area@septies \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@check@area@quinqies {% \expandafter \TXN@setLocus@check@area@sexies \the\toks@ } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@set@area@flag #1{% \edef \TXN@area@options {\TXN@area@options#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@check@area@sexies [#1]#2\TXN@nil{% \define@key {area}{top} [\TXN@o@AreaTop]{\TXN@set@area@flag##1}% \define@key {area}{bottom}[\TXN@o@AreaBottom]{\TXN@set@area@flag##1}% \define@key {area}{middle}[\TXN@o@AreaMiddle]{\TXN@set@area@flag##1}% \define@key {area}{wrap} [\TXN@o@AreaWrap]{\TXN@set@area@flag##1}% \define@key {area}{extend}[\TXN@o@AreaExtend]{\TXN@set@area@flag##1}% \let \KV@errx = \TXN@keyval@error \setkeys {area}{#1}% \toks@ = {#2}% \TXN@sw@true \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AreaTop \TXN@area@options \TXN@sw@false \fi \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AreaBottom \TXN@area@options \TXN@sw@false \fi \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AreaMiddle \TXN@area@options \TXN@sw@false \fi \ifTXN@sw \edef \TXN@area@options {\TXN@area@options\TXN@o@AreaMiddle}% \fi \TXN@setLocus@check@area@septies } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@check@area@septies {% % \end{macrocode} % The area options apply to both recto and verso % \begin{macrocode} \edef \TXN@temp {\@nameuse{TXN@textus[\TXN@c]flagsLocus@recto}}% \TXN@xdef {TXN@textus[\TXN@c]flagsLocus@recto}% {\TXN@temp\TXN@area@options}% \edef \TXN@temp {\@nameuse{TXN@textus[\TXN@c]flagsLocus@verso}}% \TXN@xdef {TXN@textus[\TXN@c]flagsLocus@verso}% {\TXN@temp\TXN@area@options}% \expandafter \TXN@setLocus@check@area@octies \the\toks@\TXN@nil } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@check@area@octies #1#2\TXN@nil{% \toks@ = {#1\TXN@nil#2\TXN@nil}% \TXN@setLocus@quater } % \end{macrocode} % Process the attribute. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@quater {% \expandafter \TXN@setLocus@quinquies \the\toks@ } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@quinquies #1#2\TXN@nil#3\TXN@nil{% \TXN@skip@a = \z@ \def \TXN@calc@exp{0pt#2#3}% \ifx \rightmargin #1\relax \xdef \TXN@sideLocus {\TXN@rightmargin}% \else \ifx \leftmargin #1\relax \xdef \TXN@sideLocus {\TXN@leftmargin}% \else \ifx \textrightmargin #1\relax \xdef \TXN@sideLocus {\TXN@textrightmargin}% \else \ifx \textleftmargin #1\relax \xdef \TXN@sideLocus {\TXN@textleftmargin}% \else \ifx \textrightedge #1\relax \xdef \TXN@sideLocus {\TXN@textrightedge}% \else \ifx \textleftedge #1\relax \xdef \TXN@sideLocus {\TXN@textleftedge}% \else \ifx \centre #1\relax \xdef \TXN@sideLocus {\TXN@centre}% \else \ifx \left #1\relax \xdef \TXN@sideLocus {\TXN@left}% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi % \end{macrocode} % Check for special cases. % \begin{macrocode} \let \next = \TXN@setLocus@calc@offset \ifx +#1\relax \TXN@toks@a = {#1}% \TXN@toks@b = {#2#3}% \let \next = \TXN@setLocus@relative \else \ifx -#1\relax \TXN@toks@a = {#1}% \TXN@toks@b = {#2#3}% \let \next = \TXN@setLocus@relative \else \ifx \TXN@sideLocus \TXN@left \endgroup \global \dimen@i = \z@ \let \next = \TXN@setLocus@finish \else \if t\TXN@entity@code \ifx \auto #1\relax \endgroup \def \TXN@temp {a}% \TXN@toks@a = {#3}% \let \next = \TXN@setLocus@auto \else \ifx \Auto #1\relax \endgroup \def \TXN@temp {m}% \TXN@toks@a = {#3}% \let \next = \TXN@setLocus@auto \else \ifx \noauto #1\relax \endgroup \let \next = \TXN@setLocus@noauto \else \ifx \previous #1\relax \endgroup \let \next = \TXN@setLocus@previous \fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi \next } % \end{macrocode} % Compute the offset. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@calc@offset{% % \end{macrocode} % We are still within the group, so we can change |\TXN@entity|. % \begin{macrocode} \if n\TXN@entity@code \def \TXN@entity {numerus}% \else \def \TXN@entity {textus}% \fi \TXN@calc@offset \global \advance \dimen@i by \TXN@skip@a \endgroup \TXN@setLocus@finish } % \end{macrocode} % The actual call to \textbf{calc}. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@calc@offset {% % \end{macrocode} % Set the appropriate hooks in the \textbf{calc} package and % compute the expression. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter \let \csname calc@textsize\expandafter\endcsname \csname TXN@\TXN@entity @calc@textsize\endcsname \let \offset = \widthof \let \WidthOf = \widthof \calc@assign@dimen{\global\dimen@i}{\TXN@calc@exp}% } % \end{macrocode} % Set the |\Locus| variables % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@finish{% \if p\TXN@entity@code \edef \DRM@persona@side {\TXN@sideLocus}% \edef \DRM@persona@offset {\the\dimen@i}% \else \ifTXN@textus@shift \TXN@edef {\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]shift}{\the\dimen@i}% \ifTXN@textus@shift@minus \else \TXN@xdef {\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]last@shift}{\the\dimen@i}% \fi \else \TXN@edef {\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]side@\TXN@folio}{\TXN@sideLocus}% \TXN@edef {\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]offset@\TXN@folio}{\the\dimen@i}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Processing a relative shift. % |\TXN@toks@a| holds the sign % |\TXN@toks@b| holds the rest % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@relative {% \if p\TXN@entity@code \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {You cannot specify a shift for this \protect\Locus} {}% \fi \xdef \TXN@sideLocus {\@nameuse{\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]side@\TXN@folio}}% \ifx \empty \TXN@sideLocus \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {The \protect\Locus\space has not been previously defined} {}% \fi \ifnum \TXN@sideLocus < \z@ \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {You cannot specify a shift for this \protect\Locus} {}% \fi \if t\TXN@entity@code \ifnum \TXN@counter = \z@ \global \TXN@textus@shifttrue \fi \fi \edef \TXN@temp {\the\TXN@toks@b}% \ifx \empty \TXN@temp \ifTXN@textus@shift \TXN@setLocus@textus@shift \else \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {You cannot specify `+' or `-' for this \protect\Locus} {}% \fi \else \ifTXN@textus@shift \TXN@skip@a = \z@skip \else \TXN@assign \TXN@skip@a = {\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]offset@\TXN@folio}% \fi \fi \edef \TXN@calc@exp {0pt\the\TXN@toks@a\the\TXN@toks@b}% \TXN@setLocus@calc@offset } % \end{macrocode} % If there is just a sign, we either use the previous shift (+) or % clear the shift (-). % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@textus@shift {% \edef \TXN@temp {\@nameuse{\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]last@shift}}% \ifx \empty \TXN@temp \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {There is no previous shift for this \protect\Locus} {}% \fi \edef \TXN@temp@bis {\the\TXN@toks@a}% \if +\TXN@temp@bis \expandafter \TXN@toks@b \expandafter{\TXN@temp}% \else \global \TXN@textus@shift@minustrue \TXN@toks@b = {0pt}% \fi \TXN@skip@a = \z@skip } % \end{macrocode} % The argument is |\auto| % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@check@poetry {% \ifTXN@outside@preamble \else \@ifpackageloaded{poetry}{\TXN@poetrytrue}{}% \fi \ifTXN@poetry \else \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {\protect\Locus\protect\auto\space requires the `poetry' package} {}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@auto {% \TXN@check@poetry \edef \PTR@auto@mode {\TXN@temp}% \edef \TXN@temp {\the\TXN@toks@a}% % \end{macrocode} % Check the optional argument % \begin{macrocode} \ifx \empty \TXN@temp \TXN@setLocus@auto@bis \relax \TXN@nil \else \expandafter \TXN@setLocus@auto@bis \the\TXN@toks@a \TXN@nil \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@auto@bis #1#2\TXN@nil{% \if *\noexpand#1\relax \def \TXN@auto@delta {\z@}% \else \if [\noexpand#1\relax \TXN@setLocus@auto@ter #2\relax \else \def \TXN@auto@delta {3mm}% \fi \fi \PTR@auto@setup } \def \TXN@setLocus@auto@ter #1]{\def \TXN@auto@delta {#1}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@noauto {\TXN@check@poetry\PTR@auto@notrue} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setLocus@previous {% \ifTXN@withinVersus \else \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {\protect\Locus\protect\previous\space can be used only \MessageBreak within the Versus domain}% {}% \fi \TXN@edef {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]shift}{\PTR@previous@shift}% } % \end{macrocode} % % The code replacing |\calc@textsize| for |\Locus\Numerus|. % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@numerus@calc@textsize #1#2{% \def \offset {\offset}% \def \WidthOf {\WidthOf}% \ifx \offset #1\relax \begingroup \let \numerus = \TXN@get@offset@numerus \let \textus = \TXN@get@offset@textus \expandafter{#2}% \global \calc@A = \dimen@iii \endgroup \else \ifx \WidthOf #1\relax \setbox \z@ = \hbox{\csname TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]Facies\endcsname#2}% \else \TXN@process@numerus@argument{#2}% \edef\TXN@temp{% \TXN@numerus@error \TXN@numerus@sign \TXN@numerus@set }% \ifx \empty \TXN@temp \else \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {Bad prototype \protect\numerus} {}% \fi \setbox \z@ = \hbox{% \@nameuse {TXN@numerus[\TXN@c]Facies}% \TXN@numerus@value \empty \TXN@numerus@separator \TXN@numerus@second@value \TXN@numerus@head }% \fi \begingroup \let\widthof = \wd \let\WidthOf = \wd \let\heightof = \ht \let\depthof = \dp \global\calc@A #10\relax \endgroup \fi \calc@post@scan } % \end{macrocode} % % The code replacing |\calc@textsize| for |\Locus\Textus| \\ % (and for |\Locus\personae|) % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@textus@calc@textsize #1#2{% \def \offset {\offset}% \def \WidthOf {\WidthOf}% \ifx \offset #1\relax \begingroup \let \numerus = \TXN@get@offset@numerus \let \textus = \TXN@get@offset@textus \expandafter{#2}% \global \calc@A = \dimen@iii \endgroup \else \ifx \WidthOf #1\relax \setbox \z@ = \hbox {\csname TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]Facies\endcsname#2}% \else \setbox \z@ = \hbox {\csname TXN@textus[\TXN@c]Facies\endcsname {#2}}% \fi \begingroup \let\widthof = \wd \let\WidthOf = \wd \let\heightof = \ht \let\depthof = \dp \global\calc@A #10\relax \endgroup \fi \calc@post@scan } \let \TXN@persona@calc@textsize = \TXN@textus@calc@textsize % \end{macrocode} % % The meaning of |\numerus| within \textbf{calc}. % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@get@offset@numerus}[1][0]{% \TXN@let \TXN@test = {TXN@numerus[#1]side@\TXN@folio}% \ifx \empty \TXN@test \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {\protect\Locus\protect\numerus[#1] not defined yet} {}% \fi \global \TXN@assign \dimen@iii = {TXN@numerus[#1]offset@\TXN@folio}% \ifnum \TXN@test = \TXN@leftmargin \TXN@safe \global \advance \dimen@iii by -\TXN@skip@a \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % The meaning of |\textus| within \textbf{calc}. % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@get@offset@textus}[1][0]{% \TXN@let \TXN@test = {TXN@textus[#1]side@\TXN@folio}% \ifx \TXN@test \relax \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {\protect\Locus\protect\textus[#1] not defined yet} {}% \fi \global \TXN@assign \dimen@iii = {TXN@textus[#1]offset@\TXN@folio}% \ifnum \TXN@test = \TXN@leftmargin \relax \global \advance \dimen@iii by -\TXN@skip@a \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Set |\dimen@| equal to the displacement from the |\textleftmargin| % |#1|\ textus/numerus[n] % |#2|\ the object type ('t' = textus, anything else = numerus) % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@Locus #1#2{% \if \TXN@empty {TXN@#1side@\TXN@theFolio}% \dimen@ = \maxdimen \else \TXN@sw@false \ifx t#2\relax \edef \TXN@temp {\@nameuse{TXN@#1flagsLocus@\TXN@theFolio}}% \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AttachedToArea \TXN@temp \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \TXN@assign \@tempcnta = {TXN@#1side@\TXN@theFolio}% \TXN@assign \dimen@ = {TXN@#1offset@\TXN@theFolio}% \TXN@assign \dimen@@ = {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]offset@\TXN@theFolio}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase \@tempcnta \advance \dimen@ by \linewidth % right margin \or % left margin \relax \or % text right margin \advance \dimen@ by \TXN@measure \advance \dimen@ by \dimen@@ \or % text left margin \advance \dimen@ by \dimen@@ \TXN@assign \dimen@@ = {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]shift}% \advance \dimen@ by \dimen@@ \or % text right edge \ifTXN@sw \advance \dimen@ by \dimen@@ \TXN@assign \dimen@@ = {TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]rightedge}% \advance \dimen@ by \dimen@@ \else \TXN@assign \dimen@@ = {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]shift}% \advance \dimen@ by \dimen@@ \ifx \empty \TXN@line@length \ifTXN@withinVersus \gdef \TXN@line@length {\the\wd\PTR@box@full@line}% \else \gdef \TXN@line@length {\the\TXN@measure}% \fi \fi \advance \dimen@ by \TXN@line@length \TXN@safe \fi \or % text left edge \ifTXN@sw \TXN@assign \dimen@ = {TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]leftedge}% \else \advance \dimen@ by \dimen@@ \TXN@assign \dimen@@ = {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]shift}% \advance \dimen@ by \dimen@@ \advance \dimen@ by \TXN@leading@space \TXN@safe \fi \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Setting the \TXN@cmd{Forma} attribute} % \subsubsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Forma} for \TXN@cmd{textus} % \textit{(currently unused)}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@setForma@textus}[2][0]{% \TXN@counter = #1\relax \let \TXN@save@esc@esc = \\% \def \\{\relax}% \TXN@setForma@textus@bis#2\\\\% \let \\ = \TXN@save@esc@esc } \def \TXN@setForma@textus@bis #1\\#2\\{% \def \TXN@folio {recto}% \TXN@trim{\noexpand#1}% \expandafter \TXN@setForma@textus@ter \expandafter {\the\TXN@trimmed}% \def \TXN@folio {verso}% \@ifmtarg {#2} {} {\TXN@trim{\noexpand#2}}% \expandafter \TXN@setForma@textus@ter \expandafter {\the\TXN@trimmed}% } \def \TXN@setForma@textus@ter #1{% \TXN@sw@false \if \TXN@empty {TXN@textus[\TXN@c]Forma@\TXN@folio}% \else \ifTXN@attribute@starred \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \TXN@let \TXN@temp = {TXN@textus[\TXN@c]Forma@\TXN@folio}% \toks@ = \expandafter {\TXN@temp #1}% \TXN@edef {TXN@textus[\TXN@c]Forma@\TXN@folio}{\the\toks@}% \else \TXN@def {TXN@textus[\TXN@c]Forma@\TXN@folio}{% \global \noexpand \TXN@centrefinalfalse #1\relax}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Forma} for \TXN@cmd{titulus}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@setForma@titulus}[2][0]{% \TXN@sw@false \if \TXN@empty {TXN@titulus[#1]Forma}% \else \ifTXN@attribute@starred \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \TXN@let \TXN@temp = {TXN@titulus[#1]Forma}% \toks@ = \expandafter {\TXN@temp #2}% \TXN@edef {TXN@titulus[#1]Forma}{\the\toks@}% \else \TXN@def {TXN@titulus[#1]Forma}{#2\relax}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Setting the \TXN@cmd{Modus} attribute} % % \subsubsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Modus} for \TXN@cmd{textus}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@setModus@textus}[2][0]{% \TXN@counter = #1\relax \def \TXN@entity@code {t}% \TXN@setModus{#2}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Modus} for \TXN@cmd{numerus}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@setModus@numerus}[2][0]{% \TXN@counter = #1\relax \def \TXN@entity@code {n}% \TXN@setModus{#2}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Modus} for \TXN@cmd{titulus}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@setModus@titulus}[2][0]{% \TXN@counter = #1\relax \def \TXN@entity@code {T}% \TXN@setModus{#2}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Modus} for \TXN@cmd{Delimiter}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@ModusDelimiter {}% \def \TXN@setModus@Delimiter #1{% \def \TXN@ModusDelimiter {#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Processing the \TXN@cmd{Modus} options} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setModus #1{% \let \TXN@save@esc@esc = \\% \def \\{\relax}% \TXN@setModus@bis#1\\\\% \let \\ = \TXN@save@esc@esc } % \end{macrocode} % Split the argument into the \textit{recto} and \textit{verso} parts, % both trimmed of leading and trailing spaces. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setModus@bis #1\\#2\\{% \def \TXN@folio {recto}% \TXN@trim{\noexpand#1}% \expandafter \TXN@setModus@ter \the\TXN@trimmed\TXN@nil \def \TXN@folio {verso}% \@ifmtarg {#2} {} {\TXN@trim{\noexpand#2}}% \expandafter \TXN@setModus@ter \the\TXN@trimmed\TXN@nil } % \end{macrocode} % Process one of the parts (\textit{recto} or \textit{verso}). % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setModus@ter #1\TXN@nil{% % \end{macrocode} % Note that |\TXN@entity@code| may also have the value `p' (for \texttt{persona}) % \begin{macrocode} \if n\TXN@entity@code \def \TXN@entity {TXN@numerus}% \else \if t\TXN@entity@code \def \TXN@entity {TXN@textus}% \else \if T\TXN@entity@code \def \TXN@entity {TXN@titulus}% \fi\fi\fi % \end{macrocode} % We start a group, to keep all \textbf{cs} definitions locals % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup \if T\TXN@entity@code \else \def \aligned {\TXN@setModus@aligned}% \def \centred {\edef \TXN@temp {% \TXN@o@RangedLeft\TXN@o@RangedRight}% \toks@ = \expandafter{\TXN@temp}\TXN@setModus@ranged}% \def \rangedleft {\toks@ = \expandafter {\TXN@o@RangedLeft}% \TXN@setModus@ranged}% \def \rangedright {\toks@ = \expandafter {\TXN@o@RangedRight}% \TXN@setModus@ranged}% \def \justified {\toks@ = \expandafter {\TXN@o@Justified}% \TXN@setModus@justified}% \def \milestone {\TXN@setModus@milestone}% \let \centered = \centred \fi \if n\TXN@entity@code \let \pagewise = \TXN@setModus@pagewise \fi \if t\TXN@entity@code \let \hyphenless = \TXN@setModus@nohyphens \let \unhyphenated = \TXN@setModus@nohyphens \let \multiple = \TXN@setModus@multiples \let \multiples = \TXN@setModus@multiples \let \measure = \TXN@setModus@measure \ifTXN@withinIndexes \let \leaders = \TXN@setModus@leaders \fi \fi \if T\TXN@entity@code \let \hyphenless = \TXN@setModus@nohyphens \let \unhyphenated = \TXN@setModus@nohyphens \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@toks@a = {}% \TXN@toks@c = {}% \gdef \TXN@Modus@measure@set {}% \gdef \TXN@Modus@leaders@set {}% \gdef \TXN@Modus@classes@set {}% #1\relax \global \toks@i = \TXN@toks@a \global \toks@iii = \TXN@toks@c \endgroup \TXN@toks@a = \toks@i \TXN@toks@c = \toks@iii \if p\TXN@entity@code \edef \DRM@persona@flags {\the\TXN@toks@a}% \edef \DRM@persona@field {\the\TXN@toks@c}% \else \ifTXN@attribute@starred \edef \TXN@temp {\@nameuse{\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]flagsModus@\TXN@folio}}% \else \edef \TXN@temp {}% \fi \if T\TXN@entity@code \TXN@edef {\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]flagsModus}{\TXN@temp\the\TXN@toks@a}% \else \TXN@edef {\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]flagsModus@\TXN@folio}% {\TXN@temp\the\TXN@toks@a}% \TXN@edef {\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]field@\TXN@folio}{\the\TXN@toks@c}% \fi \fi \ifx \empty \TXN@Modus@measure@set \else \ifx \TXN@folio \TXN@recto \TXN@edef {\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]measure}{\TXN@Modus@measure@set}% \TXN@measure = \TXN@Modus@measure@set \TXN@safe \fi \fi \ifx \empty \TXN@Modus@leaders@set \else \TXN@edef {\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]leaders@\TXN@folio}% {\TXN@Modus@leaders@set}% \fi \ifx \empty \TXN@Modus@classes@set \else \TXN@edef {\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]classes@\TXN@folio}{\TXN@Modus@classes@set}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setModus@flag #1{% \edef \TXN@temp {\the\TXN@toks@a#1}% \TXN@toks@a = \expandafter{\TXN@temp}% } % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{\TXN@cmd{aligned}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setModus@aligned #1{% \define@key {aligned}{left} [\TXN@o@AlignedLeft]{\TXN@setModus@flag##1}% \define@key {aligned}{right} [\TXN@o@AlignedRight]{\TXN@setModus@flag##1}% \define@key {aligned}{centre}[\TXN@o@AlignedCentre]{\TXN@setModus@flag{##1}}% \if t\TXN@entity@code \define@key {aligned}{top} [\TXN@o@AlignedTop]{\TXN@setModus@flag##1}% \define@key {aligned}{bottom}[\TXN@o@AlignedBottom]{\TXN@setModus@flag##1}% \define@key {aligned}{middle}[\TXN@o@AlignedMiddle]{\TXN@setModus@flag##1}% \define@key {aligned}{axis} [\TXN@o@AlignedAxis]{\TXN@setModus@flag##1}% \fi \if n\TXN@entity@code \define@key {aligned}{tail}[\TXN@o@AlignedTail]{\TXN@setModus@flag##1}% \fi \setkeys {aligned}{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{\TXN@cmd{justified}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setModus@justified {% \if t\TXN@entity@code \ifnum \TXN@counter = \TXN@e \TXN@safe \TXN@exxxpandafter \TXN@setModus@justified@excessus \else \TXN@exxxpandafter \TXN@setModus@justified@bis \fi \else \expandafter \TXN@setModus@justified@bis \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setModus@justified@bis #1{% \TXN@toks@c = {#1}% \TXN@setModus@auto@field@width #1\TXN@nil \edef \TXN@temp {\the\TXN@toks@a\the\toks@}% \TXN@toks@a = \expandafter {\TXN@temp}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@setModus@justified@excessus}[1][200]{% \TXN@toks@c = {#1}% \edef \TXN@temp {\the\TXN@toks@a\the\toks@}% \TXN@toks@a = \expandafter {\TXN@temp}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setModus@auto@field@width #1#2\TXN@nil{% \@tempswafalse \ifx +#1\relax \@tempswatrue \else \ifx -#1\relax \@tempswatrue \fi \fi \if@tempswa \edef \TXN@temp {\the\TXN@toks@a\TXN@o@FieldAutoWidth}% \TXN@toks@a = \expandafter {\TXN@temp}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{\TXN@cmd{measure}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setModus@measure #1{% \begingroup \TXN@sw@false \TXN@setModus@measure@bis #1\TXN@nil \setlength {\TXN@dim@a} {\ifTXN@sw \TXN@measure\fi #1}% \xdef \TXN@Modus@measure@set {\the\TXN@dim@a}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setModus@measure@bis #1#2\TXN@nil{% \ifx +#1\relax \TXN@sw@true \else \ifx -#1\relax \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{\TXN@cmd{milestone}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setModus@milestone {% \TXN@gdef {\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]milestone}{1}% \global \TXN@milestonestrue } % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{\TXN@cmd{multiples}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setModus@multiples {% \edef \TXN@temp {\the\TXN@toks@a \TXN@o@Multiples}% \TXN@toks@a = \expandafter {\TXN@temp}% } % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{\TXN@cmd{leaders}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@setModus@leaders} [1][.05\linewidth]{% \gdef \TXN@Modus@leaders@set {#1}% \edef \TXN@temp {\the\TXN@toks@a \TXN@o@Leaders}% \TXN@toks@a = \expandafter {\TXN@temp}% } % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{\TXN@cmd{nohyphens}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setModus@nohyphens {% \edef \TXN@temp {\the\TXN@toks@a\TXN@o@Unhyphenated}% \TXN@toks@a = \expandafter {\TXN@temp}% } % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{\TXN@cmd{pagewise}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setModus@pagewise {% \edef \TXN@temp {\the\TXN@toks@a \TXN@o@Pagewise}% \global \TXN@lineatingtrue \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@reason \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@pagewise \TXN@toks@a = \expandafter {\TXN@temp}% } % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{\TXN@cmd{ranged}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setModus@ranged #1{% \TXN@toks@c = {#1}% \TXN@setModus@auto@field@width #1\TXN@nil \edef \TXN@temp {\the\TXN@toks@a\the\toks@}% \TXN@toks@a = \expandafter {\TXN@temp}% } % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{\TXN@cmd{classes} \textit{(currently unused)}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setModus@classes #1{% \def \TXN@parameter {#1}% \begingroup \ifx \empty \TXN@parameter \toks@ = {Z}% \else \def \TXN@temp {all}% \ifx \TXN@temp \TXN@parameter \toks@ = {tTp([}% \else \toks@ = {}% \def \textus {\textus}% \def \titulus {\titulus}% \def \persona {\persona}% \def \({\(}% \def \[{\[}% \TXN@setModus@classes@bis #1\TXN@nil \fi \fi \xdef \TXN@Modus@classes@set {\the\toks@}% \endgroup \edef \TXN@numbered@classes {\TXN@numbered@classes\the\toks@}% } \def \TXN@setModus@classes@bis #1{% \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \else \ifx \textus #1\relax \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@ t}% \else \ifx \titulus #1\relax \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@ T}% \else \ifx \persona #1\relax \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@ p}% \else \ifx \(#1\relax \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@ (}% \else \ifx \[#1\relax \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@ [}% \else \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {Invalid class name: \protect#1} {}% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \expandafter \TXN@setModus@classes@bis \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Spatium} attributes} % \subsubsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Spatium} attributes for \TXN@cmd{numerus}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@setSpatiumAnte@numerus}[2][\z@]{% \TXN@build@spatium@horizontal {#2}% \toks@ = \expandafter {\TXN@temp}% \TXN@edef {TXN@numerus[#1]SpatiumAnte}{\the\toks@}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Spatium} attributes for \TXN@cmd{titulus}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@setSpatiumSupra@titulus}[2][\z@]{% \ifTXN@withinVersus \TXN@normalCR \fi \TXN@build@spatium@list {#2}% \ifTXN@withinVersus \TXN@activeCR \fi \TXN@edef {TXN@titulus[#1]SpatiumSupra}{\TXN@L@spatium}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@setSpatiumInfra@titulus}[2][\z@]{% \TXN@build@spatium@list {#2}% \TXN@edef {TXN@titulus[#1]SpatiumInfra}{\TXN@L@spatium}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Spatium} attributes for% % \TXN@cmd{\protect\bslash}} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setSpatiumInfra@esc@esc #1{% \def \TXN@SpatiumInfraEscEsc {#1}% } \newif \ifTXN@SpatiumEscEsc@noauto \def \TXN@setSpatiumPost@esc@esc #1{% \def \TXN@parameter {#1}% \ifx \empty \TXN@parameter \TXN@SpatiumEscEsc@noautotrue \else \TXN@build@spatium@horizontal {#1}% \toks@ = \expandafter {\TXN@temp}% \edef \TXN@SpatiumPostEscEsc {\the\toks@}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Spatium} attributes for \TXN@cmd{Delimiter}} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@SpatiumAnteDelimiter {\hskip \z@skip}% \def \TXN@setSpatiumAnte@Delimiter #1{% \TXN@build@spatium@horizontal {#1}% \toks@ = \expandafter {\TXN@temp}% \edef \TXN@SpatiumAnteDelimiter {\the\toks@}% } \def \TXN@SpatiumPostDelimiter {\hskip \z@skip}% \def \TXN@setSpatiumPost@Delimiter #1{% \TXN@build@spatium@horizontal {#1}% \toks@ = \expandafter {\TXN@temp}% \edef \TXN@SpatiumPostDelimiter {\the\toks@}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Setting the \TXN@cmd{Caput} attribute} % \subsubsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Caput} for \TXN@cmd{numerus}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@setCaput@numerus}[2][0]{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@setCaput@numerus \def \TXN@parameter {#2}% \ifx \empty \TXN@parameter \TXN@edef {TXN@numerus[#1]Caput}{}% \else \TXN@counter = #1\relax \def \TXN@entity {numerus}% \TXN@setCaput #2\TXN@nil \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Caput} for \TXN@cmd{textus}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@setCaput@textus}[2][0]{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@setCaput@textus \def \TXN@parameter {#2}% \ifx \empty \TXN@parameter \TXN@edef {TXN@textus[#1]Caput}{}% \else \TXN@counter = #1\relax \def \TXN@entity {textus}% \TXN@setCaput #2\TXN@nil \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Setting \TXN@cmd{Caput} for \TXN@cmd{titulus}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@setCaput@titulus}[2][0]{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@setCaput@titulus \def \TXN@parameter {#2}% \ifx \empty \TXN@parameter \TXN@edef {TXN@titulus[#1]Caput}{}% \else \TXN@counter = #1\relax \def \TXN@entity {titulus}% \TXN@setCaput #2\TXN@nil \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{The common code for \TXN@cmd{Caput}} % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@caput@index@only \long \def \TXN@setCaput #1#2\TXN@nil{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@setCaput \toks@ = {}% \TXN@caput@index@onlyfalse \def \indexes {\indexes}% \ifx \indexes #1\relax \toks@ = {\indexes}% \TXN@caput@index@onlytrue \else \if \TXN@x {c@\expandafter\@gobble\string#1}\relax \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {\protect#1\space is not a valid section name} {}% \fi \fi \expandafter \TXN@setCaput@contents@headline@index \expandafter {\the\toks@#2}% \ifTXN@caput@index@only \TXN@edef {TXN@\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]Caput}{indexonly}% \TXN@sw@false \edef \TXN@temp {\the\toks@i}% \ifx \empty \TXN@temp \else \TXN@sw@true \fi \edef \TXN@temp {\the\toks@iii}% \ifx \empty \TXN@temp \else \TXN@sw@true \fi \ifTXN@sw \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {Extraneous information in \protect\Caput\space argument} {If the first token is \protect\indexes\space you cannot specify \protect\headline\space or \protect\contents}% \fi \global \toks@i = {}% \global \toks@iii = {}% \else \TXN@edef {TXN@\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]Caput}{\expandafter\@gobble\string#1}% \fi \TXN@edef {TXN@\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]Caput@contents}{\the\toks@i}% \TXN@edef {TXN@\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]Caput@headline}{\the\toks@iii}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \edef \TXN@temp {\the\toks@v}% \ifx \empty \TXN@temp \global \toks@v = {\relax}% \gdef \TXN@index@type {}% \fi \TXN@edef {TXN@\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]Caput@index}{\the\toks@v}% \TXN@edef {TXN@\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]Caput@index@type}{\TXN@index@type}% } % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{\TXN@cmd{contents} \TXN@cmd{headline} \TXN@cmd{index}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setCaput@contents@headline@index #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@setCaput@contents@headline@index \global \toks@i = {}% \global \toks@iii = {}% \global \toks@v = {}% \setbox \z@ = \hbox {% \let \contents = \TXN@setCaput@contents \let \headline = \TXN@setCaput@headline \let \indexes = \TXN@setCaput@index #1}% \ifdim \wd\z@ = \z@ \else \ifTXN@caput@index@only \else \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {Bad \protect\Caput\space attribute} {You may have forgotten the escape character in the section name}% \fi \fi \ifTXN@caput@index@only \else \edef \TXN@temp {\the\toks@i}% \ifx \empty \TXN@temp \edef \TXN@temp {\the\toks@iii}% \ifx \empty \TXN@temp \global \toks@i = {\relax}% \global \toks@iii = {\relax}% \fi \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{\TXN@cmd{contents}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setCaput@contents {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@setCaput@contents \global \toks@i = {\relax}% \futurenonspacelet \TXN@token \TXN@setCaput@contents@bis } \def \TXN@setCaput@contents@bis {% \ifx \TXN@token \bgroup \expandafter \TXN@setCaput@contents@ter \fi } \def \TXN@setCaput@contents@ter #1{% \global \toks@i = {#1}% \ignorespaces } % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{\TXN@cmd{headline}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setCaput@headline {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@setCaput@headline \global \toks@iii = {\relax}% \futurenonspacelet \TXN@token \TXN@setCaput@headline@bis } \def \TXN@setCaput@headline@bis {% \ifx \TXN@token \bgroup \expandafter \TXN@setCaput@headline@ter \fi } \def \TXN@setCaput@headline@ter #1{% \global \toks@iii = {#1}% \ignorespaces } % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{\TXN@cmd{index}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setCaput@index {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@setCaput@index \gdef \TXN@index@type {t}% \global \toks@v = {\relax}% \futurenonspacelet \TXN@token \TXN@setCaput@index@bis } \def \TXN@setCaput@index@bis {% \ifx [\TXN@token \expandafter \TXN@setCaput@index@quater \else \ifx \TXN@token \bgroup \TXN@exxxpandafter \TXN@setCaput@index@ter \fi \fi } \def \TXN@setCaput@index@ter #1{% \global \toks@v = {#1}% \ignorespaces } \def \TXN@setCaput@index@quater [#1]{% \ifcat a#1\relax \else \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {The optional parameter of \protect\indexes\space must be a letter} {}% \fi \gdef \TXN@index@type {#1}% \futurenonspacelet \TXN@token \TXN@setCaput@index@quinquies } \def \TXN@setCaput@index@quinquies{% \ifx \TXN@token \bgroup \expandafter \TXN@setCaput@index@ter \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \section{The \TXN@cmd{textus} class} % \subsection{Processing the command} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@e {-1} \newif \ifTXN@textus@star \newcommand {\textus} {% \ifx \empty \TXN@attribute@name \expandafter \TXN@Textus \else \def \TXN@subclass@name {textus}% \def \TXN@subclass@number {x}% \def \TXN@temp {TXN}% \expandafter \TXN@attribute@set \fi } \def \TXN@Textus {% \@ifstar {\TXN@textus@startrue\TXN@getTextus} {\TXN@textus@starfalse\TXN@getTextus}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@getTextus}[1][0] {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@getTextus \TXN@get@textus@flags {#1}% \TXN@counter = #1\relax \ifTXN@textus@star \ifTXN@withinProsa \ifnum #1 = \z@ \else \TXN@milestonestrue \fi \fi \fi \TXN@get \TXN@textus@subclasses.\TXN@counter \TXN@temp % \end{macrocode} % The class name (having been obtained by |\string|, consists of % characters of category `other', so we must do the comparison in % this roundabout way. % \begin{macrocode} \count@ = \escapechar \escapechar = \m@ne \edef \TXN@temp@bis {\expandafter\string\csname\@currenvir\endcsname}% \escapechar = \count@ \ifx \TXN@temp \TXN@temp@bis \else \expandafter \TXN@getTextus@normal \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Processing normal \TXN@cmd{textus}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@getTextus@normal {% \futurelet \TXN@token \TXN@getTextus@bis } \def \TXN@getTextus@bis {% \ifx *\TXN@token \expandafter \TXN@getTextus@double@star \else \expandafter \TXN@getTextus@ter \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@getTextus@double@star #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@getTextus@double@star \TXN@sw@true \ifTXN@withinProsa \if \TXN@num {TXN@textus[\TXN@c]milestone} = \@ne \ifnum \TXN@pass = \@ne \TXN@sw@false \TXN@toks@a = {\textus*[}% \TXN@toks@b = \expandafter{\the\TXN@counter]*}% \edef \TXN@temp {\toks@={\the\TXN@toks@a\the\TXN@toks@b}}\TXN@temp \TXN@save@command \fi \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \TXN@gdef {TXN@textus[\TXN@c]star}{}% \TXN@set@textus@text {\TXN@c}{}% \fi \ignorespaces } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@getTextus@ter {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@getTextus@ter \ifTXN@textus@star \TXN@sw@true \if \TXN@num {TXN@textus[\TXN@c]milestone} = \@ne \ifTXN@withinProsa \TXN@sw@false \ifnum \TXN@pass = \tw@ \ifTXN@replay \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \TXN@gdef {TXN@textus[\TXN@c]star}{*}% \fi \fi \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@Multiples \TXN@textus@flags \expandafter \TXN@getTextus@multiples \else \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@NoArgument \TXN@textus@flags \TXN@exxxpandafter \TXN@getTextus@quater \else \ifTXN@withinVersus \everypar = {}\TXN@normalCR \fi \TXN@exxxpandafter \TXN@getTextus@quinquies \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@getTextus@quater {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@getTextus@quater \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@NoFacies \TXN@textus@flags \expandafter \TXN@getTextus@nofacies \else \expandafter \TXN@getTextus@noargument \fi } \def \TXN@getTextus@nofacies #1{} \def \TXN@getTextus@noargument {% \TXN@getTextus@quinquies \relax } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@getTextus@quinquies #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@getTextus@quinquies \let \next = \TXN@getTextus@sexies \ifTXN@withinProsa \if \TXN@num {TXN@textus[\TXN@c]milestone} = \@ne \else \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AttachedToArea \TXN@textus@flags \TXN@gdef {TXN@textus[\TXN@c]milestone}{1}% \TXN@milestonestrue \TXN@initialize@milestones \fi \fi \if \TXN@num {TXN@textus[\TXN@c]milestone} = \@ne \ifnum \TXN@pass = \@ne \let \next = \TXN@getTextus@septies \fi \ifnum \TXN@pass = \tw@ \ifTXN@replay \else \let \next = \TXN@getTextus@septies \fi \fi \fi \fi \next {#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@getTextus@sexies #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@getTextus@sexies \TXN@set@textus@text {\TXN@c}{#1}% \if \TXN@empty {TXN@textus[\TXN@c]side@\TXN@theFolio}% \leavevmode \def \TXN@textus@text {}% \TXN@make@object@textus {\TXN@c}% \ifTXN@textus@zero@width \setbox \TXN@object@textus = \hbox to \z@ {% \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@RangedRight \TXN@textus@flags \hss \fi \box \TXN@object@textus \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@RangedLeft \TXN@textus@flags \hss \else \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@RangedRight \TXN@textus@flags \else \hss \fi \fi }% \else \dimen@ = \maxdimen \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AlignedRight \TXN@textus@flags \dimen@ = \wd\TXN@object@textus \fi \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AlignedCentre \TXN@textus@flags \dimen@ = .5\wd\TXN@object@textus \fi \ifdim \dimen@ = \maxdimen \else \setbox \TXN@object@textus = \hbox {\kern -\dimen@ \box \TXN@object@textus}% \fi \fi \box \TXN@object@textus \ifTXN@textus@star \else \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AttachedToArea \TXN@textus@flags \else \TXN@gdef {TXN@textus[\TXN@c]text}{}% \fi \fi \else \ifnum \TXN@counter = \z@ \leavevmode \begingroup \@nameuse{TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]Facies}#1\endgroup \fi \fi \ifTXN@withinVersus \everypar = {\PTR@start@box}% \expandafter \PTR@obeylines \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@set@textus@text #1#2{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@set@textus@text \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AttachedToArea \TXN@textus@flags \@tempcnta = \TXN@area@count \TXN@safe \ifnum \@tempcnta > \TXN@max@area@ind \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {Too many areas} {There can be no more than \TXN@max@area@ind\space areas}% \fi \TXN@global@listtrue \expandafter \TXN@SimpleList@set \csname TXN@textus[#1]text\endcsname.\@tempcnta {\strut#2\strut}% \else \TXN@gdef {TXN@textus[#1]text}{#2}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@getTextus@septies #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@getTextus@septies \ifnum \TXN@pass = \@ne \ifTXN@textus@star \TXN@toks@a = {\textus*[}% \else \TXN@toks@a = {\textus[}% \fi \TXN@toks@b = \expandafter{\the\TXN@counter}% \TXN@toks@c = {]{#1}}% \edef \TXN@temp {\the\TXN@toks@a\the\TXN@toks@b\the\TXN@toks@c}% \toks@ = \expandafter {\TXN@temp}% \TXN@save@command \else \ifTXN@replay \else \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AttachedToArea \TXN@textus@flags \else \TXN@gdef {TXN@textus[\TXN@c]text}{}% \fi \fi \fi \expandafter \ignorespaces } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Processing multiples} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@getTextus@multiples #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@getTextus@multiples \toks@ = \expandafter {% \csname TXN@textus[\TXN@c]Facies\endcsname\relax\relax}% \setbox \z@ = \hbox {#1}% \setbox \@ne = \hbox {\@nameuse{TXN@textus[\TXN@c]Facies}\relax}% \dimen@ = \wd\@ne \loop \ifdim \dimen@ < \wd\z@ \advance \dimen@ by \wd\@ne \repeat % \end{macrocode} % One copy is inserted by |\Facies| as the box is generated % \begin{macrocode} \advance \dimen@ by -\wd\@ne % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \toks@ = \expandafter {% \csname TXN@textus[\TXN@c]Facies\endcsname\relax}% \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@}% \edef \TXN@temp {\leavevmode \hbox to\the\dimen@{\xleaders\hbox{\the\toks@}\hfill}} \expandafter \TXN@getTextus@sexies \expandafter{\TXN@temp}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Attaching a \TXN@cmd{textus} object to the line} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@attach@textus #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace [#1] \TXN@attach@textus \ifnum #1 = \TXN@e \TXN@safe \TXN@typeset@textus {\TXN@e}% \else \TXN@attach@textus@bis \fi } \def \TXN@attach@textus@bis {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@attach@textus@bis \setbox \TXN@object@textus = \null \count@ = \@ne \loop \xdef \TXN@textus@loop {\the\count@}% \advance \count@ by \m@ne \ifnum \count@ < \TXN@textus@max \TXN@safe \TXN@get@textus@flags {\TXN@textus@loop}% \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AttachedToArea \TXN@textus@flags \else \if \TXN@empty {TXN@textus[\TXN@textus@loop]text}% \else \expandafter \TXN@typeset@textus \expandafter{\TXN@textus@loop}% \fi \fi \count@ = \TXN@textus@loop \TXN@safe \advance \count@ by \@ne \repeat } % \end{macrocode} % % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@typeset@textus #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@typeset@textus \def \TXN@textus@text {}% \TXN@make@object@textus {#1}% \TXN@move@to@marginalia {#1}{t}\TXN@object@textus } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Building a \TXN@cmd{textus} object} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@make@object@textus #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@make@object@textus \def \TXN@entity {textus}% \TXN@get@textus@flags {#1}% \edef \TXN@flags {\TXN@textus@flags}% \ifx \empty \TXN@textus@text \gdef \TXN@textus@text {\csname TXN@textus[#1]text\endcsname}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % If |\excessus| no special formatting % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum #1 = \TXN@e \TXN@safe \let \TXN@box@type = \hbox \def \TXN@box@parameters {}% \else \TXN@get@object@field@width {#1}% \ifx \empty \TXN@textus@field@width \let \TXN@box@type = \hbox \def \TXN@box@parameters {}% \else \TXN@toks@a = {\hsize \TXN@textus@field@width}% \ifdim \TXN@textus@field@width = \z@ \TXN@toks@a = {\hsize \maxdimen}% \fi \TXN@toks@b = {}% \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@RangedLeft \TXN@textus@flags \TXN@toks@b = {\rangedleft}% \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@RangedRight \TXN@textus@flags \TXN@toks@b = {\centred}% \fi \else \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@RangedRight \TXN@textus@flags \TXN@toks@b = {\rangedright}% \fi \fi \edef \TXN@box@parameters {\the\TXN@toks@a \the\TXN@toks@b}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \setbox \z@ = \hbox {% \leftskip = \z@ \rightskip = \z@ \parindent = \z@ \def \\{\kern \TXN@textus@field@width\relax}% \let \Delimiter = \TXN@get@delimiter \@nameuse{TXN@textus[#1]Facies}\TXN@textus@text }% \ifdim \TXN@textus@field@width < \wd\z@ % \end{macrocode} % More than one line. % \begin{macrocode} \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AlignedBottom \TXN@textus@flags \let \TXN@box@type = \vbox \else \let \TXN@box@type = \vtop \fi \else \let \TXN@box@type = \hbox \fi \fi \fi \TXN@sw@false \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AttachedToArea \TXN@textus@flags \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AreaWrap \TXN@textus@flags \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \TXN@make@object@textus@wrap {#1}% \else \TXN@make@object@textus@setbox {#1}% \fi \ifx \TXN@box@type \hbox \ifnum #1 = \TXN@e \TXN@safe \else \TXN@place@object@in@field \TXN@object@textus \fi \else \ifTXN@textus@zero@width \wd\TXN@object@textus = \z@ \fi \TXN@sw@false \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AlignedMiddle \TXN@textus@flags \TXN@sw@true \else \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AlignedAxis \TXN@textus@flags \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \setbox \TXN@object@textus = \hbox {$\vcenter{\box \TXN@object@textus}$}% \dimen@ = \ht\TXN@object@textus \advance \dimen@ by -\dp\TXN@object@textus \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AlignedAxis \TXN@textus@flags \setbox \z@ = \hbox {$\vcenter{}$}% \advance \dimen@ by -2\ht\z@ \fi \setbox \TXN@object@textus = \hbox {\lower .5\dimen@ \box \TXN@object@textus}% \else \setbox \TXN@object@textus = \hbox {\box \TXN@object@textus}% \fi \ht\TXN@object@textus = \z@ \dp\TXN@object@textus = \z@ \fi \ifnum #1 > \z@ \if \TXN@empty {TXN@textus[#1]star}% \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AttachedToArea \TXN@textus@flags \else \TXN@gdef {TXN@textus[#1]text}{}% \fi \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@make@object@textus@setbox #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@make@object@textus@setbox \gdef \TXN@textus@delimiter@left {}% \gdef \TXN@textus@delimiter@right {}% \setbox \TXN@object@textus = \TXN@box@type {% \parindent = \z@ \parskip = \z@skip \leftskip = \z@skip \rightskip = \z@skip \TXN@box@parameters \everypar {\TXN@box@parameters \parindent = \z@}% \let \\=\TXN@esc@esc@break \let \Delimiter = \TXN@get@delimiter \@nameuse{TXN@textus[#1]Facies}\TXN@textus@text \endgraf \xdef \TXN@prevgraf {\the\prevgraf}% }% \ifx \empty \TXN@textus@delimiter@left \else \expandafter \TXN@insert@delimiter \TXN@textus@delimiter@left{l}% \fi \ifx \empty \TXN@textus@delimiter@right \else \expandafter \TXN@insert@delimiter \TXN@textus@delimiter@right{r}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Processing \TXN@cmd{Delimiter}s} % Get the delimiter(s) into control sequences, as a list of three % values: the first is either 0 (normal form) or 1 (starred form), % the other two are the arguments of the |\Delimiter| command. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@delimiter {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@get@delimiter \@ifstar {\count@=\@ne\TXN@get@delimiter@bis} {\count@=\z@\TXN@get@delimiter@bis}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@get@delimiter@bis} [2] [1] {% \setbox \z@ = \hbox {$\vcenter{}$}% \xdef \TXN@delimiter@axis {\the\ht\z@}% \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@DelimiterAtStart \TXN@textus@flags \ifx \empty \TXN@textus@delimiter@left \expandafter \gdef \expandafter \TXN@textus@delimiter@left \expandafter {% \expandafter {\the\count@}{#1}{#2}}% \else \expandafter \gdef \expandafter \TXN@textus@delimiter@right \expandafter {% \expandafter {\the\count@}{#1}{#2}}% \fi \else \expandafter \gdef \expandafter \TXN@textus@delimiter@right \expandafter {% \expandafter {\the\count@}{#1}{#2}}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Insert a delimiter into the object.\\ % The first three parameters are those in the list held in % |\TXN@textus@delimiter@left| and |\TXN@textus@delimiter@right|, % the fourth is `l' or `r' for the side at which the delimiter % must be inserted. % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@delimiter@ante \newif \ifTXN@delimiter@post \def \TXN@insert@delimiter #1#2#3#4{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@insert@delimiter \TXN@sw@false \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AttachedToArea \TXN@textus@flags \ifvbox \TXN@object@textus \xdef \TXN@delimiter@axis {\z@}% \fi \ifnum #1 = \z@ \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \TXN@assign \TXN@dim@a = {TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]height}% \TXN@assign \TXN@dim@b = {TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]depth}% \else \TXN@dim@a = \ht\TXN@object@textus \TXN@dim@b = \dp\TXN@object@textus \fi \dimen@ = \TXN@dim@a \advance \dimen@ by \TXN@dim@b \ifx \empty \TXN@ModusDelimiter \dimen@ = #2\dimen@ \else \dimen@ = \TXN@ModusDelimiter\dimen@ \fi \setbox \z@ = \hbox {% $\vcenter {\vrule height .5\dimen@ depth .5\dimen@ width \z@}$}% \setbox \z@ = \hbox {% $\left#3\vrule height \ht\z@ depth \dp\z@ width \z@\right.$}% \dimen@ = \ht\z@ \advance \dimen@ by -\dp\z@ \ifx \TXN@box@type \hbox \dimen@ = \z@ \else \advance \dimen@ by \dp\TXN@object@textus \advance \dimen@ by -\ht\TXN@object@textus \divide \dimen@ by \tw@ \fi \setbox \TXN@object@textus = \hbox {% \if r#4\relax \box \TXN@object@textus \fi \TXN@SpatiumAnteDelimiter \lower \dimen@ \box \z@ \TXN@SpatiumPostDelimiter \if l#4\relax \box \TXN@object@textus \fi }% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{\TXN@cmd{wrap}ping the object around an area} % The special case of an object \textit{wrapped} around an area % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@make@object@textus@wrap #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@make@object@textus@wrap % \end{macrocode} % Set the text within the field width, to get the baselineskip % \begin{macrocode} \setbox \z@ = \vbox {% \TXN@box@parameters \parindent = \z@ \hsize \TXN@textus@field@width \let \\=\TXN@esc@esc@break \@nameuse{TXN@textus[#1]Facies}\TXN@textus@text \global \TXN@baselineskip = \baselineskip \endgraf \xdef \TXN@prevgraf {\the\prevgraf}% }% % \end{macrocode} % Get the total size of the area % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@assign \TXN@dim@a = {TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]height}% \TXN@assign \TXN@dim@b = {TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]depth}% \advance \TXN@dim@a by \TXN@dim@b \TXN@dim@c = \TXN@dim@a % \end{macrocode} % Get the empty space at the end of the area % \begin{macrocode} \xdef \TXN@area@wrap@skip {\z@}% \dimen@ = \z@ \if \TXN@empty {TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]spatium}% \else \TXN@assign \dimen@@ = {TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]spatium}% \advance \dimen@ by \dimen@@ \fi \xdef \TXN@area@wrap@skip {\the\dimen@}% \xdef \TXN@area@empty {\the\dimen@}% % \end{macrocode} % Set up the |\parshape| list % \begin{macrocode} \skip@ = \TXN@baselineskip \TXN@safe \dimen@ = \skip@ \toks@ = {\parshape \the\count@ }% \count@ = \@ne \loop \ifdim \TXN@dim@a > \dimen@ \advance \TXN@dim@a by -\dimen@ \toks@ = \expandafter{\the\toks@ \z@ \TXN@textus@field@width}% \advance \count@ by \@ne \repeat % \end{macrocode} % Add one line, if necessary % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@sw@false \ifdim \TXN@dim@a = \z@ \ifdim \TXN@area@empty = z@ \TXN@sw@true \fi \else \ifdim \TXN@dim@a > \TXN@area@empty \TXN@safe \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \toks@ = \expandafter{\the\toks@ \z@ \TXN@textus@field@width}% \advance \count@ by \@ne \fi % \end{macrocode} % The text below the area is set in a single line of infinite width. % (for the rationale behind this, see page 66 of the EDMAC documentation) % \begin{macrocode} \toks@ = \expandafter{\the\toks@ \z@ \maxdimen}% % \end{macrocode} % Set the entire paragraph % \begin{macrocode} \setbox \z@ = \vbox {% \TXN@box@parameters \parindent = \z@ \parskip = \z@ \the\toks@ \let \\=\TXN@esc@esc@break \@nameuse{TXN@textus[#1]Facies}\TXN@textus@text \endgraf }% \skip@ = \TXN@baselineskip \TXN@safe \dimen@ = -\skip@ \advance \dimen@ by \ht\z@ \splittopskip = \z@ % \end{macrocode} % Get the column corresponding to the area, inserting a |\strut| % at the end, to ensure proper stacking of the |\vbox|es % \begin{macrocode} \setbox \tw@ = \vsplit \z@ to \dimen@ \setbox \tw@ = \vbox {\@nameuse{TXN@textus[#1]Facies}\relax \unvbox \tw@ \setbox \tw@ = \lastbox \strut \unhbox \tw@ \strut \endgraf}% % \end{macrocode} % Reset the rest of the text at the natural text width % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@get@Locus {textus[#1]}{t}% \TXN@dim@a = \dimen@ \TXN@get@Locus {textus[\TXN@theTextus]}{t}% \TXN@dim@b = \dimen@ \dimen@ = \linewidth \setbox \z@ = \vbox {% \parindent = \z@ \hsize \dimen@ \let \\=\TXN@esc@esc@break \unvbox \z@ \setbox \z@ = \lastbox \@nameuse{TXN@textus[#1]Facies}{\strut \unhbox \z@ \strut}% \endgraf \xdef \TXN@prevgraf {\the\prevgraf}% \unskip \unskip \unpenalty }% % \end{macrocode} % Join the two pieces % \begin{macrocode} \ifdim \TXN@dim@a > \TXN@dim@b \dimen@ = \TXN@dim@a \advance \dimen@ by -\TXN@dim@b \else \dimen@ = \z@ \fi \setbox \TXN@object@textus = \TXN@box@type {% \@nameuse{TXN@textus[#1]Facies}\relax \topskip = \z@ \unvcopy \tw@ \TXN@counter@a = \TXN@prevgraf \TXN@safe \global \setbox \thr@@ = \copy \z@ \loop \ifnum \TXN@counter@a > \z@ \setbox \z@ = \vbox{% \vbadness = \@M \splittopskip = \z@ \global \setbox \@ne = \vsplit \thr@@ to \TXN@baselineskip \global \setbox \thr@@ = \box \thr@@ \unvbox \@ne \global \setbox \@ne = \lastbox }% \moveleft \dimen@ \box \@ne \advance \TXN@counter@a by \m@ne \repeat }% \wd\TXN@object@textus = \TXN@textus@field@width \TXN@safe \dimen@ = \ht\TXN@object@textus \advance \dimen@ by \dp\TXN@object@textus \advance \dimen@ by -\TXN@dim@c \advance \dimen@ by \TXN@area@wrap@skip \TXN@safe \xdef \TXN@area@wrap@skip {\the\dimen@}% } % \end{macrocode} % \section{Areas} % % \subsection{Data structures} % % % The list of areas. Each list element has the form:\\ % \qquad|{<line number>,<identifier>}|\\ % The |<line number>| is used in error messages; the |<identifier>| % is the area name or |\relax| for anonymous areas. After |\endarea| % the list element is set to |{0,\relax}|.\\ % We allocate the \textbf{cs} directly, inserting a dummy element % in the first position, so that there is a direct correspondence % between area numbers and indices. % \begin{macrocode} \gdef \TXN@areas {\\{0,\relax}} % \end{macrocode} % The maximum number of areas that can exist at any time. % \begin{macrocode} \chardef \TXN@max@area@ind = 16 % \end{macrocode} % The number of elements in the list. % \begin{macrocode} \gdef \TXN@area@count {0} % \end{macrocode} % The number of active areas in the list % \begin{macrocode} \gdef \TXN@active@areas {0} % \end{macrocode} % The index of the area being processed % \begin{macrocode} \gdef \TXN@area@ind {0}% % \end{macrocode} % Adding a new area to the list. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@add@area #1{% \TXN@trim {#1}% \edef \TXN@temp {% \ifTXN@withinProsa \the\TXNl@linenumber\else \the\inputlineno\fi ,\the\TXN@trimmed}% \TXN@gincr \TXN@area@count \TXN@gincr \TXN@active@areas \TXN@global@listtrue \TXN@SimpleList@set@extend \TXN@areas.\TXN@area@count \TXN@temp \xdef \TXN@area@ind {\TXN@area@count}% } % \end{macrocode} % Removing an area (index in |\TXN@area@ind|). % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@remove@area {% \TXN@set \TXN@areas.\TXN@area@ind {0,\relax}% % \end{macrocode} % The area list is global % \begin{macrocode} {\let \\= \relax \xdef \TXN@areas {\TXN@areas}}% \TXN@gdecr \TXN@active@areas \ifnum \TXN@active@areas = \z@ \gdef \TXN@areas {\\{0,\relax}}% \gdef \TXN@area@count {0}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Finding an area.\\ % Sets |\TXN@area@ind| to the index for the area identified by the % parameter; if the parameter is |\relax|, the index for the last % `anonymous' area is returned. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@find@area #1{% \TXN@trim {#1}% \edef \TXN@parameter {\the\TXN@trimmed}% \xdef \TXN@area@identifier {}% \begingroup \TXN@counter = \z@ \def \\##1{\TXN@check ##1\TXN@nil}% \def \TXN@check ##1,##2\TXN@nil{% \ifnum ##1 > \z@ \def \TXN@temp {##2}% \ifx \TXN@parameter \TXN@temp \xdef \TXN@area@ind {\the\TXN@counter}% \xdef \TXN@area@identifier {##2}% \fi \fi \advance \TXN@counter by \@ne }% \TXN@areas \endgroup \ifx \TXN@area@identifier \TXN@parameter \else \ifx \TXN@parameter \TXN@safe \def \TXN@temp {}% \else \edef \TXN@temp {[\TXN@parameter]}% \fi \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {There is no previous \protect\area\TXN@temp\space command} {}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Building the list of currently active areas.\\ % The list is not a \textit{SimpleList}: it is just the concatenation % of the area indices. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@build@active@areas@list {% \gdef \TXN@active@areas@list {}% \begingroup \TXN@counter = \z@ \def \\##1{\TXN@check ##1\TXN@nil}% \def \TXN@check ##1,##2\TXN@nil{% \ifnum ##1 > \z@ \xdef \TXN@active@areas@list {% \TXN@active@areas@list{\the\TXN@counter}}% \fi \advance \TXN@counter by \@ne }% \TXN@areas \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % Getting the next index.\\ % Removes the first index from the list above, placing it in |\TXN@counter|. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@next@area {% \ifx \empty \TXN@active@areas@list \TXN@counter = \z@ \else \expandafter \TXN@get@next@area@bis \TXN@active@areas@list \TXN@nil \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@next@area@bis #1#2\TXN@nil{% \TXN@counter = #1\relax \xdef \TXN@active@areas@list {#2}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Entering an area} % \begin{macrocode} \def \area {\@bsphack\@ifnextchar [{\TXN@area}{\TXN@area[\relax]}} \let \Area = \area % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@area [#1]{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \area \@esphack \def \TXN@parameter {#1}% \TXN@sw@true \ifTXN@withinVersus \TXN@sw@false \fi \ifTXN@withinProsa \TXN@sw@false \fi \ifTXN@sw \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {\protect\area\space may be used only within Versus or Prosa} {}% \fi \let \next = \relax \ifTXN@withinProsa \ifnum \TXN@pass = \@ne \toks@ = {\area[#1]}% \TXN@save@command \let \next = \TXN@area@bis \else \ifTXN@replay \let \next = \TXN@area@bis \fi \fi \else \let \next = \TXN@area@bis \fi \next } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@area@bis {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@area@bis \TXN@add@area \TXN@parameter \ifnum \TXN@area@count = \@ne \xdef \TXN@area@parskip {\the\parskip}% \ifTXN@withinVersus \parskip = \z@ \fi \fi \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@area@count]height}{\z@}% \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@area@count]first@line@height}{\z@}% \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@area@count]rightedge}{\z@}% \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@area@count]depth}{\z@}% \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@area@count]leftedge}{\maxdimen}% \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@area@count]stropha}{}% \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@area@count]spatium}{}% \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@area@count]folio}{\TXN@theFolio}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Leaving an area} % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@area@withinVersus \def \endarea {\@bsphack\@ifnextchar [{\TXN@endarea}{\TXN@endarea[\relax]}} \let \endArea = \endarea % \end{macrocode} % Within \textit{Prosa} the text can be attached to the area only after % the line containing |\endarea| has been processed; so the indices for % area{s} being closed are saved in |\TXN@endarea@list|. with the same % format as the active area list. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@endarea [#1]{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@endarea \@esphack \TXN@sw@true \ifTXN@withinVersus \TXN@sw@false \fi \ifTXN@withinProsa \TXN@sw@false \fi \ifTXN@sw \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {\protect\endarea\space may be used only within Versus or Prosa} {}% \fi \ifTXN@withinVersus \TXN@area@withinVersustrue \TXN@find@area {#1}% \expandafter \TXN@endarea@Versus \else \ifnum \TXN@pass = \@ne \toks@ = {\endarea [#1]}% \TXN@save@command \TXN@find@area {#1}% \TXN@remove@area \else \ifTXN@replay \TXN@find@area {#1}% \xdef \TXN@endarea@list {\TXN@endarea@list{\TXN@area@ind}}% \fi \fi \fi \ifTXN@area@withinVersus \TXN@remove@area \TXN@area@withinVersusfalse \PTR@suspendtrue \expandafter \Versus \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Within \textit{Versus}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@endarea@Versus {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@endarea@Versus \PTR@suspendtrue \endVersus \ifnum \TXN@area@ind = \@ne \parskip = \TXN@area@parskip \TXN@safe \fi \TXN@insert@area@textus \if \TXN@empty {TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]stropha}% \else \expandafter \TXN@spatium@vertical \expandafter {% \csname TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]stropha\endcsname}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Within \textit{Prosa}} % % The macro is called from |\TXN@process@line@prosa| when |\TXN@endarea@list| % is not empty % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@endarea@Prosa {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@endarea@Prosa \TXN@get@next@endarea \@whilenum \TXN@area@ind > \z@ \do {% \TXN@insert@area@textus \TXN@remove@area \TXN@get@next@endarea }% \ifnum \TXN@area@ind = \@ne \parskip = \TXN@area@parskip \TXN@safe \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@next@endarea {% \ifx \empty \TXN@endarea@list \gdef \TXN@area@ind {0}% \else \expandafter \TXN@get@next@endarea@bis \TXN@endarea@list \TXN@nil \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@next@endarea@bis #1#2\TXN@nil{% \xdef \TXN@area@ind {#1}% \xdef \TXN@endarea@list {#2}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Processing all text attached to the area} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@insert@area@textus {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@insert@area@textus %<debug> \TXN@trace@area \xdef \TXN@area@wrap@skip {\z@}% \edef \TXN@save@Folio {\TXN@theFolio}% \expandafter \global \expandafter \let \expandafter \TXN@theFolio \csname TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]folio\endcsname \count@ = \@ne \loop \xdef \TXN@area@loop {\the\count@}% \advance \count@ by \m@ne \ifnum \count@ < \TXN@textus@max \TXN@safe \TXN@get@textus@flags {\TXN@area@loop}% \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AttachedToArea \TXN@textus@flags \@tempcnta = \TXN@area@ind \TXN@safe \advance \@tempcnta by \m@ne \expandafter \TXN@SimpleList@get \csname TXN@textus[\TXN@area@loop]text\endcsname.% \@tempcnta \TXN@textus@text \ifx \empty \TXN@textus@text \else \setbox \TXN@marginalia = \copy\voidb@x \xdef \TXN@delimiter@axis {\z@}% \TXN@process@area@textus {\TXN@area@loop}% \ifvoid \TXN@marginalia \else \TXN@attach@area@textus \fi \@tempcnta = \TXN@area@ind \TXN@safe \advance \@tempcnta by \m@ne \TXN@global@listtrue \expandafter \TXN@SimpleList@set \csname TXN@textus[\TXN@area@loop]text\endcsname.% \@tempcnta \empty \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AreaExtend \TXN@textus@flags \TXN@area@textus@extend \fi \fi \fi \count@ = \TXN@area@loop \TXN@safe \advance \count@ by \@ne \repeat \xdef \TXN@theFolio {\TXN@save@Folio}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Updating the left and right edges} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@area@textus@extend {% \TXN@build@active@areas@list \loop \TXN@get@next@area \ifnum \TXN@area@ind > \TXN@counter \TXN@assign \dimen@ = {TXN@area[\TXN@c]leftedge}% \ifdim \dimen@ > \TXN@area@textus@leftedge \TXN@safe \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@c]leftedge}{\TXN@area@textus@leftedge}% \fi \TXN@assign \dimen@ = {TXN@area[\TXN@c]rightedge}% \ifdim \dimen@ < \TXN@area@textus@rightedge \TXN@safe \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@c]rightedge}{\TXN@area@textus@rightedge}% \fi \repeat } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Attaching the object to the area} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@attach@area@textus {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@attach@area@textus \TXN@assign \TXN@dim@a = {TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]height}% \TXN@assign \TXN@dim@b = {TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]depth}% \advance \TXN@dim@a by \TXN@dim@b \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AreaMiddle \TXN@textus@flags \divide \TXN@dim@a by \tw@ \advance \TXN@dim@a by -\TXN@delimiter@axis \TXN@safe \else \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AreaTop \TXN@textus@flags \TXN@assign \dimen@ = {TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]first@line@height}% \advance \TXN@dim@a by -\dimen@ \else \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AreaBottom \TXN@textus@flags \TXN@dim@a = \TXN@dim@b \fi \fi \fi \TXN@dim@b = \prevdepth \kern -\TXN@dim@a \ht\TXN@marginalia = \z@ \dp\TXN@marginalia = \z@ \nointerlineskip \box \TXN@marginalia \nointerlineskip \kern \TXN@dim@a \kern \TXN@area@wrap@skip \TXN@safe \prevdepth = \TXN@dim@b } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Building the object} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@process@area@textus #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@process@area@textus \TXN@make@object@textus {#1}% \TXN@assign \dimen@ = {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]offset@\TXN@theFolio}% \TXN@assign \TXN@dim@a = {TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]leftedge}% \advance \TXN@dim@a by \dimen@ \TXN@assign \TXN@dim@b = {TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]rightedge}% \advance \TXN@dim@b by \dimen@ \TXN@SimpleList \TXN@line@fields \z@ \edef \TXN@temp {\the\TXN@dim@a,\the\TXN@dim@b}% \TXN@SimpleList@append \TXN@line@fields \TXN@temp \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AreaExtend \TXN@textus@flags \TXN@get@Locus {textus[#1]}{t}% \TXN@assign \dimen@@ = {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]offset@\TXN@theFolio}% \advance \dimen@ by -\dimen@@ \TXN@assign \count@ = {TXN@textus[#1]side@\TXN@theFolio}% \ifnum \count@ = \TXN@textleftedge \TXN@safe \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AlignedRight \TXN@textus@flags \advance \dimen@ by -\wd\TXN@object@textus \fi \fi \edef \TXN@area@textus@leftedge {\the\dimen@}% \ifnum \count@ = \TXN@textrightedge \TXN@safe \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AlignedRight \TXN@textus@flags \else \advance \dimen@ by \wd\TXN@object@textus \fi \fi \edef \TXN@area@textus@rightedge {\the\dimen@}% \fi \TXN@move@to@marginalia {#1}{t}\TXN@object@textus } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Collecting information about the area contents} % % \subsubsection {A line within \textit{Prosa}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@process@area@line@Prosa #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@process@area@line@Prosa \TXN@build@active@areas@list \loop \TXN@get@next@area \ifnum \TXN@counter > \z@ \TXN@assign \dimen@ = {TXN@area[\TXN@c]height}% \ifdim \dimen@ = \z@ \advance \dimen@ by \ht#1\relax \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@c]first@line@height}{\the\ht#1}% \fi \advance \dimen@ by \baselineskip \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@c]height}{\the\dimen@}% \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@c]depth}{\the\dp#1}% \TXN@assign \dimen@ = {TXN@area[\TXN@c]rightedge}% \ifdim \dimen@ < \TXN@measure \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@c]rightedge}{\the\TXN@measure}% \fi \TXN@assign \dimen@ = {TXN@area[\TXN@c]leftedge}% \ifdim \dimen@ < \z@ \else \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@c]leftedge}{\z@}% \fi \repeat } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection {A line within \textit{Versus}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@process@area@line@Versus #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@process@area@line@Versus \TXN@build@active@areas@list \TXN@get@next@area \@whilenum \TXN@counter > \z@ \do {% \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@c]spatium}{}% \if \TXN@empty {TXN@area[\TXN@c]stropha}% \else \begingroup \expandafter \TXN@spatium@vertical \expandafter {% \csname TXN@area[\TXN@c]stropha\endcsname}% \endgroup \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@c]stropha}{}% \fi \TXN@assign \dimen@ = {TXN@area[\TXN@c]height}% \dimen@@ = \ht#1\relax \ifdim \dimen@ = \z@ \advance \dimen@ by \dimen@@ \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@c]first@line@height}{\the\dimen@@}% \else \advance \dimen@@ by \dp#1\relax \ifdim \dimen@@ < \baselineskip \dimen@@ = \baselineskip \fi \advance \dimen@ by \dimen@@ \fi \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@c]height}{\the\dimen@}% \TXN@assign \dimen@ = {TXN@area[\TXN@c]rightedge}% \ifdim \wd#1 > \dimen@ \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@c]rightedge}{\the\wd#1}% \fi \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@c]depth}{\the\dp#1}% \TXN@assign \dimen@ = {TXN@area[\TXN@c]leftedge}% \TXN@assign \dimen@@ = {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]shift}% \ifdim \dimen@@ < \dimen@ \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@c]leftedge}{\the\dimen@@}% \fi \TXN@get@next@area }% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection {Vertical spacing} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@process@area@spatium #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@process@area@spatium \TXN@build@active@areas@list \TXN@get@next@area \@whilenum \TXN@counter > \z@ \do {% \ifx \TXN@safe #1\relax \dimen@ = \z@ \else \dimen@ = #1\relax \if \TXN@empty {TXN@area[\TXN@c]spatium}% \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@c]spatium}{\the\dimen@}% \else \TXN@assign \dimen@@ = {TXN@area[\TXN@c]spatium}% \ifdim \dimen@ > \dimen@@ \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@c]spatium}{\the\dimen@}% \advance \dimen@ by -\dimen@@ \else \dimen@ = \z@ \fi \fi \fi \TXN@assign \dimen@@ = {TXN@area[\TXN@c]height}% \ifdim \dimen@@ > \z@ \advance \dimen@@ by \dimen@ \fi \TXN@xdef {TXN@area[\TXN@c]height}{\the\dimen@@}% \TXN@get@next@area }% } % \end{macrocode} % \section{The \TXN@cmd{numerus} class} % \subsection {Setting the \TXN@cmd{progressio} attribute} % % The internal representation of the attribute is a \textit{SimpleList}, % termined by |\\{\@M}|.\\ % The default, used if the attribute is not defined, is numbering % every fifth line. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@default@progressio {\\{5}\\{\@M}} \def \TXN@zero@progressio {\\{0}\\{\@M}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@setProgressio@numerus}[2][0]{% \TXN@counter = #1\relax \TXN@counter@a = \z@ \TXN@SimpleList \TXN@SimpleList@work \z@ \let \\ = \relax \TXN@setProgressio@numerus@bis #2\TXN@nil } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setProgressio@numerus@bis #1{% \let \next = \TXN@setProgressio@numerus@bis \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \let \next = \TXN@setProgressio@numerus@ter \else \ifx <#1\relax \TXN@SimpleList@append \TXN@SimpleList@work {<}% \else \ifx \\#1\relax \let \next = \TXN@setProgressio@numerus@quater \else \ifnum #1 = \z@ \ifnum \TXN@counter@a > \z@ \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {Progressio: non-positive not first} {}% \fi \fi \count@ = #1\relax \ifnum \count@ < \z@ \count@ = -\count@ \fi \TXN@SimpleList@append \TXN@SimpleList@work {\the\count@}% \advance \TXN@counter@a by \@ne \fi \fi \fi \next } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setProgressio@numerus@ter {% \TXN@gdef {TXN@numerus[\TXN@c]index}{0}% \ifnum \TXN@counter@a > \z@ \ifx \empty \TXN@SimpleList@work \else \TXN@SimpleList@append \TXN@SimpleList@work {\@M}% \let \\ = \relax \TXN@edef {TXN@numerus[\TXN@c]progressio}{\TXN@SimpleList@work}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@fragment@set \newif \ifTXN@folded@set \def \TXN@setProgressio@numerus@quater #1\TXN@nil{% \define@key {progressio}{f}[ff]{\TXN@setProgressio@numerus@quinquies##1}% \define@key {progressio}{l}[ll]{\TXN@setProgressio@numerus@quinquies##1} \define@key {progressio}{fl}[fl]{\TXN@setProgressio@numerus@quinquies##1} \define@key {progressio}{lf}[lf]{\TXN@setProgressio@numerus@quinquies##1} \define@key {progressio}{a}[aa]{\TXN@setProgressio@numerus@quinquies##1} \define@key {progressio}{F}[FF]{\TXN@setProgressio@numerus@sexies##1}% \define@key {progressio}{L}[LL]{\TXN@setProgressio@numerus@sexies##1}% \define@key {progressio}{A}[AA]{\TXN@setProgressio@numerus@sexies##1}% \let \KV@errx = \TXN@keyval@error \TXN@fragment@setfalse \TXN@folded@setfalse \def \TXN@temp {}% \def \TXN@temp@bis {}% \setkeys {progressio}{#1}% \ifTXN@fragment@set \else \edef \TXN@temp {l\TXN@temp}% \edef \TXN@temp@bis {l\TXN@temp@bis}% \fi \ifTXN@folded@set \else \edef \TXN@temp {L\TXN@temp}% \edef \TXN@temp@bis {L\TXN@temp@bis}% \fi \TXN@edef {TXN@numerus[\TXN@c]fragment@recto}{\TXN@temp}% \TXN@edef {TXN@numerus[\TXN@c]fragment@verso}{\TXN@temp@bis}% \TXN@setProgressio@numerus@ter } \def \TXN@setProgressio@numerus@quinquies #1#2{% \edef \TXN@temp {\TXN@temp #1}% \edef \TXN@temp@bis {\TXN@temp@bis #2}% \TXN@fragment@settrue } \def \TXN@setProgressio@numerus@sexies #1#2{% \edef \TXN@temp {\TXN@temp #1}% \edef \TXN@temp@bis {\TXN@temp@bis #2}% \TXN@folded@settrue } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Processing the command} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\numerus} {% \ifx \empty \TXN@attribute@name \expandafter \TXN@numerus \else \def \TXN@subclass@name {numerus}% \def \TXN@subclass@number {x}% \def \TXN@temp {TXN}% \expandafter \TXN@attribute@set \fi } %\let \numeri = \numerus \let \numerum = \numerus % \end{macrocode} % % Normal case % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@numerus {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@numerus \@ifstar {\TXN@counter=\@ne \TXN@numerus@bis}% {\TXN@counter=\z@ \TXN@numerus@bis}% } \newcommand {\TXN@numerus@bis}[2][0]{% % \end{macrocode} % Split the argument into components % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@process@numerus@argument {#2}% \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@error \else \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {Error in argument of a \protect\numerus\space subclass} {}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Check whether starred or unstarred % \begin{macrocode} \ifTXN@withinAd \ifnum \TXN@counter = \@ne \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {You cannot use the *-form of \protect\numerus within an % \protect\ad\space command}% {}% \fi \let \TXN@process@numerus@next = \TXN@process@numerus@ad \else \let \TXN@process@numerus@next = \TXN@process@numerus@nostar \ifnum \TXN@counter = \@ne \def \TXN@parameter {#2}% \ifx \empty \TXN@parameter \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]printing}{2}% \let \TXN@process@numerus@next = \@gobble \else \let \TXN@process@numerus@next = \TXN@process@numerus@star \fi \fi \fi \TXN@process@numerus@next {#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Starred form} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@process@numerus@star #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace [#1] \TXN@process@numerus@star \ifTXN@withinProsa \ifnum \TXN@pass = \tw@ \if \TXN@num {TXN@numerus[#1]milestone} = \z@ \TXN@process@numerus@star@bis {#1}% \else \ifTXN@replay \TXN@process@numerus@star@bis {#1}% \fi \fi \else \TXN@process@numerus@star@bis {#1}% \if \TXN@empty {TXN@numerus[#1]side@\TXN@theFolio}% \else \if \TXN@num {TXN@numerus[#1]milestone} = \@ne \TXN@toks@a = {\numerus*[#1]}% \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@value \TXN@toks@b = {{}}% \else \TXN@counter = \TXN@c@numerus{#1}% \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@set \TXN@toks@b = \expandafter {\expandafter{\TXN@numerus@value}}% \else \TXN@toks@b = \expandafter {\expandafter{\expandafter =\the\TXN@counter}}% \fi \fi \edef \TXN@temp {\toks@={\the\TXN@toks@a \the\TXN@toks@b}}% \TXN@temp \TXN@save@command \fi \fi \fi \else \TXN@process@numerus@star@bis {#1}% \fi } \def \TXN@process@numerus@star@bis #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace [#1] \TXN@process@numerus@star@bis \TXN@xdef {TXN@numerus[#1]head}{\TXN@numerus@head}% \TXN@xdef {TXN@numerus[#1]tail}{\TXN@numerus@tail}% \TXN@xdef {TXN@numerus[#1]separator}{\TXN@numerus@separator}% % \end{macrocode} % Compute the first value % \begin{macrocode} \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@value \TXN@gdef {TXN@numerus[#1]first@value}{}% \else \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@sign \TXN@counter = \TXN@numerus@value \TXN@xdef {TXN@numerus[#1]first@value}{\TXN@c}% \else \TXN@counter = \TXN@c@numerus{#1}% \TXN@counter@a = \TXN@numerus@value \relax \if -\TXN@numerus@sign\relax \TXN@counter@a = -\TXN@counter@a \fi \advance \TXN@counter by \TXN@counter@a \TXN@xdef {TXN@numerus[#1]first@value}{\TXN@c}% \fi \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@set \else \global \TXN@c@numerus{#1}= \TXN@counter \ifnum \TXN@counter > \z@ \if \TXN@num {TXN@numerus[#1]milestone} = \z@ \TXN@caput@numerus {#1}% \else \ifTXN@withinProsa \ifTXN@replay \TXN@caput@numerus {#1}% \fi \fi \fi \fi \TXN@xdef {TXN@numerus[#1]previous}{}% \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % Compute the second value % \begin{macrocode} \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@second@value \TXN@gdef {TXN@numerus[#1]second@value}{}% \else \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@secondsign \TXN@counter = \TXN@numerus@second@value \TXN@safe \TXN@xdef {TXN@numerus[#1]second@value}{\TXN@c}% \else \TXN@counter = \TXN@c@numerus{#1}% \TXN@counter@a = \TXN@numerus@second@value \TXN@safe \if -\TXN@numerus@secondsign \relax \TXN@counter@a = -\TXN@counter@a \fi \advance \TXN@counter by \TXN@counter@a \TXN@xdef {TXN@numerus[#1]second@value}{\TXN@c}% \fi \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@set \else \global \TXN@c@numerus{#1}= \TXN@counter \ifnum \TXN@counter > \z@ \if \TXN@num {TXN@numerus[#1]milestone} = \z@ \TXN@caput@numerus {#1}% \else \ifTXN@withinProsa \ifTXN@replay \TXN@caput@numerus {#1}% \fi \fi \fi \fi \TXN@xdef {TXN@numerus[#1]previous}{}% \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % If in-line, typeset the number. % \begin{macrocode} \if \TXN@empty {TXN@numerus[#1]side@\TXN@theFolio}% \TXN@make@object@numerus {#1}{*}% \leavevmode \box \TXN@object@numerus \TXN@gdef {TXN@numerus[#1]first@value}{}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Normal form} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@process@numerus@nostar #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace [#1]\TXN@process@numerus@nostar \edef \TXN@temp {% \TXN@numerus@second@value \TXN@numerus@secondsign \TXN@numerus@separator \TXN@numerus@head \TXN@numerus@tail \TXN@numerus@set }% \ifx \empty \TXN@temp \else \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {The argument of the normal form of the command\MessageBreak contains data that is allowed only in the *-form} {The argument of the normal form consists of just a single value}% \fi \ifTXN@withinProsa \TXN@process@numerus@nostar@bis {#1}% \if \TXN@empty {TXN@numerus[#1]side@\TXN@theFolio}% \else \TXN@toks@a = {\numerus[#1]}% \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@value \TXN@toks@b = {{}}% \else \TXN@toks@b = \expandafter {\expandafter{\the\TXN@counter}}% \fi \edef \TXN@temp {\toks@ = {\the\TXN@toks@a \the\TXN@toks@b}}% \TXN@temp \if \TXN@num {TXN@numerus[#1]milestone} = \@ne \TXN@save@command \fi \fi \else \TXN@process@numerus@nostar@bis {#1}% \fi } \def \TXN@process@numerus@nostar@bis #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace [#1]\TXN@process@numerus@nostar@bis \count@ = \TXN@c@numerus{#1}% \edef \TXN@save@counter {\the\count@}% \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@value \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]printing}{0}% \else \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]printing}{1}% \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@sign \TXN@counter = \TXN@numerus@value \TXN@safe \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]frozen}{0}% \else \TXN@counter = \TXN@c@numerus{#1}% \TXN@counter@a = \TXN@numerus@value \TXN@safe \TXN@sw@true \ifnum \TXN@counter@a = \z@ \if -\TXN@numerus@sign \TXN@sw@false \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \if -\TXN@numerus@sign \TXN@counter@a = -\TXN@counter@a \fi \advance \TXN@counter by \TXN@counter@a \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]frozen}{0}% \else \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]frozen}{1}% \fi \fi \TXN@sw@false \if \TXN@num {TXN@numerus[#1]milestone} = \z@ \TXN@sw@true \else \if \TXN@relax {TXN@numerus[#1]progressio}% \else \if \TXN@x {TXN@numerus[#1]progressio}\TXN@zero@progressio \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \global \TXN@c@numerus{#1}= \TXN@counter \else \ifTXN@replay \global \TXN@c@numerus{#1}= \TXN@counter \fi \fi \ifnum \TXN@counter > \z@ \if \TXN@num {TXN@numerus[#1]milestone} = \z@ \TXN@caput@numerus {#1}% \else \ifTXN@replay \ifTXN@withinProsa \TXN@caput@numerus {#1}% \fi \fi \fi \fi \TXN@xdef {TXN@numerus[#1]previous}{}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Processing the argument of \TXN@cmd{numerus}} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@process@numerus@argument #1{% \gdef \TXN@numerus@value {}% \gdef \TXN@numerus@second@value {}% \gdef \TXN@numerus@head {}% \gdef \TXN@numerus@tail {}% \gdef \TXN@numerus@separator {}% \gdef \TXN@numerus@sign {}% \gdef \TXN@numerus@secondsign {}% \gdef \TXN@numerus@set {}% \gdef \TXN@numerus@error {}% % \end{macrocode} % % Check for special case % % \begin{macrocode} \count@ = \z@ \ifTXN@withinAd \TXN@process@numerus@argument@bis#1\TXN@nil \else \begingroup \def \value##1{\the\csname c@##1\endcsname}% \xdef \TXN@gtemp {#1}% \endgroup \expandafter \TXN@process@numerus@argument@bis\TXN@gtemp\TXN@nil \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Scan the argument. |\count@| is the token counter. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@process@numerus@argument@bis #1{% \advance \count@ by \@ne \let \next = \TXN@process@numerus@argument@bis \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \let \next = \TXN@process@numerus@argument@ter \else \def \TXN@temp {#1}% \ifx \empty \TXN@temp \TXN@isdigitfalse \else \TXN@check@start@of@number{#1}% \fi \ifTXN@isdigit \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@tail \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@separator \xdef \TXN@numerus@value {\TXN@numerus@value#1}% \else \xdef \TXN@numerus@second@value {\TXN@numerus@second@value#1}% \fi \else \xdef \TXN@numerus@tail {\TXN@numerus@tail#1}% \fi \else \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@value \ifTXN@issign \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@sign \gdef \TXN@numerus@sign {#1}% \else \gdef \TXN@numerus@error {1}% \fi \else \ifx =#1\relax \ifnum \count@ = \@ne \ifTXN@withinAd \gdef \TXN@numerus@error {1}% \else \gdef \TXN@numerus@set {1}% \fi \else \xdef \TXN@numerus@head {\TXN@numerus@head\TXN@numerus@sign#1}% \fi \else \xdef \TXN@numerus@head {\TXN@numerus@head\TXN@numerus@sign#1}% \fi \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@sign \else \gdef \TXN@numerus@sign {}% \fi \fi \else \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@tail \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@separator \gdef \TXN@numerus@separator {#1}% \else \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@second@value \ifTXN@issign \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@secondsign \gdef \TXN@numerus@secondsign {#1}% \else \gdef \TXN@numerus@error {1}% \fi \else \xdef \TXN@numerus@tail {\TXN@numerus@separator#1}% \gdef \TXN@numerus@separator {}% \fi \else \xdef \TXN@numerus@tail {\TXN@numerus@tail#1}% \fi \fi \else \xdef \TXN@numerus@tail {\TXN@numerus@tail#1}% \fi \fi \fi \fi \next } % \end{macrocode} % Final checks % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@process@numerus@argument@ter {% \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@separator \else \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@second@value \xdef \TXN@numerus@tail {% \TXN@numerus@separator \TXN@numerus@tail}% \gdef \TXN@numerus@separator {}% \fi \fi \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@value \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@head \else % \end{macrocode} % If there is no value, a string is considered to be part of the tail. % \begin{macrocode} \xdef \TXN@numerus@tail {\TXN@numerus@head}% \xdef \TXN@numerus@head {}% \fi \else \ifnum \TXN@numerus@value = \z@ % \def \TXN@numerus@sign {+}% \fi \fi \ifx \empty \TXN@numerus@second@value \else \ifnum \TXN@numerus@second@value = \z@ \gdef \TXN@numerus@secondsign {+}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Attaching the line numbers} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@process@line@numbers {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@process@line@numbers % \end{macrocode} % Loop through all the numbers % \begin{macrocode} \count@ = \m@ne \loop \xdef \TXN@loop {\the\count@}% \ifnum \count@ < \TXN@numerus@max \advance \count@ by \@ne \TXN@let \TXN@test = {TXN@numerus[\the\count@]side@\TXN@theFolio}% \ifx \empty \TXN@test \else \ifnum \TXN@test < \z@ \else \TXN@let \TXN@test = {TXN@numerus[\the\count@]first@value}% \ifx \empty \TXN@test \expandafter \TXN@process@line@numbers@nostar \expandafter{\the\count@}% \else \expandafter \TXN@process@line@numbers@star \expandafter{\the\count@}% \fi \fi \fi \count@ = \TXN@loop \advance \count@ by \@ne \repeat } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Normal form} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@numerus@pending {0} \def \TXN@process@line@numbers@nostar #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace [#1]\TXN@process@line@numbers@nostar \TXN@sw@false \if \TXN@empty {TXN@numerus[#1]classes@\TXN@theFolio}% \ifx \empty \TXN@line@class \ifTXN@withinVersus \TXN@process@line@numbers@check@versus {#1}% \else \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \else \TXN@process@line@numbers@nostar@classes {#1}% \fi \ifTXN@sw \TXN@process@line@numbers@nostar@bis {#1}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Check if the line number should be printed for the line. % If so, set |\TXN@sw|. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@process@line@numbers@check@versus #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace [#1] \TXN@process@line@numbers@check@versus \TXN@sw@false \edef \TXN@temp {\@nameuse{TXN@numerus[#1]fragment@\TXN@theFolio}}% \@tempswatrue \ifdim \PTR@split@skip = \z@ \ifdim \PTR@next@split@skip = \z@ \@tempswafalse \fi \fi \if@tempswa % \end{macrocode} % A fragment of a split line % \begin{macrocode} \if \TXN@option a\TXN@temp \TXN@sw@true \else \if \TXN@option f\TXN@temp \ifdim \PTR@split@skip = \z@ \TXN@sw@true \fi \else \if \TXN@option l\TXN@temp \ifdim \PTR@next@split@skip = \z@ \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \fi \fi \else \ifx \empty \PTR@folded@line \TXN@sw@true \else % \end{macrocode} % A folded line % \begin{macrocode} \if \TXN@option A\TXN@temp \TXN@sw@true \else \if \TXN@option F\TXN@temp \ifnum \PTR@folded@line = \@ne \TXN@sw@true \fi \else \if \TXN@option L\TXN@temp \ifnum \PTR@folded@line = \z@ \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@process@line@numbers@nostar@classes #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace [#1] \TXN@process@line@numbers@nostar@special \edef \TXN@temp {\@nameuse{TXN@numerus[#1]classes@\TXN@theFolio}}% \edef \TXN@temp@bis {\TXN@line@class}% \ifx \empty \TXN@temp@bis \def \TXN@temp@bis {t}% \fi \expandafter \if \expandafter \TXN@option \TXN@temp@bis\TXN@temp \ifx \empty \TXN@line@class \ifTXN@withinVersus \TXN@process@line@numbers@check@versus {#1}% \else \TXN@sw@true \fi \else \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@process@line@numbers@nostar@bis #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace [#1]\TXN@process@line@numbers@nostar@bis \if \TXN@empty {TXN@numerus[#1]progressio}% \let \TXN@progressio = \TXN@default@progressio \TXN@gdef {TXN@numerus[#1]index}{0}% \else \def\\{\noexpand\\}% \edef \TXN@progressio {\@nameuse {TXN@numerus[#1]progressio}}% \def\\{}% \fi \TXN@get@progressio {#1}% \ifx \empty \TXN@line@increment \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {Sanity check failed (\protect\TXN@line@increment #1)} {Please report the error to the author}% \fi \ifnum \TXN@line@increment = \z@ \else \TXN@process@line@numbers@nostar@ter #1\relax \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@process@line@numbers@nostar@ter #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace [#1]\TXN@process@line@numbers@nostar@ter \@tempcnta = \TXN@c@numerus{#1}% \TXN@counter = \@tempcnta \if \TXN@empty {TXN@numerus[#1]previous@incr}% \else \TXN@assign \count@ = {TXN@numerus[#1]previous@incr}% \ifnum \TXN@line@increment = \count@ \else \count@ = \TXN@counter \advance \count@ by \m@ne \TXN@xdef {TXN@numerus[#1]previous}{\the\count@}% \fi \fi \TXN@xdef {TXN@numerus[#1]previous@incr}{\TXN@line@increment}% \if \TXN@empty {TXN@numerus[#1]previous}% \@tempcntb = \TXN@counter \divide \@tempcntb by \TXN@line@increment \TXN@safe \multiply \@tempcntb by \TXN@line@increment \TXN@safe \ifnum \@tempcntb = \TXN@counter \advance \@tempcntb by -\TXN@line@increment \fi \else \TXN@assign \@tempcntb = {TXN@numerus[#1]previous}% \fi \ifnum \@tempcntb < \z@ \TXN@make@object@numerus {#1}{n}% \TXN@move@to@marginalia {#1}{n}\TXN@object@numerus \TXN@assign \count@ = {TXN@numerus[#1]previous}% \ifdim \wd\TXN@object@numerus = \z@ \advance \count@ by -1000000\relax \else \ifnum \count@ < \z@ \@tempcnta = \z@ \loop \ifnum \count@ < -1000000\relax \advance \count@ by 1000000\relax \advance \@tempcnta by \@ne \repeat \ifnum \@tempcnta > \z@ \TXN@Warning* {The line number has been moved \MessageBreak forward more than once}% \fi \count@ = -\count@ \TXN@decr \TXN@numerus@pending \fi \fi \TXN@xdef {TXN@numerus[#1]previous}{\the\count@}% \else \TXN@process@line@numbers@nostar@quater #1\relax \fi \if \TXN@num {TXN@numerus[#1]frozen} = \z@ \TXN@advance@line@counter {#1}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@process@line@numbers@nostar@quater #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace [#1]\TXN@process@line@numbers@nostar@quater \advance \@tempcnta by -\@tempcntb \edef \TXN@line@displacement {\the\@tempcnta}% \@tempcnta = \TXN@line@displacement \TXN@safe \@tempcntb = \TXN@line@increment \TXN@safe \divide \@tempcnta by \@tempcntb \multiply \@tempcnta by \@tempcntb \@tempcntb = \TXN@line@displacement \TXN@safe \ifnum \@tempcnta = \@tempcntb \TXN@xdef {TXN@numerus[#1]index}{\TXN@progressio@new@index}% \TXN@xdef {TXN@numerus[#1]previous}{\the\TXN@counter}% \if \TXN@num {TXN@numerus[#1]printing} = \z@ \else \if \TXN@num {TXN@numerus[#1]printing} = \tw@ \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]printing}{1}% \else \TXN@make@object@numerus {#1}{n}% \TXN@move@to@marginalia {#1}{n}\TXN@object@numerus \ifdim \wd\TXN@object@numerus = \z@ \if \TXN@num {TXN@numerus[#1]printing} = \@ne \TXN@xdef {TXN@numerus[#1]previous}{-\the\TXN@counter}% \TXN@incr \TXN@numerus@pending \fi \else \def \TXN@numerus@pending {0}% \fi \fi \fi \else \if \TXN@num {TXN@numerus[#1]printing} = \tw@ \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[#1]printing}{1}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@progressio #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace [#1] \TXN@get@progressio \def \TXN@line@increment {}% \TXN@assign \@tempcnta = {TXN@numerus[#1]index}% \advance \@tempcnta by \@ne \@tempcntb = \z@ \def\\##1{% \advance \@tempcntb by \@ne \ifnum \@tempcnta = \@tempcntb \ifx <##1\relax \@tempcnta = \@ne \else \ifnum ##1 = \@M \advance \@tempcnta by \m@ne \fi \fi \fi }% \TXN@progressio \@tempcntb = \z@ \def\\##1{% \advance \@tempcntb by \@ne \ifnum \@tempcnta = \@tempcntb \edef \TXN@line@increment {##1}% \edef \TXN@progressio@new@index {\the\@tempcnta}% \fi }% \TXN@progressio \def\\{}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Starred form} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@process@line@numbers@star #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace [#1]\TXN@process@line@numbers@star \TXN@sw@true \ifTXN@withinVersus \TXN@process@line@numbers@check@versus {#1}% \fi \ifTXN@sw \TXN@make@object@numerus {#1}{*}% \TXN@move@to@marginalia {#1}{*}\TXN@object@numerus \if \TXN@x {TXN@numerus[#1]progressio}\TXN@zero@progressio \else \TXN@advance@line@counter{#1}% \fi \TXN@gdef {TXN@numerus[#1]first@value}{}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@advance@line@counter #1{% \TXN@caput@numerus {#1}% \global \advance \TXN@c@numerus{#1}by \@ne } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Building a \TXN@cmd{numerus} object} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@make@object@numerus #1#2{% %<debug> \TXN@trace [#1]\TXN@make@object@numerus \def \TXN@entity {numerus}% \TXN@get@object@field@width {#1}% \edef \TXN@flags {\@nameuse{TXN@numerus[#1]flagsModus@\TXN@theFolio}}% \ifx *#2\relax \edef \TXN@parm@i {\csname TXN@numerus[#1]first@value\endcsname}% \edef \TXN@parm@ii {\csname TXN@numerus[#1]tail\endcsname}% \edef \TXN@parm@iii {\csname TXN@numerus[#1]separator\endcsname}% \edef \TXN@parm@iv {\csname TXN@numerus[#1]second@value\endcsname}% \edef \TXN@parm@v {\csname TXN@numerus[#1]head\endcsname}% \else \edef \TXN@parm@i {\the\TXN@counter}% \edef \TXN@parm@ii {}% \edef \TXN@parm@iii {}% \edef \TXN@parm@iv {}% \edef \TXN@parm@v {}% \fi \setbox \TXN@object@numerus = \hbox {% \@nameuse {TXN@numerus[#1]Facies}% \TXN@parm@i \TXN@parm@ii \TXN@parm@iii \TXN@parm@iv \TXN@parm@v }% % \end{macrocode} % Compute the width of the number's `tail' (for alignment). % \begin{macrocode} \ifx *#2\relax \setbox \z@ = \hbox {% \@nameuse {TXN@numerus[#1]Facies}% {\TXN@parm@i}% \empty {\TXN@parm@iii}% {\TXN@parm@iv}% {\TXN@parm@v}% }% \dimen@ = \wd\TXN@object@numerus \advance \dimen@ by -\wd\z@ \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AlignedTail \TXN@flags \dimen@ = \z@ \fi \else \dimen@ = \z@ \fi \edef \TXN@numerus@tail@width {\the\dimen@}% \TXN@place@object@in@field \TXN@object@numerus } % \end{macrocode} % \section {The common code for \TXN@cmd{numerus} and \TXN@cmd{textus} objects} % \subsection {Setting the obiect within the field} % Set |\TXN@numerus@field@width| or |\TXN@textus@field@width| to % the field width or |\empty| if there is no field specification % for this entity. % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@textus@zero@width \def \TXN@get@object@field@width #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@get@object@field@width \if \TXN@empty {TXN@\TXN@entity[#1]field@\TXN@theFolio}% \TXN@def {TXN@\TXN@entity @field@width}{}% \else \begingroup \TXN@let \TXN@calc@exp = {TXN@\TXN@entity[#1]field@\TXN@theFolio}% \TXN@calc@offset \def \TXN@temp {textus}% \ifx \TXN@entity \TXN@temp \global \TXN@textus@zero@widthfalse \TXN@sw@false \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@FieldAutoWidth \TXN@textus@flags \TXN@sw@true \else \ifdim \dimen@i = \z@ \TXN@sw@true \global \TXN@textus@zero@widthtrue \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \TXN@get@object@field@width@bis {#1}% \global \advance \dimen@i by \dimen@iii \fi \fi \endgroup \TXN@edef {TXN@\TXN@entity @field@width}{\the\dimen@i}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Returns the length of the longest line in |\dimen@i| % We do all processing inside a box to avoid any side effects. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@skip@delimiter} [2] [1] {} \newcommand {\TXN@skip@escesc} [1] [] {} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@object@field@width@bis #1{% \setbox \z@ = \vbox {% \let \Delimiter = \TXN@skip@delimiter \let \\= \TXN@skip@escesc \TXN@counter = #1\relax \global \dimen@iii = -\maxdimen \TXN@exxxpandafter \TXN@get@object@field@width@ter \TXN@textus@text\TXN@nil \expandafter \TXN@get@object@field@width@quater \the\toks@\\\TXN@nil\\% }% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@object@field@width@ter #1\TXN@nil{% \toks@ = \expandafter{#1}% % \end{macrocode} % In case the first line starts with [ % \begin{macrocode} \toks@ = \expandafter{\expandafter\relax\the\toks@}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@object@field@width@quater #1\\{% \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \else \TXN@get@object@field@width@quinquies #1\TXN@nil \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@object@field@width@quinquies #1#2\TXN@nil{% \ifx [#1\relax \toks@ = {}% \else \toks@ = {[]}% \fi \expandafter \TXN@get@object@field@width@sexies \the\toks@#1#2\TXN@nil } % \end{macrocode} % Ignore anything between [ and ] (the |\\| optional parameter). % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@object@field@width@sexies [#1]#2\TXN@nil{% \setbox \z@ = \hbox {\@nameuse{TXN@textus[\TXN@c]Facies}{#2}}% \ifdim \wd\z@ > \dimen@iii \global \dimen@iii = \wd\z@ \fi \expandafter \TXN@get@object@field@width@quater } % \end{macrocode} % Places the object |#1| (of class |\TXN@entity|) at the appropriate % position inside the corresponding field, if any. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@place@object@in@field #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@place@object@in@field \if \TXN@empty {TXN@\TXN@entity @field@width}% \else \TXN@let \TXN@object = {TXN@object@\TXN@entity}% \TXN@assign \dimen@ = {TXN@\TXN@entity @field@width}% \ifdim \dimen@ > \z@ \advance \dimen@ by -\wd#1\relax \ifdim \dimen@ > \z@ \dimen@@ = \dimen@ \divide \dimen@@ by \tw@ \def \TXN@temp {}% \def \TXN@temp@bis {}% \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@RangedLeft \TXN@flags \def \TXN@temp@bis {\kern \dimen@@}% \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@RangedRight \TXN@flags \def \TXN@temp {\kern \dimen@@}% LR = centred \else \def \TXN@temp@bis {\kern \dimen@}% \fi \else \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@RangedRight \TXN@flags \def \TXN@temp {\kern \dimen@}% \fi \fi \setbox \TXN@object = \hbox {\TXN@temp\unhbox \TXN@object\TXN@temp@bis}% \fi \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection {Moving the object to the \TXN@cmd{marginalia} box} % |#1|\ the subclass identifier % |#2|\ the object type ('t' = textus, 'n' = numerus, '*' = numerus*) % |#3|\ the box containing the object % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@move@to@marginalia #1#2#3{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@move@to@marginalia % \end{macrocode} % Set the entity name and get the relevant flags % \begin{macrocode} \ifx t#2\relax \def \TXN@entity {textus}% \TXN@get@textus@flags {#1}% \edef \TXN@flags {\TXN@textus@flags}% \else \def \TXN@entity {numerus}% \edef \TXN@flags {\@nameuse {TXN@numerus[#1]flagsModus@\TXN@theFolio}}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % If alignment is unspecified, set the default for the entity. % \begin{macrocode} \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AlignedRight \TXN@flags \else \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AlignedLeft \TXN@flags \else \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AlignedCentre \TXN@flags \else \ifx t#2\relax \edef \TXN@flags {\TXN@o@AlignedLeft\TXN@flags}% \else \edef \TXN@flags {\TXN@o@AlignedRight\TXN@flags}% \fi \fi \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % Set |\TXN@dim@a| equal to the displacement from the left margin, % |\dimen@@| and |\dimen@ii| to the box left and right boundaries. % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@get@Locus {\TXN@entity[#1]}{#2}% \TXN@dim@a = \dimen@ \dimen@@ = \TXN@dim@a \ifx t#2\relax \else \ifdim \TXN@dim@a > .5\TXN@measure \setbox\z@ = \hbox {\@nameuse{TXN@numerus[#1]SpatiumAnte}}% \advance \dimen@@ by -\wd\z@ \fi \fi \dimen@ii = \TXN@dim@a \advance \dimen@ii by \wd#3\relax % \end{macrocode} % Align the object % \begin{macrocode} \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AlignedCentre \TXN@flags \advance \TXN@dim@a by -.5\wd#3\relax \advance \dimen@@ by -.5\wd#3\relax \advance \dimen@ii by -.5\wd#3\relax \else \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AlignedRight \TXN@flags \dimen@ii = \dimen@@ \advance \dimen@@ by -\wd#3\relax \ifx t#2\relax \else \advance \TXN@dim@a by \TXN@numerus@tail@width \fi \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % For the special case of |\excessus| followed by leaders, we % must record the position of the right boundary. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum #1 = \TXN@e \TXN@safe \ifTXN@leaders \gdef \TXN@excessus@leaders {\the\dimen@ii}% \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % Check for overlapping text. |\TXN@line@fields|, a \textit{Simple List}, % holds the left/right boundaries for each field in the line and we % just `execute' the list after redefining |\\| appropriately. % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@sw@false \@tempswatrue \ifx t#2\relax \ifnum #1 = \TXN@e \TXN@safe \@tempswafalse % no check for excessus \fi \fi \if@tempswa \begingroup \def \\##1{\TXN@temp ##1\TXN@nil}% \def \TXN@temp ##1,##2\TXN@nil{% \ifdim \dimen@@ > ##1\relax \ifdim \dimen@@ < ##2\relax \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \ifdim \dimen@ii > ##1\relax \ifdim \dimen@ii < ##2\relax \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \ifdim \dimen@@ < ##1\relax \ifdim \dimen@ii > ##1\relax \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \ifdim \dimen@@ < ##2\relax \ifdim \dimen@ii > ##2\relax \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi }% \TXN@line@fields \endgroup \fi % \end{macrocode} % In case of overlapping:\\ % |\textus| and |\numerus*| are printed, with a warning \\ % |\numerus| is skipped, but within \textit{Versus} we first check % for the special case of a stage direction with the `r' option and % if there is enough space between the end of the text proper and % the SD we re-assemble the line shifting the SD to the left to % make room for the number. % % \begin{macrocode} \ifTXN@sw \ifTXN@withinVersus \ifx t#2\relax \else \ifdim \PTR@hfill@right > \z@ \setbox\z@ = \hbox {\@nameuse{TXN@numerus[#1]SpatiumAnte}}% \dimen@ = \wd\z@ \advance \dimen@ by \dimen@ii \advance \dimen@ by - \dimen@@ \ifdim \PTR@hfill@right > \dimen@ \TXN@shift@SD \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \@tempswatrue \ifTXN@withinVersus \ifx empty \PTR@auto@mode \else \ifnum \TXN@pass = \@ne \@tempswafalse \fi \fi \fi \ifx t#2\relax \if@tempswa \TXN@get@subclass@name \textus {#1}% \TXN@Warning* {An object of subclass \@backslashchar\TXN@gtemp\space overlaps some text}% \fi \else \ifx n#2\relax \ifdim \TXN@dim@a < .5\TXN@measure \if@tempswa \TXN@get@subclass@name \numerus {#1}% \TXN@Warning* {An object of subclass \@backslashchar\TXN@gtemp\space overlaps some text}% \fi \else \wd#3 = \z@ \fi \else \if@tempswa \TXN@get@subclass@name \numerus {#1}% \TXN@Warning* {An object of subclass \@backslashchar\TXN@gtemp* overlaps some text}% \fi \fi \fi \else \edef \TXN@temp {\the\dimen@@,\the\dimen@ii}% \TXN@SimpleList@append \TXN@line@fields \TXN@temp \ifnum #1 = \TXN@e \TXN@safe \global \TXN@leading@space = \dimen@@ \TXN@safe \xdef \TXN@line@length {\the\dimen@ii}% \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % Put the object into the \textit{marginalia} box % \begin{macrocode} \ifdim \wd#3 = \z@ \else \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@AlignedRight \TXN@flags \setbox \TXN@marginalia = \hbox to \z@ {\unhbox \TXN@marginalia \hbox to \z@ {\hss \copy#3\kern -\TXN@dim@a}% }% \else \setbox \TXN@marginalia = \hbox to \z@ {\unhbox \TXN@marginalia \hbox to \z@ {\kern \TXN@dim@a \copy#3\hss}% }% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % This is the special case of a line ending with a |\[r]| stage direction. % We unbox and re-assemble the line, shifting the SD to the left. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@shift@SD {% \TXN@sw@false \begingroup \leavevmode \kern \maxdimen % `sentinel' to stop the backward search \unhcopy \PTR@box@full@line \setbox \z@ = \null \TXN@counter@a = 10 % to prevent looping \TXN@shift@SD@bis \global \setbox \@ne = \box \z@ \endgroup \setbox \PTR@box@full@line = \box \@ne } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@shift@SD@bis {% \ifnum \TXN@counter@a = \z@ \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {This can't happen (2)} {Please report the error to the author}% \else \advance \TXN@counter@a by \m@ne \fi \let \next = \TXN@shift@SD@bis \setbox \tw@ = \lastbox \ifhbox \tw@ \setbox \z@ = \hbox {\box \tw@ \unhbox \z@}% \else \TXN@skip@a = \the\lastskip \TXN@safe \unskip \ifdim \TXN@skip@a > \z@skip \setbox \z@ = \hbox {\hskip \the\lastskip \unhbox \z@}% \else \TXN@counter = \the\lastpenalty \TXN@safe \unpenalty \ifnum \TXN@counter < \z@ \TXN@counter = -\TXN@counter \fi \ifnum \TXN@counter > \z@ \setbox \z@ = \hbox {\penalty \the\lastpenalty \unhbox \z@}% \else \dimen@@ = \the\lastkern \TXN@safe \unkern \ifdim \dimen@@ = \maxdimen % the `sentinel' \let \next = \relax \else \ifdim \dimen@@ < \z@ \dimen@@ = -\dimen@@ \fi \ifdim \dimen@@ > \z@ \ifdim \dimen@@ = \PTR@hfill@right \TXN@safe \advance \dimen@@ by -\dimen@ \gdef \PTR@hfill@right {\z@}% \fi \setbox \z@ = \hbox {\kern \dimen@@ \unhbox \z@}% \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \next } % \end{macrocode} % % \section{The \TXN@cmd{titulus} class} % \subsection{Processing the \TXN@cmd{titulus} command} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\titulus} {% \ifx \empty \TXN@attribute@name \expandafter \TXN@titulus \else \def \TXN@subclass@name {titulus}% \def \TXN@subclass@number {x}% \def \TXN@temp {TXN}% \expandafter \TXN@attribute@set \fi } \let \titulum = \titulus \let \tituli = \titulus % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@esc@esc@break}[1][\relax]{% \par \TXN@sw@false \ifx \relax #1\relax \ifx \@undefined \TXN@SpatiumInfraEscEsc \else \toks@ = \expandafter {\TXN@SpatiumInfraEscEsc}% \TXN@sw@true \fi \else \toks@ = {#1}% \TXN@sw@true \fi \ifTXN@sw \expandafter \spatium \expandafter {\the\toks@}% \fi } \newcommand{\TXN@esc@esc@break@noop}[1][]{\hbadness \@M\penalty -\@M} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@titulus@starred \newif \ifTXN@was@withinVersus \newif \ifTXN@was@lineating % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@titulus {% \@ifstar {\TXN@titulus@starredtrue\TXN@titulus@bis} {\TXN@titulus@starredfalse\TXN@titulus@bis}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\TXN@titulus@bis}[1][0]{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@titulus@bis \TXN@counter = #1\relax \edef \TXN@titulus@flags {\@nameuse{TXN@titulus[#1]flags}% \@nameuse{TXN@titulus[#1]flagsModus}}% \if \TXN@empty {TXN@titulus[\TXN@c]Facies}% \expandafter \TXN@titulus@sexies \else \expandafter \TXN@titulus@ter \fi } \def \TXN@titulus@ter {% % \end{macrocode} % If the object occurs within \textit{Versus}, we close the domain; then, % id numbering is active for this class is active, we switch to \textit{Prosa}. % If the object occurs within \textit{Prosa}, we remain within the domain. % \begin{macrocode} % \ifTXN@withinFaciesStrophae % \else \TXN@was@withinVersusfalse \ifTXN@withinVersus \TXN@was@withinVersustrue \else \ifTXN@withinProsa \ifTXNl@lineating \ifhmode \par % for lineate \fi \else \endgraf \fi \else \endgraf \fi \fi % \fi % \ifTXN@withinFaciesStrophae % \else \ifTXN@was@withinVersus \if \TXN@option T\TXN@numbered@classes \prosa \else \toks@ = \everypar \edef \TXN@titulus@everypar {\the\toks@}% \everypar = {}% \TXN@normalCR \fi \fi % \fi \TXN@was@lineatingfalse \ifTXNl@lineating \TXN@was@lineatingtrue \TXNl@lineate \relax \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@NoArgument \TXN@titulus@flags \expandafter \TXN@titulus@quinquies \else \expandafter \TXN@titulus@quater \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@titulus@quinquies {\TXN@titulus@quater \relax}% % \end{macrocode} % The special case of an empty Facies % \begin{macrocode} \long\def \TXN@titulus@sexies #1{% \if \TXN@empty {TXN@titulus[\TXN@c]SpatiumSupra}% \else \expandafter \TXN@spatium@vertical \csname TXN@titulus[\TXN@c]SpatiumSupra\endcsname \fi \if \TXN@empty {TXN@titulus[\TXN@c]Caput}% \else \TXN@caput@titulus {#1}% \fi \if \TXN@empty {TXN@titulus[\TXN@c]SpatiumInfra}% \else \expandafter \TXN@spatium@vertical \csname TXN@titulus[\TXN@c]SpatiumInfra\endcsname \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \long\def \TXN@titulus@quater #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@titulus@ter \def \TXN@entity {titulus}% \def \TXN@line@class {T}% \expandafter \TXN@spatium@vertical \csname TXN@titulus[\TXN@c]SpatiumSupra\endcsname \if \TXN@empty {TXN@titulus[\TXN@c]Caput}% \else \TXN@caput@cleanup \fi \begingroup \if \TXN@empty {TXN@titulus[\TXN@c]Forma}% \TXN@style@centered \else \TXN@style@setfalse \@nameuse {TXN@titulus[\TXN@c]Forma}% \ifTXN@style@set \else \TXN@style@centered \fi \fi \ifTXN@centrefinal \global \setbox \TXN@vbox = \vbox \bgroup \fi \parindent = \z@ \parskip = \z@ \everypar = {}% \ifTXN@centrefinal \let \\= \TXN@esc@esc@break@noop \else \let \\= \TXN@esc@esc@break \fi \hsize = \linewidth \ifTXN@titulus@starred \hsize = \textwidth \else \TXN@assign \TXN@dim@a = {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]offset@\TXN@theFolio}% \advance \leftskip by \TXN@dim@a \fi \TXN@withinSDtrue \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@Unhyphenated \TXN@titulus@flags \pretolerance \@M \else \pretolerance 100 % \fi \leavevmode \def \TXN@titulus@parm {#1}% \@nameuse {TXN@titulus[\TXN@c]Facies}\TXN@titulus@parm \global \TXN@baselineskip = \baselineskip \strut \par \ifTXN@centrefinal \egroup \fi \endgroup \xdef \TXN@prevgraf {\the\prevgraf}% \ifTXN@centrefinal \global \TXN@centrefinalfalse \leavevmode \TXN@dim@a = \wd\TXN@vbox \loop \ifvbox \TXN@vbox \setbox\tw@ = \vbox{% \vbadness = \@M \splittopskip = \z@ \global \setbox \@ne = \vsplit \TXN@vbox to \TXN@baselineskip \global \setbox \TXN@vbox = \box \TXN@vbox \unvbox \@ne \global \setbox \@ne = \lastbox }% \setbox \TXN@hbox = \box \@ne \TXN@sw@false \ifvbox \TXN@vbox \ifnum \TXN@prevgraf = \tw@ \TXN@sw@true \fi \else \TXN@sw@true \fi \ifTXN@sw \setbox \z@ = \hbox {\unhbox \TXN@hbox \unskip \unskip \unpenalty}% \dimen@ = \TXN@dim@a \advance \dimen@ by -\leftskip \advance \dimen@ by -\rightskip \advance \dimen@ by -\wd\z@ \divide \dimen@ by \tw@ \dimen@@ = \dimen@ \advance \dimen@@ by -\leftskip \advance \dimen@ by -\rightskip \setbox \TXN@hbox = \hbox {\kern \dimen@@ \box \z@ \kern \dimen@}% \fi \TXN@assign \dimen@ = {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]offset@\TXN@theFolio}% \moveright \dimen@ \box \TXN@hbox \par \ifvbox \TXN@vbox \leavevmode \fi \repeat \fi \ifTXN@was@lineating \TXNl@lineate \TXN@process@line \fi \def \TXN@line@class {}% \TXN@withinSDfalse \if \TXN@empty {TXN@titulus[\TXN@c]Caput}% \else \TXN@caput@titulus {#1}% \fi \expandafter \TXN@spatium@vertical \csname TXN@titulus[\TXN@c]SpatiumInfra\endcsname % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \ifTXN@bad@titulus \TXN@counter = \TXN@warnings@level \TXN@safe \def \TXN@warnings@level {\@ne}% \TXN@Warning {The \protect\titulus\space object cannot be positioned properly}% \def \TXN@warnings@level {\the\TXN@counter}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % We restore the initial state % \begin{macrocode} \ifTXN@was@withinVersus \PTR@par@startedfalse \if \TXN@option T\TXN@numbered@classes \endprosa \else \everypar = \expandafter {\TXN@titulus@everypar}% \TXN@activeCR \TXN@exxxpandafter \ignorespaces \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \section{The \TXN@cmd{spatium} class} % \subsection{Processing the \TXN@cmd{spatium} command} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \spatium {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \spatium \@ifstar {\xdef \TXN@spatium@flag{\TXN@o@SpatiumStar}\TXN@spatium@def} {\gdef \TXN@spatium@flag{}\TXN@spatium@def}% } \let \spatii = \spatium \def \TXN@spatium@def {% \ifx \empty \TXN@attribute@name \expandafter \TXN@spatium \else \def \TXN@subclass@name {spatium}% \def \TXN@subclass@number {x}% \def \TXN@temp {TXN}% \expandafter \TXN@attribute@set \fi } \newcommand \TXN@spatium [1][0]{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@spatium \edef \TXN@flags {\@nameuse {TXN@spatium[#1]flags}}% \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@NoFacies \TXN@flags \expandafter \TXN@spatium@nofacies \else \endgraf \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@NoArgument \TXN@flags \edef \TXN@temp {\@nameuse {TXN@spatium[#1]Facies}}% \TXN@spatium@vertical {\TXN@temp}% \else \TXN@counter = #1\relax \TXN@exxxpandafter \TXN@spatium@bis \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@spatium@nofacies #1{} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@spatium@bis #1{% \def \TXN@parm@i {#1}% \edef \TXN@temp {\@nameuse {TXN@spatium[\TXN@c]Facies}\TXN@parm@i}% \expandafter \TXN@build@spatium@list \expandafter {\TXN@temp}% \TXN@spatium@vertical {\TXN@L@spatium}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection {Processing the argument of a spacing attribute} % The argument is converted to the \textit{NameList} expected by % |\TXN@do@spatium|. % % The list prototype % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@NameList \TXN@NameList@spatium {\TXN@s@flags \TXN@s@glue \TXN@s@penalty \TXN@s@exclude} % \end{macrocode} % and the actual list to hold the result of the conversion % \begin{macrocode} \edef \TXN@L@spatium {\TXN@NameList@spatium}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@build@spatium@list #1{% \TXN@build@spatium@check #1\TXN@nil } % \end{macrocode} % Check if the argument is a subclass name % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@build@spatium@check #1#2\TXN@nil {% \@ifmtarg {#2} {\TXN@build@spatium@check@subclass {#1}} {\TXN@build@spatium@list@normal {#1#2}}% } \def \TXN@build@spatium@check@subclass #1{% \TXN@get@subclass@number \spatium #1\relax \ifnum \@tempcnta = \m@ne \TXN@build@spatium@list@normal {#1}% \else \edef \TXN@flags {\@nameuse{TXN@spatium[\the\@tempcnta]flags}}% \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@NoArgument \TXN@flags \edef \TXN@L@spatium {% \csname TXN@spatium[\the\@tempcnta]Facies\endcsname}% \else \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {The \protect\spatium\space subclass \protect#1 cannot be used\MessageBreak as the argument for an attribute} {The \protect\Facies\space attribute for the \protect#1 subclass \MessageBreak contains a reference to a parameter}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Normal argument % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@build@spatium@list@normal #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@build@spatium@list@normal \edef \TXN@flags {\TXN@spatium@flag}% \def \TXN@glue {\relax}% \def \TXN@penalty {\relax}% \def \TXN@exclude {\relax}% \TXN@trim {#1}% \expandafter \TXN@build@spatium@list@bis \the\TXN@trimmed\TXN@nil \ifTXN@sw \TXN@set \TXN@L@spatium.\TXN@s@flags \TXN@flags \TXN@set \TXN@L@spatium.\TXN@s@glue \TXN@glue \TXN@set \TXN@L@spatium.\TXN@s@penalty \TXN@penalty \TXN@set \TXN@L@spatium.\TXN@s@exclude \TXN@exclude \else \PackageError{TEXNIKA}% {Invalid \protect\spatium argument} {}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@build@spatium@list@bis #1\TXN@nil{% \global\toks@i = {}% \begingroup \def \penalty ##1\TXN@nil{0pt\global\toks@i={##1}}% \setbox \z@ = \hbox {\hskip #1\TXN@nil}% \def \penalty ##1\TXN@nil{}% \xdef \TXN@gtemp {#1\TXN@nil}% \endgroup \edef \TXN@glue {\TXN@gtemp}% \def \TXN@temp { }% \ifx \empty \TXN@glue \def \TXN@glue {\relax}% \else \ifx \TXN@glue \TXN@temp \def \TXN@glue {\relax}% \fi \fi \edef \TXN@temp {\the\toks@i}% \ifx \empty \TXN@temp \else \expandafter \TXN@build@spatium@list@penalty \the\toks@i \TXN@nil \fi \TXN@sw@true \ifx \TXN@glue \TXN@penalty \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@SpatiumExclude \TXN@flags \else \TXN@sw@false \fi \else \ifx \TXN@glue \TXN@safe \else \expandafter \TXN@check@if@glue \TXN@glue\TXN@nil \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@build@spatium@list@penalty #1#2\TXN@nil{% \ifx (#1\relax \TXN@build@spatium@list@penalty@par #2\relax \else \ifx [#1\relax \TXN@build@spatium@list@penalty@bracket #2\relax \else \def \TXN@penalty {#1#2}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@build@spatium@list@penalty@par #1){% \edef \TXN@flags {\TXN@flags(x}% \toks@ = {#1}% \TXN@build@spatium@list@penalty@exclude } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@build@spatium@list@penalty@bracket #1]{% \edef \TXN@flags {\TXN@flags \TXN@o@SpatiumExclude \TXN@o@SpatiumExcludeEject}% \toks@ = {#1}% \TXN@build@spatium@list@penalty@exclude } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@build@spatium@list@penalty@exclude {% \expandafter \TXN@check@if@glue \the\toks@ \TXN@nil \ifTXN@sw \edef \TXN@flags {\TXN@o@SpatiumExcludeDim\TXN@flags}% \fi \edef \TXN@exclude {\the\toks@}% \def \TXN@penalty {\relax}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Instancing the \TXN@cmd{spatium} object} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@spatium@vertical #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@spatium@vertical %<debug> \TXN@trace@spatium {#1}% \def \TXN@glue {\z@}% \ifx \empty #1\relax \else \ifx \relax#1\relax \else \ifhmode \def \TXN@temp {#1}% \PackageError{TEXNIKA}% {This can't happen (1).} {Please report the error to the author}% \fi \ifTXN@withinVersus \global \TXN@after@Spatiumtrue \fi \TXN@spatium@vertical@bis #1\relax \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@spatium@vertical@bis #1{% \TXN@get #1.\TXN@s@flags \TXN@flags \TXN@get #1.\TXN@s@glue \TXN@glue \TXN@get #1.\TXN@s@penalty \TXN@penalty \TXN@get #1.\TXN@s@exclude \TXN@exclude \ifnum \TXN@active@areas > \z@ \ifx \TXN@glue \TXN@safe \else \skip@ = \TXN@glue \TXN@safe \dimen@ = \skip@ \edef \TXN@glue {\the\dimen@}% \fi \fi \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@SpatiumExclude \TXN@flags % \end{macrocode} % To force the recent contributions onto the main page % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup \parskip = \z@ \endgraf \endgroup \ifdim \pagetotal > \pagegoal \else \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@SpatiumExcludeDim \TXN@flags \dimen@ = \TXN@exclude \else \dimen@ = \TXN@exclude \pagegoal \fi \advance \dimen@ by \pagetotal \advance \dimen@ by -\pageshrink \ifdim \dimen@ > \pagegoal \dimen@@ = \pagefilstretch \advance \dimen@@ by \pagefillstretch \advance \dimen@@ by \pagefilllstretch \ifdim \dimen@@ = \z@ \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@SpatiumExcludeEject \TXN@flags \newpage \global \NewPagetrue \def \TXN@glue {\relax}% \else \dimen@@ = \pagegoal \advance \dimen@@ by -\pagestretch \advance \dimen@@ by -\pagetotal \ifdim \dimen@@ > \z@ \vskip \dimen@@ \fi \penalty -\@M \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \ifx \TXN@glue \TXN@safe \else \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@SpatiumStar \TXN@flags \vspace* {\TXN@glue}% \else \addvspace {\TXN@glue}% \fi \ifnum \TXN@active@areas > \z@ \TXN@process@area@spatium {\TXN@glue}% \fi \fi \ifx \TXN@penalty \TXN@safe \else \ifnum \TXN@penalty = -\@M\relax \vfill \fi \penalty \TXN@penalty \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \section{Domain switching} % % All switching is funnelled through these two macros (the % parameter is 1 for \textit{versus}, 2 for \textit{prosa}). % This allows easy nesting of domains and avoids the overhead % of unnecessary switching in sequences like\\ % |\versus \begin{versus} \end{versus} \endversus|\\ % At the end of the document, we check that domains are properly % nested. % % To keep track of domains, we use a simple stack with the usual % functions for pushing/popping an entry and inspecting the % top entry. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@domain@stack {[0,0]} \def \TXN@empty@domain@stack {[0,0]} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@domain@push #1{% \edef \TXN@domain@stack {[#1,\the\inputlineno]\TXN@domain@stack}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@domain@pop {% \expandafter \TXN@domain@pop@bis \TXN@domain@stack\TXN@nil} \def \TXN@domain@pop@bis [#1]#2\TXN@nil{% \edef \TXN@domain@stack {#2}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@domain@top {% \expandafter \TXN@domain@top@bis \TXN@domain@stack \TXN@nil} \def \TXN@domain@top@bis [#1]#2\TXN@nil{% \TXN@domain@top@ter #1\TXN@nil} \def \TXN@domain@top@ter #1,#2\TXN@nil{% \edef \TXN@domain@stack@top {#1}% \edef \TXN@domain@stack@top@line {#2}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@domain@error #1{% \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {#1} {Run LaTeX to completion and look at the final\MessageBreak error message about bad domain nesting: it may\MessageBreak give you a clue about the source of the trouble.} } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@domain@stack {% \toks@ = {}% \loop \TXN@domain@top \ifnum \TXN@domain@stack@top > \z@ \edef \TXN@temp {\ifnum \TXN@domain@stack@top = \@ne \string\Versus% \else \string\Prosa% \fi -\TXN@domain@stack@top@line\space \the\toks@}% \toks@ = \expandafter {\TXN@temp}% \TXN@domain@pop \repeat } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Entering a domain } % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@domain@enter #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace@domain {0}{#1}% \TXN@domain@top \ifcase #1\relax \relax \or % Versus \ifcase \TXN@domain@stack@top \TXN@safe \expandafter \PTR@versus \or \TXN@withinVersustrue \or \TXN@endprosa \expandafter \PTR@versus \fi \TXN@domain@push {1}% \or % Prosa \ifcase \TXN@domain@stack@top \TXN@safe \expandafter \TXN@prosa \or \PTR@endversus \TXN@prosa \or \par \fi \TXN@domain@push {2}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Leaving a domain } % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@env@document {document} \def \TXN@env@prosa {prosa} \def \TXN@env@Prosa {Prosa} \def \TXN@document {document} \def \TXN@domain@leave #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace@domain {1}{#1}% \TXN@domain@top \ifnum #1 = \@ne % \end{macrocode} % Versus % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum \TXN@domain@stack@top = \z@ \TXN@domain@error \else \ifnum \TXN@domain@stack@top = \@ne \PTR@endversus \TXN@domain@pop \TXN@domain@top \ifnum \TXN@domain@stack@top = \tw@ \ifx \@currenvir \TXN@env@document \TXN@prosa \fi \fi \else \TXN@domain@error {\protect\endVersus\space after \protect\Prosa}% \fi \fi \else % \end{macrocode} % Prosa % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum \TXN@domain@stack@top = \@ne \TXN@domain@error {\protect\endProsa\space after \protect\Versus}% \else \ifnum \TXN@domain@stack@top = \z@ \TXN@domain@error {\protect\endProsa\space not preceded by \protect\Prosa}% \else \TXN@endprosa \TXN@domain@pop \TXN@domain@top \ifnum \TXN@domain@stack@top = \@ne % \ifx \@currenvir \TXN@env@document \PTR@versus % \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \ifx \TXN@empty@domain@stack \TXN@domain@stack % \TXN@stop@lineno \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \section{The \TXN@cmd{prosa} domain} % % \subsection{Entering the domain.} % \begin{macrocode} \def \prosa {\TXN@domain@enter 2} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@prosa {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@prosa \TXN@withinProsatrue \ifTXN@folio@set \else \xdef \TXN@theFolio {\ifodd \c@page recto\else verso\fi}% \gdef \TXN@previous@page {}% \global \TXN@folio@settrue \fi \xdef \TXN@endarea@list {}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \TXNl@lineate \TXN@process@line \global \TXN@lineatingtrue % \end{macrocode} % Set the text margins. % \begin{macrocode} \edef \TXN@save@leftskip {\the\leftskip}% \edef \TXN@save@rightskip {\the\rightskip}% \edef \TXN@save@parindent {\the\parindent}% \edef \TXN@save@parskip {\the\parskip}% \ifTXN@withinDrama \parindent = \z@ \fi \let \TXN@@line = \@@line \def \@@line {\leavevmode\TXN@@line}% \TXN@assign \TXN@measure = {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]measure}% \hsize \TXN@measure \@nameuse{TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]Facies}\relax % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \ifTXN@milestones \TXN@initialize@milestones \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Leaving the domain.} % \begin{macrocode} \def \endprosa {\TXN@domain@leave 2} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@endprosa {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@end@prosa \par \TXN@withinProsafalse \TXNl@lineate \relax \leftskip = \TXN@save@leftskip \TXN@safe \rightskip = \TXN@save@rightskip \TXN@safe \parindent = \TXN@save@parindent \TXN@safe \parskip = \TXN@save@parskip \TXN@safe \let \@@line = \TXN@@line } \let \Prosa = \prosa \let \endProsa = \endprosa % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Processing a line.} % % Two logical variable that may be tested with |\boolean| in % an |\ifthenelse| test. % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifParagraphFirstLine \newif \ifParagraphLastLine % \end{macrocode} % Within the domain, the `hook' into the |\output| routine via the % \textbf{lineate} package is active and this macro gets control % for each line in the domain. The processing is much the same as % within \textbf{versus}. % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@normal@line \newif \ifTXN@bad@titulus \def \TXN@process@line@prosa #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@process@line@prosa \TXN@normal@linetrue \global \TXN@bad@titulusfalse \setbox \tw@ = \copy \z@ \setbox \tw@ = \vbox {% \unvbox \tw@ \global \setbox \@ne = \lastbox }% \ifvoid \@ne \TXN@normal@linefalse \setbox \TXN@hbox = \box\z@ \else \unvbox \z@ \setbox \TXN@hbox = \lastbox \fi \dp\TXN@hbox = \TXN@skip@depth@cclv \TXN@safe % \end{macrocode} % Set the variables recording information about the line % \begin{macrocode} \ParagraphFirstLinefalse \ParagraphLastLinefalse \edef \ParagraphLine {#1}% \ifnum #1 < \z@ \ParagraphLastLinetrue \edef \ParagraphLine {-#1}% \fi \ifnum \ParagraphLine = \@ne \ParagraphFirstLinetrue \fi \xdef \TXN@line@length {\the\wd\TXN@hbox}% \global \TXN@leading@space = \z@ \ifTXN@normal@line \dimen@ = \TXN@measure \advance \dimen@ by -\wd\TXN@hbox \global \TXN@leading@space = \dimen@ \TXN@safe \ifParagraphFirstLine \dimen@@ = \dimen@ \advance \dimen@@ by \parindent \global \TXN@leading@space = \dimen@@ \TXN@safe \fi \edef \ParagraphLineFill {\z@}% \setbox \tw@ = \copy \TXN@hbox \setbox \tw@ = \hbox {% \unhbox \tw@ \global \skip@i = \the\lastskip \unskip }% \TXN@check@if@normal@glue \skip@i \ifTXN@sw \dimen@@ = \wd\TXN@hbox \advance \dimen@@ by -\skip@i \else \dimen@@ = \wd\tw@ \advance \dimen@@ by \dimen@ \fi \xdef \TXN@line@length {\the\dimen@@}% \ifParagraphLastLine \xdef \TXN@line@length {\the\wd\tw@}% \dimen@@ = \wd\tw@ \advance \dimen@@ by -\TXN@measure \edef \ParagraphLastLineFill {-\the\dimen@@}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % We restore the initial indentation from |\hangindent| as the box % shift is lost on unboxing (see the EDMAC manual, 7.2). % \begin{macrocode} \ifdim \dimen@ > \z@ \setbox \TXN@hbox = \hbox {\kern \dimen@ \box \TXN@hbox}% \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % Prepare for attaching |\textus| and |\numerus| objects % \begin{macrocode} \ifNewPage \TXN@reset@pagewise@numbers \fi \TXN@clear@numbers \setbox \TXN@marginalia = \copy\voidb@x % \end{macrocode} % Replay any commands for this line % \begin{macrocode} \ifTXN@milestones \ifnum \TXN@pass = \tw@ \global\TXN@replaytrue \loop \ifnum \TXNl@linenumber > \TXN@auy@lineno \TXN@safe \TXN@read@auy \repeat \loop \ifnum \TXNl@linenumber = \TXN@auy@lineno \TXN@safe %<debug> \TXN@trace@replay \TXN@auy@command \TXN@read@auy \repeat \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % Attach |\textus| and |\numerus| objects % \begin{macrocode} \setbox \TXN@marginalia = \copy\voidb@x \TXN@SimpleList \TXN@line@fields \z@ \TXN@assign \dimen@ = {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]offset@\TXN@theFolio}% \advance \dimen@ by \TXN@leading@space \TXN@safe \dimen@@ = \TXN@measure \advance \dimen@@ by -\rightskip \edef \TXN@temp {\the\dimen@,\the\dimen@@}% \TXN@SimpleList@append \TXN@line@fields \TXN@temp \TXN@attach@textus {\z@}% \TXN@process@line@numbers \ht \TXN@marginalia = \z@ \if y\TXN@showlineno \TXN@show@lineno@info {#1}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \ifdim \TXN@measure = \linewidth \dimen@ = \z@ \else \TXN@assign \dimen@ = {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]offset@\TXN@theFolio}% \fi \ifTXN@normal@line \setbox \TXN@hbox = \hbox {\kern \dimen@ \box\TXN@hbox}% \dp\TXN@hbox = \TXN@skip@depth@cclv \TXN@safe \box \TXN@hbox \else \unvbox\TXN@hbox \fi \ifvoid \TXN@marginalia \else \nointerlineskip \kern -\TXN@skip@depth@cclv \TXN@safe \dp \TXN@marginalia = \TXN@skip@depth@cclv \TXN@safe \box \TXN@marginalia \fi \ifnum \TXN@active@areas > \z@ \TXN@process@area@line@Prosa \TXN@hbox \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \ifx \empty \TXN@endarea@list \else \TXN@endarea@Prosa \fi \ifTXN@milestones \ifnum \TXN@pass = \tw@ \global\TXN@replayfalse \fi \fi \edef \ParagraphLine {\z@}% \ParagraphFirstLinefalse \ParagraphLastLinefalse \ifnum #1 < \z@ \gdef \TXN@float@counter {0}% \gdef \TXN@margin@counter {0}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Reset the value of all attached numbers. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@clear@numbers {% \count@ = \TXN@numerus@max \loop \ifnum \count@ > \m@ne \TXN@let \TXN@test = {TXN@numerus[\the\count@]side@\TXN@theFolio}% \ifx \empty \TXN@test \else \ifnum \TXN@test < \z@ \else \TXN@gdef {TXN@numerus[\the\count@]first@value}{}% \fi \fi \advance \count@ by \m@ne \repeat } % \end{macrocode} % Reset the counters of all \textit{pagewise} numbers. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@reset@pagewise@numbers {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@reset@pagewise@numbers \count@ = \TXN@numerus@max \TXN@safe \loop \ifnum \count@ > \m@ne \edef \TXN@flags {% \@nameuse {TXN@numerus[\the\count@]flagsModus@\TXN@theFolio}}% \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@Pagewise \TXN@flags \@tempcnta = \TXN@c@numerus{\the\count@}% \ifnum \@tempcnta > \tw@ \global \TXN@c@numerus{\the\count@}= \@ne \TXN@xdef {TXN@numerus[\the\count@]previous}{}% \fi \fi \advance \count@ by \m@ne \repeat } % \end{macrocode} % \section{The interface with \texttt{txnline}} % \subsection{Processing a line} % The \textbf{txnline} package transfers controls here for each line. % The line (originally in |\box254|, now empty) is in |box0|.\\ % |#1|\ is the line number within the paragraph \\ % (negative for the the last line of the paragraph) % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@process@line #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@process@line \TXN@skip@depth@cclv = \dimen@ \TXN@safe \ifTXN@withinProsa \TXN@process@line@prosa {#1}% \else \ifTXN@withinVersus \unvbox \z@ \if y\TXN@showlineno \TXN@show@lineno@info {#1}% \fi \else \PackageError{TEXNIKA}% {Something horrible has happened} {Input line: \number\inputlineno}% \fi \fi \ifTXN@lineating \TXN@process@line@page \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Display some useful information for debugging. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@show@lineno@info #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@show@lineno@info \edef \TXN@temp {\TXN@line@class}% \ifx \empty \TXN@temp \edef \TXN@temp {t}% \fi \if@firstcolumn \setbox \@tempboxa = \llap {\TXNcmr \footnotesize \ifTXN@withinProsa [#1]\fi \number\TXNl@linenumber \rlap{\ifNewPage\uppercase\fi \ifx \TXN@theFolio \TXN@recto{r}\else{v}\fi \TXN@temp}% \kern 1,5cm % }% \else \dimen@@ = \columnwidth \advance \dimen@@ by 1,5cm\relax \setbox \@tempboxa = \rlap {\TXNcmr \footnotesize \kern \dimen@@ \ifTXN@withinProsa [#1]\fi \number\TXNl@linenumber \rlap{\ifNewPage\uppercase\fi \ifx \TXN@theFolio \TXN@recto {r}\else {v}\fi \TXN@temp}% }% \fi \ifTXN@withinProsa \dp \@tempboxa = \z@ \ht \@tempboxa= \z@ \setbox \TXN@marginalia = \hbox {% \llap{\box\@tempboxa}\box\TXN@marginalia}% \fi \ifTXN@withinVersus \dp\@tempboxa = \TXN@skip@depth@cclv \TXN@safe \ht\@tempboxa = \z@ \nointerlineskip \kern -\TXN@skip@depth@cclv \TXN@safe \box \@tempboxa \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Processing the \texttt{aux} file} % \textit{recto}/\textit{verso} processing requires two passes. In the % first pass, for each line processed in a domain, one line is written % to the \textbf{aux} with the following data:\par % |\TXN@lineate|{\textless line\textgreater}{\textless page\textgreater}{\textless column\textgreater}\par % At the start of the second pass, as the \textbf{aux} file is read in, % the macroa are executed and generate a set of |\cs| of the form % |\TXN@line@page@column@|\textit{n}, each holding the initial line % number for a page. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@lineate@line {0} \def \TXN@lineate@page {0} \def \TXN@lineate@column {0} \gdef \TXN@lineate@count {0} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument {% \gdef \TXN@lineate@count {0} \gdef \TXN@line@number {-1000000} \gdef \TXN@page@number {-1000000} \gdef \TXN@column@number {-1000000} } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@lineate #1#2#3{% \ifnum #1 = \@ne \xdef \TXN@previous@page {#2}% \ifodd #2\relax \gdef \TXN@theFolio {recto}% \else \gdef \TXN@theFolio {verso}% \fi \global \NewPagetrue \fi \ifnum \TXN@lineate@column = \z@ \def \TXN@lineate@line {#1}% \def \TXN@lineate@page {#2}% \def \TXN@lineate@column {#3}% \else \TXN@swfalse \ifnum \TXN@lineate@column = #3\relax \ifnum \TXN@lineate@page = #2\relax \else \TXN@swtrue \fi \else \TXN@swtrue \fi \ifTXN@sw \TXN@gincr \TXN@lineate@count \TXN@xdef {TXN@line@page@column@\TXN@lineate@count}% {{\TXN@lineate@line}{\TXN@lineate@page}% {\TXN@lineate@column}}% \def \TXN@lineate@line {#1}% \def \TXN@lineate@line {#1} \def \TXN@lineate@page {#2} \else \def \TXN@lineate@line {#1}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@page@column #1{% \begingroup \TXN@counter = #1\relax \loop \ifnum \TXN@counter > \TXN@line@number \TXN@safe \TXN@gincr \TXN@lineate@count \if \TXN@relax {TXN@line@page@column@\TXN@lineate@count}% \TXN@counter = \TXN@line@number \TXN@safe \else \edef \TXN@temp {% \csname TXN@line@page@column@\TXN@lineate@count\endcsname}% \expandafter \TXN@get@page@column@bis \TXN@temp \fi \repeat \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@page@column@bis #1#2#3{% \gdef \TXN@line@number {#1}% \gdef \TXN@page@number {#2}% \gdef \TXN@column@number {#3}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Processing page information} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@process@line@page {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@process@line@page \ifnum \TXN@pass = \tw@ \TXN@counter = \TXNl@linenumber \advance \TXN@counter by \@ne \TXN@get@page@column {\TXN@counter}% \if@twoside \gdef \TXN@theFolio {recto}% \ifodd \TXN@page@number \TXN@safe \else \gdef \TXN@theFolio {verso}% \fi \else \gdef \TXN@theFolio {recto}% \fi \else \protected@write \@auxout {} {% \string\TXN@lineate{\the\TXNl@linenumber}% {\noexpand\the\c@page}% {\if@twocolumn \if@firstcolumn 1\else 2\fi \else 1\fi}% }% \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \global \NewPagefalse \ifx \TXN@page@number \TXN@previous@page \else \ifx \empty \TXN@previous@page \else \global \NewPagetrue \fi \xdef \TXN@previous@page {\TXN@page@number}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \section{Supporting \textit{milestones}} % \begin{macrocode} \gdef \TXN@previous@page {-1000000000}% \newif \ifTXN@milestones@init % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Initializing \textit{milestones}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@initialize@milestones {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@initialize@milestones \ifTXN@milestones@init \else \TXN@milestones@inittrue \count@ = \count15\relax \advance \count@ by \@ne \xdef \TXN@insert@toks@first {\the\count@}% \advance \count@ by \TXN@max@floats \ifnum \count@ > 253\relax \count@ = 253\relax \fi \xdef \TXN@insert@toks@last {\the\count@}% \gdef \TXN@float@counter {0}% \gdef \TXN@margin@counter {0}% \ifnum \TXN@pass = \tw@ \newread \TXN@auy \openin \TXN@auy = \jobname.auy\relax \TXN@read@auy \else \newwrite \TXN@auy \immediate \openout \TXN@auy = \jobname.auy\relax \fi \gdef \TXN@save@command@count {0}% \TXN@SimpleList@append \TXN@commissurae {-1}% \gdef \TXN@commissura@index {-1}% \TXN@get@next@commissura \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Processing \textit{milestones}} % \subsubsection {Logging commands to \textbf{auy}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@save@command {% \ifTXN@replay \else \expandafter \TXN@save@command@bis \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@save@command@bis {% \count@ = \TXN@save@command@count \TXN@safe \advance \count@ by \@ne \xdef \TXN@save@command@count {\the\count@}% \ifnum \TXN@pass = \tw@ \ifnum \TXN@next@commissura = \count@ \TXN@get@next@commissura \TXN@commissura \fi \ifvmode \ifinner \else \leavevmode \@bsphack \@savsk\p@ \fi \else \@bsphack \fi \@ignorefalse \@esphack \else \expandafter \TXN@do@save@command \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@do@save@command {% %<debug> \TXN@trace@save@command \ifnum \TXN@float@counter > \TXN@insert@toks@last \TXN@safe \TXN@commissura \the\toks@ \protected@write\@auxout{}{% \string\TXN@@commissura{\TXN@save@command@count}}% \fi \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@reason \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@milestones \ifvmode \ifinner \else \leavevmode \@bsphack \@savsk\p@ \fi \else \@bsphack \fi \@bsphack \ifhmode \ifinner \TXN@float@error1 \else \@floatpenalty -\@Mii \global \count\TXN@insert = -15011943 % \count@ = \TXN@float@counter \TXN@safe \advance \count@ by \@ne \xdef \TXN@float@counter {\the\count@}% \advance \count@ by \TXN@insert@toks@first \TXN@safe \toks \the\count@ = \toks@ \begingroup \setbox \TXN@insert \color@vbox \vbox \bgroup \@endfloatbox \@cons\@currlist\TXN@insert \vadjust {\penalty -\@Miv \vbox{}\penalty\@floatpenalty}\@Esphack \nobreak\hskip \z@ \endgroup \@ignorefalse \@esphack \fi \else \TXN@float@error2 \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Should never happen % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@float@error#1{% \PackageError{TEXNIKA}% {FLOAT ERROR #1} {Please report the error to the author}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \let \TXN@addmarginpar \@addmarginpar \def \@addmarginpar {% \ifnum\count\@currbox = -15011943\relax \ifnum \@currbox = \TXN@insert \TXN@safe \ifnum \TXN@pass = \tw@ \else \count@ = \TXN@margin@counter \TXN@safe \advance \count@ by \@ne \xdef \TXN@margin@counter {\the\count@}% \ifx \empty \TXN@insert@toks@first \fi \advance \count@ by \TXN@insert@toks@first \TXN@safe \toks@ = \toks \the\count@ \begingroup % \newlinechar='40\relax \immediate \write \TXN@auy {{{\the\TXNl@linenumber}{\the\toks@}}}% \endgroup \fi \fi \else \expandafter \TXN@addmarginpar \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@read@auy {% \global \read \TXN@auy to \TXN@auy@line \def \TXN@temp {\par}% \ifx \TXN@temp \TXN@auy@line \gdef \TXN@auy@lineno {1000000}% \else \expandafter \TXN@split@auy@line \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@split@auy@line {% \expandafter \TXN@split@auy@line@bis \TXN@auy@line } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@split@auy@line@bis #1{% \TXN@split@auy@line@ter #1\relax } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@split@auy@line@ter #1#2{% \gdef \TXN@auy@lineno {#1}% \gdef \TXN@auy@command {#2}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection {Processing \textit{commissurae}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\commissura} {% \ifx \empty \TXN@attribute@name \expandafter \TXN@commissura \else \def \TXN@subclass@name {commissura}% \def \TXN@subclass@number {}% \def \TXN@temp {TXN}% \expandafter \TXN@attribute@set \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@commissura {% \begingroup \parfillskip = \z@skip \par \parskip \z@skip \noindent \ifnum \TXN@pass = \tw@ \else \TXN@FaciesCommissura \fi \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@setFacies@commissura #1{% \def \TXN@FaciesCommissura {\begingroup#1\endgroup}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@SimpleList \TXN@commissurae \z@ % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@@commissura #1{% \TXN@SimpleList@append \TXN@commissurae {#1}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@next@commissura {% \count@ = \TXN@commissura@index \TXN@safe \advance \count@ by \@ne \xdef \TXN@commissura@index {\the\count@}% \TXN@get \TXN@commissurae.\TXN@commissura@index \TXN@next@commissura } % \end{macrocode} % \section{Initial and final processing} % \subsection{At the end of the package} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@numeri {% \ifx \empty \TXN@attribute@name \expandafter \TXN@save@numeri \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \AtEndOfPackage{% \TXN@initialize@numerus {0}% \TXN@initialize@textus {0}% \TXN@initialize@titulus {0}% \TXN@initialize@spatium {0}% \ifx \@undefined \numeri \let \numeri = \numerus \else \let \TXN@save@numeri = \numeri \let \numeri = \TXN@numeri \fi \ifx \@undefined \TXN@FaciesIncipit \def \TXN@FaciesIncipit {}% \fi \ifx \@undefined \TXN@SpatiumPostEscEsc \def \TXN@SpatiumPostEscEsc {\hskip .22em\relax}% \fi \TXN@def {TXN@titulus[0]Forma}{}% \let \TXN@LaTeX@esc@esc = \\ \def \TXN@FaciesCommissura {}% \frenchspacing \parindent = \z@ \gdef \TXN@spatium@flag {}% \gdef \TXN@set@second@pass {\gdef\TXN@pass{2}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@numerus@max {0} \def \TXN@textus@max {0} \def \TXN@titulus@max {0} \def \TXN@spatium@max {0} \def \TXN@recto {recto} } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{At the beginnning of the document} % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% % \end{macrocode} % Set |\Facies \textus| ... % \begin{macrocode} \if \TXN@empty {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]Facies}% \TXN@edef {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]Facies}{% \noexpand\fontencoding {\f@encoding}% \noexpand\fontfamily {\f@family}% \noexpand\fontseries {\f@series}% \noexpand\fontshape {\f@shape}% \noexpand\selectfont }% \fi % \end{macrocode} % ... and the measure % \begin{macrocode} \if \TXN@empty {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]measure}% \TXN@xdef {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]measure}{\the\linewidth}% \fi \TXN@assign \TXN@measure = {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]measure}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@outside@preambletrue \@ifpackageloaded{poetry}{\TXN@poetrytrue}{}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \if y\TXN@showlineno \global \TXN@lineatingtrue \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \gdef \TXN@insert@toks@first {}% \gdef \TXN@insert@toks@last {}% \gdef \TXN@float@counter {0}% \gdef \TXN@margin@counter {0}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \let \TXN@save@tableofcontents = \tableofcontents \let \tableofcontents = \TXN@tableofcontents % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \gdef \TXN@theFolio {recto} \def \TXN@line@class {} % \end{macrocode} % These commands must be trapped, to set the measure. % \begin{macrocode} \let \TXN@save@onecolumn = \onecolumn \let \TXN@save@twocolumn = \twocolumn \gdef \onecolumn {\TXN@save@onecolumn \TXN@measure = \linewidth}% \renewcommand \twocolumn [1][\relax]{% \TXN@save@twocolumn[#1]\TXN@measure = \linewidth}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{At the end of the document} % \begin{macrocode} \AtEndDocument{% \ifTXN@lineating \protected@write \@auxout{} {\string\TXN@lineate{1000000}{1000000}{1000000}}% \def \TXN@lineate #1#2#3{}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Check proper nesting of domains % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@domain@top \ifnum \TXN@domain@stack@top > \z@ \TXN@get@domain@stack \PackageError{TEXNIKA}% {Bad domain nesting: \MessageBreak\the\toks@} {The number after the hyphen is the input line\MessageBreak at which the (unclosed) domain was entered.}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Check proper nesting of areas % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum \TXN@active@areas > \z@ \TXN@list@bad@areas \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum \TXN@pass = \tw@ \if y\TXN@option@stats \TXN@print@stats \fi \else \ifx \empty \TXN@run@LaTeX@again \if y\TXN@option@stats \TXN@print@stats \fi \else \protected@write \@auxout{}{\string\TXN@set@second@pass}% \toks@ = {Run LaTeX again. A second run is necessary because:}% \TXN@give@reason \edef \TXN@temp {\the\toks@}% \TXN@PackageWarningNoLine {TEXNIKA}{\TXN@temp}% \if y\TXN@option@repeat \newwrite \TXN@rpt \immediate \openout \TXN@rpt = \jobname.rpt\relax \immediate \write \TXN@rpt {repeat}% \fi \fi \global \let \TXN@set@second@pass = \relax \gdef \TXN@pass {1}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % This ensures that pending writes to .aux get executed, in case % the document ends in vertical mode. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx \empty \TXN@run@LaTeX@again \else \ifnum \TXN@pass = \@ne \leavevmode \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Listing the bad areas} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@list@bad@areas {% \toks@ = {}% \TXN@counter@a = \TXN@area@count \TXN@safe \advance \TXN@counter@a by \@ne \TXN@counter = \@ne \loop \ifnum \TXN@counter < \TXN@counter@a \TXN@get \TXN@areas.\TXN@counter \TXN@temp \expandafter \TXN@list@bad@areas@bis \TXN@temp \TXN@nil \advance \TXN@counter by \@ne \repeat \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {There is no \protect\endarea\space for:\the\toks@} {}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@list@bad@areas@bis #1,#2\TXN@nil{% \ifnum #1 > \z@ \def \TXN@parameter {#2}% \ifx \TXN@parameter \TXN@safe \def \TXN@temp {}% \else \edef \TXN@temp {[\TXN@parameter]}% \fi \edef \TXN@temp@bis {\the\toks@ \TXN@next@warning@line \@backslashchar area\TXN@temp\space at line #1}% \toks@ = \expandafter {\TXN@temp@bis}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Listing the reason(s) for a second run} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@give@reason {% \if \TXN@option t \TXN@run@LaTeX@again \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@ \TXN@next@warning@line -- You have requested the table of contents}% \fi \if \TXN@option r \TXN@run@LaTeX@again \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@ \TXN@next@warning@line -- You have different styles for `recto' and `verso'}% \fi \if \TXN@option m \TXN@run@LaTeX@again \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@ \TXN@next@warning@line -- You are using `milestones'}% \fi \if \TXN@option p \TXN@run@LaTeX@again \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@ \TXN@next@warning@line -- You are using pagewise numbering}% \fi \if \TXN@option a \TXN@run@LaTeX@again \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@ \TXN@next@warning@line -- You have set \protect\Locus\space\protect\textus\space to \protect\auto\space (or \protect\Auto)}% \fi \if \TXN@option s \TXN@run@LaTeX@again \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@ \TXN@next@warning@line -- Some split lines need to be adjusted}% \fi \if \TXN@option f \TXN@run@LaTeX@again \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@ \TXN@next@warning@line -- You have requested the index of first lines}% \fi \if \TXN@option l \TXN@run@LaTeX@again \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@ \TXN@next@warning@line -- You have used `firstlinetitlemarks'}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@next@warning@line {% ^^J\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \space\space\space\space\space } % \end{macrocode} % Record the reasons for a second run % \begin{macrocode} \gdef \TXN@run@LaTeX@again {} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@auto {a} \def \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@split {s} \def \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@milestones {m} \def \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@rectoverso {r} \def \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@firstlines {f} \def \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@toc {t} \def \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@fl@mark {l} \def \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@pagewise {p} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@reason #1{% \if \TXN@option #1\TXN@run@LaTeX@again \else \xdef \TXN@run@LaTeX@again {#1\TXN@run@LaTeX@again}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Printing statistics} % \begin{macrocode} \gdef \TXN@stats@versus@lines {\z@} \gdef \TXN@stats@versus@longest {\z@} \gdef \TXN@stats@versus@longest@print {\z@} \gdef \TXN@stats@versus@excessus@count {\z@} \gdef \TXN@stats@versus@excessus@longest {\z@} \gdef \TXN@stats@versus@excessus@shortest {\maxdimen} \gdef \TXN@stats@versus@folded {\z@} \gdef \TXN@stats@versus@moved {\z@} \gdef \TXN@stats@prosa@lines {\z@} \def \TXN@next@info@line {% ^^J\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \space\space } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@print@stats {% \ifnum \TXN@stats@versus@lines > \z@ \toks@ = {Statistics for the Versus domain:}% \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@ \TXN@next@info@line -- \TXN@stats@versus@lines\space lines\space (longest: \TXN@stats@versus@longest)}% \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@ \TXN@next@info@line -- The longest print line is \TXN@stats@versus@longest@print}% \ifnum \TXN@stats@versus@excessus@count = \z@ \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@ \TXN@next@info@line -- No folded lines}% \else \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@ \TXN@next@info@line -- \TXN@stats@versus@excessus@count\space folded lines:}% \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@ \TXN@next@info@line \space\space\space longest turnover line: \TXN@stats@versus@excessus@longest}% \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@ \TXN@next@info@line \space\space\space shortest turnover line: \TXN@stats@versus@excessus@shortest}% \fi \edef \TXN@temp {\the\toks@}% \let \on@line = \@empty \PackageInfo {TEXNIKA}{\TXN@temp}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \section{Headlines and the table of contents} % \begin{macrocode} \let \Capita = \TXNt@ttl@setmarks % \end{macrocode} % These assignments ensure that we print a `clean' text. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@caput@cleanup {% \let \contents = \TXN@unskip@gobble \let \headline = \TXN@unskip@gobble \let \notcontents = \@firstofone \let \notheadline = \@firstofone \let \indexes = \TXN@unskip@gobble \let \addfirstline = \relax } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@unskip@gobble {\unskip\@gobble} % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Processing \TXN@cmd{Caput} for a \TXN@cmd{titulus} object} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@caput@titulus #1{% \edef \TXN@section@name {\@nameuse{TXN@\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]Caput}}% % \end{macrocode} % Contents % \begin{macrocode} \if \TXN@empty {TXN@\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]Caput@contents}% \else \TXN@caput@titulus@contents {#1}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Headline % \begin{macrocode} \if \TXN@empty {TXN@\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]Caput@headline}% \else \TXN@caput@titulus@headline {#1}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Indexes % \begin{macrocode} \ifTXN@CollectingIndexesData \TXN@caput@titulus@indexes {#1}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Processing \TXN@cmd{contents}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@caput@titulus@contents #1{% \expandafter \ifx \csname TXN@\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]Caput@contents\endcsname \TXN@safe \gdef \TXN@section@contents {#1}% \else \global \expandafter \let \expandafter \TXN@section@contents \csname TXN@\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]Caput@contents\endcsname \fi \begingroup \def \contents ##1{\unskip\gdef \TXN@section@contents{##1}}% \let \notcontents = \TXN@unskip@gobble \let \headline = \TXN@unskip@gobble \let \notheadline = \@firstofone \let \indexes = \TXN@unskip@gobble \let \addfirstline = \relax \setbox \z@ = \hbox {#1}% \endgroup \protected@write \@auxout {\let \label = \@gobble \let \index = \@gobble \let \glossary = \@gobble \let \notcontents = \@gobble \let \headline = \@gobble \let \notheadline = \@firstofone \let \indexes = \@gobble \let \relsize = \@gobble \let \RelSize = \@gobble \let \LetterSpace = \@firstofone \let \letterspace = \@firstofone \let \LETTERspace = \@firstofone \let \addfirstline = \relax \def \\{\protect\\}% }% {\string \@writefile {toc}{\protect \contentsline {\TXN@section@name}{\TXN@section@contents}{\thepage}}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Processing \TXN@cmd{headline}} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@caput@titulus@headline #1{% \if \TXN@x {TXN@\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]Caput@headline}\TXN@safe \gdef \TXN@section@headline {#1}% \else \expandafter \let \expandafter \TXN@section@headline \csname TXN@\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]Caput@headline\endcsname \fi \begingroup \def \headline ##1{\unskip\gdef \TXN@section@headline{##1}}% \let \notheadline = \TXN@unskip@gobble \let \contents = \TXN@unskip@gobble \let \notcontents = \@firstofone \let \indexes = \TXN@unskip@gobble \let \addfirstline = \relax \setbox \z@ = \hbox {#1}% \ifx \empty \TXN@section@headline \else % \protected@xdef\ttl@prevmarks{\ttl@marks}% \csname \TXN@section@name mark\expandafter\endcsname \expandafter {\TXN@section@headline}% % \gdef\ttl@prevmarks{\ttl@marks}% \fi \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Processing \TXN@cmd{indexes}} % \begin{macrocode} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@caput@titulus@indexes #1{% \ifnum \TXN@pass = \tw@ \TXN@sw@true \if \TXN@empty {TXN@\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]Caput@index}% \TXN@sw@false \else \xdef \TXN@index@type {% \@nameuse{TXN@\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]Caput@index@type}}% \expandafter \TXN@caput@titulus@indexes@type \TXN@index@type \TXN@nil \TXN@sw@false \def \TXN@titulus@article {0}% \expandafter \TXN@caput@titulus@indexes@check \TXN@index@flags\TXN@nil \fi \ifTXN@sw \if \TXN@x {TXN@\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]Caput@index}\TXN@safe \gdef \TXN@indexed@title {#1}% \else \expandafter \let \expandafter \TXN@indexed@title \csname TXN@\TXN@entity[\TXN@c]Caput@index\endcsname \fi \begingroup \gdef \TXN@addfirstline {}% \def \addfirstline {\unskip\gdef \TXN@addfirstline {:}}% \def \indexes ##1{\unskip\gdef \TXN@indexed@title{##1}}% \let \notcontents = \@firstofone \let \notheadline = \@firstofone \let \contents = \TXN@unskip@gobble \let \notcontents = \TXN@unskip@gobble \setbox \z@ = \hbox {#1}% \ifx \empty \TXN@indexed@title \else \TXN@get@page@column {\TXNl@linenumber}% \TXN@make@sort@key {\TXN@indexed@title}% \ifnum \TXN@titulus@article > \z@ \expandafter \TXN@articles@process \expandafter {\the\toks@i}% \fi \global \toks@iii = \toks@i \global \toks@i = \expandafter {\TXN@indexed@title}% \ifnum \TXN@titulus@article = \@ne \expandafter \TXN@articles@process \expandafter {\the\toks@i}% \fi \ifx \empty \TXN@addfirstline \immediate \write \TXN@idy {% {\the\toks@iii}{\the\toks@i}% {\TXN@index@type\TXN@addfirstline}{\TXN@page@number}% {\@nameuse{TXN@index@numeri@\TXN@index@type}}% }% \else \edef \TXN@temp {\toks@ = {% {\the\toks@iii}{\the\toks@i}% {\TXN@index@type\TXN@addfirstline}{\TXN@page@number}% {\noexpand\csname TXN@index@numeri@\TXN@index@type\endcsname}% }}% \TXN@temp \xdef \TXN@index@pending {\the\toks@}% \xdef \TXN@index@pending@key {\the\toks@iii}% \global \TXN@index@next@first@linetrue \TXN@enable@first@lines \fi \fi \endgroup \fi \fi } \def \TXN@caput@titulus@indexes@type #1#2\TXN@nil{% \def \TXN@index@type {#1}% } \def \TXN@caput@titulus@indexes@check #1{% \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \else \expandafter \ifx \TXN@index@type #1\relax \TXN@sw@true \TXN@exxxpandafter \TXN@caput@titulus@indexes@check@bis \else \TXN@exxxpandafter \TXN@caput@titulus@indexes@check \fi \fi } \def \TXN@caput@titulus@indexes@check@bis #1{% \expandafter \ifx \TXN@index@type l\relax \else \ifx '#1\relax \def \TXN@titulus@article {1}% \else \ifx "#1\relax \def \TXN@titulus@article {2}% \fi \fi \fi \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \else \expandafter \TXN@caput@titulus@indexes@check \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Processing \TXN@cmd{Caput} for a \TXN@cmd{numerus} object} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@caput@numerus #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace [#1]\TXN@caput@numerus \if \TXN@empty {TXN@numerus[#1]Caput}% \else \edef \TXN@section@name {\@nameuse{TXN@numerus[#1]Caput}}% % \end{macrocode} % Contents % \begin{macrocode} \if \TXN@empty {TXN@numerus[#1]Caput@contents}% \else \if \TXN@x {TXN@numerus[#1]Caput@contents}\TXN@safe \gdef \TXN@section@contents {\string\numberline {\@nameuse {the\csname TXN@numerus[#1]name\endcsname}}}% \else \global \expandafter \let \expandafter \TXN@section@contents \csname TXN@numerus[#1]Caput@contents\endcsname \fi \protected@write \@auxout {}% {\string \@writefile {toc}{\protect \contentsline {\TXN@section@name}{\TXN@section@contents}{\thepage}}}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Headline % \begin{macrocode} \if \TXN@empty {TXN@numerus[#1]Caput@headline}% \else \if \TXN@x {TXN@numerus[#1]Caput@headline}\TXN@safe \xdef \TXN@section@headline {% \@nameuse {the\csname TXN@numerus[#1]name\endcsname}}% \else \expandafter \let \expandafter \TXN@section@headline \csname TXN@numerus[#1]Caput@headline\endcsname \fi \ifnum \TXN@pass = \tw@ \ifNewPage \if@specialpage \else \global \FirstLineOfPagetrue \fi \fi \fi \TXNt@set@numerus@marks \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection {\TXN@cmd{thecontentslabelfinal}} % If |\thecontentslabel| does not contain a period, the % macro returns its contents, otherwise % it returns the text following the last period. % \begin{macrocode} \def \thecontentslabelfinal {% \expandafter \TXN@tclf \thecontentslabel.\TXN@nil} \def \TXN@tclf #1.#2\TXN@nil{% \ifx \empty#2\empty #1\relax \else \TXN@tclf@bis #2\TXN@nil#1\TXN@nil \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@tclf@bis #1#2\TXN@nil#3\TXN@nil{% \if .#1 #3\relax \else \TXN@tclf #1#2.\TXN@nil \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection {\TXN@cmd{firstlinetitlemarks}} % |\firstlinetitlemarks| provides the type of mark discussed on page 260 % of \TeXbook: ``What we want [...] is a cross between |\topmark| and % |\firstmark|: something that will reflect the mark text that represents % the state of affairs just after the first line of the page. And \TeX\ % doesn't provide that.'' % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifFirstLineOfPage % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\FirstLineTitleMarks}{% \ifTXN@lineating \else \global \TXN@lineatingtrue \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@reason \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@fl@mark \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \firstlinetitlemarks {% \FirstLineTitleMarks \ifFirstLineOfPage \global \FirstLineOfPagefalse \firsttitlemarks \else \toptitlemarks \fi } % \end{macrocode} % To reset the switch at the appropriate times we have to `hook' into % some \LaTeX{} commands. % \begin{macrocode} \let \TXN@pagestyle = \pagestyle \def \pagestyle {% \global \FirstLineOfPagefalse \TXN@pagestyle } \let \TXN@thispagestyle = \thispagestyle \def \thispagestyle {% \global \FirstLineOfPagefalse \TXN@thispagestyle } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@tableofcontents {% \ifnum \TXN@pass = \@ne \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@reason \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@toc \fi \TXN@save@tableofcontents } % \end{macrocode} % \section{Preparing and processing the index file} % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@BuildingIndexes \newif \ifTXN@IndexesInitialized \newif \ifTXN@CollectingIndexesData \newif \ifTXN@IndexesBuilt \newif \ifTXN@index@first@lines \newif \ifTXN@index@next@first@line % \end{macrocode} % The sorted indexes file % \begin{macrocode} \newread \TXN@idz % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Collecting the information for indexes} % % \subsubsection{The \TXN@cmd{BuildIndexes} command} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\BuildIndexes}[2][t]{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \BuildIndexes \ifTXN@outside@preamble \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {\protect\BuildIndexes\space can be used only in the preamble} {The command must occur before \protect\begin{document}}% \fi \@ifpackageloaded{poetry}{\TXN@poetrytrue}{}% \ifTXN@poetry \else \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {The `poetry' package is not loaded} {The `poetry' package is required for processing indexes}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Check the command argument % \begin{macrocode} \global \TXN@IndexesBuiltfalse \def \TXN@parameter {#2}% \def \TXN@temp {yes}% \ifx \TXN@parameter \TXN@temp \global \TXN@BuildingIndexestrue \else \def \TXN@temp {no}% \ifx \TXN@parameter \TXN@temp \global \TXN@BuildingIndexesfalse \else \TXN@sw@false \ifx \empty \TXN@parameter \TXN@sw@true \else \def \TXN@temp {done}% \ifx \TXN@parameter \TXN@temp \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \global \TXN@BuildingIndexesfalse \global \TXN@IndexesBuilttrue \else \def \TXN@temp {toc}% \ifx \TXN@parameter \TXN@temp \TXN@indexes@toc \else \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {Invalid argument for \protect\BuildIndexes} {Valid arguments are: yes no done (or \protect\empty) toc}% \fi \fi \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \ifTXN@BuildingIndexes \TXN@get@index@flags {#1}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Use the toc from the previous run and prevent writing of a new toc % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@indexes@toc {% \global \TXN@IndexesBuilttrue \def \@starttoc ##1{% \begingroup \makeatletter \@input{\jobname.toc}% \makeatother \endgroup }% \let \TXN@writefile = \@writefile \def \@writefile ##1##2{% \def \TXN@temp {toc}% \def \TXN@parameter {##1}% \ifx \TXN@temp \TXN@parameter \else \TXN@writefile ##1##2% \fi }% } % \end{macrocode} % \paragraph{Processing the indexes flags} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@index@flags #1{% \gdef \TXN@index@flags {}% \toks@ = {*}% \TXN@get@index@flags@bis #1\TXN@nil } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@index@flags@bis #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@get@index@flags@bis \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \else \ifcat a\noexpand#1\relax \toks@ = {#1}% \xdef \TXN@index@flags {\TXN@index@flags#1}% \TXN@xdef {TXN@index@numeri@\the\toks@}{}% \TXN@exxxpandafter \TXN@get@index@flags@ter \else \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {Misplaced optional parameter} {The optional parameter must come after an entry type (a letter)}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@index@flags@ter {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@get@index@flags@ter \futurelet \TXN@token \TXN@get@index@flags@quater } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@index@flags@quater {% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@get@index@flags@quater \let \next = \TXN@get@index@flags@bis \ifx \TXN@token \TXN@nil \else \ifcat a\noexpand\TXN@token \else \ifx '\TXN@token \let \next = \TXN@get@index@flags@quinquies \else \ifx "\TXN@token \let \next = \TXN@get@index@flags@quinquies \else \let \next = \TXN@get@index@flags@numerus \fi \fi \fi \fi \next } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@index@flags@quinquies #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@get@index@flags@quinquies \expandafter \ifx \the\toks@ l\relax \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {The option #1 cannot be used after 'l'} {It makes no sense to postpone the article for a first line}% \fi \xdef \TXN@index@flags {\TXN@index@flags#1}% \TXN@get@index@flags@ter } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@index@flags@numerus #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@get@index@flags@numerus \ifcat \relax \noexpand #1\relax \else \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {Extraneous information in the optional argument} {Only \protect\numerus\space subclasses can occur in % the optional parameter}% \fi \TXN@get@subclass@number \numerus #1\relax \ifnum \@tempcnta < \z@ \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {\protect#1\space is not a \protect\numerus\space subclass} {Only \protect\numerus\space subclasses can occur in % the optional parameter}% \else \TXN@toks@a = \expandafter \expandafter \expandafter {\csname TXN@index@numeri@\the\toks@\endcsname}% \TXN@toks@b = \expandafter {% \csname c@\expandafter\@gobble\string#1\endcsname=}% \TXN@toks@c = \expandafter {% \csname the\expandafter\@gobble\string#1\endcsname}% \TXN@xdef {TXN@index@numeri@\the\toks@}% {\the\TXN@toks@a\the\TXN@toks@b\the\TXN@toks@c}% \fi \TXN@get@index@flags@ter } \newif \ifTXN@first@lines@enabled % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{The \TXN@cmd{Indexes} command} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\Indexes} {% \ifTXN@outside@preamble \else \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {\protect\Indexes\space cannot be used in the preamble} {The command must occur after \protect\begin{document}}% \fi \@ifstar {\TXN@indexes@star}{\TXN@indexes}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@indexes}[1][]{% \TXN@sw@false \ifTXN@withinVersus \TXN@sw@true \else \ifTXN@withinProsa \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {\protect\Indexes\space cannot be used within a domain} {The command must appear outside Versus and Prosa}% \fi \ifTXN@BuildingIndexes \ifTXN@IndexesInitialized \else \global \TXN@IndexesInitializedtrue \global \TXN@lineatingtrue \ifnum \TXN@pass = \@ne \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@reason \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@firstlines \fi \ifnum \TXN@pass = \tw@ \newwrite \TXN@idy \immediate \openout \TXN@idy = \jobname.idy\relax \toks@ = {#1}% \TXN@Indexes@insert@separators \fi \if \TXN@option l\TXN@index@flags \TXN@enable@first@lines \global \TXN@index@first@linestrue \fi \fi \global \TXN@CollectingIndexesDatatrue \fi \ifTXN@IndexesBuilt \ifnum \TXN@pass = \@ne \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@reason \TXN@run@LaTeX@again@firstlines \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Insert the separators (the letters A-Z) % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@Indexes@insert@separators {% \TXN@counter = \@ne \TXN@counter@a = \@nameuse{TXN@alphabetum@\the\toks@ @count}% \advance \TXN@counter@a by \@ne \@whilenum \TXN@counter < \TXN@counter@a \do {% \TXN@Indexes@separators@bis \immediate \write \TXN@idy {% {\TXN@temp}% {\TXN@temp}% {/}% {0}% {}% }% \advance \TXN@counter by \@ne }% } \def \TXN@Indexes@separators@bis {% \edef \TXN@temp {\expandafter \@secondoftwo \ifcase \the\TXN@counter\csname TXN@alphabetum@\the\toks@\endcsname}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{The \TXN@cmd{Indexes*} command} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@indexes@star {% \TXN@sw@false \ifTXN@withinVersus \TXN@sw@true \else \ifTXN@withinProsa \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {\protect\Indexes\space cannot be used within a domain} {The command must appear outside Versus and Prosa}% \fi \ifTXN@BuildingIndexes \ifTXN@CollectingIndexesData \global \TXN@CollectingIndexesDatafalse \else \PackageError {TEXNIKA} {There was no previous \protect\Indexes\space command} {\protect\Indexes* must come after \protect\Indexes}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@enable@first@lines {% \ifTXN@first@lines@enabled \else \global \TXN@first@lines@enabledtrue \ifnum \TXN@pass = \tw@ \newcount \PTR@fl@count \newread \PTR@fl \newread \PTR@fl@bis \immediate \openin \PTR@fl = \jobname.tex\relax \immediate \openin \PTR@fl@bis = \jobname.tex\relax \PTR@fl@count = \z@ \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Making the sort key} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@commands {% \\1\emph\\1\textrm\\1\textsf\\1\texttt\\1\textmd\\1\textbf \\1\textup\\1\textsl\\1\textit\\1\textsc\\1\textnormal \\0\rmfamily\\0\sffamily\\0\ttfamily\\0\mdseries\\0\upshape \\0\slshape\\0\itshape\\0\scshape\\0\normalfont \\0\em\\0\rm\\0\bf\\0\it\\0\tt\\0\sc\\0\sl\\0\sf \\0\tiny\\0\scriptsize\\0\footnotesize\\0\small \\0\normalsize\\0\large\\0\Large\\0\LARGE\\0\huge\\0\Huge \\1\MakeUppercase\\7\textsuperscript\\8\footnote \\1\textfrak\\1\textswab\\1\textgoth \\0\frakfamily\\0\swabfamily\\0\gothfamily % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \\1\incipit\\1\persona \\0\0\\0\1\\0\2\\0\3\\0\4\\0\5\\0\6\\0\7\\0\8\\0\9 \\0\auto\\0\Auto\\0\noincipit \\0\textemdash\\0\textendash\\0\textexclamdown\\0\textquestiondown \\0\textquotedblleft\\0\textquotedblright \\0\textquoteleft\\0\textquoteright \\0\guillemetleft\\0\guillemetright \\0\textemdash\\0\textendash \\0\addfirstline } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@make@sort@key #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@make@sort@key \begingroup \def \\##1##2{% \if 1##1\relax \def ##2####1{####1}% \else \if 0##1\relax \def ##2{}% \fi \fi}% \TXN@commands \def \\{}% \edef \TXN@temp {#1}% \global \toks@i = \expandafter {\TXN@temp}% \endgroup \toks@ = \toks@i \global \toks@i = {}% \expandafter \TXN@make@sort@key@bis \the\toks@\TXN@nil } \def \TXN@make@sort@key@bis #1{% \let \next = \TXN@make@sort@key@bis \ifcat \noexpand#1a\relax \global \toks@i = {#1}% \let \next = \TXN@make@sort@key@ter \fi \next } \def \TXN@make@sort@key@ter #1\TXN@nil{% \global \toks@i = \expandafter {\the\toks@i#1}% \expandafter \TXN@trim \expandafter {\the\toks@i}% \global \toks@i = \TXN@trimmed } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Moving an article at the end ot the title} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@articles@english {\*\space{The}\*\space{A}\*\space{An}} % \end{macrocode} % Each entry has two arguments: the terminating character (either % space or apostrophe) and the article itself. % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@articles@italian {% \*\space{Il}\*\space{La}\*\space{Lo}\*\space{I}\*\space{Gli}% \*\space{Le}\*\space{Un}\*\space{Una}\*'{L}\*'{Un}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@articles@french {% \*\space{Le}\*\space{La}\*\space{Les}% \*\space{Un}\*\space{Une}\*'{L}\*'{Un}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@articles@german {% \*\space{Der}\*\space{Die}\*\space{Das}% \*\space{Ein}\*\space{Eine}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@articles@spanish {% \\\space{El}\\\space{La}\\\space{Los}\\\space{Las}% \\\space{Un}\\\space{Una}} % \end{macrocode} % Set if the string has at least one space/apostrophe % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@article@space \newif \ifTXN@article@apostrophe % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@articles@process #1{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TXN@articles@process \global \toks@i = {#1}% \TXN@sw@false \TXN@articles@check@space #1 \TXN@nil \TXN@articles@check@apostrophe #1'\TXN@nil \ifTXN@sw \TXN@sw@false \begingroup \let \\=\relax \let \*= \TXN@articles@process@article \@nameuse {TXN@articles@% \ifx \@undefined\languagename english% \else \languagename\fi}% \endgroup \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Check if the strings contain a space/apostrophe % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@articles@check@space #1 #2\TXN@nil {% \@ifmtarg {#2} {\TXN@article@spacefalse} {\TXN@sw@true\TXN@article@spacetrue}} \def \TXN@articles@check@apostrophe #1'#2\TXN@nil {% \@ifmtarg {#2} {\TXN@article@apostrophefalse} {\TXN@article@apostrophetrue\TXN@sw@true}} % \end{macrocode} % Check if the article occurs at the start of the string % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@articles@process@article #1#2{% \ifTXN@sw \else \ifx \space #1\relax \ifTXN@article@space \gdef \TXN@gtemp {#2}% \expandafter \TXN@article@check@space \the\toks@i\TXN@nil \fi \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \else \ifx '#1\relax \ifTXN@article@apostrophe \gdef \TXN@gtemp {#2}% \expandafter \TXN@article@check@apostrophe \the\toks@i'\TXN@nil \fi \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Extract the initial string and compare it with the article % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@article@check@space #1\TXN@nil {% \TXN@article@check@space@bis #1 \TXN@nil} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@article@check@space@bis #1 #2 \TXN@nil {% \gdef \TXN@gtemp@bis {#1}% \ifx \TXN@gtemp \TXN@gtemp@bis \TXN@article@swap #2\TXN@nil#1\TXN@nil \fi } \def \TXN@article@check@apostrophe #1'#2'\TXN@nil {% \gdef \TXN@gtemp@bis {#1}% \ifx \TXN@gtemp \TXN@gtemp@bis \TXN@article@swap #2\TXN@nil#1'\TXN@nil \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Move the article at the end of the string % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@article@swap #1#2\TXN@nil#3\TXN@nil{% \TXN@sw@true \edef \TXN@temp {\global\toks@i={#1}}% \uppercase \expandafter {\TXN@temp}% \global \toks@i = \expandafter {\the\toks@i#2, #3}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Typesetting an index} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TypesetIndex}[3][t]{% %<debug> \TXN@trace \TypesetIndex \ifTXN@IndexesBuilt \ifnum \TXN@pass = \tw@ \xdef \TXN@typeset@types {#1}% \IfFileExists {\jobname.idz} {} {\PackageError {TEXNIKA} {The \jobname.idz file does not exist} {}}% \long \def \TXN@TypesetIndex@postlude {#3}% \begingroup \TXN@TypesetIndex@prelude {#1}% #2\relax \TXN@TypesetIndex@prelude@bis \TXN@exxxpandafter \TXN@TypesetIndex@start \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Code executed before the command argument} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@TypesetIndex@prelude #1{% % \end{macrocode} % Prevent printing of other |\numerus| subclasses % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@counter = \TXN@numerus@max \TXN@safe \loop \TXN@def {TXN@numerus[\TXN@c]printing}{0}% \ifnum \TXN@counter > \z@ \advance \TXN@counter by \m@ne \repeat \TXN@withinIndexestrue % \end{macrocode} % Create the |\titulus| subclass for the separator and disable incipit % \begin{macrocode} \Novus \titulus \IndexSeparator \Facies {} \SpatiumSupra {.5\leading} \Facies \incipit {} % \end{macrocode} % Create the |\textus| and |\numerus| subclasses for the line % types in the optional argument. The subclasses for 'l' are % always created (for |\addfirstline|) % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@indexes@types {#1}% \if \TXN@option l\TXN@indexes@types \else \edef \TXN@indexes@types {l\TXN@indexes@types}% \fi \expandafter \TXN@TypesetIndex@prelude@create \TXN@indexes@types \TXN@nil } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@TypesetIndex@prelude@create #1{% \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \else \ifcat a\noexpand#1\relax \edef \TXN@temp {\noexpand\Novus* \noexpand\textus \expandafter\noexpand\csname #1IndexEntryText\endcsname}% \TXN@temp \Facies {##1} \edef \TXN@temp {\noexpand\Novus* \noexpand\numerus \expandafter\noexpand\csname #1IndexEntryPage\endcsname}% \TXN@temp \Facies {##1} \Locus {\rightmargin} \fi \expandafter \TXN@TypesetIndex@prelude@create \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Code executed after the command argument} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@TypesetIndex@prelude@bis {% % \end{macrocode} % Switch |\auto| off and set the |\textus| position % \begin{macrocode} \def \PTR@auto@mode {}% \Locus \textus {\leftmargin+\z@} \Locus \textus {+\z@} \Forma \strophae {} % \end{macrocode} % Compute how much space to reserve for the page number % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@dim@a = \z@ \expandafter \TXN@TypesetIndex@page@digit \TXN@indexes@types \TXN@nil % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@get@page@column {\TXNl@linenumber}% \count@ = \TXN@page@number \setbox\z@ = \hbox {\hskip \ifnum \count@ > 999 4.5\else \ifnum \count@ > 99 3.5\else 2.5\fi\fi\TXN@dim@a}% \Modus \textus {\measure{-\wd\z@}} % \end{macrocode} % Allow for folded lines % \begin{macrocode} \Locus \excessus {\textleftmargin + 1em} \Facies {##1} \Modus {\unhyphenated} } % \end{macrocode} % Compute the maximum width of a digit in a page number % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@TypesetIndex@page@digit #1{% \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \else \ifcat a\noexpand#1\relax \setbox\z@ = \hbox {% \expandafter \Locus \csname #1IndexEntryPage\endcsname{}% \@nameuse{#1IndexEntryPage}*{9}}% \ifdim \wd\z@ > \TXN@dim@a \TXN@dim@a = \wd\z@ \fi \fi \expandafter \TXN@TypesetIndex@page@digit \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Typesetting an index line} % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@TypesetIndex@start {% \immediate \openin \TXN@idz = \jobname.idz\relax \Versus \parskip 0pt plus 1pt \TXN@TypesetIndex@read } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@TypesetIndex@read {% \makeatletter \immediate \read \TXN@idz to \TXN@idz@line \makeatother \ifeof \TXN@idz \expandafter \TXN@TypesetIndex@finish \else \expandafter \TXN@TypesetIndex@line \fi } % \end{macrocode} % At the end of the .idz file % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@TypesetIndex@finish {% \immediate \closein \TXN@idz \endVersus \TXN@TypesetIndex@postlude \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % Typeset an index line % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@indexes@initial {} \newif \ifTXN@index@normal@line \def \TXN@TypesetIndex@line {% \expandafter \TXN@TypesetIndex@line@bis \TXN@idz@line } \def \TXN@TypesetIndex@line@bis #1#2#3#4#5{% \def \TXN@index@line@flags {#3}% \TXN@get@line@type #3\TXN@nil % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \if /\TXN@line@type \def \TXN@indexes@initial {#2}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Check if line is to be typeset % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@sw@false \if \TXN@option +\TXN@index@line@flags \if \TXN@option t\TXN@typeset@types \TXN@sw@true \fi \else \if \TXN@option \TXN@line@type \TXN@typeset@types \TXN@sw@true \fi \fi \ifTXN@sw \TXN@toks@a = {#2}% \ifx \empty \TXN@indexes@initial \else \IndexSeparator \TXN@indexes@initial \def \TXN@indexes@initial {}% \ifx \empty \TXN@FaciesIncipit \else \TXN@TypesetIndex@incipit #2\TXN@nil \fi \fi \expandafter \TXN@get@subclass@number \expandafter \textus \csname \TXN@line@type IndexEntryText\endcsname \TXN@counter@a = \@tempcnta % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \TXN@index@normal@linetrue \if \TXN@option :\TXN@index@line@flags \TXN@index@normal@linefalse \else \if \TXN@option *\TXN@index@line@flags \TXN@index@normal@linefalse \fi \fi \TXN@leadersfalse \ifTXN@index@normal@line \@nameuse{\TXN@line@type IndexEntryPage}*{#4}% \edef \TXN@flags {% \@nameuse{TXN@textus[\the\TXN@counter@a]flagsModus@recto}}% \if \TXN@option \TXN@o@Leaders \TXN@flags \TXN@leaderstrue \edef \TXN@leaders@width {% \@nameuse{TXN@textus[\the\TXN@counter@a]leaders@recto}}% \fi \toks@ = {#5}% \else \toks@ = {}% \TXN@TypesetIndex@line@ter #5\TXN@nil \fi \the\toks@ \toks@ = {}% \if \TXN@option *\TXN@index@line@flags \else \toks@ = {\let \\=\TXN@TypesetIndex@line@esc@esc \let \addfirstline = \relax \let \incipit = \TXN@self \let \1=\ignorespaces \let \2=\ignorespaces \let \3=\ignorespaces \let \4=\ignorespaces \let \5=\ignorespaces \let \6=\ignorespaces \let \7=\ignorespaces \let \8=\ignorespaces \let \9=\ignorespaces \def \persona #1{\ignorespaces} }% \fi \leavevmode \@nameuse{TXN@textus[\the\TXN@counter@a]Facies}% {\the\toks@\the\TXN@toks@a}\PTR@atendofline \@nameuse{\TXN@line@type IndexEntryPage}{}% \if \TXN@option :\TXN@index@line@flags \penalty \@M \fi \if \TXN@option *\TXN@index@line@flags \penalty \@M \fi \fi \TXN@TypesetIndex@read } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@TypesetIndex@line@ter #1{% \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \else \ifcat \relax \noexpand #1\relax \toks@ = \expandafter {\the\toks@#1=0\relax}% \fi \expandafter \TXN@TypesetIndex@line@ter \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@TypesetIndex@line@esc@esc}[1][]{\space\ignorespaces} \def \TXN@TypesetIndex@incipit #1#2\TXN@nil{% \TXN@toks@a = {{\TXN@FaciesIncipit {#1}{\relax}{\relax}{\relax}}#2}% } % \end{macrocode} % The line type is always the first character % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@get@line@type #1#2\TXN@nil {\def \TXN@line@type {#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \section{Displaying \TXN@cmd{Measure} and \TXN@cmd{linewidth}} % \begin{macrocode} \newif \ifTXN@show@versus \newif \ifTXN@show@prosa \newif \ifTXN@show@lineate \newif \ifTXN@show@measure \newif \ifTXN@show@starred % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \ShowMeasure {% \TXN@show@measuretrue \@ifstar {\TXN@show@starredtrue\TXN@show@width} {\TXN@show@starredfalse\TXN@show@width}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \ShowLineWidth {% \TXN@show@measurefalse \@ifstar {\TXN@show@starredtrue\TXN@show@width} {\TXN@show@starredfalse\TXN@show@width}} % \end{macrocode} % The common code % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@show@width} [1][0pt]{% \TXN@show@versusfalse \TXN@show@lineatefalse \ifTXNl@lineating \TXN@show@lineatetrue \TXNl@lineate \relax \fi \ifTXN@withinVersus \TXN@show@versustrue \global \PTR@par@startedfalse \endVersus \fi \begingroup \everypar = {}% \leftskip = \z@ \rightskip = \z@ \TXNcmr \hsize = \linewidth \setbox \z@ = \hbox {% \ttfamily \ifTXN@show@measure \ \char`\\Measure\ % \else \ \char`\\linewidth\ % \fi \ifTXN@show@starred =\ \the\ifTXN@show@measure \TXN@measure\ \else \linewidth\ \fi \fi }% \ifdim #1 = \z@ \else \dimen@ = .5\wd\z@ \advance \dimen@ by -.0125pt \setbox \z@ = \hbox {% \rlap{\kern \dimen@ \vrule width .025pt % \ifdim #1 > \z@ depth\else height -\fi#1\relax }\box\z@}% \ht\z@ = \ht\strutbox \dp\z@ = \dp\strutbox \fi \dimen@ = \ifTXN@show@measure \TXN@measure \else \linewidth\fi \advance \dimen@ by -\wd\z@ \advance \dimen@ by -1.5em % \divide \dimen@ by \tw@ \vskip .5\baselineskip \noindent \ifTXN@show@measure \TXN@assign \dimen@@ = {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]offset@\TXN@theFolio}% \kern \dimen@@ \fi \TXN@assign \dimen@@ = {TXN@textus[\TXN@theTextus]shift}% \ifdim \dimen@@ = \z@ \else \kern \dimen@@ {\setbox \tw@ = \hbox {% \vrule height \ht\strutbox depth \dp\strutbox width .125pt}% \global \dimen@i = \wd\tw@ \box \tw@ }% \advance \dimen@@ by \dimen@i \kern -\dimen@@ \fi \hbox to \dimen@ {\leftarrowfill}% \kern .75em \box \z@ \kern .75em % \hbox to \dimen@ {\rightarrowfill}% \vskip .5\baselineskip \endgroup \ifTXN@show@lineate \TXNl@lineate \TXN@process@line \fi \ifTXN@show@versus \expandafter \versus \fi } %<*debug> % \end{macrocode} % \section{Debugging code} % \begin{macrocode} \showboxdepth=1000 \showboxbreadth=1000 \newif \ifTXN@debug \newif \ifTXN@debug@sw \newcount \TXN@debug@count % \end{macrocode} % % 0 control sequences \\ % 1 boxes \\ % 2 counters \\ % 3 dimensions \\ % 4 token registers \\ % 5 macros \\ % 6 mode \\ % 7 spatium \\ % 8 domain \\ % 9 set tracingmacros \\ % A area \\ % R replay % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@debug@options {}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXNdebug #1{% \ifx -#1\relax \TXN@debugfalse \else \TXN@debugtrue \ifx +#1\relax \def \TXN@debug@options {0123456}% \else \def \TXN@debug@options {#1}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@debug@check #1{% \TXN@debug@swfalse \def \TXN@debug@value {#1}% \expandafter \TXN@debug@check@bis \TXN@debug@options\TXN@nil } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \TXN@debug@check@bis #1{% \ifx \TXN@nil #1\relax \else \if \TXN@debug@value #1\relax \TXN@debug@swtrue \fi \expandafter \TXN@debug@check@bis \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@trace}[2][\relax]{% \ifTXN@debug \TXN@debug@check {0}% \ifTXN@debug@sw \ifx \relax#1\relax \def \TXN@debug@temp {}% \else \edef \TXN@debug@temp {[#1]\space}% \fi \typeout {\TXN@debug@temp \protect#2}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@trace@box}[2][\relax]{% \ifTXN@debug \TXN@debug@check {1}% \ifTXN@debug@sw \ifx \relax #1\relax \else \typeout {[#1]\space}% \fi \TXN@debug@count = \errorcontextlines \errorcontextlines = \z@ \showbox #2\relax \errorcontextlines = \TXN@debug@count \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@trace@count}[2][\relax]{% \ifTXN@debug \TXN@debug@check {2}% \ifTXN@debug@sw \ifx \relax #1\relax \def \TXN@debug@temp {}% \else \def \TXN@debug@temp {#1= }% \fi \typeout {\TXN@debug@temp /\the#2/}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@trace@dim}[2][\relax]{% \ifTXN@debug \TXN@debug@check {3}% \ifTXN@debug@sw \ifx \relax #1\relax \def \TXN@debug@temp {}% \else \edef \TXN@debug@temp {[#1]\space}% \fi \typeout {\TXN@debug@temp \protect#2=\the#2}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@trace@toks}[2][\relax]{% \ifTXN@debug \TXN@debug@check {4}% \ifTXN@debug@sw \ifx \relax #1\relax \def \TXN@debug@temp {}% \else \edef \TXN@debug@temp {[#1]\space}% \fi \typeout {\TXN@debug@temp \protect#2=/\the#2/}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@trace@macro}[2][\relax]{% \ifTXN@debug \TXN@debug@check {5}% \ifTXN@debug@sw \ifx \relax #1\relax \def \TXN@debug@temp {}% \else \edef \TXN@debug@temp {[#1]\space}% \fi \typeout {\TXN@debug@temp \protect#2=\meaning#2}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@trace@mode}[1][\relax]{% \begingroup \ifTXN@debug \TXN@debug@check {6}% \ifTXN@debug@sw \ifhmode \typeout {[#1]\space Hmode}% \else \typeout {[#1]\space Vmode}% \fi \fi \fi \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@trace@spatium}[1]{% \ifTXN@debug \TXN@debug@check {7}% \ifTXN@debug@sw \typeout {Spatium: \noexpand#1 \meaning#1}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@trace@domain}[2]{% \ifTXN@debug \TXN@debug@check {8}% \ifTXN@debug@sw \typeout {\number\inputlineno\space \ifnum #1=\z@ Enter\else Leave\fi \space \ifnum #2=\@ne Versus\else Prosa\fi \space }% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@tracing}[1]{% \ifTXN@debug \TXN@debug@check {9}% \ifTXN@debug@sw \ifx +#1 \global\tracingmacros=2% \global\tracingcommands=2% \else \global\tracingmacros=0% \global\tracingcommands=0% \fi \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@trace@area} {% \ifTXN@debug \TXN@debug@check {A}% \ifTXN@debug@sw \typeout {AREA \number\TXN@area@ind baselineskip=\the\baselineskip}% \typeout {height = \csname TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]height\endcsname}% \typeout {depth = \csname TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]depth\endcsname}% \typeout {first height = \csname TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]first@line@height\endcsname}% \typeout {right = \csname TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]rightedge\endcsname}% \typeout {left = \csname TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]leftedge\endcsname}% \typeout {spatium = \csname TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]spatium\endcsname}% \typeout {stropha = \csname TXN@area[\TXN@area@ind]stropha\endcsname}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@trace@replay} {% \ifTXN@debug \TXN@debug@check {R}% \ifTXN@debug@sw \typeout {REPLAY at \number\TXN@auy@lineno: \meaning\TXN@auy@command}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TXN@trace@save@command} {% \ifTXN@debug \TXN@debug@check {S}% \ifTXN@debug@sw \typeout {Save command at \the\inputlineno: [\the\TXNl@linenumber] \the\toks@}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand {\TypeOut}[2][]{\typeout {[[#1] #2}} \newcommand {\TypeOutCs}[2][]{\typeout {[[#1] \expandafter \meaning\csname#2\endcsname}} \newcommand {\ShowMode}[1][]{\ifhmode\typeout{#1 H}\else\typeout{#1 V}\fi} %</debug> % \end{macrocode} % % \Finale % \endinput